Who joined the August Polkadot community call?
CES, Web 3 Go, Eventus, Super Colony, Oak Network, Engine, Affinity, and Sub Wallet.
What will council member Raoul be speaking about?
The latest governance motions and referenda that were passed in the last month.
What networks will Raoul cover in his update?
He will cover both Kusama and Polkadot networks.
What types of proposals will Raoul divide his update into?
He will divide his update into governance proposals and treasury proposals for both Kusama and Polkadot networks.
What is Referendum 216?
It's a Kusama r&t upgrade to version 9260 that improves origins, referendum, and conviction.
What is the purpose of the August Polkadot community call?
It's to provide updates and information about various projects and initiatives within the Polkadot ecosystem.
Who will be speaking on behalf of the Sub Wallet during the community call?
It's not specified in the text who will be speaking on behalf of the Sub Wallet.
How many speakers or projects will be featured in the community call?
There will be multiple speakers or projects featured in the community call.
Is the upcoming parachain part of the August Polkadot community call?
Yes, the upcoming parachain will be featured in the community call.
Who is hosting the August Polkadot community call?
It's not specified in the text who is hosting the August Polkadot community call.