Pourin’ Notes & Playin’ Tunes | Rhythm & Wine Radio Ep.4

Recorded: Jan. 30, 2024 Duration: 1:38:39



Welcome to rhythm and wine radio episode 4
Catch a brain chase the wind
As it blows by the way to my reflection
Sit my breath across your neck
Just in time, you re-appear, close my eyes
It's my army, I'm sure you're there
Dance till three, ain't a picture of the day we met
In my mind, my sweet silhouette
What is up everybody? Welcome to Rhythm & Wine Radio
Nessie Von, see you down there
If you guys want to come up and chat tonight, come on down
But if not, no big deal, hang out
We're going to definitely play some more music tonight
I got my live chops on, about to pop this bottle
Kara, how are you?
Hey, I'm doing good
I just got home, like 15 minutes ago
And I just opened the wine and poured a glass
How are you?
Yeah, you're ahead of me
I literally just, I'm just getting this cork out
I'm excited, you know what's funny?
I may have had this before, a long time ago
Oh really?
Well, so my step-family is all Chilean
So when I saw that this was a Chilean wine, I was kind of excited
Because I was like, oh man, I do, you know, they do make some good wine down there
So, oh god, yeah, I'll say already
I mean, guys, if you're not into wine, I don't know why
God, it just smells so fucking delicious
But you know, look, I'm not going to harp on it
Repost the space, you guys know the deal
Let's get some more folks in here
Unless you guys just want to keep us all to yourselves
But yeah, I'm going to pour this first glass here
Oh my god, Nessie wants to come and hang
Oh, I see cash down there too
What's up, Dave? Dave popped in
What's up, Ness? How are you, man?
Here, what's the word?
Hey, nothing
Just another lovely Tuesday
Popping another bottle
Actually, now that I think, I don't think I've had this one
I do think I've had another wine from this winery, though
Yeah, they make some pretty good varietals
You guys can stick with the wine
I guess I'll stick with the whiskey
Okay, that's all right, listen
I've said, we're going to definitely
Emma wants to get down on a whiskey version of these
Here, one of these nights
And so that'll definitely be a night that I for sure
I'm going to tell Rocky there's a 0% chance
That I'll be able to go co-host his space after
Because that'll get messy
Nessie, what kind of whiskey are you drinking tonight?
Well, I mean, you know, it is during the week
We don't like to keep it too fancy
So sipping on a little bit of Jim Bean tonight
All right, all right, some beam
Are you doing beam on the rocks or are you doing a little mixer?
Come on now
When you saw me in Michigan, did I mix anything that I drank?
Did you see any rocks in my drinks?
No, but that's that's worrisome
It's pure Michigan, man
You know I'm saying
It's cold, we got snow
Well, I guess that's true
I did I did see that picture today
At least you guys are getting some snow
Because I got to tell you we're I mean, what God
We're almost in February
Last year this time
I had eight inches of snow in my backyard
And it didn't leave until the spring
And right now the grass is regrowing
In my fucking backyard right now
Like I don't know what's going on this winter in Colorado
It's been been a little messy
But cash what's up, man?
You know, if you want to come up and chat
This is a pretty open forum stuff
You know, I don't know how much you know, I'm gonna share some music tonight
I know we're gonna get care of it
You know, not a not a music space per se
But you know, we're definitely gonna share some tunes
I will say, you know, so look, I mean, Nessie
I know you're not a wine guy
And I don't know why you why you aren't necessarily
Everybody has their reasons
There was a time when I didn't like drinking any wine either
But I think sometimes it's just about finding the right one
To get the palate off to the off to the right way
Because you know, my girl hated drinking wine
We started her off slow, though
I would never, you know, I would never start you off on some
What was Carol?
What's the really sweet I forget
I always forget
Yeah, that's it
So that's how we got her started
It was like Moscato
And she's like, oh, I could drink this
I'm like, yeah, I can't drink this
But you know, at least at least it's not good
But now she'll drink
She'll drink any of the wines with us
We fully converted her
I mean, hell, I didn't even drink whiskey, though
You know, I didn't drink whiskey until I came to Colorado
There was just no reason to get that warm
I was a vodka Red Bull guy in my 40 days
I like to cause heart attacks and things like that
But no, now I'm definitely when it comes to the liquors
I'm with Nessie
I'm a sort of like whiskey is my go-to
I'm a maker's mark guy for the most part
But I've got some good ones
I think I was talking about this last week or the week before
I think it's 1792 is like for sure one of my favorite
whiskey is up
And Nessie fell off the stage
I hope he didn't get hurt
But yeah, so Carol, I mean, I will say like right off the bat
This, it smells like a very fruity wine
Like it, you know, heavy
What am I getting out of this?
I want to say like almost strawberry
Ah, let's get out of here
Get out of here with that toy
Um, yeah, you know, I feel
So this one
The carminier grape is mainly like, um, like dark plums
It's got like herby, smoky flavors to it
You know, it's like a spicy, medium-bodied wine
Which is pretty common for Chile
I, carminier's to me are kind of funky
I can eat the plums
That's, you know, you don't really smell plums that often
That's, I think that's what really throws me off
You know, plums is more of like a taste flavor
But I definitely get, you know, smelling a little more
I could definitely, I could definitely catch the plum
I definitely don't get, you know, last week was like a much more like cherry-heavy I felt like
And this one, this one's for sure on the sweeter side
Really nice
It almost, you know what's weird though?
Almost like a, almost like a dry finish, you know
It's like, it starts off really sweet
But then like ends, ends nice and dry and like disappears
Yeah, it's got like a, it's got a bite to it
Which I think is where like the hints of the spice kind of come in with it
So I think that this wine, I think this wine is in like toasted oak barrels
From what I had, I had to refresh my memory reading about it
So it said like dark plums and spice
So it's kind of toasty from being in the American oak
You know what's funny? The bottle, like see, this is where you know
Look, if anybody isn't sure if fucking sommeliers or scammers, they just are, right?
Because so you look at the bottle
The bottle says chocolate, coffee, and spice combined with raspberries and blackberries
Which I can't taste
The spice for sure, but the chocolate and coffee definitely not
Raspberries, blackberries, I don't know
I don't think so, I don't think I believe them
I think that they're just full of shit
I know it's in there
I can't taste that either
Like I don't taste the coffee notes
I don't really taste the chocolate notes
But definitely the spicy notes, I do get that
And it's a very well balanced
It's like a round mouth feel to me from the tannins
So I taste that
And that finish is a little bit drier, it's a little bit more
It's like, the only way I know how to describe it is there's a bite to it
So you get a bite and it lingers, but then it goes away
Yeah, it's that first sip
That first sip, definitely on the front end, you catch the bite right away
But it eases out right off the bat, right?
I'm really excited, I was told I have to save her a glass
Because she definitely wants to get a glass of this
What's up Cash, how are you bro?
Hey, what's up, I just wanted to come in and talk about this
Sommelier's being a scam thing
This is, I'm heavily bashing about this
Yeah, I've never seen that video on YouTube
Where it's like, because first off, everybody knows
Cheap wine is just as good as like real expensive wine, right?
But there's a video on YouTube where they're getting like
3 Sommelier's to taste test
Cheap versus mid versus like real prestigious wine
There is no correlation between how much you know about wine
And how good it tastes, like they're always just picking it right
Oh yeah, 100%
Well, my other favorite is that like
So if you talk to certain songs, they'll tell you like
No, what do you taste in this? Because whatever you taste, just say that
Because it doesn't really matter
Because you're going to put the idea into the people's heads
Who you're trying to sell these bottles to
Like, you know, you could literally say anything
And it's just about like, it's like mind-fucking them
Into believing that that's what it is
Yeah, I mean, but this is why
This is why we created this space, though, too
Was for exactly that
Because you don't need to be a song
To DJ and review a bottle of wine
You just need to be willing to drink it
And we don't spit any of it out
You know, we definitely crush these bottles
So yeah, no, this is what we do here
And we'll, you know, we share a little music
And, you know, I know, Cash, I know you just
Oh, and look who joined the party
Oh, man, Mela B is here tonight
But Cash, I know you just dropped this album
I don't know how many hands you got into
Are you putting it on DSPs? I know
I feel like you sent it out to the people who collected your NFT first
And I don't think I remember hearing you talk about what your plan is for the album
Yeah, so so far it's going according to plan
The plan was to not plan it
It's going really well according to the plan
So basically I sent it out
There's a couple other people that I sent it out to
Because they're really, really excited to listen to it
And they're not in Web 3 at all
But yeah, just gathering opinions from people's reviews
What they're thinking and then fine-tuning it to their opinions
I went back to it to add like a
Did I just disconnect?
No, you got to
Okay, okay. Yeah, it gave me like a notification that I disconnected
But yeah, I just I'm just revisiting it
I went back today to try and add like another extra song
Maybe maybe two but probably just one more
But I'm just fine-tuning it from people's opinions of like the private link until probably like June
Something like that. Just given a few months
Ah, that's interesting
Yeah, I mean, so I probably
I love your style
Because I just don't get to listen to it anywhere else
So, you know, I don't know that I have opinions on what would be adjusted at all
And also I'd be cautious about listening to too many opinions
You clearly have your plan to do it
So like do whatever is in your head
But also don't let people change what you think it ought to be
Because like I feel like I did that for a number of years where I like
I really tried to create based on the million suggestions that I got
And where it landed me was in a place where I didn't even know what kind of music I wanted to make
And I couldn't ever really achieve what it was that was being suggested to me
And so I find I mean, you know, this is where like taking six years off of making music really makes a big difference
Where you can like
You can really think about what you want to do
And you know, when I came back
I mean, it's crazy and maybe I'll play it tonight
Because there's actually
There's this old version of Brown Eyes
Which I still have a few people who say they like the old version better
But that's just because that's what they were brought into
You know, so like people who heard Brown Eyes for the first time in the version that I released as an NFT
They were all super stoked and love it
It's Rocky's fucking favorite song without a doubt of mine
And I've like posted the link a couple times
Where I was like, hey guys, if you want to dig into like the old version of this song
Or into some of the old versions of me
You know, you can go check it out
But I always tell people because like it's on Bandcamp
And I'm like, yo, if you find this album, don't buy it
I have no idea where the money goes
I couldn't even begin to tell you because I don't
I just haven't dug into what all the stuff is
It's like the contacts are all out of date
Because it's really it's for an old band, you know, it's just not really
You know, it's not something I'm promoting now
These musicians are never
I don't think they're ever coming back to making music
You know, maybe one of them will at one point
You know, I'm hopeful this drummer friend of mine
Will come back after his kids go to college
But I think we still have like eight years until that happens
Nine years, so we're a ways away from that
But yeah, it's like even that song at the time
I thought was like exactly the way I wanted it
And when I came back and started playing it just live for myself
Before I kind of like unveiled it to everybody
I just was like, no, this song is not that anymore
Like it's not that's not what I ever wanted it to be
When I thought about it more and more
And so I really was able to kind of evolve it
Just by giving it lots of time to breathe
Which is it's weird
It's just like the wine that we're tasting right now
You know, you give it a little time to breathe
And it's going to change and it's going to evolve
And I find it funny because the band's name
Back in the day was evolution of sound
And I was always told that like, man, you've really like set yourself up
For like really having to like
Outdo yourself every time you release
You know, if this is really going to be an evolution
And I'm glad we only released the one single album
Because it would have been very difficult to evolve from what we did
It was just like, I don't know, it was kind of all over the place
And then kind of had this like continuity factor with it
And you know, there were songs on there
There's a song in there that the artist that was featured
One of them, you know, her parents are furious
That her name is attached to this album
Because she's now a country singer
And they actually were they were able to get the album removed from iTunes
Despite me battling it out with them
But they were able to get it removed
Because they were, you know, there's this like obsession with like country music
That you can't make anything else in any other genre
Otherwise you won't be taken seriously
And like, of course, now that's changing so much
Because you have you have country artists who are like making like pseudo pop
Hip hop country kind of things
And you know, you got the guy who just covered
God, what fast car by Tracy Chapman
I love that version too
Yeah, I mean, so it's like I feel like it's changing
And it's real funny because when her dad threatened me with a lawsuit
I just was like, yo, go ahead
Like you're gonna lose like I have all the emails where you guys confirmed
That you wanted her name on this in this way
Like I in no way would ever pick the name to go on the album for somebody else
So I was like, let's let's go
And then, you know, because he was telling me he wanted me to remove it
And I was like, well, you know, at first I told him like, yo
Just give me the money to re-release it and I'll change it all
With the new name and no big deal and it was like it was gonna cost him like 110 bucks
And he refused and then he threatened me with this lawsuit
And so like once I got all the emails together and I knew he had no ground to stand on
I went back to him and I said, okay, cool
Like remember when it was like 150 bucks to do this? Well, well now you can pay me 10 grand
And that's my new price for removing this album and changing it
And of course, you know after he knew that after he knew that he had nothing, you know
I never heard from him again on it
But like clearly he must have been doing something in the background because it did get removed from iTunes
But I have 900 copies of this and I really hope that she blows up
Like I want her to become the fucking next biggest thing in country
Because I will have this album and I will fucking I will rack the dough in for releasing this song
Because it's completely owned by me
There was never any there was never any question about that features or not
Like this is back in the day when it was all like, you know, you know, you want to be on this
Like you'll get you know, you'll get a cut if we if we sell anything but nothing
I mean I had nothing on contracts with them for like what the limitations were in my ability to distribute it
And so it's just gonna be funny. I do hope that one day she blows up
So I can just rub this in their face because it will just be something that no one can get
Because I think they've they've completely hidden all of her non-country music from everyone
And you know, this just sits here in my in my little arsenal
So one day you never know I forgot how I got on this rant about this
I think it was brown eyes. I looked down and I saw this song with her Dave Otto just laughing
But yeah, don't take you know, just take every every suggestion with a grain of salt because you you make really unique music
And you know, that's something that like I've finally come into my own with where like I've accepted like, you know
The way I write the way I create is always gonna be very different than what's out there
And that's part of the selling point is that I'm not going to conform to the music that already exists
You know, I'm going to I'm gonna take little pieces and I'm going to you know
Take take the the good that I want to add to this and the rest of it is gonna be me
And you know, you're gonna see over the next year
I've got I've got a few different genres of music that I'm releasing
And I already kind of showed a little bit with the hip hop side of the cover of Rocky's track
Don't talk to me that like it's gonna be wide
It's not gonna be stuck to just one, you know, one kind of corner of a genre or anything like that
And I'm pretty excited. I've got some got some really interesting stuff that's in the works right now
But hi, Mela. How are you?
I feel like you haven't gotten to be at one of these spaces yet because you've been out of town
And and I actually didn't even get to ask you last week. I really wanted to hear you tell me about how
San Diego right San Diego was San Jose San Diego one of them
Yeah, man, San Diego. Oh my god. I have not been to rhythm and wine radio yet
I came up here to say one thing very quickly because I'm making dinner and then I'm gonna come back and
There's only two reposts of this space right now, come on people
Come on get your shit together. Come on
One of them right like let's be real. Okay, come on
Yeah, no, I just came up here to guilt trip everybody into reposting the room
I'm making sweet potatoes and steak
I know odd combination
Texas Texas Roadhouse makes a lot of money combining sweet potatoes and steak
Do they? Wow. Yeah. Yeah, that's that's that's like a side option and I always get the sweet potato with my steak
Here's here's the question. How are you cooking your sweet potato?
Oddly enough. I'm actually doing like mashed sweet potato because I just feel like having mashed
But sometimes I do roasted today is mashed
Yeah, so it's almost like a casserole, but you're not doing a casserole. You're just mashing the sweet potatoes
Yeah, I'm just doing mashed sweet potatoes. I just I don't know. I'm really feeling like mashed
But yeah, so sweet potato and steak
What else nothing else I'm not gonna make anything else just that hey, I mean that sounds that sounds fantastic
How are you making your steak I think it's the most important question here
Oh, we're cooking our medium rare medium rare always
We're gonna do the the cast iron skillet
It's too cold
It's too cold to go outside and barbecue. So yeah
So Mela, I want to give you I want to give you a little steak cooking suggestion. Maybe not for tonight, but
I'll tell you my I learned this a number of years ago
And since I've never done it any different anymore because it well with the exception of putting it in the smoker
That's the only time that I'll do it different
So I usually will all pans here my steak like literally just like high heat, you know
Just sear it just to crisp up the the outside and then throw it in the oven on like 380
For like it depends on the thickness of the steak, right? You got to really gauge you got to really gauge it
So sometimes the first time can be a little rough
But I'll throw it in the oven for like eight to twelve minutes depending on the thickness and like it just comes out so perfect
Like it's juicy you never overcook it whenever I try to just pan cook it and I just go side to side
I always overcook it every time
I think I saw Gordon Ramsay do that on master shots. Yeah, it's an excellent recommendation
So we cook a lot of steak here
We cook a lot of meat and that's a really good suggestion another suggestion
I'd make if you I don't know for tonight or not
But when you do it in the cast iron skillet throw in some butter and some fresh herbs and some shallots
And it is incredible
Mmm, I'm all about the butter and the herbs. Let's go. What do we think this wine?
How do we think this wine would pair with a steak Kara? Cuz like wow, perfect. Yeah
I cared Carmen year with steak many times also that Malbec that we had last week and all the other Malbec's they go perfect with steak
There's so many so many red lines that go well with steak. Like I said, we are for carnivores in this house
And steak is my favorite food. Like you had me at steak when you said steak Mela. I was like, yes
I love me a good juicy steak and I was I was just gonna say there's nothing worse than an overcooked steak
So I appreciate the suggestions
Is I've I've very rarely overcooked my steaks, but there was a time and you know
I see wifey is down there. So like she'll attest to this
So there was this one night where I
Mistimed the steak because I was thinking that we were cooking these thick ones that I had gotten. Yes, the hundreds down there
So it was only one time but it was it was
Heartbreaking because I was in my head. We were cooking the steaks that we get from Costco, which are like super thick
And I just I ran the time just way too long and it comes out and it was it was it wasn't well done
But it was close enough that I was just so she and you know, she was like, oh, well, it's still good
It's still good. I'm like, no, this is fucking terrible. We need to throw this away
Like this is awful. I was like, I'm so disappointed in myself because
It's just brutal and this is I don't know have I told you guys that I and mela you you know
Feel free to keep the co-host spot and disappear to cook your food. Whatever you got to do
Don't worry. We'll uh, we'll be just fine over here
But yeah, uh, I don't know if i've told you guys that I was vegan for like five months in my life
so really
Yeah, it was so
It was an interesting time, right? So how did that go? I I love I love meat
Always like i've always loved it and then I watched this documentary that was done by vice
And it was called meat hooked in the end of water and like clearly like like so look look before I go into it
Like i'll tell you there was nothing factually incorrect about this documentary and that's why I went vegan
It was it was like a really intense conversation about
The amount of water that gets used and like we don't notice it so much here
But that's because a lot of our meat doesn't necessarily come from here
um, but like brazil has lost like
70 percent of their reservoirs or something because of all the water
That goes into producing meat from the corn and like we've separated our meat from their food
So like it's not so much that like that it's about like how the cows are killed or anything like that
It's literally like hey
If we keep creating meat in this way
Like this is not sustainable and the amount of water that we waste growing corn to feed the cows
Rather than just letting them eat the grass because they don't get as fat just eating the grass, right?
You can fatten them up feeding them all kinds of stuff
And so there's just this huge discussion in there
about like
The fact that most like we're a very developed country and we consume a ton of meat
But there's a lot of underdeveloped countries that are starting to adopt extremely similar
meat diets
and like when when they showed across the map like
All these countries that are that are kind of getting in on and how much meat production would be required to sustain the diets
It was just like astronomically impossible. It was just not you know, it was like in the next 20 years
We're going to see huge problems from this
Which I think we're starting to see some changes like farmers are starting to go to rotational grazing which is helping a little bit
Um, but if we don't see more farms go to that there will be like huge water shortages that are related to meat
So anyway, I see that I watch this I watch this documentary and I just decide like okay, fuck
I love meat but like that's enough reason like i'm not the vegan that look I I hate to say it
I'm not the vegan who gives a fuck about the animals if it's me or the animals i'm fucking eating the animal
Like i'm sorry if it's me or them it's me every time like this is that's like basic survival
Right. Absolutely basic survival. I'll bring peed up here
But like when it comes to water like
Nobody's gonna survive if we destroy all our water
Um, and like we're already doing enough to destroy that on a regular basis
So like it's kind of it was just kind of this huge thing
So I went vegan for five months and I remember the day that I broke it because I was like it was fine
Except for the fact that every meat replacement that I could find that I enjoyed was soy based
And it completely fucked up my hormones like it was so bad. I was yeah, i'm sure
It was just unmanageable. And so I was like having this like weird issue where I was like, okay
I don't know how long i'm gonna be able to keep this up and then I go to this super bowl of mint part
Or it wasn't a super bowl party. It was like a fantasy football mint party
And they had made wings and they made these fucking wings in this custom sauce and I could smell the sauce everywhere in the house
And I remember we sat down outside on the on the porch and I turned to my girl I go
Fuck I go. I think i'm gonna break my streak today and she goes wow
Really? Like I really thought you were you were in it to win. I'm like, yeah, I was and then I just smelled this chicken
And uh, and yep
It was all it was all over all downhill from there, um
But it's funny though because it did teach me
a lot about
Managing where i'm getting my meat from and managing the amount of meat that i'm eating
And so like there was a lot of good that came out of that period
But I was never the guy to go around and be like, oh you need to be vegan because we gotta save the fucking animals like
No, you're not gonna sell people on that
Like if you if you want to sell people on on reducing their meat consumption
You got to sell them on it in a way that's like real
Like they you're not going to get people to think about the feelings of the animal
As much as you're going to get people to think about like
The detrimental farming practices that are going to cause it to not be sustainable and one day
You're not even going to be able to get your fucking steaks because it just won't be a thing
You know, we won't be able to sustain that practice if we keep going the way we're going
So yeah, I was more that guy
The feedlot, the feedlot is a whole lot of methane and all that kind of stuff
Yeah, I mean, yeah the cow farts are a problem too. I mean that's
Again, it's like
We just we just have to get into
Being reasonable and you know, like i'm here in colorado
And so like hunting has become something that's on my mind where i'm like, okay
I think it was supposed to be this summer, but I think it's going to be next summer coming up
Where i'm going to really like try to figure out how to get myself an elk and like cut down most of my meat purchasing
From that but like that's not a sustainable thing for everyone in the world, right?
Not everyone in the world could go hunt if we all did that we'd be fucked too
so it's like
There's you know
There's just a balance and I think that's what I learned the most is like just keeping it in mind that
Everything if you just keep it in balance and you don't try to force anybody and you just more
Educate people on like all these different things like they'll make the decision on their own
They they probably most people probably won't go vegan because it's not really a sustainable diet for a lot of people to be able
To do and be healthy
But they may cut down their consumption and if everybody cut down their consumption, there would be no real issue
You know, it wouldn't be a problem. What's up?
I think we're also just so disconnected from uh
The food chain and how like farming and hunting actually work that like most people don't know
Anything about like food or food production really like you have to they don't they don't teach you in school for sure
Or like most parents don't only teach you about like
A healthy diet and like what you're actually supposed to be eating and the amounts and stuff
So people just kind of go ham on one thing, you know
Yeah, I oh, I agree with that completely and the disconnect the disconnect from our food is it is a big thing, too
I think if people had to butcher their own animals every time they had oh my gosh starfish is here
Hi starfish and it look sorry. I haven't like chimed in if anybody down there wants to come up and chat
Uh, this is a very free forum space. Um, we're we're sipping on this, uh,
Casaero del Diablo
Carmel nier
It is absolutely delicious
Gonna get some tunes in here in a minute. I don't you know, i'm sorry for anybody in here
Who's not digging the the vegan conversation?
But you know, this is what happens. We just we just get off on tangents
Um, but yeah, like the disconnect from our food like if you had to butcher your own chicken
You may feel differently about it later pete or you can hang or whatever. I think you're waving by but
Yeah, it's like if you had to butcher your own chicken
If you had to go and kill your own cow to cut the meat
It may not stop you but it would probably make you respect the process a little bit more
like there's all this all these weird things and so it's like
Yeah, it's you know
This is part of why I wanted to hunt this year, too
Because like I already know that i'm not gonna love
Killing an animal and being a part of butchering it right like i'm not gonna love that
I had rough experiences as a kid with that we had
Cuban neighbors who butchered their own chickens
And I was definitely traumatized as a young kid like watching that happen
But it hasn't stopped me from eating meat
It just like it makes me respect the process and you know
You go back to the native americans who like yeah, they still eat meat, right?
Like they were still eating meat, but they weren't fucking decimating the herd
And it was like a ceremony to fucking you know to to kill these animals
Like it was a whole thing and we are very disconnected from that now
Um, let's say hi to crow over and then say hi to bobby and then let's play a tune
Let's get off of the meat conversation. I'm sorry for anybody who is like, no, why are they in here talking about meat?
No, I just hadn't seen you around in a while and I was like, oh wow fun dude's having a space
Yeah, i've been i've been in and out I missed a couple I missed a couple pimp radios in a row
And then I was very sick for one
And like I was gonna force myself to be there for that one when I was sick and I just I remember messaging her like 10
Minutes before i'm like, yo, i'm sorry like I I need
Yeah, you gotta take care of yourself man, but man, it's good to see you. I sort of missed you being around
Yeah, man. Great to see you, too. Um, yeah, this is my new so this is my new community space
Um slash hang, um, we're we kind of do this every week where we pick a bottle of wine
We i'd like to say we do a d gen review
Mostly we just drink a bottle of wine and share some tunes and hang out. Um
I think it's funny. I have this idea of what the review will become with time
For now it's you know while we're getting people used to the uh, the timing of when it's going down
And i'm what's funny is I see more people popping in now
So like maybe the time will adjust as we go on but for now i've been running 7 p.m. Eastern. We'll probably run for like
Three hours tonight and then i'm gonna go and i'm not gonna co-host rocky space, but I did promise him I would be there
Um, but yeah, this is gonna be every tuesday night right now, uh for the foreseeable future and you know
The goal is to get more people, you know, of course not anybody who's in recovery or anybody who doesn't drink
I'm not trying to make people alcoholics
But if you enjoy wine and you want to and you want to like get in on the conversation like my goal is to get more people
Involved in it and then eventually
Um, I live in an area where we have lots of wineries
And so I want to kind of get some sponsorships from the local wineries and kind of like bring those to the conversation as well
So what we'll probably do is we'll probably get into more of like a type of wine rather than like a specific
Uh winery and specific wine kind of thing
You're just trying to sponsor the wine so you can get free wine. I know I see through your trick
Oh, oh, it's not a trick that i've been very transparent about that. Um, that is definitely my goal
Um, and and you know the last so we were we're on episode four. So we're four weeks in
Um, we've been able to keep all the bottles under 20 bucks, which was my goal for these first like
I'd say we'll probably try to make it the goal for the first like eight episodes
And then I have a few I have a few wineries that I want to dive into but they're they're definitely more expensive
And i'll tell you there's no chance that i'd be able to afford even doing that every week right now
So, you know, it's it's a little bit on my pocket a little bit on just like uh
Hey, if anybody wants to join in this keeps it pretty affordable and and attainable for anybody
Um, but yeah, yeah pique great great having you here man. Stick around like I said
I'm gonna play some tunes here in a minute. I'm sure cara. Well, i'm sure when mela's done doing dinner
She will and you know, if anybody else absolutely wants to share, you know
I just repeat it every week where it's like, you know
It's not really a music share space per se because like we have a lot of them. We got pimp radio tomorrow
We got mega music thursday's we got crowbar on saturday's like I feel like we have a lot of like
music share spaces
Um, but especially if you're somebody that I already know and interact with on a regular basis
Like you are more than welcome to share something
Especially if you got a project coming up or you got a tune that you want to you know
Get some opinions on like you're more than more than welcome to share
You know, like it's pretty freeform right now
Um, but yeah crowbar, how are you man? Thanks for thanks for being here. Thanks for coming. Yeah
What's good? What's good? How's it going? Everybody mela cara fondue shit. We got some fam in the building
We got cash peat man. We got mrs. Rap coat rajos starfish cop now. There's too many homies in here
uh, y'all good conversation, man, uh
like I wanted to really just touch in on like uh,
Like I think it's cool that you want to take the time and and and to respect the process of I guess
Um hunting to to eat
Um, a lot of my friends growing up in in where I was from were aboriginal and native american
like the bigger majority of them and I have a great deal of respect for their culture and
You're right. Like the the thing about them is that they have ceremonies and ways to appreciate the animal that they've taken
And uh being able to use each part of it for certain things
And I think that would just be a cool way for you to be able to just kind of learn more in depth on on like kind
Of how a lot of that process and and maybe the ceremonies go
Um, just they like pay homage and give respects to the the animal that you're using
Um, I think it's a really cool thing
Like i've always wanted to get into hunting but I love animals too much
Um, but at the same time like that doesn't stop me from eating meat like I understand
uh, like how like human
Evolution came and we needed to we needed to do what we had to do
You know what i'm saying?
So it's just like but I think when you're doing it knowing the process and being able to pay homage and great deal of respect
For the animal I think is is very important
I think it's cool
I just had chicken cash. I had chicken burgers, bro
I don't think cash knows it. Yeah, you don't get oil in that for sure. Oh, he's definitely hot like you
I'm just gonna mute him. Sorry
Holly is getting it in the background
Shout out to the chicken man. I had chicken today and okay you guys hash brown stormy
No, otherwise you guys are gonna be chicken right away
They're just beating each other up hash browns got stormy by the face with a whole bite to the face
And she's like hanging off and stormy's like trying to shake her off. She's not letting go
It's these are cats. These are cats, right?
No, my cat is my kitten. Well, she's getting big now. My cat is hash brown. I named it hash brown
And my dog is stormy. She's a small border collie
And uh, they just beat each other up on the regular and this cat wants all the smoke
And she's like, oh my gosh, this is crazy. Like she knows not to like go overboard
But well, that's hilarious. Dogs are cool like that, you know, especially if you introduce them young they
They are very uh, yeah, they're besties now, man. It's fucking hilarious
Uh, but there's this like steal the mic every time i'm on it
Anyways, they need their own show
They definitely need their own show and i'll just be like the sidekick in the background giving them shit all the time
You know what you got to do especially like from the things i've heard
You got to like start taking videos of them and start tick talking them
So I heard there was a there's a golden retriever that makes like fifty thousand dollars a year
On youtube. I know crazy, right? Now granted look
I've i've done like lots of research into this
I have a really big dog and like it's part of our part of our game plan is like building up his social media
Um, but it takes years, right?
Like it takes two three years to build up the accounts to the point where you can get that kind of ad revenue
But it's very interesting because people
Watching fucking animal videos more than they'll watch our videos, you know
We're artists pouring our fucking heart out on there and we'll get like a hundred views
But a cat rolling around in the grass will get like a hundred thousand and so it's like yeah
I mean, I I think that I think that you know, we're taking care of our animals, right?
We should be capitalizing on those on those things
Um, all right. I'm gonna play a tune here
Uh, if anybody else down in the audience wants to come up and say hi
Come on up and then we'll say hi to bobby and nba here. So don't think oh bobby left, you know, i'm, sorry bobby
I'm, sorry
Come back if you want to say hi, i'm just gonna play a song and then you can oh, okay. He's gone
Um, it's all right. This is how it goes. Uh, but yeah, I see max and emma and miss rep
Um, you know, I did a great interview with miss rep god
I think now it's been almost two weeks ago
But great interview and I didn't get to play this song and actually I don't know if she's heard it yet
so i'm gonna i'm gonna go all the way back to my first release and i'm gonna play brown eyes and
Yeah, thank you guys all for being here and
Suspended regression
Brought on by my perception
Happen in the sand can't hold the weight anymore
It's been my illusion
Brought on by my seclusion
From all the places I ought to be
Rushed by some brown eyes
Dressed up in a tiny orange flower
Hey lacy curly slides
Three black nigga kind of hope she checks me out walk through the playground
Just a thought didn't think there was a
I understand
They dream it's got to come to an end sometime
So myself back into my will did want to land
Well is love an infection or just a
Word tell by the
You can't hold on
Until you're turning gray
Touch my cold hand with your warm embrace
Travel a million miles in the pouring rain
Kiss your cheek and smile soak up every hour lay out by your side reminisce
Brown eyes
Dressed up in a tiny orange flower
Hey lacy curly slides
Three black nigga kind of hope she checks me out walk through the playground
Just a thought didn't think there was a
Thank you, that was beautiful so it's on do I think the first time I actually heard you play that song was
um, I think it was yesterday or
There was a space you did it in. Yeah, I think it was last night and
Rockies that were the other night. It was really recent last night or the other night
And I was like wow
That is a beautiful song
That's wild to me. I thought everyone know
When I I guess you and I haven't known each other that long when I think about it a few months. Yeah
Interesting. I mean i've heard a bunch of other songs that you've created like lullaby and you know
There's a couple other ones that i'm sorry. I don't remember the names. Oh, that's know them if I heard them
That's okay. Wait, this is like with mela, right?
I've heard so many songs of melas, uh, but I forget the names too. And so sometimes we just make it up like boiler room
And we just say nope, that's the name of the song
um, yeah, that's actually really crazy to me because
Um, I mean I guess yeah because we didn't really meet until we started pimp radio because I remember david messaged me
It was like hey, there's this girl kara. She's a she's a singer. She plays guitar
Like we need to get her up there and I was like, all right
Well, tell her to request and he's like no
She's not gonna request like you're gonna have to like force her and coax her and I was like
Well, what do you mean?
she's like if she doesn't want to play then don't let's not force her to play and he and I had this whole back and forth and
You know, yeah, and then I remember the first day you you played and so
Yeah, it's uh, that's wild. That's wild because I think I must have played it god in every fucking space for
six months
Yeah, that's how it goes
Like I've heard it until recently
I heard you talk about a lot, but i've never actually heard the song and I love it
I think it's I love all of your music i'm not gonna lie i'm a big fan, but that song is incredible
Thank you. Yeah
I mean and it's and i'll play it so later like, you know later before we close the space i'll play the original version
I won't like I won't play it live i'll play the recording just because now i'm at a point where I couldn't even play
it the way I used to
Um, it's definitely it's different, you know, there it's it's just a new song now like it's it's the same song
But it's a very new song now
But yeah, it's like it's it's a song that i've i've carried with me for many years. I mean, I think I wrote it
God, I I would be guessing right now, but I think I wrote it like
14 years ago
Wow, really?
So I guess it probably evolved the way the other song did that you I think you played it last week and it sounded so
Different from what it is now. Was that lullaby?
So lullaby. Yeah, so
That's even a little different too because like that was a song that I I kind of wrote and then immediately recorded
This is when I had like my computer set up and I could really like
I could really knock out a lot of things, um very easily
Um, and so yeah, I had that recording but then it was like right after I recorded it that song never came out
It never got released. It never got played for anybody but myself
Until I played it for you guys the other night actually
so yeah, that song is evolved but that and that evolved for just a different reason because I
I had found the lyrics before I had found that old recording
And I just remembered the song and was like, oh, let's let's see if this can become something
And and then it just you know, i'm in a different mode of writing
I'm in a different mode of creating entirely these days versus, you know, 10 12 13 years ago
So yeah, like that song and and like that song I didn't think I would ever evolve it right? Like I recorded it
I released it as a part of this ep with the band
And at the time I was like, yeah, this is this is the way this is meant to be
Um, and it wasn't until
A year ago that I started coming back to playing
That I kind of like reimagined it and it really came really naturally mostly because I realized I didn't have any slower songs
Like all my songs were very upbeat and very you know
I used to get told by people when I played live shows that I had only one level
And it was always like 10, you know, like 10 was the only level I had that was it
There was you know, and and there was lots of suggestions like oh
You should find some ways to like bring it down and I was like, no
Nobody wants to come and see a show where i'm i'm bringing it down
Uh, and I just couldn't get that in my head that that would be something people would enjoy
And some of it may have had to do with my my playing ability as well
You know, I really hadn't played guitar that long before I started writing songs and performing them live
So like a lot of things were happening on the fly
And I think now I just had so much time under my belt that I was much more comfortable picking and
And playing in a way that was slower and was a little more like impactful
Um, but yeah, yeah, it's a it's a great track. I I mean, I love it
I love the new version I i'll it'll never go back to the old one. I'll tell you that. Um
Let's say hi to uh, let's say hi to nba
And uh, because I I don't think we've ever met nba and you know, i'm assuming character knows you but maybe not
I mean, uh, I mean we follow each other
But we might have met like in a space like a while ago
So I don't I wouldn't say like we know each other very well
You know how twitter spaces go you meet people and then like
You kind of forget unless you talk to them every day you forget. But anyways, i'm a chic a.k
nba young boy
A.k supply chain issue a.k the blackout menace a.k purple beard. Nice to meet you
Nice to meet you, man
Appreciate you coming by. Um
Yeah, uh, what do you so I I mean I see you know, i'm looking at so a music promoter
That that tells me you're generally promoting other people's music. Oh, so i'm the publicist and like in-house promoter for uh
Several artists, uh, we my main client is mucho info
We make a lot of like 420 like reggaeton music which is bilingual with english and spanish
And then like two two members of that same band. They make solo work on the side. So I promote them as well
Definitely if you've met me in a music space, you've probably heard some of our music
I didn't really come here to like promote music. I just came here to like
network with people and whatnot, but like
I just like
You know, like I have no problem with nft or crypto and stuff
But i've been trying to find music spaces that don't necessarily have to be nft music like can like can I like like
There's no problem with nfts or crypto to me. Like I feel like if that's like
Your passion and you can make like, uh something productive out of it. I support it 100 but i'm just here for like the music
Cool. Yeah, no, I mean i'm so I mean i'm i'm from traditional music originally, right? Like i'm
I played music before nft music was even a thing. Uh,
You know, I flipped cds and and all that stuff
Um, but yeah, I mean i'd say like there's definitely a lot of it, especially on twitter, right?
Like a lot of the music is central to the blockchain
Just mostly because this is yeah
And like I like I respect it because you meet some good artists that are part of like the blockchain like like the whole project
Like, you know, you're gonna meet some great artists that are part of it
Um, so, you know, like I don't like write it out. I don't dismiss it. But like as far as like our group goes
We're more um about uh
Just the music in general. Yeah and
No, that's dope. So like I just like connecting with people
So like, you know, like i'm not here like I I hear this word on twitter space
I actually like so I joined spaces two years ago and I used to hear this word like called shill
I don't fucking do that. Like so I don't shill I
I promote I network and I connect that's it. Like those are the three things I do
like if you're I'm not gonna shill you anything because
Yeah, I mean i'd say the word so i'm not one of those dudes. Yeah. No, that's all good
Yeah, i'd say well and i'd say too. This is definitely if you were to shill, this is not the space for we have lots
This is more more of just a hang. Um, we actually do we do. However, we do a show every wednesday me and mela b
And tony parisi we we co-host a space called uh pimp radio, which is plug your music, please pymp
Uh, I like them
So you definitely I mean you'd be more than welcome to come and share there
I would always encourage though
And this isn't you know, I think this started from like an nft side
But like I think that I think that traditional artists would benefit from this as well where it's like
I would recommend that if the artists are trying to get their music out into these twitter spaces
That they at least spend some time coming into the community and kind of promoting some of it themselves
Like I don't think there's anything wrong with having a promoter
You know, obviously the more the more hands on deck you can have the better it's going to be
Um, but I will say that there is some
Reluctancy in twitter spaces. Yeah
To to have a promoter come up and and and i'll use the word shill
But it's really just a word to to say promote. It's really just a yeah return for promote
My clients have done it before they still do it sometimes but like
the reason like they've kind of got turned off from doing it because like
Like this space has been actually pretty nice and welcoming
But there's been some spaces have been pretty like
Toxic and whatever and I always tell them, you know
They just focus on the music focus on the professionalism and the connections
But like some spaces they've been in they're like, dude, why are we in this shit?
Like like and like i've gotten to the point where i'm tired of like telling them it's worth it
Yeah, I well and it's hard too, right?
Like it's hard
I mean, I think if you had told me years ago that my time would be well spent sitting on twitter spaces for four to five
Hours at a time, you know some days like I think that that would be a hard sell
Uh, I think the sell on it is just like like what you're doing, right?
You're in here to connect you're in here to to meet new people and and you know kind of like network
And that's really what it is. I will agree with you. There's definitely some spaces that are are
I don't know if they're less receptive
But I think sometimes people have an abrasive way of expressing that they don't like the way you're doing something
Um, and i'm definitely the opposite of that where i'm very much like no
Come on in and and hey, if you don't know how this works, like i'm gonna explain it to you
I have there's a guy bosh who's a a french rapper
Um who kind of like, you know came into a big music space the wrong way
You know, nobody knew who he was and he came in and automatically started trying to sell his music nft to the community
And it got shut down pretty quick because it was like yo, yo, hold on. Hold on like let us get to know you first
Like most of us we want to get to know you as a person
We we want to get to know what makes you tick. Um, there's a a guy called nftalk radio
I mean his name's lope, but that's the account. He's on his nftalk radio
Um, he runs an interview space every friday
That I tend to recommend lots of people to go on. Um, kirk de soto also does an interview space on friday mornings
And both of those are really good for getting the story out there
Which I think is where the reluctance comes in twitter spaces of like being accepted into some of these communities because like
They're just all very cautious
There's lots of scammers out here who who come in to like kind of pump and dump their projects or you know
Or just try and extract value out of communities
And I think I think that's where like I would call it like the the mama bear protective side comes out of some of these
Some of these spaces where they're just very cautious about
Who they allow to to promote certain things in their spaces
Um, but you know, like I I was seven months here
Before I tried to sell anything to anybody because I just saw
That it was more about building a community and building the connections, you know, like you were saying, you know
You came in here to to build connections and that's I think that's a really important like perspective to take it from
Right like because like if I came in here just to promote something you guys would be counting the seconds until I stopped talking
Oh, yeah. Well, I would I would I would have shut it down too. Like that's
Truth be told I I I tell people like yeah, this really isn't that kind of space
Um, you know, we actually if anything we're promoting wineries
Um, you know, we're we're very much, uh
You know just a just a chill and and play some tunes and and talk about the wine and really just hang out, you know
So but there is yeah, there's there are some good music spaces out there, um that are great
And i'd say like, you know
if you have like if you have any links to any of the music like I know you're it doesn't have to be web3, you know
if you have spotify links or anything to
That for the artist, uh, you know, feel free to post it up top or in the comments
And that way if anybody does want to go and check it out, they can you know, i'm not against any of that
Um, but yeah, I appreciate you being here. You're welcome to come we're here every tuesday
You said wineries, uh, what's your favorite type of wine?
Ooh favorite type. Um, that's a tough one because i'm not a wine guy and i'm asking i'm a whiskey guy and a beer guy
like the thing is like
I like ports and that's like that's about it. Really?
I love ports because you know, it's like a sweeter red wine. It's like uh, yeah
It's like a wine that you don't have to be like a wine snob to enjoy
Yeah, yeah, so i'll tell you the one we're drinking tonight we're drinking a cassiguero. Uh, god, i'm gonna butcher it every time
uh cassiguero, uh del diablo, which is a chilean winery, um, and it's called carminiere
Um, and i'll tell you and there's there's a picture actually cara posted a picture up top of it
I'll tell you like for someone who maybe isn't that into wine
This is a very very easy drinking that isn't a port. It's not too sweet, but it's not too dry either
Um, and we we had one
uh, there's uh 19 crimes has a collaboration with snoop dog and it's like a uh,
So like that one is drinkable. Um apothec the the apothec crush is a very drinkable wine
Um, just uh, these are on just like the sides of not ports
Um, but personally i'd say like i'm more of kind of like a pinot noir guy these days
Um, and that's because I I got introduced to a vineyard in
Oregon called, uh kenrite vineyards
And it was really like an accident of how we kind of got like introduced to this
It was like my girl worked for a high-end
Um a high-end restaurant on the mountain in in the vale valley area in colorado
And her boss bought tons of wine for the restaurant from this vineyard
So like when we were out in oregon, they hooked us up with a tour and we met ken ken right himself
And he toured us around the vineyard and we got a bunch of tastings. And so I got very like
I don't know if I call it snobby, but I definitely got very particular about it because when I drank this stuff
It was like absolutely incredible
Um, but yeah, so i'm like i'm definitely heavy on the pinot noirs
I've gotten into the uh the malbecs recently. Those are those are they could be very delicious. Um
But it's like anything right?
So like when you first started drinking whiskey, you might not have loved whiskey and you might not have sipped it, you know
Neat or on the rocks
But like as you started to develop the palette for it
It gets easier and easier and like that's kind of the same with wine
you know, like if you're willing to if you're willing to give certain things a shot and you're willing to kind of like
Get some bottles. I mean there's tons of crap like there's tons of crap out there for sure
But you can find some really delicious ones like I used to um
Like when I first started drinking beer was just like the worst thing I ever tasted wine was like
to me it just tasted like
Uh, you know, like those burgundy sofas like that your grandparents used to have it tasted like if somebody put like a burgundy sofa into it one day
That's really that's really fucking funny
tequila like I think because we only used to drink cheap tequila
I didn't like I didn't know about the nice ones like the the like that the actual people like
From mexico drink. I just learned about jose quervo and that cheap shit that tastes like sprite when you threw it up
Um, oh god. Yeah, like so like but like when I learned about like decent tequila, I like
You know, I took a step back and was like, okay, you know what?
let's hear about but like
the thing with want vineyards themselves are great experiences because you know, they have like that like that whole like scenic thing and like the
They usually give you like dinner and so like a vineyard itself like when you learn about the wine making process
Like learning about the process kind of in your mind makes the product taste better
Yeah, oh, yeah
Appreciation for it for sure. Yeah, because they're like, oh, it's not just some grapes that they put in the blender
And then they left under the bed for like two years, you know
It's not like you're nona who's you know stomping on them with her feet
right and like
right, so um
Well, like the well whiskey was the first like the easiest thing for me to like take to like the other like alcohols
I was just like
Bro, this tastes awful. But whiskey like I guess that like weird like whiskey burn that like
Comes with it like even the cheapest whiskey. I was just like, you know what bro, like
This shit puts some hair on much. I already had hair on my chest
I was dandy and so I was misfortunate that way like I was like a badger like out of the womb
It definitely does put hair on your chest
I'll tell you what so I was never a big whiskey drinker and so my husband he's into whiskey and he drinks all kinds of different
Whiskey who's got really good taste with it and uh years and years ago
He would pour a glass and he would give it to me like here sip it and i'd sip it and i'd be like
Oh my god, this is terrible and burn the fuck out of me. I was already drinking wine. I was fine
But then after a while for some reason I guess like your palate kind of changes
And then he started he always continued to try to you know
Get me to try it and like it and one time I tried it and I was like actually this is really smooth
And then he was like, oh my god cara likes whiskey
So then he's getting all these different whiskeys and then i'm drinking them too
And I was like this one's really good and this one's really good and kind of have expensive tastes like the mccollan
The glens fitik and you can get relatively. Oh my god
expensive bottles for I don't know 40 50
You know pallets the ones that are pricey are so fucking delicious and they're ones that are really expensive that are really good too
Like old granddad, uh fondue you mentioned mccollan. There's so many different ones that are really good
I went to the woodford reserve distillery in kentucky one of like
That's good, too
Um, you know like all the kentucky bourbon places they're on like the same like highway in kentucky. It's called the bourbon trail
I forgot what interstate it was called
But like if you had time you could visit them all like in the same bit
We only had time for one during that road trip, but so we picked woodford because it was my favorite
And it was just like a vineyard, you know
They had like this nice venue with like a restaurant and like this field and whatever
One thing I want to say it doesn't matter if it's like whiskey wine beer
tomatoes whatever like
Finger like everyone's like i'm uh, everyone's palate is like a fingerprint
So like let's pretend like i'm gonna look at fondue like just like let's pretend we're identical
We like the same pizza. We like the same stuff on our burgers. We like the same type of french fries
We like the same sushi just whatever we hate the same stuff, too
Our whiskey or wine pallets will be completely different even though we eat the same food
Because like that shit is like your palate on the microscopic level
So like the whiskey that I love will be like something that tastes like complete shit to you
Or like some of the stuff that like you
Or we might like some stuff but not the other stuff, you know
Like we might both like the same wines, but not the same tequilas because like when you like
Eat stuff at that or taste stuff at that level
Like your like your taste buds have that same ripple as a fingerprint like they are not the same
I definitely agree. Um, let's say hi real quick
Let's say hi to some of our other speakers
Um, and then we can go back to this conversation because like I just I mentioned it earlier 1792 is one of my favorite small batches
So if you haven't had that definitely try that let's say hi
I think kagoya was here first and then we'll say hi to rocky and audio. Hi kagoya. How are you?
Hi, good afternoon. Everyone or gm depending. Hey kagoya. How you doing?
I'm good. Um, I took a little nap my hours have been shifting
I don't know why but this is how it is, right?
You're in web 3 spaces in alza and you're like up to like 6 in the morning and then you're just like well
Um, goodbye son, um until next time, um, but yeah
Just decided to tap in here. It seems like a chill space. Um, yeah, I don't actually drink
at all, um, no alcoholic drinks for me, um, it's not because
Yeah, I was always surrounded by a lot of friends who love to drink most obviously I had my drinking phases
Um, I when I was used to um, when I was really into wine, I was really into cabernets. Um, I don't know why
Um good choice
Yeah, I was very much into cabernets, especially when you're in paris and you can get wine for dirt cheap
Um, and it's like good regardless in the store
So, you know, I had my moments with those but then yeah, it just kind of like shifted
I'm very much into uh more
I guess like sweeter tasting things too at the same time. But yeah, how's everyone doing?
Oh, we're doing absolutely fantastic. And yeah, I just want to reiterate to people like I know that we we are like sipping wine here
Uh in nowhere are we turning anybody away who doesn't drink?
Uh, if you don't drink and you want to come up and be a part of the conversation like come on
Uh, this is not an exclusive club for for drinkers
And we're certainly not trying to turn anybody to drinking that is not interested in drinking
Um, you know, i've been around tons of addicts my whole life of all kinds of things
And so if you've made a choice to not be a part of that then that's great
I I encourage you to to do exactly what is best for you. Um
Yeah, I just really the whole reason we we paired this
This space with wine was because it was something that I didn't really see being done a lot and what was funny is
Kara apparently used to co-host a space that was similar to this where it was more, you know
It was all about wine and all that and so it was like a perfect fit
When I when I decided to start this up
And it's really like I just really wanted to create a community space, right?
You know, i've i've been building this community for the last seven months and i've got now I finally crossed the the hundred
You know hundred collector mark on on my nfts and and so I was like, you know
I need to have a space that's like a regular space that isn't necessarily
a collaboration of sorts where like
Especially as I get into dropping my album and as I get deeper and deeper into into nfts and my music career again
I wanted to have a space where people could know like oh, hey once a week
You know, he's going to be right there for sure and we can come up and you know
We might have days where we talk more about the things that i'm doing
We might have lots of days where we just de-gen and don't talk about any of that
But I just knew it was important to get something started before we get into like the heavy part of the bull run
When things are just fucking crazy and and you know, it's it's much more difficult to to get things locked down that are consistent
Um, so yeah, so that's that's how this all started. But yeah, thanks for being here kaguya. Please stick around
You know, I I know you're a you know
You're a musician as well if if there's something you want to share, you know, I just keep reiterating
Not really a music space, but I love hearing from all the people that i've been interacting with for months in the space
So if you do have something you're like, oh i'd love to share this like more than more than happy to have that
Uh, let's say hi
I just wanted to say yeah. No, I think like these kind of chill spaces are much needed
as well, you know, um, it's like
Like you fondue when I like first came into the spaces
I was going in heavy with like the heavier music spaces and stuff and then you had to like stick around
Wait for them to vet you out and then you're just like holding on to your guitar hoping you will get up and then
Next thing you know, they rug the space and you're just like, oh, okay. Well, I still have my guitar
And that's actually how I like started my own spaces because I was like, well, I just wasted an hour and a half of my time
Not getting to play. So i'm just gonna start my own spaces
But yeah, it's only been like four months for me as well in these spaces
but most obviously
Came in a little hot
Um, like as soon as I started posting my stuff on sound xyz because they were already on centralized platforms for the past year or two
Um, so I was just like, all right, let's just do it. See how it goes
Um, you know, thankfully enough. I minted out my first genesis drop like
Was it three four weeks ago now?
And then was able to reward everyone with my token
Recently launched it on polygon like three some weeks ago started at half a penny
Now we're like close to two dollars
So, you know, i'm just showing like utility of what other artists can do to be more self-sustainable in the space
Using myself as a showcase, but yeah, uh real world assets, I guess
Right. Um, but I also do love wineries
Um, I love going and visiting random wineries, even though I don't really love to drink wine, but I love to taste
Um, and I also love the grapes and the farms and you know all the vibes you can get from it
But yeah, no much appreciate in the space
Yeah, and that's my I mean that's my hope right is is really that we get more and more people to
And I I use participate, right?
But it's like no it's not so much about the the coming in and participating and drinking with us
But like just even that if you've got experience with wineries that you're like, oh this I tasted this and this was really great
Like I just want a place to have cool discussions about that and you know
We all know how these spaces go they'll they'll devolve into all kinds of conversations
So, you know, we already got you you missed our I think you missed our whole conversation about meat production
So it's like you never know what it what we're gonna get into here. Um, but yeah, I appreciate you being here
And I appreciate the support and you know, please like we're here every week and everybody
I mean, I see so many people that I know down here and the listeners
Like, you know, everybody's welcome to come up and chat whenever you want
You're welcome to just hang too. If you like just sitting for the conversation. I'm happy with that as well
Um, so I appreciate all you and uh, let's say hi to uh, let's say hi to rocky first
We'll we'll make audio wait since he rubbed me many months ago during my during my song. I'm gonna make him wait
You should make rocky wait, so he's not first
He's not first anyway
I'm actually in the supermarket right now trying to figure out dinner
Um, and I think I've got it, you know, I I did grab chicken
Are you gonna make the the cowboy sauce that I sent to you? Have you tried that yet?
I I haven't yet. I think I'm gonna try I think i'm gonna try a honey Dijon tonight
a little a little bit different because I
I did come up with like this mustard recipe
Um, but it wasn't Dijon and it wasn't honey
Uh, so i'm gonna try that I think that's I think that's what i'm gonna go with
And um, i'm trying to i'm trying to hurry up because I do have a space to host in under two hours
Uh, so I want to get back in and get that in the oven
before the space and everything
But I wanted to pop in here and and uh see how drunk uh fine is going to be before he shows up
Listen listen right now right now i'm only one i'll i'll call it one third of the bottle down
But as I promised you like as I promised you
All gloves are off by the time we hit your space you you learned this last week
And I thought you learned your lesson, right? Like I was like, oh, there's no way rocky is gonna ever invite me back to co-host
Uh because I was just absolutely shitty by the time I got there and I got there so late because you ran it early
So it was even worse. I was late and drunk
Um, no, I I promised him. I said yo, i'm i'm gonna be a bottle deep just like last time
So if you really want me to come back, I mean I I support my guy rocky, so i'll be there
Um, but luckily he has some coherent co-host that'll that'll really be like running the show
I'm more of like a uh, you know
I'm gonna be more of like a show pony where like i'm gonna be there because you know
I gotta go show my face, but he's he's just on the flyer
So I can't have my flyer being a liar
Um, so that's what i'm gonna
We're gonna make sure that my flyer is not a lion
Well, I promise you i'll come up with at least one good question for spotty just like I did for uh for jaden
Because uh, I feel like if i'm up there and I don't ask a question then I really am just a showpony
Um, you know, I gotta at least prove that I can I can jump through some hoops
Um, but yeah rocky one question regarding the chicken because this is like, you know
I feel like we were diving into all kinds of things tonight. Um
What is your what is your cut of choice for the night?
Oh, so actually, um, it's a little bit mixed i've got some legs here i've got some thighs
I got some wings and I also have some
Um legs and thighs, uh attached to each other as well
So, uh, we're mixing it up. I got I got this big ass pan that I haven't used yet. Uh aluminum pan
Uh, i'm gonna see how much I can fit in one pan
Um, and whatever doesn't fit, uh, i'll just save but uh, yeah, I got a couple different packs
Good choices
I'm just always curious. I i'm a breast guy most of the time, but lately I used to be a thigh guy, right?
And this is a weird. This is a weird thing to say about chicken. I I swear i'm talking about
I I prefer I prefer thighs over breasts to be honest with you like they're so good
I will I will eat a breast like don't get me wrong. You put a whole chicken in front of me
I'm gonna eat it
But like if I have the choice
You know what i'm saying like to just get one or the other i'm gonna take a die every time
Yeah, I think I I mean it's just such a different cut right like it's just such a different flavor profile
Um, you know, you're clearly you're not I mean, I don't cook my breasts and my thighs the same way
I tend to do like lot and this is the thing right so two years ago
I made my girl but her has it been two years. Oh my god. It's been almost two years
So I made my girl get us a a smoker because I wanted to smoke our turkey
And she was like are you seriously gonna get a smoker just to smoke the turkey? Like this is a 500 dollar
Piece of piece of machinery we're gonna put in our house. Yeah
Well, so here's the thing. No, see that's not how you sell it
You definitely don't sell it to your significant another by saying fuck
Yeah, i'm only gonna use this for this one thing like no, I was like no no, babe
I'm gonna smoke everything. Don't worry. Like i'm gonna use it so much
So we get the smoker we smoke turkey i'll tell you guys one of the best things i've ever done, you know
It's like a third
Oh good 13 hour smoke. So it was like a really, you know, a long long cook
But it was well worth it. Um, and it turns out my girl doesn't even like turkey. So that that was hilarious
Um, so but then I was like, okay shit, like now I gotta use this
So I started smoking all of our chicken breasts and got like kind of addicted to smoked chicken breasts because like it's one of those
automatic smokers you just put the temperature probe in and you set the temperature you're trying to cook it to
And it it stops and it and it cools itself down when it's done
So like you really kind of can set it and forget it
And then I started smoking my steaks. I was like, oh we can just put the steaks on the smoker too
Right, and i've done chicken wings and and I did I did my first brisket, which I did not mess up
I was very proud of myself. Everybody says they screw up their first brisket. I did not
Um, so i've done like a lot on the smoker
Um, but yeah, it's like I don't know
I don't know which I like better because I I think I would say I like breasts and thighs equal because they're just such different
profiles, they're just not the
They're just not the same type of meat. You don't you're not going to cook them the same
I would be interested. I've never done smoked chicken thighs though
Smoking a chicken is actually really good, too
So we're big foodies here and my husband has all the equipment for it. We have the grill
That's a smoker and we do all that stuff
Out there and he does the long cooks for like the briskets and the pork and he wants to get all the attachment
But we've smoked the smoked chicken like the entire chicken
He'll brine it for like a day overnight in the fridge and like a pot and it's so
Good and he'll use like either like some hickory chips or apple wood or a cedar
I can't remember which one I think is probably like applewood and hickory and it always comes out. So good
We smoked um turkey breasts for thanksgiving. That shit was fucking bomb
It was the most delicious turkey that i've ever had in my entire life
I do agree with you with the chicken all chicken is good
But there's a difference between the thighs especially bone-in thighs, right as opposed to the breath, but you can get them nice and juicy
Food is my jam. I love this conversation. I just have to say
Yeah, it's amazing how uh, you know
Rhythm and wine radio where we're also going to talk about your dinner
Um, yeah, uh rocky get yourself ready for dinner bro. Get yourself ready for that space
I will make sure I rug this one in time. I promise you
Which for anybody listening, uh, that means we have about an hour and a half left
Uh before I rug the space
Um, so if there's anything pertinent that you're like, oh my god
I got to go up there and tell these guys it's like make sure you get up here. Um, because that's important
Um to to know, uh, but yeah
Let me uh, let's say hi to uh, let's say hi to audio and then andrew and then coop and then we'll say hi to paul
And then let's get some more music in here because we are pouring notes and playing tunes
So I do want to get some music in here and we'll check in with nessie and mela
Um, but audio. Hi, how are you? I I see the view bro. Are you are you ubering tonight?
Because uh, I wouldn't be able to leave that spot
Uh, well, first of all, what is up you liquid junkies? Um, and foodies, uh, very nice to
To be in here with all of you. Um, I was actually i'm trying to find rocky space posts so that
I can do the job for you guys that you're not very good at which is promoting yourselves
Uh, so i'm gonna throw that up on the jumbotron
I did throw up the fondue and rocky mint up there if you guys want to check that out
I just wanted to put that space up top. I'm doing great, man. I'm by the beach
Uh, yeah, I was ubering but then I just stopped because of the view and to see the sunset
And because I live on the best coast, so I don't want to waste that
I want to make sure I take advantage of it every day and treat myself nice
But uh, yeah, I just came to to say what up to everybody would have fondue
Cara and uh, everybody i'm not gonna name people i'm over it. Hey audio. I used to do that. Hey
Yeah, rocky. I need you to repeat like the last two minutes of everything you said
Because I dropped down and I couldn't hear shit you were saying
No, it is what it is rocky. No, don't worry. Don't worry about it, bro. You're you can listen to the recording
Yeah, just go back and listen to the recording rocky
Um, it'll be fine. And uh, i'm gonna throw this up on that. I did put your face up there rocky because you didn't
Um, so that's up there now, but yeah, man. I'm doing good. I don't drink
I'm a responsible adult. So, uh, yeah, I just uh handle business. No, i'm just kidding. Uh, I just smoke weed every day
You know, I was gonna say I was like are you implying that i'm not a responsible adult because absolutely
There's definitely times when that's true, you know, i'd like to i'd like to say that that's never true
But that there's definitely times. Um, and i'm not going to get into like long story time
Yeah, because it'll be endless. Um, and nessie already knows the deal. He's like he's like nope
We're not going to let fondant do this
Um, I do want it so before I so I want to say hi to coop and andrew and paul
Um, but before I do that, I do want to tell everybody especially because nessie is here and I know and andrew is here
It's both. Uh, it's both of their probably favorite tunes
Not i'm not going to announce the date yet because I admittedly it's not officially decided
Uh, there will come a time in the very near future
ocean drive
is going to go live
on streaming platforms
Um, and and I say this not because it won't ever
Become an nft because it may but right now the negotiations i'm doing on the back end for it
Are not going to allow for it to be an nft right now
Um, and that's a different discussion, but I talked to my producer today and I I you know
I kind of told him like we can't we can't just let this song sit any longer
Um, it's gotta it's gotta go out for people to listen to I actually have friends that have gotten to hear it and they're like
Oh can you know, can I get that track and i'm like no, no, you can't like it's not it's not leaving my phone
You know, there's you know, I think andrew andrew is one of three people who have an actual copy of it
That was not just like ripped from spaces
Um, so it is it is going to get out there into the world
I actually have uh two other tracks on top of that that are going to go to streaming platforms this year
um, probably in the next couple months at the latest because I have
I have a lot of things on the agenda this year. I have some collabs that are in the works already
I have some that are you know will be more officially in the works over the next few weeks
and my goal this year is to
Is to bring more value
To the people who have already supported me by picking up my nfts
Um through really growing myself as a musician again, you know, I spent I spent a number of years, you know
probably 10 years before I got into
Not playing music, um promoting myself and playing shows everywhere, you know five nights a week
and got away from that
now it's been seven years ago
And so coming back into it, you know, I really I really took it at a pace that I you know
I would call it slow
But I took it at a pace that I wanted to be at because I really
Didn't want to make the same mistakes that I made the last time. I kind of went after music as
As something that I was going to do full time
Um, and it kind of worked out perfectly, you know
I've dropped these first true original tracks and I have this cover that I did of rocky song and i've got one more
Acoustic original that's going to come out
Probably next month
And after that I really want my focus to be on on promoting myself as an artist and getting this album ready
Because like I really have a really ridiculous plan for this album and as we get further
You know closer to the summer i'll kind of start announcing more of what i'm doing
Um, but there's you know, I I have a really like
It's ambitious it's ambitious to say the least um, I have a uh
You know, this will be the the first piece of alpha that i'll drop I have a grammy nominated drummer
That i'm in communication with about you know, him him and one of my best friends from high school grew up
You know, they were roommates in new orleans
And uh, they've both, you know agree, you know the drummer we're still working on a final agreement
My my bassist friend has already agreed 100 to be a part of the album
And it's it's a big deal like this is going to be this is going to be a really really big release for me
And so I just know that as much as I love what the nft
You know the nft communities are doing and as much as I love
The freedom it's given me. I also know that completely removing myself in my situation doesn't work for everybody
But in my situation, I know
That getting myself on streaming platforms is going to be really essential because I have a huge following of people
That still think nfts are a scam
And it doesn't matter how much I drive it into their skulls that what we're doing here is not a scam
You know the majority of us are not out here scamming people. They just don't understand the value yet
And so rather than take my music away from those people and take away their ability to share it with other people
Uh, i've decided that you know, i'm going to embrace all of these funnels all of these possible ways to get my music out there
And i'm going to just incorporate it in a way that brings back benefit to the people who have supported me
You know, I made a little hint that these first three these first three drops
You know the people who pick these up are going to hold the keys to some major things when it comes to my album
Um, i'm not going to announce what it is yet, but it is like
I i'm a believer that you can't just create something and then leave it in the dust when you make something new
You know, like i'm going to build upon it
And so all the people who have collected these things like you guys are going to reap
The the biggest rewards from what i'm doing in the future
Um, so it's like I would be doing everybody a disservice by not reaching out to people who don't know anything about nfts
Um, you know and it's like the beginning of getting them to know what we're doing on this side
Is just making sure that they love the music and that they want to be you know
They they want to know more about what i'm doing
And so, you know, yeah, the ocean drive is going to hit um is going to hit dsp's
within i'm
Within the next two months we'll say, you know, I I exact date I don't know but within the next two months
um, and then I will have two more tracks that'll hit dsp's before
I finish this album and then like focus will be on promoting those songs and then finishing this album
and uh, and then i'll announce more once we get into the album because
There's going to be some cool stuff related to that and streaming and everything
But yeah, so, you know, just know that this is a huge year for me for promotion and and taking this all to the next level
You got this fondue. You got this dude. You got this
Oh and part of the reason I brought that up actually is because I was looking at your I was looking at your picture audio
And you did say you you were on the best coast
And this song ocean drive, you know, it stemmed from the sheba sequoia forest project, which is an amazing
Redwood reforestation project of the great sequoias and andrew's up here
Um, and like it all stemmed from this trip that I took through california and up into oregon
And I have artwork that's going to get finished here. I'm picking up rebecca. I gotta go. I love you guys. All right
Bye. Love you
Um, but yeah, i'm i'm i'm gonna get artwork done
originally the artwork was going to be
A part of the sheba project and now i've got this new, you know, i've got this artist
I've been working with that really wants to do something and I have a really cool idea
So it's gonna be this is just you know, this is just my way of saying I appreciate everybody who's kind of pushed me along the way
You know this
The ocean drive song wouldn't have been written without meeting andrew and I wouldn't even be in these spaces without meeting lope and
You know all these things it's it's crazy to think that it's been almost a year that i've been back
Playing music at a capacity that I I never thought I would anymore. So
Just appreciate all you guys a lot lot to come this year
And let's say hi to andrew and coop and paul and then let's play some music, you know
Maybe cara will share something with us
Um, and uh, and i'll definitely play a track too. But uh, what's up andrew? How are you? Thanks for being here
Fondu, uh, that's exciting news. Uh, I actually
Uh, I was coming up here just to chastise all the meat eaters, you know
Being vegan and all and I gotta announce that that's like a vegan's duty
But no, um anyways
It's amazing uh that uh, the masses will be able to have access to ocean drive
You know, I apologize to all the
All right, what'd you mute for hold on hold on what happened? Okay
It wasn't just me right guys. You guys all heard that the space going crazy with that because I hit the toilet
Something's going on
Oh, no, it's happening to you too cara. What did I?
Do this all could I flush the toilet? This is a vegan curse. Oh
Oh my god
This is the vegan curse because I mess with the vegans and I flush the damn toilet
Jesus, okay. All right. Hold on. Let's just give it a second to reload guys. Can you hear me?
Here am I running like crazy? Give me a thumbs down
Oh my god, okay
All right, hold on
Can you hear me now
Yes much better, okay, okay beautiful beautiful, okay, so yeah vegan curse, um
Anyways, uh, i'm really i'm really excited that the masses get to to hear that. Um hear that beautiful song
And uh, it is, you know unfortunate what uh
What has transpired over the past year, uh that led us down this path?
But uh, I think you know the the the relaunch of the collection, uh, the lads collection from the
You're grounded
So and you're coming clear but you sound all jumbled
I didn't hear anything anyways
Do you hear me I did oh, I mean I can hear you
Everybody else we're in an echo chamber. Um, all right, i'm going
It's because he's drinking wine and he's holding the phone. So the phone is overheating because of the line
So fine, dude, put your phone on ice cubes, buddy
Okay, so I missed what's going on with nasi, uh