Planet Mojo: A Fireside Chat

Recorded: Feb. 16, 2024 Duration: 1:04:49



Love I love the elevator music
No, I'm just kidding
I'll I could take it from here. I just loaded some songs into the soundboard
You dad you can go on you can go on you it'll turn it off
Not gonna lie this remixes fire though
Maybe I'll just play mine and then we'll see how they mesh up. Let's see what happens
Couldn't do it
W's only you know, I've been
Top of the world the globe is
If you know, you know I've been on
Okay, let's get it
I got I don't ever bother with a critic
My bad fell asleep at the gas no time to wait though gee la musk
I'm trying to bankroll new Tesla just cuz I say so electric whip like Ivan van go
I just did it W's only you know, I've been
Top of the world the globe is
Spin if you know, you know I've been on
Totally spice on my baby. She felt but she totally night
They said that I couldn't do it so I went
Welcome to the stage
Soundboard and someone got a little bit mixed up. All right. Welcome to the stage everyone. This is this is a planet mojo fire side
This is awesome to see I just noticed a nice little icon up on top. That's new for me
That's that's I did not say didn't notice that before but you guys haven't already. Let's go ahead and repost the space
Comment maybe some questions you might want to hear we're gonna be talking here with Mikey
There there's multiple Mikeys up here, but I'm just gonna say Mikey and then we're just gonna you know
Go off but but it's we got beautiful Mikey mojo up here and I we have Mikey current as well
And we have someone
mojo account as well and so
But if you guys haven't already let's go ahead and repost again comment any questions
You might want to ask we're gonna get into a little bit, but Mikey. How are you doing today? My man?
Which which one are you talking to I honestly this at this stage, I don't even know I'm just like you guys
figure it out
I'm gonna change my name. So there's only one I let Mikey be Mikey
This is Mike. I
It's yeah doing great
Honestly pretty pretty tired just got back from Vegas this week for the from the dice conference. So that's
That's you know pretty fun and got in late last night drove home in a snowstorm ready to go
Drove home in a snowstorm
Dedicated you'll love to see it. You don't have to see it
Real quick because I see Mikey up here as a speaker as well
But I don't know if he's actually here or if you got rubbed on the spaces. Are you seeing the same thing?
Oh, yeah, we Mikey can request again. We can get him back up
cool cool easy enough, but
We have some questions that we're gonna get through today
We do have Ted here, too. He's on the planet mojo
What's the name again?
Hey, I heard I heard ten I was like ten. Oh, that's an interesting name, but Ted Ted my man. Welcome
How are you doing today?
Great. I was uh, I was at dice conference as well with Mike. It was awesome
You know just trying to catch up on sleep now
You had a shorter plane right on
very true
The whole but you know Mike I'm starting to feel like this no storm was was a lot bigger battle than we think right now
Hey for anyone who is on the East Coast remembers when the snowstorm came and
Everyone had got snowed in on the highway and had to leave their car behind and just run home
That was a wild time. I don't remember what year it was. I just know is at some point in the last three years
Mikey the other Mikey Mikey K. Oh Mike. That's how we do it Mikey K
Versus Mike or what's this call you Mikey? You recall Mikey K. That sound good. I feel like that's a good
That's a good dip for you a shader
Mikey K. How are you doing today? My man, dude? I am awesome
I didn't have any coffee today, but I have had some some energy powder. So I am on top of things
I'm feeling good. How are you?
I'm feeling great. It's at the mute button for me to stop working
So don't be no one be scared if you see me off you I'm gonna use my soundboard to mute myself
like this and then I'm gonna bring it back up when I need to talk so I just just just letting you guys know in
advance, but
Yeah, but I have had two cups of coffee. So I'm feeling pretty energized today
I'm gonna work out almost right after this spaces cuz it's Friday. It's a beautiful Friday. You got a lot going on
We had a lot happen this week and what better way to end it than with the nice little fireside chat with you all
Talk about planet mojo and get through everything as well
And I do want to let you guys know one more time just further everyone is listening
If you want a question asked while we're going through our questions
I want you to put in the comments and tag me and I will do my very best to get to it and ask it
for you guys and so
Let's go ahead and put it in the commas anything you already know or think of go ahead and put in there and I'll again
I'll do my best to sort through it as we go along, but let's get into this
Really simple question nice and easy
You know, we'll start we'll start this one with you Mike and then everyone else can add on to it as we go
Oh, he got rubbed on my end. So let's see if he's back now
Mike are you back? Yeah
The joys of getting votes in spaces am I right but
Mike I was saying we're gonna we're gonna start this off
We're gonna kick started off super simple question and then Ted and Mikey can add on to it
However, they're like what is planet mojo? What is planet mojo? Let's start there. I had some personal for you
But we'll save it for the end
What is planet mojo
great question
Something we've been building now for a few years and we like to say
Planet mojo is an ecosystem of interoperable
cross platform games built by our company, which is mystic moose and
Players, you know, we empower our players through this using web 3 where they can own these
Customized teams and characters and use them across these
Unfolding games and for of course our first game is mojo melee that's been out now people been playing it
It's our our spin on a strategy
PvP auto chess battlers players compete and one-on-one or eight-player matches
we just had a big tournament very recently and
Yeah, we're we're on the cusp of unveiling some some new cool things new games and and more
Ted, I don't know if you want to chime in on that
Anymore and now it was it was perfect. Well done. I
Love it. Ted said Mike you're doing you're doing great
No, I was that I and I I also played the game a little bit
I'm not gonna lie you guys kept me up a little bit later than then I should have been up
You know for someone who's who's trying to go to bed on time at night. I was like, oh, let me let me check this out
Let me see what it is, you know, man, it was just it was too good to stop playing
So I have fun, you know
It's one of these things where I think it's really as a simple as that if you can achieve the tasks of having fun
Then then that is a good that that's a good solid criteria to have to give people an incentive to be able to play
I also admit that I'm much more of a casual gamer
So the less work that I have to do to get into the game and play for a bit
The more likely I am to play a little bit more. So that's how I'll just tease more and say I think you're really gonna be
Happy with what we release next
It's gonna be very accessible. But even with mojo melee, you know, I don't know if you've played other auto chess battlers
That was one of our goal with it was to make it less intimidating
if you know, you weren't a hardcore player playing TFT or some of these other games and
just have an easier path to get into it and more of a chance to
Sort of rank up and play and progress and sort of ease into the more competitive higher ranked players
So definitely part of our you know vision with this was to sort of bring it to a wider audience. I
Love it. I love it
And so I want to take this to the next next question here that I have you guys and I mean obviously we see we have
We have three team members here. So and we did talk about this just a little bit
I think last time but I want to do a little quick professor. Who's the team behind Planet Mojo, you know
Like you're I know you I know you Mike. I know you have a fantastic background
I would love for the audience to also hear about that as well
because I think you know, it's it's
It just feels like it's a list that goes on and on and it's just impressive achievement after another
So why don't we go ahead and start with you and then maybe we can go around to Mikey?
Yeah, and we'll take it from there sure and I'll definitely highlight some of the other people not here because we are
Very much a team everyone, you know hitting well above their their weight, you know
getting to be able to get all we've accomplished done which is an incredible amount and you know, the team in general is mainly comprised of
People have been in the games industry a long time. I started my career at LucasArts
I worked there for you know, most of the 90s ancient history and others worked at electronic arts and
Activision and
Yeah, I you know, I was really lucky to work at get in at LucasArts kind of in a
Very early state of the game industry, you know and just saw incredible
Technology changed there, you know from floppy disk to CD-ROM to the yeah the internet
I know and
Just seeing games and the art and everything evolve in 3d
I really sort of set the you know, the modern games industry as a template and
Yeah, lots some of our other team
I worked with back at LucasArts like Ralph Gert who's went on to work at a number of companies in the industry and
Jim Rice who worked at EA lead character modeler on
sports games and college football and Madden and all kinds of other cool things and just
Incredibly talented individual we have Richard who is our animator
technical rigor and so much more and
Yeah, our engineers are incredible. We've been working with our lead engineers. I have for
Honestly over a decade, which is one of the reasons we were able to sort of
Get things up and running, you know, so efficiently at first
Yeah, I don't know Ted Mikey you guys want to
Yeah, for sure
So I'll be quick, but I've been in gaming for almost 15 years now a lot of it web to a lot of
more mid to hardcore games
Been a DNA
NC soft most recently and yeah, so it was
definitely something I wanted to do when when venturing into the web 3 is to focus on games that are
That are in my realm and definitely had a chance to do that with mojo melee and our upcoming game. So super stoked
Hey everybody, Mikey Kieran, I have nowhere near the pedigree that anybody else up here has
I've been a game player for a very long time
I was in eSports for a while and I have been a content creator for eight years
I started working in the space with a company called tilt games. They're a small company, but they basically help publish
indie games and and some commercial ones like
Life is strange. For example, they helped with that in some areas
So I started getting into the space of that and then I started working
You know with other companies and web 3 companies and web 2 companies and now I'm here
You know working on community with mojo and and you know kicking butt doing my thing
So you're kicking community members, but is that is that what I heard? No
You are you listen to me
I'm totally I'm totally just messed it up. Totally just I know I know I got you
It's true, it's true Sansa, what's your discord ID I may have to make a ban I'm joking joking I
Don't blame you man. I don't blame you. No, I
Look like you guys having a sense of history and and credentials the background clearly behind a team
There there's no denying that so but I what I kind of want to you know, circle around and say
Why why web 3 why I cuz and I know and I'll and I'll paraphrase it with a little bit more context in the sense
of what occurs in my brain when I ask this question is because
For me when I when I think of web 3 in general, I I see an ecosystem. That's prime for community building
Prime for community growth. It's it's the best ecosystem community growth wise. There's there's no denying that right?
If you started an account with zero followers
following nobody you can join a web 3 project and
Immediately get an audience in some way shape and form right so that that much is undeniable
You can get an audience that way and so many other different ways
But for the most part from step zero to whatever that that works
Except you I mean step one, but I'm really more so I
See it as not really most optimal for business growth. What but there is room there, but when people choose web 3
Usually they think immediately business growth and whatnot, right?
Some people know that the community growth is there. So I'll circle back here say why do you why did you pick web 3 period?
What was the reasoning behind it whether it was you or someone on the team or a collective a collective decision
What are your thoughts there Mike?
Sure. Well, yeah, it's probably all my fault. So I'll answer first at least I
mean, I guess in context just to understand me a little I
Kind of always gravitate towards bleeding edge and new tech words, you know
I've found some other people kind of run away from it
Men men or try to ignore it. I met many of those people at dice, right? It's just but three what's that?
I don't you know, but I've always gravitated towards it. It's honestly, you know sort of guided me my whole career
It's how I got ahead at Lucas initially and started the visual effects department
it's how we got into augmented reality very early with my last company and
You know had apples game of the day and worked with a lot of other big companies in the space and doing stuff
there and you know when we're doing our VR game for Sam and Max was just started hearing about what web 3 was and
Certainly took a little bit to get my head around still doing that, of course, but to me
Definitely represented a paradigm shift like in gaming and just cuz something is small or new
Or you don't understand it. Those are the things that take over the industry, you know
And it can take a blink of an eye can take months and I think you know
We're seeing that start to happen. But when you know when I first got into this pace, I think I wrote an article on medium
It's probably still out there just about you know, how I saw it and like you were saying
Community, you know that is one aspect to it because we've seen community develop over the last decade in games
I think we're talking about this on one of our other spaces where you know
there's always been community in gaming but it used to be phone calls and hint books and then it
Turned into forums and really just as technologies evolved. It's gotten
Better and better and web 3 just takes that to the next level
So but to me that's one slice of the pie, right? It's great for community. It's great for people in the community
It's great for us as developers. Like you said that we can get a community initially
But the space the other side to this is it's it's democratization of gaming right for developers and for players and
Independence, you know right now we're seeing this and web 2
fundraising is
Incredibly difficult VC fundraising and the climate etc
And then on the other side of the coin, you know, what are we seeing in web 3 going on, right? Like just
Not only just traditional fundraising but multiple
Token launches happening massive fundraising events massive company valuation
So there's quite the that dichotomy is playing out at least currently
you know in black and white and it's giving companies the independence really to chart their future and
You know really figure out how we bring web 3 gaming to the masses and do it in a more, you know
Powerful position. So yeah exciting times
How do you and this is more of a follow-up question here before we you know, take it over to the next question here
How do you perceive web 3?
Whether you want to comment on it specifically web 3 gaming or just web 3 as a whole
How do you how do you perceive it involving over say the next few years? Maybe even let's just say
Five ten-year run like how do you do you because I feel like a lot of people think that you know
It'll happen overnight and it very well could but my opinion is really more so that it's gonna take it's gonna take a while
And I and I think that's that's with any. Yeah, but what are you what are your thoughts here?
No, I mean things rarely happen overnight change is usually slow more powerful change
If we look back even when free-to-play started right like that wasn't overnight that took a couple years
Right till like clash of clans came out and sort of these new
patterns established and sort of it took several years really then for it to become a science and
UA and kind of all that stuff. So I see a lot of parallels
From from that to this and you know, I think it's really it's one. It's about just making the whole
onboarding flow the UX everything just simple
Someone showed me today. It was actually a friend of yours. That's what I was gonna tell you Lloyd
From town. He showed me a put you. Oh, yeah
He showed me a post from someone, you know, just sort of talking about this with like a graphic of a wallet
You know connect wallet and the word wallet was crossed off, you know, just things like that. Just that simple just like cuz
You know web to people make it as visible as possible
Right, and I think that's part of it right better games
Of course, which we're seeing happening just real games come out and as the games become popular
The value of owning those assets will become apparent right and then you'll see a mental shift take place because
People want to get in on you know when they see something going good
They want to get in on it
I think and so it's gonna take like sort of I don't know the like current reference whatever a power world
Moment and that it could happen
I you know, we think it's gonna happen on mobile where all of a sudden then people are gonna realize wow
If I'm playing this massive game, I wanna I should own these assets, right?
And I think from there it just starts to that's the tip of the iceberg for people to them to learn more and go
Deeper and understand the value of owning the assets
Man, I love that. I I that might have been the
Five hundred and fifty seven time I've heard power world reference this month with good reason which
Very good reason I need to play it. I need to play I've been slacking on that. I'm not gonna lie to you
But man, that's I like how you bought up bought a plaster clans
Cuz that was I remember that being a really big moment as well
Just and I was just a norming right and relatively speaking just someone who hadn't really been playing mobile games
And that's what kind of got me in that whole concept was strategy and battling and earning the all that
So I really like I of course got sucked into the you know
The in-game transaction trap as well just like most people would so I on that note
In terms of you know, how the concept of classroom clans came up
I want to kind of segue these two back to planet mojo here. What inspired you guys?
What exactly did planet mojo come from like we're what inspired it in the first place. I'll start there
Think when we were you know, first of all when we decided to get into the space and we wanted to create a new original IP
you know when if you really look back at the history of games and
When new platforms emerge that is sort of this unique opportunity
Where original IP can be born because usually soon after that a few rides to the top and then
Licenses come in and it gets more difficult and you know coming
some of us from Lucas arts sort of story and lore and characters were of course beat into us, you know at a young age and
So we've been doing that for years in different games and when we have chances to do our own things
there's there's often
elements of
Things that we've done in mojo in it and particularly, you know, we made a game some of us
Years ago with a bunch of the guys I worked at at Lucas art called insecticide
I think part one is still on steam. It's a whole sorted story
I won't go down that rabbit. Oh, but it was on DS too, but that also had a lot of sort of
Nature verse technology themes in it, right and I'm very much, you know
Years ago working at Lucas. Honestly, I kind of learned going up to Skywalker rants
I like the balance of like if you're sitting behind your computer all day
Take a break sort of be in a more rural natural setting and that's where I chose to
Live my life really and so really surrounded by nature and just sit thinking about if we wanted to sort of create this new
World and this is all the time of meta verses and yeah, we're gonna be living our life in these meta verses
But wanted to have something that still
Resonated with the real world and sort of what we're all going through is sort of this, you know
Transition of like living with technology, but still living in the natural world, right?
If everyone's gonna have the Apple vision pros on in the future God help us
Then I was literally going to ask you what you're cuz I was gonna go on a quick side tangent be like
Well, what are your thoughts on the Apple vision proud cuz I feel like there's such
Mentionment around it and there I even see some people that have bought it that are now realizing that it didn't really increase the productivity
That they hoped it did but what are your personal thoughts on it? You know my
I mean we could do an entire hour space on this and then some and my friends in that space. I mean I made a
Specific decision several years ago because I saw what was gonna happen
and it didn't matter what the technology was just
Understanding how long it was going to take to develop
The limitations of AR on mobile devices first and foremost for games
right, that was sort of the first tipping point for me because you know
And you can go ask Niantic because for whatever reason they seem hell-bent on these types of games
But it's really hard right just to make it simple to hold up your phone
For a long time right in front of you
And then when you do you're just getting this tiny snapshot of the world and then you know moving over to the headsets
it's like
There is just you know
I used to joke all the time years ago that yeah, what's gonna happen right up like these people
What is the UX, you know in terms of like, you know using your hands and so you have people out and on the subway like
Wrapping people by mistake when they're checking their email. Okay, excuse me
It's just you know or talking to themselves right, you know, like until there is some brain implants
You know with Elon or whatever. Yeah, it's just
it's kind of a
Problem looking for a solution right and when Ted this is the thing it's gonna have some interesting use cases
So I don't want to completely poo-poo it but from the standpoint and this really came from companies
practically, right this is their legacy quote-unquote where
They think this device or the people who work there was going to replace our phones
Right, and if I look at it sort of through that lens
That's not happening anytime soon. It's going to take years
And I mean it doesn't mean it's not going to happen. It could take five years ten years, but do you do my I
Have a good talk forever. No, no. No, I actually have one more question and I promise guys
We're not gonna be on this tangent that much longer
I I just I just really want to get curious because I'm sure some of us remember Google Glass, right?
But I don't know that ever became like an official product or was sustained in beta
What do you do you think that that's why Google Glass failed before it could really ever secede? I mean
It's such an earlier version of the technology, you know
Like that was really just a heads-up display and and there are people chasing that too
Like Facebook and sort of more just very slick glasses that sort of tell you weather and directions and things like that
but what Apple you know is going for with as they call it spatial computing where you're mapping the room and
Really a full vision of augmented reality
You know the issue is
Like there is just not a great use case and what I was gonna say is is for that technology leap to happen
You know for us to move why we move to phones in the first place, right?
It it can't be twice as good. It can't be five times as good. It has to be like a hundred times better and
when that happens, then you'll see a shift and
Use cases emerge whether it's desktop gaming
You know, what have you Mikey has some thoughts go for it. I
Have a billion thoughts, but I'm only gonna say two of them. So the first thing is just a funny sidebar
I will die on the hill that I invented Google goggles before anybody else did because I did a project in like
Fifth grade shop class where I came up with glasses that would display information and connect wirelessly to your computer
Just saying
Exactly. Well, I was like 12
So additionally a lot of times
I just wanted to add in here because we're talking a lot about like the Apple Pro and the Google glasses and stuff a lot
Of times these really big corporate Giants IBM did this a lot, too
They'll design these products to actually fail in a way because the idea is to push the technology forward. It's not to
Lead the pack and be the first because the first might not end up being the best
It's to push everybody forward so they can see where the direction is going and then they can make a better product
So with these like Apple the Apple Pro vision that came out
For example, we're actually probably going to see it not do particularly great
But everybody else is going to follow suit and then Apple will release their their V2
And then the V2 will be like that much better that much lighter and same thing with Google goggles
Now we've got the Ray-Ban glasses and some other options. So I just wanted to add those two pieces
No, I love it. I love it. And I am
I'm someone who thought about it, but then I ended up hesitating pulling a trigger on it
But because I'm one of these people I've about it just by the next generation when they refined him a little bit more
Mostly because you know, I can just see myself working my office with it on my wife's just coming down like what are you doing?
right now, I'm like I'm working can't you see, you know, it just looks a little silly but
Visual like eyes looking at her like can't you see I'm working
You can come on now you can slice your onions with it. I've heard I mean there's a last thing on this
I'll move on is that if you haven't heard of this guy his name's Carl guttag k a r l he is
There is no one else but him. Okay, and
He breaks down all these headsets. He started looking at apple vision pro and
I would just read what he has to say google him
Yeah, and um to bring this back a little bit, you know
I because you know speaking on the on the subject of things progressing involving in next generation as we go
I want to bring this back to you know to the web 3 gaming ecosystem a little bit and just kind of
frame the question a little bit more as
As we see the web 3 gaming ecosystem grow right we're seeing it grow
it may not be as talked about in general, but
Just like ordinals, right ordinals had a had a big boom
And then people stopped hearing about it because people started getting to work. They were excited about it
They were so excited. They started working on it
Obviously the hype is not as there but make no mistake the teams are still there
So that's what i'm seeing happening in terms of the gaming meta as well
But it was not even really a meta, right? It's it's more people's
Buckling in. Um, so as we see them grow what strategy would you guys feel?
That you would bring first to the table to kind of uh, make sure that I mean again
I know we kind of already have talked about it
But now I want to kind of like hit the point directly on so
What what kind of strategy would you bring first to the table in in the sense of making sure they're playing at miljo?
Isn't kind of being grouped in with some other
Again, there's a lot of games coming out now. There's a lot of projects announcing stuff
There's some older projects who are announcing it which you know, obviously everyone would have their opinions there
But it's still adding more to the mix
And so how how would you how would you guys look at it in the way of like how are you taking keeping yourself out?
Of being grouped in with all them. Well, first of all, we're bringing all our games apple vision pro
No, i'm just kidding. Ted. Ted. Do you want to you want to chime in? Oh my god
That would have been an amazing plot twist based off the discussion. We just
Uh, that's incredible
Yeah, I mean absolutely I think um
you know one of
the most important points of
um of mojo melee specifically is that we actually have
You know a high quality playable game. Um, we're not just hype machine around here
We're we really have a game that we're super proud of um that our community really enjoys
and we've seen
A ton of success already with it. Um, and that's just our first game. We like
Mike was alluding to earlier. It's just the beginning of
The the number of games that we have and and we're only getting better from here
So that's first and foremost what I wanted to chime in with was just we have our our high quality playable game
We're focusing on on bringing it to the masses as much as possible
Um, and yeah, I think we've done a great job so far
I love it. And I'm sorry, uh, mike mike. Did you want to go and add on to that? Or are you good?
I was just gonna say like, you know, and I think with our community
Community is like a relationship, right?
You have to build trust and you have to maintain that trust and that's something we've really tried to foster
And you know, we always are listening if we
Do something that the community doesn't like which has happened. We will listen we'll get feedback
We'll make changes and you know
It's just I think that's been a theme throughout this whole call and mikey course knows because he's in there every single day
It's just something we you know
Are really always engaging with and like you can't develop in a silo you want to develop your vision?
Yeah of ultimately and that's what's so amazing about web 3 right compared to all that stuff. We were talking about it's here
It's right now. It's happening, right and it's exciting and
Like that dialogue of just being able to talk one on one with people is incredible
Like, you know
You try to get I try to respond to people directly if they if they want
To get that in web 2 and have founders respond to people directly. It's
It's hard, you know people have tried so I think that's one of the amazing things about this space
I I agree. I agree and I and that's really well said
I'm going to start looking through the questions in about five minutes
In the comment session just for anyone who's because I do see some questions coming through my notice
So don't worry
I will I will try to make sure I short through them as long as it's not you know
Kind of repeatable to what we've already discussed
So if you feel like you got ignored and your question still didn't get answered
Feel free to tag me again again in the next five minutes
I'll make sure to to bump it up on the list
But we still got a few more questions and then last like five ten minutes will be about you know
I want to directly talk about that. We may not have touched on. I mean, obviously, you know, they're thoughts on applevision pro
so but um
Are there any current activations between you guys and the community right now and if not or even if so?
Are there any any uh near ones anyone's in the near future? Sorry about that?
Who's taking it
Ted mikey ted i'm i'm happy to I love talking about this. Yeah, absolutely
well, I mean
Just recently we had our second angel mojo bowl tournament, which was a huge success
It's it was even better than the first one as as it should be
We had tons of players playing from all over the world competing for a 10k prize pool and tons of other
Prizes, um, so that was awesome plan on doing that every year if we can
and I would say
Our our biggest announcement is our free easement that's coming up
Um, I don't know if mike wanted to be the one to talk about that
But I i'm certainly excited and in our community is going a little crazy right now
Um, not just our existing community, but we've grown a ton since we announced it too
So there's definitely a ton of engagement out there and a lot of hype around
Around mints these days, but also this mint in particular because it's it's definitely going to be huge
Yeah, I think you know in terms of the mojo bowl, you know a that was great
But it also as we've talked about in the community
We actually use this new tournament technology, which uh, it's the same one
Some big games use like stumble guys people know that game on mobile
And so this is going to allow us to have really
varied in-game tournaments events on a regular basis
We had a pretty you know first time we did it some kinks we're going to work out but like the potential now
All very you know feasible for us to be running all different styles of tournaments. So that's exciting
and yeah, like in terms of the mint and we connected the tournament to this like definitely
a huge chunk is really available of the whitelist spots to our community in
Various forms right like for players who are really good at the game
But also just people who help in the community and creators like we have a discord point system
We're about to be giving away lots of stuff for that as we sort of turn that into a more seasonal
Reset like the game and giving people
Constant prizes and things to win and
Yeah, this means we're going to be revealing a lot about it. Um soon
I think we revealed the partner today, right? Is that tweet out?
Can I say that?
Yeah, I think yep, yep, okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So we we reveal that we are part. Yes. There we go
Yeah, I I just I just actually pinned it up on top on the jumbotron you can tell how busy I've been since I got back
But I knew I knew what was coming out today
So yes, we have we're doing this mint with magic eden
We're going to be one of the first games using their new platform. So we're super stoked about this. We've worked with them before
Um, you know as if you've read about what they're doing their mint to earn concept. It's all
Insanely exciting and for us, you know
I think what we're as we start to reveal a little bit more about what it's about
Over the next couple weeks and utility and things like that. I think it's going to get even more exciting
Yes, speaking of activations, I also want to kind of uh, if you guys don't mind I want to bring some attention here
For the chance at mojo list. I know I we have plenty of questions
We have plenty of questions in the comment session regarding that i'm looking at i'm looking at the comment here
Uh from from planet mojo account i've also pinned it up on top for on the jumbotron if anyone wants to take a look
Completing sesame's labs quest for a chance at mojo list real quick. If you guys want to do a quick, uh, maybe tldr
Uh sesame lab quest and then maybe for anyone that's not
Um in the complete no for it
Can um, you know ted maybe you want to explain it mikey mike whichever one of you guys
I I think that's something that the audience would love to know
If someone's talking you're on mute just just up on that
Well, i'll talk with no one else's gun. No, but i'm probably not an yeah
Not not all at once
Yeah, yeah, no, it's a it's a questing platform that we're using. Um, it's gotten great engagement so far
I think it's gonna run
Another little bit here and you know through doing the quests social quests, etc. I think we're giving out. Um
Yeah, 25 whitelist spots and another 25 raffled away even if you don't win
So there's a really good chance of getting whitelist spots through through it
very simple to use
Amazing. Obviously. I always say simple
Less is more I feel like a lot of people like to make things as complicated as possible
For people to you know, have a really hard time with and they end up almost getting discouraged through the more simple it is
The better so thank you mikey for explaining that. Um
So again for anyone who who's wondering where to go for that?
Everything's pinned up on top including the announcement itself from magic eating with huge. Congratulations. That is no joke right there
Um, and then a little explanation of meant to earn and what does it mean in case anyone's not in the know on that
And then obviously, uh a direct post to completing the sesame lab quest for a chance of mojo list
Which all you gotta do is click through there. It couldn't be easier and set up for you guys on there
Uh, if anyone happens to be listening to this on a replay the jumbletron does not always show up
when you play the replay, so
Apologies for that. Not really much I could do but I can tell you go to the plane mojo project account and scroll through
And you'll find it pretty easily just got to be a little patient
Um, but yeah, so I I just wanted to bring that up because again
That is an activation on its own and so I want to bring this back a little bit to
In this space we talk a lot about community building, right?
Which is why I think in general community growth here. That's why because we we all focus on community building so often
Do you guys you know kind of have like a little bit of a plan for community building?
I mean outside of activations, obviously you got the mojo bowl, right? Which is this is great
But besides that what else do you guys foresee as a unique approach towards community building that the team is going to be taking?
Could at least start with this one, um in the mic if you want to follow up
Um, so I just kind of want to talk a little bit about like what we've done and what what we typically do
And then you know, if there's anything new, um, somebody can add to it
But just I mean our biggest thing is that we're a lot more grounded than a lot of the communities that i've seen
Um, if we want to talk specifically in web 3 and not other just general communities
I can talk on that where you know, we go into like x infinity
Or or uh big time or other projects like that
they feel
Disconnected in a way. Um, i'm sure that they're not i'm sure that they're listening
I'll give them the the benefit there, but when when you come into our project
We actually are there we're talking mike himself who is the ceo of this entire company comes in and talks all the time
Um constantly, you know being there being around and making sure that he's seen sometimes, you know, telling me in the background like hey
I've got this going on, you know, I I just talk to them
Can you make sure that they get some, you know mojo points or whatever and and so
I think that that's a big part of just general community building and beyond that we do these tournaments
We do all sorts of things. We do fun things, you know, it's gotten kind of crazy lately
But we're gonna probably start going back into um monthly tournaments that we were doing
They're for much smaller prizes than than the major ones, of course
But that's a big thing that people like, you know, we try to think in terms of what what can we give the community?
That's not, you know, just like the the um, the immediate the immediate gratification
But things that they can do all the time and I think that we do a pretty good job with that in general
So uh mike if you want to take it from there
Yeah, and I think like going forward with some of the stuff we're going to be revealing
And we're already seeing you as ted said with with this mint just bringing in more people into the community and that's gonna
Sort of filter through the different types of games and experience
So, you know up to now you might have seen mojo
You might like the art the characters, but like you keep getting your butt kicked and mojo melee or it's not your kind of game
Well, we want to really expand that and have different options that are interconnected and have that ecosystem
You know where you can play one and get value in the other win a costume bring it over here
See that look play with your friends
so that's
A lot of exciting things we're going to announce I think in the next few weeks that are going to continue to really
Grow the community and but like mikey said we like I think
One of the things about our community is they there's a lot of people there who are really interested in the game
Who are playing it, you know?
It's not just everyone is win token kind of thing, but you know, we have that too and that's fine
You know and you know, I think as we're starting to unveil things and this easement, you know, I think it's
Generating a lot of excitement
but at the same time like I think the different thing about our project right is that
A lot of people come out and these big mens and any token launches after and there's no games
There's not going to be games for years, right?
And we've already shipped the game and once we start showing more things, I think we've really
Deristed from that sense and this is about really a new chapter for us
I love that and um
You know who who would have thought you should make the game first before you make the announcement, right?
You know, you know, you don't just say hey, we're going to launch a token
You're you're crazy people
I how dare you have the audacity to have common sense
Uh, but no, you know in all seriousness. I so what I want to do here because we have 10 minutes left
And just like we promised we will be looking at the common session
Um, i'm going to start with some pretty easy ones that I think are pretty simple
I'll be yes and no or pretty straightforward answers. Uh, let's start with um, I mean, this is literally
You know is the mint date and collection size decided yet. Let's start there
They are decided they are not announced
Got it. Oh
A little bit of a tease there you guys thought you were going to get those details. Okay. Um, next one
Are you gonna build in vr or perhaps since our discussion a little bit earlier?
Are you gonna build you have any you guys have in the future? Obviously, uh, br ar plans there. What are your thoughts?
I'm thrilled they announced that not that I want to keep talking about it
But because just because I felt like I you know was kind of shitting all over it. I mean
The short answer is like, you know, and if people go back look at happy giants
Some of the things that we did we built some really
Groundbreaking stuff and believe me that's all still in our toolbox
um, and if you look
If you even go back to the beginning of mojo and look at we we did do some ar stuff
If people were here from the beginning if anyone remembers, uh
some of the um, oh god people investigating plant aliens, yes, that that site is still alive and uh,
Mojo's can open portals and cross the different worlds. So um
They could be visiting earth again
Awesome and on that note because this this is a question that popped up
um as of today, do you guys have any long-term plans in terms of perhaps onboarding projects into the ecosystem or
Kind of what are your thoughts there?
Yeah, I mean absolutely long term
After we develop a few we've always planned to have an sdk to let people develop their own experiences
We've released our champions as glb's which really gives people a lot of
potential of things that they can create with them as well, which we
Definitely encourage and then of course we've built this mojo maker our on-chain avatar system, which we definitely
Plan which has been so crazed
but we definitely look forward to like doing crazy cool collabs with that where we can have costumes and looks and skins from other
Projects and have those traveling to other games and projects as well. So yeah, totally
Mojo racing needs to happen. I love it. I love it. And so
I wanted to ask this one from ara who is uh, who else asked this? Um
We have lots of games in web 3 and i'm reading this verbatim by the way
We have lots of games in web 3 most get played before they're mint only and nothing afterwards, right relatively speaking
Um, I want to ask what plan does the team have to keep people attached to the game post mint?
That that's the question from ara
It's a great question
I think like again
like we've sort of had this great test run here where we've been doing it and putting out new seasons and finding that rhythm of
New content and how to keep the game fresh and like the biggest thing really we have upcoming after
You know this mint and some other things will be revealed is of course the the full mobile global launch of this game
And we have big plans around that and you know
People have been testing it on android and some if you're in a few countries ios, but so it's out there
We've been getting feedback and you know
Really this game if you play it on the desktop like you can sense it has the vibe of a mobile game
And we really built it for that pace
The speed of it the speed of the matches the free-to-play aspect battle pass
So that we're really excited to bring it to mobile and sort of then bring in this huge new audience around it
You know, I think that is one big thing at least with mojo melee to answer that question to sustain it
And then of course just with those other games and experiences as well to keep it fresh
I love it. I love it. Uh, so mikey when 100k
Token airdrop i'm just kidding that don't answer that that was a joke. Uh
Mikey is asterisk
You like that
Oh my gosh, that's a good one. That's good one
Um, but I will wrap it up with one more question wrap it up one more real question
Don't worry. That won't be the wrap-up question and then from there we'll start doing closer remarks. Um
because we're we're I want to we have an outro music as well, but
in a nutshell
How would you guys like to see web3 gaming develop in 2024?
You know in a nutshell, like what are your thoughts when you see the rest of 2024?
And how does web3 gaming fit in that in terms of its development?
I can go first if you'd like. Um
I mean, I think we're already seeing it play out, right? Like we're we've been waiting so long for more high quality games to come out
and I think like
As we see that start to happen
And people start to play these games you're going to start to see people understanding, you know, like we talked about earlier
The value in them and you know leading to higher adoption really for these games and you know, I think
You know, we're also going to see great
this bull run continue on the web3 side and help that kind of
Bring the web3 aspects to bolster the companies and give value to the early kind of adopters of the products
And really help take this whole space
To the next level right if like if we're really honest, right like
The sort of first part of this playbook we've seen this play out many times
Successfully right in the web3 space but in sort of the next chapter of this there's really nobody
There's nobody who's done it yet, right who's taken like a web3 game to the masses and and actually doesn't count
I'm, sorry
I mean, I love actually the kind of slam but like really to people who are playing it purely for the game and balance and not
Alienating their web3 audience, right? So that I think is the next chapter that we're going to see play out
I love it. Well said well said. Um
Mikey uh, ted just I want to give you guys a chance to answer that if you have anything to add or maybe perhaps a slightly
different variation of your thoughts
Yeah, so, um, I I like that that mike specifically brought up axi infinity because I personally played it
I've been dealing with web3 for a while. Um, just as like personal investment and stuff, uh, but
I played axi infinity for the game. I didn't play for
The investment initially, you know, eventually I bought some
But I I always played it because I liked it. I liked the card game. You know what I mean?
So it's it's that's like the magic
Trick I think in in, you know, if you're gonna make web3 project you have to make it fun. It can't just all be about
Um, you know the the the potential, uh money reward but at the same time though
I think that to really get it into the mainstream in a way that we want because we want everybody to
Be a part of this in their own way, you know
We don't want them all to feel like they have to spend
Um a ton of money to to to play their favorite game, you know
It was a big thing with axi infinity is I had to you know
I started with the cheapest things possible and that was still like a few hundred us from my from my account
That was a lot of money to play
You know, so when you look at it in in that perspective
I just want to see
I want to see it become more available and I think that mojo is doing a great job with it
Because when when I looked at this I I when things started going
Uh really far with web3. I was thinking like man, it's gonna be like counter-strike with those boxes
You know people won't have to spend a whole lot of money if they want to collect them
They can they'll get boxes by playing the game
And they can open them the keys and then they might get a collectible that they can keep forever
You know that might that we might see a mainstream
Um a connection where you could see mojo and counter-strike like that would be so cool
You know, and and that's where I would love for us to go
I know that's a long ways away, but I would love to see the next bridge between you know
Uh, the two communities the web3 and the web2
Um, i'd love to see uh, a few more bridges be gapped between those two
Love that love that. I I love I do love so like how um
Because for me actually infinity was one of those things where I tried to get started
And it was just way too much money for me as a normie as well
Um, which is why I remember that feeling and for me personally when I see x infinity now
I'm like it's much more appealing for me to give it a shot because of how much more cheaper it is
So I don't know. It's just so funny how everyone has a different, you know, uh perception of it, uh, but
Uh kett I want to throw this over to you. I saw you come up here. That's my bad, man
Yeah, absolutely. I mean just to kind of go on to past 2024. I think
You know, i'm not i'm not worried about web3 at all. Um, it's it's going to become mainstream at some point
It's just it's when as opposed to if and really it comes down to
Major companies coming into the space and just offering it. Um, but also a new generation
of gamers and and people coming into the space and
They won't know anything else other than owning their own assets. They'll look back at us and be like
You wait, you guys didn't own
The the characters you bought for hundreds of dollars and for the hundreds of hours you spent in a game
like they'll think that's crazy because
You know that's all they'll ever know and so it'll become kind of a second sense for them and and we're getting there
Um, so I think 2024 and beyond is just billing to that
Um, and I can't wait for it
I couldn't agree more. I couldn't agree more. Um, and I I think this is this is where
It's going to get exciting for the rest of the year
So for anyone that's listening, please if you haven't already get planning mojo follow give give mikey mojo follow
give my current follow
um, but you need to differ between the two just call mikey mojo mike and mikey curren just mikey, you know, uh
Mikey mojo has been very kind on that
I really do appreciate you guys taking the time out of today. I do know that we went just a tiny bit over
So I appreciate uh, you guys taking a little bit of extra time to talk here answer some of these community questions
I know I probably didn't get a chance to ask all of you
But some of you kind of had the same question
So I just tried my best to make sure I picked the ones that you know kind of hit the point there. So
Um, but planning mojo, we'll be back next
Thursday, I believe the 22nd
Uh at 4 p.m
I I will be in nft powers
But we will have another host here to carry the stage before we come back the following thursday as well
Uh, hey mike. I want to throw this over to you. What you got?
Uh, have fun in paris. That's awesome
Thank you
Thank you
Yeah, uh, thanks everyone for coming. Um
Follow us on twitter follow the mojo mele if you can't follow my personal. I need more followers help me out and um
And uh, yeah, really exciting things coming up really excited to unveil
Show off we show we don't tell that's what we do here
and um, yeah, really excited to sort of let people see and
And interact with some of the things we're going to be unveiling soon. So
Keep keep watching
I love it. I love it. So turn on your notifications for the project account if you haven't already
Um again, I mean even the magic eat an announcement today very bullish on that personally
Um because again, you don't you don't want to fade that so
Congrats on that once again guys
And again, have a beautiful friday and I hope the audience that you guys have been listening
You could have gone to any spaces today on a friday night and you chose to come to this one
And we appreciate every single one of you for listening
Uh bookmark the space if you want to be able to listen back because this is one of these things that you're going to want to
Listen back on especially as the week goes on. So make sure you pay attention. Make sure you don't fade it
We'll see you back here next thursday y'all outro
Thanks, everybody
So tall I could give a high five to the pilot
Yeah family tight. I keep small circle like island
Whoa, them box full of contracts. I sign with the stylist
Blue faces blowing up like violet talk about it
Things are gonna say when they see me and when they see me they just dab me up and say good to me me
I keep it going flowing over this and make it look easy for me to say I do this every day
The week amiga to be the one they talk about when all said and done with it
I'm the feature that they want but then they don't want to come with it
I'm a c still a c fill a blow up the numbers and I even know crime so you know what i'm done with it
I'm a new school vibe with the oh so oh so grace. They pay by the boat though
Don't go chasing away from a robo
Have a great day everyone