Pizza Ninjas ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿฅท

Recorded: Jan. 19, 2024 Duration: 1:29:13



What's the, you know, how many do we have that have a crown?
How many do we have that is a Kevin?
Or how many do we, how many frogs do we have?
What colors do we, like we wanted every single one
to essentially almost feel like it's a one of one?
And that process was painstaking.
But I think that, you know, the proof is in the pudding today.
You have a look at the collection and you scroll through it
and they are all so unique.
There's going to be something for everyone.
And, you know, you see some people selling some
that might be absolutely somebody else's jam.
So it's like, I think like that's the really cool thing.
People are going to be able to find a ninja that suits them
because every, you know, the whole team,
the council, your self-trevor leading it,
and Boozy's art, obviously, was taken to the nth degree.
And like you said, you know, you look at your one,
you would think, oh gee, that must be a top 10 rank,
but it's ranked, you know, 1,400 and something.
So it just shows, again, ranks not everything.
It is for some people and that's why it exists,
but there are traits for everyone.
There's colors for everyone.
You know, Boozy, and we sort of laughed like early on.
I'm like, man, nobody's choosing fawn
and fawn's one of the coolest colors.
You know, it's almost like the gold in the set.
And then all of a sudden,
some people started requesting fawn and were like,
wow, these are going to be rare
just because they like their color.
And the very fact that these people
could pick a color that they like,
or a head that they like, or a pair of glasses,
or, you know, flame obviously got super lucky.
But, you know, regardless of that,
everybody got something that they wanted.
And even if it was in the gen,
the gen looked like customs as well.
So I just think it was an insane effort all around.
And yeah, I'm super stoked and thank you for mine.
And yeah, it was just a pleasure to be a part of it.
Pleasure to be in the buildup, you know,
going on the banter space with Chris
and just like the whole thing's been very exciting.
And to see the speed, I was watching it, man.
And I'm like, this is like,
it just, it was, the speed was insane.
And I think that was just testament to the effort.
And the patience, like you could have launched this last year,
but to do it, wait until it's ready,
wait until it's perfect, wait until you're,
you know, it's ready for the world.
I think like that patience and that Bitcoin ethos of,
you know, having it properly built,
everything's been audited and checked, double checked.
And now let's put it out.
I think that's like the, yeah,
you know, that's evidence today on just like how,
how it's gone and how amazing they look now on the stage
and everybody who's got an injure
and putting it all over Twitter, make sure you do,
you know, it's a very exciting day.
I know like I was a part of it,
but I still feel like I was sort of a small part of it,
but I feel a bit like a proud parent today as well.
So hats off and yeah, again,
appreciate you for including me.
That was really well said,
particularly the part where you said Fawn is the most rare
and sexy and beautiful ninjas.
Like I really resonated with that.
Well, man, you picked it.
There you go.
Like you look at yours and you love podcasting
and putting content out.
You got your microphone, you know, you look at Belle.
She's like, she's definitely like the queen of NFTs
and you can see that and hers is female oriented.
Yeah, we haven't even touched on that.
I love our female PFPs.
Like I feel like that's one thing that a lot of collections
have lacked in the past is like really good female PFPs
and like, I really like ours.
You know, when you look at bruff,
absolutely it's so inclusive and it's just so diverse
and you look at bruff, like we haven't met in person yet,
but I had calls with him and that looks like it.
Look, he's got his beanie on, it's culled in Scotland.
He's got his Bitcoin glasses, which is like an homage
to what we saw them with like Bitcoin eyes
in his satoshable set.
Like everyone just is represented by their ninja today
and going on, it's just, it's super cool to say.
Yeah, and I can confirm the Monami head
is basically exactly replicated and shaped
around Eli's actual head as well,
which was a real good bonus,
little nugget of information.
And also on the color scheme and the traits as well,
just while you're talking about that made me realize,
you know, and with most PFP collections,
you do have various colors of a trait, right?
But you have to, that means the traits
just to get exponentially larger and larger
and you've got a thousand traits.
In the end, with all the color combinations,
there was around 850 traits.
We only inscribed 311 traits
because, you know, I think I come up with this idea,
but I come up with this idea basically
where we can actually dynamically color the SVGs
with code, with JavaScript.
So that means with one Monami body, basically,
you could basically just color it any color.
And that way we were able to save,
we were able to get the trait number down
from like 800 down to 311 traits,
which also was phenomenal.
And now I want to say a massive shout out to the artist
who basically sat with me through the whole of Christmas.
Like I've seen the artist more than I see my family
at Christmas, basically, for this.
And yeah, we went through,
basically he came out clutch and basically like,
work with me to make that a reality
because he was in control of the gen
and he basically was able to take those colors
and put them in HTML files,
which allowed us then to just like inscribe 311 traits.
So like phenomenal work all around.
And I think that was also one of my favorite aspects of it
is the fact that the kind of power of SVG
and the fact that they're dynamic,
you can color them, they're crisp,
they go to 15,000 pixels.
Like that was a huge eye opener for me
when I was building this
and we went through all the processes.
I think it's an absolute game changer
and a perfect showcase with Boosie's artwork
and it's kind of a, it's perfect for this kind of style.
Yeah, well said, Broth.
And like, you know, one of the reasons
for doing the dynamic colors
are the ability to essentially use precision
or use code in a precise way
to change the color of the Ninja specifically.
Another benefit of that is
when we wanna animate these ninjas
or we want to, you know, create a more,
you know, like guys, this is some alpha for you guys,
but like our next steps here is like the ninjas
are not done.
Like we wanna ship and upgrade these ninjas,
you know, ideally twice a year.
Like ideally twice a year, you know,
we may take a little bit longer than that,
but we wanna have a major banger new version,
you know, a couple more new versions
where we can just continue taking this to the next level.
Like this is really like all the things
that you guys see is just the,
like the minimum viable product.
You know, there's a lot of effort
into this minimum viable product,
but now we essentially have a toolkit.
We have a toolkit.
We've laid a foundation
to where we can continue to build on top of this.
And so you've seen the ability to resize your ninjas
and the ability to add these overlays to animate them.
And this is just like the appetizer
for what each of those three things can be
and where we can take in the future.
And we built a solid foundation
where we can upgrade these.
We can do so in a way that allows the holders to decide,
you know, which version of the ninjas that they want.
And we can, you know, now that like each is an SVG,
you know, each has a layer.
And like, you can see what Patrick did
with his really cool animation, you know,
that he just like dropped the code for everybody to use.
Like we wanna involve the community
in the creation in ways like that,
where they're gonna do things that we don't expect,
just like we brought on, you know, Eli Herff, Sasha,
and many other artists to the, you know,
Curator Council, who again are not, you know,
Eli Herff works at Gamma,
he doesn't work for Ninja Alerts.
Bell and Flame, you know,
work with me on the NFT Now Not Financial Advice Show,
but they don't work for Ninja Alerts.
And Sasha doesn't work for Ninja Alerts,
at least, yeah, maybe Sasha, you know, let me know.
Because you got those colors are just amazing.
So we got to talk after this.
But, you know, we brought a lot of community members
on board to, you know, just help with different parts
that they're specialized in.
And, you know, like we,
they were able to help us take this project
in directions that we couldn't have imagined
in terms of like the traits, the colors,
the community input.
And now, you know, like the fact that people
can make animations that they want,
the fact that they can basically give us feedback,
like, you know, community feedback,
feedback from, you know, people who are professionals
in this space is really gonna help us take this next level.
This is the first time we're even showing this
and we're getting any feedback on this.
And so we kept it really minimal,
trying to focus on the foundation
so that now all the feedback can come in
and the real ideas can come.
And we can build on top of this foundation
to make an even better V2.
And we can use this toolkit to build on it,
but we can also, you know, use this toolkit
for, you know, any type of interrelated projects
or, you know, creating an,
essentially like an ecosystem of IP, you know,
just like some of the greatest projects on Ethereum have done.
You know, I think that's a really smart thing to do.
A lot of pudgy penguins are doing, you know,
they're just have had an incredible tear over the past year
because they're creating an ecosystem IP.
And I think that we've essentially built the toolkit
so we can continue to do that and expand from here.
So that's a little bit of alpha for you guys.
Jake, go ahead.
Bro, I just got to give you guys
as your flowers continuously,
because this is such an amazing experience to see.
I mean, from the,
overall I'm pretty neutral on NFTs.
I'm kind of like Ken, like I hate all art,
don't really care about this stuff,
but, you know, let me get like a quick re-ex
and paper hand it and I'm good.
But from the dojo on, it was like,
oh, this is a different thing.
Like it's way more hands-on.
There's like a storytelling element, very personal.
So it was dope to see.
And as I was watching the mint out happened
for like the first wave,
I was like, damn, this is going absolutely nuts.
So I had to hop in the car,
which, you know, it's snowing and icy
across like half of America right now.
So I hopped in the suby, you know, drove safe,
but at a good pace,
had to go pick up a six pack of Blue Moon and a DiGiorno.
DiGiorno's still cooking.
We're not enjoying that just yet,
but yeah, had to get the pizza going.
And it's just, the experience has been crazy.
It's also striking me that, you know,
you're killing it in the Ordinal space with this launch,
but you also are still, you know,
doing the investor thing.
So like, you know, if people don't know,
you're my boss at Bitcoin Frontier Fund.
Our latest cohort just launched today.
We got a good cohort of amazing startups
building across Ordinals and beyond.
So it's pretty crazy as I'm like looking at the PFPs,
and we're gonna be looking at how you can change Ninjas now
that are like influenced by you and your team,
but also portfolio companies, you know,
Nick, Dylan, Jack, et cetera.
So being able to impact, who said that?
Ordle's bot, man.
I forget about the bot.
Bruf for sure.
You know, I do work for Adele and Ordinal Spot,
I'm not like a Nintendo let's go,
Like I have a company.
Yes, yes, 100%, let me not fade you.
But it's just crazy to be able to execute at a high caliber
in two totally different domains
and do fantastic at company picking and investing
and push the bleeding edge of ordinals with this launch.
Yeah, it's pretty mind blowing.
So I don't know how the fuck you're not AI,
but props to you guys.
So great job.
Thanks so much, Jake.
Belle, what's going on?
I'm so excited for today.
It's been so long watching you guys work on this
this idea to even start talking about it to now, today.
Amazing, amazing surprise
of getting such an awesome palindrome.
Thank you for that.
Like seriously was not anticipating
or expecting or any of that.
So, you know, over the moon on that.
I wanted to talk a little bit
about the female characteristics on it
because I do think Chris always talks about how cool they are.
And, you know, as a woman in the space,
it's a topic that we females, you know, live.
Those of us that are here every day
live, eat, breathe this enough
to where it's not really a subject that we talk about
because it's more like it's a subject that we live, right?
It just is what it is.
And when, over the years, of course,
we've had the pleasure of seeing more women join Web3
and it's been amazing.
So the conversation today isn't the same conversation
that we would have had two years ago
that said to see a collection
that is as organic as the piece of ninjas
and as organic as the community within Ord Noses
to see a collection give a nod to the women in the space
with such amazing representation is special
because, you know, I've been here since the genesis
of the NFTs and Ord Noses, et cetera,
and I've been able to witness them.
And I have to say, truly, there is no other collection
that represents us as well as this one does
with taking the small little things into consideration.
So I hope I'm not overgeneralizing the whole thing
and I hope that women aren't gonna DM me
and say you're absolutely wrong.
But, you know, from an insider as well as an outsider,
outside looking into all the other collections,
that's how it feels and that's how it's seen
from people who, when I switched my PFP
and I started rocking the queen that I have now,
I sure did get a lot of DMs asking what it was
and how adorable it was and how cute it was
and how different it was and how cool it was
from a lot of different people.
So that's something that I don't think
we talk about often enough.
It's not even necessary to talk about often enough,
but it is noted and it's appreciated
and it goes so far and so much further
than any other collection has.
The other thing that I wanted to talk about
was technology, like I'll leave the technology
for all of the devs and all of the other super,
you know, smarter, much smarter people than I am
on that side of it, which is a lot.
It's like so many different levels to the thought process
and the level of technology that is here in this collection.
But a super cool thing that I don't think
a lot of people have researched or read upon it
is that if you know what it is,
like I was reading the website and it's really cool.
I was reading the website and I was talking about
how the design of it was made for it to be a PFP on X.
So that if you are like right now that we're on spaces,
the positioning of the PFP is set in a way
to where you put up your emoji,
like your hand or your heart or whatever,
it's gonna do it on the right side of it above the face
so that it looks like, so that when another person
is looking at it or a host is looking at it
and you're requesting to speak,
or you're, you know, participating in it
or throwing up an emoji,
then it's a lot more recognizable
and they'll be able to remember you
and they'll be able to see you much more than other PFPs.
So I just thought that that thing is like so thoughtful
and it's, you know, it's the little things
that count in my opinion.
And to me, that just shows how ingrained the team is
and how much they understand
and they know our web three culture.
And you can see it in so many other things
within the collection
but that's just one of those tiny little extras
that if you come from web two
or if you come from a traditional, you know, organization
or a brand or any of that,
those are the little things that other people
would never be able to understand or know
or recognize or any of that.
So I just wanted to throw in that fun tidbit.
That's enough for me.
Congratulations to the entire team.
Oh, I actually onboarded a new,
I was gonna say a newborn, not a newborn.
I onboarded a newbie into the ecosystem today
had never purchased an ordinal before.
I have mine on pre-sale.
I was trying to buy another one.
Unfortunately, I wasn't quick enough
but we were able to buy another one on secondary.
So I got to see it from both sides of it.
I got to see it from the pre-sale onboarding
and then I also got to see it as a secondary person.
Entire thing was flawless.
And my friend who ended up getting it
could not be happier.
He has no freaking idea what it is
he has in his wallet right now.
But just by looking at the aesthetics
and kind of what I told him
and they see that I host pieces with Trevor, et cetera,
just with that information was more than enough
to jump in on secondary.
So I don't think he's alone on that.
And I think we continue to see that.
So congrats everybody.
Well, thank you so much.
I mean, Boozy just nailed the female ninjas.
I don't know, I'm obviously biased
but I also just think it's objectively true
that some of these female ninjas just slapped so hard.
There's such a good balance of femininity
and cuteness and cool, all mixed into one.
And it doesn't go too far in any one direction
but just has that very simple, nice touch
that I think is a good balance for this space.
And yeah, I just want to say one more thing
on these Pizza Palins.
The pre-sales, the Pizza Palins, these kind of things,
these, I appreciate the thanks,
but Boozy and I decided this
because we see what you're doing, Bell and Flame
and everybody pushing the space forward.
And it's actually honestly more of a selfish thing for us
because we think that we want you guys
to ride or die with us
and if you guys are out there rocking the PFP,
hosting spaces, doing great work
and all the people that we brought on again
don't even work for Ninja Alerts
but we're contributors to the project who do so
and aren't paid by us.
I mean, like the artist council, everybody did it,
just we gave them one free Ninja,
they did it for free to contribute.
And whenever I see that energy and that intention,
I want to double down on those people
because I know that if they're bought into this project,
it's going to be great for all the holders.
And so, again, like 60 out of the 91
and by the way, we chose one 91
because first of all, I don't know if you've seen that,
but we bought all of the pizza pounds
in the whole space of the past two weeks.
So I don't know if you've been in these marketplaces,
but we bought them all.
And the second thing is that,
like 91 is the year that the Turtles in Time,
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles launched.
And so we're a 90s nostalgia project, 1991,
that's when Turtles in Time launched.
Just felt like we had to do it that way
if we had to pick a number.
We're like 88 that people like love that,
that's a great number in Asia, of course,
75 it's a round number, but we're like,
no, we got to go with something specific for this project.
And so, the majority of those,
like 60 out of those 91 went to,
just broadly to all the spirits, all of the turtles,
majority of those were in the mint
so that everybody could get those and mint those.
And then we said, hey, for 30 of these,
let's take care of like the people
who are contributing to this project
in like a selfless way and driving forward
because that's what's going to benefit this community
and this product the most.
So you let her go ahead and then Flynn.
Yeah, and I think it may or may not have already been said,
but with like the diverse range of characters
that this set has,
just that it's tied cohesively together with the background,
you know that they belong together
because even if you look across the top row,
like you've got, well, actually,
I don't know if everyone's got the same top row,
maybe it varies depending on your phone
or where you're watching.
I've got you, Trevor, Boozy, Braf and myself
and all four of the characters of the PFPs
are all actually vastly different,
but you know that they belong together in a set,
obviously through color choice,
but because of that, the orange background,
it really ties it together.
So I think like, again,
it just shows how well thought out it was.
And I also laughed.
So Jake and Ken, who both aren't like,
you know, art guys are both rocking it as well.
So that's good to see,
but boys, if you want to like jump onto Gamma
and we can have a call and I'll take you through
and we'll look at some art
and we can have a look at our partner artists.
Boozy is one of our partner artists.
So Sasha, so is the artist
and so is Swayze, who were all on the council
and I can show you some art as well.
So we can, you know, I made a tweet yesterday.
I feel like I had like good premonition
for Jacob coming up and saying
that he's not a huge art person.
And we had a call two days ago
and we were saying that it's so interesting
to see how this space can bring
your kind of like speculative traders
or just like your people interested
in blockchain and cryptocurrency.
Or, you know, so Jake who works for you
at Frontier Fund and then like Ken,
who just loves a good three or four X of Flip,
which is totally fair enough.
Everybody likes making money,
but it brings people who might never
have really been interested or,
and I mean this,
to the arts and art and I don't wanna say culture.
I'm not saying you boys aren't cultured,
but you could certainly get more cultured, obviously.
Gotta teach you a bit more about art,
but like it brings the kind of degens
or the people who maybe like,
you know, got into the space
to just improve their bags of crypto
into the arts and it exposes them to art.
It's like a real side up into arts really, isn't it?
It exposes them to art and artists
and many different things
and then perhaps even leads them
to collecting so-called fine art away from PFP art
or just like more independent created art
in a really natural and sort of elegant way
because they end up on platforms like Gamma
and others where you get a nice, you know,
mix of both and you can find that and you can see,
and I think that that's really special as well
and then you get like boozy and boozy
and Ken, I'm not actually like having a go.
I'm saying it's funny how it fits
into the conversation Flame and I were having.
Like boozy who can create banging PFP set like this
but then also has been like a fine artist painter IRL
and has a bunch of his own, you know,
independent art away from the PFP thing too.
So just like it really like allows creators
to show off their range
but then exposes the collectors to that as well.
So I think like that's another beautiful thing
about this space and particularly this set
and to have the quality of a guy like boozy
and then, you know, Sasha and the artist
and Swayze who are incredible artists
all part of the council as well.
So it just kind of like shows
how it's woven together really nicely.
Yeah, I just gotta jump in for a sec
cause I feel personally attacked.
No, I mean, I-
You should, no, you shouldn't.
No, no, no, hold on.
I gotta jump in cause I'm being attacked
from you attacking me.
Cause let's go that narrative right now.
I am a art guy.
Jake was bullshitting when he said that.
I'm just not into trash art.
That's what I was saying.
I'm not into trash art.
I'm into real art.
Just have to stop.
That's all that I-
I rescind the fact that I used your name in that comment.
I didn't realize Jake was pulling your leg there, my man.
All right, well that was directed purely at you, Jake.
So I'm purely at you.
Ken has an incredibly unrealistic bar for art
to where nothing passes it.
He just won't admit it.
But, no, it is funny.
Yeah, Jake, wait till you see the video though
that about at the top
and then you'll understand Ken more, but go ahead.
Okay, okay, okay.
But yeah, no, it is fun.
Cause like I have, you know, I have many gamma prints.
Like what you guys doing there is awesome.
I have some Alexander.BTC art hanging in my house,
some dial art hanging in my house.
So like, I like artists, I guess I'll say it that way.
Like the art kind of moves me.
I guess it's very picky and choosy,
but I really like the community aspect
of what you guys do.
Just like hosting a space and vibing
and everyone's just chilling, having a good time.
So like being in the spaces with like boozy
and like the counterfeit crew and all that,
like that's super dope.
But yeah, at the same time, like I do more culture.
So put me on game.
Yo, Nick, dude, thanks for joining us, Nick.
Yeah, I'm gonna let you go next
cause I want to rug this space right away
because you know, this has been such a great night.
I want to pin to the top the video
cause I just dropped it here
and I want you guys to go watch it.
I want you guys to have a great night,
go out there and you know,
scroll through those ninjas, play around with them,
play some SNES games.
Of course, that you have legal backup copies of guys.
Remember if the, if anyone in here
is a police officer listening, okay.
Remember that I said that.
And so, so guys, make sure you sign up
to the holder telegram group, I pinned to the top.
I'm about to switch that over to the next pin.
Nick, you're going to go, let me go
and then I'll rug this space.
So Nick, go ahead.
Yeah, no, I just, I just had to come up
and say a major, major kudos to, to you guys,
everybody involved.
This was just so, so great to see everything
and all the money for that.
No, I'm just kidding.
But it's, it's, it's really like a,
I think what's so beautiful is like,
for the longest time I've had this,
this thought in the back of my mind.
I'm like, you can do so much with recursion.
You can do so much with on-chain libraries.
You can do like all of these things that you can do.
It's actually chatting with an artist earlier,
a very notable artist.
And he was saying, you know,
one of the big criticisms on ETH is that
a lot of the dependencies are actually off-chain,
even if the art is on-chain.
And so, you know, being able to like refer to all of that,
all on-chain, it's amazing why is no one using this
in a more like interesting, creative way.
And you guys have made like a full on-chain application
with a beautiful artwork, you know,
PFP in the front of it.
Absolutely just like commendable.
And I am super pleased because
I don't know how this happened,
but I somehow in the non-guaranteed allow list
ended up with, in my opinion,
the greatest grail in the entire collection.
Beautiful, everything is matching,
gray on gray with an uncommon
little diamond above the head.
It is absolutely flawless.
I have to say, and this is where I'll leave it
because I know you're trying to rug the space.
I very much feel strongly that as a founder
who wants to like be connected with his users,
I think it's important to have, you know,
my face or something close to it as my PFP,
but I got to say I'm getting tempted.
So at least for now,
I put a little peeking out eyes as my banner.
I'm debating whether I turn that into a PFP,
but I don't know, I'm half teasing, I'm half not,
but it is such a grail that I'm thinking about it.
So great work guys, great work Boozy in the art,
great work everyone that was involved in the launch
and can't wait to see what's next.
All right, I'll make this quick
because I know we want to rug the space.
Nick, obviously that was incredibly well said.
Eli, what you said, I couldn't agree more.
That was a very great conversation.
And just to touch upon that a little more,
one of the things that's super special about this project
is that not only, you know,
our projects like this bringing DJs into art
and making them think more about art and stuff like that,
but we're learning so much more about Bitcoin
because of ordinals and because of projects like this
that are so intentional.
You know, this is exactly what should be happening
with the advent of ordinals
and all this progression and evolution.
You know, what's going on with quantum cats,
what's going on with Taput Wizards,
what's going on with ninjas.
We're all learning more about this financial instrument
that we all constantly celebrate,
but we all, you know,
not enough of us know enough about it.
And it's making us respect the people
how to put in the work more.
It's making us want to know what we want from it more
and how to be a part of that, you know, how to contribute.
That's a huge, huge, huge thing.
You know, it's not just about cool and cute
and mimetic PFPs.
And that's one of the things that really makes me proud
to own one of these, you know?
And of course I'm screwed now
because it's on a pizza palindrome.
There's no way I can sell it, you know,
and it's the rarest one.
Like I'm stuck with this thing forever
and I'm very happy to have that.
Take a loan out on liquidity, you know what I'm saying?
There you go.
There you go.
But then one other thing,
as far as the IP, you know, you look at these,
I think there's a great,
I think it's great that you brought up Pudgy Penguins,
you know, like,
I don't like to make comparisons to other projects,
but one of the things I love about Pudgy Penguins
from an IP standpoint is how desirable they are
to have physical components, right?
Like the plushies, the vinyl figures, all that stuff,
that makes sense.
Like when you look at those,
it's like they scream like make merchandise out of me,
Well, I can, in my opinion,
I think the same can be said for the ninjas.
I mean, not only are they inclusive
in terms of male characters, female characters,
but there's such a diverse range of characters.
Maybe you're walking a fine line with the turtles, right?
Like maybe you need to get some permission for those,
but like, there's so many of these
that have such an original quality to them
that really speaks to like,
how cool would it be to have a vinyl version
of your ninja, right?
Or like a plushie of your ninja.
These are, you know, they're badass,
but they're also like really accessible
to a giant age range, really.
I mean, kids could get into these, you know,
like even the menacing ones,
even the badass ones with like a laser eyes,
they're not something to be afraid of, you know,
they're just cool.
Last thing I'll say,
as far as, you know,
giving props to and acknowledging women,
you know, the reason I got this one of one,
or I mean, the reason I have the rarest ninja,
you know, Boozy really liked the video that I made,
and I think that probably helped us
have a really cool conversation
about how to make this thing look the way
I really wanted it to look,
but my wife, bless her heart,
she's the one that had to shoot this video
of me dressed up in a Ninja Turtle costume,
having a romantic dinner,
and then getting into a hot, like a spa tub,
and romancing a giant slice of pepperoni pizza.
So it really is all about the ladies, folks.
Don't ever forget to give them their due,
because they're really the ones behind the scenes
making all this cool stuff happen.
Absolutely, Flame.
That's a great note to end on,
and I just do when I'm an anecdote there,
the turtles are not teenage, they're not mutant,
and they're not, yeah, they're not.
So guys, hey, I love all you guys in the community, guys.
This has been a great day.
Boozy, Bruffstar, Eli Herve, Jacob, Sajah, Nick, Ken,
Patrick, Flame, everybody came up here tonight.
Thank you guys so much.
Please look at the tweet I have pinned at the top,
click on it, go watch the video,
and have a great weekend, guys.
Go look at the ninjas, go play around with them,
and more to come, guys.