Persona: What's Next?

Recorded: Feb. 23, 2024 Duration: 0:40:49



konose kai wa
goku kaira
mitai dan
nozomi dori
gochik moga koyo
takai no sunado ke
nagame naga lakusu wo shioyo
sayonara kalai chi ban doi
pasho de macho aseo
slinni toki wa kitaa
kinoma deva chosho no josho de
tobasi o mideikara
kocara ga bokteo
ke ken tocich kito
kabino haikakata yuki wo motte
Umegado kamirai tokou te koto magadore da ke te wo
Uba soto todokanai pasho de bokura koui wo slu
tokei no hari mokutari wo yokome ni mira garasu sumu
konasekai mokutari ne isho liya nancho demo
ekinuite yuko
Ladies and gentlemen, GMGM, how are we all doing today?
Like always, I'm your host, NFT Bossa.
Here we are. Always, always grateful and honored to be hosting another Persona Space.
Guys, we have so much to impact today, but before I proceed any further, you guys are crazy,
because we are already at 545 people in this freaking room.
I thought you guys were supposed to be in Paris partying and going out and drinking and stuff,
and here you guys are on this app joining more spaces, attending more spaces.
You guys are true, true degens, or you're just a fan of Persona, like myself, right?
But hey, with that being said, if you want to show love, reposting, liking, commenting, bookmarking,
all of that will go a very, very, very long way.
Man, what a crazy, crazy past 24 hours.
I mean, I can't speak on the behalf of Spike because he's actually behind the scenes,
but I mean, Spike, it's probably been the craziest 48 for you, you know?
But let me check in with you first, man.
Spike, how are you? Are you sleeping? Are you getting enough rest?
How has the day been since, you know, you've essentially covered one of the biggest days for Persona?
Go ahead.
Yeah, it was... Can you hear me well? Because I'm trying a new mic setup, but...
Yeah, yeah, yeah. We can hear you perfectly.
Oh, nice. Awesome.
Yeah, it was an interesting 24 hours for sure. We didn't sleep that much with the team.
But yeah, of course, very excited about everything that's happening.
Some things went well. Some things didn't go so well, as you guys know.
A lot of positives, but also a lot of learnings and a lot of things that we are bringing with us past this mint.
Of course, we're also very focused on our next steps and where we want to take Persona.
But yeah, it's a mix of a bit tired, a bit happy, a bit frustrated, of course, at some parts that could have been better.
Nothing is ever perfect, right? But we absolutely know that some parts could have been better.
Still amazed, overwhelmed by the support. It's absolutely crazy, especially considering some circumstances how everything went.
So no, no, super happy. And for us, it's super important. It's day one. Yes, we minted, but we're all here. We're working super focused.
We wanted also to be here to chat with you guys. The idea is not to go party. It's really to be here to chat, to make sure that the community starts happening, forming, and that Persona is set on the right rails, right?
But yeah, a mix of a lot of emotions.
No, I mean, dude, I don't blame you, man. I mean, look, I'm looking at this audience, right?
A mixture of founders, a mixture of builders, a mixture of people that I see on a daily basis, right?
And I feel like it's all about perspective because a lot of the things that I was seeing yesterday were from people who are just pure consumers of this space, meaning that you're not really participating in the, I guess, the building aspect of Web3.
So therefore, you will only look at NFTs as a, I guess, financial asset, right? And then you have people who are on the opposite end of that stick, people who actually want to utilize blockchain, people who actually want to use this technology to build a business, build a product, whatever that is, right?
So it's truly an accumulation of many different angles, right?
And the thing that I dislike about this space sometimes is, and this is a new concept that I came up with, right, is I feel like the most hype projects suffer from success.
It's almost like this concept, like you're suffering from so much success because there's just so much expectations and so much, I guess, needs and wants that come post mint, that come with now owning a persona NFT.
And people, again, can simply blow things out of proportion sometimes. And it's one thing to identify, I don't know, feedback as FUD versus identify feedback as constructive criticism, right?
And that's one thing that I saw a lot yesterday was, you know, I can tell when someone was just mad they didn't get whitelisted, right?
And then I can tell when someone was mad because of what happened yesterday with the gas and the failed transactions, right?
So I guess my point here before we actually start is just I want people here in Web3 to just first, like, take a step back, put yourself in these teams, like, put yourself in these team's shoes and, like, ask yourself, okay, what would you do in this position, right?
And again, a lot of us are going to have different approaches. A lot of us may have different takes on how we tackle certain angles, certain problems in this space, right?
But to be at a level of where Spike and his team had scaled persona this high up, like, it's hard to not expect some kind of, not a drawback, but more so of that feedback that I was just describing, right?
So again, Spike, I really salute you and the team and just how you guys have just been approaching it so far. And this is why I'm glad in today's space, you know, I really wanted to address, first of all, before we talk about the next moves, the next steps for persona is addressing the elephant in the room, right?
And that is by talking about what had happened yesterday regarding the auction, the raffle, what went wrong with the contract, right?
So Spike, I'll let you kick this off because I know you were mainly in talks with the internal team. So what exactly had happened yesterday during the mint?
Yeah, for sure. First, just to bounce back on what you were saying, Rosa, I, of course, agree with some of it. But at the same time, we know a bit about the Webtree game. We know how it works.
We knew that we were hyped. We also knew that issues like that could have happened. Of course, we minted so many of the projects that were hyped in the past that we've been on the other side a lot.
For sure. Of course, we would have hoped that some of the hiccups didn't happen.
So the day started quite well, I would say yesterday, because we started with the whitelist allocation and everything was extremely smooth.
It was like 80 percent, 90 percent minted very early in the day, even with like five hours or four hours left, I think I'd do a tweet at that moment.
Yeah, absolutely no problem there. Also, gas fees were quite low at this moment. It really went all right in the morning. It went a bit, to say, at least a bit more complicated when we opened the public sale.
Of course, we had two reasons that made it a bit harder. Of course, we had very high gas fees.
First, because we kind of opened the public sale at an hour, let's say, that is not necessarily the best. If we had to do it over again, I'd rather do the whitelist maybe slightly longer and start the public at a time slot.
That is usually a bit better for Ethereum. So that's something we could have anticipated.
I also want to share this because I don't know if builders are in this space, but I guess it's also cool to share what could have been done better.
Then also, there was talks about contract optimization. Yes, it's something we looked in as well. I'm not on the technical part on my side. You guys know me, I'm chief creative officer. I'm on the outside.
I can talk colors all day long if you want, but I can't get too much into the detail of the smart contracts, sadly.
What we've seen is that indeed there could have been some optimization that could have been done. That's what we established as well yesterday when everything went down.
Although, in any case, NFT sell transactions were, in any case, extremely high during the entire time span of our mint. So we could have done optimization, but I think it would have been like maybe 30%, something like that lower, which is still considerable.
But it's what I understood. So don't take the numbers I say for the truth. It's just what I understood from my discussions with the team.
Also, we had something a bit crazy where the wallets were showing a crazy high estimation. And if you actually did the bid, the bid itself, the fee on the bid was actually a lot lower.
And I think many people probably in this space that did a bid had a similar experience. We had some guest transactions that were showing on MetaMask like, okay, it will be 200 guests fee. You were doing it and it was $70, $40, some things like that.
And that happened also. I mean, we noticed that like a crazy amount of times looking at transactions from friends doing it, from people around us doing it.
And I think not many people noticed that. So it created also this really horrible image that, oh, I'm going to pay like $200, $400 for the transaction because of course that's what you see when it was a bit lower.
But all of that, all of that at the end of the day, it's a bit like trying to explain what happened. The idea is not to come here and try to justify yourself. It could have been better. Absolutely. We take full responsibility.
It's true what you said, both said that we were on exterior, but they were extremely accommodating. We're super glad that we worked with them.
And of course we pass on feedback, we discussed with them and so on, but it's also on us in any case. It's our project. We could have done more. We could have prevented more. The idea is not to shy away from responsibility. That's also why we're here today.
This is a long-term project. We're here to build. We're here to go further than just midday. It's just a start for us. So absolutely, we could have done more. We know it.
And yeah, that's on us now to triple our artwork and make sure that the next steps will be as made as possible.
Absolutely, man. And I'm going to say it one more time in case people missed it, right? I want to clarify that the Persona team had no control of contract. You said it, right? Yes, you could have done more further research. You could have discussed more details.
But you guys were essentially partnering up with Exterio that has launched many, many successful projects in the past. Now, again, mistakes happen. I don't know. I feel like it goes back to my point of the perspective in this space. Are you able to approach projects even if they're the most hyped to be at the same time understanding that, hey, mistakes will happen?
And I say this a lot. There's a lot of entitlement in Web3. I feel like sometimes people deserve certain things because they've done a certain thing. I don't necessarily believe in that sometimes. So, Spike, I really do appreciate you addressing these points.
Just on the Exterio side again, I want to give them full credit because we were the ones that came up with the idea to do raffle because we wanted to avoid first-come-for-serve type of bids because for us, it was not necessarily the right solution to have everybody doing max bids in the first minutes and trying to get there first.
So we came up with the raffle proposal and they were extremely accommodating. They had not that much time to actually do it. And they really did their best. And it's also on us. We came up with that. We could have checked more. So, you know, it's a collaboration. It's on both sides.
It's going to be also great learning, great experience, I think, on both sides as well. For them, if they redo something like that, I'm sure they will find those optimizations and the next raffles will be even better.
And on our side as well, for the next steps, we know it's about attention to detail, triple checking everything, and we're more dedicated than ever to make sure that all the upcoming deliveries will have that.
Absolutely. I want to say this because I pinned it to the very top of the Jomatron. Guys, for those who know, ding-a-ling, right? Probably one of the biggest whales here in Web3. I love what he said here. He said, thanks to everyone that flooded today for the cheaper entry. You all really worked overtime.
I'll speak for you, Spike, so you don't get in trouble, right? But guys, the more you fud, the easier the entry gets into Persona. So please, please keep fudding them so I can get more Persona.
Also, one thing I do want to say is, guys, the bull run, like, if you guys are mad on how Persona went yesterday, I can't wait till everyone sees what a peak bull run cycle looks like in the NFT space. Like, if you're mad about $200 gas fees, just wait till we see the 2K gas fees again. Wait till we see the 1K gas fees again. Then I want to see everyone's feedback.
Again, I'm just speaking from past experience. I, myself, when I participate in raffles, you have to come in with the intent that you have to understand. This is a bit, guys. You don't even know if you're going to win this raffle.
So for those who participate in the raffle, you put yourself in that position, right? And again, I want to speak for Spike here because I don't want the Persona team to have that tainted brand because it's essentially built the way it was built and you guys had made the decision to participate, right?
So again, I'm just seeing the FUD, I'm seeing the feedback, and I want to make sure it's addressed properly in today's space, right? That being said, Spike, another elephant in the room that I do want to cover is, again, the gas and the failed transactions, right?
But do you have any plans to, in a sense, reward or give back to those who weren't able to mint but still want to participate in the ecosystem?
Now, I know mint had literally just happened yesterday. I'm not asking for a full detailed plan, but is there something in the future that people who still want to participate, people who still want to be a part of Persona that they can look forward to?
Yeah, of course. It's day one. So we had so little sleep and so little time to absorb everything that we don't have a detailed plan or anything today.
We are in discussion internally, but there is absolutely no promises or, again, no details I can share today on that front. But yeah, we know it's been a bit tough. We are absorbing all of it and we're discussing internally if we can do a little something cool.
Beautiful, beautiful. And again, it's one of those things where I'm like, bro, how do the expectations of Web3, like these guys had just minted, let them figure out a plan first and then they'll present it to you guys, right?
So Spike, I hope you and the team, I know the pressure can feel at a very high immense rate right now. But one thing that I've seen in the past that many hype projects had fallen out of was they've done everything right up until mint.
And then when it came to post mint, right, they had no initial strategy on how to stay, I guess, relevant or how to stay alive in this space.
So Spike, thank you for answering, again, the elephant in the room. I really wanted to approach today's space by addressing these points first before we actually start talking about what's next for Persona, right?
That being said, let's segment here and actually get into that. And it's a reason why I said my last point about staying relevant post mint is because that's where my head is at now, right?
You guys have successfully sold out Persona, right? That chapter one is essentially done. Now it's time for chapter two. What is your plan for Persona to not just remain relevant because I think attention shifts and I think attention needs to shift at times.
But my question is to you is how do you plan to stay sustainable in the markets to come? What are your thoughts there, Spike?
Yeah, it's for us. Sorry, I'm moving my mic. I hope it's not too horrible. For us, the added value we have and where it was always a bit easier to project our self post mint is that we already have a lot of side activity as a game studio, right?
Because we do have a Radio Live game, we are releasing a new game produced by Unagi also very soon, which will also create some activity, reinforce the ecosystem, all of that.
But yeah, the immediate next step, if we took Persona, Persona specifically, for sure, for us, it will be the art trivial. We plan to sneak peek a bit more towards it, of course.
And the goal has always been to deliver this really iconic, timeless collection. And for me, it's very important that we made it as much as possible because I think the art really resonates with a lot of people.
It's what we've seen. And again, we've been talking about the little problems on one day, but the amount of people that still did bids and still joined as a holder post mint, honestly, we're super humbled by that.
And it's amazing to see that despite some tough conditions, so many were still motivated to join a bit of this journey, this project.
But yeah, the art trivial for me is the most key important thing for Persona specifically, of course. You know, at the end of the day, we'll build utilities, we'll build an ecosystem, we'll have partnerships, we'll build a lot of things that we can cover a bit more in-depth after.
Still, the first thing that is the most important is the face of this project is to deliver avatars that people really want to use as PFPs, to use as personal branding, to build a community around that.
So, of course, for us, that will be it. We hope to do a good job enough that it will be a big plus point again, for sure, for the collection. That's what we hope.
So, the immediate next step would be, of course, this. We're also starting the production of a personal platform. I think I mentioned it a couple of times in previous spaces, but this will be really like the, I like to call it the start of time for Valley, not as like this 3D world, this 3D universe or this anime.
It's going to be more of a web platform, but really, a platform where personal authors can find each other, where they can understand the place of personas in the ecosystem that we are building this gaming ecosystem.
It will also be there where you will have the benefits towards the token, where you will understand, okay, I can actually jump in this game or this game and get this type of benefits. That's all of that that we want to shape also quite fast.
So, for personas specifically, those will be the next two immediate steps, I would say, that are coming, of course, very, very soon. Then, more on the ecosystem part.
Just take to stop me, bossa, if I talk for too long.
Keep going, keep going.
Guys, on the ecosystem part, we have so much that was already in progress before we should personally know that it's also why. I don't want to say, you know, guys, for sure we'll keep attention as high as we did prement. Let's be real, we had amazing attention prement.
It's also nice now because we can see who's really super engaged to follow the project long term now, now that things are settling down a bit more. It's amazing to still see the huge engagement around the project, so that's really great.
But we still have very strong postpoints. Of course, prement is crazy, but I think we'll manage to still create waves next. So after the personal platform, that's more on the production side for personas.
One big thing will be the release of the Una token, so the Unagi ecosystem token. We are planning to release it in Q1 2024. It is already used in our live game Ultimate Champions. It will be used elsewhere in the future.
And the idea is to also materialize and shape up the benefits between personal orders and Una quite soon after the release of the Una. So we, you know, for the ones that have been in spaces, in the personal spaces before, I'm always managing expectations around the token and around everything we do.
We're doing something serious. It's not about doing an air drop with millions of dollars and then six months everything crumbles. For the Una token, the idea is to build sustainable long term benefits, meaning that it's benefits, yes, for personal orders, but something that we can maintain on the long run based on our gaming, our games and our products activity, making sure that we put benefits on there.
That makes sense economically speaking, right? So not just about, okay, here is 10% of the supply and then there is nothing for two years, you know. So that's how we plan to shape it up. And this Una token, of course, will be a major response for our company.
We're in discussions, as you can imagine, with a lot of different partners there. And yeah, the idea is to make also this launch a success, but also continuing to do what we do best, which is not necessarily to midday or whatnot, but it's producing games, producing products, producing experiences.
That's what we know how to craft. That's what we want to continue to craft. So all of that will also be ongoing in parallel. We continue to operate Ultimate Champions. We've had an amazing last few months, few months in terms of revenue and activity in the game. So we're also super thankful for that.
With the personal hype, we didn't talk about it enough, but it's really cool. And yeah, we will, again, also this other game that we are producing that will be announced, I think, quite soon. We don't have a final date, but it should be in the upcoming weeks. Everything goes well.
And yeah, so it's really all of those. For us, I always, you know, I've been saying that pre-ment and that's still the case now post-ment. The activity, the pulse point, what you can expect should be fairly straightforward, because I think our promise and our vision for Persona is quite straightforward.
It's this beautiful state of the art avatar that is at the center of a gaming ecosystem. And for us, it's very simple. What we are going to do next is to shape up this ecosystem and add more bricks, more partnerships, more games to this ecosystem.
And as personal holders, you will be at the center of it. You will have benefits. You will have links. You will have also an experience that will develop around you.
Spike, you were right in there a bit.
Oh, sorry.
I caught the last end. I caught the last end. Okay, first of all, you brought up so many things to look forward to in the pipeline. I'm like, which one do I want to attack you first?
Let's talk really shortly about Una token. What can we expect as far as the Una token? What are the capabilities? What are the use cases? What can we look forward to from that end?
Yeah, super, super good question. It's true that, again, we didn't talk too much about the Una token yet. The Una token, how we imagine it.
And again, tell me in a private message if that's not clear enough or in replies or whatnot, because we want it to be clear.
How we imagine it is that this token will be used in our games. So it's typically already used in Ultimate Champions right now if you play it. Of course, it's not listed.
But it's going to power Ultimate Champions, our current live game, both football and basketball. The idea is that in our games, you are able to do purchases either with our ecosystem token, so the Una, or you can also use other payment solutions like credit card and whatnot.
We keep, of course, the fiat revenue and so on for the operation of the company. But then the idea with the Una token is to take all the revenue that we generate through the Una token when there is a purchase, when we receive basically some Una token back.
The idea is to take it back and then burn it shortly after. So all our games, how they will actually be beneficial for the Una token is that they will continuously burn this token.
And the idea through that, because burning can be, we can discuss if it's the best feature or not, but the cool thing with burning is that it's quite simple.
You see how many purchases, how many things are done in this game and you understand that, okay, that's burning the token and ultimately it adds value to it.
And that's a bit the philosophy that we have with the token for all our products is to try to set it up like that. That way, every time you'll see a new Una game potentially that will use the Una, you will think, okay, that's cool.
You don't necessarily have to play it. If you're not a fan of this game, if you are a fan of fantasy football, you can already play ultimate champions, of course, but you don't necessarily have to play it.
But at least you understand clearly why it's beneficial for the Una and why it's beneficial for person as a, you know, as a bounce, as a bounce, let's say, because you will also have benefits between the Una and the person.
So that's really about the Una token. Of course, right now, I don't have details to give you guys who are in a lot of discussions for that specifically, but it will absolutely be a major post point for the company, for the ecosystem and therefore also for personal.
Man, that's just so much. I just hope there's a thread on Una token because I'm like, okay, listening to this, it's a lot to unpack, but just again, I guess what I'm trying to hear for is the details, right?
How can we exactly utilize the Una token? And again, I know you just said it, you don't have much to share, can't really share much. And then that's completely fine.
Um, Spike, you know, one thing that my, where at least my head just keeps going to is like, and maybe in past spaces, I asked this a lot is I brought up anime, right? I brought up the video game a lot.
I knew it. I knew Danny's question was coming, man.
I didn't see. Okay. But here's the thing is I, I, I want to clear this up because, um, you know, I joined a couple of spaces yesterday and you know, people were asking me like, Hey boss, I see you do a lot of spaces for persona.
Can you, can you let it, can you tell us like what's to be expected from postman? Um, and to be honest, I had the hardest time because one, um, I didn't want to disclose the wrong information. First of all, right?
I didn't want to like put out the wrong message. So now that I have you on this space, um, and then on a full transparent clarity, I guess, take that I want from you is what are some finalized things in the roadmap?
And I'm not asking for a timeline. I'm more so asking what are finalized concepts, finalized products that we can expect from persona, um, for the rest of this. Let's just say 2024.
What are those things? Yeah, absolutely. So when you think personal, you, you, in my opinion, you also have to think what in the ecosystem, basically, because personal will be linked to it.
So for me, an activity also on the side, since we'll have a very clear link between every activity that we do at Nagi and persona, uh, for me, it's still going to be something, uh, for persona, even if it's not necessarily with the personal brand.
So for example, the, if you see a new game being produced by, uh, by you, which we can expect very soon, uh, that's actually going to be kind of a bullish news for sure. Uh, for personas, uh, because, because it's linked basically.
Um, then, uh, then, sorry to enter you more precisely, uh, there is this platform, the birth of time for valley, as I like to call it, uh, that will be for sure.
One of the first big, uh, product that we want to ship specifically for persona. Uh, that's the first thing, of course, the person are trivial. So the actual avatars that you can expect.
Uh, and, and then, then the rest is very interesting. The Una token, uh, is very much in progress. So it's also something I'm super confident right now to tell you, like, yes, it's going to happen like soon, soon, soon.
Uh, because all of that is already so much as so much progress that, uh, we know it.
Um, and, uh, and then for personal specifically, it's bad. Now it's, it's about, okay, what other brick do we want to, will we want to activate in the, in this personal universe, in this personal platform, in this personal ecosystem.
Uh, we've been discussing really cool things. The first thing is, uh, this, this reward system that we want to create within the ecosystem between persona, Una, uh, and how we can, you know, gamify it a bit, make, uh, create a real connection between, uh, between, uh, between users also.
Uh, do you still hear me? Because I feel like I'm ringing a bit. No.
No, we can hear you. We can hear you. I'm sorry. Maybe, maybe I should just cut you off sometimes just to make sure you're a good spike. We can hear you. We can hear you.
Yes. Just tell me if I'm, uh, if I'm still alive. Uh, but, uh, no, no, absolutely. So, so we'll have, uh, we'll have, um, we'll have that. Um, and, uh, and yeah, yeah, sorry. I was saying we are going to gamify a bit, uh, how you can find other personal holders, uh, the reward system also in the ecosystem that want to build all of that.
Um, and, uh, we still plan to shape up in a real product for personal holders. Uh, it's not going to be a game per se with like a deep game experience or an anime yet, but it's going to be a real product. And then the idea is really to add a brick that could be extremely interesting for the personal community.
Uh, we've been talking a little bit Bosa and previous spaces about creators economy. It's something I would love to shape up a bit in, in this platform, uh, ideally. Um, of course it's still very new. This one, because, uh, we didn't know we would have so many creators up until like in the last two months, right? So it's something we would have hoped for when we started the project, but it's always hard to know, uh, how much people will actually craft around the brand.
And, and right now it's so crazy what we see out there, uh, that we absolutely do want to, to, you know, foster a bit this, uh, creativity, foster this passion and, and, and create a platform if we can to, to, to put it, uh, to put a highlight on it.
Um, yeah. And then, then it's other things that I say we can't communicate about, but I hope it's already error of things for, for you guys. And, uh, I didn't give you a headache, but we're, of course, uh, in, in a lot of talks in terms of partnerships, in terms of, of really cool things we could craft, uh, for, for more than the next, uh, you know, three, six months. Uh, but that's, uh, that's still, uh, that's still at a stage where I say, I can't
do that. But, but what you can expect, sorry, just to, it's to have those, uh, products dedicated for personal, this platform dedicated for personal bricks added to that. And, uh, that's how we plan to, to grow the community, to grow the personal universe first. It's through this platform where we had things brick by brick again. And you can expect also a lot happening in our gaming, gaming ecosystem as a whole. Uh, because, uh, we have so much stuff that is already live that is just around the, uh,
or, uh, at all those steps. And that is just, uh, about to be, to be there between the next game, between the Natuken and so on. And those ecosystem things, again, uh, will be stuff that will be, um, that will be a beneficial and interesting for personal
and others, whether you play the games or not, uh, because you will have benefits, ties, and so on in this ecosystem.
Oh my gosh. Spike, man.
Sorry, it took four hours. You need to stop me, man.
No, no, no. I just, I'm like, all right. I think sometimes I suffer from just, um, I guess it's just trying to depict and decipher everything from what I'm hearing, like an on, on an audio perspective versus like people who create threads. I'm like, okay, this makes a lot of sense.
You know, um, so it's like, um, we covered pretty much what to look forward to, right? Um, and I don't want to pick all the alpha from you because I want to save, I want to save all that for future spaces.
Spike, is there, here's the thing, here's the thing, Spike, is I do, I do want to talk a little bit more on just clarifying what had happened yesterday because I realized many people in the audience down below, um, it's people who participated in the mints and they're just, they're just upset, right?
And I, and I hear for them, I want to, I want to utilize this space where we can kind of just clarify that just a little bit more, right? Um, and, and, and I guess one thing that spike, you know, again, full transparency, just me being, I want to be as biased as possible at the same time as I'm posting for you guys is I just feel like the communication when it came to, um, the optimize eight, like every, when everything was going down, right?
Um, what, what, what made you guys, I don't know if we were you guys busy during all those, um, the contract issues were going down because I guess I'm seeing a lot of like, where was the team, um, when all this was going down.
So I'm just wondering if you can clarify for the audience, um, why was there, I guess, zero communication when these things were going down?
Yeah, for sure. So a lot of stuff is happening during a mint. Um, I, I mean, we were there and up until like four in the morning. So I can tell you guys, uh, we were full here. Do you still hear me?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.