PREVIEW: MGH DAO / Evan Luthra / Menthol Protocol - New Year‘s Party

Recorded: Dec. 30, 2022 Duration: 0:37:00



There we go. That's so much better. Thanks Evan. Yeah, so we basically took 75% of the money raised and those were that money was used to buy and retire carbon offsets, carbon credits, and so people could offset
missions using the NFTs. And this is hopefully going to be a model that can be repeated by lots of artists in the future where they can bake offsetting directly into the midst of NFT projects.
Yeah, I mean I love that idea. I also myself went in and bit about five years. That's a great great idea to do this guys looking forward to helping this NFT collection grow as much as possible.
to talk to people about it. Yesterday, I'm here with them. We talked to them. Keep project already into loom. Also very conscious about the environment. We talked about flowers and they all said ideas very lovely. They love what you guys are doing there.
That's awesome.
I can also confirm, I think I was mentioning this story, we've got the NFT, right? This is like the new Porsche, like a state of symbol gives you access to community all around this arch, around the NFTs and the utilities behind it. So basically having now
the utility of attaching environmental projects and like offsets to it, that's really amazing because your status symbol basically becomes a donation, right? So that's why I like I've been with 10 teeth into this project. So yeah, lovely also actually
We should also start off, I think a lot of people, especially in the mental protocol community, know about flow carbon, but maybe, yeah, after having shortly explained what what flowers NFT is, maybe we can start off by talking about flow carbon, what your aims are, we'd also love to talk about what mental aims are.
and also what Evans aim is with his cool pool. We can also have him if you want to kick it kick started we can also start in this order. I know you've got here. I've got busy day and you're being filmed by by German TV shows. So feel free to jump in first if that's
Better for you. Yeah, I mean my goals right now are to get the coupons launched with mental protocol, you know help I invested in 300 projects last year would love to get this project involved, have launched the coupons there and basically offset as much of the CO2 emissions as possible. You know, it's very important. I really I really
I really believe about the environment I've seen in the infest and the kind of impact these emissions are having on things from seed coming up the oceans heating up. I realized it very much. I definitely want to focus on getting these cool pools done well. I personally also had a lot of my carbon emissions already thanks to the flow carbon.
and a few projects, but I would want to do it for a lot more people, a lot more investments that I'm in, and I think that's the goal for me for the next few weeks and a few months to get these couples going and get these projects to really appreciate that, hey, everybody's making money in crypto, but you're going to think about the environment too, so it's a two-way street.
So, Flo Carbon was founded with the idea of scaling the voluntary carbon market, which the voluntary carbon market is a way by which individuals and corporations and other entities can offset their emissions.
Obviously the goal with all emissions is reduxum. Right. How do we actually stop polluting as much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, but a lot of that is structurally hard to change like we don't expect people to stop flying. We don't accept people to stop dipping and moving goods, you know, goods and services around the world. And so the best alternative
to do that is to use carbon offsets as a method to sort of offset your emissions and get to a place where you're either net zero or net negative. And so we believe that the Web 3 infrastructure is the right tool kit for this market. And so we're building out Web
three block chain infrastructure to move the voluntary carbon market on chain so that there can be more access to the market, more transparency around the market. And then you can actually use carbon credits as a programmable primitive, like a Lego block money Lego that you can actually then program into anything else like NFT projects and lots of other things like cool pool.
Amazing, thanks a lot. It was like such, I'm actually here together with two like young companies, people who believed in menthol very early. I think both of us got to know each other two cold calls. Let's say, meaning that we just wrote you and you actually came back to us and
followed up with us. So we're very happy on working on this on this great vision together, understanding also flow carbon and as well as mental protocol, basically wanting to do sales and marketing for impact tokenizers. Yeah, proud to have for example, flow carbon having
raised 70 million very loud statement and underpinning what you just said in which I like caught up in a meeting before or in what you're speaking that the entire value chain of carbon credits and other impact tokens is likely to be perhaps the first one fully going on chain and having a few like
Not only companies, but also individuals leveraging that and supporting that, such as Evan is doing it through the flower NFT project as well as the cool pool support is something. Yeah, we very much appreciate when also, yeah, looking back at this year at 2022.
And celebrating one to celebrate regenerative 2023. So yeah, honored of having this having this Twitter space with you guys. Maybe does it make sense? Shall I talk a little bit about the event we're having tomorrow on the yeah, re-fighting?
New Year's Party, which has actually started by the offset of the activation of the Cool Pool of Heaven. Happy to like summarize that very shortly and also talk about a few cool things we actually have planned for the community, but I'm just throwing that out there.
happy to discuss with you friends. Okay, so basically what we have planned with our very dear friends of Meta came up whom we met. Yeah, also all over the world, very hard working working on different fronts and they basically have a one stop solution for me.
and want to integrate climate tech powered by Web 3. Yeah, also into the metaverse and have a carbon backed metaverse as everything should be maybe yeah including that's what we think right as a default some climate action. So we came to the
together and had the idea of launching our product, the cool pools, having basically a Lutra's on-chain cool pool as the first cool pool to kick off with in the accessible tomorrow in a metaverse event we have.
the team of Meta gave up together with the support of the I-Tech who was doing, within the call, he was doing an amazing amount of output for many things on our design front. So yeah, we welcome you over tomorrow to come over to the D-Central Land
And in this country, we have a lot of different events, events, events, events, events, events, events, events, events, events, events, events, events, events, events, events, events, events, events, events, events, events, events, events, events, events, events, events, events, events, events, events, events, events, events, events, events, events, events, events, events, events, events#
but just to let everybody know that he was listening in from the recordings after I'm going to give away one of the flowers and if he's that I bought to one of the lucky people in the Eastern Atlanta and my birthday event. So this I spent five years buying these NFTs. I'm going to give one away to one of the lucky listeners who come join the New Year's Eve party with us.
amazing thanks a lot that's that's great and we also have a few other surprises there but frankly I think the NFT of flowers would be at least me being biased right I went my first NFT project at the first time like joy looking comparing the collection looking
I actually got already a second one that was a future quest. So I'm going to try to focus on
Re-fi focused NFTs. And also, I guess people I like. One leads artists, those will be the purchases, I guess. But yeah, I'm happy to learn some news. Sorry.
Oh yes yes yes actually the we met the amazing eights no nothing so you should check out if you're looking at other refi and fts you should check out echo sapiens they're really cool
Oh, actually we share that internally because they're making amazing job and amazing content. So, you totally have to agree with that.
So yeah, like
Maybe is there anything you would like to share with us friends? What was highlight for you for 2022? It can be related to ReFi, it doesn't have to be, so I'm very happy to listen and to hear that from you guys.
Phil, if you'd like to jump in or yeah, if I'm allowed to jump in may I please please please? Yes Like I became familiar with the mental protocol or almost like a couple of years back, but officially joined in about
the last quarter of this year mainly through the conviction of Amir Sultan who I am very proud to say is my son and I think the efforts which all of you young people are making I say young because I am also like kind of old 63
years old and the efforts that you are making to make this planet more livable for the future generations with the ease of life and breathing of fresh air is amazing and simply I'm a big admirer.
On a personal note, very big thanks to Evan for taking care of Amir Sultan in Mexico and always lovely to hear from Phil's. And my big kudos to all the tech team, especially we have ICA, we have ITAC over here and Ashley and Moira.
and manual and Daniel so you know for making all this possible making all the posters doing all the websites and everything so a bit kudos for them and I'll be happy to listen to the more so just to send from the old man thank you
Thanks a lot. Thanks a lot. I think that was those lovely words and yeah, very in time for the for the launch we're just having for the cool pool and we're excited to do this all here together. You know, it's actually one of the things that was like one of the best things I think came out of this past
boom market and is persisted even after the boom market ended was the number of people who joined on the Web 3, like got into Web 3 and specifically got into Web 3X climate, really came from all walks of life. So you're seeing
people that were in Web 2 for a very long time who have had established careers in the voluntary carbon market, established careers in climate tech, all coming in and saying like identifying Web 3 as a real solution that can actually provide
meaningful impact and working to build towards it. And so it's been an amazing year of just explosion. You know, a year ago today, the word refi was barely known by anyone and most people who you said to think you were talking about, you know, getting a refinance
on your mortgage. And now inside of the Web 3 community and inside the climate community, the the reflipmoniker is known, you know, everyone knows what it is, everyone knows what it's being talked about. And that's a massive, massive win for this industry. And for Web 3 is a whole and more importantly for climate tech.
Amazing. Thanks for sharing Phil. I totally agree. We actually inspired through all of those talks. We had like the topic for our last panels we had with lovely partners in our Reefi community was why the next full run will be the most regenerator one. So
We go in here like following the logic that more people are worried and concerned about environmental issues. Then for example, we care for gaming. If one takes this angle and thinks about the cool solutions we can build, leveraging Web 3 where we also
I also want to connect people peer-to-peer to the environmental projects in a more closer way, verified by data, to put it maybe like geographical limitations currently set. So all of this basically leads to very interesting conclusions that like I personally I work with the biggest gaming
company in Europe together, we've got amazing projects there also in the music industry, also in the automotive industry but basically for me it's very clear that this is the most promising field at least especially in what we are doing I feel a lot of joy with that but also from a business center.
coming into here and seeing okay there's a big demand and if we solve this problem together in a more efficient way there's a lot of value which can be created. So yeah just want to want to cheer Zintro and definitely yeah agree to what you were explaining.
So maybe when just like having a few other talks, like a few learnings that you had, I think Phil, you explain me that with actually not only talking with the CMOs, but actually the CFOs and like going to them and offering them solutions in
to financing and pre-funding environmental projects. So also the topic or the opportunity from an investment perspective is I think very interesting to look at. Yeah, for sure. I mean, so right now when you think about most large corporate, so you just think about where the investor pressure on corporate
done to fulfill that specific need. And or was coming from the standpoint of like, oh, our customers are asking for this. So it was being done almost out of a marketing budget. And what you're starting to see is that this is moving from, you know, the office of investor relations, the office, the marketing offices,
into dedicated sustainability offices. And then beyond that, eventually what you want to do is once the sustainability offices put a plan into place of how companies are going to reduce emissions and offset the balance, that this moves to the CFO's office. Right. And so in the same way that, you know, a company today or in the past that need
to buy large amounts of oil and goods across the country by truck, the CFO's office would basically buy futures contracts and other financial instruments in order to lock in prices and sort of handle their oil and their fuel needs. You imagine that carbon offsetting will move in that same
direction. And so it will move from something where it's very specialized groups of people who are doing this, a lot more commoditized standardized approach, where the CFO's office is basically just doing FDNA planning and using that methodology to actually go and purchase credits for invest in projects that are going to produce credits.
Amazing. Yeah, this was like this is very interesting to see how many different applications and ways of actually approaching the market we can go for. So understanding and like having a talk also with Max from centrifuge was explaining me a bit how the product you're like working together with centrifuge
works, the financial product of basically allowing, I think, different investment tiers with different interest rates to be used, they're gathered, like directly connected with environmental projects and basically having different risk tiers. And therefore, like all on
DeFi, all with the DeFi application. So I still have to understand this much better. But I already like we had to talk with the basic DeFi X partner from PricewaterhouseCoopers, who's looking into JoinAlsoThinkTank, which we're pushing for a full-life to fill you in there a bit more. But I think we talked about it a few times.
And he actually asked in the question when I was mentioning that we want to have 20% of the worldwide marketing budget to do regenerative marketing that actually the CFOs or the risk management perspective is very interesting. So yeah, we're looking really much forward to 2023 and to tackling and understanding those points in more depth.
Yeah, I mean, I think it's also really interesting to think about this from a portfolio management perspective if you think about the the fact that all companies right are eventually going to have to get to net zero over the over the next several decades. You can look at a company right now and actually start to calculate what their carbon deficit is right how much
which carbon are they going to have to admit or how much carbon are they going to admit over the next 10, 20 years and how much are they going to be able to reduce and offset themselves and then what's that liability going to be and so if carbon offset prices rise which sort of everyone thinks they're going to do it in order to sort of
the demand that's coming for them, you can look at your portfolio and say, okay, this company has a carbon deficit of a million tons a year. Right now, maybe that's a 10 or 15 million dollar expense, but if they don't do something to mitigate that or put planning in place for how they're going to deal with that now, 10 years from now, that
That could be $150 million deficit that the company has per year. People are actually thinking about this on a portfolio basis of how do we take our portfolio and hedge the carbon risk in the portfolio itself. The same way that people who do portfolio constructs and hedge interest rate risk or hedge commodity
risk. This is just another commodity price that they're going to potentially look at hedging. And so you're going to start to see more and more CFOs offices thinking about how they actually accomplish that from the long run as well as portfolio managers looking at doing it. So you're actually going to, I think, start to see carbon investments not just at the company level, but also at the portfolio
And beyond that, there's also tons and tons of ESG targeted funds in both the United States and Europe that have ESG targets baked into the fund docks themselves where the fund has to hit either a net zero or a net negative target.
across the entire portfolio. And so you can think about sort of on a web 3 scale, cool pools being able to help identify and find ways to mitigate portfolio level risk or smart contract level risk of what the carbon balance of that entity is.
I can just like repeat myself with how interesting and amazing and how much I look forward to like push all of those topics jointly together. So yeah,
Thanks a lot for sharing Phil. I'm seeing our user from Meta Game Hub. He's here as a listener. Maybe we can get him up as a speaker.
that would be lovely to have Yusuf join, whose whole team of Meta Gimha have been working on this lovely Metaverse event, which we're having tomorrow and the launch of Evan's School pool. But no, because if it doesn't work, Yusuf tomorrow will also be talking with each other. I have two accounts.
I was in the metaverse, I was in the red world metaverse without for a couple of minutes. I can speak from the meta game of account. I have the other one on the laptop as well. And I was hearing a special record from Floob Carbon, so the past
Pass part about like the ReFi and the regenerative marketing and I'm gonna say the same words as I'm here again, right? So I'm gonna be honest with you guys from that front like the from the ReFi perspective you guys are already way beyond like
what we are doing so far in that direction. That's why we came into allowing ourselves there also with the Kool-Pool to contribute as much as we can actually to this because in other words, we are solved, right? So that's something that we definitely want to
to push so to speak and see more and more companies also contributing and playing this game actually which is gonna at some point like say this service all right so like I'm very proud more than then happy like to be part of this and trying to push
to the next level. From our side, like we will cover it from the virtual perspective, bringing this to the world. And the world should speak from the metaverse perspective. And I think it started to touch some points also there. I'm here.
Awesome. Thanks a lot for the lovely words, you so and it's a pleasure of ours working together like the interesting thing over here is that Meta game hub. Basically that's also interesting for flowers and for a climate positive meta versus so we've got basically with the meta game hub one stop solution.
for building and investing and evaluating the climate positivity of the different meta versus out there. So thanks a lot for, yeah, amazing, like within eight, nine days again, we managed to create a lovely event or maybe two weeks maximum. So thanks a lot for this, for the
passion coming together which we only reflect. We are looking forward for it. First of all, thank you and much looking forward for tomorrow's event is less than 24 hours from now. As you know, we hosted the very first carbon-free, carbon neutral event in the meta-burt.
you want to go more in the direction so very happy about our event tomorrow. As we said, even though it's a short time like with the time, you know, we can't get it. We found a way basically to also find standardizations and enabling us also to launch the events in a couple of days that like we had like let's say a
learning curve. Also short term wise it was not a problem this time, like thanks more to the team than thanks to myself and all of that. Much looking forward to it. It's going to be a mix from introducing and launching the cool
pools till Pegging line to another New Year's party actually happening in the real world than with Evan so we have been then the post-pulse launched so Evan is taking care of the parties in the real world and we will try to
cover and be at that the minimum level in this incident for everyone who cannot be there. You have one floor of party, one floor of like discovering more and jumping into the refi and the cool pool ecosystem. You have one floor dedicated to mental protocols
like in when it comes to videos, when it comes to different educational paths to make the people and the people in the universe and in the reward more aware of what you guys are doing because yeah that's in the 2020 Agenda to push.
Thanks a lot, thanks a lot for experimenting with different levels and what's going on in this group in this meet-averse event. So this will be really fun with those three stories. So tomorrow. Oh, sorry.
Yeah, I was just saying look for the single but you tomorrow it's gonna be pretty exciting and let's make this more. Yeah. I said the right you like Evan you're going out to the central and the website you will find like the the the events with the the the A band.
mental and yeah but it's not gonna be as good as in Tulu I'm sorry yeah we'll do our best if it's good get everybody involved that's the key and sooner or later we'll show up in Tulu many ways with pleasure yeah
All right guys. This is great. Thank you.
And thanks a lot. I think we're coming to the end of the 30 minutes have passed already. So thanks a lot like maybe if we have any questions, please feel free to jump in, but we'll also be available on other channels and tomorrow we're having the next Twitter space and
Metaverse event. So thanks a lot to all of the speakers. Thank you Phil, Evan and Yusuf. Yeah, it was super fun and I am going to look forward to the event tomorrow. We're going to have a pretty party.
up so to speak in Twitter and then we will jump in the past. Thank you guys. Thank you everybody. Thanks everyone. Talk soon. Bye. Thanks, my friends. Okay. Bye bye. See you guys.