Polygon Perspective

Recorded: May 29, 2023 Duration: 2:07:44



All right, everybody welcome welcome welcome good morning to everyone good evening good afternoon, whatever it is wherever you are
Thank you for everyone for coming out to the space
But before we get started if everyone could go on up to the very top part of the space
You will see the link to the spaces if you could hit that like and retweet button. It would be greatly
Appreciated and we could get some more people in here
We're gonna have sir super spaces come on up and give a little update for the kickoff
That is going to be happening for the voice of polygon a lot of cool stuff has been happening behind the scenes
So very excited for that. Let's get Rainy Reese up here to co-host. He's having some technical difficulties
I'm glad it's him and not me since I am hosting the space
But let's get him up here and we will get started. Let me get some speakers up here
If anybody would like to request to speak you guys are all more than welcome
We want to create an open environment where you feel comfortable speaking on spaces if this is your first space
Speaking come on up and we will definitely give you the mic, but let's check in with Reese. What's going on Reese?
How are you doing?
Hey smokey, how's your wouldn't let me and eat myself though. Did you hear my mic? No, just a little bit. You're all good, buddy
Yeah, it wouldn't I mean it does neither just how to you know, repeat that up. I know man
I really I really hope that you know, Elon gets this spaces stuff figured out
But you know one thing at a time, you know, he's he's doing all this this political stuff having having people announce their
You know, they're running for president within spaces and they're crashing. So hopefully that
You know presses the issue and he understands that there's a little bit more work that needs to be done to make spaces better and
Yeah, I hope he sees that I
Think I think actually that presidential announcement on Twitter spaces the other day
Showcase the Elon I think it crashed so they couldn't get it working for 15 minutes
There's like seven million people trying to join that space, which is absolutely crazy
and then I was listening on the all-in podcast David Sachs hosted them and it was like
900,000 in it at once and it was having connecting issues
Then Elon was like, right we need to get this product better
Because I mean that's gonna be the the way they're gonna be that's pretty
Pretty historic that a president announced on a Twitter space that he was running for president. That is not, you know normal whatsoever
So to see something like that's you know, extraordinary and then hopefully, you know brought it to Elon's attention straight away
Like okay
These Twitter spaces are not you know suitable right now
And I think they said that it was only like a beta product
It was only brought like the beat clubhouse, which it did and that's like it needs to be developed further. So
This could be the start of it. Hopefully we really do have nft summer with spaces like enhanced tanfold
Yeah, I mean those those those presidential announcements are almost as important as these polygon spaces, so
You know good good that they're they're getting those out there and uh, yeah
We need to be prepared, you know for polygon spaces when seven million people
Uh want to come into our space we're getting close. I think uh, we got a little more work to do but uh
Yeah, no, it would be nice. There's there's a lot of different things
I think that they they need to work on with this
It would it would really be nice if if it was just more immersive like honestly, it's it's such a great base
Right, you know because they came in
And originally twitter wanted to buy clubhouse, right like you're you're talking about clubhouse and and they they offered them a billion dollars
And uh clubhouse at the time was just popping, you know
I think you know back in the day clubhouse was the place to get all of the crypto alpha
Like during the defi boom like it was all clubhouse, right?
So clubhouse said no, so they're like, all right. Well, we'll just go make twitter spaces
But it'll be a terrible version of clubhouse
And here we are, you know doing the best we can with twitter spaces crashing, uh over and over and uh
But you know what I did I did have something cool happen the other day
my phone died
While I was in a twitter space
And uh, I was able to turn my phone back on and thankfully I had good co-hosts
That just kept the space going as if nothing happened
And I was able to come back into the space and just reconnect. So that was pretty cool
definitely are are some
You know improvements that they have been making but uh, yeah, definitely definitely need some more
I would like it to be a little more interactive
It'd be nice if it was like kind of like a video style where like people could comment and and do different things
You know, and then it would like slide up the screen, you know along with the emojis. That would be super awesome
It's just like right now. It's it's it's so basic, right? But go ahead reese
I think I was just gonna ask you you're talking with that clubhouse defi boom believe it or not
I never used clubhouse. That was pure like a covid thing. Wasn't it where it really like took off?
Unlike I was just not in clubhouse
I think I just immediately got interested in nft twitter true spaces
But I think that's where ferro built his audience on a lot of nft build their audience was on clubhouse
Yeah, I think so
Um, there's there's been a few people, uh that i've encountered that had built up massive audiences
On clubhouse. I think uh, there's this guy chris
Uh, there's this guy like moon roving or moon rover or something, you know
they they were big on clubhouse and when I first got on to
Uh crypto twitter they were doing like spaces and you know back in back. I mean a year and a half ago
There wasn't a whole lot going on with twitter spaces
Right, but uh, you know, they've really blasted off
Uh with crypto twitter and it's kind of just become our town hall and I think it's so important
For for for us to to be able to have these spaces and to have like this town hall type
You know medium where individuals can come in and it's like, you know
Speak about the the current events and happenings and issues going on. We can just have a dialogue about it, you know, rather than
Uh, you know just through text
Because it's a bit hard to to have dialogue, especially when when emotions are running high, you know
Just through text because uh, you know, it's kind of a you know
People just get so so in in in deep with their emotions that it's it's hard to be able to have your mind changed
Right, but go ahead reese
Yeah, I want to say like because gene is going to be a big month for space and polygon
Something I wanted to get into more and smokey want to get a wee bit into your mind
Some spaces are just like do not miss spaces
And for me, that's just one that's like professionally hosted
The host has control over the audience knows which way to direct the conversation knows how to produce a good show
One of my favorite I listen to every day wasn't on today because of memorial that was a nifty portal runs monday to friday
2 p.m. UK, which is 9 a.m. In new york, I think 6 a.m. California. So a bit early for you smoking butt
They host that and they are professional as ever they actually geo hosted through youtube and twitter
Now that's a that's a crazy setup
But like they have production unseen of which i've ever seen in twitter spaces, but smoky back to the question
Do you especially with the youth spaces with these spaces?
Do you approach this as let's just let this free flow and see what happens?
Or do you come into it with like a vague plan or a deep plan?
Like how do you go about your spaces and maybe some people in the audience take advice from that going into the voice of polygon
You know, it really depends right if there's some some big things that are happening, you know
I I will have topics or or if there's like current issues that are going on that like affect the space as a whole
I will I will get people's takes on it, you know, I will like bring it up as a topic
But usually I kind of just like to let it free flow. I think that it's it's kind of just important
Uh, you know just to to see how the space goes right and and I I really like the ability
To come into the space see who comes up and uh,
Like see how that like how to shape the space as it goes
Right and and for me like like I have experience
You know driving purposeful conversation from my my work, right? I run cognitive behavioral therapy groups
You know, i've done that for almost seven years
And uh, so, you know, i've got quite a bit of experience, you know
So i'm able to to kind of come into the space
And be able to generate a conversation
And then, you know not not have like a lot of dead space, right? I really don't like personally
i'm not super into
like kind of chill spaces
Uh, I mean I do like that right, but but when I first got into this space
Um, the reason why I started hosting spaces was because there wasn't enough for me
Intellectual conversation going on in spaces, right? There's like at the time it was like five percent, right?
I go to like these like late night spaces with like 30 people and it was really great
But then a lot of the other ones I just wasn't getting what I wanted. I wanted to talk about the issues
and uh things going on in web 3 and like how to push web 3 forward and I just wasn't really seeing that it was a
Lot of like drama and you know, whatever going on
So that's really why I started hosting spaces because I wanted to get more thought leaders being able to have conversations with each other
And just for myself being able to engage with others in the in in the space, but go ahead Reese
So smoky what would be like your number one tip towards both a project and a person
Coming into a space that they're not hosting
But they want to come in, you know and contribute towards the conversation and and just off the cuff
My one tip is raising hands is so essential like I see do and father have their hands up right now
I think that's so respectful to the host to get to them. I just like love when people do that
Yeah, absolutely. I mean, I think it's very very important to to be able to to manage the space
Uh, and and part of that right is through having number one a good co-host, right? You have to have a good co-host
Uh to be able to help out with the different things maybe maybe checking comments
Um, you know engaging in the conversation
Um, but for like projects coming up like to speak on spaces just in my experience
Number one don't just come up and hard shill your project I because you want to
engage with the overall conversation
That is going that is that is happening within the space, right?
You want to develop an emotional connection with the audience?
And the time to really like I mean obviously like if the host is like hey like what's going on with your project great, right?
Because the host is signaling like hey, it's a good time
Uh, you know for the flow of the space to speak about your project
But for for people that are just I mean unless you've been invited of course, right?
But for people that are just coming into a space for the first time
I see a lot of projects come in and then like hey, so this is what's going on with my project
But that's not really the time
Talk to the audience about your project, right?
Like the first thing that you should be focused on is developing an emotional connection with the audience, right?
And then it's a sales job and and the the time
To talk about your project or or for like from the audience perspective for them to want to learn about your project
Is if they've developed a strong enough emotional connection with you through seeing you in spaces
To where they just naturally gravitate
Your discord, right? That's that's where they they're gonna be like, oh, okay. Let me check through the announcements
Let me read their white paper
But sometimes you see projects come up and they're like, okay
So let me let me read my like three page white paper
On spaces and like, you know, you just you just lose the audience, right?
so I think that that is probably the most important thing and
You know just I think
Coming to a lot of spaces you'll figure out when is the right time
To talk about your project and when is not the right time it really takes like this this good flow. So
Yeah, absolutely, but we got super spaces up here. What do you think?
Oh smokey, I you know earlier I just heard a tip that was really nice which I immediately applied
If you want to support a host, uh, and you're on the stage on the speaker panel raise your hand
Even if you do it for the culture
that makes people
See that something is going on in this space when they come in and what you want to reduce is the bounce rate
So people that just quickly come in think, huh, this is not exciting and leave
And so that's for the hosting peeps and then in terms of projects
Man, I I honestly I give one piece of advice
People like to talk to people they love people
They don't love project accounts. Unfortunately, that's the reality
You can do some good promotion on a project account. Don't get me wrong. But if you really want to
Expand and do it fast and exponentially you have to leverage personal brands
And so I encourage all the leadership teams of projects to really invest in their personal brands and uh, and take it from there
I love that. Yeah, I mean it's so important, you know, I I uh
I've been talking with donnie
From brozo and he's he's pretty focused on on building his personal brand, which I think is great
Right and and that's the thing it's you know, you look at frank
Right. He's bigger. He's got a bigger account than than both utes and d gods, right?
And I think it is really important for founders to not only come up
With their project account
But then also their personal accounts and just engage in the space overall and you see a lot of project founders do that
So that's super super great
So yeah, very very great advice and uh, yeah
I mean, you know, I think that that's good like having people that come into the space
They're like, oh, okay, like this is pretty interesting. Look at all the people up there with their hands up
Uh, let me let me see what's going on here. But do what do you think what's going on?
Hi, well, I just want to come in and say hi before bed because it's midnight here
But yeah, we were talking about. Um
Uh, hi projects on polygon earlier with uh, one of my colleagues and uh
Father was on was under a radar too and we like to know what do you guys get the name from?
Like what's inspired the name?
Hey, hello guys, so it was a question for us, right?
Yeah, yeah
What's what's inspired father? What does it mean?
Yeah, that's a great question
So first of all, thank you guys for having us. I wanted to participate in the previous conversation about spaces
I raised my hand. No one asked me to speak. So unfortunately the conversation is over now, but but
But to talk about yeah the father name so
The beauty of the name is that first it it's close to to many cultures in arabic fada means space
uh, so our our whole theme is that there is a tribe of
Fadens who come from a planet that we named fada. So father is a planet
but also it means the universe in arabic that came to earth and
And we found along the way while building the the brand that father has many meanings in many different
Nigerians that mean father in in french some people use it to to say that someone is crazy in
In portuguese, it's about a fairy
And so it has many meanings but also to present the culture that we're trying to to bring in so the f
Of fada also stands for freedom the a for adaptability
the d for diligence and the last a for authenticity and all these all these elements are linked to the story that
That we tell to the the culture that we're trying to to bring and yeah, we think that the name embodies
You know the the picture we want to send to the world
Wow interesting
Yeah, I would love to learn more about you too stick out back to like space
Topic. I think I learned a lot about frat. He's he's a good cose and also smoky and rainy and
Obviously english is not my first language. And so
Whenever I host space i'm having kind of like a hard time
um talking professionally, but I believe that
Sometimes space should be natural and should flow into one topic into another
With bunch of like discussions and questions from audience and speakers
And and yeah, it should pretty be natural. We shouldn't force or we shouldn't we shouldn't be like
um focusing on specific thing but like rather rather just go around the room and like getting everyone's opinion and compare it
And yeah, just have normal conversation. I love that about space
Love it morph. Well, you do a great job. You are a wonderful speaker. I always love your takes
super super articulate and intelligent and
I've been seeing you morph in spaces since I first started out
I remember some of those late night spaces going on during the u-list process that was like man
What a crazy experience that was it was like it was like we were all like in this weird summer camp
Coming to spaces trying to get u-list
Uh, so yeah, that was a lot of fun
But yeah, I think it's super important to to kind of keep this free flow
And I I will say that there are there I kind of like to do two different versions of spaces when it's a little more focused
You know, I I will you know, maybe
Uh, you know keep it to like some of the individuals on stage, right that that have been invited, right?
You kind of like curate the space but then like for like my community space with the utes
Because it is a singular community what I try to do
Is everybody that comes up on the speaker panel. I just check in with them, right and it's it's this process of
Being able to strengthen the bonds within that individual community, right?
It's like it's for everybody to get to know who they are like who everybody is they follow each other
They develop relationships and I will say that like at these irl events like that utes community space
I think was super helpful because everybody already knew each other like going to these events
Like being able to like speak to each other in spaces
When when we met each other in public we're like, oh like oh, yeah, like we know each other like
Oh, yeah, like we talk all the time and in the utes community space, right? So I think that that's like super important
Uh to be able to to have a space
To to develop stronger connections and have shared experiences within individual communities, but for this right like obviously
This is uh, you know much more macro where it is like an entire blockchain
A community, right? So that's a little bit different because then you have multiple
Uh, you know communities coming together, which is even it's still important, right?
To be able to develop connections with the thought leaders in the space coming together and the project founders
Everybody that's trying to polygon better. I think it's super super important. So
We have yeah, oh, yeah, go ahead hoping to see you this break point amsterdam if you're going
I don't think i'll make it all the way out there
Um morph, but I will be going to more events, you know, I I think that they're super super important
I think the next big one might be art basil. I I don't want to miss out on oh the united state
I probably can't can't go but anywhere
Beside that I think I can
Because we have this like travel warning to united state for like a while now
Um, not sure what's going on, but like a couple countries in here have like travel warning
And and yeah, um, but there's also an event in singapore token 2049
I mean if you come into
Asia, I would love to connect because there's so many people that I love to connect to
And this is going to be like my first time meeting my
Web 3 friends excited for that
So many great minds to connect with and talk to in real life and form
Friendships and I think that's like the golden
Golden part of like being in the industry together. Yeah
Absolutely. I mean, uh, you know once I go full-time web 3, uh, I will I think the first
Thing that I will do is I want to go to japan with my friend crypt who's who's been my you know
We kind of got into this space together
Um, he's half japanese and he's got a lot of like history and like, you know
Family heritage that he wants to like go back to japan and check out and i've always wanted to go to japan
So I think that will be something maybe we could align it with a crypto event that is going on over there
and also like I just really like
the open-mindedness of japanese culture
Towards the metaverse, you know because it's like an anime and all these different things. I was talking about this with someone
about how you know japan
Is probably more open to web 3 and two-dimensional digital identities, you know
Then a lot of other cultures because it's it's been really ingrained
In anime since like the 80s, right like metaverses and and being able to like plug in has been something that has
Uh, you know the culture for a very very long time. So for them it's like it's not a huge step
You know once once things really start to kick off with with that type of thing
Um, so i'm very interested to to go over there and like get people's perspectives
On what they think about nfts and digital identities, but go ahead morph
yeah, so, you know what interesting is that um for
My own personal opinion on how I view computers and technologies and social media in general
people these days especially people our age are collecting digital collectibles or digital pictures and
I think by 2050 or like as you can see in like the decks or people getting access into
electronic device it has been going up since uh
I don't know since 2001
2002 like it has been going up
I think that people are prioritized in those life more and and obviously
We we were used to talk about oh, what's the next bull runs going to be for crypto and whatsoever?
Uh the other week with a bunch of my friends
And I think gaming and also like anything that has to do with meta wars and gaming
We are taught in general. I think it's it's going to bring more users, especially from um,
As we can like say it here web 2 web 3
I think it's going to be a portal to open up to those people to get to know more about
digital collectible when uh use it as their identity online or an access to in real life use cases and
Yeah, I thought it I just thought it's super interesting and and and lovely
Anything about digital stuff that you just mentioned it also has something to do with culture and that I think that's a good
opinion that's a good idea to just spread and like
Yeah, I I just love that you started talking about it. So
I love it. Yeah. I mean, I think um, we're only going to move further and further online
You know, I was actually watching a video and uh there this guy, you know, he's like, I don't know
I mean he was a boomer, uh, but you know
He was saying that uh, you know as a young person the more time that you spend inside
The worst that it is for you like your home should only be for sleep
Blah blah blah blah blah because you're not out networking and and being able to to figure out like how how to you know
You know further yourself in your career and and find individuals that that you can network with and and have financial opportunities
And you know, I I've found more
networking opportunities
From spending all my time online
Than I ever did going out and meeting people at a bar or whatever
You know place that i'm going to out out to hang out with because web 3 is
Web 3 is international, right? And that's the beauty of it
I'm able to meet people from all around the world and I don't even need to leave
uh my living room
Right, and I think that we're only going to move further and further online
And I think that you're right like the gaming is the next big step for this this massive onboarding event
and then you know
honestly, like I think the metaverse
Is something that we're going to see a lot of iterations of I think we're probably pretty far away
From having a very very immersive experience, but we will get there right like like we're we're in a version of the metaverse right now
with these two dimensional representations of ourselves being able to to speak to each other and uh have a dialogue about different ideas
Yeah, but really cool. Definitely want to go. Uh, you know australia japan, you know different different parts of europe and
Really meet all of these different individuals that I speak to on spaces on a daily basis
But I do want to get to faita. What is going on faita?
So yeah, just to add to your conversation
It's a really nice conversation. Uh, you know as to
you know the role of technology the role of ai the role of digital communication and
And it seems to me, you know, I'm I'm completely ignorant about this the specificities of the subject
but it seems to me from an external view is that
Countries in in asia like japan like china. They have a more peaceful relationship with innovation and with technology
They don't see them as competitors. Where are where are whereas us in the west?
Sometimes we have this fear that we are against the ai that it's either they will replace or they will kill everyone
We have this holly woodian
Terminator vision about ai and and I think that this is one of the
The the biggest barriers especially in europe in the u.s
There there is I think more excitement, but in europe people are extremely wary about about technology about ai
We have a lot of anti-progress movement
Uh that that that are on the rise
And when I look at the asian culture, we see that there is a more synchrony between
human beings and and technology
uh, and it is seen as something that
That's going to complete what's lacking, uh in humans rather than replace them or or you know, or
um or jail us into a
Weird metaverse where we were unable to to escape but you know at the same time, uh, the
Actually you talked about cbt
so i'm sure you're familiar with you know literature about neuroscience and brain and how it's important for for people to have a
a regulated dopamine system in their brain and the risk with the metaverse, uh is that
everything is heightened in the sense that it will
Our brain will get used to this level of excitation and then when we are in the real world
We will find it boring and this already has some impacts on relationship between people, for example, you know
We see less excitement, uh to go and meet new people to to find partners
And so yeah, so so there are both both way both perspectives are interesting
I'm super excited to to see how everything will develop. Uh, i'm a very curious person and i'm an optimist
So though I think we're gonna figure figure this out
Yeah, absolutely, you know, I think um
You know like something that I think about like with with like asian culture comparatively to like like western cultures is western cultures are
hyper individualistic
Where you know like on average like asian cultures are are much more community community oriented, right?
and it's it's more about like
What is this going to do that will be good for the entire community where like us in the west?
It's like me me me me me like what is this going to do for me?
Right, so it makes sense that that like asian cultures would with this this type of setup
Uh would it's just much more palatable, right?
They're like, oh, okay
Like yeah, this makes sense like being able to have like this this this like large community
Like online and everybody's like contributing and putting together, uh different things
So yeah, really excited to to just see as this develops and it's really cool to see all all of these different cultures
Uh, you know come together and and interact with each other. So
But uh, I do want to get on over to
Mint stars what's going on?
Hey, thanks so much for having us. I'm jessica. I'm the co-founder of mint stars
Um, we have our cto trevor here too. Um, and it was really cool to hear
The um talk about digital collectibles and the direction that's going
Um, because we have been really passionate about finding new use cases for nfts
Um, we're a nft subscription platform helping content creators keep more of their earnings protecting them from censorship
Um, and I would love to hear like what other people think is going to be the future direction
Of nfts as a technology
Um, because I think we kind of all agree at this point that you know, the pfp
projects and speculative investments was just the very beginning and
Now like that the space kind of cooled down. We're starting to see more projects that are kind of using the technology behind the scenes
Like ours is is one example, but I would love to hear you know
What you guys think is going to happen in the future and and our our thesis at mint stars is we think in the future
Lots of things on the internet are going to be nfts and the consumers using them aren't even going to know their nfts
so we're starting to move towards branding away from being an nft platform and more towards like we're a platform where
Fans can also make money from supporting creators and
Creators you make more money because your fans have an incentive to promote you because they also have a stake in the content
I mean, I love that. You know, I think uh, I think you're right, right? I think that we are going to move away
I mean honestly, I you know, there will always be a place for 5k 10k pfp collections
But I think we are like the the mass onboarding like we've seen it with reddit avatars, right?
There's eight and a half million wallets that have a reddit avatar and many of them didn't even know
Uh that they were using the blockchain and there's a lot there's a lot of stuff that's happening on polygon
Where it's this frictionless onboarding, right? And and they're they're digital collectibles
They're using the blockchain, but people don't even know that they're using the blockchain, right?
And I think that that like you don't need to know what the tech is to be able to benefit from using it, right?
So yeah, I mean really excited to to see what happens with that and I think
I think it's very important for any type of industry where there are all these middlemen
Uh for creators, right like that just get a cut and take away
From the creator themselves. I think it's really important to to continue moving in this direction
So that it can just empower the creators that want to come in the space and they don't necessarily want to get like 50
You know or however much taken off the top
Um, and and I I that I mean that's that was the original
Uh use case for nfts back in the day, right is for artists and for people
Uh to be able to have a platform
Um, and whether it be music or art, uh, so that they could make the money themselves
And then also, I mean I remember
Back in the day like a use case that I haven't seen
Uh, or maybe it happened, but it didn't catch on
Was that individuals that bought the nft art from people would all and would always get a percent of the resales
Right and I haven't seen that but I remember that that was like early days where
Um, you know people talked a lot about that. But what do you think mint stars?
Yeah, that's exactly right. Um, and and cutting out the middlemen and
Empower like enabling creators to keep more of their earnings be more in control of their content is exactly why we founded mint stars
Um, so we have built essentially like an alternative to only fans or patreon
But where we take much lower fees and creators have their own self-custodied wallets on the platform
So they can be in complete control of their funds
receive royalties when their content is shared because a big problem on these other platforms is that
Creators face a lot of piracy
Where people will screenshot all of their content and sell it on some other site
Um, but if the fans have a legitimate way to resell the content
Then they have an incentive to resell it in a way that creators can earn money from it
Um and and that idea that you mentioned about kind of the original purchasers also getting a cut of the royalties
That's something that we are thinking about introducing in the future that I think is a really good idea
Um, but maybe trevor can talk a little bit on on our team to how we're building this
Technically in a way that's a little bit different from the other nft projects that we've seen
Yeah, we'd love to hear about what you guys are doing
I know that you guys are going to be launching on polygon. Um, so let me bring. Yeah. Yeah, we already launched
Oh nice. Perfect. Okay, so trevor. What's what's going on? How are you doing?
Hey everyone. Um, i'm trevor. I'm the cto of um in stars. Yeah happy to talk anything tech related
Um to the project so i've been working on getting everything kind of built out feature by feature
And in particular because we want to really be onboarding both web 3 and more traditional web 2 users
um, we've done everything that we can to make the
Like web 3 onboarding experience very seamless. Um, so a couple things we do one is we use magic wallets. So
Um new users can join without realizing they're actually setting up a wallet. We don't have access to user wallets still
Um, but they don't have to download metamask, for example, they have their own wallet holding usdc and holding these, um nfts
Without really doing anything on their side. Um on top of that we've built
Um a system that allows internal trading of the nfts
within our own platform
Without needing any gas fees to be paid. So basically when you bring an nft outside of mint stars, right?
Then you're paying gas fees. You can trade it on any other platform. You can use it um composably with any uh any other
Smart contract that supports nft standards. Um, but as long as it's on the platform, um, it can be traded around completely
Gas-free, um, and it can be used on the platform and everything like that. So we have this export import process as well
Jessica anything else in particular that you wanted me to dive into?
Well, I think um, you know, that's really great. Trevor. Thank you. Um, I think one thing that
Is a little bit different from what other?
Kind of traditional nft projects have done is a lot of the nft projects that have existed so far. It's more like about
Before you actually buy it
we is because
In our like the kinds of creators that we're working with
Generally want their content to be paywalled
They don't want people to be able to access it before they have seen the content
And a lot of like mainstream consumers are not that interested in like collecting content for investment purposes
They're more just interested in like paying to view content
And so we've made the content, um only viewable if you actually own the nft
So the nft is almost kind of like an access code to be able to view the content on the platform
Um, and i'm not sure i've made one or two other projects doing something
Similar, but i'd be curious if other people have have seen similar kind of innovative new approaches
Um to how we think about nfts
I love it. Well, let's get on over to super space and see what they think about all this. What's going on fred?
What's going on? I love this conversation. I think it's very important, uh to move over the
Financially speculative assets and and the rep that nft's got with that in the mainstream
Especially I think rebranding to collectibles is is interesting and just repositioning it as a form of patronage
That you support your favorite creators you establish a closer bond through a token, right?
And i'm going to uh pin something up top. This was a research from andres in horovitz, which is
One of the top if not the top, um cryptocurrency investors
In in the world and so they did this comparison of legacy web2 media creator platforms like spotify on youtube
Well, i'm not sure if I should call them legacy. Maybe that's a bit arrogant
in the face of web3, but
What they found out tldr?
Is that even though the numbers are much much bigger, of course on these other platforms the per capita distribution?
To creator per web3 is
Is so much higher like it says here 175 000 per creator rez meta, you know, 10 cents spotify
633 per artist and it's just yeah the elimination of this this take rate
To someone who doesn't necessarily deserve it
Is the most important thing we have to all fight for and and that's why i'm so excited that i'm sharing a stage with all
Of you guys who really share this and and move this forward
I love that. I mean like the wonderful thing
You know about twitter
right in in crypto and nfts is that we have this platform of twitter to be able to to come in and have
conversations and build and build projects and do all these different things and then
Uh, you know, we're able to use nft technology to reward creators
Right, and we don't have that middleman of youtube
We don't have that middleman of facebook or whatever it is and and elon's very focused on being able to reward creators
I remember a tweet came out, you know about youtube where like youtube, you know gives 50 percent to the creators and uh,
Elon's like we can beat that
And like he's he's just crazy like he he doesn't care. He's gonna do it
You know what I mean like he sees something he's like, you know what we'll just do better than that
um and uh
Like he's really about like kind of like bringing the the power back to the people
You know, so like even if it hurts the bottom line, I don't think that he really cares
uh, I think he just like wants to make like the best user experience for like individuals and and uh,
People that are engaging in the twitter. So what that will mean and for
You know creators within web3, I think is is is going to be really great and and uh,
You know, it's it's it's going to be interesting to see how it plays out, but we got wubits up here
What do you think it's what's going on?
Hey guys, uh, albert. I'm um here in new york. I'm a founder of wubits
I was pretty interested in conversation about variety different topics, but um,
Uh, we also kind of focused on monetization. So for us it's um, it's not even just nfts. It's um
It's basically how about you know to?
Allow creators connect peer-to-peer. So we really thought about
You know today if you look at actually crypto space, I mean myself have been in crypto since 2017
What I noticed is just a lot of speculation
And I thought there must be just a better way to use crypto the way it was supposed to be like for for commerce
We decided kind of to say well
What not you know?
There's just a better way for content creators instead of doing this like fiat subscription models
To connect pretty much with anybody in the world, right? You can be transacting pretty much
Without any borders and blockchain is really that's what it's designed for so
uh, so we kind of launched the platform about I don't know a few months ago and we launched it natively on polygon and
Yeah, it's all about disintermediating, you know removing the middleman, but we do think there's a space for web2
I know there's a lot of web3 folks that think that you know the web2 and it's got to be all done in web3
we're thinking that
You know take the best of web2 combined with the best of web3 to deliver the best possible experience for for the creators because of this
I mean when we talk to creators, they're
Not so much in the philosophical battles of web2 versus web3
But more about how do I best connect with the my fans and how do I build relationships?
And how do I transact better and how do you know?
How do how do you make that experience more more efficient?
And that's kind of what we focus on so to me I look at technologies as tools
Uh and figure out how to make those how to take those kind of technologies and deliver the best possible experience
so that's how kind of our philosophy how we're looking at this but overall we think that the
Creators should be able to just connect with their fans directly and transact directly peer to peer and a lot of our focus
Is enabling this peer-to-peer connectivity?
I love that. I mean, I think it's so important, right?
And that's it's only going to happen if there is a culture of that right because people will go to the platform
They have access to but if there is this culture of having this peer to peer
You know interaction between the creator and their audience and it just becomes the norm like that's that's when we really start to see
A big change so really cool stuff
Wubits and min stars that you guys are doing to to facilitate that process
And you know, I I've seen, you know more and more platforms come out and I think it's just really important that that we really push that
Um, so really cool stuff wubits what what so you're empowering with social gpt. Do you want to talk a little bit more about that?
Yeah, so we're thinking
We're trying to combine
a variety of different kind of I would say tech
To empower creators. So for example, obviously you can use ai and gpt in a variety of different ways like especially I think
Gpt could potentially present problems for creators because today image text to image text to video
Could potentially a lot of I think creators actually feel potentially feel threatened because
Now ai can generate content and in fact, we've seen it we've experimented with that. It's a
It's I think could be scary for some people
But I think there is a better way where you can take gpt
And some of these creative and they channel towards the creators meaning help them create better content
Help them be more creative
And what we've done is we've integrated some of these ai and gpt capabilities directly into the platform
so essentially
When you write content on our platform, you can use gpt and especially text to image
to help you create
better content
And we do flag actually ai and gpt content because I think it's important for people to see
What's created by human versus what's created by ai?
I think it's an important distinction because I think if we don't do that
There's going to be a lot of problems. I think a lot of people will get really confused
but what we're trying to do is
Mold that technology so that it helps people to be better creators
I love that
Yeah, I mean, you know this this chat gpt and this ai stuff. It's really important
To be able to be on top of this right and this is the next wave of technology. That's going to change society
Right. It's it's like it's like, uh, when smartphones came out, right?
Like I I do all of my web3 work from my smartphone, right and imagine if I said
You know what like when smartphones were coming out and like yeah, you know what?
I'm not going to get into that. I don't think it's going to be a thing
And I think it's going to be the same thing with ai, right?
So you can either you know, it's really important to to jump on board and figure out how to use it
And like you said to enhance
Right not replace but it exactly so really important stuff that you guys are doing love love that
And I love your logo. I think that that's super cool, man
Yeah, we're trying to kind of
kind of it's all about connectivity and like peer to peer
And uh, I don't know a lot of people ask like where where did our name come from?
When we actually started it was all about like oh, it's a fun project
I have a I have a team of like engineers and we were just like what can we do with blockchain that?
it's it's cool and
You know innovative and so we decided just to launch this project and it says what is this?
I mean, it's just a fun project. So we decided to call it who bits who stands for like fun
And bits is just like, you know bits and pieces in a sense
so it's like well, why don't you call it, you know fun bits in a sense and we just launched this project and
And that's pretty much it and a lot of us are actually traders
So we trade in a crypto space a lot and we said well
Why can traders monitor because actually it's interesting the creator economy is very fragmented because there's different kind of creators
There's like video audio and then within each of those genre there's like
subspecialties and niches of different types of creations and different type of interests
but I think a lot of a community that's been kind of overlooked is traders because they can actually create a lot of content
Such as trade ideas alpha calls price calls
We also noticed that a lot of people especially in the crypto space love to make price
predictions or bitcoin is going to be
You know 50 000 20 000 so so we've actually created tools in the platform to help people
Track and actually generate trade ideas and price calls
Which is really targeted towards these types of community being crypto enthusiasts who
They want to make a call
On on either trade whether it's an nft or some I don't know bitcoin or ethereum or whatever other
Token that they're interested in or potentially price calls. So we're we're really focused also on that kind of like crypto
Enthusiasts, but also they're also interested in things that have to do with trading
Nice well super interesting stuff. Love to see it. Thanks for coming up. Whoop. It's
Um, we're gonna get some more of these hands. Uh, I want to throw it on over to run as again
Rainy super spaces good conversation. Um
Minstas acted a lot actually asked it a loaded question and with you know, where do we see nft is going?
Um, I think you go back in time. You look at the birth of civilization. You look at the evolution of physical
Assets and how they've come from the very basic form to what we use today
Really experienced in that revolution and ft's um in in fast forward basically, um, if we look
We attach kimi unity because it was the easiest utility to add at the start and you know
We see this evolution direly and keep accelerating
Um, where do I see nft's in the future and then more more than anything that's been mentioned on the stage
But as a collective, you know, they all have a place digital collectibles art, etc
Um real I mean earn this client. Um, it's one of my favorite books ready player one. I do believe
You know virtual economies can exist
Um in in the space and I think you know
We will see that within nft's will be a big part of that as digital ownership, you know assets
Other value inside inside, you know web free. Um in terms of utility
You see web 2, you know, they sort of they sort of like when web 2 started the internet sort of replicated real life utility
Um after a while it started pushing the boundaries and you saw social media, etc
Be created and brought new new use cases and new utilities to the world and I think that's what we see in web free
We actually haven't experienced what the potential is for blockchain tech in nft. Yeah, and when currently, you know improving web 2
But I think we started seeing evolution into new use cases that you know
Probably the world hasn't seen you and um, that's what honestly blue
I love it, you know and like like for me like all of these different foundations that are being built around
Nft's community all these different utilities that are coming out whether it be metaverse gaming pfp collections
digital collectibles like
I feel like what we're seeing now is a lot of different individual verticals that are happening
but the real I think the real big onboarding and and and
Adoption is going to happen when all of it all comes together, right?
And we're this cohesive community because because at the moment like right everybody's kind of like building in their different areas
But when we all come together
As as like, okay now we're all really working together to provide
This open and welcoming environment for for individuals to use blockchain technology to enhance communities and digital tribes
Uh that I think is when the real change is going to happen. I think we're getting closer, right?
And I think you know polygon is very focused on that
Yeah, i'm gonna quickly say smokey before you move on
I mean it quick people tag the success and failure of nfts to the underlying crypto currency that is you know
Defines defines the underlying price. Um
The revolution on nfts won't be won't be a revolution on crypto
It'll be a revolution on technology
As soon as you use cases start, you know adding value to real world and the real, you know
Normal people and real world use cases. We will see onboarding just from that
Um that there will be the onboarding event. Um, you know, we try and coax them in with bitcoin pumping and you know
It's just short-term hype. Um, what we need to do is add, you know, nfts add value to people's lives and I think the
Knowledge is getting to the point where i'm starting to start on a approach that era and um sooner the better it might be
Yeah, I mean absolutely like once it's it's just unavoidable, right where it's like nah
This is just you know, and we're seeing that happen with with web2 brands, right?
Where where they're like, you know what? We're just going to add this into uh, you know what we do, you know
So it's it's very interesting to see
With when individuals get onboarded where they don't even know that they're using
Uh blockchain technology because the the tech just makes sense, right?
And the thing is I was talking about this with a friend, right?
And we're in the stage where there's a lot of naysayers. We're like, oh, you know, like whatever it's not that big
But we're starting to see big brands adopt blockchain technology and we're starting to see some very large ones do it, right?
And there still are those those people that are saying oh, you know what like this
I don't know like I don't know if it's gonna work out but at a at a certain point
Uh, it'll just get to the point to where
Everybody's going to be using it, right? So, uh people won't have a choice
Um and very excited to to see that uh when that happens, you know
It's it's the same thing as when uh, you know, like the personal computer came out
People I think uh, i'm pretty sure it was uh, like ibm or something and they're like who would want a personal computer?
Like at home, they're only for businesses. That's crazy
Right, and it's the same thing. I think you know with with digital tribes and digital identities, right?
We have a bunch of individuals like oh man who would want that?
Like nobody would want that like it's just but we have all of these
Uh, you know people that are already here because we really really enjoy it
But it's a very small I think I think smokey
We led him in and bill gates when he said he can listen to a baseball game online
And then he's like who would want to listen to a baseball game online?
And then that was in the 90s. Um, so yeah, I mean just to quickly finish off
Starbucks and what they did on polygon is a classic example of uh, um, what they you know
Great great, you know reference there. Um, so yeah excited for the future of the space dude
I mean just getting started now. I'm in a bear market, but um, even though the price doesn't reflect it the evolution still
You know does and then you know, we'll just keep moving forward
Love it man. Well, I do want to uh get on over to creatorhood. Uh, what do you guys think about all this?
Hey, hey, um, i'm mani. Uh, one of the co-founders of creatorhood my other co-founder ish is also here
Um, yeah, I think a lot of these thoughts resonate with what we're thinking. Um
So we we're an nft marketplace where we've also abstracted the tech involved with buying and selling
Nfts we built our own payments infrastructure really we want
creators into the space, um
So our thesis is really that you shouldn't have to understand the tech and how it works in order to benefit from it
so when you look at
Less than 25 000 creators that have made an nft massive opportunity
so I think um, really one of the ways that we're
Leading with that is we're we're actually taking utility on chain
We've created a couple of new eip's to facilitate that and
By minting an nft you're able to actually take
You know 10 or 11 different types of utilities such as like a rev share on a creator
Or ip rides or memberships irl events those kind of things
um and put it on chain and I think then you
Allow a creator's audience to really
Not buy the nft but buy the access or rights that these utilities provide
Um, and you can then resell it on any marketplace including ours
But not needing to refer to the tech or even that it's an nft
I love that. Yeah, super cool stuff. Um, so are you guys are you guys like uh live right now?
We're in beta so we have just under a thousand kind of mainstream creators, um that have joined like pen genre and
yeah, so in
We're coming out of beta this summer and there'll be a launch and um, you know
There may be a token and all those kind of things but but really, um for us, it was very important. I think
You know having polygon because you can actually allow
You can make it much more scalable, right?
You can extract the gas and you can do all those things. But yeah, so we're in beta and we're coming out of that. Um shortly
Nice very very exciting stuff. I love how you know, we have all of these
Different platforms up here that empower creators and in the conversation just kind of free flowed
Uh into this topic and everybody's able to to and we have all these thought leaders
That are really trying to push this
Um, and uh, it's been a really really great space so far. So I appreciate everybody for for coming up
Let's just do a brief reset of the room again, everybody. This is the polygon perspective
Thank you everyone for coming out
If you could just go on down to the very bottom right of the space you will see a little purple comment box
If you could just click on that goes to the link to the spaces you could hit that like and retweet button
It would be greatly appreciated. It shows that you support the space
So thank you so much for doing that, but I do want to throw it on over to base buddha. What is going on?
Hey smokey, thanks for having me man. Sorry about the technical difficulties here earlier
All good all good. How are you?
I've had better days. My my car started draining some blue fluid when I put it in park today
So i'm going to google that later, but this is a much needed break from that situation
Uh, and I joined this this space at an at an opportune time, man. I love the discussion that's taken place
Um, I use the banshee's account actually to post
The gardener emerging technologies and trends impact radar down in your comments here. I love this discussion, man. And uh,
You know if I could just say like
The adoption of web3 and blockchain which we're not even there yet
Is going to happen when people use it without knowing it right like your mom and pop bagel shop right now
Doesn't need to know the architecture of visa before they can accept credit card payments, you know, that's that's bonkers
Um people are going to be onboarded into this space and and not even know it
But like let's look at all the things if you're checking out that trend or you know
I I can read a couple things to you this big blue or this big
Orange, pardon me circle in the middle. We're still at edge ai edge computing, you know some some computer vision models
I I can ask alexa should I wear a raincoat today and she knows what I mean and she'll give me the the weather forecast
Digital twins are going to come out before metaverse comes out
That's you know
I make digital twins in in my day-to-day life for like oil and gas facilities and stuff like that that
Just oil and gas is adopted a digital twin, you know, and and when I make that for a client
I've got a great computer
I've got one of the best computers that you can stick in your your home right now to
To do these 3d modeling and computations that computer can display like
Eight tiles that are 16 gigs a piece
You know think about how much is going to be required to fully digitize a human and let them walk around in a metaverse
Right now we are
We are at the pets.com selling for 3 million dollars
Mark in this in this climb if we're going to compare ourselves to the internet right now
And it's it's just really cool to see like web 3 is not going to exist before we get hyper
You know hypercritical of our online web presence and the security that's there
You log into google you agreed to google terms of service you you don't tell google to agree to yours
But that's going to be what web 3 is all about when when we get to that
Um, you know, if you look at this gardener radar, it says three to six years before mass adoption of web 3 is going to occur
You know digital twins are one to three years out. That's going to occur before you get to your to your metaverse. I'd even argue that
like for a very enjoyable metaverse experience right now, we have to go back to like
you know, I I never played it but um like a sims experience or like uh
Second life or something. I signed a space with a with a person from second life yesterday. That's like
This architecture out here already it exists
If a company's going to do it
It's going to be a company that already exists as well and and this is the limitation of the technology right now
So, you know, we are
We are in the primordial soup
It you know, whatever you want to call it of of this web 3 experience and uh, it's it's really cool to be able to
speculate and and form early groups and source knowledge and all of that, but uh
We're we are incredibly early, you know
So yeah, take take a look at that Gartner trends and impact
I thought I'd just interject that there because I I live this day to day
It's always a constant battle trying to sell a digital twin to a customer and it's even harder when you know
I'm talking to an executive level person and they they have a chromebook, right?
I I can't send you a 40 gigabyte digital twin on your chromebook. It's going to catch on fire
And and that's before you drop a human in there and allow for a lot of people to interact so
Those are just my two cents. I I thought I'd interject. I love this discussion. I'd love to continue it as well
I love it. You know you brought up
Uh, like mom and pop bagel shops not knowing, uh, you know the the merchant processing a visa
So I actually have a friend, uh that has a merchant processing program
so I learned all about merchant processing and and how that works and I was just like
Man, there is all this going on. There's so many middlemen like when you use your visa
Right and those rewards that you guys get from from using credit cards
That comes from the merchant the merchant pays for that that that isn't like coming out of like the ether like oh cool
I get these rewards and I get cash back
Yeah, that cash back that you get comes from you using
Your card with these different merchants and the different stores that you go to and they pay for that
Right, and then they bring it back to you from off of the backs of the merchants, right?
So it's not like these the the credit card companies are are these like, uh, you know
Just these loving presents that is is giving you rewards. No, they're they're taking that from
The merchants that you're using your cards at right?
but people don't know like the process and all the different things that go on when you do a
Transaction with your credit and debit cards. That's why a lot of places that you see they have like a 50 cent surcharge
When you use a credit or a debit card so that they can pay back those rewards
Right, they they don't want to take that because that comes out of their bottom line that comes out of the different things that you're buying
I mean, I think you know crypto will be a massive
Disruptor. I mean that that industry right the merchant processing industry is so massive, right?
And and I mean I think originally that is really why crypto currency
Was created was to disrupt that industry because it's person to person
And it doesn't take it there. It doesn't have all these middlemen getting a cut. So in the same way
You know, we have all these platforms that are in empowering creators
By having this person to person with cutting out all of these middlemen. That's what nft's crypto is going to
You know really be able to empower people and and just really cut the fat
Right. So I love that we have all of these creator platforms that have come up and and are are in the beginning stages
Right of of helping to move that forward because like you said
We are pretty far away right now from from being able to take on these massive giants
But it will happen right and and we're like it's it's it's at the stage now when like amazon was selling books
Or when netflix was was sending dvds
To people and and blockbuster was like man. What a joke, you know, like who's who's gonna want to do that?
You know, like there's literally a board meeting
That blockbuster had about netflix where they said, you know netflix will never become a thing because uh people like
Going to their neighborhood blockbuster to rent a movie and see their neighbor
And obviously we know how that worked out
Um, so like we're at that stage now, you know what I mean? We're at the stage
Uh, you know where like when I was a kid in computer, uh computer science class
Uh in middle school creating websites
Right with with html
You know what I mean? Like we're at that stage where like you said like with the dot com boom
Where it's a lot of speculation
But we will slowly see this start to come out
More and more and more with all of these different people working together into this cohesive unit
Uh to really take on and disrupt these different industries, but it's going to take time, right?
It's going to take a lot of time, but uh faita what's going on?
Yes, i'm enjoying this conversation and uh
And there there are a lot of important points that you guys touched on and and I completely agree
Uh, the you know, the cycle of innovation is is always
The same we start with early adopters these people who come from the beginning because they love the concept
They love the community. They love the idea
They love the dream and they start building from the ground up
And then you have the big tech guys that are part of these early adopters who develop the technology even more and yeah
I agree with you. We are in the early early stages of
Of web3 of the nfts. Well crypto have been you know have been here for for a longer time than than nfts. But
We are still at an infant stage
Even the decentralization of information is just getting started you touched in the beginning, you know about you know
Elon Musk inviting around the census on twitter
this is for me a very important event despite the big crash of the space because
Um, I don't know if you guys been following, uh, the election cycles in the united states
But usually there are only two parties who can speak the democrats and the republicans the same people on tv
They are hosted by everyone and all the other parties. They call them the third party the other people
They don't even get a chance to speak to send their ideas and sometimes, you know, not always but sometimes they have good ideas
And when we have this decentralization and freedom of information on twitter
We can see we will start seeing young candidates new people new blood coming and you know
Innovating speaking and reaching uh and reaching people
and and I think these two, you know, Elon saw that
uh, you know how nft crypto and
freedom of information the flow of information how they they mix together and I you know,
I imagine he's gonna probably make a twitter wallet where people can even you know, send their their crypto and
and pay do payments on twitter
And this I think will precipitate
The adoption of nfts in in real life and and this is really the the most important part of of the entire process
Because you know
It's good to use nfts inside our communities of early adopters between each other straight them to each others buy them from each others
but at some point in order to grow we need to reach new audiences and we need to add a
Not just a value but a real utility
To uh to the nfts and this is what we've been thinking about at feda since the beginning, you know
It's been a year that we're here. Uh, we've been planning for the long term and one idea that we had is
Related to to fashion for example, you know
Each each one of you guys had a different idea and we are all building together and this is you know the the strength of
of this system, but
The idea that we had with fashion is that usually when you want to buy an item
You go to a store or you you order it online and then you receive it
At feda we are building a frs
Which is a system that will allow people to to put their nfts get points or even buy points
But then they will buy the clothes items in the form of nft
So if you want to buy a slim fit t-shirt
You can go to the frs and buy it as a nft and then you have two options
You can either go and sell this t-shirt on the marketplace
And so if this t-shirt for example is out of stock probably the value will increase
Maybe you don't want to wear it
You want to sell it back and so you can go and you know be a sort of retailer for the fada brand
Or you can burn the nft representing the t-shirt and we will ship
To you the the the product in real life and and we think that this is you know innovative. This is in a way
Uh, it will help
Um, it will add a certain
usefulness to to to nfts
Uh outside the domain of art because obviously art is the most important part here, but outside this domain
Uh having this this concept we think it it can be fun. It can be interesting. It's new
No one has ever done this before and so part of our plan is to expand and build a real fada shop
Like zara, you know, you have fada
You can pay with crypto and you can also order online
Nft is of your clothing that you can either burn and get in real life or you can resell on the marketplace
Nice I love it. I mean there's so much innovation happening on polygon you absolutely love to see it
Uh, but look I I do want to get on over to the cyber genie
See what you guys have to say about this and we're going to switch gears a little bit
We we do have, you know, a few of these amazing creator platforms up on the stage
So I would like to dive a little bit deeper, uh with them, you know, it's been a great conversation
Focused on you know, the the empowerment of creators and how we're moving towards that
but I do want to dive in a little bit deeper with some of the
Guests that we have invited up on stage to really dive in and talk about what they are doing with their platforms
To be able to move this creator space forward. But before we get in that cyber genie what's going on?
Good day awesome people. Thank you so much for for having us on stage. This is an incredibly enriching discussion
It's it's a fresh breeze of air so to say to hear all these builders presenting their use cases and and seeing
The the the future of nfts in a different perspective. So thank you for that
Um, I think these are extremely exciting times for us to witness how we are evolving from simply
Perceiving nfts as an investment vehicle or as only as a part piece to literally understand it as as a use case
In order to onboard the upcoming generations on onboard the the rest of the internet so to say
Um, I think lately it has been challenging for all builders
But at the same time I think it fosters innovation it challenge us in a way to think okay
What new faces of value can we bring to the market?
How are we going to be convincing new people to buy these nfts because at the end of the day?
Um, whether we call them nfts or digital collectibles, maybe from a product management perspective
What need are we solving or what problems on the market are we trying to solve with this?
Um technology that that we have between our hands
So noticing the market how it's evolving
We noticed that in the beginning it starts with art then you had the utility of a community for sure community will always
Be a utility, but the question is going to be what's next?
How are we going to be sustainable as a community or as web3?
And I think here comes the the idea of product building and I truly believe that there's a miss
Mist opportunity on the market in terms of dealing with nfts as an access point
Not only for the nft holders in a specific specific specific platform
But also as an access point or as a bridge between the nft holders and the founders themselves to act as a community
For example, if we are creating a product together
What if the nft holders have a say in terms of building this product hand in hand and taking product management into perspective?
This is the first thing that we learn as as product manager
So to say it is not about what you think is right
It is what the users actually need in the platform or the product that you are building
So if we offer these nfts for the community members
and then they would have a say in terms of developing the features of the product in terms of
Hand in hand creating the vision of the product
I think it would be literally a super weapon that that is not only there for the founders
But also for the community as a whole and how are we trying to implement it in our business?
We saw that the nft technology is basically
A new opportunity for us to build a community and still the ideology of the product that we are building
Which is bartering or freelancing between web3 creators
For example, if you are searching for someone who could give you 30 minutes of marketing tips, you can offer him skills in return
You can offer him
Your your value in return. So we are trying to create something for web3 creators where they can exchange their knowledge
barter their knowledge on a peer-to-peer
Interaction with that being said, I think the future is definitely bright for for everyone
Thank you so much for giving us the space and yeah very much optimistic for what's coming
Love it. I mean that's one of the most wonderful things about web3 is that feedback loop, right?
And that is something that you do not see in any other industry
Right being able to have this level of access to the people that are that are interacting
Uh with your platform is so valuable, right? You hear about it all the time like and it goes both ways, right for for
For the consumers, right the the people that are engaging right that are buying the product that are using the product
To be able to have access to the people that are creating that product
In spaces like this or being able to reach out to them is different, right?
It's it's like who like where else would would you be able to have access to a ceo?
Like this and be able to speak to them directly on a space like that just doesn't happen
Right. So a lot of really cool stuff happen and you love to see it
But before we get into uh, you know, some of these amazing platforms that we have up on the stage
I do want to check in with super spaces. They are about to launch
Uh, you know their voice of polygon spaces competition got a lot of prizes
You guys want to talk a little bit about what is going on in some developments?
100 uh, I think
When it comes to creators
It's clear that uh, we are working for you
That's literally what I get up for in the morning to work for you guys
Uh all of you that dedicate uh,
Dozens of hours every week to come on here on spaces some even hundreds of hours
I don't know how you do it, but I do admire you and you inspire me and uh
We are launching something very special if you've heard of it already. That's great. If not, uh,
We're doing the voice of polygon, which is a 30-day competition amongst creators
To top the leaderboards and see who comes out on top
Uh at the top there is paid spaces host opportunities waiting for you in the polygon ecosystem
And we've partnered up with many many amazing companies here
I'm going to highlight a few of them. Um
You can win internships at psi delve. You can win internships at I think animoca brands
you can win internships at
Many many amazing companies that i'm going to tweet out in a second. I'm cooking something up here. Sorry guys
Um, and yeah, there's not only paid internships. So there's also nft bounties to win. Um in the month of june
What you have to do to qualify is first you have to sign up here
I'm gonna pin this one
Uh sign up in here
Give us your motivation on why you want to be the voice of polygon and why you think you have what it takes
And then the team is going to get back to you and you're going to be featured on our exclusive leaderboard
Now there depending on how you do if you host at least four spaces in a month you can rank and you can win
Over two thousand dollars. I think it is smoky that we've received so far from uh, yeah five different companies in the ecosystem
The number is growing every day
And uh, we're super super excited to be doing this because this gives back something to the creators in a market that has been
gruesome to many people
And uh, if you can make a career out of this out of doing what you love and what you already do anyway
Um, then how awesome is that right? And we are here to support that and we do this for you
I love that. I mean, I think it's super important, you know for myself and uh
Just to build your platform during the bear market, right?
Because there's going to be so many opportunities that are available during the bull market
But to be able to get professional experience like this paid work
As a spaces host is so cool to see and I know that there were um
You know, you guys did some competitions on ethereum and salana and there were prizes like a road caster
Um, there were nft prizes, but with polygon there's actually paid employment opportunities that come from being a creator for this
So I think that that's really cool
To be able to actually get some different
Experience on your resume to be able to to have that going into the bull market and being able to say hey, you know what?
Like i'm a spaces host. Here's here's all of my numbers from super spaces
Here's what i've been able to build and then I was actually able to get some professional experience hosting spaces
Uh for these different companies in the space
So yeah, love to see it very very exciting stuff. And when does that kick off fred?
Smokey we're gonna do a kickoff party on thursday. I think it's roughly at this time together, right?
And then I hope everyone joins us again. It's going to be a lot of fun
Um, you know, we'll have something special prepared
Um, yeah, and I do just want to reiterate what smokey said
I mean the way smokey got here as well
He's kind of like our little poster child and we're very proud of him and uh
We hope to create more smokeys together in the month of june and breed more of those amazing humans that uh dedicate
their careers to the ecosystem like this and so
Um, by the way, I did miss speak anamoca brands is is not part of the paid internships
But we have seven others here. So we have spindle, uh one planet wild card
yay sports and boom land games
amongst those that offer paid gigs and
Yeah, I think on thursday
We're going to release like really all the nft bounties as well that you can win
For those that might think that the the top 10 of the leaderboard is intimidating because you know
You really have to crush it and and capture a big audience
With what you do if you want to win this
But there's also prizes across several metrics, right?
Uh, I think last time we had things like the iron man for those that help the longest marathon space
You know for those that have two battery packs and wake up in the morning with a triple espresso
That's for you
And then there's a whole lot more. Uh, some are going to be surprises some are going to be open
and we're going to announce all of that on thursday and um
By the way in your application if you stand out and you give us a good reason that your voice of polygon
Um, we're going to give you that little extra promotion as well on thursday
We're going to highlight a few of the the favorite submissions that we've received and so shared with your friends
We'd really appreciate it
And um, yeah in the end we're doing this for you and together to strengthen the ecosystem. So that's what we're here for
Love it. Well very excited for this
Seven different companies that are going to be providing paid positions, uh for spaces hosts. I think that that is
Really amazing right rather than just providing prizes, right? It's like
Uh, you're not just giving people fish you're teaching them
Uh how to fish right so they can go off and and who knows what they will be able to do
Uh with that experience
And what opportunities that that will provide for them later on so very exciting stuff for that
You know, I think that's just something that that I always say to individuals that are passionate about the web3 space
And the creators is just to get started
Right, like I didn't know when I started hosting a youth community space with four people
Nine months ago that it would lead to a position at polygon, but it did right now
Just because I really loved the space and I just got started
And you know it it ended up being right place at the right time
And you know now I get to do something that I love
And uh, you know who knows where this will lead right? So very very exciting stuff super great to hear fred
And cannot wait for this to get kicked off. We have got a big
Month happening, uh in june on polygon. We have nft inspect
That will be integrating polygon nfts
Uh into their platform, which I think is super amazing, you know, really love to see that another way that uh creators will be able to be empowered
It's a great tool
To be able to track your metrics and and how much reach that you have within the overall nft community, right?
And then we have super spaces right on the spaces front
Uh integrating into polygon and kicking it off with a leaderboard and a competition. So that is super wonderful to see
You know and there's just I don't know man june is going to be absolutely crazy. So I I can't wait to see it
I'm, very excited. Uh, you know polygon summer is coming
And uh, yeah, I think that it is going to be very very great for the space
But I do want to get on over to minstar. So let's let's switch gears a little bit
Let's dive a bit deeper into some of these creator platforms. Just a little bit about what they do
uh, and uh, you know how they plan to really empower the space with
Uh, you know what they are building so minstars you want to tell us a little bit more and dive a bit deeper
Hey, absolutely. Thank you. Um, and I
also wanted to go back to the earlier conversation around
The credit card companies and merchant accounts because that's a big motivation behind what we're doing as well
Um, but I can give like the brief synopsis, um first which is
Our company was really built around the belief that if you build for the most marginalized creators
You build a a better internet and a better platform for everyone
And um, I personally i'm also a phd student and my research is on sex workers rights
And through that work i've come to see the financial discrimination that a lot of adult content creators face
from traditional banks and payment processors
And how that makes them very reliant on sites like onlyfans which take 20 of their earnings
Really don't do a lot to protect them or um enable them to keep a greater share of their earnings
And it's like you guys were saying earlier
Um, it's these middlemen's who take a huge cut and don't really offer much to people
And so, um midstars is founded around wanting to solve that problem
And that's why we turn to crypto because it enables us to protect creators from
Financial discrimination from um payment processors that discriminate against this space
Um from the credit card networks like visa and master card, um, they
Have very long lists of types of content that are not allowed. They have, you know, basically
Old dudes in compliance offices making decisions about what creators should be allowed and not allowed to post
And we just don't think that's right
We think that it should be the community that decides what kind of content is and isn't allowed
What kind of content makes a safe community?
And so we want to we want to provide people freedom from that restriction
So we use usdc payments, but we provide fiat on and off rams so that it's very accessible to people who've never used crypto before
We leverage the nft royalty model so that we can try to create
A creator economy that is more sustainable because when we talk to creators both in the adult space
But across the entire creator economy everybody's so burnt out
People feel like they are just putting things out constantly and they have to be on 24 7
And my vision is that nfts can enable a much more sustainable economy because that content keeps
gaining value and earning money for you long after you've posted it and it also like
Gives power to the fans too because right now in the creator economy just like in web 2 as a whole
It's very one-sided, right? You just have relationships between
Parasocial relationships between the fans and creators, but there's not a lot of community among the fans
And fans don't always feel recognized for their contributions
And so we also want to enable fans to get rewarded for supporting creators
To also make money themselves to follow other fans who have similar interests
And that's something I really like about the web 3 space that um, it's much more grassroots
Much more community focused more network economies and less one-sided economies
Love that. Well, very important stuff that you guys are doing
I you know
You talked about how these different platforms don't really provide a lot of value for the creators that are coming to them
And but the thing is is that it's the only option that they have
So everybody just uses it
And and now we get with web 3 it empowers us to build platforms to be able to provide more value for both
The creators and their audience right cutting out that middleman that takes that huge cut
Um, you know, it's it's it there's no competition
right and and with web 3 like I mean you can have this decentralized platform where competition can really thrive right and
When there's a lot of competition
With different platforms the people that that benefit are the creators and the people that are consuming the content
So I I really like what you guys are doing
I think it's super super important and I wish you guys the best of luck
So if everybody wants to go and check that out definitely go and give mint stars a follow
Um really really cool stuff. Well, let's throw it on over to
Wubits, uh, you guys want to dive a little bit deeper into
Your background and why you decided to do this and and what what you're going to do moving forward
Yeah, sure, um, so we started about uh, I would say a year ago
So I was running an innovation team
and we were just uh, as I was saying we were experimenting with um, blockchain and social
and crypto monetization and we decided to launch
a few months ago
And um, the whole premise was obviously kind of a similar
Is kind of democratize and unshackle the creators from the big tech
grip in a sense
And especially when it comes to payments
Um, I know like for example a friend of mine. It was doing some
You know stuff with paypal and they got they they got banned basically got kicked out
They didn't like what they were doing and um
So we decided why not disintermediate this whole thing, you know, you can own your content post it
All all the monetizations appear to peer. So our focus is all about peer to peer
Exchange. So for example
When you come to our platform you you join you can log in with your wallet or even if you're you know
We have users a lot of users who are web 2 they have google accounts and other accounts and especially a lot of people in the west
you know, they want to
Use their existing infrastructure and there's nothing wrong with that
So and then you basically post the content you could set a price and say I want to charge let's say tubatic for it
Or let's say you want a subscription
And all of that is done in crypto peer to peer. So we cannot stop the payments. We
Cannot censor the payments. It's all done between the content producer or content creator and content
And the and the fan so that's been our model
um, and uh
You know, it's uh, it's you know, you could set up paywalls
I mean some people call them paywalls and in a sense your content gets unlocked
Automatically once the payment is done and it's all done via smart contracts. That's the beauty of it
all of the tracking of who gets paid and
Content and you know what gets unlocked is not even controlled
By our platform. It's actually done all on smart contracts. So
uh, so that's kind of what we're doing and um
now the other side is as I mentioned before we were
Uh because of our background is in in trading specifically
What we also wanted to do is help traders monetize their expertise because
There's a lot of it again. I was talking about different niches of people that have unique insight
They have expertise and they they may be sitting somewhere around the world and they may find
Uh, you know, they're fans that could be also around the world
So there's no reason why they can't transact and if you're like, for example in the west you may be taking
PayPal or whatever but on the other
Side of the world, maybe they don't want to take that. So crypto is obviously best
suited for this
and um in a sense that
You know that expertise could be monetizable. So in in case of trading, let's say
trade signals trade ideas different potential opportunities for
Profits or for taking advantage of the market conditions
Recommendations so all of that kind of expertise could be monetizable. So we kind of decided that why not allow
Content creators, especially those that have unique perspective that have something
The unique expertise or unique insights allow them to monetize and freely and peer to peer
basically with the
You know the whole world so that's kind of what we're what we're doing and you know
We're building out the whole ecosystem with nft passes and subscription models and things like that
also reward system where as you
get engaged and as you publish you also get rewards and perks as part of the
A spot of being a content creator or even if you're just a fan. So that's kind of what we're working on
I love it. I love all the different rails and reward systems that you guys are building into the platform
So really excited. It's really exciting stuff. Cannot wait to see as it develops and how long have you guys actually been working?
So a little over a year we went
Mainnet on polygon
At the end of september
And we literally just went directly to our users the traders and said hey, why don't you try it?
I mean we literally started from nothing
But yeah a few months ago and then just organic completely organic with
It's you know, if the users love it, they join they use it. If not, they don't it's completely
Kind of like that. So but yeah, we launched six months on polygon. We also support ethereum
But as you know, the the transaction fees are so high
You know, it just becomes very kind of a you know
Nobody's going to want to or very few I would say would want to monetize micro transactions run micro transactions and pay let's say
I don't know twenty dollar
Transaction fees because all of our transactions appear to appear meaning once that once you buy content
That's it. The the transaction happens between the creator's wallet
And a fan wallet it's a it's a direct connection between a creator and a and a fan
I love that, you know, it definitely
Is empowering the creators and the fans and so you guys are going to be able to to make money based on
The different subscription models that you guys are doing so you don't have to worry about those peer-to-peer transactions
Right subscription models and obviously there's going to be we we're planning to do also lots of
I would say premium creative tools for uh for folks like for example trade ideas where you can
Match like for example, you post the trade idea and say bitcoin is going to be
You know, I don't know 50 000 and we will track it for you against the market prices
And tell you well, did it really hit 30 000 or 50 000 if so, how how far off were you?
so it allows more of a direct like today if you do price calls or
Trade ideas its whole text you cannot actually track it against
Real market performance. So a lot of it is basically on faith that you make a right call or not
So we automate that a lot of stuff and those will be obviously premium features that
People pay for right now. They're available, you know for free, but we're going to be
Adding premium features that uh, they're going to be payments
But there's also going to be via crypto meaning all of the monetization model is all encrypted between creator
And a fan as well as between the platform and creators
I love it. Well really exciting stuff. We appreciate you coming and providing this platform for polygon
Uh, you know all all of these different
Uh, you know platforms that are empowering creators
I think is so important to be able to build out a robust a robust nft ecosystem, right?
Because if nobody's talking about the nfts
You're not going to be able to to to build a strong ecosystem. So we appreciate it wubits. Thank you so much for coming up
Much appreciated
Well, look you guys we have got one last person that we have invited to this space and I do want to get into them. So
Creatorhood what is going on? Do you want to tell us a little bit more about what you guys are doing?
And uh dive a bit deeper
so really our focus
Obviously is abstracting the text important but um really utility is is our focus and it's it's a hot word out there
Um, and a lot of nfts have it, right?
Um, you can get access to a community event or certain perks
but we think it's really important to put that info on chain because
The buyer actually sees what they're getting in advance. So imagine if I can
You know find a musician before they hit it big and get a cut of their spotify streams
Or a cut of their album sales things like that, right? So it's the ultimate
Um, you know po app ultimately is you know, I supported you early, but I also am making
Something from you and and so I think um, you know earning alongside together
but right now there's a lot of lack of
Specificity in the nft space with what you get for the nft. So
Um all of that utility actually goes into the metadata
when you create an nft on our site and
Um, you know the that's you know different types of
Utility so you can get a rev share you can get ip rights
You could be a creator that instead of getting someone to pay a subscription every month you get an upfront membership for
two years or
You can get tutorials, you know shout outs those sort of things
And all of these utilities have a recurrence. So it's not like I just attend a concert and it's done
so really um
Yeah, that that's something we focus on because when we came out of our beta, we had a really
I don't know. We had a 20 join rate on creators very high
Um, but the problem was a lot of their fan base didn't understand why they should be
Buying some of these nfts
They didn't understand they weren't traders
All they wanted to do is support their creators though, right?
They wanted to support them, but they also wanted to get access and a piece of things
So I think that's really what we're focusing on and making it relatable
and then obviously
Incentivizing web3 collectors existing people to discover these new web2 creators
And and that's something we're working on which I can't go too much into but that'll that'll be coming out shortly
Nice so so let's say that uh
Let's say they have like a music nft with uh with with an artist, right? So when
Individuals come in and let's just you know, it could be really any artist or any type of creator
But they they mint their nft like those individuals that mint that nft
Will they get a cut of the royalties, you know forever from that nft?
So it's not um, it's not the so it's up to the creator what that utility is
So the creator basically the musician comes to the outset and says if they want to do a rev share
Think of it like a seed round or something for a creator. They come in and say
I don't have the funds to fund my album
But if you buy this nft you can get a cut of
For example 30 of anything my album makes on a pro rata basis
So that's if the creator wants to do a rev share and then that goes
Into the metadata and then there's a kind of a legal contract and stuff with that
Or it could be other things. It could be a membership. It could be a
That you're attending. It could be
A tutorial on how to like, you know do something or a collaboration, but it's up to the creator to set that
Um, but it's not the royalty. It's the actual revenue that the creator earns from it
If that's if that's what they want, but there's a whole bunch of different ones
I love that, you know, I think uh, you know, there's this guy
um that I I've you know, I've met him in a couple like uh, irol events and and talked to him in the background and
His name's zach james and he's actually one of the first
large youtube creators
He like really built out like a a great platform when it was first starting out and he has a studio an animation studio
And you know, he ended up launching an nft project
um, you know as part of that studio and
You know, it's interesting like the way, you know, because like rev share
right isn't
Allowed in the united states like you're not allowed to do that, but you can share in production
uh, you can you can share in uh
Like the like production fees that you get you can share that with your audience
Right. So that's like an interesting way to kind of get around the rev share
If you if you're an artist and you've created something
Um, you can actually share in the production revenue. So really interesting
Like the work around so it works out great for your platform
uh for individuals to to come in and have this model and it's not just
Uh, you know necessarily like uh, you know an nft like it's only a piece of art
Uh, it can be you know, a lot of different things where maybe they can get around that and actually be able to provide
Some of the revenue back to the individuals buying their nft. So very exciting stuff
Yeah, um and rev share, you know, the other way around it is
There's a whole world out there ultimately, right so
certain things may not be allowed in the states, but
they're they're not kind of excluded in other jurisdictions, but um
Yeah, ultimately
we want to
Make the value proposition for fans more attractive so that creators then make more and ultimately, you know creating
A stock market for culture right a market for culture
Well, you love to see it very very exciting stuff
Thank you so much for for coming up creatorhood
If everybody wants to go and give them a follow to to keep watch and see what is going to go on with their platform
Definitely go ahead. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for coming to the space
So let's get on over to azora. Thank you for being so patient with your hand up. What is happening?
Uh, hello. Hi. Hi everyone. Uh, good day to you all
Uh, so yeah, my name is ichiro the founder of azora i'm using the azora account right now as it seems
So, um, I just wanted to introduce you guys to azora. It was
Actually just announced just a few hours ago
So I would really appreciate it if you guys supported our tweet
So, uh, you can click on our account. So yeah, you can check it out
But yeah, I know you wouldn't support the project without knowing what's what it's about, right?
So yeah, um azora is mainly about gaming. Are there any gamers out there?
Can you see those reactions or something?
Or do you play any type of games?
There we go, it's nice
So yeah, um azora has three main goals
I call them goals and not utility because I want to see the finished product. I'll call it utility the moment
It actually proves useful
So yeah, um, the first goal of this project is to be the central hub for games made by both web3 and web2 developers
sounds big, right
Currently there's a congestion with nft games right now and only a few games are being noticed based on hype and advertising
We want azora wants to be the solution to that problem a place where every
Single game powered by blockchain can be bought
We want to solve this problem so that more developers are encouraged to join the web3 space making web3 the
Current trend for many people
The second goal now that we want to achieve is to provide a seamless transaction
Imagine using our app in the future and wanting to play a game
you can purchase a game with your credit card or crypto or
whatever type of um, what do you call this uh payment method you want and
You won't even notice that the whole website is powered by blockchain technology. There would be no delays
Uh, no errors because you know, we all know what cryptocurrency is capable of right?
So, um, we want more people outside of this
Outside of this community people who aren't really used to cryptocurrency to know
That we're here that cryptocurrency is actually the future
We're all we all in this space know what crypto can do, right? So we want other people who are not familiar with it to know that
The last goal we want to achieve is to create a community where gamers are involved and incentivized
When I was younger, my parents would get mad at me when I would play the whole day. I mean
They should be glad that I spend my time at home rather than playing outside partying, right?
They got very angry for me for playing final fantasy call of duty whatsoever
The last goal we want to achieve is to create a community where gamers are involved. Oh, sorry. Oh, sorry. Sorry. Sorry
Uh, I have a script because I stutter when I don't
Have one. Sorry. Uh, so yeah
This goal is our most important project utility quote unquote
I will share this utility with you and the rest of the utility
You would have to find out with the rest of the community
But one of the goals we want to achieve is that our investors aka the gamers that
Will buy nfts from us
Get to decide which games azora will develop because yeah
It makes sense that a game a game store or a marketplace should also develop its own games, right?
So yeah, each nft holders gets a say in what games they want to develop and give a path to azora's
Future that makes sense
Uh, yeah this key
Uh, this is key because it paves the way for a new age of gamers who get to put in
What's in their minds to actual games, you know, but yeah, it requires process as all things do
There there will be vote votations
Uh coming from the community and all but more more details will be revealed soon
uh, lastly just to prove
all the people who don't believe that
You can actually earn living earn a living by playing games
We will be incentivizing streamers with necessary resources to help them start up their careers
Like uh, for an example, um, we will be allotting a certain budget like for an example once we sell out
The royalties can fund like let's say a person who wants to stream. Let's say music
Say music on twitch
uh, we want them to like, uh
give them
the proper resources to actually be able to stream like
A desktop or something for streaming, you know
So, uh, I want to do that just to give a slap to the face
To give a slap to the face
to those people who don't actually believe that
People can earn
From streaming. Yeah
So yeah, that is all. I just wanted to thank you all for the time that I
Gave, I really hope you guys support us and pardon my english. I'm not really the best english speaker information
But yeah, um, I hope you guys have a good day. That's all. Thank you
Awesome. Well, thanks for coming up echiro
Uh really great stuff that you guys are doing. I know that you just uh
Are are coming out?
So I wish you guys the best of luck definitely come to some more spaces contribute to the overall conversation
And much appreciated. I do want to throw it on over to sidelv. What is going on? Is that is that much behind the account?
What's up smoky? Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Good night
I don't know what time it is for you guys, but there's been a lot a lot of good things
Um set in this space you guys
And one thing that I did want to touch on is is how important it is to support the creators?
Because those are the people that kind of bring eyes, right?
Um bring people in bring those eyes and then also educate people at the same time
Um, I do agree with you guys though 100 percent like we're not
We're not at the point yet where mass onboarding can happen
And so like how do we get that to happen is the big thing, right?
Because like even us like we're going to uh, we're going to denver to host this
Um big psychedelic conference in june here called psychedelic science and even onboarding there
We have to implement like credit cards and debit cards and able to purchase our nft so that that can happen
Um, but yeah, there's there's been a lot of good things that have been set up here
And like i'd like to touch on a whole bunch
But I know we're kind of constrained for time and so I just wanted to come up and say like I really support
What polygon is trying to do here you guys and empower us because a lot of other blockchains don't do this
Do you know what I mean?
So like we literally got smoky in here and on spaces and super spaces and they're giving us opportunities
To grow in the bear when the bull comes it's like oh
We know who you are and that's the bonus, right?
And the nice thing is is everybody that is in here wants to be in here right now
They understand the technology they understand that the future is coming and it's just how do we implement that?
In a way where it becomes easier to use for those web 2 people and bringing them over
So I think it will take some time for sure
But yeah, I hope you're having a great day smoky bro
It was nice to meet you in new york and we haven't really had time to catch up. I've been
Um in the back end on side i'll working on a whole bunch of stuff to get us back up and running
So it's nice to be in these spaces and chatting with you guys because it is my favorite part of the day
Nice mush, well always great to have you up very very cool stuff that you guys are doing you guys have been
Uh, you know weekly space and really providing value for the overall ecosystem super super important, right?
Launching a project
But you're actually engaging in the overall space in a major way and being able to provide a platform
For the different creator projects that are coming in and wanting to contribute to the space. So I love how much you guys
I cannot wait to see testing get back online and
Thanks for coming up much appreciated the super spaces you did have your handout if you have something you get a co-host print list
Love a little privilege guys
I had it up for the culture just as much as I had it up for just shouting out side elf
It's so nice to meet you mush. Uh, you guys are really walking the talk as well
And i'm excited to partner up with you on on this campaign
Uh for anyone in the audience side elf is putting up two side elf cap nfts
To some of the winners of the voice of polygon and so that's super exciting
I just wanted to kind of extend a warm. Uh, well, I was about to say handshake
But that sounds a bit cool that polygon we do hugs. Let's do hugs. So, uh, why not?
Thank you, man. Mush
Dude, I like hugs. So don't don't tempt me. I'm telling you you're threatening me with a good time if I ever see you
IRL bro, you ask smoky bro. You're gonna get a hug. I promise you
You'll go right in for it
Heart to heart that's how we do
Yes, heart to heart heart to heart hugs are the best but yeah, no i'm excited
Um, this is great you guys for polygon and and getting our voice out there and just spreading
Spreading awareness about polygon because I I do think like we can on board not only more web two people
But also more web three chains and people utilizing polygon
From different chains because there is some definite utility that they can jump on board with
Um, but yeah, no pleasure guys. Absolute pleasure
But it's coming up much much appreciated let's get on over to the rambler what is happening
Hey, hello, thank you so much for letting me up right that no appointment you're looking up on stage
Thanks so much. Really appreciate it. Super spaces
awesome to see you here also
Um, my name is julian workers. I'm one of the co-founders of the iO project
project based in the netherlands
and we just released
No miracles needed one stop nft creation suite, which makes it possible for everybody even if you have
No blockchain experience or you know, nothing about how to create a contract that you can just release your own nft
collection, right it can be a
10 part collection can be a 10 000 collection and we made it so that you can
Meet it on polygon or on ethereum. So the whole thing works like this. You have to bring your own art, right?
We've got a compiler
You just fill out a form and the form is what's the name of your collection? How big is your collection?
The white listed people is the whole collection revealed. When is the reveal?
And just a list of questions that you go through then you just create the contract
it's just a click on the bottom and then you also get a
a minting that which you can use to
To mint your nft collections and we try to make it as affordable as possible, right? We've created three collections ourselves
And for us, it was really expensive to do the whole thing, right?
It was you have to pay the artist to create the art you have to pay pay blockchain developer
You have to pay someone to create the debt
So just combine it and also now at this moment, it's like that
For about four dollars and ninety nine cents. You can create a collection of
of a collection of 10 and if you want to create a collection of
A thousand you pay 99 dollars if you want to create a collection of
Ten thousand you pay three hundred ninety nine dollars
We just try to make it as cheap as possible so that
We get on board as much people as possible and we're using polygon and ethereum
And the way how we did our last collection if you scroll down a little bit you see all the little chameleons
That's the collection that we minted there last week last last friday. I believe no the friday before
We did it like this. We made them twins, right? Because it was really expensive to mint on ethereum
So we created the nft creation suite that you can mint on polygon and then you get a the nft, right? You get nft
let's say
nft number 15
And then you have the right
to mint it on ethereum
Maybe on a time when the gas price is a little bit lower. So
Because sometimes then let's say our nft was about 50 bucks
And then if the minting cost is about 60 bucks because a lot of people are minting or I don't know meme season is going on
So just created the system in which you just mint it on
polygon, which is really cheap because just a few cents plus the
the money that the creator wants for the nft and then later on you can mint it on on ethereum and it's just
I was not
We didn't make an appointment to get up on stage. I won't take too much time
Just be a little bit respectful for everybody's time. Thank you so much for letting me on stage and
Maybe when you have another space
Or I can fill out in some google form that I can explain a little bit more about what we're all the stuff that we're doing
Awesome well
Thanks for coming up rambler
Great to hear about the stuff that you're doing to empower individuals to launch nfts. I think it's super important
But before we close out the space let's get on over to base buddha. What is going on?
Hey, hello mush. Um, you actually just reminded me of a of an anecdote that I I have from nft new york
johnny and I are sitting on the computer like two or three weeks beforehand
And he's like hey, you're gonna get a space big enough for three because smoky's gonna bunk with us
And here I was all excited to have to be bunking taking the top bunk with smoky over there
And we ended up abducting mush instead
So so the void that was left by smoky johnny and I kidnapped mush the entire time of nft new york
Uh, it was great, but the man's not lying
He's great at hugging and i'm i'm looking forward to the next opportunity smoke when I when I can give you a little bear hug
As well, man
You said you said there was another uh event that was coming up in miami or something
I don't know if i'm gonna make that one, but I got my eyes peeled. I can't make it to maps this year either
I was in denver two weeks ago. I wish I would have stayed but
Seems like there's a lot of exciting events going on right now, man
Yeah, I think we have we've got quite a bit of time before art basil. I think it's like in december or something
I'm i'm not sure. I don't remember exactly, but I have heard really really good things about art basil
So that's definitely one that is going to be on my list
Our battle is amazing
Where is it?
I'm sorry. I didn't I fucking didn't respect the hand my bad you guys first rule of spaces respect the hand
Our basil is usually in miami. Um, I went there last last time it happened. I think it was in
I want to say january
January, I think I was in there. I went and spoke at scope actually
That's where I got to meet gary v and stuff if you guys can make it out to that
I would highly recommend that if you are into nfts or cryptocurrency to go out there because
It's just becoming more and more and more
About cryptocurrency and nfts and and less about kind of art and just the merging of the two together
It's really really cool to see um, and yeah buda. I wish you were going to be in denver bro
And you know, thank you. Thank you again for letting me sleep with you. I'll never forget it
Oh, it was a magical evening
Um, yeah, definitely some some
Miami in december sounds great to this northerner and and actually i've got nothing on on latitude because I think mush is a lot
More north than I but these pittsburgh winters are brutal and a little bit of miami sun sounds sounds delightful, man
But hey, I if it's cool
Just wanted to take the next 20 seconds and and tell you guys about this
Raffle bot that i'm deploying here on my project banshees nft
We've partnered with sansa labs to
To get out some utility pre-ment for our for our project here. Um, I was just in a meeting with them last week
We're forecasting about two weeks out from from utility
And what these banshees are hoping to do in this polygon ecosystem is kick ass and snipe floors
And bring back heaps of nfts to our banshees black market that lets kind of anyone speculate on them
uh, there were talks at first of us kind of like
user gating it or token gating it and we've really just
Kind of pivoted a little bit and wanted to to make sure that that this tool is accessible to everybody
But that the the nft holders of of banshees are the ones raking in the profits. So
About two weeks from now banshees black market is going to open
Uh, this would be our pre-ment utility for for banshees nft
Um an example, I guess that that we've shown a couple times
You know, we swept heaps of drill club a few weeks back at like 17 mattock or something
Um, you know, and I don't even know I bet everyone in this audience knows what the full price of a drill club is right now
Um, you come hang out with us. We're going to speculate on your behalf
We take the we take the risk of holding these and and you get the incentive of of getting
You know exposure into blue chip nft projects for a fraction of the cost we're hoping to allow
Our nft holders also to speculate on this on this raffle economy with our native token as well
And again, that's another product that sansa labs is deploying for us
Um, so if this sounds cool for you guys
Go check out banshees nft. They're they're down in the audience here. Uh, i'm dual wielding
Accounts right now. So I I can't even smash the heart reacts or anything but
Um, give us a shout. We've been about three weeks in this ecosystem
I'm trying to shout their praises from from the mountaintops. This is really my labor of love
It was a it was a product of nft nyc, you know, finally pushing it out there
This has been in the background of of our development with myself and a couple other polygon og's for
Shit eight months now. Um, but it it was really nft new york that just
For a long time over the holidays, man. I was getting real jaded. I needed a mental reset
Um, and and you know a big mush hug really just set me in the right direction
We got talking on polygon spaces again
And I just felt so rejuvenated to to push this out here and just in the three weeks time that we've been public
I think we went from like
80 followers on the first space that we had with the matic man, you know the legend
Now we're pushing 1600 and and our two-week old discord's about 600 as well
There's a lot of fun to be had and I you know
I'm not going to hijack this any longer
But i'm going to get a couple lumps in the head if I didn't talk about banshees up here on this awesome platform
Awesome well very very exciting stuff. Uh, let's sorry
Can you guys hear me
Okay, good. All right
Yeah, sorry, I just switched over to uh to my road caster. I gotta figure out how this thing works
But uh, yeah, very exciting stuff. I cannot wait to see as that comes out. I love raffle platforms
Uh, I'll be just find a few
in my time in the free space
So I think it's super necessary, uh to be able to have like a robust raffle system
So can't wait to see what you guys come up with
And how you guys are able to drive value back to your holders, but uh, I think that's it everybody
We've been running this space for a couple of hours now. So I appreciate everybody for coming out to the space
All of this great conversation all of these platforms that are coming in to empower creators and just make polygon a better place. So
Much appreciated to all of the speakers that came up and contributed to the conversation
And also all of the listeners that came out you guys make this space possible. We host these
every single monday at 10 a.m. Pacific standard time we also host a
Polygon perspective every thursday at 7 p.m. Pacific standard time. So we hope to see you guys in those spaces as well
But I hope everyone has a good night
A morning afternoon, whatever it is wherever you are and we will see you guys next week
Was scared of dentists
I was scared of pretty girls and starting conversations
All my friends are turning green
Yeah, the magician's a cistern in their dream