Partner Spotlight with Klima DAO

Recorded: April 11, 2023 Duration: 0:56:21



Hey everybody, we had to spin up a new link Twitter rug, of course, so just waiting for Marcus to really us to come back in here and a few of our other listeners. So let me just send in by its out.
Little yapper, I just invited you up to be a speaker.
Let's go on.
There we go, we got Alan back in. Sorry about that, you guys Twitter just rugged. Would it be a Twitter space if it didn't rug?
Awesome. So yeah, I'm just carrying out this new link again. We're going to get started here in another minute. So let me just find Marcus and make sure yes the right link and if everyone here can share it, be really appreciated.
Okay, and Marcus is back in. Awesome. We were just saying Marcus wouldn't even be a Twitter space if there wasn't ruggy.
Marcus, I added you up as a co-host. There we go. What's going on, man? Awesome. Hey, pretty good. Just sitting in Boston Common, actually. Nice GM GM. Let's all throw up some green hearts for Cleema Dow today. Woo-woo!
I'm super excited to have you guys on. I had the pleasure of meeting with Marcus who really is himself at East Denver. The Stoic philosopher was at East Denver. Super cool to meet with you in person. And yeah, I have some
questions prepared today just to teach our attendees about Clemedown. And I'm even considering using this for some content in the future moving forward because I think, you know, having that consciousness of your environmental impact in Web 3 and just in life in general is so vital
and I really respect what you guys are doing over at Clean Adel. So without further ado, we'll jump in. Like I mentioned earlier, everyone can tweet the space out. We did have to create a new link, so any support there will be appreciated. So yeah, I'll just jump in and we can go ahead and do introductions.
So my name is Rachel. I'm behind the OPLUS account today. So I lead our Web 3 partnerships and essentially I'm looking for opportunities for ecosystem growth and to build symbiotic relationships with impactful projects in Web 3. And I'll pass the mic over to Marcus Aurelius to give an introduction.
Everybody great to be here with us today. I'm a core contributor at even down my background is in data science and data engineering. I started out as a consultant building dashboards for enterprise clients to move more towards
building at-tex solutions and got really fun. The data in 2021, when I heard about FEMA doubt, really saw an opportunity to leverage my data drippy skillset to support climate action. I'll head over to
Yeah, you guys are America.
Yeah, I can hear you okay a little yeah, brook. Yeah, so in the background on myself I've kind of been working in the voluntary carbon market since 2018 or so. Mostly like on helping companies identify their carbon footprint and also
help build tools that folks used for measuring on-chain carbon emissions from a lot of proof of work or even some proof of sick platforms. So, yes, some on the consulting side and helping with climate kind of in the beginning
So yeah, just kind of broader experience in the carbon market and I hope kind of my function is people using Clema or like took a nice carbon for their companies, schools or individuals or whoever else may kind of encounter.
Awesome. Thanks so much for the introduction, you guys. So I have some questions prepared today. We're hearing a lot of words like carbon neutrality, carbon positivity, carbon credits, and I just really want to break it down for everyone and just bring it to layman's terms, right, so that we can have everyone understand this. So before we get into
to all the nitty gritty there. I'm just curious for the TLDR. What is Clemedel and what is the mission? How do you guys aim to contribute addressing climate change or I'm sorry addressing climate change? Yes, so the the whole concept behind carbon credits goes back about 30 years.

FAQ on Partner Spotlight with Klima DAO | Twitter Space Recording

What happened to the Twitter link during the podcast?
The Twitter link got rug-pulled and the host had to spin up a new link.
Who did the host invite up to be a speaker?
The host invited Little Yapper up to be a speaker.
Who was thanked and celebrated with green hearts?
Cleema Dow was thanked and celebrated with green hearts.
What is Rachel's role in the podcast?
Rachel leads the web 3 partnerships and looks for opportunities for ecosystem growth and to build symbiotic relationships with impactful projects in web 3.
What is Marcus Aurelius' background?
Marcus Aurelius' background is in data science and data engineering.
What made Marcus Aurelius join Clemedel?
Marcus Aurelius saw an opportunity to leverage his data drippy skillset to support climate action and joined Clemedel.
What is Brook's background?
Brook has been working in the voluntary carbon market since 2018, helping companies identify their carbon footprint and building tools for measuring on-chain carbon emissions.
What is the mission of Clemedel?
Clemedel aims to address climate change by providing carbon credits.
What is the concept behind carbon credits?
The concept behind carbon credits goes back about 30 years.
What do words like carbon neutrality, carbon positivity, and carbon credits refer to?
Words like carbon neutrality, carbon positivity, and carbon credits refer to ways of addressing carbon emissions and contributing to the fight against climate change.