Paloma Nest Wallet 🕊️

Recorded: Nov. 16, 2022 Duration: 0:30:48



Let this grow, send it to Jesus God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God#
Oh, that just blew up if you could say it. And it blinded me so thick and so beautiful. And it's fine, but it's fine to go ahead and walk. Let this blow.
They are victims of our body, our body, our body, let us go, sing it the show, the stand up, our body, our body, let us go, sing it the show, the stand up, our body, our body, let us go, sing it the show, the stand up, our body, our body, let us go, sing it the show, the stand up, our body, our body, our body, let us go,#
♪ I'm gonna be the best man I've ever been ♪ ♪ I'm gonna be the best man I've ever been ♪ ♪ I'm gonna be the best man I've ever been ♪ ♪ I'm gonna be the best man I've ever been ♪ ♪ I'm gonna be the best man I've ever been ♪ ♪ I'm gonna be the best man I've ever been ♪ ♪ I'm gonna be the best man I've ever been ♪ ♪ I'm gonna be#
Hi, kill that music. Kill that music. Kill it, kill it, kill it with fire. Kill it with fire. Fire. Sorry. All right. Thank you. Okay. So, uh, all right. Um.
Welcome today is Wednesday everyone. Cool cool cool cool cool cool. Here you hear Cool cool. Yeah, you know every time I say cool I get pumped right I get pumped and and sink in is here. All right, so we everybody's it's a light crowd tonight because everybody's still
sort of counting, whether or not that their 10 billion in their couches is 10 billion. So Vera, did you lose 10 billion this week or you're good? I did not lose 10 billion. I'm supporting my money to buy green.
You're hoarding your 10 billion to buy grain is that what is this or or you don't want to tell us you have 10 billion Yeah, you just want to you know sort of mislead us think okay, you know what there's no 10 billion with beer she you know, it's all good someone like $10 is that is that what this is not supposed to ask when you say I don't have 10
That's a good idea. We just cool. Welcome. Thank you for joining us again. We want to say hello and warm greetings to
the entire Paloma community. We are back this week. We will give you an update on what is the state of Paloma.
Unfortunately, due to the LVRI case, any team, you ask the talks about their protocol that they're helping build and support could be considered common enterprise. So we are no longer going to be allowed to give these weekly AMA or announcements
just have to work in secret. Of course, we're a testnet, so the testnet Koreans that are currently on our network are worth nothing. They have no value. No one should care about them. Right now, it's good for us to talk about them, but if we were to go mainnet because we're not going mainnet because we're not telling anybody anything about
that if we were, if we made it where to happen, we unfortunately can't speak about what we're doing. So therefore that means that for some reason we have to end our stuff on the 30th. So do with that information, we'll do well. But anyway, Paloma is so cool that we want to remind you we're a permissionless cross-chain messaging layer.
we connect all other L1s, L2s, rollups, ZKSync, ZKNetworks, as well as other non-EVM chains to send messages via Pelloma, even in Solana, shout out to our Solana brethren. Be strong, be strong, it's all going to be good. And we do so permissionlessly, so you don't
have to ask anyone at Paloma or anyone in the world permission to deploy a cross-chain messaging relay network, you can just use Paloma to deploy that cross-chain relay messaging network to any chain. And the validators, of course, people have to vote on it. But if the validators and all those who are pledging or delegating to the validators, people vote there.
tokens, those chains then come alive. This is built on Cosmos SDK. We're super happy to have upgraded. We've done a lot of upgrades in the last two weeks. Our goal is to make this a fee market for validators. So if you're a validator on below, the reason why you're here is because you get paid Monday, you get paid grains, baby, you get paid
in grains, looking for the grains, aha, birds eat grains, and you get paid in coup, coup. You get paid in grains for creating or for sending messages, right? Right now all our value, it is love this because for currently volume, the team that is working on PulloMis refunding
the whole of the gas spent on message sending, but the goal is that this becomes a fee market where message senders essentially pay the valid and network to send their messages and their messages go wherever they want to. It's like FedExChain, right? We said that before FedExChain. Our, of course, we're secure. We're really lucky. Thank you to the 43 tests that
about the data set up here, on to the moment without any sort of incentive they are simply burning up CPU time and data set up time and money. And so we are appreciated, we are aware of it, which is why we're working fast. We don't want this to stay in testing forever, which is why we have to go to the cat and say why we're going to go to the whatever. So we don't want to stay in testing
forever. We need to launch and we would like to again continue to iterate and improve. So thank you to the 43 validators and of course to the other validators who are looking at the network and looking at this opportunity for moving on and trying to get into main net. Okay, so we're going to talk
about Paloma last week. We started doing some press. So, Gisele Bunsen was checking me out at cryptoslate. If you didn't see the picture, she was going to be the side eye. And what does it thank you, Gisele? Shout out. That was nice, right? I mean, listen, if I lost 650 million of my network, I'd be looking at me too, you know?
But we really had a nice opportunity to talk to Dr. Krathasleith and that is online. So if you go to, and actually, you know what, I think if you just go to Twitter, let's go to If you go to,
And you go into our blog and you hit our project development section. You will see Jacelle Bunz is no longer checking me out, but you'll see that we have the CryptoSlate network and the CryptoSlate interview where we really spend some time talking about really making
commercialist crossing communication, making it easy and making it fast. So there we go, crypto state. We have also, please check out our blog for other information and updates that we are sharing daily. Now, let's get down to the Paloma client. All right, so we spent this last week, if you ask for an
What did you do for Polaroa? I think so slow. I think you do, Tark. It's like Elon. Let me tell you, bro. This is what I did. Documented every function in Pigeons, Chain, Section, Pigeons,
the pigeon module chain section for Pulumma. So there's a pigeon module, so you know we have to get up, you have a pigeon which is our relayer. I went in to the, there's a chain folder, right? And then in that chain folder we have the EVM, we have Pulumma, we have other chains. For Pulumma,
I went to the document every single function in the client.go to identify and to share how Paloma communicates the pigeon communicates with Paloma. Out of that effort, what we are working to do is to continue to debug the log errors that validators are
seeing in their logs on pigeon. So if you're running pigeon and you remember if you've been running pigeon for a while, you'd be like, "Tar, I'm on it. I'm getting jails. What's up? We're getting jails. It's so good. Cool, cool, cool." Or, you know, we are seeing a lot of, you know, a common-sequent mismatch errors. We have been working on#
essentially trying to identify why those are happening so we can fix them. And also what we'd like to do is share publicly what we're learning about how we continue to make pitching work and some of the gotchas that are happening. So one of the gotchas that, so before we talk about that, let me just share that the way that we are right now,
now is we are working on because we upgraded from 059 to 0510, we broke some things and some of the validators, the new validators broke some things, we'll talk about that later. But we broke some things because like I said in the last week's AMA, as Cosmos has decayed
Pigeons, Pigeons, way to communicate with the Cosmos SDK is not necessary guaranteed, right? Because Pigeons is the real air software and it talks to Blowmob to say, "Hey, I'm alive, I'm here, I'm validating, I sent a message, a test to the message, give you another message, pay me for my messages." So Pigeon does all this awesome work, but we're
Then we upgrade Cosmos SDK, we are at risk of breaking the communication between Pigeon and Cosmos SDK, which happened. Now, you could say, "Target, why don't you just go back and look through all the changes in the change log in the Cosmos SDK?" And it mashed those up against your pre-functions. And I'm like, "That, my friend, is mad."
But what we wanted to do was say let's harden pigeon by essentially documenting an inventory of all of pigeon functions in talking to Paloma. And then what we're going to do is while we are documenting this, we are then going to harden those pigeon functions.
that may have had impact from customer Cest decay upgrades that we have yet to understand or see. And so it was that end we've done two things. We've now launched a private Puluma network, which is much faster. Well, for those who's just get approved in 50 minutes as opposed to two days. And we
We are essentially logging and tracking a new relic, all the log errors that we're looking at so we can say, "Hey, this network is happening." Now, where we are at is that we are looking at nonces and nonce creation. So, for those folks who know what a nonce is, a nonce is a random number.
that is generated to you know, pros as a unique indexer when creating a block. So what we are trying to determine is what is happening with the non-s behavior when Paloma is creating a block, another, and other validators are looking for that block and then the pigeon is out of sync
with that block. Right? Because the pigeon is trying to send a transaction. And it could be as easy as restoring stale nonsense. This is the hilarious thing. So right now I am in the middle of non-storage performance on the Cosmos SDK and Pigeon so we can continue to remove one of those bugs.
other bugs. What we have is of course we're still having problems with our ethereum contract not yet deployed and our binocontract deployed but our vast set updates on happening. So that next problem is why is why are we not seeing our message
messages. What's happening on messages? So we spent this last week, again, digging through all internals, and I want to say, Vira is an amazing bug hunter. Everybody, give it up for Vira. Because Vira went through all the goddamn logs like she
is combed through each of the chain info, querying the chain to see what was the state of those messages. And the short story is that we had a bad pigeon. So we found this very, very bad pigeon. And this bad pigeon
I don't think he's on the show. But this bad pigeon is Nacko Turk. From the Turkish community, give it up for Turkey. Yeah, crashing the Pulumi network. So Nacko Turk turned out to be a really bad pigeon.
who was essentially collecting the messages but not signing them. She didn't know because we don't have UI to tell her, "Hey, you're not signing, this is all new software, so we've ever written UI to tell her, "Hey, your pitch is in a bad state, please sign."
he did was had an auto-engeil. So every time she got jailed because she was not signing a representative of the bad state, he would auto-engeil and be like, "Yo, do it, I'm good." And because his auto-engeil script was so effective, he was able to get back into the devalodator set while being in a bad state. So what we're learning
is that the marriage between Pigeon and Paloma is not as strong as what we had assumed would be, and that race conditions are easily created in the cost of the SSTK by folks who simply run the same command over and over. It's not amazing. So literally you can hijack
you know, today we're learning that you can hijack the message system by simply on J.L.E. Like running on J.L.E. and J.L.E. and J.L.E. every time you've been jailed. And it's simply maintain yourself in the validator set while not having a ready-relier. So, NACA-TURR, if we worked with them to share with us that
config that yam, which was a mess. They updated it and it's not that bad of a message. It just means it was old. They updated it and we he came back online, but we're still not seeing messages. So we're like, all right, we have to further figure out what and I think what we're going to do is we're going to inventory all the validators in our validator set in a separate inventory sheet.
And then what we're going to do is essentially query everybody to confirm that they are running the correct config.jamil and that they're not running on jail automatic on jail software. We know we can't enforce automatic on jail in mean that everybody will run automatic on jail because hey, you know, that's the thing you do.
need to write better software. But what we want to do is again, continue to remove the pigeon performance issues that may be stopping final signing of the message. And so with every pigeon, we're going to go through. We have 43 pigeons. My God, it's fucking awesome. We have 43 pigeons on Testament, right?
So I'm super proud of this and I just want to say, "Who, who, who to all the patients who are running your nodes, you are, you're just, you're good birds." And what we're going to do is just try to cue each bird to make sure that they are running the right configs and that they are able to sign. And if they're not, then
you know, can we check the logs to see why they have not still not being able to slide. So we also are learning that our design was that every pageant would be required to sign a validator set, to sign the valid set. We think maybe that might not be efficient, right? Because if you're valid
with like just 10 grain and you're at the bottom of the valley and you're said why do we we require you to sign? We did that because we were like really obsessed about security but we're thinking maybe we might do it we might do it differently. Oh, might revisit that decision because that decision maybe also making Paloma brittle
Again, pigeon, brittle against changes and upgrades where you know validators sets get refreshed. No, it's get refreshed and suddenly we're not able to get balsamic. So we are on the hunt for the balsamic signing problem and we are on the hunt to continue to make validator happiness a key important aspect. So we know
no validators get frustrated and when validators get frustrated they take solutions into their own hands which is the right thing to do and they write unjail scripts very very sharp. What we want to do is say hey we're going to continue to make the UI of the validators experience less painful so folks can see what was wrong with their system and fix it instead of hitting the unjail button.
and automatically. All right. So that is the state of the SDK. We are still working on it. We're still improving it. And I just want to thank everybody for being here and for helping us supporting us with bugs and issues. Now we're going to talk about some awesome hotness, right? We have some newness, some new birth, some new feathers. We've got
new feathers in the house and and Puluma nest wallet we would like to introduce the proper announcement I talked about yesterday but last week was that was bad I jumped the gun but I'm super excited to talk about Puluma nest wallet it is super cool it's where you keep your eggs okay
and your grains. Vera, will you please introduce us to the beta of our pulmonary mnest wallet. What is this new hotness? Yeah, it's the pulmonary mnest and you said that's where you keep your grains, that if you know your pigeons are hungry and
to come home they have somewhere to feed on. Yeah, maybe that's what you'd be doing. But yeah, so it's been in the store since last week. It's currently still in beta. It's the very first version we are working on updates.
But it's not just up to us to get them life. We also always have to corporate with Google and get them reviewed. And we're still learning on how that review process works. But at this point in time, you can create a new wallet address. So no longer do you need to run your own
own Paloma D or Run a Node or do anything of that complicated stuff. You just go to the Chrome Web Store search for Paloma and then you basically can add the Chrome extension to your Chrome browser and create a wallet. Now there are still some known issues and things
Thank you so much for a Salomon, I think 75, and Kaia for some feedback and actually giving it a spin. Cool, cool. Cool, yes, because we do know that there are some known issues. So we've heard and we're aware and are fixing it that
You know, you cannot send greens on that version. Thank you so much, Kaya, for that video of the multiple tabs opening. That is something that we're fixing as well. Also, what we are planning to add is exporting you wallet using the private key and importing you wallet.
not only using the private queue, but also using a memnonic. And then another known issue in the current version is that you cannot add multiple wallets after you created the first one. So lots of new things that are coming down the pipe that we're aware of and working on.
And, you know, that being said, if you are playing with it because this wallet will be usable for testnet and maintenance, be careful of which browsers you use. Make sure you use best security practices. I think that goes without saying in crypto, especially the
these days. And you know, if you are playing with it, please leave us a review. Be kind to us. Also big shout out to Kayia here who already left us a nice review. So you know, follow follow somebody. I feel cool. I feel somebody is earning green's grants without signal. I'm not there earning green.
I don't know what it is about. I know, right? Somebody says, "Listen, give me my goddamn grades." Okay, all right, all right, calm down. But yeah, reviews and sharing your thoughts will not be forgot, right? Because it's public and it's evidence. So, you know, again, we can't
promise anything but the evidence of your contribution to either testing or the evidence of your contribution to comments or even great reviews it would be green worthy I think green worthy is the word so yeah please do let us know what you think about the the beta
- Yeah, I'm very excited and I think we can make lots of things happen with that wallet.
Yeah, I just, you know, I keep thinking all the good things, the possibilities that if there was a, like, you know, when you're in your nest, you want to, you know, you want to have other birds in your nest, you want to, you want to have eggs in your nest, you want to keep some grains, you know, you want to, you want to use your grains to do other things. Really,
The wallet should be a great jump point for folks to get into the Pouloma protocol and use the blockchain. So we, you know, it's the holidays, you know, and because it's the holidays, we should really, really be looking to do other
things make sure that that nest is while it is really really exciting. So again we kind of say what's coming because again if you know we can stream those bad things but I want to say thank you very much to Joyce. Thank you to Vera. Thank you to Jack for spinning this up fighting
with the Google Chrome store to get the wallet listed. The wallet is already in use. We have folks who are even, you know, we share it and folks who are using it. So this is pretty cool. And we will continue to release daily updates so that the bugs can resolve themselves. But it's lots of cool stuff that
The nest can, you know, especially when you have a crush chain protocol and then you have a wallet that has that. Anyway, lots of cool things here. All right. So yeah, the wallet's hot. All right. What else do we have after the wallet security? Just reminder,
It's a browser-based wallet, so please, you know, your browser is compromised most likely, somebody is spying it, don't let someone steal your grains. These are hardware ingrains, you deserve these grains. Please don't worry about it, steal them, so please use a clean browser and make sure
that you uninstall my mask and you you only install pull him in the wall. That was a joke. That was a joke. All right. So next up is we have two minutes left before we go. Again, we can't tell you what's coming next week.
But what we would like to say is remind us about it. Please check our pigeon.config.pig.pig.pig.pig.pig.pig.pig.pig.pig.pig.pig.pig.pig.pig.pig.pig.pig.pig.pig.pig.pig.pig.pig.pig.pig.#
to make sure you're okay. Also, we may be asking pigeons to stop their validators just to confirm that the network is not being gummed up or being brittle because of their stuff. Our aim and goal is to get backvalid set updates at this new update because we want to upgrade to another version
of Cosmos SDK. Also, I would like to publish the documentation of Pigeon and all the functions so that it's out there for folks to see. I think we may do that as a blog post where you get a glossary terms, you can see how every piece of Pigeon works. It's a beautiful piece of software. Thank you, Mattia, for his hard work on it.
There's a lot of cool stuff there, but also a lot of things we can improve and architecture decisions we made that we should be updating so that it's easier for messages to be relayed and it's easier for pigeons to sign and also easier for pigeons to check their system.
and verify that they are in a good state so that they can continue flapping their wings and flying to these other networks. Cool. All right. And with that, we want to say a special thanks to everyone, again, who's on the AMA. Please ask us questions in the discord or in the telegram.
where we live in both and we simply cannot wait to have the next versions of the Poulomin S-Wallet available so you can start, you know, stashing your grains and keeping your eggs warm as they get ready to hatch. But that, thank you Vera, on to next week's
and everybody keep those 10 billion safe. You never know when you might need it. And cool the music.
Let's go!