Primus Daily #484 | trying to help mikz get laid

Recorded: June 2, 2023 Duration: 1:03:01



Good morning A, B, good morning G, easy tiny charts, crispy space, DV, smooth, Shaba, Omega, good morning guys. What, are you there?
No, Wes is I can't hear Wes if he's talking. It's all over boys. Wes is in up here. Cup, though, it's ragging us. He's right here.
not up here. He is and he just put up an emoji. He is literally down in the fucking listeners. Yeah well it says he's a speaker for me. Well he's obviously not speaking so that means he's a listener. Nope he keeps meeting an unmeeting and I see it happening real time here.
Neither look he is muting and I'm muting right now. What can you do? No, but I can see you go right or talk Yo, what's up? What's the argument about? Well, it's a cut there. Oh, let's see gladiates now
What all right? Uh, uh, uh, uh, do you see you're gonna host today's space? I'm gonna bring you up here. All right. All right. All right. Let me cook y'all. What's up, boys? This prime is daily. Oh, I thought I just got muted. This prime is daily.
484 thank you west for that mute he is muted yes okay GMG. Oh Andy's a fucking coho that fucking makes sense this fucking
go ahead pop well. Okay, okay, I will. Good morning. Good morning. This is primest day, my number 484. At this is your first time tuning in. We host this space, normally around 10 a.m. Eastern Standard Time every single day. They've been going for 484 days in a row.
And now just a quick little update, Primus monthly just dropped. I believe if I'm not mistaken, a cut dirt should be able to post a link to that up above. If you guys want to do a team amongst favor, like in your tweet, the pinned comment above or the bottom right. Let everybody know that we're finally live for Primus daily number 484. We're creeping up on Dave.
500 very very quickly we're gonna have a big big surprise for you guys on day 500 so yeah do us a few mongous favorites stick with us till then at the very least and yeah hopefully everybody's having a great morning we got cut West rider we got a ton of OGs here and yeah I can't wait to see what we get into today
Friends daily number 484.
Yeah, thanks, Ducy. Yeah, I hope everybody's having a fantastic day. Ducy was crying in VC last night wondering if we hate him or not. So public service announced
We don't hate Doosie, we just dislike him a lot. But it's okay because I guess he shows up every day. Yeah, what's fucking though? I love her that show up daily.
I love Dusty. This is your show today, baby. Like I said, I missed some bean in the VCU last night. God damn it. Wasn't that for like an hour? Yeah, you were
messing around watching fucking movies. Yeah I watched the hangover and then I watched the hangover part two and then I fell asleep.
Yeah, that's how my night went
I played about 10 hours of Elden Ring. That was a productive day. Joey and I got really far. Do you stream here yourself in Elden Ring? Yep, I streamed for 10 hours.
yesterday. What the fuck? 10 hours bro. God damn. Yeah, I felt greasy as fuck. I even said it at one point. I was like I'm greasy as fuck. So you know.
I don't know. When are we running to my guy?
What I don't know anything man. I get this brand new beautiful ass rig. We run anything Well, I play a lot of five them and and recently I played a lot of GTA 6 is about to come out
So just get like here. Oh, okay, never mind. Yeah, idiot. I was gonna say, what the fuck up when I was in high school, bro, and I've been graduated for like three years.
and GTA 5 came out when I was a fucking freshman. Oh, to be young again. Young, hello, I'm getting old as hell. Wait, you said you graduated three years ago? Yeah, I did. I'm 24.
I graduated in high school at 21. I'm tripping. I graduated when I was 18. I'm about to say I'm 23. I'm 20. I'm 20. I'm 20. I'm 20. I'm 20. I'm 20. I'm 20. I'm 20. I'm 20. I'm 20. I'm 20. I'm 20. I'm 20. I'm 20. I'm 20. I'm 20. I'm 20#
I graduated years and years ago. I was so confused there, Dusty. I'm also living in 2021, time. I'm about my bad.
Yeah, that... that confused me first, Suck there.
I'm uh... I'm back on uh...
the fuck is this dude back on your bullshit no i'm sitting down now again it was in the other room you know doing doing cat that stuff we're sitting down um you know what i'm gonna dump my yeah yeah today's a dump day do see that's why
I was saying you got to take over I got a dump I'm dumping this OXBP We're gonna dump a bunch of NFS to the dumps at 30 cent Bozo I didn't have it then I bought uh yeah I fucking I don't know dude we're gonna dump that we're gonna dump some stepping shoes
Yeah, I'm gonna dump all that shit. And then uh... I don't know dude, we'll probably go buy some food with it. Most likely. Did you see my video for Bitcoin whales?
No. I'm gonna tub a water on my head.
Wait a minute.
My tweets aren't loading, dude. I'll DM it to you one second. I'm making coffee right now. Oh, what?
You dumped water on your head and I didn't do that shit twice bro.
Yeah, why? To get whitelist. Why'd you do it twice though? Because the first take it didn't look good.
I'm not sure if you're gonna get it.
We're breathing soup like the jeans like I didn't say the shirt. I said why in jeez because I thought that they would think that it was like crazy as fuck and then they would uh that they would still give me a spot and look it worked like not only did I get to invite to the discord
But I went straight from not even like you normally there's like a progression thing where you can like you don't just go straight to white list right I literally went in the discord and within like 15 minutes maybe in the discord the dude upgraded my role to the wet list
That's amazing Dude, it's gonna do fucking numbers again like 40,000 followers like the last like I don't even know like we can have but yeah, what's up writer?
I'm going to show you guys if I can't. Can I pin something up here? Of course. I've got an idea about two nights ago to make something better out of this clown fest that's been on the timeline.
of people just randomly sending money to shit. And I thought about June being men's mental health month. And I went found organization. And so I posted this up on the timeline. It's going to be open until June the 18th, which is the
end of mental health week and we're going to send the funds to the organization, uh, uh, facet foundation. They host like, breakfasts events like send people to, uh, just in groups basically in any scenario, uh, to get their minds
off of isolation and depression and that men just kind of corner themselves into. And I know we got a lot of men here in the space and so this is kind of my initiative to make something good out of this Bozo-S trend that's been happening here on crypto Twitter.
I fucking love it. I fucking love it dude. I was I didn't know that June was men's mental health until shrimp tweeted it And I love it dude. I love that I didn't know it until about like a couple of months ago. I'd gone 27 years without knowing that
that is amazing that is definitely better than just sending your money to some guys who's probably gonna spend it on strippers and cocaine bags so if you feel like
like so lid, give it a reach week, share it, let's see how far we make this go. We've raised about $400 so far and so it's going pretty well and again this will be open till June 18th.
Oh, yeah, Papa. That's dusty. Why are you brazing your heat? Yeah, thanks for calling on me. I just want to say it's kind of bullshit. Did you say mental health week? Why don't we only get a week instead of a whole month? Well, you get that we get the month it June is the is the month, but like there's also a week which is the 12 through the 18th
Okay, that makes more sense. I was like, what the fuck bro? That shit's I'm like real sexism shit right there. I never heard of it. I never heard of it. I was talking about mental health, but God forbid no offense. But God forbid a woman has some mental health issues.
Everybody's meet riding talking about mental health mental awareness. Where's it at for them man? Where's it out for the boys here in Primus daily if you if any of you guys need mental help Please feel free to DM me or cut through maybe not west because that man might might arrest you
because he's a Miami-Bice cop. But yeah, if you ever need to figure out how to reach out to one of us. Y'all, you'll reach out to Smokey too. Smokey Titan. Smokey Titan. He's actually like an IRL counselor.
That's what he does is that he helps people like that, that need help. And he's actually very good at it as well. Rich Waters, another great one. He's not a counselor per se, but he's very good at just being able to talk.
Now I got a fucking question because I'm thinking this right. Am I the only one that thinks that I don't need to go to therapy? Like, when you're depressed and shit, do you think like- -Fish, I'm not depressed. -No, I mean like if you ever get down, do you feel like you gotta go
fuck and talk to you and think you can figure it out yourself. Now I've never I mean I've went to therapy unwillingly as a child because I my family they acted like I had anger management issues which I mean at the time whenever you're a teenager or a person just hiding person but yeah no I've never been personally an adult
I don't see any need to because I feel like I'm a very rational person. At least in the moment, obviously everybody sees themselves in a different viewpoint than what they really are. But at the end of the day, I think that it's fun. I think that you should be the one that takes care of your mental health at the end of the month, like not the end of the month. At the end of the day.
sometimes people can't really do that so it's kind of always hard to distinguish when you really need it and when you don't but yeah I don't I don't think I need it. I see I see because I said whenever I feel fucked or whatever a little funky um I feel like I know exactly why and if going like going to someone would be
really pointless because I already know why. Sometimes it's just about the conversation. Because men automatically, we kind of just naturally isolate. Because we do recognize the problem.
right and we recognize it needs to be fixed and then like our natural response most of us is to just like you know isolate and you've already got the leg up if you're actually constantly surrounding yourself with people which I realized is not automatically fixed or problems like you still have to talk about it and I think a lot of people as well
I know this sounds like Nambi Pambi or maybe you weren't raised like this or whatever trust me I was raising this out I get it okay like you know very like Strong man individual model kind of stuff, you know and it you'd be surprised like just most people how much like just unpacked Trauma is a strong word but
I don't get a single fucking thing out of counselors. I do a lot better like dealing with my problems like myself so to speak. I guess it's just it's very person specific but like when I was like younger and I was going to counseling and stuff I would like talk about my problems and then but I just
felt like it was just like, if it was just me like fucking complaining about shit and it was like I could just go complain about this shit to my buddies who will tell me like the real shit you know like hey buddy you're being a fucking pussy right now or some shit like that and that helps a lot better than going to fuck
and talk to somebody for like an hour and a half and then fucking they get me this like oh well you should try to do this this and this and it's like man I don't I don't want to try doing that that and that so so I get I get a lot better help from like if if I'm down in the dumps talking to my buddies about it and going through it like that
I don't really I don't really find using counselors plus I just use like drug addiction To like help out with the majority of problems Not hard drug addiction. I would say like smoking weed, you know like what can't be fixed over a joint a Lot of things I guess but
That's what just helps me personally. No, that's like that's it. Because I've I'm the same way like whenever I've fucking been down or whatever like I go I don't even talk to Joey like about it like I don't think Joey
I don't know, I even have conversations. I kind of just distract each other from the problems. Like, I just tell me to quit fiction. You know, shit like that. I think that definitely helps a lot. It definitely pushes the trauma deeper. Yeah. Like, uh,
Like when my dad passed away, I would say that I found better conversations in like friends and stuff like that than I ever would go into a counselor, you know? Like, oh fuck, oh shit, oh! Miami day!
He's coming out the fuck. Prime is daily number 484. I'm getting fucking arrested right now. Fuck.
Don't worry about you. I'm just playing. I'm just playing. It was an ambulance going by. But I got better advice from like my friends and stuff like that and like dealing with stuff from like my friends and I think a counselor ever could because like I feel like the counselor would just be like well remember the time that you got
to spend with your dad. And like it's just like bullshit. Like my fucking, I'm already fucking telling myself that, you know what I mean? Like I don't gotta, I don't gotta go pay somebody $150 to tell me what I already fucking know. Yeah, and I feel like it just makes you more sad.
just make you more fucking sad.
say into their fucking real with me they're not gonna be like they're not gonna say the the like classic shit where it's like oh fucking don't be sad that that he's gone be happy about the memories that you made like now they're not gonna say that dumb shit like bro I'm already
I'm already fucking thinking that. Yeah, plus when you talk to someone that you've known for over fucking ten years or like your whole life, you feel like they actually give a shit. You know what I mean? Then someone that you can't hear. Yeah, exactly. They're not gonna stop the conversation.
about that. And here he is right here. Good morning. Good morning. It's actually quite a fun topic because I've been away trying to focus on my mental health lately. Because there's some stuff that's happened in my personal life. So I've been trying to take care of all of that. So and I have
I have to agree with Wes without taking away the credibility from the councillors' job or anything. It's nothing that's ever helped me. I've been trying to be honest, I haven't really fully tried the ether. But yeah, no, it's important to just take care of yourself.
Exactly. Whatever, whatever someone's personal medium is for
Making them feel better is what they're obligated to it's not gonna be the same for everyone Yeah, it's actually fun. I haven't been in space in fucking wild now guys. How are you? Yeah, I was in the wrong again. I didn't plug off
No, I fucking like a good mixture mix. I've been homie God damn it. I was gonna say that Yeah, I missed you mix. I was fucking I'm happy that you're back and I'm happy to hear
that you're fucking you're focusing on your mental health. I'm coming back into his slowly you know it's it's Twitter's uh Twitter's a fucking uh job and a half he's being in these fucking timelines and shit keeping up.
Yeah, have you been keeping up with everything or anything at all? Nope. I have not even looked at Twitter for like two or three weeks. Like two weeks ago, I think I went to Spain just to like cool off. That was nice, but then I got home and I was like nah, I just want to keep on cooling off.
I'm getting into a bit now as I got a jump hop into primus and this is my first interaction basically kind of ish back on twitter in a while so you should feel honored cut got me here I do feel honored I'm so honored
the moment I saw you as a listener I was honored god damn it you have a mill lady this is a malad oh and then doosie slapping his ass up with his fake ass youth
Yeah, I can't even hear cut there up, but I'm a rejoin because I feel like I cannot hear like three people in the room so give me one sec Yeah, I fucking changed my profile like five tip like fucking too many times and it won't let me change it You know, I think every time I change
I pay money for that every month. I pay money so I can't change my profile. That is awesome cut. But I want it so cool. I want to go and ask and see how my darling Amy's day has been.
Since when is mix running the show and here cut 30 gun really let that happen that was wild. He's I'm gonna let him do it. I'm gonna let him do it. I was letting do see host today, but you see we all know yeah, we see
So good morning, guys. I'm great. I've just got half an hour before my first call. I've already been on a
walk this morning and I feel really good. I'm going on another one today and I'm dying my hair back to blonde. So it is a hell of a day gentlemen. I thought you were going for green this time. No.
That doesn't sound green. That's um... That actually just motivated the fuck out of me. I gotta say, 'cause I haven't done shit today.
And I think when the space is done or during the space you got me one to walk Yeah, I'm gonna go get the walking I've been walking I just haven't been walking on the spaces
So yeah. Have you been starting spaces on time while something gone? No. Ah. That was quick. Yeah, dude. Yeah, a little bit like 10 a.m. on the dot mix. You'd be surprised. I'm telling every day. Dude, every day.
-Tenning a bottle. -Do you do know that even though I'm not on Twitter, I do get notifications, right? Yeah, and I'm free to. And I have seen a few doosies going, bro, what the fuck? Where is Primus? Like, every other day.
It's because it's quite a dime. You don't even show up. Sorry, Wes. Sorry, Papa Wes.
- Oh, well, let's put them in the office right now.
Yeah, so he's doing very important shit. Ripping people off. Yeah, basically. Let's take it easy. Let's get you in this 2020 hellcat for off.
I don't know what that means but I'll take it. It means it's impossible. It means it's impossible to pay off ever.
possible to finance ever. How much could you finance me a car for West? Like realistically cheapest you could go. I like a 60-70 credit score. I'm 23. I have multiple accidents. Well, an accident
and don't matter, one financing, but you could get into like a $25,000 card easily. That's pretty good. The cheapest is probably around 15. And when am I looking at a month for car payments?
I'm a fucking genie. Depends on the car. Depends on the car. Depends on the car. Depends on the car. Depends on the car. Depends on the car. Depends on the car. Depends on the car. Depends on the car. Depends on the car. Depends on the car. Depends on the car. Depends on the car. Depends on the car. Depends on the car#
providing no information get the fuck out of you that's what you wish you could say to him oh that only I listen I have a car in mind I gotta get it and I want it it's only like 20 grand and I need it because they just hold my other car so
Well, your shit got told yeah, yeah, duh bullshit dude fucking in a bad spot No, no, I don't even know I don't even understand it was in the visitors like I told them that it's gonna be there and it's my car like I fucking live here. They know it's my car
And they towed it and then by the time I knew that they towed it they fucking it cost 800 bucks to get out So yeah, dude you better get that out quick because they charge by the day No, that car's not shit. Just got towed at my apartment too, and I fucking paid a park here, bro. I snatched on the motherfucker
yesterday dog you should got repo that's why no no no I've paid my car I'll always buy my car cash man come on I pay my bills I ain't making no motherfucking payments on my car I pay that shit flat out every time yeah that's crazy that's fucked up
That's a part and they fucking towed it and they told my shia bro I fucking snapped on my apartment Dude, there's been somebody there's been somebody breaking into cars and stuff like that in our like apartment community thingy and This one lady I was I was chatting up with a
some people at the pool the other day and this one lady her car got keyed twice, two separate fucking occasions and then got broken into like someone broke the like back window and fucking got in there and she was like I'm fucking moving out bro it's like it's definitely
somebody that she knows because she was like what was her name what was her name yeah I'm not telling you I'm not telling you
Why are fucking men so difficult? What the fuck dude? Just tell him the name. Yeah This is why wars are fought. Oh, so now you want to talk to other girls? Okay, I'm DMing your girlfriend. What?
It's over mix. I just sent a DM over to your girlfriend get fucked buzz off. What do you say? Stop being a prick. He's single for the summer now. Oh, mix your single now. Yes Baby I'm buying a tender
gold they got Tinder over there in the EU. We do. Yeah you owe him a month for that comment last. A month it's six minimum. Oh that's got six minimum mixed congrats. Yeah dude if you're buying Tinder gold you need to buy it for six months you're a fucking loser.
What if you're buying tin your gold and you're buying it for one month what you start you're gonna get out of it get it for six months the fuck What if you only need one month a bag of girl shut down
Wait, wait, wait, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause, pause,#
I'm not even gonna start this. You better get someone as least as hot as ice spice or else we're gonna roast you a big shot of timeline. I don't even get pussy if he knows in the red light district in Amsterdam.
We'll see, I guess. See you on Amstrad.
Mix uh fucking slingscock and mark good morning
Yo good morning. What's up? It's good, you know the topic of conversation was about see so excited to raise up my hand I have absolutely nothing to say about that but yo fucking last week I just figured out that we had tended over here I thought I honestly thought that was like a US thing
And my friend was like yo, I opened a Tinder account and I'm meeting the skirks today. I was like what the fuck we got the fucking hell? So like yeah, I mean it's a good discovery that I just made I may I mean I'll be opening a Tinder account. I don't know But yeah, I mean what's good
I mean I'd use the west and every time I think of light spots I think of west we just fucked up but I don't know and I'll also do see as a bitch. Oh Amy what's up? What's good? Hey listen here motherfucker. I'm over removing my chicken. I hear that shit. What the fuck? I can only hear like three people in this space and this is what I hear. There's some host shit at Mark's
I don't think Ducey can hear me. Thank you, I'm Mark. I don't know how you hear you. I can hear Wes, Max, high quality. Okay. Well, you can hear everyone.
Anyway, I don't know how you just figured out that you had Tinder over there because you have like 12 phones and Mark do you still have 12 phones? Wait, what no, I don't have 12 phones anymore
What the fuck? Like what's basing my gun a jungle 12 phones that is literally no space going on? Fucking hell I floor those phones, yeah Floor the phones and that makes a lot of sense then well you should you download tender you
don't explore and like Westside six months minimum six months is a whole lot I mean to be fair I don't even need to be tender to be honest yeah you've done it this long without it I mean
I'm saying give only five word it to I don't think that's what I'm saying My man is just saying that he gets bigges and he be that's what I'm saying he's done it
for this line he doesn't need it. This is what I'm saying should be proud. Fucking proud of that. God damn it. Anyway.
Doosey, it's your show today. It's your show. It's hard to run it whenever I can't hear half the people and I'm over here trying to fucking make a coffee, cook my chicken, fucking my dog, fucking fuck, fuck, fuck. Now you know how I feel.
morning. I'm about to walk in the other room and fucking do some shit too. Hey let's go. I got to get picture real quick on my food I just made but yeah after that I'm going I'm serious and I can be big chilling for the rest of the day.
You gotta take a picture of the food you just made. Dude, this shit looks amazing and it fucking smells even better. It's about to be hidden. So why don't you eat it? Bro, cuck, dude, the car's fake. You gotta share it with your timeline, bro.
Are you going to post it on Twitter? I'm going to post it on Twitter. We got mixed with the hand up. What's up Mix?
I think what it looks like. This guy.
Anyways, Primus Daily number 484. If you've been here this whole time, do us a huge favor. We got Tommy coming up right now. Like and retweet the pen comment above the one for Primus Daily and Primus Monthly.
help your boys out. That would be greatly appreciated. Or if you don't want to do that hit the bottom right in the little purple section down there and push it to the algorithm some more. We got Tommy, we got mix. What's up y'all?
Okay, so I guess it's me so I was picking up my dog and talking about the Tinder stuff, but so I think Tinder's fucking whack I Made a profile all this shit and waited a few days and it says down there says 99 plus likes but
As I swipe, I don't get any of these ones. I don't get a single one of these motherfuckers. It's because they don't think you're attractive. That's how Tinder works. They have this swipe on you as well, money. But bro, listen, it says 99 plus. All right, 99 plus people have liked me.
But all the people I could fucking just fucking swipe. Yeah, I'm gonna keep it a box. The 99 people that like you, you don't like like you don't find them attractive. That's why. Dude, I could fucking just swipe right on everyone and they wouldn't fucking show.
by Tinder Gold and you can sift through the people that like you. Yeah, now it's worth it, isn't it? Well, you're paying for it. So it's a measly $50 if it takes $50 to get you laid once every six months by all means. I'll pay it. $50 for what?
six months? No, it's not $50 for six months bro. What they up their prices? I don't know, I haven't been on that app in like six years. Bro, I think it's like... It should be a lot better than walking in practice. Fucking inflation. Thanks Biden.
like for one month it's like 40 bucks one month it's like 40 bucks I think why 40 bucks
Yeah, how much you pay for it?
I'm so happy that it's not like 12 bucks. Yeah, they're charging motherfuckers out here.
What the fuck dude dude they fucking realize I haven't used that shit in years, but dude they must have realized like fucking how
Hi. I know that most of the people in this space aren't really used to it, but I'd like to offer some utility to this space right now. If anybody wants to send me their dating profile and wants me to harsh critique it for you and help you edit it, I will do it for one soul.
I will do it for one soul and that's going to be probably better than you paying for a subscription service. Most of you guys have no fucking idea how to set up a profile. You guys are like listing your favorite sports teams on your profile.
like you post selfies in the car like if you have more than one selfie in the car on your dating profile looks like you're cheating so stop that. Like go take pictures elsewhere like if you're like I am exactly. And then like I just think that there's so much
Like you guys just sometimes you guys need to learn how to take the angles of your photos, you know what I mean or Yeah, but on a different outfit Yeah, I heard women love unsolicited dick pics as well. So open up with that maybe not that but I also have some really killer open
for dating apps that have absolutely 10 out of 10 worked every time. I'll give this one out for free. These are two different ones that you can start off with because it's fun and it requires it like don't you hate when you're on dating apps and you have a conversation it's like hey beautiful and they're like hey and it
like how's your day and you're like good and they're like awesome what do you like to do for fun and you're like why am I doing this 9000 times like fucking hate it start off with something more fun and playful so you can just see if they have a personality or not because if they don't have a personality you should troll them
Either are there send them a dick picker troll that um You can use like fuck Mary kill hotel rooftop bars dive bars sports bars and then you get like an idea of the kind of thing that they like to do and then you ask them on the date to the place that they say that they want to make
and then that's a slick little move. So that's a great way to make it like quick and easy. If you don't want to do the bar thing or you don't drink, you could do fuck Mary Kill block, Keso salsa and it's still fun and funny or you could say
Hey, I'm not looking for something super serious. Maybe we could go get some lunch and then go look at an engagement rings afterwards. That one is hysterical and it's funny and you can kind of like have a role play like conversation with the person about how you're just looking for something chill but like aggressively you're getting married very soon. And it's funny and you
get off the app faster that way. I had 10 out of 10 times both of those works so go take that and use it on dating app today. Amy is spilling all the fucking alpha for you. You fucking single men out there today and you guys better take advantage of it. Listen, key things here.
Get your fucking angles right. Fuckin' take, take pictures and different outfits, okay? No pictures, multiple pictures in the car is a fucking no-no. All right? No fish, don't pose with a fish. Don't fuck with a fish.
fucking you heard all the openers that she had now we got to hit the hands mix i think no less than the mix because west is the co-hosts sorry i got a couple things to say uh... fuck marie kill uh... brocco bomb us a dom who's saying her dandy de veto also uh... that i'm sorry if you're if you're a lot of interdell for dates
If you're on Tinder to look for dates, you're a better person than I was because that was not the outcome that I was looking for. But by all means, if that's what you're looking for, go ahead shoot your shot. I would actually do Jeffrey Epstein killed himself or Jeffrey Epstein
didn't kill or I don't know I forgot what it was Jeffrey Epstein killed yeah I think it was Jeffrey Epstein killed himself and then I'd say that's my Wi-Fi password you're gonna need that later worked it worked like a charm what is going over my head I don't
it. It was a Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself. All one word and then you'd say that's my Wi-Fi password. You're gonna need that later. Hinting at that's coming over. That's good. I like that one. It was good opener. It was funny.
Yeah, I'm bearish on that was because if she's bored enough that she's gonna need your Wi-Fi password while she's at your house, well she's going there to hook up pretty bearish. I'm not gonna lie to you. It's not really speaking highly of you. Not everybody has unlimited data. All right.
will number one don't be poor. That's what you would say. Yeah, yeah, that's sift some out too because if they say they're low on data, they're getting unmatched right there. Yeah, dude. I don't remember the last time someone said that to me, but uh, or sometimes you need to line five. Especially with myself, with those people.
Sometimes you need to walk my password because the person lives in the city connection area, you know, their house is a city for reception. So you need that Wi-Fi, you never know. To call the cops whenever you feel creeped out. Dude, I only had Tinder for like, not that long. And it was when I, before I was 21 I
Like I'll eat your ass or something like that like something like really like I'll landish and it was amazing at the return rate that I would get on something like that Like a lot of them would answer back and it was insane It was insane. I didn't think any of them would answer back They like that. I was so mad. Try that out. They liked your honesty. They were like, you know what?
I let him in my ass. He looks like I let him in my ass. And then boom. It was like that. It was like some of them were just like, "Wow, you're really bold." You know, a card him off guard. Shit like that. One time, you know, I met up with the girl and I told her I was like, "You know, she didn't ask about it." But like, I
I brought it up myself right away. I was like, "I'm not going to do that." Like Lidget said that to her, so she knew right then and it was cool. So yeah, man, try that out, guys. It might work, it might not work. You just got to know how to play it, alright? It's one from left field, so coming out of nowhere with you. Mixed.
Yeah, I know. I just want to see since Amy was talking about this guidance and stuff. I just wanted to see what she thought about my Tinder bio is that I've had. The first one being
Wait, you have to send one soul first, Nick. No, no, no, I get a free trial. Mm-hmm. Mixed a free trial. Okay, so I think the first, I can't remember what the fuck I had. Wait, let me take the one I have right now.
one second. You had your name? Yes, but I've been waiting so long because you guys were talking for like fucking years and sitting here like fuck. Prime is daily number 484. I have been a fantastic day so far. Don't give a single fuck about your love life. What's off on trying to get the information?
Would you say, Dusty? Yeah, thanks, idiot. Anyway, let's hit some hands. Mix, would you like to try to restart that conversation? Yes, okay, here we go. So my first one that I had before was my friends called me
Michael, but you can call me whenever, which was very cheesy. So I changed, I changed that one. I usually go for the ones which is kind of joky because I don't give a fuck of what says in my bio because it doesn't matter. And then the second one is I can't wait until we match and never talk.
I think that's the perfect one. Absolutely perfect. I think you need to post a picture of your ex-girlfriend and claim that that was your ex-girlfriend and then they recognize. At least they know what kind of what you can pull going on my Tinder.
picture with you and your ex like the hottest you know the hottest picture you can get of her if you have one of y'all that was like together cropped or not and I think that would work this is a lot of bots on Tinder anyway
ways, bro. So the chances of getting anything off of that app is, hey, Tommy, so I live in Sweden. I don't live in America where you have people in cells like all around. So it's different here. It's not as many books.
I don't know, man. They're financially motivated to let bots live on that site. Yeah, you should definitely just post a bunch of red flags on your profile. Ooh, I like that one, actually. My bio on Bumble, I don't use Tinder, because Tinder's trash. I use Bumble.
hinge. But my bio on bumble is bachelor, question mark, assassin, question mark. At this point, I don't care if someone just take me out. And it gets a comment every time it's so funny. I'm so proud of it.
Yeah, that's a good one. Nah, it's too too tired. Hey, Max. Mine was a crypto engineer since 2021. I own a lot of NFTs and you wouldn't believe how many matches I got.
I was drowning in pussy. Maybe I should just post riches in the metaphors. Yeah, just post your NFTs. Don't post a single picture of yourself. Oh, yeah, that's true, bro. I should just put my Clayna up there.
Yeah, like your Dino, yeah, your Clayno should be your fucking like right the first thing that they fucking see. Dude, that's so fucking smart. And then maybe like the you after and then like yeah, maybe my maybe like a little pizza maybe my piano pizza as well.
Yeah, yeah, and then I can say I do all of these.
They're gonna be like wow this man is so mysterious he's like so many different things at once. It's crazy. Um, you're gonna get this this Clayno though. I think it it will grab like everyone's attention like look how handsome he is. Yeah, yeah, I mean who wouldn't want to fuck that thing?
uh... mark
Yeah, what's up, what's good, you know, I was just gonna suggest we change the title of the space to primus dating But look look who came up fucking Berlin came out of the I don't even know if he's been dead We don't even know where he's been and there's a space about
dating about girls and suddenly pop. So fucking do see for no one's even fucking shot your cleaner. So fucking bird it would instantly request to speak. E.E. wants to talk about race and he's kind of fucking race. But yeah that's okay who changed the title. Who did it?
Who did it? I did. Isn't that the conversation we're having? It's primal stated. You think I need your help, sir? You really think? What have we been having a conversation about for the last one? No, it's a good looking dude. He's like six, two, he's a good looking dude.
Dude he's fucking fine. I hope you can get it. It's free. It's free. It's free. Please. Yeah. Is this gonna be a little blonde hair blue eyed white boy? He's gonna be fucking fine. Just go out there and be confident. Don't be a little bit. You'll be fine, bro. Yeah, but the thing is that doesn't work in Sweden as well as it does in other countries. Oh, you#
It still works. It still works. It's just like in other countries it's way easier because everyone is like oh shit, it's a sweet Do we understand we understand you live in a country where everybody is like really good looking so like that sucks I Get that so maybe should like get into it get to a different area
Do I actually cause I'm tired of this fucking area where I live and I kind of want to like move to a different country. I just don't know where I'm thinking Spain or Portugal. There's a lot of countries. Move somewhere where everybody has dark hair and dark eyes so you stand out. You'll probably get way more to us.
good good call out there we call that for my go then they go
God damn. Yeah, we got God coming up. Can only imagine where this conversation is going to go from here. Anyway, we haven't heard from Bird and yeah, Bird and what's going on? The last time we spoke it was your birthday. I'm pretty sure. Oh God, it's been that long, dude. My birthday
was literally two months ago Jesus Christ where the fuck is the time got Jesus fucking Christ dude are you sure? Do my birthday is April 9th that's the last time I saw you as well so Jesus do it okay hold on a second okay I'm gonna be honest we are
honest. For the past like year, like this intact not 2020 through all of 2022, I spent in my room grinding Twitter and just like being full NFTs. But for the past two months of like all my friends being back from uni for summer, I've just been like,
Just on like a two month vendor dude just like on a two month vendor. Do you have right friends? But but I've also been hitting the gym every day dude. I've been on the creatine every day The next game diet burden
That is actually that is like the Frappboy diet and I swear to God those motherfuck if you have a fast metabolism You're just loading up on carbs and you're burning that shit off, bro. That's low key away some of those motherfuckers get big a dirty bull kid that shit, bro. Get it, bro Keep crushing it go get fuck yeah, I'm so proud
How do you do go destroy some pussy wrap it up go do your thing Go be go be a fucking top G. I'm just kidding Lucy for his not going off getting the 18 at the chat up at a bird Amy. Oh my god. Amy's get Amy literally some of my friends is going to where Amy's from
and she sent me a whole list of places to go and I was able to just send the list in all the details for this girl. Man, Lucifer so hard this week. I literally, he owes me like a shout on in every space that he goes on for the next month. Like I sent him photographs and
detailed descriptions of every place this girl should go to when she's coming to Nashville. So he could send this to this girl and look like an absolute king. And it's just something that I have in my notes. I send to people and they come and ask me. I see what I'm saying. I'm in recommendation. I can send this girl. And he was like, I'm going to shout you out all over the timeline and on Twitter spaces.
All over the place like Amy your go you are the go you've no idea I'm just off these I know it's like it's not it's not cutting me the whole trip. It's over. It's game over. She's so hyped up She sent me one of the places last night that she was a I was dying
I'll shut up though. Yeah, W. You can send me one soul. It's um, send it for me. It's simp for me, dot soul. That's real. That is a real wallet that I owned because someone told Kami Street and I was pissed so I made that my main wallet.
God damn it, I look away for one second and I look back and now we got all these fucking hands. Alright, now Nail, Naila Fighter, good morning. GMGM, a little bit of Alpha for all you single ladies, yeah you character PFPs.
Why don't you go to the places you enjoy during lunch hours and Discover what most single ladies are doing during lunch hours of the day The good ones are already taken out of the market because they're at home watching kids or at home playing with their husbands money. Yep, so that's just a little
a little bit of alcohol. Get off this bird app. Forget bumble, forget whatever the fuck. Go somewhere during lunch. Places you like to enjoy, entertainment or food, and meet a real one. Yeah, go have lunch at the strip club. Start stalking some people too. That always works. During lunch hours, I'm here with you guys.
on in the internet. That's because we're a bunch of Bozo character JPEGs. A bunch of cartoon characters that have no lives. We like to think we have lives sharing it on the timeline all the time. Go have some lunch, go get some coffee, sip on some tea, talk some shit, be a
about it. See what happens. You know there's some people that just run out of their house, take a picture and then run back into their house. Well, that's because then I want to take a picture of themselves in the car, you know? They can't have a wife. Just at me, Amy. Just at me. You do that, Otto?
Oh, dog. I don't leave the house. Come on. Got us like that guy from the bed. He opens the window and takes the picture. You guys ever watched the bank swimmers? The guy that was scared of the sun and the girl scouts and all that shit. That's got him. Yeah. He's hard.
That's all of us. That's fucking all of us, dude. You got rug by the girl scouts? Fucking you bought their whole fucking shit, man, huh?
Mr. Mix and then we'll go to bird I just wanted to see like cuz it hasn't been much topic of it but like who's excited for Amsterdam cuz I'm fucking excited for Amsterdam I want to go to Amsterdam six months away next I'm fucking let
Okay, Amy, don't ruin this for me. Let me be excited. Alright? Okay? Like, I'm doing well now. I'm at the gym every fucking day. I'm doing good. I want to be excited for something and I'm excited for Amsterdam. I can't wait for me in Luth for it to go raise up the entire red light district. Like, come on. Like, what the
fuck don't do me like that you're gonna get caught up with a boy dude I'm not I'm not even kidding like when I was now in Marbella I swear to God my friend took it took a chick slash dude home I
I am not sure, but very dark voice and very male type way. I'm not sure. He said it wasn't, but I don't know.
Yeah, I'm excited.
Alright, burden.
Okay, I got three things to say. Number one, dude, no. Gatto gets out, bro. When he came to Vancouver, brand TBC, me and him walked like 30 blocks to get like two slices of pizza and then walked all the way back to this car. And it was like a 30.
even a walk both ways in the heat okay and then number two dude I swear to god you know like how like when I first joined the space and everybody was all touch grass all touch oh this touch like I thought that was all memes until I actually started taking NFTs and like
Everything seriously and then like I didn't go outside of my house. I swear to God for like two months until like I don't know I remember if it was the day After or the day before Halloween I had gone outside I swear I was on the phone with Amy and it smelt like sure to fucking pumpkins dude and
And I was like what the fuck? He was like reading on the phone. He was like Amy it smells like pumpkins out here. I'm like that's what it's like it just smells like outside. That's what outside smells like. No, I do it. It was like it was Halloween. That's why but I was just I was in shock.
But I'm actually living in New York and trying to touch grass, bro, go on and fucking breathe in toxins. Yes, little fucking rats running around, little fucking rats, but do it, hold on. Amy, I don't know if you remember this, but a year ago you bought Birdon.Soul and you sent it to me,
But I don't know where the fuck it went. I don't know how to say it. You told me you sent it to me and I don't know how to set it up. I don't know where the hell it is. It's not any of my wallets. I don't even know if it's supposed to go in the wallet. I don't know how any of that works. I need help with it. Oh, I forgot where it is#
That's all. That's all for real. Thank you very much. Thank you, Bart and all shit dude. I'm just scaling number 484. What a fucking wacky one it was today. Wait, that's it? That was it? Dude, I'm just talking shit right now. I'm kidding me. I'm kidding me. I'm just talking shit right now. I'm kidding me. I'm kidding me. I'm kidding me. I#
fucking Lucy's pinning up some shit so Lucifer what happened and you give you white list for Bitcoin? Yeah, I just didn't check. I have so much God token I just didn't check for the policy my fault. You sound like you're in a fucking cave right now.
I don't know why I can't hear you too well Lucifer but...
I heard something that you're holding a lot of their token. I'm pretty sure. Mark. Yeah, I don't know. I think Lucifer is trying to use a voice changer, but yo, I got a question for Bergen. I've been playing the George Tupitas fucking game and there was there was kind of new
about something Deander or something do you know about it? Sorry could you repeat that? The fucking toss to be those games they said there was an update about Deander calling or something. Oh you're trying to hit me with a D's nuts joke is that what you're doing? Is that
was that what you were just I don't know what these guys are trying to do but they're trying to be silly prime is daily number 484 we've been going for about an hour now as pop a cup would say this is your first time tuning in we host these every morning 10 a.m. Eastern Standard Time we never take a day off we're going for
484 days straight will go fucking 484 more day straight got fucking damn it tune in on a five day by the way for all you fatherless motherfuckers That's when episode 500 is dropping god damn it. That's gonna be an absolute fucking banger Hope everybody's having a fantastic Friday today and
If you check one of the pin tweets up at the top, you just got to scroll through the other Bozos tweets. You're going to see Primus Monthly #9 dropped the other day. It's our ninth issue of our Monthly magazine. If you're a thread writer, ship, poster, me, maker, founder, dev, whatever you do in your corner,
of Web 3 we want to know about it so shoot either myself or cut through a DM and we will get you in June's issue of a primus monthly. Absolutely free, it doesn't cost a single dime, it's curated by the community for the community. Hey!
I said, "Minister, you should cut throat for this month." I didn't get a trade on. Wow, that's crazy. Just reach out to me. Don't worry. I'm his little assistant. That was good. Wait, listen, listen. Let's go in the jumes. I don't care as long as I get
I'm not gonna leave you on red. I'm gonna leave him on red. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You should see the group DMs we have on discord and shit like that. Oh my god.
You're really good at talking to people my discord mentioned like I don't see it You just don't check them is I always scroll up to the top any time I open this for the scroll up to the top see if I got any people that want to talk to solely me Oh Checking now cheesecake sent me a couple of me
and that's it. I do like I do do that. I do do that. But sometimes like I don't because there's so many group chats. I got to clean it out you know. I got to clean it out. Goto. What's up? I'm DIRSTY. I see your
in Bitcoin Wales video I got a little bit of ordinal alpha for you dog. Lucy. Bad. He's not even at work. Fuck this guy man. He's always AFKed.
He's going he's leaving yet give me the offer. No, we don't want it. I'll fit these nuts in your mouth. Oh, right. 10 a. All right guys have a great Friday. Got goto that was fucked up Everyone. Yes seriously not cool. Yes, seriously not cool. Have a great day everybody. Are you streaming?