$Pork Roll #GMGFY 194

Recorded: Feb. 4, 2024 Duration: 1:34:30



Bro, no way there is music, right?
Had no music tonight, bro. I
Don't think that that shit works anymore. I think it's broken
Not for you. You got no vibes, bro
Bro, I like I don't has has anybody heard anybody use that fucking space music in forever because I don't I think it's just done. I
Don't there's no way right? There's no way that just doesn't work for me and it works for everybody else
There's that can't be it. So right they probably took it away from you
I'm yes, some that's some ridiculous shit right there the fuck
Well, yeah, here we are great great tweet for the space by the way
porky your mother
No, it's terrible. You don't like that. You don't like it. You don't like the title
No, you even you even get it cuz you're even fucking go here, dude. You're too busy
So it definitely works in other spaces as you may have or may have not heard the other day in goose space when he started
When there was music playing in the beginning just FYI
Well, that's not the news I wanted to hear
Okay, so they were like this guy has no vibe. He doesn't eat the music. What was the news?
Believe it what the fuck maybe it's because of the song that you always use
Problem as if the universe doesn't already do that to him not yeah, but not not only like so, okay
There's four choices for this fucking music. You're telling me I can't
Fucking one of them. I can't use 25% of my options. I'm sorry, but you use the dying circus one
But are you sorry though?
Feel like you're not sorry, that's okay. How are you?
I'm as good as anyone with stitches near their asshole would be doing what a fucking answer
I'm doing a lot better now because you know in when you compare it. It's just like how is your day going?
Blake you don't have stitches next your asshole. Well, it's going pretty good there
Dude congrats. Thank you. Thank you. How are you?
Whatever I fucking I fucking no one cares how you are
We've seen your timeline, but we know we know how you
Hey, shut up. I had threw me for a loop there. I got a
What you think we just gave birth and and nothing else happened yeah, yes, yes
No, no, I just like I just can't remember the last time I brought up my butthole
Thursday I think uh you do it all the time
Every day literally
Well, okay, what are you doing Brad? What's what sports horn look? Oh, hey, listen, man
It was Duke UNC tonight. It was pretty good game
Even those a little lopsided and I took a live bet and I hit it by half a point. So
It's you know what? There's nothing quite like the back door cover by a half point. There's nothing quite like it. I
Get it's like the it's like the good hook, you know, yeah, it's you know, it's
But it's when you just feel like you're not gonna win and then just at the last minute you do by the skin of your
Especially when it's an under and you're like just watching the line stay there and just like watching the
Seconds tick off and you're like, there's just prank praying to God. There's no fouls and just watching John Calipari
Almost trip that Tennessee player shooting three. This is what we watch. So I watch far. That's I mean, yeah
It's like you you and I own spaces watching a game and you saying like God
I just need fucking three more rushing yards from whoever it is. And you know that
And you're like, oh, we just got it
It doesn't seem right though
It seems like you should be 15 seconds ahead of me being on Eastern time
Like I feel like that you guys
Thing and be like one two three go and turn it on it. We're not gonna do that. But I like the idea. I
Don't think it works though still
Because of the time it must just be that the lag that you get in Ohio
Right. Yeah, that does the
15-second lag from the rest of the country
Are you talking about
That's actually very true that wasn't it was an act of war and you guys didn't do anything about it
So a bunch of pussies down there in America
Apparently apparently states can't choose what to do dude. Everybody gets all pissy
True that's true. You push couldn't understand you going you going
Is hash going down to protect the border or you see with that crap? What border?
Convenient for me
See what you need to do is like don't try to get over from Canada the US just fly down to Mexico
Just walk right up. You'd be sure
That's a good idea
They're giving away prepaid credit cards and like free health insurance
Just like whenever you come across the border be like, hey, can you fly me up to New York?
Like I hear they're just giving shit away
Yes, I can
Mm-hmm, I'm political prisoner from Cuba. It's actually
Because I don't think I've heard of any any illegal immigrants being like bust out to
Ohio's actually said I'm pretty great right now
Dude listen, we got a bunch of fucking rednecks. You don't want any part of this shit. That's true
like like you
No, although all the people from like Mexico and Central America are like, oh don't go to Ohio that's where we're shipping all the fennel
That too, yeah, we're their customers
What seems like it'd be pretty low-hanging fruit though that be since you know, they're like robbing people and beating up cops
You can't sleep where you eat bro. Even the cartel knows that hey show water. What's going on? I
Know I fucking saw shit on their toes. Hey, yo
She lay. Oh, you know that is it because is it because this spaces doesn't have a Cappy's Instagram filter on it
Is that why you're not talking?
Can I how do I do that? I don't know but he don't fuck with me, dude
Buyers fucked it. It was I he's not even he's not even hitting me with an emoji right now. So he's probably not listening
Fucking turn spaces on to fall asleep
You come on with another fucking
Account your shit's fucked
But yeah get a seat brother shield
With your orange ass, but
This guy switched it up and just given off fucking like Bitcoin
Fucking NFTs now a motherfucker. He gave you
Probably could have I was I wasn't active you fucking idiot. Come on
Fucking we're not asking for much. I mean, I didn't say that he was I didn't accuse him of not being a giver
About the price of a VCR
No, no, I know like it's no
We're both still saying connecting. Hold on. I'll reach out my app my back
Can you hear me now? Yes
The important people can well, you're amazing and I'm working I just wanted to pop in and say hey
So, hey, we appreciate you
Saw you driving around in your earlier video. Yeah, you like that. Thank you. You look just like that
Yeah, I'm driving the wrong way
Fucking badass cared though bar. What's it like playing up by your own rules every day?
That good, huh? Okay
I could do three times
Saying he was still connecting but I think it was me that needed to restart my app. What is wrong with you?
Start again, bro
Yeah, he's cushions or hashes flying too close to the Sun
Bro, I love how people were using that sweet as the coffee
How funny is that fucking funny? What the fuck is wrong these people?
It was classic I was like, oh my god
They're even talking about me is like shows how fucking pussy they are
If they were if they were smart at all, they wouldn't say a damn thing or interact at all
But they can't they have you know, so fragile that they can't even fucking do that
Does that mean only pussies talk about you?
Listen these people are like for oak and thread guy. I think they're so fucking big and shit
No time to fucking talk to smoking idiots like you you're sitting here writing fucking 300 words about me a dumbass
Shut up. Yeah, they're not assholes. They're the stitches next to your asshole. That's what they are
I pay attention to what you say. I'm like some other people in here
Thank you see what happens
What happens when you're nice to the people who come around here all the time Ash learn a lesson maybe take a little sad
I'm not the favorite anymore, but that's okay. I never said that but
Like the aunties in the kitchen
And cranky
You see me a video in a ski mask today and black I got scared of it
Whoa, one of his kids open his phone at dinner
He's fucking around too much that's why
There you go
What's your profile picture, bro? It's a certified speaker. It's Willie
Fuck yeah, I did
Tickling Willie's up there. All right
It's a dead Willie
I'm just preoccupied here for a second. You I know you bought some pork or what? I did
Well, I did
No, I don't even know I didn't look at it why did it pump today?
Shite I don't I'm not you know
I should look it wasn't that much money. I was just playing
Playing games. Let me look
Yeah, I was just doing the old black cloud and Solana mode
He's so nervous about his shit going play like he doesn't know how to do it
He was like, all right, you guys wish me luck. I'm going to the casino. It was like three hours
Thinking that's crazy. I was like, man. They get along so well, they don't even know it didn't even know
I will say he was right about one thing though
Just one. Well, he's he was right about he told me
Remember we were making fun of hash. Like what should I do? What should I do black cloud?
the other day he told me
What kind of weed together whatever?
You doing the dishes right now, I'm not that was hash
I thought I saw Lynch at some point in the crowd and I was doing that on purpose
That's definitely those dishes. He's very anal retentive. But anyway, that seems like the kind of guy that has paper plates
No, he has like
Can they ask me what kind of wrap I'm like, yeah, I don't want spinach wrap obviously
Just make it fucking whole yeah
Hate fucking Twitter, man
Such a garbage file
Do you know what that well read it's about to do an IPO, you know, oh
Read it's gonna do an IPO this
week or month
Yeah, and
Me I'm getting settled. Sorry
He's working in a commercial kitchen right now, I'm salting meats in the back hold on
Give me a break
Hold on. I'm going as fast as I could
That's what I meant to say. Yeah, right. It's gonna do an IPO
Did you know that is no
That's pretty cool, I guess right pretty cool to find cool
I don't know like different like it's like
Bro pass, do you know anything?
Yeah, you're right about you're right in a way
That's a good gonna pump and then it is gonna do that too
But that is a good that it but see but you're right though because what it's gonna do is maybe ignite the sector
right into a pump and dump
That's it's not a petty I don't think it's
Yeah, I guess what else they just started talking about Bloomberg last night
I do too and they said they said oh most facts are garbage
They go to zero, but there are about two or three that will work out and be definitely worthy
So when they say that it's like all spacks are coming back. I told you
Elections spax you could keep going. It's like new Oh new label on the Philadelphia cream cheese garden variety vegetable
New-label that never happened yet in the history in a hundred years brand-new label. Are you telling me?
It's very bullish that's ultra bullish to me to have a new label on a small tin
It's not even on the big tin on the small one. That's still six dollars or whatever
That's big time because no one even buys that shit. Like I'm the only one in New Jersey. It buys it
Philadelphia cream cheese
No, it's it's like what do you mean you don't buy it either cuz you don't see it cuz it's rare
No, they have it
Do they have a big one
Now they got like the little like the plastic. Yeah
You know, I just realized the reason that we can hear you breathing is it's really your inhaling and exhaling your
Because he's got the Madonna Mike no, it was big multiple reasons, right
Isn't that what you imagine? It's like it is that it's a razor video game one
Like your Tony Robbins or something like take your shoes off
Here we go
Okay, it wasn't on a credit card was it oh no, here's this here's what you're gonna do
That's what he makes you do, you know
If you pay $800 to see Tony Robbins and you run across a fire you run across fire rocks my cousin did it
He makes you go on stage shake your shoes off and run across the flaming rocks
Does it hurt because you know, you could walk across that if you go fast as long you don't stop
It's just it's like a man. Yeah, and he makes you do it in front of the whole crowd
My cousin did it and my cousin basically it's like almost somebody who became born-again Christian or some other religion after he did that
He was like mister. I'll sell you this
No, he was like mister. I'll sell you fucking use toilet paper like he'll sell anything like he was like mister
I'm selling real estate. I'm selling cars. I'm selling this like he was like I was like what happened either
It's like Tony Robbins will change your life. I'm like
Actually to tell you the truth he did fucking kill it after that like the last 10 years he's we killed it
So I don't know maybe I should go
Feel like I feel like you could get the same thing out of just like finding some good YouTube videos or maybe I hate YouTube videos
Whoever yeah, whoever came up with like the format where they all have to do like retarded ass
Like let's be funny and and try and be like showbiz on my for two seconds. And now we're serious
I hate it, bro. I hate the little winking and the nods and all the shit. Just say your shit
Oh, if I'm trying to get a hard drive fucking whatever. I don't want to see some nerdy 48 year old guy being like
Hey everybody to check it out about and wake me and then he goes into it. You're watching how to videos, bro
What the fuck you're watching some bullshit?
Back back to jet. What do you use YouTube for to watch content? It's fucking lean
It's censored and lean and fed to you
Watch his base content and Pokemon every YouTube channel is like that
What do you mean Dalgo is it's curtailed you have I
Watched it video. Listen, I watch like a three-hour video
I watch home improvement. The whole the whole history of the
He's so smart and then the guy took over to those guys are killers
They're going your house making a million-dollar house. No matter what it is. So hash
What did you learn from that documentary?
Cut me off again
I can hear you loud and clear. I was talking to Kush. Anyway, go ahead go
I'm here. I'm just trying. I'm trying to adjust. It's like three nights in a row a bulb
Bro, I'm listening to you on mute
Bullshit, okay
They what I was gonna would have been trying to fucking save for five minutes fucked head
Is that all the scientists don't agree on if not only?
When like how old guys are are but they can't improve they're not they're zero years old because they're fake
They're styrofoam years old
Yeah, they can't prove what killed them exactly right right, what do they say you bitch, what do you mean?
To hash you're confusing. Didn't you just say that you fucking wild man? Yeah, but then I was interrupted again
Sorry, keep going because I agree
I don't want you anymore you go wait before you try to say were you try to say it like cuz you didn't agree
Right, you thought dinosaurs were real. I didn't know that there was I just didn't know that there was a debate about it
Oh, you don't know
Well, do you think they're real still? I don't know
Have you ever seen any skeletons you never been to the museum scene
Okay, what did it feel like shellac
It did it feel like a rock shellac or some shit shiny shit that they put their fishing in the fucking Mike
Why is it like that? Is it?
Hold on, maybe if I turn that down, how's that?
Is that better
How about a fucking what is that?
Whoa, what do you say said I had a little bit of
Hell no no no no
That's all I hear he's like
You got a pretty mouth boy
On my couch you got a pretty enough mouth. Yeah
So obviously hashes of course for young to have ever I doesn't even know of the movie deliverance well, dude
I'm just saying you're gonna you're gonna have a quote do you
Do you know it I do it I hey I tagged
Holy shit my so my dad's mouth man. It's not as real
He's rolling his dick off nope, what did you say scrolling through tik-tok? Oh
Can I call you miss that what are you gay
Laughs so hard
Where is it?
Oh and he was dying
That's hilarious
That is the best
The message in there for you
There's a message and everything even a bullet
You are gay you're gay he's like watching and he's like yeah, come here watch this ha ha ha
You're like looking at him like yeah, I saw this last year. He's like I know
I know you should watch it again. Why do you keep bringing your friend and roommate to Thanksgiving?
Stop bringing Jim to Thanksgiving dude James
Three jacks, okay
Hey, I got Jack Jack and Jack there three
I don't even know. I don't want to even go down this road
Everybody deserves dad Brad. Oh, I
researched that story a little bit after there the other night the Kansas City death story of fentanyl death or whatever and
That is some weird shit
Well this guy the bunch of bros were partying watching the game
And they were having a little drug fest which is odd usually it's like spears and wings
But these guys are doing fentanyl
Now the weird thing about this story is I don't know what these guys backgrounds are but one of them was like some crazy
Kind of scientist. He was a HIV research scientist. That's the guy who was charged with all these crimes. Okay?
Oh, no, no, no. No, that's one of the guys who was there that didn't die that but he checked himself into a rehab so
yesterday, so basically
That's weird, too. So basically
You know, I don't know what these other guys did in other words, but if you look at what they looked like physically
They were no fentanyl addicts. They were not doing they made it do blow here and there but they're not even drug addicts
You could tell they were just like beer and wing guys. Yeah, they're like fucking yeah
They're not doing fentanyl and I mean if that was the first time I could say
Maybe that's what happened
But then why would that guy check into rehab and he's like this weird scientist whenever you see all that kind of shit
It just makes it so bizarre to me that
That you know this guy's job now. Why would why do they mention this guy's job and he's going to rehab?
but then again because they mentioned he was there they mentioned what his job is and that he's going to rehab and
Fucking that's it though. The other guys. They don't say shit about they're just like
Oh, they're sisters pissed off and they think that the guy did it and the other guy's dad thinks so, too
It's like what why would he do that?
It's like what he's gonna drug them and leave him outside they froze to death by the way, they froze to that
That's what they think. That's what they think and that's sick shit. By the way, that's shit and freak me out that story
You know that it when I read it
That's what it that's basically yes. Yeah. Yeah, and that should freak me out that part of it was like, oh god, is that crazy?
Two days they said they were in the sleep out there by the way, nice
That's wild, right that probably is a couple days to thought
In the movie but also
Like defrost the human body faster, especially for forensics, that's kind of weird. I don't know three days to defrost Frankie. Come on
Leave the coffee fucking
Memory tries to make
That guy's such a fucking greatest he's in the wedding singer, isn't that so awesome?
No, it's just how would you do it? I don't know how they do it bro. Look it up. Maybe they use
Well, they're not gonna use UV because it's gonna be radiation so I don't know how they're gonna do it probably not
Yeah, they're probably not gonna do ship. They're gonna put it in the thing and let it just defrost
They'll probably turn up the heat a little or something, you know, yeah, actually it is
He actually ever been in the morgue is cold. So they probably do something. I don't know. I don't know what they do
You know one thing I don't know about is that shit at all at all at all at all and anyway
It's fucking I don't know. No. No, I know I don't like any of that shit
I don't like I don't like funeral homes. I don't like that shit. I don't like any of that shit
Fucking shit. I don't like mine. Yeah, they do that. Oh your grandparents
Yeah, it's strange like the person doesn't really look like
And you know what I mean, I hate all that I just started paying attention when you said to put makeup on dead bodies
Cool man party of five man
Coming out for the coming out of the vengeance
Anyway, just get just get cremated. It's a lot cheaper
Yeah, I want it. My wife was talking about getting turned into a tree. I was like, yeah, no problem
Yeah, that's a little bit weird. But I mean whatever you want
I'm like, I'm gonna turn you into a tree and play guns and roses use the religion to front the back
Well, I was I was joking my wife she's like, oh whenever I die
Like I want you to do this that and this and I told her I was like, yeah, whatever whatever you want
You said baby. She's like, what do you mean? Like would you not do it? I was like, no, what is it?
Like what are you gonna do like argue with me? You're gonna make it rain on you. I believe I believe in magic
You're dead. You're dead. You're fucking dead. She's like, what do you want to happen? You're dead
I was like, I don't give a fuck. I'm dead. I want the worms to eat my eyeballs before they might all balls
I was like the only thing the only possible like thing that could worry you
Is like if if I have the ability to come back and haunt you cuz I will yeah that ability will be wild through Facebook and other
Technology that keeps your content
I would just fuck with people all the time. No, you would be a dick. I wouldn't be like slamming doors at night
I'd be slamming doors at like dinner, you know
Put the fan on oscillate the fucking guy out of here
He's like that he's like the time travelers husband
I have to be honest. I would love to haunt you cranky. I would absolutely love to haunt you
Because I would spend all day harassing you trying to find you talking to you and being like where are you are like, how did you die?
Are you okay? Yeah, but I've got but you I got another one
But you'd have a life like I'd be dead. Like I don't we have one purpose. Thank you
Eric couple good articles actually there was one on fucking
JFK that was interesting as well JFK jr. Like my first senior government killed him
Better watch out or some influencers are gonna get you so that'll be embarrassing for your fucking little write-up
Social media influencers killed red-headed dude from Ohio because he was such a fucking dick on Twitter that he stole
He got them to lose so much money
From public fucking shame that he got
Found with his nipples cut off
He got blasted and Faroq took a fucking picture with him with the peace sign like that like that fucking meme
That's gonna become the new meme
You're fucking feet up in the air like the lab
Who did the Mf Mf human thing was that is when you were laying down with the
Yeah, but not beanbag bro, don't worry about it. Oh
I guess I should do this stuff too. I draw it with iterations. Jock, you know, I'm supposed to it
I liked it before everybody else. You're the best
Congrats. Okay, I put
Like big love
Did I spell it right
Yes, Eddie did Eddie she just joined the space share with everybody not come on to talk. He's absolutely having sex with his wife
I think he was talking at first and then you like this. Oh, so anyway to shave
I was talking about how his doctor was giving him that shit. We were talking about
deoxys deoxin
devil's breath
No, remember that shit we were talking about a couple weeks ago this date death oxen or whatever the meth shit
There's a lot of my man
That the doctors were giving him that shit and they think that's why he was so crazy with
Like just he was like a fucking animal like fucking all these women
That's what like it was saying basically makes sense
And it was like a compromise to like a compromise thing. It was like what it's true
If I'm working from home and I'm I'm hitting up when that Vyvan's really hits
Like lunch lunch break sexy time with the wife every look at you. That's pretty that that would be if I own that company
I was like fuck that bro. Sit in that chair. I want to watch me
You're on my you're on my money fucking your wife at your house and your bed sit in that chair
You got a log in you lunch
I turn the laptop
That's the thing this guy's giving up social security numbers over here Saturday night special
Hey, yo, you could tell my boss whatever you want
That's the beauty of sales like when you're hitting goal. You can't say shit to me like oh, well, maybe you should do this
Maybe you that I'm like maybe you should spend your time talking to people who aren't as good at their job as I am
You ever see the movie? What are they gonna say? They can't say anything like I'm better than everybody on my team
Like you've seen this movie gross point blank, right? Oh, it's been a while
But yes, remember the real estate guy and that Jeremy Piven the real estate guy. Yes, of course
In my mind that's you like that's your life like only on the phone instead of in the car
Like hey buddy, I got a four-wheel cake. No, you know
Too big to fail by this point
He's drinking like two whiskeys at lunch when he eats like a fucking nothing he like orders doesn't eat it drinks to whiskies and go
Look if you're in sales and you got numbers to hit or anything like just bust your ass if you have a quarterly goal
But sure bust your ass in the first month of the quarter. So everybody leaves you the fuck alone. Can you sell NFTs?
That's good. If I want to do why don't you I want you to start doing that for us
Start slinging some I need some NFT sales help. So if you could help me join my team
I won't bother you about sex there in the day. I'm not as good at it. I'm not as passionate. I
Mean, there's nothing to be passionate
You just gotta say the dumb shit that I can't say because it's like against my religion. He was talking about sex cue
I don't need to know about that. That's HR shit. All I want to know is are you on the team or not?
Mean I will when you take this oath
You must put this above everything
No, I need your help though, thanks. Yeah, cool
All right. Cool. Thanks. Yes. Yeah, you're the best. Thanks
Anytime hey, no problem
Like coercing you
Anyway, this door is squeaky. That was block it too. He's going outside. He's sweating. Like what did I just sign up?
You gotta go to winches house it's ticking don't worry about that
He opens it. It's like the the dye packs from the if you rob a bank
Just a wench opens and he just gets squatted
If he hits the sound effects like a dye pack goes actually no, you know what it is
It's a it's a it is actually a pack of money
He opens it like holy shit, and you guys to take one fucking thing out and it blows the red dye
And it blows everything up destroys it
Cuz they can't they can't take that money either
You know that you got to go somewhere and get that money taken care of
So crazy actually, yeah, it's definitely true. You could take it out of the country and spend it. No doubt. That's what you have to do
Okay, in other words, that's a little alpha everybody no problem. Anyway
That's actually one of the best fucking scenes in one of the best movies ever made
They they robbed this like thing check cashing place and they leave and they open the bag because they hear this
They hear this little thing when they're in the uber they get a ticket uber to escape and all of a sudden it just goes
And the whole car fills with this dye, bro, and they crash the car bong and then they run
It's sick and then the cops are right there. It's fucking awesome
Such a good shit. I love that such a good shit such a good scene
Hash you when you came out your mom was like, oh that was a big shit. No, you had a baby
Here is right here. You're damn right fucking I'll go nuts on you right now. Remember I told you about that
Long time ago, right
That's it and you know, it's like it's the date I've done with that so guys let's talk news anyway
They were saying that that the oxen was making him have sex with a lot of weird people and you know, he did have
He did have sex with the mobsters what there was a mob thing with the wives though. So he probably did get whacked like that
You know, even though George Bush was there but he was fucking mob wise
Yeah, he did bang
Somebody's chick. Well, Marilyn Monroe, I think was banging who some mobster in New York big one
Like ever do that what?
Yeah, she definitely was who was it?
Man I gotta look it up
Is this what I just what do you lane Maxwell's do same? Yeah, pretty much
Mean she was doing it with an egg-shaped dildo head named Jeffrey. I
Hate that guy. He's such a dork. You see that fucking jacket. He wore in that one. It's like that
Give me a fucking break, bro
We're watching that fucking documentary makes you feel disgusted makes you think which one that's the war
The one on Netflix that one is just that one though is so
cockamamie though
It's like
Watched it and I was like, hey, it's like it's so cock up in me
Yeah, it's just not good. I don't like that one. You know why it's to something about it. It's sponsored
it's not real like there's no like it's real but it's like very skewed and
It doesn't and what I mean is it's not telling you like you already don't like him
It's not like you have to be convinced. They're just not telling you the real way it
I don't think they're telling you the right way. Like I remember that movie. I didn't like it right away
I was like the shape bullshit because I knew Jeffrey Epstein 2019. I was like I was like way
Already, huh? I was already done with him. I was like see you later, bro. Like you're a creep
No, I already knew everything about that guy. I was on to that guy in I guard
My guard had a huge headquarters in Times Square. He was a Canadian fucking clothes mogul. Do you know him Cush?
Call it. Yeah, he's a sex fucking criminal crazy weirdo
yeah, and he was like a Jeffrey Epstein from from Canada and
He was doing the shit in Times Square to and that in that store. It was like the headquarters and
Yeah, he had some wild shit going on with him. So
There's like there's all this crazy shit man
it's like so fucking creepy, but the best part of that whole thing is just laying my axe well as a
submarine is
Is a certified submarine captain? Is it which that is for real? It's so cool
I don't know where you get that license, but that's something to think about
That's always where I go with that. Do you think I mean it's probably pretty easy to hide in a submarine. Yeah
Well, here's the other little interesting caveat. There's a Biden
Owns an island if you didn't know the Biden family trust owns an island
About spoof not that far
Not that far at all from from Epstein Island and it's got a submarine hatched like a submarine landing
Yeah, yep
No, those logs got flushed
I know I made the joke for you
No, those logs definitely got decomposed with some the drumstick they clogged up a little bit but
You had to get a drumstick in there
Porking your mother's is a wild title. I when I say click I meant actually something like newsworthy
Yes, like you should really JFK on meth. That's well
Well, let's do it by topic
Yeah, you name it so lazy you just do it because you have yeah pretty much why don't you put your fucking effort here
Let's do some fucking clickbait shit. Here's cookie dough. She wanted to talk the other day or he I don't know
Why who cares what's the worst that that what why I have minted people's faces with dicks on them
You want to try that? You know what I mean?
Like come in here and say bad words
I'm gonna host from now on by the way, I'm a better host I
Just think everyone knows you know gone. Yeah, I mean we got a lot of stuff going on today folks
What oh by the way?
No, but I do need to get you to say some shit for me. Oh, oh god
I found it finally by the way, I found the song the epic run-up for the for the opening
It's fucking killer and you're never gonna you're never in your life gonna imagine where I found it
And what it is like in fucking maybe you'll think when you hear it when I heard it
I didn't know so I don't know cuz I'm not like a dork like, you know
Like I was out when I was a kid. I wasn't watching Power Rangers. I was just watching Sailor Moon at certain time
right, but fucking
Yeah, yeah, you gotta hear it cuz you gotta hear it you gotta hear it
Where is it? I gotta send it to you right now. You can just play it. Let me play it. It's so fucking good. Hold on
Hold on this part. I got it. Yeah here here here. Hold on
It's gonna be good bro. It's a lot of build-up. It is good. Come on. I'm telling you
Let me see if I could get in here
I'm trying to show me your mom's fucking photo. She sent me. Holy shit
Okay, I don't believe that shit either
Van Allen thought look it up
Exactly, right. That's exactly right. The guy has it on his tombstone
The Nazi has it written on his tombstone
The v2 creator the guy created the v2 rocket has it written on his tombstone that the van island will never will never go past
Vernor von Braun
He's right that's facts though like for real for all yeah, dude
International Space Station in the sky does that know capro like for real?
Let me just get this
Yeah, before I debate and dismantle your space fucking thing, let me get this song
Well, hold up. I gotta say something real quick. Hey, what's up? What's up?
Hash I just want to say
like, you know
me being on Twitter I was like
how I was missing your page cuz like bro you be posting the funniest shit ever like and
you'd be spitting facts and
shit, we need somebody to do that and
Bro, I'm all here for it. I support what you do, bro. Keep going cuz
Was just funny as fuck
Yeah, let's go. I appreciate you. Oh, yeah
Why my ass with these motherfuckers every morning?
10s do you know
You do that. I tried to did you miss you must eat a lot of brand. Do you let a brand?
Gotta laugh because of y'all. Y'all funny as hell. I love it though
No, so yeah. Yeah, you're always welcome. We're probably shitting on somebody but she's got the Aquarius laughs
There's three of us now
Who else is a crease in here?
The fuck wait you do guys is all three sound the same thing like that kind of weird. That's right
What the fuck is that it's true that is wild actually
That is wild for real. I didn't expect that. I didn't know we
Kind of laughs. I don't like that
GM GFI query Central
Yeah, that's right
We're just bringing Aquarius to the show
GM GFI motherfuckers, you never know where this is from
This is the craziest opening ever on planet Earth right now. This is so crazy
Is this or not
In the trash that she's just in the background a bunch of my
Hell yeah, that's that shit's sick, no
Cackling was like cherry on top of it all. Yeah, you're a baby cackle the back
No, no, I don't know
your winch at all
Ad libs for somebody
Right there that's awesome. I hope I wasn't talking because I couldn't hear when she's like
It'll fit in anyway
Fuck I don't hear when Shram back to you back. Do you have
Where's how much to go down and come back up when she go down and come back out of it
Wrote Mindy
Didn't drop by the way just for the record I did not drop those crispy parts
Does anyone want to do does anyone to do a promo over that we're recording
Mindy sounds like she gets drunk every night. Yeah, she wanted to marry to winch wouldn't you?
Who wants to do on
Do it do a bad-ass fucking run-up
Wow, that's okay
Take it easy
What I'm doing
Maybe because you say shit
What I'm doing
There's nothing
Mindy definitely. Oh really? Definitely. I don't think
She's a Scorpio, I bet you she's a
Back to the moon
What does that mean what does that mean fucking creep?
You wanna
What was it
Whatever her sign is it is amazing cuz she's wonderful. So that's her side. Well, no like a lever or what?
What is she? Oh, wait me?
Oh, what is it? It was January. Oh
She is a capricorn. I'm pretty sure she's a capricorn. Yeah. Yeah, she is a capricorn just like me in good company
Mean if you're gonna be born in any month, it should obviously be in January just saying
No, December capricorns are better. Well, they're not debatable, but
Just say that my daughter is a worse
My daughter
Okay, sorry, yeah, we'll stop now anyway
Sloppy does your daughter look like any of your NFTs
Everybody garden vegetable cream cheese
Okay, why do you say that we had shit like that all the time
Am you're not
Back to you, bro. Fuck it. Yeah, what were the topics? What was the topic with the night?
I think hash was coming out was the number one, right? Now. That's number two has being an info with number one
Yeah, yeah
The whole storyline to like it which I appreciate hello
Hello, hey guys guys guess what?
Start smacking I'll kill you bro. Don't you dare. I will fucking run my balls all over your fucking chin
Hold on. I can't hear this fuckhead. So I gotta restart my fucking app. Oh
God, let's do this
We're here. We're queer
The fucking Bitcoin puppets were rubbing. Is your name a ghost load? Go slow. It is funny. Oh, that's a funny name
Yeah, ghost load, what does it mean like you leave a load and it's invisible or
You tell me what ghost load means buddy, or is it like a rapist thing like a creepy rapist?
You sound like a creepy
Okay, hold on you're gonna do that do to this ready, okay
Let's hear gm gf what?
Okay, here we go, what do you got? Oh under Biden under Biden crack go
Crack pipe. I'm sorry, buddy. All right. Go. I'm packing a bowl right now
Nope. I'm no, you're blowing it. You're blowing it. Oh, it's gonna be a big time right now
This bowl is boiling by
Let me tell you right right now. Let me tell you what
I'm cooking. I'm cooking. I'm cooking a crack bite. Yes. I'm letting it boil
It's boiling like a nice
Like a Toni
All right, you may have heard in the end
And I was a test you did get into it though, I like to let's see what else we got for you
I got it. I got it. So you guys are fucking you guys are fucking out here. I like it
Yeah, we're fucking. All right. What do you got?
I will literally go slow literally wave my dick around right now
Like a helicopter like Petey Pablo
The spooky ghost
My guy over here. He's swinging dick. I have to agree if anybody in this chat knows what meat spin is
It's definitely ADHD. These guys are Solana bros, I think
Him or Chelsea they met on Jupiter
I'd be one of ADHD. They met on jupy. This is one of the other three lawyers in Ohio with Chelsea's classification
Oh man, are there guys what are those?
Do they have those I always wonder if they had this
Yeah, but where you never see those
For real though, like that I always think like that's a crazy thing to do with this but they never have it anywhere
There was one there was one
Footage of east palestine. I was in one before I went to mexico. I stayed up all night
I was on the phone in spaces and I went into one and it was like some nft people I followed in
And oh it was that kid racks actually I went into his room
Right that kid and fucking
All of a sudden there was like these weird like
Pfe is in there like anime like
But weird like not malady not but like weird anime shit. I was like, this is weird
Yeah, yeah
So then i'm like chilling all of a sudden I start hearing this whisper like these whispers like these weird whispers that were not
Sexual at all, but they were like these weird things
They start getting like they start getting like not dirty talk like this
No, it's like innocuous kind of it's weird like they talk like dirty
But not really and it's like a bunch of them like like eight of them
And and like it's girls and guys it's fucking weird and they're saying weird
I mean my I was on my
One of those but it was guys only I was like, what did I say one thing funny?
And then I was like, no, i'm just i'm good
It's chilling here
Did you was was barney in there singing happy birthday?
No, it was rex. It was rex and some other
Rex was like, yo, this isn't an nft thing. I'm like, bitch. I'm going to mexico. I'm fucking
Yeah, I like this
Don't make me show you be in a twitter space if not for an nft thing like
Was it furries dude? It definitely furries. No, it was like some creepy little like
after hours thing
Some sweet shit
It was cool though. I mean it wasn't it wasn't anything like that. You know, you're my dead cells, please
It was kind of cool
That was the one time balaka hosted the space
How would you how would you know hash you weren't there I had listened to the recording no, you didn't know wasn't recorded
That's what you thought
I had to pick up my teeth is like a bunch of stuff on the mirror and I was fucking
My wench cam records everything wenchy
Do you know how you doing buddy? Like my mom is a dirty bitch, okay?
I heard like dirty bits dirty bits
Is that like in in the uk it's naughty bits. It's exactly what you think. No, absolutely not
Did you have did you call him naughty bits in in my kakariki dirty bit?
We did it
Well, they call that in the uk back a kariki, you're right man
They didn't lock their doors
No, bro crumb not really
That'd be great. Yeah, just leave your door open on those
It's like the only country where you feel safe being led by a communist
It's not canadian's faults the cool news is that we're 17 out of 33 minted of this tune paint club
So that means soon there'll be all those prints will go out
That's dope
I can't wait to do it one time because that's that's when it'll be like, oh he did
He's an absolute go
That's sweet
I'm gonna do it for his i'm gonna do it for
I'm gonna do it for four of them. I think
I don't know maybe i'll do it for any one of them that sells out actually i'll do it for anyone other than that sells out
That's what i'll do
That's what i'll do
Pretty handy have you did? Yeah, that's what i'll do
All right
So did you make your announcement as well hatch and it just in my discord i'll do
What do you mean what announcement is this?
So so then you haven't made it because no one saw it
But I thought you just didn't you do it today? Didn't you do your little you put a video out of a sick
That didn't you put that out in the discord? Yeah. Yeah, you put it on twitter. Didn't you?
No, I just I do a little uh, like an animation thing on twitter. Not it was like a
Flourish rollout i've ever seen bro
Shut up, bitch
You don't want to keep asking about it, bro
You should have it should have been you're gonna do it on monday then because tomorrow is it's shit day
Yeah, what is this? This is a fucking?
Hey, did you see the video I sent you of it?
I don't know man. I thought I saw a whole post with your video, but maybe I just was watching the video and then
It's weird
So you didn't post it with it there was a little video yeah, yeah
No, it didn't look animated it looked like your picture one. Oh, man
Heard that you were the first animated series on the blockchain
That fucking nobody i haven't even heard it from that i haven't heard a damn thing is this twitter page still there let's look
Who I don't know, bro. You blocked me so mobius. Yeah
Mobius mid still there fuck that guy
His last tweet was april second, uh 2023
Oh damn not a great run for the boy there
That's pretty tough
Yeah, he's gone nerd's gone chris he's gone all our friends are gone. What do you think that means?
I think so bro
Player four is gone. Yeah, they've run
They rug my jug for sure
Player four is gone. Oh, yeah, where's player four been dude?
Player four is gone
He was like the king and then if he's he was yeah he was literally the gary vivian
Player four
Good is my good. Just my friend
Is my friend
Cush is cool
I always thought it was black water lunch, but I don't know. Well, no, it wasn't me. So it hasn't been black
Oh, it definitely wasn't me. Don't look at me guys
I only have one phone and I have my space. I mean you're the one that brought him up. So I mean
He love he says kush is cool
Yeah, but he said I was cool too. So didn't he say brought me black cloud. Yeah, he did
Just sealed the deal I'm obvious blocking me. Oh my god
Classic bro
Everybody get ready
Good morning. Good morning
Shit is a banger check this out. Check this out
Good morning
It's so good it's killer I love it when black cloud don't shit like that
Oh, that was black cloud, yeah, you didn't hear the I keep fucking it up
Good morning. Good morning
Oh, he's got such good ones
He's got good ones he's so boring on here he's like, I don't know why he's not doing the more
It's like I have to ask him
It's not it's just the fact on here he is boring
Black cloud, please come up and defend yourself
Seriously, you're gonna let her talk to you about like that
His boring ass is gonna stay down there
The world coming to
He will stay down
She's got her foot on the gas
Oh speaking of gas black cloud was right about the gas I just got
Exactly what he told me to get and it's fucking exactly what he was right about
What give him that?
He's like get some kind of gmo something and i'm like, yeah garlic cookies I got in this other one
Cereal garlic something and it's fucking they're bangers
Like half a joint bangers where that never happens to me
Half a joint
And paranoid
What makes gmo better
I don't know, but it's just whatever he said is right
Hey black cloud, can you recommend me some strains please?
For whatever kind of personality you think I have
Sounds like a trick question black cloud don't do it
Dusty dusty
Oh my god, someone needs to get a parrot and train them to say that
Just just to say that for spaces I second emotion
I mean it could be kush
What I don't want to fucking parrot please don't get a bird
It's enough birds to fly around here
I don't need one
You should get a bat for a pet
Absolutely not
Bro, there's like 16 that live in my room
Here you go hash check this out hash and like who understand like dude et is a senior dev at fucking metamax
No, he's not like do you think he's not dropping some sauce on you? He's not he wrote a script
And one of the smart contracts and in the process of us testing
Over the last day we generated 1.8 billion dollars in profit
On your test you generated
That's so good
Hell yeah
That was like 17 lies in one fucking 10 seconds. How do you do that?
Fucking cunts. I can't wait to rip this guy a new fucking whole world. I can't wait
Uh-huh. It's just like i'm not it's like i'm not respected enough for my op sec and my fucking
Info sec because i'm sick with it
Like when you really get under my craw
It's like you're fucked up. You get fucked up. I mean
Never interrupt me again the craw is the back end of a hammer that pulls nails out of the fucking wood
Under my craw
You never heard that before
You must be from the midwest. Holy shit
You know, I definitely say that in the midwest. Yeah, you know, it really gets under my craw
Sorry, that was not purpose
I'll mute myself there join everybody
What happened no one's talking now
I got the whole simper verse right here
Just still coming to terms with what the back of a hammer is called and also that just hearing that is still making me laugh
Back to you
Wait, wait, hold on actually
That's right that was the actual beginning of our movie I made for us
Cranky the actual saying now that i'm hearing is do you know never mind? Yeah, but
Where where are you from I can hear you
You have the podcast again you could I had to restart my fucking app
Who was that recording of
Wait, what do you mean? Which one dude? Yeah, I didn't hear you
I had to leave wait the the last one. Oh, that was omakase. Oh, you didn't hear it that whole thing
Oh, I just wanted to know who why oh, that's omakase. Yeah, he was saying
Saying his dev was the the metamask senior dev. Yeah
He's gonna have to that's why that's why he copied that's why he
He copied a sushi swap contract. I never even fucking deployed
He forked the sushi swap contract multiple times through the years the same one fucking that's bill dardo
Bro people are so fucking annoying though, like when you tell them the facts and then they're like
Like i'm like your shit is fucking you're you're three months old in this shit
So shut the fuck there's so many of them that that guy gets like that where they're like, yeah
it's almost like
I don't know if they're not worth saving actually
Is what it is
Fuck is that bro eating something else?
It's a mate dude. Whoa, whoa timeout. It's a microwave. You know exactly what that sounds like
You said every day bro. Come on
I'm against those. I don't want to hear that. Sure. By the way, by the way, Frankie
The actual saying is you know, it really sticks in my crawl, which I think is even better
Okay. Well that just makes it sticks in my crow
Where you goose fucking specific ass boys going really gets under my crawl it is
That is what it is, oh black clouds up here black cloud you're boring apparently
Go ahead go ahead. I don't know. Uh sloppy thought of me as a clown like yeah
I'm just repeating what I had
You boring little bitch
Black cloud's boring
That's what I had
Do you want to be entertained or uh, what?
You come on here, what do you come here for sloppy?
What's your purpose?
These guys make you laugh
Sloppy's part of the show
Yeah. Oh, thank you. She does the gmgfi thing you can't
So blame it on her everybody
What do you come here for black cloud?
Well, you know what i've come here for this is like barbara schlappy walters. I have here
Whip them out get him. Come on schlappy. Well, there's get him in the corner
I what are you doing?
Fucking stupid
Why don't you lose the attitude?
I'm listening to this guy eat
All day to eat and he having cream puff
Cream puff donuts, I wasn't even muted the whole time bitch. No you weren't
Only when I had to say the one thing
We have we get together like twice a week
Wait, hold on. I was eating on the with that guy
I was trying to be funny. I'm with you. I'm with you black cloud. You're chewing on that
I can't do the mouth sounds. Oh, you guys are all
Home over stuff in his face right now. That's what I think
No, bro. I don't want to hear you eating your dinner. It's a bad. It's not my dinner a bagel of cream
Thank you
Thank you appreciate you belac a etiquette look imagine that big chat over here
Imagine etiquette dude, so hosts should know that man. What the fuck?
Maybe maybe
Hey, dude burps and farts and shit. Well, I never fart or anything like that. I don't
He would do that during the house remember
The live man pissing. Yeah, he would burp in there
Is burping like that is like dude your burps are pussy burps too. They think that
Now you need a boy burp like a man
Yeah, burp like a man his burps would be like bat. I just had three blueberries for like my whole day
Well, then he would have people come in and fart during the commercials. Yeah the farter fill the farter
It's true
He would do like the fourth of july what I mean he would do the the fucking songs
That's just that bro. You're talking like 20 years ago. Did you good you mean you say star spangled banner and you just said fourth of july
Yeah, um, yeah
They did the fourth of july, I mean the star spangled banner
I'm absurd
Black cloud, do you have any strain recommendations sloppy author?
Yeah, based on based on who you think is the person
Um, I don't know if they make it train for
People who are uptight a little bit. Um, whoa
That's not maybe you don't say that to women I know what he's
You're ignorant
I see that's a good one. Push. That's a real good
Up tight would you say that to a supreme court justice? You're a little uptight miss
I think this judgment is not
Is that the type? Is that the is that the strand like oh uptight kush?
It's weird like that doesn't even sound like me at all
Was that supposed to offend me
What do you mean oh you mean calling you uptight, what do you you see my friends calling the woman
Exactly, so thank you. Thank you. I would recommend
Granddaddy perp you flop
That's a good one. Cool loves that. Yeah. Thank you. I do
Nice and relaxing that one
That one gets me nice and giggled up. I need to be relaxed
That's one while I laugh for like a month
Just a great old high there
There was a kid at the dispensary today, he was like that kind of guy he had long hair
He had long hair and he was like with a he had a headband on and he was smiling like ear to ear where he had creases
He was only in his 20s. He had creases or their oldies
30s whatever and like i'm like damn this guy's happy to be here, man
He's at work. Like if I was there i'd be miserable still it's work. No, absolutely not
No, absolutely not like I only shop at dispensaries where the people are so baked. It's not even funny
Like if they're not baked they're baked. Yeah, they're definitely baked. Yeah, it's just it's like boring as fuck like
I couldn't stand there baked all day. I would be like I gotta get on my phone
I don't want to go to I don't want to go to a fucking uh dispensary and feel like i'm in an apple store
Oh you do at the jersey one you go there
Do you feel like you're in the middle of my of a fucking high school theater?
And then like also also that an apple store tryout into a tryout for a theater. It's like a mixture of that
I want to be served by a guy like hatch who's just like rock
My cock off
Right here
Dushin goo don't want to be served by by someone who appears to have like just started their shift, you know, like I just got here
Like i'm ready to take on the day. Like I want to I just hate people who
They try and tell me i'm like bitch first of all, how old are you?
Second of all, what do you think this is cool?
Because it's legal like if I don't smoke this i'll kill everybody in here. So give me my shit
Get me out of here, you know, it's like you fucking hate that leave me the fuck alone
What are you talking to me for?
And then just like yeah, yeah the people ones like more uplifting and the indica ones like
I'm just like shut the fuck up. I'll knock you out right now
What did he say?
He gave me a little attitude today because I was like, yeah
I pre-ordered like because I gave him that and he's like
And then he's like uh, and i'm like whatever I got garlic and the fucking mac one and he's like
It wasn't it was cereal milk or something. He said after it came in because I was like quicker than the computer and i'm like
Yo, what's good? I'm like, bro. What's up with this fucking app then bro, if i'm quicker than it what what if I
John hancock over here and gave you a fucking envelope with what I wanted. Why is am I doing this on the app?
Oh, that shit's what what do you say? It's wonky. I hate when people say that you're not from britain, bro
Sit here get my weed get the fuck out of here
Wonky's about like a beat that's off you don't say it about the fucking app you're dumb you paid someone shitty
You paid our dev to do it. Fuck
Oh, are you good bro, let me put the music on I should put the music on the
like fuck
Yeah, I was just thinking why wasn't that over a little five beat?
I could I could I got bars now too. By the way, i'm not allowed
Hash has never been close to the canoe
Yeah, didn't you don't you remember seeing him in that regalia
Hash has never been close to the man in the canoe now
Did you whisper to the man in the canoe yet did he whisper back
Yeah, that's why he's like y'all uptight. Yeah, uh, fucking black thoughts going with me
It's trying to be a cancel. Come on black. It's gonna be a tough couple of years ahead
What did sloppy say before it was really funny. Oh, she said you're a bitch
What is she saying you're a bored bitch you'll just stay down there you bored bitch
Like real lazy too. She sounds like real lazy. I'd like yeah, that's bored bitch. I'll go up here anyway
No, no, no talking about that. We're not letting that one slide. How the fuck do you say something lazy eyed?
Like she's like hi, like she's her eyes are lazy
That's how bored he has me feeling when I think about him
Yeah, like she's like so days
Lazy ideas
What did he leave? Come on black cloud. Why don't we have no listeners ever either? What are we suck now?
I guess it's too inside. We're too like inside baseball. We gotta be like more like this is
What about pork roll
What's the recipe pork roll? I thought it was Taylor ham either. No
Hash doesn't know the recipe because you know
Pork roll. How about that require him to cook?
What do you got hold on I gotta fucking close my eye getting somebody's joy, I think my shit is fuck
I think i'm getting fucking railed. I don't I think I think you are too. I think you are too. There's been getting railed
There's like eight people there. No
It's weird
So you're getting around tonight again
I feel like i'm the sometimes we're the only the only two that hear each other and get the joke. Yeah, you guys are the coolest
Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate that. You're a true friend, buddy
God boy, I had a kid in high school. He used to do that. I hate it, bro
What how do you do that and it doesn't close the space it's amazing you can reconnect i've been wondering that myself
How do you do it there's you have a minute to reconnect
Oh, I didn't know that
You're like when he runs out of battery. Yeah
Did you say slow
A little little child nose
Yeah, i've had a little cold nose
Oh, I thought you said you were blowing a nose I thought you met one of your kids
Oh, man, maybe i'm a creep
But still no you guys are anyway, what the hell are you doing here?
How's the lawyer has
Shit is fucked up. He's fucked up. She stopped. She might have stopped getting her mail
No, I mean like she's not she this the space don't get me. Yeah, the space is fucked up
And uh, he's not hearing us because he's resetting every time
What's the big news
The thingy posted today. Oh, that's it. Didn't he announce it?
Oh, no, I know it's finished looks great. It's great
It looks killer the pages look great, too. Uh, oh what's going on here?
Someone was either just smacking their weave or my entire my entire app is fucked. I was pin. I was snapping at my dog
Fucked up right now
I'm like saying it with my eyes. Don't lie. Okay. Yeah, we're probably gonna rug and re-up again
He's done he's cooked right now. So
Does that mean that you're gonna get your wish? Are you doing this soon? Because earlier you said you should be host again
I'm bragging about when you get on my nerves like what I did
Doesn't look good
Put that case together there hashy
Oh wait, you won't be able to because your computers will be melted down
Your phone I finally take over co-host no more
Even though I could have just been like yo hash i'm gonna host now cool
But I but I can never do that. I'll just do this instead. I'll melt this phone down
You said it's not loading
What is it he said yeah, it's not and it's not loading
That's gross
That those words are gross
I like that new strain you pinned up the top black cloud. Yeah, I was gonna add
I was gonna comment it like hash of everything weed that looks like that
No, I don't like the strain actually. Oh, that looks nice. That's your shit. Yeah