Polkadot Community Call – November 2022 (1/2)

Recorded: Nov. 23, 2022 Duration: 0:52:18



Hello everyone just give us another minute or two to get all the speakers added and then we will begin.
All right, everyone, welcome to the November community call. All of our speakers are almost all of our speakers. Excuse me have joined us. We have a loaded
I just heard that no one can hear me. Is there anyone? We can hear you. Oh, you can hear me. Okay. Okay, wonderful. Great. So we have a packed agenda for us here today. To kick us off, we will have Raul and
eith substrate cross chain asset bridge. We will have equilibrium joining us here today to talk about their closed beta and what's next for equilibrium. We have origin trail on the call of S today to talk about their project magnify. We have two
to talk about light clients and the future of trustless bridging. So definitely you see a pattern here with light clients and bridging today. We have Ambassador Zoe joining us here today to talk about the Polkadot events bounty and how you can use it and we have
Bifrost and Moonbeam joining us together to talk about their XEM integration and the derivatives they're launching on Moonbeam. So or actually on Moonbeam and Bifrost, excuse me. So without further ado since we have such a JMPAC agenda, let's kick it off
with Raul. I also want to remind everyone here in the lower right hand corner since the agenda will be packed today. There won't be time at the end probably to take questions. So if you have questions while the speakers are speaking, do hit this box or purple circles.
thing on the lower right hand corner and put your questions there and I will be checking as speakers are talking and make sure to ask your questions before they leave the stage so to speak. So without further ado, let's hand it over to Raoul. Hi everyone. I hope you can hear me okay.
Yes, yes, we can. Yes, because I was having some issues. I'm sorry. So good day to everyone. I hope you're having a good day. I'm here to give you the latest changes on proposals on both Kusama and bulk it out network.
I will start by Kusama, then move to Polkadot and I will divide each network on governance proposals and treasury proposals. So let's start with Kusama first. On Kusama we have quite the month because referendum 244,
was already executed, upgraded the network runtime to version 932.0. This upgrade included open governance, which is the new model for governance that we're experimenting
with on Kusama before moving on to Polkadot. There are still some adjustments to be done, especially on some of the parameters for each of the tracks that the community can now propose proposals on and vote simultaneously.

FAQ on Polkadot Community Call – November 2022 (1/2) | Twitter Space Recording

Who is kicking off the November community call?
Raul is kicking off the November community call.
What is the topic for Raul's talk?
Raul will be discussing the substrate cross chain asset bridge.
Who will be joining the call to discuss their closed beta?
Equilibrium will be joining the call to discuss their closed beta.
What is the name of the project that Origin Trail will be discussing?
Origin Trail will be discussing their project Magnify.
What is the common theme among the topics being discussed today?
The common theme among the topics being discussed is light clients and bridging.
Who will be discussing the future of trustless bridging?
Two will be discussing the future of trustless bridging.
What will ambassador Zoe be discussing?
Ambassador Zoe will be discussing the Polkadot Events Bounty and how it can be used.
What is the name of the integration that Bifrost and Moonbeam will be discussing?
Bifrost and Moonbeam will be discussing their XEM integration.
Will there be time to ask questions at the end?
There might not be time to ask questions at the end.
Where should listeners input their questions?
Listeners should input their questions in the purple circles on the lower right-hand corner.