Hello, hello. Hi, this is Jeffrey. The CEO. What's your name?
Oh, my name is Charlotte. You can call me Charlotte for short. I'm the social media and community operator manager from France Protocol. Great, great to meet you. Yeah, great to meet you. Yeah. Uh, by any chance, were you
the last call with um still my co-founders, Honds and uh Nathan. Oh I wasn't in the call. Okay. Anything anything to catch up with? Yeah I think uh we're obviously excited too.
partner and co-develop a lot of the friends protocol launch. I think specifically you'll be using Sonnet for our telegram bot for NFT gating.
as well as like referral stats, which are, you know, important for your protocol. So, yeah, just excited to talk to you. We can just use this Twitter space as a way to strategize.
catch up, get to know each other. I think the problem is it's very late for our US community. So I can give you a little bit of background of us and then the problem first
So, and they're in like, you know, Europe, so the timing's not great right now. So something we're trying to really focus on is, you know, the time is not great right now. So something we're trying to really focus on is, you know, the time is not great right now.
hiring a Russian and Eastern European based community manager. I think it's going to be very important for us and for you too as we scale and grow and get users, you know, because
Because as you know, most users are based in Eastern Europe as the ecosystem is super young right now. So before I begin and give you more information on it, does that make sense or does that work with you?
Do you agree? Sure. Everything's done great. Okay, great. Where are you based by the way?
I'm actually based in China, so I'll be nervous because my English is not really my first language, but yeah, I'm super excited to be here. It's okay. I think your English is really good. Actually, your accent is very good. Thank you. So a little bit about myself.
The team is based in New York, but we do travel a lot to China, Singapore, and Dubai. But we found it and started on it in New York, United States, and it's been two years now.
We've always had the thesis of bringing Web 3 onto Web 2 socials, including Twitter, Telegram, Discord, Facebook, etc. So, with that said, we've always been building bots.
plugins and all these different extensions to bring specific use cases for Web 3. So the first view that we've built out are off-chain Dow governance.
which is quite important for any project. And then also NFT gating, which you'll be using, Friendsport will call me, will be using, as well as also marketing campaigns and execution.
So, yeah, we've been building here. All of our community is US-based. So we have about 200 projects onboarded onto Sonnet, our middleware across all of our Web2 social, lots and extensions.
And you know about a hundred are still active and yeah, so That was our story that's been our story for a year and a half but over the past six months we've been really focused on Extending to to the rest of
of the world. Because crypto is very problematic in the US, right? There's a lot of issues right now with crypto, SCC regulations, etc. So we're trying to really expand abroad. And one thing, a specific blockchain that
we're very excited about. It's time blockchain, obviously. Time blockchain, as you know, the founders are also founders of Telegram. So since we're already building on Telegram and building our bot, it made a lot of sense for us
to work on the Tom blockchain. So, so yeah, that's kind of our story. Can you give me a little bit of a story or background about Friends Protocol? Although no one's on the call right now, I know our
US community will listen tomorrow morning or tomorrow when they wake up. So yeah. Sure. First of all, I want to say we are so super impressed of what Sonnet has built so far.
This is of course the reason why we are so excited to be partner with Sonnet. And we do have one go in common is that to expand wipe3. One of our vision is to onboard more web2 users to the web3
word and we think telegram also the tongue blockchain will be a great way to use to do it because telegram already has one-beating users and there just seems like to lack a bridge to say to really onboard
them to Web3. That's why we decided to develop our protocol and to develop it on time. So we are trying to use NFTs to connect to users and
expand their social network. And we especially tailored our system for the telegram users. So where they can meet other new people and to share content and to
to do some really cool things on the protocol and a lot of it will be directly through Telegram. And also because we need to make things a bit more easier for Web2 users because they might not have that
kind of knowledge or experience. That's why we decided in our version 1.5 to introduce the bots, which we'll be working on together to help our user to have a better experience. Yeah, that's pretty much our story. Great.
That sounds really cool. And I have actually been talking to Howard for a little bit now for over a couple of months. We were connected with a mutual friend from Taiwan. And yeah,
Howard and I have been talking about building on Tom Blockchain. So we're very excited to build together and help Tom Blockchain grow, right? I think that's the main thing. I think the Tom Blockchain is very young, the ecosystem is very young. I think people like us
Our projects are creating a lot of the infrastructure where we're creating the picks and shovels for more projects and more users to adopt and convert on telegram into Tom Lachame. So we've been pretty close with Tom found
We've launched a couple of events in New York to help spread awareness of Tom Blockchain and help find more builders. So we can certainly connect you to the foundation as well.
when the time is right. So, okay, that's great. And let's talk a little bit more about products. So, my understanding is, you know, friends for the audience, for the audience's understanding, friends protocol will basically
reward referrals in a way that it's organic and allows communities to grow very quickly. And you know, you're really creating the social network on top of telegram because
Telegram, I think, you know, they have a billion users, but not all of them are activated for Web 3, right? And I think you're going to do a great job of converting a lot of them into Web 3 through your referral protocol.
and system. And then obviously the NFT gating and the statistics is something that our telegram bot already has. So we're going to support you in the product in that way.
Anything else about product, you see anything else on your roadmap that you want to build out for a product that could be interesting to collaborate on maybe?
So for version one that we were doing and version 1.5 we've already covered in the future and version two will be I'm on setting up a dog treasury for investment sound and developing a social graph system with
ranking and linking telegram with wallet graph and introducing a community service with public announce feature and user profile page and on and on for the stage. I think there's still much space for us to collaborate together and also
will be planning to enhance our reward system through NFT staking and transaction in version 3. And there will be meet a lot of development in enhancing user
experience as such. Yeah, I just see a lot of stuff that we can really build together in the future. Yeah, that sounds great. So right now, like version 1.5, I think is really focused on individual users.
right but it sounds like version 2.5 will probably be more directly helping projects it sounds like are you gonna try to partner with projects and help them grow their communities and maybe consult for them and provide tools for them
Definitely, that's we are aiming for. We want our protocol to be a tool, helping other projects downtown to really grow their community. Great. Yeah, so I think
version 1 to 1.5 you're really focused on your launch of growing a good user base. Right, kind of like layer 3, rabbit hole, you have, you know,
active users and a lot of users that hopefully you can, you know, convert them into your partners, just communities, for example. Right. Do you know layer three, by any chance?
I do know the concept, but I wouldn't say I'm a professional in it because as I said, I'm really not the tech guy in our teams. Okay. Yeah. But yeah, okay. Cool. So.
Let's talk about marketing. We understand what your product is. We're going to co-develop and help friends, protocol launch and be very successful. You're doing a giveaway right now by the way.
the one NFT to participants or people who will listen to this, to listen to this Twitter space, you know, I'll have a list of people who listen afterwards so I can share that with you. And
And yeah, so for marketing strategy, how do you plan on maybe launching? How do you plan on getting the first 100 users as you're the marketing manager or a social manager?
What are some strategies you have in mind? Sure. All the all we definitely want to grow our users in a very organic way. Like most WebSafe projects, we will
be trying to do a lot of collaborate and working together with other projects to exchange each other's user base. And another thing is to use the voice of some big influencers in the community to help
us for the words. And we also try to do a lot of incentives for the early advocates to really attract them in to get on board. But since a lot of our potential user might not be so savvy with the how
Web3 thingy will be providing a lot of support tutorials kind of stuff to help them get on board easier. Yes, so far we have made a big progress and getting a
for 100 people in our telegram and a bit more Twitter users since the whole concept might be still up in new to our target audience. So yeah, the early steps has been a bit not that easy for us, but we do see
that we are growing organically and hopefully as our first batch of user really get away around the referral system and how they can really make friends who earn with our NFTs, then they will help us do them
Yeah, the word of what of mouse kind of for to really get more users in yeah, yeah Yeah, I think that makes a lot sense. Do you have any specific You know promote
Shans or white lists for the first 100 or 500 users so that you know our audience talk, you know, they'll listen to us Maybe you know, they want they want to know oh wow the first 500 to friends protocol I can maybe
you know, have additional benefits and and then helps spread the word afterwards. What's your like the campaign rewards campaign strategy to launch? We do have a few lucky draw and give away for our early users as
But we haven't considered about doing like maybe first 100 or 500 kind of thing that we can do at our well activity calendar to really adapt into that. But because of our system,
Actually, the earlier you join the protocol, your number of ID will be more upfront, of course. And through our kind of trip wrench-like system, it's actually easier for you to become
a higher level user or to become the future reviewer of the leveling up system and such. So of course it would be better if you joined earlier, but definitely we are trying to organize a more straightforward campaign as well.
God, and for new users who are not familiar, I would walk through step by step how it works very quickly and then people
can get interested and try it out. So would you mind, you know, quickly walking through, you know, a user would admit the first NFT, you know, refer friends just just everything, please.
to join a French protocol. Firstly, you will need to maintain your own NFT, which you can be done on our official website and pay 15 tons. So once you got this NFT
of your own. It works like a referral code of yours. You can share this referral code to your friend directly through Telegram. And then once you got like more than three
than three invite providers, then you are qualified to claim your rewards, which will be 7.5 ton per invite and
And then ask you more and more people you invite your level would grow up. In order to do this level up, you will need to apply to someone with a higher level with
the whole system, this would allow you to get in touch with people that will have a lot higher level as your reviewer who probably would actually have a larger social network than you do. In this way you can
kind of connect with people who are maybe more
well-known or have more connection in the industry and actually help yourself to expand your social network.
Yeah, just so far that's all you can do with a protocol.
And we do have a more graphical step-by-step tutorial on our getbook, y-paper, and you can follow that because there will be screenshots of each steps and you can see more clearly how you can do it.
Yeah, I think it's a brilliant design and system. At the end of the day, you know, if you look at the Tonic system, there are protocols like Tonslaughter, they're helping create rewards with
projects to get more users, to get more adoption and usage. But sometimes it's not just the projects, right? I think your strategy will help, will help people learn more about the
ecosystem and explore quicker, much faster, and I think that could be a strategy that has a lot of potential. So a quick question, I guess, is like, as you mentioned,
If I mint the first one and then I refer three friends who also mint and start their own referral base, let's say those three friends each invite three more friends.
Like their referrals also are good for you, right? Because you invited them first. Is that correct? Well, it's not exactly, well, it does help your level of
But the cash bad to say it doesn't go directly to you because if we do that, it will make it kind of like a pyramid structure thing. So we actually avoid to do that. We want the kind of bonus or cash
to give back directly to the invite team. Sorry, I got to be a bit worried. Yeah. Yeah. That's the point. Right. The point is only the direct inviteer actually gets sort of
of the benefits. So that there's no pyramid system because you know it breaks as soon as you invite the direct person. Which is good because at the end day it's not about the money it's about the leveling up. You still get the level up right which is very important.
Because it shows that, you know, this also like creates a better system for KOLs because, you know, at the end of KOLs are great, but a lot of them
It's hard to really determine whether a K.O. allows follower base is actually, you know, like what is the origination of that? So I think creating this social network allows you to, allows people
to see where the following base and how quickly it was created, where they come from, etc. Like a social identity graph. Exactly. That's one of our key features to do a
I didn't decentralized identity graphs, thank you. Yes. Great. So yeah, I encourage everybody to give it a try.
This is for the TAN ecosystem, which a lot of our community knows that we're focused on right now. At the end of the day, gas fees for TAN are much cheaper than ETH right now. So definitely want more people to learn about TAN ecosystem.
system in a way that is beneficial to you too. So I think Friends Particle would be great for everybody listening. And for a lot of our DAOs as well, a lot of our DAOs are Ethereum and Polygon Base, but I think they should also expand.
I've been over the past few months, I've been pitching and raising awareness about Taniqa's system to get more dows and projects into it. So, I think a lot of the project managers should refer them to
Refer their communities to tonic ecosystem, right? If their user base of their community likes it through through friends protocol and saw it I think then they can have a stronger stronger conviction to build and join
the Tonic system. So I think, you know, friends photo calls product could be a great way to try it, right? To try it with their communities. So I encourage everyone to really do that. And yeah, so as I mentioned, we work with 200 projects, 100
active, we'll send out another newsletter, we'll contain and do Twitter spaces in US time though. And then in our Twitter spaces we always refer our newest products, right? So friends are part of something that we'll refer to all of our devs.
You know in our next Twitter space and I think I think there there could be a lot of co you know co partnerships co marketing that we can do with with communities and and they are mostly usbites but I think a lot of people are
Looking at projects elsewhere out of the US. So I think this could be a great opportunity for us to convert Western users into into Todd ecosystem right into telegram so yeah And then lastly
You know, we talked about products. We talked about marketing. I think the last thing is maybe just
like, what are your overall thoughts on Telegram? I think Telegram has made a lot of progress, right? The chat design system, right? The subtobics within a chat, kind of like
Discord where you have one server and channels and chat groups within a server. I think Telegram's new chat system is very, very helpful. I know a lot of DAO projects, including in our community, they're not even using Discord
anymore because telegram can do the same thing now. If you have an announcement channel and telegram, you have an open chat. You might as well also create the subtopics within telegram. A lot of people are not using discord anymore.
So I think we're all very bullish and excited about Telegram long term for Web 3. And, you know, could you talk about, you know, what you think about Telegram and Todd blockchain to wrap it up just your final thoughts. Thank you.
Of course, so we do think Telegram would be the perfect platform for
Web to user to really convert to Web 3. Yes, so the
infrastructure might be a bit simpler compared to discord. You don't seem to have all those kind of blocks and areas to also
But just because it's simpler or more or more straightforward, I personally think it will be a
It would be a good way for project to manage their community. To be honest, we do really really love the tongue blockchain. We think these are
architecture is almost like our field for our de-at. So the Tom blockchain has not only just kicked up the functionality of our app into a higher gear, but you also made it super user friendly. We think
The dynamic charting that Tong uses can handle a lot of transaction without slowing down or getting glitchy. And plus, Tong is really fast compared to other blockchain when it comes to confirming transaction, which helps our
app to maintain real-time interaction, which is the must-have for social network platform. And we also have got a lot of help from the dev2s and stuff from the tongue labs to help our speed up, our design
and testing and deployment of our smart contracts. So we definitely recommend projects that to really expand on the top blockchain. I think you would definitely do a lot of good to their project itself and community.
Awesome. Great job. Sorry, I forgot your name. Charlotte. No worry. Oh yeah, Charlotte. Okay, so thanks for everyone listening. Jeffrey. This is Charlotte.
for friends protocol and hopefully you'll try our friends protocol on it product together and try tongue-tongue blockchain. I think it's a great ecosystem
that every project projects you look into to continue to adopt and convert new users into their communities. Thank you. Bye-bye. Thank you very much. Bye-bye.