Outer Edge Space - The Official Recap / Sponsored by @SkaleNetwork

Recorded: April 20, 2023 Duration: 1:07:19



I'm on my journey to a land, big cool, big cool, so I need someone to help, I forget you at night, I feel my own big cool, big cool, so I need someone to help, I'm on my journey to a land, big cool, so I need someone to help,
I don't fuck with you
I lost my mind I lost my vision lost my touch me what the fuck? Like her bitches keeping reala then the niggas you far bruh So I ran to ride with 90 extended clips and had a draw Yeah I say be cool, be cool, yeah the streets got no way, this game it ain't no love never where you always lose Yeah I say be cool
I'm a little bit
I say be cool be cool yeah
What up, what up. Thank you so much for joining us guys Outer Edge here for the recap going off the second week. It's conference season where anybody who left
I have to out of edge went to NFT NYC and then coming down to Austin. I feel you fam. I know it's a hospital. We appreciate all of you conference. I don't know. There's got to be a term for people that go to all the Web 3 conferences.
That's one of my clever moments. I'll come up with something for that. I'm coming to you live with the usual Danny and Zach Shaycar. We also have another Ben in the room. I got to get this guy on Ben Dau, which is just talking to him about it.
Hey everyone, thanks for having me. Yeah, we're excited to have you here. Obviously, Scale had a really good showing over at the outer edge. I was able to talk to Jack a little bit about what you guys got coming down the pipeline.
And we're going to get into a little bit about the direction that scale is taking, where those areas of interest lie, and what is in store for the future of the platform. But before we do that, I just want to say hello, hello to Zach, say, "Carcy, what's up Zach?"
Ben and Ben. What would you be here with you? How are you holding up? Are the post conference jitters down? Are you now just like back into your groove of shit posting on the internet? You know, maybe a little mellow with
than it used to be. I know you two are still going. We're gelin and we're you know it was a hell of a ride and we're already building more stuff like it. This is a 12 months out of the year where we're working hard and making cool things happen. I've got you
can expect more from us on, you know, from the podcast and the events. We've got apps on apps on apps. Yeah, there's more being deved and coming out of my shop too. So see, prepare for more outreach, how collapse in the future guys were
We're not disappearing off the face of the planet, but we will go on a bit of a temporary hiatus. But in the meantime, let's dig into it. Ben, can you introduce yourself, your background, and let's talk a little bit about what scales got
in the kitchen. Yeah, thanks Ben. It's one of the best names of all time in my opinion. But yeah, so I am the senior partner marketing manager here at scale. I've been here for a little under a year at this point.
Got my intro into the Web 3 world via a good buddy just absolutely digesting into NFTs on just about every network you could think of other than Ethereum thinking that we were hip and cool and going to be kind of on the cutting edge of everything.
But hopped on board with scale and we just have been growing massively, bringing games on almost on a weekly basis, on boring them, getting them launched and then live.
signing up new projects. Yeah, then left and right. I think we spoke a few minutes ago how it's just been, you know, you want to talk about up and to the right with us. It's been since, you know,