💰 $PRO the last bot you'll ever need. #basechain szn, news & giveaway!

Recorded: March 25, 2024 Duration: 1:01:40



All right.
Let me get my headphones connected here.
Annoying that it doesn't want to hop between my computer phone.
I believe it is.
Welcome, everybody, to our first Twitter space in God knows how long.
Someone just said it is in our telegram.
I think they typed it.
It's been a while since we did one of these.
The bot has gotten so many updates.
If you check our Dune, our users are absolutely fucking exploding
because of base chain, really, which is just awesome.
And our bot is getting updates like crazy right now.
Fua, our lead engineer, is literally working 18 to 20 hour days coding.
On stuff you guys don't see, right?
The whole bot is getting rewritten from the ground up completely.
From the ground up.
And it is being rewritten so that all of the chains can live in all their separate bots
and all play nice with each other.
So it's like you're using one bot, but you're using multiple.
That is the ideal.
And it takes the load off of each bot so that when one bot is low, it doesn't affect the others.
And that was happening a lot there for a while.
That was everyone's overall biggest issue with the bot.
So we just checked messages.
So today, we are going to do a few things.
One, I would love to go over where we were, where we are now, where we are going.
I can check that in a minute.
And I have updates from our DevFua as to what he is working on
and what is soon to be published.
Let me see.
Where is it?
List of updates. Here we go.
So just to give y'all who are in here now, who are currently using the bot,
what is coming in the next updates that are in no particular order but should be coming shortly?
The monitors will start reflecting live price data so you don't have to hit refresh.
The reason why we have it that way now is to limit RPC calls
and limits how many times the bot has to hit RPCs,
which our RPCs are paid so that they are fast.
But if we do unlimited RPC calls, they no longer become fast
and we have to use a higher and higher tier.
But we are rewriting them so they don't have to do RPC calls like that
so they will periodically automatically update.
That's number one.
Number two.
Something that's coming soon that you guys won't notice
but will help the bot dramatically
is right now it does cycle through RPCs.
If you don't know what an RPC is,
it's just basically the way the bot connects to a blockchain you're trading on.
We use a number of RPCs from a number of different providers
and they go up and down, right?
Especially chains like pulse chain.
So when an RPC is doing poorly,
we need the bot to switch to another RPC, which it often does.
But we need to program more situations into it.
So a next update will finally, completely rid us of that issue
where it automatically and automated changes RPC configurations
and allows us to just not even think about that ever again.
The Solana Sniper will finally be out.
Now again, I've talked about this so many times in the telegram.
Solana Sniping is mostly a lost cause.
There are some Solana coins where no one snipes it
and your snipe will be glorious, right?
Where you get really lucky and no one else snipes it.
There's a most Solana coins if you go look at their charts
get sniped to hell immediately.
Those snipers are not telegram snipers.
They're not, you know, maestro or a banana.
They're just not.
What they are are people running validator nodes on their desktop
which cost thousands of dollars in the first place
and then thousands of dollars for the PC
and the uptime of the PC.
And then running custom software on there
to run those snipes and to beat you.
So if you are thinking that you're going to use a telegram sniper
and that telegram sniper will beat other people,
like will beat people using that.
You're going to probably have a bad time.
It's just, you're not going to beat validator snipers
with a telegram pot on Solana.
It's just the way Solana works, unfortunately.
For a lot of people, that's a feature, not a bug, right?
For those people that are sniping and dumping on you.
So for some coins, they will work.
So we will have our Solana sniper up at some point very, very soon.
It is in testing. It is mostly done.
Let me see.
Okay. It is mostly done,
but other updates need to be finished first before it's online.
Orders from contract on from channel, so that's a scraper.
That's also in progress.
Maestro has a scraper. A lot of bots have a scraper.
We do not having to do so many chains
and have all the other work.
It's been slow to get that done, but you know.
So that's also next.
See what else is in the list.
Full V3 support on copy trade.
V3 coins on copy trades have been a little rough.
A little rough, and so that's a full.
That'll come as well.
Trailing orders.
That means that, you know, trailing take profit.
Basically, where you're not just setting one limit order, right?
Because often you set one limit cell.
That limit cell goes off.
It's done.
That's it.
But with trailing, it can do more.
Multiple limit orders per token for premium users.
So you can do a bunch of limit orders.
Take 25%.
We're also doing global limit orders.
Let me see, I'm just checking messages.
Sorry, whenever I do these things, I also get DMs and stuff.
So I just have to check those as well.
Okay, sorry, almost done.
Okay, great.
Then what else is left?
Global limit orders.
So that when you buy something, if it goes 200% without you setting a limit order, you can always take initial.
So that like you can set that every single trade, you want to sell 50% at 100% up so that you can always take initial rather than
get screwed.
Finally, launch simulator for all EVM chains.
That's going to be really helpful because then you can finally, just like Maestro has their turbo, I think, mode for sniping,
which automatically sets up your snipe.
Once we have our launch simulations up for like 20 chains, you'll be able to one-click snipe.
So that's great.
So that's what's coming.
Now, I just want to go over our Dune stats, right?
It's something that we finally got online, and it hasn't auto update.
It doesn't auto update yet.
We have to submit more user data.
But this week, there needs to be, we need to update something in the bot for it to automatically give the user data to Dune.
But if you look, you know, if you go back to, let's go back to, oh boy, not to the very beginning.
Let's go to page, man, yeah, base volume, nothing.
If we go to November or December, December things really picked up.
But if you go to November, right, November 30th, we had 179 trades.
But of course, this doesn't count pulse chain.
There are some chains that Dune can't track.
So pulse chain and some other ones are not tracked, which was at that time pretty big cash cow for us.
Because we're the only bot on pulse chain.
But if you go back to November, right, end of November, we had like 40 users on the bot or so.
And it was pretty static.
I mean, Ethereum volume, 50K a day, that was really it.
Also, Avalanche volume is not accounted for in Dune.
A lot of the other chains, but only Solana base and Arbitrum are accounted for in Dune.
But then you go to December 25th, Christmas, and you have 112 users on the bot, right?
And then you go to January, let's go to January, the end of January, January 25th.
Again, still pretty stable at 114 users.
Solana volume around hovering between 30 and 50K somewhere, for the most part.
Base volume, nothing.
Now, let's go to March 1st.
Base volume ticking up.
It's anywhere between 50 and $10,000.
Then you go to March 15th, and suddenly the bot has 368 users on March 14th, and $500,000 in volume on base.
I can tell you right now that it's higher now than it was then.
It is by orders of magnitude higher now than it was then.
So our Dune stats will get auto updated soon in the next couple days.
And that'll show you everything up to now, and you'll see even more growth.
Dune has been a really cool way just to see what everyone has not been seeing this whole time, which we see on the backend.
We see a slow and steady growth.
And once users like us, they stick.
So that is what's coming.
That's where we've been.
The bot's growing rapidly.
We are number, I think, if you go to the bot wars on Dune, let me just open that back up.
There it is.
Whale Hunter, bot wars, training bot wars.
We are number 13.
If we had on there, if we accounted for Avalanche, accounted for Pulse Chain, accounted for all those,
we would absolutely jump right in front of Magnum, I think.
Pretty sure we'd be number 10.
And so we're just quietly growing, like quietly growing.
And updates are being pushed every day.
And you don't even notice them.
You don't even notice them.
They're being pushed in the backend.
Things are being constantly pushed on the backend.
Let me read the chat.
I'm just missing some things.
All right.
So number one, I wanted to make sure that if anyone here has questions, they get to ask them.
Number one.
Number two, I didn't mention yet, but we were the first bot on base.
Day one, we were the first bot on base.
And we are one of the main bots on base right now.
And so if you have any questions about base or how to spot scams or anything else,
go ahead and request the hand.
I already went through in the telegram how I find base coins to try and ape.
See, great.
Then finally, we talked about where we're going and what's been going on with the bot.
Oh, one other thing of note to mention is that the token, right?
The token gives you no trading fees.
Only 2,500 gives you premium and no trading fees, which is a great deal.
There's a reason why most people, the token price remains somewhat static
because a lot of people hold that 2,500 and don't want to let go of it.
In the future, something is about to change.
Probably this week sometime with all these other updates.
We're changing how bot fees function.
So instead of that revenue just being part of revenue and 40% going to revenue,
all of those bot fees people pay are going to be now funneled into the token.
So it's going to...
Let's see.
I missed a coin.
Oh, it's sad.
It's all sad.
Yeah, I see all my friends ape the same coin and it's doing well.
And I missed it because I was stupid.
All the fees from the bot will start flowing into the token.
So what's the token at now?
I haven't checked in a while.
1.4 million market cap, $1.43 each.
So you're going to start seeing that trending up slowly
because the token, the bot usage, which is astronomical.
I mean, just real quick, I'm going to go to base scan,
go to the address for the fee wallet.
In the last...
How many hours is this?
In the last...
Where's that out?
Is that it?
So in the last 24 hours or so,
the base bot has generated 5,600 in fees.
That's fees, not referral links
because there's a different address for referral fees.
But in just fees, $5,667 worth.
In the future, a lot of that's going to be flowing into the token.
So we're changing how the token works completely.
And really quickly, that $2,500 for no fees trading
is going to get very expensive.
Not all of this is announced yet.
But I would not let go of any prodigy right now whatsoever
because I know what's coming once you start seeing
that it's constantly slowly inching up
because of those buys from the bot generated funds.
It's going to be really wild.
So we're also going to do a giveaway.
And so we have Matt, Digital Warlock, Zann,
BadDecisions for Art and Minky.
So I know Matt has won a giveaway before.
Digital Warlock has won a giveaway.
Zann has won a giveaway.
And Nick, you're already premium, you son of a bitch.
And so BadDecisions, Minky, and 04
are all in the running for a free premium account.
Oh, wait.
John is premium.
John, which one are you?
Oh, BadDecisions.
All right, Minky and Art.
All right, you got a 50-50 shot.
That's 50%.
Oh, that's amazing.
We'll do that in a little bit.
Definitely do that in a little bit.
It's funny, you know, for a while there,
we were doing a Twitter space every single week.
And the Twitter spaces grew from, you know,
around this size to being 50 or 60 people every week.
And then as, what season was it?
It was mostly eighth season, and then it moved to Solana.
And because of Solana, and we didn't support it,
this was back in like September,
our bot usage went down and our Twitter spaces went down.
But now that base is up, we're going to start doing,
and all of our volumes up,
we're going to start doing more and more Twitter spaces
and giving away more and more premiums
and breaking more news, and heck,
maybe we'll do some buybacks as, you know,
during a Twitter space.
Oh, okay, so we got one, two people just joined.
That means that the odds are now one and four
for a premium.
Let's do a premium giveaway at 6 p.m. Eastern.
It is 5.20 Eastern.
So they just have to be here by 6 p.m. Eastern.
That's all.
Let's see.
How much did I lose in rugs today?
About two grand.
That's annoying.
How much did I make on one coin?
About two grand.
So today's a break-even day so far.
We've also, we've talked about how to spot,
we talked about how to spot scams.
You know, you can always go to our telegram.
We're always happy to try and educate people
on how to find coins, how to weed out the scams,
to try and not get yourself, you know, screwed.
Because it happens, guys.
Like, you know, I buy so many rugs a day,
but even with what knowledge I have,
I'm only, I still ate tons of rugs.
You know, I weed out a lot of rugs,
but I ate tons of rugs too.
Let me see.
Oh, that was a rug too, unfortunate.
Was this a rug too?
Yep, unfortunate.
But the one that's not a rug,
I'm up over half an Ethereum.
So that's great.
That makes up for all the rugs today.
Let's see.
Okay, great.
So we have a one out of four chance for winning premium,
which is a hundred dollars.
So again, very soon,
all those premium users that pay,
a lot of people pay for premium rather than holding the tokens.
I've been saying this for so long,
that 2,500 pro tokens for premium with zero fees
is maybe one of the best values in crypto.
Let's see, someone,
have we ever opened my session?
No, we got invited to, let me see.
Yeah, I'm game.
Someone just invited us to an open mic
Wednesday at 7 p.m. UTC.
7 p.m. UTC is EST.
Okay, Wednesday.
I am working.
I might be able to be there.
Working in real life.
But I would love to do another panel.
So, okay, great.
Yeah, what I was saying about the premium,
2,500 pro, which right now is around like $3,500
or something like that.
People are paying maestro,
I think 0.1 ETH for premium on maestro a month.
That is like 1 eighth the price that costs for premium
with tokens on Prodigy.
You can buy premium on Prodigy for $100 a month.
It lowers your fees.
Maestro already has higher fees than we do.
But the 2,500 version gives you zero trading fees.
I have it on our website somewhere.
I really have to go back and look.
Prodigy bot.io slash fees.
No, forget.
I got to find that link.
But we have a checker that will check and see what you paid
in ETH fees to maestro.
And I paid in five months of using maestro.
Now, I was a maestro fan.
In five months, I paid 5 ETH.
It's like $20,000 at ETH's all-time high.
Like, what the fuck?
And they do it quietly.
You know, they're not super transparent about their fee.
So you're screwing yourself using these other bots.
And the main point I was trying to make, though, is that
they charge 0.1 ETH a month.
They still charge the same exact fees to their premium users
and their non-premium users.
And you have to do that every month.
With Prodigy, sure, you can pay $100 a month,
which also gets you reduced fees, not like maestro.
But if instead of paying the $100 a month,
you simply hold 2,500 tokens,
you have zero trading fees.
If I had Prodigy, those five months that I used maestro,
I'd be up a free 5 ETH doing nothing.
So what's also great is that you can go ahead and
you can go ahead and sell the 2,500, right?
Let's say six months from now,
Prodigy has absolutely moved and we're at a $30 million market cap.
And you're like, you know what?
I think I'm done trading.
Maybe my Prodigy bag is so big now from that 2,500
that if I just sell it, I can stop trading.
Great. Cool.
You use the bot to make money, hopefully.
In that meantime, paid zero trading fee.
And then you sold your Prodigy coins for a profit.
Unlike maestro, every single point one you pay maestro,
or any other bot for that matter, for their premium services,
you never get it back.
You're just putting it in their pocket.
With Prodigy, the coin is an overwhelming value,
but to be honest, two things needed to be true
for that coin to reflect the value.
One, the bot usage needed to grow.
We have now grown like crazy.
We're up to like 400 or 500 daily active users.
I mean, if I look at Whale Hunter's bot wars,
let's say 500 active users.
Daily active users, let's see.
Okay, so let's just go to Magnum, ReadySwap, and Moonbot.
All, and Shurkin, why not?
Magnum has, they say they have,
yeah, they say they have a lot more volume than it seems.
They have 5 million and 1 million in Solana volume.
I don't know if I totally believe their volume stats,
because there is, like, Unibot has full-on watch trading
going on to boost their volume stats.
Everyone's always known that.
Magnum, their telegram,
amount of users in their telegram,
I'd have to, you know what?
I'm going to look at their,
it'll show you which users are doing the trades, I think.
Maybe not.
And sometimes you can actually do a breakdown of their users.
Oh, yeah, you can't.
No, I can't do a breakdown of their user's volume.
So there's no way for me to verify
what their volume actually is.
So all right, so they have anywhere between 900
and 1,000 users a day.
Okay, let's see what the next bot in the list is.
Ready swap, doesn't really,
user leaderboard, I don't really see anywhere,
as hard as the, oh, here we go.
Ready swap has anywhere between
three, 400 users and 1,000 a day.
Again, our users on Dune don't count Avalanche
and don't count Pulse Chain users.
We're the only bot on Pulse Chain.
We have a lot more users on there.
Moonbot, let's see, how many users do they have?
Users, users, users, nope.
Moonbot doesn't really have those types of stats on here.
Shurkin, they have 2,000.
Shurkin is big, we knew that.
But they've been gaining steam in the last week
and gaining users.
You know, two weeks ago, they had like 500 active users.
Now they have 2,000.
It's because their base volume went up.
So we, let's see,
compared to the other bots around us,
we are quietly gaining steam.
And the reason why it's so quiet is because
all of our chains can't be listed there.
So it is gaining steam.
I'm just reading chat.
Sorry for, great, someone else joined.
I wanted to make sure I did not miss any kind of questions.
If anyone ever wants to raise their hand,
ask a question, feel free.
As of now, we have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 people
in the running for a free premium account.
We will do that at 5.30.
Nick, you don't want to break any news about anything, do you?
Well, you're not talking, so I'll take that as a no.
If you decide to talk,
we have some other really cool stuff cooking
that I won't say Nick knows about.
But we have some really cool stuff cooking
for the next few weeks,
in terms of some unique stuff to Prodigy.
So yeah, our dune stats,
we'll get more and more updated,
but it's crazy when you see dune only accounts
for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 of our chains,
and one of the chains doesn't even list,
let me make sure, I don't think it showed
avalanche volume for...
No, it doesn't.
It doesn't show avalanche volume.
It doesn't show avalanche volume at all.
What's our APY going, technically, on here now?
Our APY, for stakers,
is 16.52%.
And it's a non-ponzi.
There's no minting coin.
There's no... nothing.
Nick knows.
He does know.
God damn it, he does know, but he won't say.
Let me check my one mooner for the day.
I sold a bag, and I held a bag for the longer term.
And let's see what it's doing.
It's doing great.
That's awesome.
I really need the wind today.
I'm forgetting.
Getting rugged too much.
Yes, sir.
Yes, I am.
If you have any questions,
you can raise your hand in here,
or you can just talk them,
type them in the telegram chat.
Thanks, man.
This is one of the one things I'm good at,
and it's nice to be able to chat with people.
If you haven't shared...
Actually, you know what?
I haven't said that.
I mean, I forgot about doing these things.
If you haven't shared your hand,
if you haven't shared our share via...
Can I add this to the billboard?
There we go.
The one thing you need to do
to enter the giveaway for the premium,
since there are six of you
who are entered right now by being here,
just go ahead and like and share the spaces.
It's in the space right now.
I pinned it inside the space.
I'm trying to remember what...
Bua has talked about a number of things
he's going to do with the pro token.
One thing...
I don't think you were in here
when I talked about it, actually,
but there is going to be a pretty big change
to how the token works itself.
Number one, I think, very soon,
and this is news for anyone, too,
that 2,500 for zero trading fees
is going to be killed.
It will reduce your trading fees,
but not to zero,
because there are a number of very,
very high volume traders
that are using the bot,
and we make nothing off them
because they're holding 2,500
and they've been holding it
since the beginning.
So, honestly, the 2,500 tokens
for zero trading fees has been...
I wouldn't say a mistake.
It has led to price stability in the coin,
but it also has definitely limited
some of the money that the team
would be making,
because our free users
are actually the bread and butter
of the project.
Yeah, exactly.
If you have the 2,500,
your grandfather did.
It's not going to go away.
Second, the big change
that's going to happen is
all the people that...
There's a lot of people buying premium.
They pay the 100 a month.
They get premium.
They want more multi-wallets on Snipes,
or they want lowered fees slightly,
and they don't want to buy the 2,500
and what have you.
So, they pay 100 a month,
or they want to buy more wallets
on copy trading
and they pay for that individually.
Basically, every single
premium function in the bot
is going to also be broken out
into individual payments.
So, if someone wants more wallets,
they can easily just pay
in whatever chain currency they have.
Money, instead of going to the team,
which it does now,
for the $100 payments,
will actually be just used
to buy back the coin.
So, you're going to see,
I mean, probably a couple hundred a day,
at least, trickle into the coin.
Yeah, there was also something else
he gave me.
Where is it?
Let me check.
He gave me a list of things
that are being updated.
Multiple limit orders per token.
That's going to be a thing
for premium people
and for people holding
the token for premium
so that you can set
like 25% at forex,
50% at 10x,
like set all those
take profit kind of deals.
What else?
There's also...
There's also,
and I'm not going to say
more about it
It's super hush-hush
until it's no longer hush-hush.
There is going to be an NFT thing
in the near future.
I don't want to say too much
about it because it's really good.
And I think someone who's
making them will kill me
if I say too much.
But it will be a way
for people who
didn't get a chance
to get 2,500 while that gave you...
while it got grandfathered
due to zero trading fees.
The NFTs in the future
will be the only way
to have zero trading fees.
And that's a good way
to also basically go
cross-chain necessarily
because we can put the NFTs
on multiple things.
Hang on, I just want
to check something.
Okay, just replying to something
and I need you guys to smash this.
If you're in the telegram
right now, please smash this.
Thank you very much.
Please smash that.
Okay, cool.
Hi, please.
Is the bad chain online?
Do you mean base?
The bad chain...
Do you mean Solana?
Because I would consider that...
that, like, the bad chain.
Is the bad chain online?
If you're asking about base,
that's right here.
So there's so many things
coming to the bot.
Already went through all of them.
The way the token interacts
with the bot is changing.
It will still lower fees
and get you revenue sharing.
But the fees from the premium
on the bot will...
will go to pumping the token,
basically, buying the back.
Oh, actually,
if you guys could...
Let me see here.
I'm gonna add another link to, uh...
for you guys to...
smash into the...
into there.
That would be great.
If you guys can hit like on this,
would be great.
who's been our partner for six months,
is also integrating with Maestro
in the near-term future.
Or HoudiniSwap integration.
We were the first one to do it.
And it allows you to...
to bridge from chain to chain.
Almost any asset to any asset.
So go ahead and smash that as well.
Give us a little more.
We have been ahead of Maestro
on so many things.
On orb, on base,
Solana, on everything.
And uh...
Let's see.
We've been ahead of everything.
Including integrating HoudiniSwap.
So I'm guessing,
you know,
they saw us dominating the HoudiniSwap
partnership here.
And uh...
If you guys can hit like on that,
would be super appreciated.
What is...
reading chat?
I had a catch-up on messages.
It always happens.
Not so smart chain.
Welcome to the telegram.
If y'all can like that,
that would be super awesome.
If anyone ever wants to speak,
ask a question.
You're always welcome.
I am MJ in the telegram.
I am uh...
I am kind of the spokesperson,
community moderator.
And I'm going to ask you a question.
I'm going to ask you a question.
I am kind of the spokesperson,
community moderator.
I am not one of the engineers.
We have two full-time engineers
working on the project.
They absolutely kill it.
And you will see huge updates
in the coming days.
The whole bot basically had to be rewritten.
Nerd bot.
Gorilla's gems.
Let's see what...
I don't even know what nerd bot is.
On-chain analytics bot?
Nerd bot.
As far as I can tell...
Trading is this day.
Trading is distant. Oh my god medium. Yeah, go away
it looks like
Looks like that's really just a way to
Just by checking
Just by checking like what I could find easily
When I copy trade a wallet and the buys buys when I'm offline. Yeah
Yeah, the bot runs
Again if y'all could since you're here
Really really smash as hard as you can that tweet that would rock
I'm just a bad speller
Great if y'all could like that tweet, I'm gonna like it. I haven't liked it
Okay, great
Someone asked will there be a desktop dashboard?
Yaku you're in here great. Well
We've talked about doing a desktop app and we've talked about doing a web app. The thing is if you go look at the
Like magnum has a desktop and a phone app on Android because iOS will never allow it Apple will never allow it
The usage is still almost 90% or so on telegram. Like no one's using those desktop the desktop version of that
Most volume is in those like sure there is photon and stuff and those are great
but for us to pivot and
Focus all of our resources on getting a desktop version up. It would mean pausing a lot of the work
So right now with the telegram bot we are focusing a lot on the back end rather than the front end
We are improving the code so that
The bot has the ability to grow to thousands and tens of thousands of users right now
It's doing great with the changes
We've made in the last month is doing great going from 60 users a day to 500 users a day
But that took a lot of work to make sure that it stays
responsive and stays
It stays reliable for everybody
Will we do that? Yes, that is in the long-term plan we have
We have friends like like Trowan here who are interface designers UX designers who are fucking awesome
and we will definitely rely on them when the time comes, but the bot needs to get into a
We have like a couple more weeks
Improvements on the back end and improvements on the front end that you guys can see before we can even consider
Moving in that direction. One of the reasons too why we decided not to do that for a long time is that
That's just another attack vector, right? If you introduce a desktop interface if you introduce an app interface like Magnum, right?
One of their desktop like web app. I know this because I was in their chat and saw it
Someone thought found a bug that if exploited would have been
Like would have drained everyone's wallets, right?
And they submitted the bug report to Magnum and told them they'll give them all the information for like an ether to or something, right?
Magnum then paid them like a small amount got the info and never followed up and I saw this in the chat
Never followed up with the full payment
They got the info fixed the bug and screwed over the guy who gave the white hat who gave them the info which
Isn't great
But the more you expand like that
The more attack vectors you can get so to keep it as safe as possible because telegram does a lot of sandboxing in terms of keeping
stuff safe
We're still focused on that. I
Understand guessing build school better improve the sole focus bot than UI for desktop
I mean, I want to use it on the desktop too. I don't love having telegram open all the time
Although that's kind of necessary anyway
But it will come eventually
But we got a nail down
Especially when you know, like we said, like I said, like 90% of traders are using telegram bots and not using
Not using the desktop, let me see what auto auto sim
Auto sim simulator bot
On only sorry, I'm gonna type this then I'll be reset
Okay, so auto the auto simulator bot allows you to simulate launches so you can see what their taxes are and what like that
On different blocks and stuff. It's great
But it doesn't actually trade
We are like I said
One of the next updates inside the next month or so is finally having simulations
Of our own for all of our EVM chains, which means everything but Solana. So
Watch simulator is also coming. That's something that maestro has and helps you be able to program a snipe. We will have that
I mean, we have a lot more chains in them. So it'll be very very useful
So that is in the works
That is absolutely in the works. We will have the functionality of auto bots basically inside of our bot
Thanks Lucas for commenting on and liking that that post underneath Houdini swap
We love Houdini swap. We have been their partners for a long time
maestro seemingly is
Okay, so I have another tweet for you guys to smash it's very helpful to get a few likes on these thing
Copy link I'm gonna go ahead and billboard it
Just do laggards just say it that way laggards. Yeah, that's not as good that is really good
Okay, and you could smash this one
That would be great
Very very helpful
Basically, there's a lot of things that we have been first in doing
That we think are useful for our users, but
We didn't have a crazy presale, right? We fair launched our coins
The bot has been a work in progress
We always focused on serving underserved chains like pulse chain and base when it launched and stuff and in doing so
We would have an influx of users and then they would leave to go back to their
Bots that other bots focus more on right like maestro is better on
Eth because they've always been focused on it. We haven't been as focused on it
We are strategy to gain users had to be the underdog had to focus on underserved people and try and keep them and it's worked
But in doing so we have had less money for marketing
So we can't spend and I know what magnum spent magnum did a big token launch. They farmed a lot of money
we didn't and they spent 15 ETH on podogen and CTM shells and
While that gained them users
And it made the token go up for a little bit
It it definitely it definitely
You know long-term isn't I don't think the best move
If you guys could go ahead and like that
Tweet that would be great. Send it up the feed on there. Maybe we can get a few users out of that
We've been working with Houdini swap for
since October
And love them and I love the the the bridge between the theorems salon
I've been using a lot and base but you know maestro is catching up to us, but we've had it for six months
You know, we prove it and then they then they catch up. It's fine
It's the way it works, but we would love to grab a few more users out of that
Thank you guys for that. We have ten minutes in ten minutes. I will pick a random user
I see that there are one
Know I know I know you have a premium
one two three four five
Six six users in here. I know that I don't think our premium users. So I will put your names into a
Randomizer like on my desktop
and I will
I'll type your names in and pick out a winner
If you do not reply with your what I'll need you to do is once I do that
I will DM you on Twitter and if you
Could reply with your telegram username as soon as it was online
He will give you premium for a month our lead engineer once he's online
He'll make your account premium for one month, which lowers your trading fees gives you five
Multi wallets instead of two and gives you 25 copy trade wallets instead of five
and you know
Look if we can expand these Twitter sessions, right? Like if if we can get these Twitter
Spaces numbers up to 20 50 a hundred people which we've done in the past
I will do these more often right today's Monday. We kind of did this in prompt to the bots growing a
Friend of mine mentioned like hey, we haven't done a tour space in a while
Let's do and I said sure we'll do it tomorrow
But we'll do these twice a week if we can get the numbers up and get more people asking questions and get the reach going
The next one. Maybe I'll do it later in the week. Maybe Friday and we'll give away another premium, right?
If we get the numbers up to 50 or 100, maybe I'll give away three premium
It just has to scale right? So right now since there are one two
three four five
Six so one out of six chance we'll be giving away one. I mean, that's a pretty high chance
If we get to you know, 50 people or no more like 20
We'll give away two if we get to 50 we'll give away three
So we'll do more of these Twitter spaces, especially as more features roll out
And just just really answer questions with the community and stuff. Let me see
Wait for bot season. Yeah
Yeah, you lunatic, I mean yeah
All right, so we got seven minutes until giveaway I'm gonna type some of these names in you guys have been here the whole time
I really appreciate that. We'll do this. Like I said around twice a week
random picker
Wheel of names and put in some names here. We have Tolga. T-O-L-G-A
See Minky M-I-N-I-K
Okay, it's in we have yaku
Also appreciate your question. Yeah, that was a
Very true. It's one of the things we want to do eventually and we will zero for
we have a
bid a bid and
How you see a so right now we have six people and I have it on a wheel
I would show you guys but if you go to wheel of names, I just typed in all of them and they're just moving around
Spin it around slowly right now. So in a couple minutes, I'll go ahead and
Let that fly and we'll choose
Just check in on anything that I need to know from any other any other chats stuff I'm missing great
If you guys haven't I definitely can't wait to give this away
But make sure you liked all the stuff liked and shared all the stuff in the billboards this time since I didn't say at
The beginning usually the rules for the giveaways are that you have to like and share
All the stuff I pin
This time I never said that so it's not a necessity
But I would love for you guys to go ahead and like and share that would
Fucking rock we doing it. Yeah, we'll be doing it. We'll be trying to do it two times a week, right?
today I had a day off my
in real life job
Don't have a day off Friday
But I'll see what my schedule is like and try and book it around my schedule. I'm not sure what I'm doing Friday
I'll get a little more info on my on my work life
But yeah, the plan would be to try and do it two times a week because if we do it two times a week
it's at least giving away
two premiums to people and
Creating long-term bonds with those people we give it away to and hopefully it'll grow the Twitter Twitter presence a little more
You know people use bots
But they don't often
like fans of that bot
Like maestro a lot of people use maestro, but they were like whatever I use maestro
a lot of people
Use use us but they haven't necessarily
Might actually say it's I've said there's there's a quite a few people who use us who have become
Fans of us and actually show up to things rather than just not people who don't even hold the coin
But they like us because we have a different type of community. I mean if you're in the if you're in the um
if you're in our telegram
It's a little bit more fun and welcoming than like maestro is or magnum with the copy and pasted terrible support
Most telegram bots are just people asking why is this wrong and then getting the most generic answers, right?
I think our telegram is a little bit more fun
So we'll definitely the more we do these Twitter spaces the more we do voice chats
The more we can maybe create a sense of community even though, you know
There's a difference when a meme coin
Community and a bot community, but we can hopefully build build the same a similar thing
What's that situation in the base spot so we have three minutes three minutes
No one else has joined. So we are locked in even if someone else joined
I wouldn't add them because I don't want to reduce y'all's chances
Someone's typing up an issue they're having in the base spot
Okay, just waiting for that message to come in with an issue they're having oh
See you guys liking and sharing that's really great. Thank you so much for taking a part in that. I know it's being small
But but maybe the most important thing a project like this can have is your finger taps on like and share
I know it's small and it doesn't seem like you are all that powerful
but truly
It's really helpful because we might we might gain even two more users and those two more users might gain
for the network effect is very real and every single user we gain and convert is a is a user that another body there doesn't get or
loses and
If we can make believers out of them
We can make believers out of their friends and the bot just grows and grows and everyone wins
This is a this is not a Ponzi project. This is not like a
Meme coin. This is a legitimate business that have revenue is registered as a business
We were on bit Mart for a while. We removed ourselves from bit Mart because of a number of reasons
This is a long-term
We said it since what launched in July last July man. It's been a while
This is a long-term
Project and I think you know
We're proving it by our growth now and the changes that the bots getting every single day
One minute until I do the the giveaway
See bought a token is lame mistake pressed that all noted the transaction was completed network, but didn't receive any funds check wrapped
Set up base but now I've only bought this blonde he's never different very excited. He's probably oh
Yeah, cool. You fucking rock if you have any questions, feel free to ask in the chat. There are always people
Always people here to help there always people answer questions
No question is stupid unless you ask it like a dick
I don't I wouldn't say DM me because maybe I won't answer I might I might not be there to answer
But there's so many people to chat
Careful with your DMS people will DM you if you have issues and try and scam you but there's like 10 people that just constantly
Eth has higher fees
Solana is a junk chain that doesn't work base is so good
in in the bot though
Winky face wink
Okay, so it is it is 6 o'clock it is time to do our giveaway so I wish I could
Like turn on my camera and show you guys just what?
I'm looking at here, but it is a it is a screw it is a
It is a scrolling. It is a wheel. There's a wheel that will spin
I just have to click. So here we go
We have all six names in and so once I click it's spinning
Does a little sound effects in my ear?
And it has spun
to land on
Minik Minik we nine. I'm gonna DM you congrats. Hi
TG I think I know your TG username. I
Let me make sure
Let me make sure
Many many Kiwi, oh my god. Yeah. All right, you're there great
So you I will I'm gonna pop your name in our dev mod chat
And tell Fua to give you one month of premium and so the next one hopefully
Yaku and Lucas and and and who else a bid and oh for all in Tolga you guys show and maybe one of you guys win
Definitely, I think I think coming to the earlier
Tell it like the earlier Twitter spaces like this like the ones at the beginning of our starting them you have much higher odds
So this one you had one out of six chance. Maybe the next one you have a one out of ten
But you know, if if Minikki we comes next time he's no longer eligible
So it brings down a one out of nine
So anyone that wins is no longer eligible for the next one
But there will be more of them to give away for sure
So with that that kind of ends it any questions you guys have asked in the telegram
There's gonna be major updates to the bot in the next few days Fua has been working and I shit you not
And when I give him a thing to look at in the bot when I say like hey
You might want to check this out. Maybe this market cap doesn't read write or something
He's like I'll look at it later, but I swear to God I need to get this stuff done. Leave me alone
So he has been working 20 to
18 hour days coding for the last week. I don't know how he's doing it
It may be lots of drugs, but he's getting it done
And I think in the next couple days, we'll start really seeing those updates pushed which is great
Okay, so I'll schedule the next
Twitter space sometime later in the week and we'll do another giveaway and I'll do another update on what's going on and
If you have any questions, please please feel free to ask in the telegraph. We'll talk to you all again
Very soon. Thanks for your time. Thanks for hanging out