Perpetual Good in the Metaverse

Recorded: Oct. 10, 2022 Duration: 1:00:19



Okay, this should be on now and we are recording. So Joshua, I think you're on, Jeff, I think you're on. And we're just waiting on Tim. - Learning, gentlemen.
Good morning, how's the golden coach going? Well, I'm no longer in the gold coast. I'm down in a back in Melbourne. So, but nice day today.
All right, time's here.
Let me get him up here. We lost Joshua.
All right, it's iconic.
All right Tim, I think you've been invited and Joshua you've been invited so the book of you should be good to speak
[Clock ticking]
Hello can you hear me now? There we go, I can't quite see. I keep forgetting that this is on mobile device and so I've got my mic all set up on zoom for my desktop. It is worth it. It's only on mobile and can't do it for you.
your computer. I mean, you think it'd be fine for a tech person, but both weeks and around, I'm like, you know, anyway, yeah. - Okay. All right. Well, thank you. Justin, I'm here joining me. I'll get us kicked off and then we'll start just
- I got pulled up a little while ago, because I just mentioned how inconvenient it is that you can't use this, like you can't speak on a space using your PC and
and somebody just basically called me old and you know, welcome to the new world. I don't know, but I just, I can't work on my phone. Like, I use Excel spreadsheets. I use, you know, PowerPoints. I use
tons of things all day long. That's why I have three screens set up. And I just happen to be, you know, like it's and a mic and headphones is just easier than having my phone in my hands. Anyway, that's my rant.
and I'm not old. Yeah I'm looking at three screens and I'm using my phone for this so go figure. Absolutely. I'll lean in the arm hold. That's fine. I'm like sure. Yeah. Yeah. Alright. Alright. So thank you everyone.
for joining. We're going to kick off this is a patch we're good in the metaverse where I take liberal have liberal use of the term metaverse to include anything that is Web 3 from crypto to NFTs to metaverses to play to earn games. Pretty much any kind of technology that's using some of this Web 3
functionality to five ways that individuals, organizations, and projects can use the technology to create perpetual good in the metaverse. The idea for perpetual good came from the concept of you can use a smart contract to kind of allocate a perpetual
distribution of funds whenever that NFTS sold and I thought that that was a really cool kind of way of being able to create and then also provide for the community. We've had individuals all over the place speaking and today we have two returning guests and one
you guest. Tim, you were the impetus for this conversation today, so why don't we start with you? Yeah, hi, glad to be here. My name is Tim Lockey. I live in Boseman, Montana, and I'm CEO and founder of the
human stack, which basically is thinking about how humans integrate into technology rather than the other way around. And so, yeah, glad to kick things off. We'd love to hear a little bit more about other speakers. Yep, that's not the heat, Jeff.
You're returning. You are on the very first perpetual good in the metaverse. If you wanted to just introduce yourself or everyone. Yeah, so I'm Jeff Bonesberger and the CEO and founder of the Laughing Order. We have a simple yet powerful vision of making the world a happier place of one person that's on
So through traditional business models and leveraging all the great technology that's coming out of Web 3, we have a strong focus on improving global mental health through positive content and activities as well as

FAQ on Perpetual Good in the Metaverse | Twitter Space Recording

What is the episode about?
The episode is about ways to create perpetual good in the metaverse using web 3 technology.
What is the metaverse?
The term metaverse is used liberally to refer to anything related to web 3 technology, from crypto to NFTs to play-to-earn games.
What is the concept of perpetual good?
Perpetual good refers to using a smart contract to allocate a perpetual distribution of funds whenever an NFT is sold, thus creating and providing for the community.
Who is Tim Lockey?
Tim Lockey is the CEO and founder of The Human Stack, a company that focuses on how humans integrate into technology.
What is Jeff Bonesberger's company?
Jeff Bonesberger is the CEO and founder of The Laughing Order, a company that aims to improve global mental health through positive content and activities using web 3 technology.
What is the purpose of the podcast recording?
The purpose of the podcast recording is to discuss ways in which individuals, organizations, and projects can use web 3 technology to create perpetual good in the metaverse.
What is the location of Tim Lockey?
Tim Lockey is located in Bozeman, Montana.
What is the technology used for perpetually distributing funds?
A smart contract is used to allocate perpetual distribution of funds whenever an NFT is sold.
What kind of screen setup does the speaker prefer?
The speaker prefers a setup with multiple screens, a mic, and headphones, rather than using a mobile device.
What is the focus of The Laughing Order?
The Laughing Order focuses on improving global mental health through positive content and activities using traditional business models and web 3 technology.