Paloma V1, Cosmos v0.47.1, Governance, & More! 🕊️

Recorded: May 24, 2023 Duration: 0:33:39
Space Recording

Full Transcription

(upbeat music) (upbeat music)
We can't run a town searching for a
You gotta take a note, you gotta take a note, you gotta go, you gotta go, you gotta go, you gotta go, you gotta go, you gotta go, you gotta go, you gotta go, you gotta go, you gotta go, you gotta go, you gotta go, you gotta go, you gotta go, you gotta go, you gotta go, you gotta go, you gotta go, you gotta go, you gotta go, you gotta go,#
(upbeat music)
Right, he killed him. He is there. Thank you. We can keep those fires burning. All right. Thank you so much, volume. It is awesome. And it is a wonderful time today.
Welcome everyone, this is volume Twitter spaces weekly and today is May 24th and we continue to keep the fires burning and today we're really excited to burn with some more awesomeness. We have a special guest for us today. Marco, are you are you keeping the fires burning? Are you here?
All right, Mark is keeping that fire burning. All right, so we want to say thank you for joining us and thank you everybody for joining here. And of course, if you're reading the transcript or you're watching the YouTube video, thanks for chiming in. This is an exciting day today. It's May 24, 2023.
And this is our volume twitter spaces and we are today going to go a little bit nerdy and talk about the fact that Cosmos SDK B047.1 is live and we want to congratulate the Paloma community for bringing it online to mainnet and we're going to talk a little bit about
about what all that means and all the cool stuff happening with Mainnet, cool stuff happening with V4771 and what's coming because there's more, there's like wait, there's more. So just in case you're like, who are you guys? Welcome to RevolvingFight. Our goal is private key security and private key management. We're really
trying to explore how you can get more use of your private keys across multiple blockchains. And our goal with that exploration is that we can bring more features and more control for your private keys. We are currently the major sponsors on the Paloma blockchain, which is a Cosmos SDK chain.
And the goal of that Cosmos SDK chain is that we can express and continue to find new ways for you to take and use your private keys. All right, and of course this week we are going to be talking about the post mortem on the Paloma mainnet upgrade. I just want to thank everybody for the Paloma community who is here.
and we welcome you, every validated and it has continued to spend economic resources to keep the Paloma made in that alive through all these iterations and changes. We thank you. So let's talk a little bit about made net. Okay.
Yesterday, this week, I think on Monday, Paloma, Maynet, upgraded, and upgraded from Cosmos SDK 4.5.13. That was an old version. I don't know, Marco, is that like really aged? That's a really old version.
And then we upgraded to 4.7.71. So the grade was successful after lots of changes. We now currently have 46 main net validators running 4.771. We had one big hiccup. We had a chain halt yesterday for about six hours due to lip wasm. Yeah.
And one of the crazy things is that when we sort of compiled an even new install Paloma, we do have the live wasm library that we require to download. But now you have to clean out the cache. So you have to do some high gening, some cache hygiene.
And we did not do the cache hygiene instruction. So one by one, I think what happened was that somebody was withdrawing grains from using pulloma swaps. That's what it was. Some of the opinions was withdrawing grains from pulloma swap. And because that required a cause and was in transaction, that caused the entire
higher network to come crashing down. So for anybody who is upgrading to 4771, we strongly recommend you clean out your wasm cache or you will have a bad time because you won't see anything go wrong until one enterprising user decides to run a cause of wasm contract and suddenly the keepers in the API
are confused because it's looking for an old wasm library when you in fact have installed a new one. So our big contribution community is wasm cache hygiene is super critical. Alright, so now that we do that, we now have some new stuff. We also have CometBFT, which is new. We're going to talk a little
about that once we ask Marco for some more details. But more importantly, we want to say thank you. So this is super thanks. First of all, to the entire Cosmos community of engineers that have built Cosmos SDK for seven, we don't know everybody. I mean, it's kind of like wild, right? So we're running this software
that has been built by people who we don't even get to say hi to. We don't even say thank you enough. So first of all, we're going to say thank you Marco. Marco has been with us for a long time. I mean, we've been talking about four six. So we're going to talk a lot about why we upgraded four seven here. Why we push below which are great to four seven. But one is, first of all,#
you're here with us today. We also want to thank Alex Bez. Bez, where you at, somebody get Bez, we want him in here. Thanks Alex. Again, a patient soul among so many dumb questions. I would say that maybe we are the least qualified engineering team in the cosmos. There are many better engineering teams than any
team on volume, I will say that we are five year olds compared to some of the engineering talent in the cosmos. I have no shame in saying I'm stupid and I am surrounded by other idiots. But what we want to say is Bez was patient man and Jesus is patient. I also want to thank the
team. I know Anil and Murti, again through Marco's encouragement, hey, during the bit with team, they come on, I mean, everything we're going to do in IDC on Paloma has come from the bit with team. I mean, just amazing team and they worked off
of sync. While everybody was asleep, they merged changes. We'll talk about, you know, so Pulum is IBC ready and also Pulum is an IBC ready control chain. So there's a lot of cool stuff going on. But, you know, I'm just overbrewing with recommendations and
endorsements for the bit with team. They are awesome. We're going to be working with them again. Of course, from the volume team, one attack toast to the brave. That toaster man, toaster the brave. He came in, started, you know, cranking away on, you know, making sure to migrations were working, making sure upgrades were working. And, uh,
I found a lot of issues and started bubbling up failures that we had on the pitch inside so that was a rock and we want to thank Alex from Confio. That dude does work for Nope. I don't know how he does it. Alex just drops into our protocol channel and war room and is like bro, what's in his coffee? So we love Alex and
And we have, I think we're going to do some new WASMD upgrades with his support. So we are running his software and we will continue to push. So thank you very much Alex. Of course, Vera. Everybody knows Vera. Vera is awesome. And then Mikhail, he worked with us in March.
Definitely rock star. So we again, so everything you see now in Paloma has come through now private automated testing. That's a huge thing for us. We have multiple networks being started every time new features are developed so that we want to reduce validator pain, right? Less pain, a validator has to struggle with failures, the better. And so Mikhail gave us
are fully, fully deployable functioning private test nets so that even before we hit public test nets, we've rigorously tested on private test nets with real mainnet coins. So like, not private test nets to test net, it's private test net to mainnet. And so that has been super critical.
and just a big win. So these are the main folks. I mean, again, I haven't thanked as so many other people we can thank, but folks who, you know, burn time to make sure that the Val says update. Of course, all the community validators you're here, saying, "Jane, PP and V, Daria." I mean, I'm through. Katone, Conqueror,
You know everybody my off to cage a nodes I mean who else just I mean You guys just run your software. I know your guys are not getting paid you have grains grains are not being there no grains on any exchange So you're doing this because there's love in your heart and
kindness, all right? I believe it. We're all believe it. We're here with the technology. So I just want to say thank you all for writing your software and testing it with us because you guys are on the software. We now have this sort of spaces. So with that, we're going to switch over and say, Hey, Marco, you there?
Marco Marco
You're a mute.
So what I want to do is have Marco come in and do a quick introduction so we can hear who is this Marco guy and what is he doing? Because Marco really, so one of the things of the history of Volumes work in Paloma is we've always believed that we're trying to address the challenges.
trying to deploy a compass, which is the cross-chain sort of relay software on the go site, make it easy to do cross-chain communications and make it very easy so that anybody can fork our software. So we want anybody can fork Pull them right now and create a blockchain that talks to any EVM chain. It should be that
easy. And that is also our desire to see that the Cosmos SDK gets more usage, more people download and install it. So Marco, Marco, you're here testing, testing Marco. You hear yet? All right. Volume, could you pick Marco on the behind scene because we'd love to bring him in. So yeah, so
One of the things we really wanted to do was, and I'll tell you how we all started on this journey. We began this journey trying to deploy Compos to Solana. Right now, Compos deploy to any EVM chain, but we really wanted to
get compost to Solana and there were some problems. How do you get to talk to Solana when you are in a network that is very, very fast and very different? And so one of the first person we went to, we talked to was, "Hey, Marco." And it really was, "Marco's inspiration." So Marco has been really
really keys been talking to us. They said, "Hey, you know, Mark, are you there? Cool. I was just making snow." Yeah, okay, here you are now. You're good. So I was just giving small talk about how we started really talking about Salana and communicating from the cosmos to Salana. I can hear you now. Can you hear us?
testing testing. It says you're connecting.
Oh man, I think he needs a Wi-Fi connection there. So really, while he's connecting, so the news case was Paloma going to the Sun. So can the pigeons fly to the Sun? And of course, pigeons can't fly to the Sun because the Sun's very far away, but also the Sun's very big.
If using that metaphor of having to process a lot of transactions from Solana and managing messages to Solana was a challenge. One of the things that we talked to Marco about was how do we get this challenge of having the Compass EVM, which is now Compass Solana,
We deployed to Selana, and one of the things we talked about was processing lots of messages. And in that inspiration, we said if we're going to be processing lots of messages from Selana, the one with ways we want to do that is having an upgraded mempool. And Marco, are you here? Just jump in when you can speak. You have to go, can you hear me?
Cool, yep, yep. So I'm just giving some background of how we started this whole upgrade path and we were talking about Solana and how to communicate with Solana. And I think one of the things we talked about was the mempool, custom mempools and transaction prioritization that you guys were working on for Cosmos SDK.
So I wanted to start our journey there. But before we want to start our journey, maybe a quick introduction. Marco, who are you? What do you do and what magic do you make during the day? Hey, yeah. So can you give me? Yeah, we can. Awesome.
So hey, I'm Mark. I'm the Cosmos SDK lead. My day-to-day is basically just working on the Cosmos SDK and pushing things forward, talking to just stakeholders, writing code, writing product, outline, outlands, and stuff like that. So a lot of
I'm seven, a lot of boring stuff, but all in relation to the Cosmos S.K. Awesome. Awesome. And when you guys decided that, hey, 47 was coming, what was your vision? Because 46 is, the Cosmos S.K. 47 is a big jump from 46. Am I right or did I get it wrong?
Yeah, there's quite a bit of changes in there. Yeah, yeah, so go ahead. Yeah, so I mean the biggest change there is just like I'm the integration of ABC 1.0, which is the preparing process proposal stages and this really unlocks like better customization.
and block building and also designing your own mempool. So designing how you want to do transaction ordering. Yes. And so I remember we were talking about processing, you know, we wanted to, for Paloma, wanted to talk to Solana
Prioritizing transactions that maybe were coming from different chains was something of interest and we really sort of leaped into it. Could you tell us a little bit more about transaction prioritization? Like before, I guess the structure is in when we think about
chain and we think of the mempool, we think of transactions being ordered as they come in. But I'm guessing for the dumb people like me in the room what we're doing is essentially allowing folks to change the ordering of those transactions in the cosmos SDK mempool. Is that a way to think about it?
Yeah, that's a good way. Right. And so, what are you guys seeing in the cosmos space that folks are demanding, such a feature like this? I know we had a particular inspiration, but what else are you guys seeing that is sort of driving this mempool customization and transaction part of your future?
I mean, I think this is something that is just so so simple in the blockchain space. I think the like the comments, tendermint integrated idea prioritization, but between the
between the application layer and the consensus layer, where this thing holds A, B, C, I. And that kind of boundary limits what can be done at certain levels. And so this sort of like customized mempool really unlocks.
the potential like what you can do within the block and how you want to customize it before it was just many transactions were kind of like a five-horse or like first and first house and it doesn't matter if a person in front of you paid less transaction fees than
you can still be part of it.
Yep, yep, yep, yep. And I'm going to come back to ABCI 1.0 because I think there's also some big hints there. But I think for the way we were looking at it in volume as well, we've implemented it is that, you know, relay transactions where we're sending messages to other chains, they get a different prioritization and
they're considered the first one. And then we have messages for creating these messages, like transactions where you create these messages in number two. And we even have the Balset update, they're lower down. And then everything else that's outside those scope get bumped down to a level four.
So in Paloma, currently, if you're sending transactions that have to deal with messages, we kind of think of these messages, first class messages in the network. Welcome to application specific blockchain, right? Like we want to be like, hey, sending money to your friend is not as important on
Paloma is not as important as sending an arbitrary logical on Solana or on Ethereum. So we're sort of embraced this idea of the ordering of these transactions and that's I think the first we've you know, have tempted to to try to order it.
and prioritize it because we want to be sure that transactions that are going across chains or talking to other chains even talking to usmosis, they get high priority, for example, if you're building a trading bot and that trading bot is trading on both osmosis and on Ethereum at the same time.
from within the same logic. You want to be able to know that those transactions are, you know, if you're paying for them and of course you're going to be paying extra for them, they actually do get a different treatment in the mempool than if you just, hey, I just want to send, you know, I just want to vote on a proposal.
and the like. So I'm curious, Marco, when we think of those as ordering the mempool in that way, is that the appropriate way that we need to think about it, or are there other ways that one could consider transaction prioritization or custom mempools?
I mean, that is like one of many. Yeah, there's a lot of different things that you can do like a lot of different customization that you can do like you can begin batching transactions and your memple and then the nice transaction that gets included in the block is like just a
It's a subset of a bunch of other transactions. There's a lot of designs out there that people. Very cool. Oh man, that's awesome. Yeah, so this is a love for your thinking and we agree. It would be very cool to see some of these other designs.
how folks are using it because I think it expands. Is there any other blockchain that's doing this? Like really, that allows a sort of customization of the mental in this way that's not MEV related? >> Yes, yes and no. I don't think anyone in the wild is taking advantage of
specific block building. Like if there is a separation of a proposal and builder. But other than that, there is maybe a few people experimenting with it, but no one is really pushing it into production.
Okay, except the Palluma fiddish ins there to do it right so good good for that. Alright, next question, IVCD7, what's the hotness that's coming on in in Cosmos SDK47s, for someone.
What was included in that release? I don't work on the IBC part of the Cosmos deck. Don't worry. I can tell you actually so IVC V7 was made was refined so that the client was actually easier for devs so the friction and load in terms of building IVC
see functionality, supposed to be lower in this version and a bunch of improvements to enhance that. So we want to take full advantage of that. We're going to be doing that. And also, there's the NFT module. You know about the NFT module, right? Like, I was like, whoa, that was pretty cool. Do you have any thoughts on that one?
of the inclusion of NFT Metro? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I mean, it really just, the cool part about that is basically that now you can do kind of like, interchain NFT trends. Yes. And there's like a, yeah, NFTs going on right now.
Sorry, you cut out there. Are you there? Yeah, just that there's like a there was like an incentivized test net for interchange and of keys. That is very cool. Okay, so I and that is that is essentially why I was like blown away. So I just want the reason I this was one thing I wanted to talk about Wow, interchange and of T's.
I mean, we hear about it, you know, we see moves about it, but I think what you get with 4/7 is essentially a structured approach to doing inner chain NFTs. So, and I hope the StarGaze team is taking full advantage of it. But yes, very exciting. And I think, again, for what we're doing at Vol.
being able to offer new products and features around in the chain NFTs is again more undiscovered great green space and again for folks who are validators on Paloma and developers on Paloma just very very interesting as we can go more broadly to full in the chain on the
and if he's on the EVM that are again that live or can live anywhere in the blockchain space. All right, so Marco, we're on 471. 48 is coming. Are you okay to talk about what's coming in 48 and what's happening in next? >> Yeah, so I mean,
for 8 or we're going to it's called the E-dyn release and it'll be a the release number will be point fifty so we're going to skip over 48.49 but it's going to be the completion of ABCF++ so the next two phases are vote extensions and finalize block and then on top of that there's a bunch of
boilerplate cleanup some minor so modules will be easier to write. There's the like auto CLI work so you won't have to write CLI commands anymore. It's a whole gonna be auto generated for you. There's there was a refactor of the commitment layer that we call IVL to be more performant and so
So there's all that coming in with a multitude of other minor changes. But the big core, like feature changes, is more around like boilerplate cleanup in modules. And then also the IBL and ABCF++ changes. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I will admit when going through, I'm working with best through some of the changes, seeing how a lot of the refinements and removement of Bordeaux played really made everything look very easy. I was just like, wow, okay, these things look
much more cleanly, much more clean to work with. One of the things just wanted to get back to ADCI. So we are at this new version of ADCI 1.0. What's coming next for that later? Because it seems like that is important and continues to be a
major reason why we're seeing a lot of big improvements is that something we should be keep looking at and what we should be looking at there. I think if you want to change your, there's like a potential to like change protocols like if we can go to the workles, or goals are really run outside of protocol right now. They're kind of like some mid transaction and
Yeah, just meeting transactions and in the future there could be a world where you use vote extension. So what is it like the Oracle submission of the validators like that would say the prices. We're included in consensus instead of just being a transaction and a block. God is.
Wow, that would be cool. Wow. So, okay. All right. Well, because Paloma does a lot of Oracle work, again, that area would be very, very interesting, instead of having, you know, you know, attestation messages. Oh, I saw our transaction happen on the EVM or our saw transaction happened in Salana.
that would be huge because then also we would be spending less gas. So we that we're going to be looking for five zero and looking to see I think there are there are other projects that are that you're seeing going to be launching for seven any other projects that are going to be launching for seven any other projects that are going to be launching for seven any other projects that are going to be launching for seven any other projects that are going to be launching for seven any other#
projects you recommend that we keep an eye out and look at that we'll be taking or looking to come on live with 47 in the near future. Yeah, I think the next release will have quite a few users because a lot of people are excited about the budget extension work. So there's like osmosis will be using unfortunately
in their SDK fork and using the very cool very cool idea X. Yeah, so I think it's going to wait until after minute. Yep. And then yeah, then there's like a multitude of other teams that will be coming in and using 50 there.
a bunch of teams working on updating to 047. Yeah, but they have like a two-month timeline that not as fast as you guys. Yep. And so for them, it's like once they update to 047, they will be they'll be they should I will I'm recommending them to discuss straight to 50. Yep. Yep. They can get the newest.
and the greatest. That is awesome. Well, yeah, and of course, the pigeons of polymer will be on 50 as well. So we'll be looking out and looking to join the rest of the many great projects that will be using it and again.
and taking full advantage of the technology to create new products and services and new ways to use the blockchain. So congratulations to you and the team. Again, making blockchain go well beyond just simply transmission of value.
value, but essentially, no transmission of any type of message is something that excites us. So thank you so much for the time and congrats to you on the team and yeah, we're looking up far to 50 in the near future. And when is 50 think you guys think 50 might land?
in terms of timeline. We're in for end of June. We should have the feature pair in the end of next week for end of May. We'll be doing QA audits. The pull-in-a-floc will be looking forward to
testing it and bringing it to Mainnet. Thank you so much for all the work you guys have done. We love it. We continue. Thank you. Thank you, Marko. Thank you, community. Thanks, everyone. And again, if you're reading this on the blog or on our YouTube,, you're going to see that we're
talking about Web 3 security and this is all run under Paloma. So we're going to continue to think of again, how can you create more secure transactions and more users or private keys by essentially using the Cosmos SDK? Thanks everyone. Have a great day. Thank you Marco. Cue the music. Let's jam.
I want you to put your hands up.