Pop-Up Record Shop [Ep #119] Web3 News, Music NFTs AV Art & Culture

Recorded: Feb. 2, 2024 Duration: 1:14:18



all right here we go finally spaces man set up process it's like putting
together IKEA furniture except you have the wrong screwdriver and you do speak
Swedish just not very well that's what it feels like setting up a space I don't
know it takes a few minutes sometimes so just give you a minute I'm gonna get
able in here gonna get the group chats kind of stirred up you know how it is
it's a little weird at first but we're gonna throw on some music we're gonna
get into the vibes we got minty and the inspo crew the two stashes in the
building and yeah we got plenty to dive today it's pop-up record shop 119
featured episode we got some friends in from out of town we're gonna dive into
that diving some great music and you know we do it's pop-up record shop
Friday vibes congrats you made it and speaking of making it tick-tock mr.
able to go in the building now I'm just messing around we're gonna get set up
but I was speaking to Abel let's kick it off with the music break right in the
beginning here so we can get set up get some people up here so you have a couple
minutes guys we'll get some things pinned up in the meantime we got Abel's
last drop nocturnal passage which I've been rinsing out I love this track it's
gonna make him feel uncomfortable which I feel is the best way to start the
space so that's pop-up record shop 119 Friday vibes starting off by making Abel
feel I don't know put on the spot so I like to do this shit
those are some vibes man I love the the animation that goes with it too big
shout to saw check and Abel mr. saw check himself the the creator of the
original logo that we rock here on the main account the white the black and
white which I'm still old-fashioned man I stick to the old ways we got these new
razzle-dazzle logos from our very own slick in the building actually he said
he's coming but our homie slick you know he's done the new ones I'm trying to
feel like my grandfather a little bit like hey slow down you know this is a
neighborhood maybe don't drive so fast with your flashy logos and your
marketing speak you know I don't know slick is a silver tongue devil isn't he
able but I may be I mean his name is slick and you know it kind of like I
guess he's so slick it got by me this far but yeah you know it's it's all in
the name man look at this this is great you know that was supposed to embarrass
me but it kind of got me hyped today because I was like look like we're up
here we're doing it like look is that the shop today this is great man shout
out to everybody seriously we've got some macaroni and cheese and chicken
nuggets on the menu if anybody needs to take a shower there's a shower at the
shop too yeah there's a lot going on so I'm excited to explore this and I mean
this is like the it's like a world wrestling you know match or something
right where it's like oh and we've got you know minty and inspo vibes with
Bobby song and even she goes down there too like this is dope you know I don't
know if what time it is anywhere but who cares oh hell yeah I was I was feeding
off of there you guys have great copywriting minty on the inspo site
cracks me up I catch the fine details as a as a PR kind of editorial guy
myself so I always pay attention to the little details the wordplay shit and
it's on point which it counts at least it does to we among us that pay
attention to the damn details which I'd like to think is all of us but just not
on late night D gen flips am I right I like totally spaced out I was like wait
I was like oh am I and I was like I heard the word copy correct you are
hosting able screensavers on right now ladies and gentlemen it's like Windows
3.1 for work groups because it has some great like compressor that he uses the
software that he can't replicate in a modern non Amish computer not made of
wood that's why he uses Abletown not Ableton right because he uses like a
hand drill or something to make his beats like the CF they like chisel out
the 16 beat like drawers like the buttons like they're actually like hand
carved into a board first before the only man who hand-carves his vinyls
before sending them out you guys are making this up but the truth is you
remember when AOL sent out there like free CDs with those nice tin cases I
would collect those tin cases and then like reissue my albums in them like
after I read you know customize it with my spray paint and stuff so yeah it was
great you know not only did you get free internet but also like you know high
quality tin CD cases to redistribute so thanks AOL I don't know if I'd be here
in the same way without AOL you put Steve cases asked in the poor house
right I think I think you personally just because you're so prolific on your
releases right you drained AOL till it went to a death spiral in the morning
probably exactly sorry everybody I fucked up we would have had free internet
forever but it would have been dial-up too so I think most people don't know
what that is but we don't have to take the time to explain it because that's
that's all it is it's just a lot of time oh yeah correct I just got to say it's
when a phone talks to a computer like they're friends and then you just leave
it at that like everyone's just children
all right yeah flu speaking of phones talking to computers and not what the
internet is like that's I mean it's still it's still in a way exactly that
right now they're switches totally different well we don't hear the
language like that really hurts we've silenced them it's like where what are
we doing here with censorship in the internet we don't even listen to their I
mean I would like that option you know I send an email I want to hear it I want
to hear my computer's talk to each other why not all right enough of this
malarkey guys you know that whenever you advance cartridges die like a hard
crash they like shit out as an audio form like their entire like source code
the whole thing and just like a little burst well like a memory overflow it's
like it's a result is to show you its hand yep but it dumps the whole ROM the
best I love that stuff I told you before the kind of confidence but I can
say it out here I grew up a phone freak so I was always somewhere in the music
and audio engineering kind of realm anyway by default as a child to not have
to use quarters in the payphone ever because just morally couldn't do it but
fuck is a payphone boomer it's a thing that's like a cell phone only costs
money wait not a bad explanation no it's a predecessor it's like the Solana
phone but instead of it paying you you actually pay it it's oh that's yeah it's
an older model that is so skippity geez it airdrops coins to some dude who has
all his keys on his belt and apparently a long route all right I can't do any
more guys that was fun minty Bobby we invited you here I'm not sure why you
guys agreed to it Chico so happy you're here too we weren't sure if anybody was
you know it's like you guys have a crew you fell for it you're here you're at
the shop it's recorded so yeah let's go where do we say those engagement
strategy like hey we've gone too far to back out now so tell us a little bit
about you guys yourselves well hey I love shopping and it's 3 a.m. and it's
the best time to shop because when you loopy and hilarious it's the best time
to tune in that way you ordered it so it's like getting yourself a surprise
gift amen
able if you're accidentally Amazon gifted yourself something like you
thought was a really thoughtful gift from someone and then you realize you
just ordered it like three in the morning I get some weird stuff showing
up at my house the recent one was um what are these they're right here
they're called probiotics somebody sent probiotics to my house I was like oh and
then I was like what's what's going on I don't should I even take these I'm
scared now like getting you know supplements randomly I feel like that's
worse than trick-or-treating as a kid you know like I know other story ends
alright and it rhymes with shmalling face you know that's probably just pure
Molly some musician wacko friend of ours just put in your mailbox well if you
live in Bali just really quick I'm gonna cut you off but uh you get 3 a.m.
deliveries for sponsorships for sex gadgets and I just got rings for a cock
ring and it the instructions says mr. P there's written iconic yeah some people
take the time to read you know well you know what when they sent you three rings
and I don't know what the hell this is cuz I don't got a cock and then the
instructions says put mr. P first ring be hilarious if you like our curtain
just awkwardly apparently it's supposed to you know what you call it it's
supposed to it's supposed to go in your hair as a hairband right that's what I
know yeah it's supposed to it's supposed to hold off you know you like you know
reaching you know when your hair back and so you got to pull it all back you
don't want it to get in your face so they don't call it a scrunchie for
nothing we barely started I love just leads off like she goes really strong
wrap the bat she's like I'm just gonna go cock ring topic and breach that so
these guys feel comfortable because I was like I don't know I'm afraid we'll
send her and then I realized wait that's sexist
you go can you offend me can I offend you please no it's impossible it's
impossible I call offending me either constructive criticism or just roasting
which is why comedy exists so bring it on you're here we can go into free
speech for a second right it's it's a weird thought to say that you know the
seven words you can't say on the radio you actually can't say on the radio now
it was absurd to think it got Carlin arrested but maybe it's not such an
absurd thought anymore but yeah it's important to to have parody and extremes
and the rest of stuff and I think we all get that with the web 3 element with art
with I mean just everything that we do it's kind of extreme realization in web
3 right and it goes into people's art too it goes into all of the stuff we do
I don't think any of us can really do anything half-ass and it tends to be too
I think tell me if this is true for you guys but there was a spaces or something
that you wanted to see out there that didn't and you couldn't quite find one
so you're just like yeah fuck it let's build a space right that's kind of what
happened I think with ables we and I it was like we're all just beat nerds and
we like to argue about DJs from 97 approximately or 99 or something and you
know arguably samples and shit
and now we're all pawns and your your masterpiece that you've created yeah oh
right retweet the room thanks I got you everybody go down in that bottom right
little chat it might be showing up purple for you you see a few comments
there's like seven there's way more than seven people in here so I better be
seeing at least ten comments below and if you are feeling really generous you
could actually go retweet that space because it helps us and if you're
spending time here well why not bring other people in so go do it that the
button might be purple but only if you're wearing a ring
get beat by me let's go there we go coercion that's so funny because we all
up here we if you go to our profiles we all have purple rings around our
profiles right now it's it's just so weird how this all works purple ring
purple ring yeah be careful I will say just one warning anything that you say
or present up here can and may be held against you in the use of sampling and
Nate's sample board so you know it may come back at you yeah just so you know
you found me saying some absurd shit about fucking a mutant ape or something
it was like when I say something like does your IP even go to Mars yeah does
it go to Mars yeah there's one it's like everybody's talking about the moon and
here comes Nate with this does it even go to Mars you know like oh wait what's
going on I better go check that out you know jigsaw like influencer jigsaw
style there because jigsaw throws it with the most funny fucking edge ever on
that shit wait real quick able you apparently you gave us a new like tagline
for insta radio what was that again I don't know if I am I responsible for
that I think so well me me first and then you made it a tagline cuz the way
you worded it okay minty can you help me out I'm drawing a blank I know it was
like a blackout moment well no so let's start the beginning here we can keep it
funny and joking around but let's start from the beginning kind of reset here I
would like to know what is in school radio day yeah also the run up to the
show how you got there with like starting the show well first off can I
before we start getting into that I'm new to web 3 because I got into this
because of son honestly and only for us but I really really started focusing
more on web 3 as an artist with inspiration thanks Tim and see and Bobby
and they have been my educators so I honestly like I just want to know a
little bit about what you know you guys are and what this is and I'm and just
give for anyone that you know are just tuning in for the first time ever like
could you give us a rundown really quick you want to know why you're here like
what I just want to know what you guys like you know what this platform is to
be honest I'm gonna be real I I'm very new well have have you been to a record
shop Chico like I don't know like recently or in the past also pronounced
ever yeah sorry the meat button was working but yeah of course like vinyls
my shit and I love going to record shops so I love finding old-school like you
know also shit so yeah so I get that part yeah so this is like the flip
side of it so it's like instead of I guess what we do dig through old-school
shit here too but we try to bring that culture into the future in the present
and you know we look at this as like a virtual record shop if you will like
it's a third space for all of us to have our music and you know exist there so if
you look at all these PFP is there circles so they're basically records and
we encourage people to go shopping while they're here look into everybody's
profile and what they're up to because everybody's doing something interesting
but yeah we want to you know take that culture and that kind of experience of
you know going to a place not only to look for music but also to meet people
and see what's like going on you know it's it's like more about the culture
behind it we all kind of come from that era and then you know we've gone through
what we've gone through and now we're you know so this is our place to bring
that back and yeah you probably have a better explanation I doubt it you hit
that one really perfect but I think what it comes down to is a lot of us grew up
and I grew up personally electronic music I want to say for some time around 97
that I realized if I bought a flyer bag and a triple five sole full-length rain
coat not only would I look fly as hell but I was instant three-team and I would
never get carried again and I essentially went to a shitload of raves
from late 90s till I don't know mid 2000s I didn't even hand out flyers the
entire time it was like once I realized once you're on that guest list you
didn't have to really you know it's not you didn't do it but like it got to
where you knew everyone and then sort of like web 3 it's that personal mixtape
culture hand-to-hand thing and for me web 3 is always felt kind of comfortable
because I grew up in electronic music and it's a social proof culture b-boy
culture electronic music it's I can tag show me show me your art I can I can pop
show me I can DJ show me like you always have to prove you can flow do it like it
was always about now now now right and I feel like that's something we well
understand in web 3 and so that prototype translates but um you know back
then I was doing comm stuff for BPM or Red Bull Music Academy and it's like
first couple years where it was like this ragtag kind of thing whereas now
if you look at their boiler room sets and crazy shit they're using like the
open the Pioneer Opus quad which is a really ridiculous set I mean that's like
that's like the club like nicest set I'm not nicest but I mean it's they have
basically no want for gear ever now it's the most polished thing ever with Red
Bull Music Academy so to see where electronic music itself has gone and
maybe has gone wrong with the festival turn you know we realized that the
growth we thought we wanted maybe isn't it that all kind of ties in the record
shop because we don't do the indiscriminate run-ups we don't even
really we don't often post about the guests we just it's you show up here
like you would any normal record shop back in the day and sometimes whoever's
coming through town to spin that night stops by and says hi to grab his records
and we just had tremendous luck there was an episode we were talking about DJ
shadows introducing and so and from Mo wax records that that label that signed
him and fat boy slim and a lot of others a founder from there tagged up to
speak like let me tell you about getting clearances for DJ shadow and Abel and I
are in DMS like dude it looks like we planned this this is this is wild but
yeah no we want that haphazard kind of experience you have to show up to see
who shows up also at the shop and that's how it always was but it wasn't just
about records or music it was always that like we said the third place maybe
you know the manager maybe your friends and artists maybe you're dropping flyers
off maybe you're buying music everything in between maybe you're smoking a joint
behind the building just busy your friends were working but the idea is
you have that third place that check-in in that way to kind of stay rooted in a
wild and fast growth time and we always have that in spades and I feel like
that's what we wanted to bring here is kind of that safety that building the
open mentality where we give each other advice we all keep in tune to the
crowdsourcing and what's going on but we all get the vet the advice that's
being given because we do it here in front of each other as a conversation
and we've been going for I don't even know a year and a half we were doing
twice a week we were starting to get burnt so what I'd say to you guys is as
host is don't underestimate the work that spaces in the taxingness of spaces
if you start to feel burnt if you're doing you know twice a week go down to
once and skip one it's better for your longevity just trust me on this but yeah
then that's that's the culture we want preserve we want to bring the best of I
guess social-proof cultures and that encompasses record shops electronic
music hip-hop and so many other fucking things but it's just it's a parent
mindset right and so we want to know about people we want to know about what
your music's about how you found it why you like it and all the rest because at
the end of the day discovery is pretty beat in web 3 music and one of the best
ways has always been that word-of-mouth we identify and nerd out over something
I know what you're about you know what I'm about and the next suggestion that
comes out of your mouth or mine we're on that same level it has nothing to do
with trying to snag my wallet out of my pocket it has to do with connecting
people who love what you do with people you know who make the shit that hits
that authentic right and whether that's and for me that's always been drum and
bass in spades that we've loved drum and bass drum and bass dude I'm all over it
vicious yeah hell yeah this is awesome I I mentioned this to able the other day
like and you know as of last week and many weeks before that I was working a
typical corporate job and so like didn't ever really get to like fully tune into
the spaces I would like be here and in and out or just like you know like I had
it in one year while I like did work so now that I am you know officially full
time in web 3 like gives me opportunities to to come and hang out on
the NFT record shop not just hang out but also like you know be part of it I
really like record collecting culture I'm a little younger but you know that
was still something that I did with my friends and I actually have a nice
little record player set up I actually got one of the I don't know if you all
know the brand houseplant but it's made by Seth Rogen and saw he was releasing
like a record player and I I've always been a big fan of Seth Rogen for
multiple reasons but when he started to do that brand I was like you know like I
can't afford some of this like high-end stuff but like that record player I need
that record player it's it's very sleek it actually like you can connect it to a
sound system or like to a Bluetooth speaker and I upgraded to this I think
three or four years ago and it's gotten me back into actually like going and
sifting through records I found a spot that's close to the new apartment I'm at
and it's like kind of a collaboration of all those things it's like records art
copy shop it's like an old bookstore it's all kind of meshed together and it
definitely gives that vibe that third space I'm starting to get to know the
owner so exactly like what you all are saying like still love that kind of
culture and try to support it whether it's digital or physical yeah absolutely
Bobby and you know I think that that's where you know we like we now where we
we kind of sink in here and we get into it and I think we're we are coming from
different places where we have you know this relationship with music in
different ways and you know we're this is a place where we explore that I think
it's really interesting too because you guys have you know up here just so
everybody knows minty Bobby and Chico are the hosts for inspo radio vibes
which is a show also on Twitter and also I think you guys are on rug radio if I'm
not mistaken yeah so you know and Chico you are a singer and a musician and you
know an artist and you know that's that's kind of my you know place that
I'm coming from here with the shop you know co-hosting with Nate and I think
that you know what we see is that this is a place where everybody you know
different people like music for different reasons and that's what we want
to open up we want to like have this common ground so it's not just you know
us producing music and talking about that but like also listening to people
who are enjoying music and looking to get more into music and you know also
like our main like kind of covert mission is really to convert Nate Guppy
into an actual DJ which is going pretty well he's already like acquired quite a
bit of equipment and he's seems to be obsessed with it so you know we want to
see more of that happen and you know it's really an honor to have you all in
here and like have this big you know like session here with our shows because
it's not about like oh go to our show or and don't go to their show it's like we
want to have this whole thing work out and have this communication with
everybody so that we can share schedules and time and space and you know one
thing that we love is bringing people like your yourselves in here that do
have a show because the musicians that hang out with us might want to get
interested and you know contact you and vice versa so it's you know it's
really that you know kind of thing but yeah that's how we disguise the whole
mission to convert Nate to a DJ but yeah it's it's a it's pretty good it starts
with the tricks he tricked you know the trick is gonna come you guys if you if
you adopt a non-musician or someone who thinks they're a non-musician into your
your inspo circle of trust the way you trick these sons of bitches into this is
you tell them to buy the podcast board first and then they accidentally become
proficient in wiring and engineering shit and then hooking up the tables is
already like super easy it's just like the master you know it's done you've
been accepted oh yeah plus this thing does like 32 bit forty thousand
kilohertz digital capture lossless back and forth between these two I'm sure
that's super fun to use I know minty was trying to talk but you've got a super
good mic you probably didn't hear him minty go ahead oh no no no I think my
joke was like three three sentences ago so it's absolutely dead in this room
that's what I love about the pop-up record shop it's not why I want to say
something then we've got minty here he I will say he is the one who contacted
myself and Chico and pitched this idea to us to do inspo radio like I've always
loved music before even got into crypto like the community I spent all the time
in was music drum and bass electric like even jam bands you know the whole vibe
and you know what's the fun crypto well I got sucked into that so I needed to
find more music outlets through it and so that all kind of like circled back and
now doing this weekly show and shouting out not only artists in web 3 but also
just artists that we enjoy seeing get better and better and and climbing to
higher heights like it's just super fun so I want to say thank you to minty for
for reaching out to us and you know keeping us on track even when Chico's
telling jokes that make me lose complete composure which is I think happening
more and more often I don't know if this is like a game you'll have created it's
now just a comedy show we happen to do music on the side
serious and web like web 3 gets too boring okay and I have a concussion so
blame it on all the above yeah minty minty is the orchestrator if you will
the mastermind it's not hard to put together two of my favorite people onto
a show to talk to him about you know something I love and it's you know the
focus that they have why specifically you know Bobby and Chico I thought were
the perfect gets to have a chat show like this was they this is something
they already do they're so so passionate about music in different ways
Bobby is just you know this fantastic curator and he's always constantly on
the move he's going to so many shows I remember he's like one of the first
people I was just like shocked that he was like yeah I can't go to NFT NYC with
you guys I gotta go you know these other you know music shows I'm like wow he's
really that you know much more passionate about you know the specific
culture than just the DJ and shit and like but on a consistent basis and then
you had Chico who was just constantly and she's actually the inspiration for
the name because she she searches out music as an artist as I think a lot of
us do for inspiration for you know hearing new tracks and and world beat
you're like damn that sounds amazing and like you know how does that how does that
work what are they doing and maybe is that something that I can corporate my
voice cuz I'm vibing with it and so she's she's always in lookout for music
as a source of inspiration and I found a lot of inspiration in that in the naming
of the show that's a good fit too it's it's tough to settle on a title and the
rest of the things and just find that that that balance right but it's it's
great too when you fall in with a crew it's so much less daunting to know that
I could just throw Abel right into the bus and the bus won't even touch me I
mean if I'm lucky the blood won't even get in my clothes and I think to me
that's what friendships all about on the stage our show is the reverse Chico
throws things in the bus and I get blood all over me and it's very very gross and
it's disgusting I wish it would happen so much I'm there more for the music but
clearly we're just a comedy show now that happens to do music but I'm here
for it I'm not mad about it at all like I'm I really love like where we're going
with it you know we started in not with like a there's a general plan to just
talk about musicians and art and like you know connect every week but like you
know it's we did like a fun little rewards like for the year episode which
did really well and got a lot of people that we had had throughout the year come
back and you know like just get them their flowers for what they had
accomplished that year and yeah it's just it's it's so much fun like and
that's I think what brings me back every single week and once like I want to go
find more music I want to go find another artist like sometimes I'm like
man like this artist there's they're still coming up but like I need to go
find a new artist who's like not as popular now I need it I need to like go
focus on somebody else because how hard how hard is that Bobby like you know I
mean how hard is that for I mean cuz is it like you put a lot of effort into
that cuz I'm into I love what you're saying about the show and and it being
like you know like natural for people and like I think that's a really
important thing here is to you know step into a role that's not outside of what
you're you know is extra so then it's like by when you say that I'm thinking
like well how hard is it to like find new music do you want people to like
submit their music to you or would you rather find like I'm curious on that
process now that you've done that for a while yeah I I'm mostly cheering at
myself some of it has to do with just utilizing algorithms and finding out like
you know like okay this artist is related to them like I don't know them
very well or maybe they're they're featured on a an artist song that I
really like I think that's one of my favorite ways to find artists it's like
okay if I like somebody and they work with somebody else and I don't know
anything about them maybe I should go check them out because you know there's
obviously a relation there that I can explore so that's like one way that I
really do like to find new musicians that aren't really on my radar is just
they're connected to the artists I already follow so that's one really big
one I I would be interested in like and totally open to more people reaching out
to me as as time goes by and like hearing their music and trying to you
know speak more about like people I have like actual relationships with right
yeah yeah Mindy I was talking about this with Natasha who's big in the space and
there's there's something about the artist cosine that is magical and I
don't know if everybody understands that they have it and I think sometimes they
understand that they have it almost too much but you know when somebody like
able posts other somebody else's work I pay attention you know it's just like
when the when there's other artists that I vibe with share others work we're like
oh cool like you know let's let's check that out we're kind of just the ones that
then go deeper into that like as Bobby's saying we're just like oh cool somebody's
featuring them fantastic like let's let's hear him let's you know dig dig
down and drill down to make that discovery because that's that's what we
love that that new music discovery and and showcasing we in our awards show
this year it give us time to reflect on like wow the progress oh my gosh guys the
progress that's being made right now in web 3 and and over that past year how
many have gone on to you know label deals like have you know now created you
know just enough to be able to like you know feed themselves and you know via
Letta just crossed I think a million dollars in volume on her collection and
it's just really really satisfying just to see artists being able to create for
themselves and to be able to sustain for themselves in this in this space of web
three yeah totally I think that's something that we also love here is like
watching that journey you know and I think it's also something that we talk a
lot about is on credits and proper credits and and metadata because I think
there's a sometimes it gets egotistical in the world of music and and you know
things like you know people will leave off credits or don't know how to put
credits in or platforms don't support it so then it becomes okay we have to dumb
this down and the more we dumb it down the less discovery there is like we
already lost a lot of liner notes and album cover you know artwork and and
stories and things like that and I think that you know that's for me was a big
one on discovering music like I would find a song that I liked and then I
would look at like who played the the instrument that I thought was the
coolest on that song or you know then that led me into who you know produced
that and then that led me into who engineered that and then that led me
into what studio did that come out of and what other records did that and like
what are these other you know and that's something that I think is really
important and it's cool to hear that that's actually the way that you do your
music discovery because I think otherwise you're just saying oh well look
who's number one on over here you know and it's I think it's good as news to
know that you know you we have to be aware of all these things and you know
pull from data from different spots but it's really interesting to hear that
like the the collabs and features play a big part because that's also a really
important aspect of web 3 and I think what we're doing with music and NFTs in
a contract aspect because of the splits and things like that so the more that
those can be set up and utilized I think that that's kind of what pushes things
forward you know maybe with with if you you know it might be harder to kind of
do music discovery I'm thinking in a web 2 cents because it is so huge and
each piece of music doesn't have all that information there's a few you can
right-click on a track on Spotify and then look up credits but they they they
fall very short and then I think title also has some good stuff like that
there's some producer pages but you know myself I've produced over a hundred
albums and I still don't have my own producer page there so it's like you
know there's so much being lost I'm sure there's a bunch of people like
myself that just don't have that you know and other producers that I've
worked with like I wanted to credit them I was like well do you have the in they
don't have the producer page you know so I think web 3 is where we're really
opening that door and you know I'm honored to hear that you know when I do
repost something that you know it's effective in that way that's huge to me
and also it it puts a little pressure and I just want to point out that you
know when I when I get better you post music from somebody else I know not to
listen to that shit so there there you go you don't have to worry about the
national your fucking sentence you don't have to worry about seeming like we need
balance there you go I just wanted I just want to note there's Nessie down
there in the audience please send him an invite Nessie was a huge part of our
growth as a show because it's he does represent that that type of artist who's
always collabing with other people and I make a lot of discoveries from him
like that's how I found him and it's that integration of right now in web 3
culture that's allowing musicians to partner in collab with far far greater
ease and I think also with more intimacy that's leading I think to better
interesting collabs and interesting tracks that's really been a great
germination point for me so just want to shout out Nessie down there Nessie the
Rilla minty did you hear about that one AI artist Snoop Dogg through through
Nessie because that's the one that I found out about through Nessie really
underground shit yeah yeah yeah I know flu I'd love to hear your music
discovery process as well just not now bad flu quiet no I'm kidding honestly
discovery is such an issue in here because on one hand we don't want algo
to show us things right we always complain about algos algos algos but how
else to do it right is the question and if you're not out here building the
relationships and getting to know people on kind of that level of the heart Jesus
I don't know how else can you do it really it's that's where it really gets
to be the the million dollar question how how can we kind of stop competing
whether that's spaces or artists or any number of things and how can we start to
apply without being like corporate douchebags how can we apply synergy
right the right way and we're trying to see that you know it's I think it's
awesome to you guys are syndicated with rug radio rug radio house is crazy the
not this particular show I have to say that there there's I will say that you
know here's some alpha there's genuine interest there's a lot of interest
actually for a long time about rug radio having this show on there but at the
moment we're currently not on regrade that's a that's my other show that I
have web through media oh no worries no worries but I think you're right you
know this the way that you know instead of just being served the algorithm you
can take this active approach through and that's discovery and that's with
these great tools are allowing us to do is to discover through our own intuition
that's what makes it makes it exciting because as you're saying able like you
know being able to just go and then like have maybe like on sound is a great
example they have the splits on there and you see who the collaborator is you
see the producer is and you just click on them you click on the profile and
like oh cool what else have been working on oh let me listen to these tracks oh
crap they did this amazing collab with this person I love that you know that the
mastering there holy crap that sounds amazing so I'm making the discoveries by
way of the web 3 tools that are being presented to us so it circumvents for me
the algorithm I don't listen to algorithmic music I don't listen
or algorithmically serve music in a sense I usually am deep diving down the
rabbit hole aggressively looking at that because the tools allow me to
circumvent the algorithm to create my own playlists he's what we call a
crate digger digging deep we know that life we know that life I feel like
everyone in here is so I don't really know like what the distinction is but
it's about what crates you dig in racks how many racks of crates do you've got
you know I mean I mean my dad's been DJing for 40 years so I started when I
was 12 I don't know see that's another level that's that's just in your blood
and that's such a beautiful thing yeah it is I have a friend who has a huge
vinyl collection and one of the cool projects he's doing is cataloging that
vinyl on to the blockchain not as his own music NFTs of course but just as a
music archivist because a lot of vinyl isn't you know accessible that way so
you know when you have a lot of rare records you know that this is the use of
like the blockchain it's an incredible ledger to look that up like when you
said that you have a big collection from your dad racks like I thought like well
that would be great I imagine in the future you can scan those things and
have something where you can kind of look at your collection overall and
understand what you've got and even go further into like these are rare
records how many of them exist who are those owners I think that the way that
we connect music and songs through web 3 is really important the fact that I'm a
collector of certain songs and I know who those other collectors are is huge I
think we all know our good friend Genzo in this space and both me and Genzo are
huge shardae fans you know as a she's an incredible singer and artist and you
know we just really love her music and it inspired us to you know produce and
and stuff and and when we found out that we both love that artist it's like
that's such a deep connection so I think that you know being able to you know
sign in or sign out of that connection is really cool and especially when you
pass records down I've got a lot of records as well passed down I mean I
think vinyl is one of those forms that is a hand-me-down thing and you know I
would love to know where that came from and how that came to be because you know
some of those are like from radio white labels and stuff like that so you know
I think when you say that racks like that's where my mind goes with what
we're doing you know with music here there's a lot of you know archiving as
well as like forward you know new music that's gonna go out that doesn't even
exist yet in here so yeah it's very very dear to my heart this subject yeah I
mean my dad pretty much has his small collection of vinyls that he's kept over
the years he used to have much much more but you know everything went digital and
he used to be like he went through all of the periods of like collecting music
you know and when things started to go more digital he started a YouTube
channel under his DJ name that he's been archiving music on there actually it has
like twenty thousand followers I think at this point it's not monetized it's
really just there to like have you know mostly music videos that are hard to
find because he like was VJing for a while so yeah that's something that like
he doesn't even really want to manage that much anymore now like in his
retirement I mean he's still working but now he just manages a cannabis store he
just doesn't really do music much anymore he can't really carry all the
equipment and stuff he did everything by himself so anyways yeah like hopefully
at some point I mean well yeah at some point I will take that over as well too
right so yeah it's not exactly something I usually like mention but since we're
talking about music archives yeah that's something that yeah has been a thing for
a while so also I put an original version of a song into the discord and I
do have to go to work pretty soon so whenever you guys get a chance to play
that'd be yeah you have to approve me I'm excited about this because I keep
hearing a little samples of Rax bringing some reggae to this space which I think
is is missing and I'm excited about her voice in this space what I can't wait to
hear Rax making stacks let's go let's make her some stacks I don't associate
with any one genre I make like all kinds of music so yes I do have some like
reggae ish vibes and some of my stuff but I don't I don't associate with one
genre good cuz you know I cuz we got to be able to do all you know and that's
how we grow as an artist as well so thank you for letting me know and I'm
definitely gonna check yourself out and I appreciate you and go get that money
and go work today and I hope you have a great day yeah totally um we you know we
do have some great music up here you know and this is the thing that I love
it when people get to artists and creators and different people get to
meet come together you know yeah so we should play a few Nate I'm not sure how
your DJ decks are going but on the digital DJ thing but if we've got some
music lined up we could take some music break yeah actually just I just got that
one open so we're gonna this is actually a track we've heard some other versions
before of from from Rax with control and Rax is definitely just a resident talent
I would say around here that again very huge amount of range and influence but
also does the production singing shit and again we can go into genre ship but
at the end of the day there's so many drumming bass nerds in here let's just
be honest come on it's pigeonholing a little bit but not really we all love
that stuff we if you hear bring it on and you start like headbanging it's pretty
much the the proven time proven test right but I do have a music break guys
we're gonna line that up right now but if you could do us a favor we're gonna
come back after this and if you have any questions if you want to get
something played just tag up and say what's up you got a DM the NFT record
shop main account if you have some music you want to play or you can post it in
the discord if you know where and yeah we'll be back in a couple minutes do us
a favor roll it up kick back it's Friday vibes and send a DM invite a friend if
you don't feel like retweeting or any of that stuff it's pop-up record shop
episode 119 inspo radio and then Rex with the drop of control for today's
track or one of the music breaks so awesome shit let's get it going I always
hate Google the Google app hates me every single time I do this with Drive if
I give you a cool intro just know it's gonna fail it's gonna fail every single
time and we can we'll just there it is it works
myself fall back
like I could just let go but you already know shit is too far come just let me
below I cannot try to understand the way my mind always creates the capability to
try to understand the way my mind always creates control
I just want to cry for you I don't want to fall I just want to cry for you I don't want to fall I just want to cry for you
boom there it is and I still I double down on even though that wasn't not D&V
range I could keep your voice on key with my decks and throw that to 175 no
problem right now yeah show yeah no that was still man yeah thanks Rags for
bringing that in and yeah so people know you know we love to play like demos and
whips and stuff and you know all sorts of different things so if you like that
song don't go looking for it because it's not out and but yeah you know hit
up Rags and Nate's always you know see this is the thing like he now he's got
these DJ decks so every time there's some music spinning he's like I wonder
when I could scratch in here but you know maybe if we're lucky we'll get a
little like taste of it you know but I know later tonight you're gonna be on
the hook for your Holland Oats remix that you were doing but yeah that
besides that you know actually I mean I might play a bit of that on canes space
I've been messing with that that one all joking aside shout out to optic from
highlights but optic gave me I said give me three tracks that are kind of weird to
mix and I'm gonna put him in a record box and analyze him and and chop him up
into some stems and whatever and he gave me a nose it ain't hard to tell MOP
any up and then hollow notes private eyes which goes hard as fuck it's like
it's surprisingly if you isolate the string in that and slow it down it's
like the most dramatic thing you've ever heard so big shout out to like that's
why I ask people for tracks that your suggestions to like do a mashup because
just that association to me is the magic someone else has those ideas that are
totally different than mine but then I started dissecting it you know and and
it's awesome because it's like I get I get to on some level inherit that wisdom
or whatever you want to call it so many so many of my betters that surround me
in the shop when it comes to the technical shit by the deck behind the
decks behind the board whatever so big shout to you guys for teaching me
something out here I feel like it's setting in a little
all right I just wanted that to settle in and you're welcome and yeah we're out
here you know learning so it's it's soaking in see you you're already
accepting it and that's part of the process at there's a point with that
that comes if you're an artist and you have to make the are you just gonna take
the rap or you're gonna keep on fighting it and be like oh I don't you know I
couldn't you know just take the rap and do it you know like what's the point
jump off the cliff like go in there but yeah so I think we've got you know
quite a few people up here that have are taking the rap we should play another
track because we've got now we've got Nessie and you know and so they the so
minty and your crew here with Bobby and Chico you made a collab with all of you
and Chico you also have your own music out too then you and your you better
have your kaku I hope still down in the audience you know as a DJ you know and
so I think that you know let's let's start exploring like the the ecosystem
of like what that's like to collab and have a show and things I'd love to say
hi to people to moons up here moon grew cryptos or and heartistry I don't want
to you know run over people but if you have something to say you know I guess
you know feel free to throw your hand up we're gonna try to keep it on subject
as the stage gets a little bit bigger but we always love to include everybody
in the conversation and if you haven't been here before we'll probably ask you
to do a little introduction and yeah I mean I think that we've got that track
to play so whether or not we're gonna play that next is up to the DJ but yeah
moon you want to say what's up it's great guys I just want to say what's up
I haven't been around in a long time but I'm back now and this is a cool space I
really like what you guys are doing there's a lot going on which is kind of
cool I see Nate got some decks and my man is talking about stems and stuff
which is great because that's like new in this in the DJ world at least for
for you know people who just doesn't have huge and expensive equipment that's
kind of cool love to like talk more about that with other people in the
space about new equipment and what they're using and things like that
that's always nice to have a space where we can talk about things like that I
think it's important um racks really cool track I never heard about you before
but I heard you heard about you now I heard the reggae vibes I heard the
steel pan in the background really dope I got a lot of sample tracks from
Trinidad I'm from Trinidad we gotta I got a lot of sample yeah yeah so I got a
lot of you know 20 bad going real big dung there so there's a lot of samples a
lot of music down there I got a lot of stuff beats I would love for you to spit
on throw something on maybe we could do something that'd be really cool um
Bobby want to say what up able that's throwing me up here everybody real this
is really cool space um yeah that's cool with the mashups that what you're doing
Nate um I used to do a lot of mashups back in the day it was a lot of fun but
I didn't have stems so maybe we could talk about that a little more um I've
got to get out of here before my lunch break is up but uh big up to everybody
yeah man we definitely want to keep you tagged in so feel free to send a DM to
if anyone wants to get more in the loop we do have a group chat we have a
discord we keep both tight in the discord we we like to hang out and play
beats in the the VC and video game and do other stuff that's not music related
but um everyone's welcome and we definitely want to do things like I also
set up a webcam over my decks and as people are teaching me things I try to
step into it and be the one that's not good at it you know if like I'll have
otter or I'll have racks telling me how to do different effects on a beat or how
to isolate something differently and in that regard again it's nice to be the
vessel sometimes for for people whose taste you trust and for whose technical
skills are just ridiculous right I'm just lucky no no newbie gets taught by
you know the pros that hang out in these circles so I feel blessed in that
regard yeah it's cool I know on discord you can well but at least I'm using the
rev7 I can connect my the correct directly to discord and my decks will
show up my Serato decks will show up on discord it's pretty cool I don't know if
you can do that with record box but I know you can do with Serato so yeah I
do it through I do a loop through OBS where I do overlay but that's honestly
just starting to hit the limits of the laptop it's not loving all that
redundancy on the on the refeeds and stuff to re-render it because it's like
that's a lot of drag you know and also I'm putting it through the soundboard
and the laptop twice it's like a two interfaces you know essentially two
sound cards hooked up and one's playing through the other and then digitally
re-encoding itself to play to itself like I know discord is tricky all right
that's cool man I really appreciate you guys keep it going I want to say one
more thing about the records I have a few records that I always kept my dad
was a mover so I used to do a lot of moves with him growing up and I
accumulated a lot of records and I'm sure everyone has some stories about you
know that one record you know where they got it I think that would be a cool
segment where we can talk about things like that also music in general not just
records I know how you guys are archiving music on records but our music
in general like even on YouTube like tracks that used to be there aren't
there anymore YouTube take take them down because out of your region or
country and sometimes they just delete them completely and the artist has to
make a new version and it's not like the old version so it's weird so it's
always good to archive music in that regard I know that's a great point also
I you know the other day I not the other day it was a while ago but I was going
through my tapes and I had this old mixtape from a DJ it from a rave at that
I came through and did like a one-off tape you know of that and I was like I
wonder if this is like out there and so I searched it I found somebody who had
uploaded that set the tape you know digitized it to YouTube so I left a
couple comments you know and not only like a day later but did she the actual
DJ reply back was like oh my god I didn't even know this was online and like
this is so cool and we had a whole conversation about you know what that
was like and like she was like yeah I made this tape just because like that's
what we did you know we like had the show and then taped it and there was like
you know I went to the record shop and that's where I got the tape and there
was only a certain amount of them I was like yeah I really liked that show like
let me get the tape and so yeah you know what it must have been 30 years later
that that connection you know resurfaced and we had an incredible conversation
you know about music and just our journey in it and everything and
reconnected so you know don't take this stuff for granted is my point I think
with that you know so yeah I really look forward to digesting and and sort of
exploring this sort of the collaboration in that you know because it
was as it was pointed out earlier with the discovery of music it's very
important to like how we presented and how people are involved in all of this
stuff so yeah I think this is exactly that and it would be very cool to have a
we could do like a one you know just a session like we come through every week
but you know we could do one where we talk about specifically what you know
one record and a story behind it that would be something we'd love to host so
thanks for bringing that in and you know joining in with the vibes here Nate not
to put you on the spot again I know I've been jumping around but you know I'm
kind of excited with all these people here honestly it's got me going but do
you want to play another song and then we can jump into it I don't know we're
losing Bobby and we're losing minty so it's only gonna be Chico's gonna have to
fend for herself here and Nessie too but yeah do you want to should we play
another song and then sort of jump into that or maybe we need to wait we have a
couple I have I actually have that Chico track you sent me queued up so we'll do
that and then come back let's see if we can tag up those guys we'll talk about
the the collab track that they recently dropped to and give that a proper yes
sorry technical difficulties I got a call next and we hit except and I was
like no no that's a spam call I don't need that get out of here this is more
important oh no worries shop thank you sir yeah no Twitter spaces we know that
goes well we get you back up here you know it's just a boring Tuesday for we
seasoned hosts a guys no I'm kidding what's happening is it Tuesday oh yeah
no it's a Friday so I actually have this running joke in the space where I'll say
the wrong day you know Friday vibes on Tuesday and one time I went the entire
episode and no one corrected me and I couldn't believe it it was amazing it
was like three that's iconic yeah it's just it's important to have goals if you
do spaces yeah well let's hear the track let's let's play it and then talk
about it oh hell yeah let's do that
I guess I should give it a running this is Chico with stay safe
you'll be honest with somebody
one day instead is no one ever came was it what the thing was it was all my you
are my dreams and all my opportunities
and maybe I'll hope they pay oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god
and maybe I'll hope they pay oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god
all the blood sweat and tears
all the time I'll never get back all the people I'll never be able to trust ever
be able to trust
able to trust
and maybe I'll hope maybe I'll hope and pray
maybe I'll hope and pay
and I can only pray you'll be honest with somebody
and I can only pray you'll be honest with somebody
anyway one day and maybe I'll hope and maybe I'll hope and play and I can only play you'll be honest with somebody
and maybe I'll hope and maybe I'll hope and pray
and I can only pray you'll be honest with somebody
and I can only pray.
and I can only pray that you'll be honest with somebody anybody one day
that you'll be honest with somebody.
keep a home in my place giving you my blessing stay out let's out stay safe
K-bae Oh, In my place giving you my blessing.
stay up,less out, stay safe now.
now stay out bless I'll stay safe now
I'm feeling that I was like the whole time hovering over the sign in button on sound
I'm feeling that I was like the whole time hovering over the sign in button on sound going is this gonna rug the song if I hit this button I should have tested that now we'll never know I'm just gonna have to go hot next time and just throw caution to the wind and hit that hit that sign in button you know just live wild yeah no I think that's happened before like where we're playing something and it stops because we're like oh I was trying to like you know grab a copy that yeah no I love that vibe and I also
going is this gonna rug the song if I hit this button I should have tested that now
we'll never know I'm just gonna have to go hot next time and just throw caution to the
wind and hit that hit that sign in button you know just live wild yeah no I think that's
happened before like where we're playing something and it stops because we're like oh I was trying
to like you know grab a copy that yeah no I love that vibe and I also love you know your voice
love you know your voice Chico I think like talking about music discovery so like I know I think I knew Kaku as a DJ who produced that track and like you know I think that to me like music is like love you know and so like that track like represents that in a way to me and it's just super cool I you know found out about Kaku's music and then I was like wait
Chico I think like talking about music discovery so like I know I think I knew Kaku as a DJ who
produced that track and like you know I think that to me like music is like love you know and so like
that track like represents that in a way to me and it's just super cool I you know found out
about Kaku's music and then I was like wait who's this you know Chico and I was like oh my gosh like
who's this you know Chico and I was like oh my gosh like they're you know in a relationship and she's an incredible singer and you know that's something that really hits home for me so you know I just thought it's cool to like bring these these little points out like as we build towards the grander story getting nasty back up here too of like you know what everybody's doing and who they are and then like how we all can work together in that experience so super chill
they're you know in a relationship and she's an incredible singer and you know that's something
that really hits home for me so you know I just thought it was cool to like bring these these
little points out like as we build towards the grander story getting Nessie back up here too of
like you know what everybody's doing and who they are and then like how we all can work together in
that experience so super chill vibes yeah Chico I'm gonna say high five yeah no thank you thank
vibes yeah Chico yeah thank you thank you so much for playing that um but I just like you know it's like I just want to let the people know if you guys don't mind if you guys if you don't mind we don't mind okay I just really want to explain the background of the story because this story actually is more than just a song for me it was kind of like a therapy for me
you so much for playing that um but I just like you know someone's like I just want to let the
people know if you guys don't mind if you guys if you don't mind we don't mind okay I just really
want to explain the background of the story because this story actually is more than just a song for
me it was kind of like a therapy for me you know this is I was 20 I just turned 22 when I sang that
um you know this is I was 20 I just turned 22 when I sang that song um and I freestyled it in one take so it's raw um it was raw and all my homies were like yo just release it like it is because like you know like no one releases like raw like freestyle like I don't even have the lyrics written down like this was like so the background is basically Kaku and I just started dating we were in the studio finished the bottle of honey together
song and I freestyled it in one take so it's raw it was raw and all my homies were like yo just
release it like it is because like you know like no one releases like raw like freestyle like I
don't even have the lyrics written down like this was like so the background is basically
Kaku and I just started dating we were in the studio finished the bottle of Henny together
at four five in the morning and um he was working on this beat and I was like yo like please like let me just like like freestyle like let me get on the mic just press record and let me just like just free flow and um like and I was going through some shit I'm gonna be really I'm gonna be so one thing you gotta know about me is I got no filter and I just say it like it is so um the lyrics that you hear um uh you know for me it's it's uh so people can really understand maybe when they
four five in the morning and um he was working on this beat and I was like yo like please like
let me just like like freestyle like let me get on the mic just press record and let me just like
just free flow and um like and I was going through some shit I'm gonna be really I'm gonna be so one
thing you gotta know about me is I got no filter and I just say it like it is so um the lyrics
that you hear um uh you know for me it's it's uh so people can really understand maybe when they
listen back on the lyrics um the story behind this is I freestyle this because I was going through a lot in life and I met the love of my life at the same time after running away from a really abusive relationship with a gang member back in the states um that was abusive and instead of being instead of being um you know mad and holding resentment towards him all I wanted because I'm Christian like all I wanted was you know basically you know basically it's a
listen back on the lyrics um the story behind this is I freestyle this because I was going
through a lot in life and I met the love of my life at the same time after running away from
a really abusive relationship with a gang member back in the states um that was abusive and instead
of being instead of being um you know mad and holding resentment towards him all I wanted
because I'm Christian like all I wanted was you know basically you know basically it's a letter
letter to him like no matter how many times you beat me no matter what you put me through like I just want you to like you know I just wish you all the best and be safe and and get your life together and realize like what you have done and the trauma you have caused who you know to me when I was young and you know and I was 22 when I was there I've been I was within this relationship for three years you know and I had to run away from him in the middle of the night you know because I
to him like no matter how many times you beat me no matter what you put me through like I just
want you to like you know I just wish you all the best and be safe and and get your life together
and realize like what you have done and the trauma you have caused to like you know to me
when I was young and you know and I was 22 when I wrote this so I've been I was within this
relationship for three years you know and I had to run away from him in the middle of the night
you know because I thought I was gonna die like it's no joke so this song for me is like my diary
thought I was gonna die like it's no joke so this song for me is like my diary and it's a letter that I can never say directly to him but basically like for me um going through that that was the pain I was feeling at the time and and um I just had to let it out because I don't want to hold resentment towards anyone I just want to be you know I just want to wish them the best because holding resentment doesn't do anything for another person but
and it's a letter that I can never say directly to him but basically like for me uh going through
that that was the pain I was feeling at the time and and um I just had to let it out because I
don't want to hold resentment towards anyone I just want to be you know I just want to wish them
the best because holding resentment doesn't do anything for another person but just hoping for
just hoping for the best and and praying for them to heal their own issues um that's all you can do for another person and I think that's just how humans should be towards other humans you know so for me um this song was completely freestyled on the top of my head drunk as shit it's only two years old and one take so you can hear me breathing gasps for air but it was it was a really raw the first and only record that I really like put in my real emotions and
the best and and praying for them to heal their own issues um that's all you can do for another
person and I think that's just how humans should be towards other humans you know so for me um this
song was completely freestyled on the top of my head drunk as shit at 22 years old and one take
so you can hear me breathing gasps for air but it was it was a really raw track the first and only
record that I really like put in my real emotions in it so if you listen back and you listen to the
it so if you listen back and you listen to the lyrics now hopefully you can understand wow um yeah wow thanks for sharing that with us um it you know it's really uh intense and you know it's it's true and it brings up the word of vulnerability and you know I think that you can't fabricate those moments and sometimes as an artist you're like
lyrics now hopefully you can understand wow um yeah wow thanks for sharing that with us um it
you know it's really uh intense and you know it's it's true and it brings up the word of vulnerability
and you know I think that you can't fabricate those moments and sometimes as an artist you're like