Post Mint AMA 🎙️

Recorded: Feb. 1, 2024 Duration: 1:09:52



GM GM good morning good morning happy happy Thursday everyone give us just
like once a minute to bring everyone on the stage and then we'll we'll kick
hello good morning good evening
hello hello what's up Gabriel how are you doing oh good thank you how are you
amazing amazing working around as usual yeah tell me about it let me bring
everyone on the stage in here can you hear me well yes perfect man I'm pumped
let's go it's awesome for sure super excited about this one finally we have
the whole squad on stage the Avengers have a symbol the question is now who's
who who shotgun iron man gotta be our man
all right all right dude honestly the best part about this is like all of our
schedules are just so crazy busy making everything we do that is so perfect and
so like the stars aligning for this AMA is like once in a million years so this
is very special it is a hundred percent
perfect it looks like we have everyone in here okay perfect let's let's kick
started how are you doing guys how are you feeling we're like how much like
40 hours after the mint what are the the initial like feedbacks from you guys
what are the initial vibes obviously I want also to start and like thanking
like the entire community for the for the crazy support I'm super happy to see
the results the engagement everyone being like super connected and having
those like super chill tight community vibes ASAP like we just like enabled
like the holders like channels I don't know in within like few minutes after
the the sellouts and everyone just started you know it's like vibe in there
support each other you know some really smart conversations conversations went
on I know like Gabriel and the guys were also like chilling a bit of alpha here
in there right but again super happy from my end but kids we hear your your
guys feedback how are you feeling what's up
no I mean it was honestly was really overwhelming and thanks a lot to the
community for for all the for all the engagement all the love all the patients
and and really putting it all it was really really amazing like it was so
exciting to to be part of this and and I mean we didn't have our expectation
let's say our goal was that everything goes as smooth as possible and that
everybody gets gets their gets their NFTs and basically from there on it was
really about as we always said in the AMAs we're always super focused on okay
what do we do next basically with for the holders what kind of activities what
kind of rewards etc so we weren't really thinking about how much volume will it
generate how much like we're with the price go we didn't really target that
part so that was honestly just like all all surprised and all just overwhelming
to see what was happening again the conversation that we started in the
in the different chats it's just amazing to literally see how it's getting
started now and yeah and really it starts now so this is now the first
milestone and from here a long journey will start so super excited about that
I don't know how did the other guy says he didn't move Andrea yeah I mean I
think I think you you you said it with overwhelmingly positive yeah I think it
went smoothly and super happy to see the way the way it went and so happy to see
all the all the awesome feedback already and ideas and thoughts that you know
going forward we want to we want to take into account and really implement
because it's it's really cool to see that you know there's so many geniuses
out there that have such cool ideas that we can implement and we can work on and
not having to be the only ones coming up with cool ideas but having the community
really give us give us give us some inputs is is amazing to see and also the
alignment I think that's also really cool to see yeah yeah thanks a lot guys
for for for for all the support and all the love yeah 100% and also I just
wanted to add like past two mornings just waking up first thing I wanted to
do was go into Genesis I go into Padre said goodbye would you guys because as
the look like I've already said we got some geniuses in there honestly the
vibe is just impeccable and yeah thank you for that really it's a pleasure
great so great to hear that man and and that's like a true like founder mentality
right like what you said earlier about you know like not thinking about like I
mean obviously it's important right like the floor price volume all this type of
stuff right but not having like as a priority and I know you guys are like
all focused on like okay let's work list the partnership list of this list of
Dallas that because we're like working together for a few months now and again
it's just like true like founder like mentality in here and I'm super happy
that you guys are like all into about the community and of course we'll have
also like some questions from the community right about like hey what's up
with token what's up with that we obviously a lot of people in the in the
last period of time they've seen like some examples in the market maybe some
negative ones where let's say maybe projects didn't prioritize the community
but I think that it's not the case in here because I know guys I mean we know
the entire plan right we'll we'll make sure to share it strategically but yeah
super happy to see you guys you know having like that founder mentality and
being all about the community and and keeping your your ear to the ground and
make sure that the community is happy in the end of the day I've seen your hands
up Mickey go ahead no yeah maybe I'm deviating from a bit about what we want
to talk about but there's so many amazing folks who have joined who are
holders who do know about kibi already and what we're building etc but I think
it'd be really cool if like from the founders bird's-eye view we can just
kick off this AMA with the elevator pitch of what kibi is what we're
building what we're trying to accomplish because you know when we're minting we
might have popped up on some people's radar some people could literally be
coming in for the first about first time ever so what's also really cool and I'll
mention is that you guys the founders have been building companies for
literally like so many years and this is a totally new paradigm where you get to
do it alongside like the most loyal supporters in a decentralized manner
it's super sick so if we kick off with that that'd be great and then I'll shut
up then we can go into the goodies we have planned it's always good to
reiterate with what is our vision and what we're working on so for the one
that are hearing us for the first time and the ones that just want to hear it
again basically our main focus now really our vision is to make rewards
largest payment or one of the largest payment methods how do we achieve that
and why actually first why do we want to do that because there is a huge huge
amount of money just locked into these rewards we're talking about hundreds of
millions of dollars that are worldwide locked in billions of accounts and if
you can unlock that liquidity for for consumers and for companies you generate
a huge amount of economic freedom on both sides and that is that is really
what we're working on and how we want to achieve that is really by making
rewards tradable so we want to give companies we're offering companies
already now rewards marketplace where they're super easy to connect with each
other and make the rewards exchangeable so you as a consumer for example can go
from points to miles points to crypto to gift cards to any kinds of ten of
products and service that you need so the goal is really to increase the
liquidity there for for consumers so that it gives a benefit to them and to
the companies and we really had the pleasure and have the pleasure to work
with huge and amazing brands starting from a Renault Renault the car
manufacturer that using our y cable solution and marketplace to an idiot
gas that is working with us on the onboarding new partners as also a mise
and more from the Lufthansa a group and these are all multi-billion dollar
brands with literally we're reaching with these brands alone I think 50
million fifty million members so it's really privileged to be able to work
with these kind of brands it's amazing to see that there is more and more and
more and more demand coming because web 3 is just is just giving loyalty a
completely completely revamped from from from a let's say a branding perspective
as a category as a marketing category it is moving much more for marketing to
fintech so literally the value that loyalty is experiencing with with web
3 coming in is is amazing and it will just go it will just go a few acts in
the next in the next few years so we see just an infinite potential in this
market and an infinite amount of value that we can generate for for again
companies and consumers so that we can all enjoy more economic freedom how
was that Mickey and I didn't write it down by the way before I know if it
sounded like that is fantastic I mean us founders man like we're so we're so damn
passionate about the product so we bring the market we could recite this type of
stuff in our sleep I think that the most the most unique thing about kibi and I
said this literally to everyone I've talked in the last week game 5 airdrops
defy there's some really good projects but it's very red ocean right there's so
many the thing that I love about kibi and I love about the loyalty rewards
program it's a 500 billion dollar untapped market and it's completely blue
ocean if I tried to name five companies who are trying to do what kibi is doing
I couldn't I can't even count them on my hands so it makes us super unique I
think we're very early and yeah with that all being said I'll pass it off to
Christy so we can get on with our agenda I know we have some hungry holders who
are awaiting some alpha as they call it obviously that's not why we're here but
Christy take it away brother for sure for sure so yeah the agenda it's it's not
very very complicated we know like what people love to hear and what type of
what type of updates they they want to hear from us obviously we'll have by the
end of the day made the stage open for any type of like questions we also like
grab some questions inside the community in the genesis chat and then
the pioneer chat there were like some really smart questions in there in the
meantime guys if you're like in the audience like feel free to tune in we'll
make sure to like bring everyone on the stage as we said transparent as fuck if
you want but I think like one of the most important things that everyone is
curious about especially like after mint right it's like what's next when
announcement when announcement right so without like going too hard into details
like from my hands would love to like speak a little bit about the timeline
in here right because this is like a very key important aspect if you want
right everyone is curious about the timeline like okay we minted but what
now right when should we expect like the token when we should expect this when we
should expect that right so Gabriel I will I will give you the mic in here and
and feel free to go on so Chris now we first take a two-month sabbatical
and I just to calm it down and no I'm joking we're working with today and I
to to now make everything happen that we're that we're talking about in the
in the emails and in all the posts so basically to just give you a bit of let's
say short term short-term view on what is coming next and what we're working on
and what you can basically expect from us and that's honestly one of the most
important things that we try to communicate as clearly as possible while
we can deliver and and then basically try to deliver 200% and not like deliver
I don't know the the the moon and then and then let's say sorry promise the
moon and then deliver the earth we prefer to the promise the moon and then
also deliver the moon and so in February we really get started with all the
information that you guys wanted about token economics roadmap how is that
looking like alike so basically in the next one two three weeks you will start
seeing more and more information about that a roadmap for example what is going
on for a product roadmap when is the token launch when is the listing so all
these all these important parts basically that everybody's interested in
and that of course we have as one of the highest priority you'll basically have a
clear roadmap on one is going what is going on second part is token economics
again I know that we didn't we didn't announce yet anything on that one or not
a lot but also said with the roadmap together will also give more call on the
token economics so that you have a clear overview on that one we're also doing as
we said in a few emails we want to get your feedback we'll also basically do a
survey in February to understand a bit how do you like the whole minting
process what would you like to see next to really get a bit of a feeling from
the community how how how you guys basically experienced everything and how
you want to go how you want to move ahead how you see it and again that will
be the first possibility already or one of the first possibilities to earn more
rewards and of course the holders will profit more so there we can talk a bit
more about that one but that's already one of the first possibilities how you
basically can start getting something and here the goal is basically after
February after giving you the foundation all the information that you
guys need we'll start making the the kvx VIP club available to the to the first
holders so you will basically get the first the first access to the club you
will be the first ones being able to test a few different a few different
features those will be stuff like all the points that you for example get in
the meantime we'll test out together points to crypt exchange points to mile
exchange points to gift card exchange so again that's why it's also important
in in February with all the activities that we're having to earn as many VIRs
as possible for the club so that you actually have the full benefit out of
out of March the idea is also that in March basically will start making all
the all the sister making the benefits accessible the three that we mentioned
for the NFT itself so the token airdrop the kvx IP club membership as
mentioned and also the share of the marketplace fees so basically March will
be I would say a pretty big month with launch of the soft launch of the VIP
club with with the first holders and also basically the first access to the
to the benefits I'll make a quick pause Christo what do you think any any
additional questions in this sounds great sounds great thank you thank you
for the for the for the round of like explanation in regards of the some ETA's
obviously and I don't know personally I love what I hear like you you're saying
February but we're like already on February so people should expect like
like things going on a set right which is which is all the time like a great
sign right because usually we see like some crazy times you know months and
months and months until we see some real traction if you want right now
talking about like milestones like can you can you tell us a little bit more
and we'll tell the audience a little bit more about how the partnerships are
planned to enhance the project because obviously like us you know like
the turkey that we know like what's going on in the background we know like
what type of names are in there some of them are released some of them are not
right so I think like everyone would love to hear more about this brands that
are like in in the Kiwi ecosystem yeah for sure I mean as I mentioned the
beginning like the the largest brand that we really got on board or my more
eight-tenth guest Renault we have a huge insurance group that is already on board
signed and we're preparing preparing the launch for February I swear you know for
February for April in the US with 35 million customers so those are all huge
brands that we're working with and that we that we brought on board over the
last let's say one to two years now just recently with for example miles more
together we brought on board like as an example
new commerce brand from Germany fashionette which does around quarter of
billion revenue a year and they basically we start distributing miles
from miles more to the customers everything will go over our chain over
our technology and they will also accept miles as a payment method but we also
on board at basically the official provider of the VIP hospitality packages
for the European Championship and for 2024 in Germany so that and that's one
of the the events that they have they also have VIP access on the on the
Olympia I think 2025 or 2026 but anyways like huge names huge events and the cool
thing is with accesses like that for example we can deliver really really VIP
experiences to our members and to our community because getting access to
these kind of tickets it's really something that is not that easy and
and basically through these partnerships we can actually get easy access have
these on our marketplace and through that also enabling our our VIPs and
holders and to basically get like let's say get a benefit out of that so those
are the brands that we onboard we have honestly in the pipeline a huge amount
of brands if you would hear the things that we have in the pipeline you would
all go crazy those are literally so tight NDAs that that we can't say
anything but honestly and I mean it's always of course a bit more easy as a as
one of the founders to talk about that because we have more information but the
the feedback that we're receiving from the market is literally crazy from huge
huge brands like even larger than the ones that we have on board that are
basically telling us that what we're building has a huge amount of value and
honestly in use cases that we didn't even think about that basically these
companies are working on and where we fit perfectly and so that that's for us
that gives us a huge confidence that we're going in the right direction and
that it's honestly and more a matter of patience like the whole partnership
topic and I don't know I don't know who is who does sales who does have to try
sales or ever did that but it is literally like just just to give you a
feeling like closing Amazon more took us I think 12 or 14 months closing a
Renault took us another 12 months so these brands are huge but like we we're
literally invest a huge amount of time to get this one done so the pipeline is
crazy and and we have yeah we're really really happy about what is coming and
again like one one that I can that I can mention that I teased a bit in one of the
chats yesterday Azirian Group is the next one coming basically with the
gaming they're a gaming gaming company do around half a billion dollar a year
so again a huge company we're making now the first test that the community will
be the first one benefiting from it so the first the first pilot is dedicated
to the community and we're really really happy to start testing and seeing how
they will work will communicate the game in I think Julian was it better he's
where he's actually working on it correct in the next two weeks you
basically see the name of the game and actually we have another game in the
pipeline with them that we're now checking out how we cannot connect it to
and honestly if I was just talking to the guy leading that game this morning
and if that happens that's another honestly game changer in the whole
industry how you connect loyalty programs with gaming and how you
basically create completely new customer experiences and I mean here we're
talking about just to give you a bit of a glimpse of a feeling of it's like it's
a game connected to the travel topic and what they're thinking about is basically
making a travel area in the game where you then with your avatar can go into
the game and basically connect to my more ID and start earning my spending
them for different things so that stuff is really really really cool and and
again that's why it like I honestly we would love to basically just go close
close all of you guys in a room and tell you a bit more about what we're doing
and then and we do the man in black thing where everybody forget what they
heard last 24 hours and then and then because again it's like there is a lot
of stuff but you will see more and more again I tease now one one more Azirian
that one is coming and and there is more in the pipeline no you you can not go
after me just want to step in and say it right quick people typically show up to
these post AMA mints and it's like the company is just getting started there's
so many copy pasta web 3 projects that do the same oh you know we have big
backers we're gonna do a token airdrop like it's the same copy pasta bullshit
excuse my French but what people are failing to realize or maybe they do
realize it but kiwi isn't a web 3 brand decided launch a free mint and then go
chase their dreams kiwi's been around for like you know many years and these
partnerships have been in the working for many years and a mint was actually
not even originally on the roadmap but they're dominating this industry like
they have all these you know billion dollar companies companies bringing in
hundreds of millions of dollars of revenue and we're like it would be sick
it would be unprecedented it would be an experience unlike no others if we had
this community so yeah you guys are joining in halfway to the journey which
is super sick I think it's very unique so go ahead Christian yeah 100% agree
with what you just said earlier and to be honest is like a big win right
basically we squeezed out of Gabriel you know like one name because we we know
you know we know like more from those like juicy list but I'm happy that at
least we squeezed one name because again I totally understand like with this big
brands right and like again going back to like web 3 right like this deals are
like not just like you know a copy-paste logo on a website right it's
it's something different right it's like a web 2 and web 3 integration if you
want right it's basically on a multiple like levels right so obviously it's like
hard to like tease sometimes right because of those like really heavy NDAs
but happy that Gabriel shared a little bit with us on this one beautiful now
thinking about like again the community right because all the time I can say
that in our brainstorming meeting with with this amazing guys were like all
the time like okay how we can like make the community happy how we can put them
on the first place right because that was the main goal when we said like okay
let's go with like a Genesis collection like a tight small community right so
talking about like benefits right first can you can you share us a little bit
more share with the community actually because we know already can you elaborate
on the benefits of the kibex founders key and obviously if you want to like
tease a little bit of like what do I get right I mean I know that you can say
like directly you know like percentages and numbers and etc etc right but I
don't know a lot of people are curious like hey I have multiple ones how do I
benefit out of that right anything that you can share right like I will not like
push too hard but I know like what's coming so obviously I'm excited so let's
see like what's what can be shared and you actually said something super
important and I want to emphasize that a lot and thank you both making
Christopher for let's say mentioning that one of the most important thing is
when we when we communicate we we just we don't try just to put a logo on on a
press release and basically we just make the communication then in one or two
years we will launch a product out of it when we communicate the product is fully
working so all the stuff that you have seen basically out public and is all
working so we're never talking and we're never publicly communicating about
future plans basically we're always communicating with the shit is done
because for us it's important to deliver and not like honestly to walk the talk
and not just like talk talk talk like many other and many others just give you
that so yeah basically two questions Chris is the benefit so also here what
we well basically can can can already say and to the addition of the of what
already has been said first the airdrop that one is fairly straightforward
kibex airdrop so you will get a first first tease of what you can do with that
and basically access the the kibex IP cup and get your first rewards now for
the founders key we were actually developing a specific and customized
tier in the kibex IP club so here you guys are really like you guys are
really the special ones in the in the in the kibex IP club meaning that you will
have different accesses you have different rewards different tasks also
that you can only complete and the goal will really be to make you feel like
founders of the kibex IP club and really of that whole journey so that's the
second benefit kibex IP club the third one is the is the is the trading fee
that also there we're still finalizing and will give a bit more insights on
that one in February so that you know what is expecting you from March on and
as you said of course the more you hold the longer you hold that's how you
basically show loyalty and and that's how also rewards will be multiplied you
will get access at additional I mean just the chat for example we're just
discussing internally before hey let's do colleges in the pioneers chat just
have a bit more a direct relationship with the people that are holding for
example more of the NFTs and that also are showing with that more commitment
more skin in the game so that's just one example to give where we try to to give
more access to ourselves as co-founders and basically try to also give more
tailored answers to two more deeper questions because somebody maybe took
more time to check out some things and again the the whole logic is really
about multiplying all the rewards so and you will start seeing that with the
survey you will start seeing that with the gaming corporation that we're doing
where you will have let's say a kind of not a kind of it will be a play to earn
logic and basically everyone holding more will also earn more rewards and and
that is really those multipliers that I think people are looking for at the end
of the day because you want to be rewarded for holding more of them of
the founders key and for holding them also longer time and honestly what you
will for sure do is always try to surprise the holders as many times as
possible so that you never know or you always unsure should I really sell it or
not because there might be actually coming a cool surprise do I want to miss
it don't want to risk there that I miss it or not so it's really about that we
and as I said in one of the Amos I think that the cool thing from an NFT is
really showing the value that people give to that specific product if you
want to call it right and it is our responsibility together with the
community to really build an amazing product out of it giving it more and
more and more and more value the more we're going forward and and that makes
that has them an impact on everything else I think if you build the best
products demand is automatically coming and and then you can also start asking
the prices you want love it love it love it love it yeah because again as I said
before right like that's that's the entire goal right making sure that
especially like the initial community it's like rewarded the most right and
it's taken into consideration and I also love the fact that you guys are like
open to like hear all type of like you know like feedbacks from from inside the
community which it's I mean a lot of people are saying it but not a lot of
people are like doing it right I know also like in the meetings and in our
internal chats right you guys are like all the time you know like hey guys like
what's the feedback from the community what we should improve and so on and so
on so it's it's lovely to hear that's all the time that you're putting them on
the on the first place hmm and beautiful let me see let me see what have
I missed I'm not sure like how much go ahead Mickey yeah I'll just jump in here
to give my take on things cuz I mean as a third party we have a bit of a excuse
me we have a bit of a unique perception and I think one of the cool things about
kibi is like yeah not only do you get access to all of the partners of kibi
and I don't know maybe a discount on airline tickets of the future so some
cool stuff like that like the rewards part is also great but I think what
really excites people in web 3 is being able to be a part essentially a part of
a not a startup but like founding team members an ecosystem that could very
well tend to 100x and you're part of it not in the form of us calling you our
homies and saying that you're part of the governance team but in in the form
of the governance token so when the tokens launch you guys obviously have
that priority access and like like what we already said right you know we're in
the loyalty game we reward those who are loyal so wink emoji there hundred
percent yeah I mean there was a time where Mickey was called inside this
course like Mickey the alpha guy but yeah let me see him let's let's jump to
also like some questions from inside the community right because there are like
some really good questions and obviously then we'll open the stage like if you
guys want to like start requesting will bring you up for further questions I see
already like some requests so feel free to like put your hands up request and
in a couple of minutes we'll bring you up but inside the community we have
also like noted some questions that I think they're like super relevant so a
lot of people were asking you know about the the fund that were raised right
because there are like some some numbers left and right there are also like
articles about the race but I don't think like publicly you got the chance
Gabriel to to share more let's put it like this right and I've seen also like
a lot of people being keen to hear more about that again I know there I know
there are like a lot of things like still like you know pending and yet to
come in yet to be announced but whatever was done like feel free to offer let's
say more clarity yeah no hundred percent I mean let's say what can be said is the
funds that we raised until now we're really let's say a mix between I couldn't
token for really strategic investors so a few of the ones that you for example
see see mentioned in the press release those are Ben Davey that is that is the
former CIA CEO of workers ventures we have the five capital that is for
example more from Palo Alto we have meet meet the people which is an agency group
from the US that just as an example just last week delivered us two huge leads
one from the US one from from Europe Europe the largest one of the largest
breweries and they want to do an NFT concept so that's fun and and basically
those are really the strategic partners that we got on board that's somebody
like Chris Craculo which is which was the former general manager of membership
rewards in American Express then was head of Walmart Plus and now is I
actually don't know if it's public but it he hasn't he's heading the loyalty at
one of the largest one of the largest banks in the world so really people
that know the market in and out were and I'll make it I'll make a very quick
example like we were just talking about US Airlines and we're discussing
internally okay let's ask basically few people who they know to get to the three
largest ones like the classics United American and Delta and and I asked and
honestly the name because otherwise I don't want to get a copy of it just will
be amazing I asked one of our shareholders I was like hey do you know
someone there like yeah of course who do you want to talk with I was like okay
cool as soon as we have the pitch deck ready as soon as basically we are ready
to pitch the getting the entrance is is literally is is we're I would say 20
steps ahead than somebody that literally has to start at zero to get into a delta
to get into an American or United and that's honestly and and that's not a
brag I don't want to brag with that but it's it's just fact that with the
ambassador we got on board we get to everyone on this world literally
everyone that we need we get and it just what we're super aware of is you have
one shot with people and that one shot that needs to that just that needs to
work so that's also why we're very patient with certain moves we're also
very you see you guys see that we're very cautious of giving out certain
information just because we see how much value is behind and and we don't want to
risk anything for let's say we don't want to risk one of those game-changing
deals because maybe we said too much and so that's why I never drink during
game us by the way
good one but yeah I mean some crazy names that didn't just yeah it's good
that you didn't share it so much obviously the best part is that these
aren't some like wag me GM VCs like you know some of these VCs that projects
are putting behind their brands and I'm not gonna name names but actually
really reputable companies most of their funding that they raise as a general
partnership or as a fund is just that it's you know people who have traded
people have gotten lucky and we're talking about CEOs and the founders of
billion-dollar enterprises like this roster is stacked and it's really not
about how much capital you raise it's about the strict strategic partners
behind the capital totally totally different than what we're used to in my
opinion yeah a hundred percent there there I would say we're we're quite
unique compared to to a classic classic project 100% beautiful let's uh let's
also like welcome some some questions I bring a couple of people on the stage in
the meantime I see like more requests I'll try to bring as many people as
possible feel free to just request guys and I will I will put you on the stage
but let's do also like a round of questions from the from the community and
then by then we can also like share like whatever was not covered let me see who
we have in here I'm not sure like why bring first but certified stoners ain't
were Alex just like feel free to go ahead one of you guys and ask your
questions awesome you can go certified sonar okay okay yeah Jim Jim everyone
Jim Chris to Jim Kibbe and I appreciate wonderful opportunity to come up and
speak and I just have a question it's one is a friend it's a funny one though
it's um I don't know if it's necessary but then I just have to ask there's one
of the rewards for QBX VIP club membership and I just want to ask
causes it I've never been talked about and they bet the present I don't know I
don't need clarity on them I know it's funny but then we just I don't need to
know how does that work because I'm one of the benefit of holding up being a
member of the QBX club is getting a bet the present so I does want light on that
you know the I mean I think I said it's already once if we will tell you the
surprising wouldn't be a surprise so what I can tell you is on on your
birthday if you are holding one of the memberships you will get something and
of course the higher the membership the bigger the surprise
okay that's why we're doing it that's like if a Christmas you would ask what
do I get then you know thank you thank you yeah I see I see depending on like
how much you hold and offer so for how long time yeah I see it anyways Alex go
ahead yo GM GM was good yeah quickly quick one um I saw the partnership with
miles and more loyalty I've really not checked it out but I'm assuming that is
the miles and more loyalty program for the flights as well or this one just
related to Shopify because like I know like I use Lufthansa a line and they
have a miles and more membership fee and everything so on it acts like can we use
it okay but yeah my question yeah so yeah I mean the you're right so it's the
mother more a lot of the Lufthansa group so basically man different airlines
where it will be the goal is to integrate it basically the also the
QBX IP club and and that's basically part of the rollout they will also have
in the next coming weeks and months basically step-by-step will roll out
more and more redemption options where you can use your VIRs man this is huge
like this is massive like you wouldn't see your regular NFT projects to do this
I'm not trying to gas the team or but I mean QB for life man
thank you thank you so much man for for hopping on let me see who we have in
here saint what's up man how are you doing hey guys doing well I'm just
waiting for my lifetime of supply of Coca-Cola to be delivered to my door so
I expect anytime soon but I did have a question obviously in the past couple of
days we've seen tokenomics that have been very bearish and has had the
community and uproar but today we saw very bullish tokenomics from block games
have you guys been taking kind of that into consideration or looking at other
project tokenomics and seeing how you can improve and what changes you guys
can do I mean therefore honestly for us that is we'll look at it a bit like a
product I would say so it's it's a constant development because you want to
build more and more utility for your token and you want to generate more and
more value for it so and that honestly we have the same expectations to that as
a product as we have we have everything else where we try to hit all the most
important key details and really understand what is important for the
community what is important for all the stakeholders that are involved and then
build something that that is as robust as possible they're looking at other
project makes for sure sense because you want to open up your horizons you want
to learn from other projects at the end of the day and I think Mickey said said
it perfectly we're really not a copycat project here in the sand and with that
being said it's not that we're just taking token economics from another
project and then okay cool let's do that but we're like we really integrate the
token economics with the whole ecosystem and and as I said many times
when when I was asked hey what are the challenges that you guys face I always
said hey like managing different stakeholders that is the most
challenging part because building a huge ecosystem means managing different
stakeholders and you have complex systems and that has also an impact on
the token economy so we're giving it a lot a lot a lot of thought we're also
having a lot of experts involved in that one so it's not just a oscillating in
the room thinking about that but we're really involving people that that did
that for a few top 10 to 20 projects and yeah and they didn't ownership let's
call it like that awesome glad to hear yeah today's announcement obviously from
other projects was very bullish very good I'm a visual learner myself so I
can't wait to see the next coming weeks or a month pie chart graphs whatever
breakdown will be very interesting awesome awesome we'll do that thanks a
lot just a short point to add here as well as like our Acadia and our team are
very close to the people of block games we actually helped incubate them and so
I'm it's it's more like you know they're a game they have this incredibly complex
ecosystem and while the number one thing is rewarding holders the number two
thing is making sure that it's sustainable because the last thing we
want is a Ponzi nomic system that's going to crash like you know if it's
good but it's only good for a couple weeks what's the point and that's when
you involve dudes way smarter than I am guys who have PhDs in economics and know
how economies work and that's what we can assure you community first 100% as
the emojis are showing let me see who else we have in here I think God bless I
think I bring the first what's up man how are you doing all good all good
thanks always a pleasure being here so I'm gonna have like two quick questions
one of them is gonna be obviously like a little bit devious so I'm sorry in
advance so first of all I'd like to I just want to know if the the collab with
the Binance covers the token listing for the QBX and second also is there a plan
so since like you know for the like example it had miles they kind of
devaluate with times so is there a plan to cover that for holders or users or
whatever so thanks which one was the I mean look you have to think about it
like this if it would be the case that do you think that I could I like they
would kill me if I would talk about it and again this claim if it would be the
case so like there right now right now we have again integration we have with
the points in crypto we have also the Binance integration with their chain
that we did in the directly with them together so we have a certain
relationship but they're you know what I mean I can't really answer your
question that's why I was laughing when he said like I have a devious crush of
the guy I know I was like shaking you know what I mean like anyways and the
second one was the devaluation of points if we can do anything for that one right
yeah exactly it's a super good question sadly not yet let's call it like that in
the sense that what we're so I have to say like this yes and no if the brand
decides that these points are not any more value X but Y right there we
literally can't do anything but what we can do and what we're actually working
on is to give more liquidity to those miles as an example or to those points
because the more you can use them there it of course the value has a huge role
but if you don't like if you have a large value and then actually that's a
cool that's a cool capability also checked out in our we called it the
global rewards liquidity report that we did last year where we checked out more
than 70 loyalty programs and basically looked at the whole value of these
reward currencies and in the sense you don't really care about of course you
care about the value of the points but it's more important to have the
liquidity of the point because if they're valued a lot but you don't have
any liquidity they don't really bring you a lot so we're working more on that
side and on the value itself it's super difficult to influence the brand there
okay perfect that answers I think everything so thanks for your time
thanks for answering thank you so much bye-bye thank you thank you let me see
who else we have in here Monsieur did I pronounce it correctly what's up what's
up yeah that was not clear for some politicians so congratulations on the
successful mint I think everything was smoothly I don't think it was in my
problem so and this not really more okay more and more like an encouragement you
know what we spoke about about the Afghan outreach I just want you to know
that I think if you are if you are willing I'm also very serious about it
so you can get done get that going on I mean I think Julie said after the mint
I don't know if we should start now or you know maybe later on down the road I
think that you enjoy the catch stop on that one right I think you've got a
contract yeah let's for sure check that out in the next in the next two days
okay okay I'm definitely down for it I'm dead to you and then finally okay I
don't know how to say this but Christo I won't stop bugging I want to stop
bugging on to answer my question all right thank you very much I appreciate
this big hugs man big hug thank you for for tuning in yeah let me see where
since in here ninja what's up hey hello guys can you hear me yeah go ahead thank
you for bringing me on stage I hope everyone a few is doing well I'm a
holder of kibi and I'm really bullish on the project it's a low supply it's a
freemen bagged by Arcadia and all those amazing partnerships and this amazing
team so I just wish you success I just had two quick questions so my first
question would be will there be a kibi token airdrop and is it only for holders
and my second question would be will there be blue chip NFTs that we can
exchange our kibi tokens to in the reward system of the kibi ecosystem so
to the first one let's see we're planning some stuff there might there
might be some opportunities to grab grab a few tokens also if you if you don't
if you don't have a holder depends with how loyal you are and how much how much
you grind like that and and that's the second one that's actually super good
point we we actually checked it already out internally basically to make a
points to blue chip NFT exchange like put two points to crypto and for that
also making basically what maybe also to kibi token something we're checking out
we it's not yet understand the roadmap that's for example one of the features
that we would love to hear the feedback from the community what would you
prefer more for example more crypto tokens or more NFTs as an example so
these will be things that will also check out with the community and get a
bit of feedback and see what we can do thanks a lot for the answers for sure
thank you for the questions thank you so much man let me see let me see let's
take also like some questions from Genesis chat and pioneer chat I have
like some aligned in here looking forward to answer those as well so one
of them are saying like this from a retailer who wants to be on board it
what's it in for them like what's the motivation I think this is like a really
important one because again we're talking about on boarding like more and
more brands into the kibi ecosystem right so having a good understanding of
like what's in for them right obviously will will make us understand like what's
the probability for all this like big brands and some of them that you like
softly shield without confirming so yeah what's in for them I mean there
are different different values that we can provide you as a brand why they're
in honestly the the most the most important kpi games today is lifetime
value so it's fairly simple if you want to break it down in math it's really
lifetime value lifetime value comes together by really minimizing customer
acquisition costs you want to maximize the lifetime of your customer and
basically the amount of money the base time with you right and if you want to
maximize that it's really all about like first priority is you actually build a
product that people love like without that no loyalty program will save you
nothing will save you you just need to build a product that people love and
then of course on top of that depending the industry etc it makes a lot of
sense to basically have an additional relationship directed to your customers
and maybe you guys heard it a few different times depending on who follows
with all these marketing topics and and also the data privacy topics etc
basically all these Facebook Googles and apples of the world are minimizing the
data exposure that they're giving to third parties as much as possible so for
every brand it will be more and more difficult to actually get to their
customers to advertise in the right way etc etc so that's why first party data
so the data that you get directly from your customer is actually the one that
that you can that you can use in the sense that you can understand okay it's
actually I don't know user in Switzerland so it doesn't make sense to
give him an offer from the US because most probably they won't they won't
actually need it and for that loyalty program is literally the the key for
brands to get to that because you give your user something for for receiving a
certain value back and this is a clear transaction that makes sense and
everybody can basically that everybody is in a win-win situation so it's really
about getting that relationship and getting to know your customer much much
better on the other side decreasing churn so by rewarding your customers you
increase purchasing frequency you per you increase purchasing size and with
that also retention basically goes up so and as soon as retention goes up you
also start losing less customers and that's super important for to think now
about Covid as an example and that really showed how many people just focus
or how many companies just focus on on new customer acquisition because every
company that focuses on customer acquisition they really broke down
because new customer was not able to basically you were not able to acquire
new customers or it was super difficult and the ones that are loyal loyal
customer-based and community actually survived Covid much better than the
others so keeping retention low and loyalty high is one of the most
important things and then of course a loyalty program can give you an
additional advantage compared to your competitors just because you can give
basic and additional value to your customers and that has many different
facets again you can do for with us together you can basically create your
own loyalty program right so you have all kinds of let's say one set of
benefits on the other side you can say hey you know what I don't have the time
the resources to issue my own points create my own loyalty program I want to
connect directly to miles and more issue miles and accept miles as a payment
method and that's again in a completely different set of benefits that is also
huge because you use an existing currency that everybody knows you can
say you're a partner of miles and more Lufthansa Swiss that is for SMEs
honestly the holy grail like being able to these to do these kind of
co-branding activities is super important and if you also think about
the web 3 community the same the same story there we have now the first web 3
player that is on board is Swiss fortress it's a wallet provider and
they're the first web 3 partner that got basically accepted by by miles and more
which is huge that's like game-changing and and that can those kind of benefits
honestly are completely unique that you really do not get anywhere else and I
mean and I can say that I can't say the name again but I had this morning
conversation with with with miles and more regarding a potential partner and
it's really crazy how how we saw that the product that we have built has a
huge competitive advantage to a lot of other companies that are trying to do
the same to the point that we're really in a good position to onboard for
example certain partner at least at least 20x faster than than anybody else
beautiful answer love it and talking about the about like benefits I have
also like a follow-up question which which also like a lot of people are
curious about right what was the the reasoning of the low supply collection
right and people are curious if one of the reason were basically like rewarding
more a smaller amount of people first right because that's basically what what
a small community means right so it's that the case people are asking I mean
it's for sure the the logic was really to build that core community so to be
able and again also here fairly objective fairly objective view on it we
can just spend more time if it's less users because we can literally spend
more of our resources on each user instead of having now eight or ten
thousand users basically that we want to onboard it's a completely different
thing like if we want to do for example literally face-to-face call if you would
wish and we would ask the community hey who of the holders would like to make a
face-to-face call in the next I don't know two months where we where we check
out together we make you a demo for example the kbx at p-club we show a bit
around etc etc that is something that we can do like with with with a supply of
888 you can do that now when we move ahead and have a bit of a let's say more
stuff coming that that's the you can you automatically can't have one-to-one
calls you can't spend so much time on each different each different user or
holder so the goal was really to create small core group of holders again they
give it all and and that where we also can give it all to them and really spend
the most amount of time on them love it and there was also like a question in
the chat that might be like misunderstood or something right a lot of
people are saying like hey would you make like another like NFT collection are
you guys like diluting the community and stuff right and obviously we know that
that's kbx you know the token is basically the next and that's like what
what is the most important at the moment but a lot of people would love to like
hear that confirmation from from your end basically sorry cuz I didn't hear
that cuz can you repeat the question please yeah yeah for sure I was saying
that as people are curious if there will be like another collection right because
a lot of people think that hey maybe these guys will follow like other I
don't know and if the projects like like strategies were releasing like a small
collection and then a bigger one in a bigger run in a bigger run right so I
think it's also like cool to like reaffirm on the fact that token is the
priority and basically there is like not a secondary collection coming yeah
a hundred percent I mean we also never promised it so there is there is for
sure nothing nothing planned on that side and the focus right now is really
fully on on the 888 holders or let's say the NFTs basically found the ski and and
really setting up everything for for the launch of the token the kbx epi club
that's the full focus so we do not really have right now anything in in
the stash for that one yeah was that was the topic that a lot of people were
curious in the chat I was looking like oh another collection like no it's not
the case guys it's really not the case I didn't even check the chat I'm kind of
like multitasking at the moment like beautiful yeah obviously guys that's
that's not the case the focus it's on the on the on the main collection that
was minted already and the focus is to bring the best rewards and the best for
for you guys for the for the early supporters right obviously the main
focus right now is the kbx token as Gabriel said in the beginning some of
you heard like answers that I think you liked on the fact that things will be
released ASAP right it will not be a scenario where we're talking about I
don't know September or whatever months and months after the token is like
released or a drop and stuff obviously small ETA is here and there until
everything is confirmed and stay tuned on announcements but it will not be the
case of like waiting like for four decades because I know a lot of people
were were worried let's put it like this because some other projects that the
same in the market great let me go ahead and pick up another question it's also
like a follow-up from the from Eddie had point conversion question and people
are curious if we will disclose the conversion rate of points to via VAR
someone is saying I noticed cash to it had miles was much favorable as
compared to VR to Eddie had miles and hence curious I mean that's the always
depending on how brand set the conversion rates and then we see the our
system calculates the the conversion rates between the different pairs so if
one brands sets basically a value for when a mile gets converged two points
then it's that value and the other way around it's another value that's
basically how the conversion rate is calculate so fairly straightforward no
no no rocket science behind that one beautiful let me see what else we have
in here I think we have like a couple more questions we're also like at the
one-hour mark but as we stated before also in the community we will keep like
this internal AMA is like pretty pretty often don't worry don't worry you will
not be there will not be like in the dark in here we'll make sure to
communicate like very often with the with the community and expect more amas
of this kind and more news in the very near future let me see couple more
questions in here someone's asking if at some point we should expect like a
kibi mobile app or it will be only the the web version right now the web
version honestly delivers everything everything we need from a customer
experience perspective in that sense it is super efficient because you don't
have to download from user experience you don't have to download an app
register get it set up and from our perspective we don't basically have to
manage right now to the native apps were we're basically let's say in a in a
phase where we are looking at different features testing etc and basically with
the community together deciding what makes the most sense so there we will
have native apps later on but first off it will be web app you got it let me see
what else we have in here okay a really interesting question you had said that
you'll reward the nasty holders with multipliers based on how many kibex keys
they hold and how long they hold them are you tracking this currently or if
not when it will start I'm not sure if you want to like share this at the
moment but yeah you want to know basically for tracking I mean like
anyways it's open so on etherscan we can also go back in time and basically check
what is going on so also if we're not tracking actively right now we can we
can track later on a few things but of course the goal is is to basically we
will reward hundred percent people who hold more and people who hold longer
again that's how that's how loyalty template is defined from that
perspective so everyone that is longer on board that has more skin in the game
will automatically get also more rewards love it love it okay I think
with this question we we pretty much covered a lot and obviously we'll will
as I said we'll do we'll do a follow-up for sure is there anything that you guys
want to like still share with the with the community if not we can we can
basically wrap it up and and see you on the next one I think from I think we went
through a lot of stuff I don't really say from the community there any more
any more questions that are burning but as you said I think the most important
part is that you guys all know that we'll do this more and more frequently
we'll also hop between the chats and maybe do some do some voice chats just
in the in some specific chats just to again be a bit more near to the
community and just spend a bit more time with the people for example that are
holding more more NFTs and and they're again longer on board so that we can we
can really get the info from the most loyal people and then and then we try
also to answer as many questions as possible so also by the way just heads up
if we're not always in the chat writing directly if you guys see our meeting
schedule it's it's it's literally packed from morning to the evening so we're
trying to be as active as possible and again like the Arcadia team is doing an
amazing literally an amazing work on on supporting us with that and showing us
basically when somebody is asking somebody something etc so we're we're
really trying to cover as much as possible if you have the feeling that
some something is not being covered let us know again we're here for you on
this journey we're together and honestly there will be so many good things coming
and it will be a long journey and I hope that that you guys really stay as long
on board as possible because we're really changing history the history of
rewards and and as a completely new payment method and we really hope that
to have you on board as long as possible you you won't even be we are even not
even how do you say able to imagine what what everything that is coming because
it will be huge and and again we're here for a long term so we hope that that you
do the same guys highly appreciate that man highly appreciate that Mickey any
last words before we wrap up I think from my end all good you know we've
been sitting here for an hour and there hasn't been any dodgy questions like you
know it's as transparent as it comes they're just laying it out they've been
building this for many many years now and that's just the beauty of being able
to do these open forum conversations is that you know the team's an open book
and they basically are saying look here's this absolute empire that we're
building and we're excited to have you guys on the the ride to the moon so
yeah thank you for everyone turning in and really really excited for what's to
be revealed in the coming days and weeks oh oh one more thing drop something in
the chat if you want to see something with kibi and NFT Paris I don't think
I'm supposed to mention this but might have something up our sleeves there so
yeah okay guys thank you thank you everyone for for tuning in and as Mickey
said stay tuned for the next incoming days to hear more updates from our end
thank you so much and in the meantime don't hesitate to to ping like like the
entire team in the chat if you guys have like any questions we have people in
there like 24 7 but again thank you so much for the for the amazing support
again this freemen was just like the first step into into web 3 4 kibi and
stay tuned for sure any last words Gabriel thanks you said it you guys said
it does it perfectly thanks a lot also from our side again amazing to see all
the support thank you all for for being here and yeah let's fucking go guys from
here only up I would say thanks again and talk to you guys soon
cheers let's go take care guys ciao ciao thanks for coming