Probably Nothing EP 21 🤫 Talking Airdrop Season

Recorded: Jan. 31, 2024 Duration: 0:47:28



Good morning
Good morning. How are you guys doing? Good. Can you hear me? Okay?
Yeah, yeah, I was bragging a bit on my end but hey, I see the Kong's in the chat looks very cool
Good morning you two
Morning morning
I'm I'm kind of going crazy was like following the the news with Jupiter doing it via grok
It's crazy. I don't know if you guys have tried it yet
But it's just such a great way to get all of the information on Twitter in one place
I've heard talk in some spaces that they were like
There'll be a point here where you'll be able to like make a voice model and study yourself in spaces as well
Cuz those are all being recorded in a back end somewhere
So it's like you can almost make like a bot that could be in spaces
That's impersonating you
Talking with other bots who are impersonating other people
This is getting very ear right I feel like that's so strange have you seen those
Like AI generated
Videos of influencers that metas doing yeah, it's like these
It's getting a little bit creepy. I feel like in a year's time
We're just gonna be amongst AI bots and not know the difference between who's real and who's not well
Maybe they're more interesting than some humans
Trying to be optimistic here
So anybody in the space feel free to share this out
We're gonna be having you know updates on what's happening within web 3
But we're gonna be specifically talking about airdrops today
And we want to get everybody's take on their perspective on airdrops and the impact within web 3
So definitely share it out and request to speak if you have any things you want to talk about in this topic
Cool should we get right into it then? Yeah, let's dig in
Let's do it. There's so much. I want to start with well, we'll start with the airdrops maybe after kind of the more immediate news
The biggest one I'd say other than Jupiter happening this morning is the ripple pack
That happened like three hours ago
For anybody who doesn't know what happened
This morning it was exposed that
Chris Larson who's the co-founder of ripple a hundred and twelve point five million dollars worth of XRP
tokens were stolen
You know as an update to this the the price of XRP kind of plummeted, but it's it's steady now
And they've frozen the accounts that they were distributed to
So it's in the process of being
recovered and everything like that
But it's just crazy to see how big news like this is just feels like another day in crypto
I'm so curious. So how do you guys well, I'm curious to know like how they how they got hacked
Do you know any information on that?
No, nothing nothing that I've seen has has come out of how it happened
But let me share it was exposed by
This is what he put out. You know who figured it out. Yeah
Yeah, so far the funds have been laundered through a number of exchanges and he does a thread kind of breaking it down
I'm sure more information is gonna come out as the day
Continues, you know, this just happened a couple hours ago and it's crazy to see how things move so fast with this
But a hundred and twelve million dollars is is an astronomical amount
And to see that just so easily gone is a little bit insane
It's kind of weird that that much is sitting in like a concentration of like, what is it eight ten walls?
Yeah, that's my initial like holy shit
like there's a that is a lot of money in very few amount of wallets like I mean, I guess it's like
To me first it I don't know a whole lot about XRP other than like they've kind of been the ones fighting the man
for quite a while, um
In terms of like it's interesting that they went for them because I think they've kind of been under the radar, too
so it's like I wonder sometimes I mean, I've heard the
The main guy is like quite a boomer to you, right? So it's like kind of an easy target
perhaps that
Like maybe they're not as like security
Opsec driven as like, you know, even a millennial might be in this space
I'm really interested to see where the kind of like
The leaves fall in this in terms of like how they got in because I would imagine though, you know, even even though they're boomer
They probably would have had somebody on staff that would have
Set stuff up like this, but that's that's really interesting. I
Don't know what do you guys think on like
Them as being the target for this it do you think there's like a specific reason that it was XRP and not
Not another top ten chain
There was something happening they were they were releasing something I believe soon
I need to get more information on that
But I know that this came at a time where there is going to be a milestone for XRP
And it just came at like a coincidence time with that, but I don't know Jake. What do you think?
Yeah, you know, I'm I think I I think I read what you were referring to show you there was going to be a token unlock
I believe um either today or tomorrow or maybe sometime this week
But I think
to gooey's point
they've probably just went after XRP because
That's who they were able to get. I'm sure these hackers maybe tried other chains, too
Or I mean if I was in their shoes
I'd try a few of the top tens
See which one's stuck, you know
But I don't know too much about it just waking up over here. This is all this is all big news coming at me real quick
Yeah, even on the topic of hackers and you know, nobody is safe not only the co-founder of XRP or ripple
I know to gooey you shared a tweet about sim swapping and how you know
This is still a huge issue happening in the space right now
And for anybody who doesn't know what sim swapping is
It's when a hacker gets control of your phone number by tricking your telecom provider
Into transferring your phone number into a new sim
So then they get control of your phone number and then they can get into your account via two-factor authentication
And it's like it's been a pretty big thing
I would say even like to me that was one of the main scams that people would pull in the bear market there
So it's like it's becoming more and more common. I'm seeing in terms of like how mint like just the sheer volume of sim swap stuff
That's happening
So it was interesting because I was reading a little bit about it this morning in terms of like
Kind of across the spectrum, it's not just in crypto
This is like a pretty prevalently used scam across the board because if you're able to like assume someone's phone number
You kind of like carry all the you know, reputational loft that comes with that
so it's like something like AT&T if they called you and got sim swapped or like we saw with the SEC when they
tweeted out about the
The ETF right like there it's it's still happening on the on a daily and
I think one of the things
That can like very quickly remedy this though
Not always is just like a good kind of like safety checkup as it were
I mean even I I
Need to be more diligent in how to do this, but like having things like two-factor authentication on your phone
regularly check
reception and alertness
For any expected losses in service like that's a pretty easy one to pin down for you can create
Unique pins for your mobile account. So that's another layer of protection
Always be cautious of sharing information online. I mean that kind of goes without saying on on
CT and NFT Twitter, but like I know you can you're like my cell phone number was kind of visible there on
Telegram and I didn't even realize it till somebody pointed it out
So just like knowing where in applications people might be able to find that information and be able to imitate you
Review your bank and credit card statements. That's like never a bad thing to like catch for where
People might have used you. I just recently had this actually over the Christmas break where somebody
I don't know that they sim swap me but like used my account on Amazon and ordered some stuff and it definitely wasn't me
Keep phones crazy. Yeah. Yeah, it was a bummer because it you know, I had to go like chase down
I didn't have any record of where the spends were on my side, but they're definitely went through to my bank. So
Just be like vigilant. I think that's the thing and the one of the things that you can do is get what's called
like a UB key, which is kind of like a
Hardware wallet or a hardware signer for that stuff. So it's taking all the signing off line much like a ledger does
And I think they're they're relatively cheap
They're only like a hundred and twenty bucks in terms of like, you know
You'll never be sim swapped if you have one of these things. So I think
You know as you accrue more of a bag and more skin in the game, especially in crypto Twitter
having these like op sex that are not just ledgers or
You know on your crypto wallets, but it turns out that like, you know, if somebody gets a hold of your number then
You know gets a hold of the exchanges that has your number associated with it
It's like just ways to jailbreak your accounts where people can access your crypto on
things that aren't you know
traditionally hard storage or custodial wallets like it there's just so many vectors for attack and I think that
Going into the you know another upswing. It's only gonna become more prevalent and not back off. So
I would definitely be paying attention to these and like how it is that people got
got hacked and then when we know the kind of like
the situation of what happened study it know how to protect yourself from it and
Just you know stay ever vigilant. I think that's the biggest thing you can do
Yeah, it's funny you mentioned your phone number showing on telegram because that happened that is same thing with me I had
Somebody messaged me and tell me like hey, I can see your phone number, you know that right and I'm like why I had no idea
So it's things like that seeing where your phone number lies like whether it's on your social media accounts telegram
And just having like proper digital hygiene. I feel like we all take it for granted because we've been online for so long
and we haven't really been you know victims of these types of attacks, so
It's something definitely to keep top of mind and I'll take for granted
But yeah, like I know just moving on to the biggest news that happened this morning is the Jupiter airdrop
Did you guys participate at all?
No, I didn't
And that was that was mostly Solana based correct
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I I actually haven't been playing around in the I got just really burned by shit coins on Solana
this time around and
Yeah, I mean I I don't know that I ever held some bonk I had cat with hat or not cat with hat
Slightly used 2001 Honda Accord
Some other just like I
Mean I had a really hard time. I had a really hard time finding like any kind of call groups or groups in Solana
They just weren't like
Just all honey pots. So I
unfortunately didn't
And maybe that like I know some certain protocols were like incentivizing where this airdrop was but I didn't on this one
mostly because I
have a really
Complicated hit like relationship with Solana at the moment
That's pretty funny
Yeah, I actually I was hoping I would I would get an airdrop but um, I think I was just late to the game
I think the cutoff for the the snapshot was in November and I probably didn't start playing around
with Solana until like
Later November December, so I missed it, but I'm not mad about it
That's what I'm seeing on Twitter. Some people are disappointed because they missed the snapshot cut off like it was November
But you had apparently from what I'm seeing on Twitter
You had an opportunity to still be eligible, but it was based on certain actions you took with their decks
And so like there was kind of a tiered system and if you broke into that after November 2023, you're still eligible
But if not, you would have to had been there before then. So
Yeah, it's a bummer. I'm just seeing like all of the hype around it, too
It's like such mixed reactions, but I'd love to get I know Galen
I don't know if you're able to speak but I know that you've you possibly got an airdrop and participated in it
So I'd love to hear what you think about it
But it's interesting to see everybody on on Twitter even the hype of this they're comparing it to the unisys
Jake you you mentioned that you participated in that like a year ago or two years ago, right? Oh
No, this was like this was like four years ago
Or three I'm not too certain but yeah, I was actually lucky enough to
To connect two metamask wallets to uniswap and swap for what I thought was going to be the best
Shit token ever. It was called like moon moon token
And I know there have been many others that have come after it. But yeah, I had no idea about that
The airdrop until one day I was using uniswap again
I had like stock using it because each fees were too high
but when I like
Went on to uniswap and then I saw that I could swap for uni
I was like wait, I have some in my wallet and so it was a surprise to me
But it was honestly a really cool experience because I had more money than I had thought
Which was cool. But yeah, that airdrop went out to all users
before like a certain before a certain date and I know that once there was an airdrop there was like
pretty good surgeon price with like a large sell-off and then during that um
That $60,000 will run for Bitcoin
Uniswap ended up hitting like
35 $40 something like that. So people who I guess held on to that airdrop or decided to invest in in the
uniswap token like
Made out big if they sold at the right time
That's insane. Yeah, I I was saying that like
The initial plan was or what they did was they airdropped 400 uni to the wallets and
That it made people
Incredibly rich in that in that pump. So I feel like that people are comparing this airdrop to
What happened I guess three years ago, so I'm curious Galen. Did you get the airdrop? Are you eligible?
Are we rich oh
You're muted
He's gobsmacked
He's in his bag right now, I
Mean the chart doesn't look terrible
You don't it unlocked like people were able to claim to about two hours ago two and a half
Yeah, it's what it looks like because it's like it's
It's sitting at I mean, there's no real metrics for it, but it's it's 71 cents
$137 or 137 million in liquidity. So that's a decent depth and
fully diluted value of seven billion, so I mean
That liquidity could get looted pretty quick from that
But it seems like there's not a lot of cells at least I'm looking at deck screener right now
There's a ton of buys going in. So no, it's curious
Yo, hey, there is sorry
I just I was rugged but I'm here continue. I'll jump in after
No, no, I was just having a look at it on deck screener since like I
Since my shit coin season I better learn how to use and like look at charts alone here
and it's like I mean, it's still too early to tell and when Jeep right now, but
Yeah, did you get the did you get the drop? I mean, I got a very small drop. I got the welcome bonus
That was saying earlier that
Like even if you missed the the snapshot you've kind of you could still do some things to qualify
So I got the second round of qualification. It was like November. I think I got I started using Jupiter exchange
To try to hunt the airdrop, but I did it in like early December
And so I did a bunch of shit and they gave me 200 Jeep
But that if if I had gotten before the snapshot and done all of that
I would have been in like the 1 to 2k range. So that would have been pretty cool
Um, but yeah, I mean that to speak about the trading
Yeah, it's I thought it would dump way harder than this like it opened that
I think like 40 40 cents and then it shot up to a buck and
Now it's like 67 cents or something. So
Yeah, I I was I was trying to paper hand it at around 72
But the network was so fucking busy. I couldn't do it
So, uh, I don't know if you guys know player one taco
He's pretty active in a lot of our communities he holds a daily spaces and
In one of our trading chats. He he heard that I was trying to paper hand it and he was like no
No, no, don't do that. So he took me on to three different DEX's
Taught me how to like do one-sided liquidity pool
So I'm 200 Jup deep in three different liquidity pools right now
And so that's what I did with my airdrop and and hopefully the price doesn't tank but if it does
I'll still get fees along the way and and you know, it's more fun this way
There's like free money and I'm like, oh, I'm just gonna cash it out and buy a token
But now I get to just defy with it and and I actually like a lot for me
At this point it's like
Hundred and I was like a hundred and
30 bucks or something like that
if I if the token goes down and I get to learn something in defy
Something new I didn't know you could do one-sided liquidity pools
By adjusting like your your range and I was like, oh shit. That's uh, I gained some new knowledge today
So yeah, that's what I'm doing with my airdrop
And yeah, I'm it's airdrop season this is the first time I'm taking advantage of it I've
Qualified for like three four airdrops so far. Oh
The last two months so it's been pretty it's been pretty cool. It's it's free money is fun
I still don't understand the economics behind it like
if you print money
Should you know have an inflationary effect on the market?
But it seems like every time somebody prints money and just sends it out to users
We get stimulus somehow. So I I don't know how crypto works compared to regular economy, but I'm here for it
I'm here for the learning
That's crypto baby. Yeah, I see stop stop up here. Did you did you hit there drop my my man? Yeah
Good morning. Yeah morning. I was just watching the
What's up group and gallon thank you for posting
The link I went there and yeah, I qualified for some
Jup, let's go. That's amazing. Has anybody in here not checked if they qualified
Because like it's some people didn't use the Jupiter exchange and still got the 200 welcome bonus
So I would still check interesting. Yeah, where do you check for that?
Let me get a link so nobody hits like a weird clone site or something
Hey, thank you. The best way to get the link right now is go into your
Phantom wallet and
There's a link right at the top like a notification
Yeah, that's right. That's right. It says right there. Oh, okay on the top of your phantom ball. It's good to know
See, but what other what other sorry, I mean, I don't know I joined late
But you mentioned some kind of three or four other
Airdrops, what are they maybe? Um, well, they're they're not things you can qualify for now
But oh, it's too late. Yeah, so I got the I got I was messing around on the base network. So this is like
My big win because I thought
The base network is coming out. Coinbase has such a huge
User base and and they're just you know, the popular American exchange
So I'm just gonna go out there and like pick a few projects on the base network and just play around in their DeFi systems
so I ended up on this one exchange called seamless and
I was just moving money around and and they had really really good like
Staking and yield rates and then one day they just threw a
Shit ton of seam in my wallet and I was I was pretty stoked on it
In fact, if I was doing my homework, it would have been worth about ten thousand dollars
Because I forgot to like claim some some tokens
But yeah, it was it was not ten thousand dollars. It was like
1700 so pretty pretty good for just for fooling around and playing and
Not not reading it on a website. I did that. I figured that one out myself. So that's my big win
It's interesting to see these airdrops and it feels like airdrops with it that are attached to like defy dapps
Compared to you know, like an NFT airdrop
Set up for success because they stimulate the actual activity on their dapp or their decks, right?
So it's interesting to see like how this might be like a uniswap
Maybe like another airdrop that goes to zero the token value goes to zero. So curious to see where this goes
Yeah, I don't think you can I mean you can airdrop. I
guess like
meme coins and
With enough hype you can you can still that, you know might not go to zero but to your point like utility tokens
That have a use case or multiple use cases or support an ecosystem that people will use regardless of an airdrop
Seem to not bottom out and do pretty well
Yeah, that's why I'm interested by bonk like their strategies they airdrop like 50% of
Their total token to like active members within the Solana ecosystem like artists like community members
Collectors and stuff like that and and it's doing pretty well. And I don't know if this is a common meme coin
Distribution strategy, but clearly works for them. Yeah meme coins
I don't know if bonk has any real use case
but meme coins are starting to come into this range like if if the
Like this the shib ecosystem is is like a perfect example. It's like once you hit a certain critical mass they
Started to you know, make an ecosystem and make DEX tools and all that
but now meme coins are coming out and and some of them aren't real meme coins, they're just a
Very like they're you a utility token to an ecosystem with a really stupid
Mimi name it's like so meme coins are taking on a whole different kind of meaning in in 2023 2024
I don't know if bonks one of those. I think bonk is just a shit coin
Well, it seems like this is how like I mean in terms of what I've seen how
People are chasing airdrops is it's like it's this this new kind of like engagement
Mechanism that all these ecosystems or dApps are using to like
basically incentivize people to come over and
I mean, maybe that's stating the obvious but I I reckon that like something like juke probably has more legs because
it's kind of a something people are using constantly as a as a swap and like
habituating people to it
so it's like I
Imagine they're probably crunching the like these are acquisition numbers and like what this all actually cost them at the end of the day
but I think that it's probably going to be an increasingly used tool in crypto to
Have these kind of meme-esque things
Try to take on a life of their own and have the community really like kind of get behind it before they're even given their
allocation, but I think bonks are really great example because like
It was a really slow burn
They built out part of their like I know a bit of their ecosystem where you could like use bonk to you know
Do things inside of the environment?
So it's like there was some you know thought being put into the utility of it
But it largely like was playing against the meme the doge mule feisty doge
But it kind of had a second wind when the saga came out and people were getting that and it it proved as a good
marketing vehicle, so kind of to your point Galen. I think we're seeing like
Kind of the the metamorphosis of what meme tokens do in the environment whereas you know before they were purely speculative
Now they're moving into like becoming broader marketing tools
used by and
Used by companies, but also the kind of like broadcast that you're in the know of the culture and then you know
become these kind of like ancillary tools for larger ecosystems to kind of grapple on to you and
Harvest their user bases as it were so it's kind of like again that like farming of the farm idea. Yeah
From your example, but like does I guess the question I come away with is it's like is that financial incentive?
enough to keep customers loyal like if you got you know that
100 and 100 plus bucks on a dupe airdrop
Is that it's like is that enough for you to be like oh fuck?
Yeah, I'm gonna use you fall the time or is it just kind of like onto the next airdrop sees, you know
Sign-up list whatever it's gonna be so this is kind of like there's a there's a bunch of ways to think of it
exactly what what you
Just like that question is probably the most important question about
Are we gonna do an airdrop to promote our dap or our decks or whatever in this case?
even when I found out I
Only qualified for that 200 Jup. I've been using the Jupiter exchange. I think by
They are by far the best exchange now
As far as like user experience
The UI is nice
the way they communicate things the way they
you know news even within the exchange like their pop-ups and everything everything's beautiful and
So I think their investment paid off big-time. I don't think I think this like Jupiter is now the new
Swap exchange on Solana. I think it'll be the most used moving forward until something better comes along
so in that case like good job, I think by their team and
I think I actually answered one of my own questions as I was saying it like it and that
Faz said something and I just wanted to say like I said printing money
But one of the things that I'm I've learned about kind of trying to figure out
you know what an airdrop might be worth is when you look at their tokenomics and everything and and
you have to look at how much they've raised and so a
Lot of these airdrops are just taking seed money and venture funds and just giving them
To your users to try out your platform, right? So like real money is coming into the ecosystem
It's not exactly printing money and then you have to not only if you're gonna do an airdrop
You have to buy buy liquidity. So you're you know, your people can actually sell it or get liquidity through
marketing or whatever
you know if if if you market it really well, even if you didn't qualify for the airdrop people are gonna think you know
they're gonna start buying it when when the token goes on sale, so
it's I think it's a real if your app or your your decks or whatever tool you have is is
Good. I think it is a really good way to do it. And if it's shit, then yeah token goes to zero or
It goes down significantly. Everybody sells and then nobody uses your your platform again or very few people
but if you I think in this space if you are truly gonna innovate or provide a better experience then
Just like Jupiter did I think I think it's a it's a pretty solid strategy
No, it's yeah, that's a good point
Sorry, I cut you
That's okay, I was just gonna reiterate
Like I feel like it's a really good strategy to bring people to your product and if your products good people will stay
But also with the airdrop to prevent people from paper handing giving them those that opportunity to potentially have this
Airdrop make more money exactly what you're doing Galen right like reinvesting and doing the one-sided liquidity pools
it's like the promise of making more and
Diamond handing and potentially making a bigger bag and it being a solid product. I feel like that might be the recipe for success
Yeah, absolutely
Sorry, go ahead. I think when I've seen it really work. Well
is when there's incentives to
like kind of like you were talking about Galen but also like what I've seen on like some other like
NFT marketplace centrics and other ecosystems where it's like you get rewards for trading on the platform
and then you get your your stimmy check as it were right and you just reinvest that profit back into the
whatever it is that you're using it with and I think as long as those like incentives are clearly illustrated and
like I have to imagine that they're mapping that kind of user behavior to make sure that that money flows somewhat back into either
reinforcing the token price or
directly back into
Whatever it is that they're doing with
with their ecosystem
I think the real thing is like if you go like I mean for me
Blast kind of seems like the biggest suspect in all of this
because like there's so little actually built there, but I mean Jupiter swap is something you could use prior to
To even the you know, the the airdrop you can get used to the product you see it's actually working
but I think it's when when any of these projects have like a really solid or
Well communicated kind of like this is what will happen. This is what it's doing
This is how you stand to like be rewarded if you reintegrate your costs back into what we're doing
But yeah, I mean
Radium was like really the only other big player right and I think that there was a lot of room for a competitor and
I'm curious to see how this shakes out and like how
You know, it's soul has is having its moment in the Sun again right now
How other ecosystems that are on the come-up are gonna look at this and you know possibly replicate that behavior
Yeah, yeah, it it's I think I think they set a bit of a standard here
to to give the flip side of the coin and kind of
To your point you were making earlier like is this an effective tool?
All like I'd like to share one of my losses and and it's also my my biggest airdrop which is the seam
the seamless protocol airdrop I
Was using their tools
to get everybody excited there was like
AP AP ours and and whatnot
and kind of making a little bit of scratch there and
Then they did the airdrop and so I think it was like 1700 and something
Worth that I got and I diamond-handed it and now that's worth
They're all of their
APRs and and rewards and and everything have gone down to like an insignificant
Number which there's no there's basically no reason for me to stay in the ecosystem. So I say like big fail on on
on the seamless protocol and
So you can you can kind of put them side by side and since I was involved in both
you really do get to see like
it can all it will be effective if you have a product that stands out and
See if the seamless protocol their whole
Advantage was just like hey, we're the first we're one of the first on the base on the base network. So
Yeah, like it's it's a it's a crapshoot for us, but
If your products good it works
But but like you said
Gooey, it's like
That definitely not guaranteed. In fact, most most will probably be shipped products in the end
Yeah, it hurts it hurts that's how I feel about looks rare a diamond-handed
Shove the you'd love to get your take on if you if you got into the Jupiter airdrop or your your experiences with airdrop so far
Completely faded the Jupiter airdrop. I honestly paid no attention to
It was blasting all over my time man this week
So I was like flipping Jupiter and then checked it and I was okay cool. There's another one I missed but I got in that window
Yeah, man, I went ballistic. I made like a few accounts. I'm not gonna say how many wallets but yeah
I got my I got my win way
Not financial advice, but I'm gonna stack up some would tell us
Yeah, man
you know literally like the
When the airdrop so basically what happened was
I'm in a few NFT projects and
One of them like half of the community are just deejans to like the moon and back
But they're deejans in the way where they'll make a call
It will blow but they won't get in on it because they either forget or they've got too many things to watch
So they always making calls and they are always
Banning and the reason they'd bang is because their calls are like, okay cool
This NFT drop this NFT. I think this dropped a new project or probably like 2x
They don't come and say hey look another 10x project. They'll
Sell it really short. So they'll be like, hey look 2x projects project ends up doing like a 5x
So you people usually make money off their calls. So I happen to see it
I haven't I haven't been on discord in about probably a month and a half because I just live on telegram now
But I saw this when thing I was like what the heck is when and then I saw it and I thought you know
What make a couple things it's gonna charge me no money this gas
So yeah, why not so just made a ton of wallets and then the airdrop happened. I sold everything
I didn't I didn't care about holding. I didn't care any of that stuff. I wanted my order my crypto
Free money on the table. My buzzer leave that on the table. It's crazy
So but if it does pump then obviously I'm gonna be like fuck sick, but it's cool man, you know made free money
So that's fine. But um, that is literally it for me and a drops the last a drops
I took part on was optimism and that was like six months ago
That's what we were talking about yesterday when we were talking about the space
We're like, what's the appropriate airdrop strategy and we're all like no you got to sell once it's up
You got to sell you got to take from it
It depends on the the airdrop though, right like 99% of them, you know
We'll go to zero, but I did definitely think that Jupiter is gonna be a really cool case study moving forward
And yeah excited to see where it goes
But I know we have around 15 minutes left and I don't want to miss out on the telos and a T news
We have some really cool things cooking. So I'm gonna pass it over to you gooey to get into it
Let's go. Yeah, I I really want to make sure that I make some time here to talk about the new minos
NFT series that's coming out. So they're dropping another mint around the championship league edition
And anybody who's already in the telos entity ecosystem knows these are great. I
Mean, it's kind of a super well-rounded project. They've got their predictive sports platform. That's a lot of fun to use
they rolled out minos
First collection I want to say about a year and a bit ago. It's like some of the best 3d art
I would say on chain, but also
given that the the players that you own
it's across, you know various different soccer clubs and
Depending on how they do you can get some
Passive income every time I check my wallet. I seem to have a bit more as telos in terms of what these guys are paying out
I I nabbed and swept the floor on a bunch of these because I I really see what what they're trying to build
And their next offering is on the go right now. So
How is it that you can participate you need to get a raffle ticket and there are kind of like four different ways
That you can get your raffle tickets
So you can predict either in the versus or the tokenized prediction options with the championship league tokenized offering the cheapest and lowest risk option
And there is no limit to the number of raffle tickets
You can earn the more tickets you earn the more you have a chance to win
So every time that you open up a prediction and there should be a pin tweet here
Yeah, there it is about kind of the there's a medium article that goes into what you need to do in terms of how to
You know interact with the platform. It's very easy
And again, feel free to DM if you have any questions
I've used it pretty extensively and then once you've made some predictions head over to their discord
There's a link in that article as well
Submit a ticket and they'll get you off to the races in terms of you know, getting you on the list
Best of luck to everyone that can get these they went pretty quick last time
Um, it was just a smashing success with the way cricket rolled out as well
And I just like these guys have a great show on fridays called ship your power hour
That's a lot of fun to to just hang out. I'm not a huge sports guy, but I always kind of leave in stitches
And just a really like, you know died in the wool telos dap. That's that's been here for a really long time
Continuing to build so want to make sure we show them so well
Um as well as last week we had bebba on um, nathan one of our uh,
Our telus foundation faithfuls, uh, his whitelist is starting to open up here
I've got a few spots available in the kong's telegram that i'm i'm handing out
But make sure you keep your eyes peeled. I see you down in the crowd
So if you don't make sure you follow bebba right away
Um a really great project
With I mean we were talking through it a little bit yesterday and I think one of the
The things that's just so highlighted to me about bebba is like
A lot of nft projects or when projects incorporate nfts
I don't have a really like great product or anything to offer right off the bat, but bebba is like just making
Making these bags with max drip. It's a super
Um super ethical campaign in terms of like how how that business is set up and how he operates it
I think just like all the best parts of what I think
Crypto can come to encompass. So the way he's using his nfts there is really fantastic. So again, don't fade him at all
Um, and then I maybe can leak a little bit of alpha
But next week we're going to be starting a campaign with one of the games on telos
That uh oddly enough we'll have an airdrop component to it
So make sure you keep your eyes open, uh in terms of how you're going to be able to get their token
And participate in the game. Um, it's going to be a lot of fun. I think really silly
Really easy game to play in terms of not needing a lot of experience
That's going to come out on monday. So make sure you got your eyes peeled
uh, and they
Will make sure that if you're not in their community that we get you kind of plopped in right away
And then uh, I feel like i'm missing something here. Is there anything else on the list? I
I just kind of breeze through that. I think I know
I don't know how much we can reveal about takika and the updates of it, but
Um just in the topic of
airdrop season
Um, it will be in the game that we're building out airdrops will be an integral part of it
So it's cool to see how these different airdrops are
to play and and
It'll be it's exciting and uh a little bit of alpha keep your eyes out. Um for
An upcoming partnership that we're going to be doing with nsto
saucy down there with those studios, uh and femtech
There are a couple things. Let's go. Yeah. Yeah, let's go
The telus crew is cooking, you know before before we get past your last couple, uh announcements gooey
Uh, I want to you know for everybody listening
um when when these guys dropped alpha it actually
I actually just go and I I just you know
I don't ate because I don't have a lot of liquidity right now
But it's it's aping to me. And so I went and bought some of those mino nfts
And I just checked my wallet and I they've been dropping me. Uh
S telos as well. Let's go. Let's fucking go. Let's go and I played and then I joined one of your video game
During one of the spaces and you guys
I won and you dropped me 25 dollars worth of
Telos and I just looked in my wallet now because I haven't touched it
I've actually spent some of that and now it's worth 54 98 dollars. Let's go
Telos is always
always giving back
Oh, yeah love to hear it
Amazing okay. Well, um, I guess that wraps everything up. Um, thank you so much for everybody for joining
Uh, thank you. Stasi and a teo
For coming up to speak. Um, as always we do these weekly spaces and we talk about
Um, you know the most recent web3 news
I think this week was cool that we had to specialize the airdrop season. Maybe we'll continue doing kind of more themed spaces
Always appreciate everybody's take. Um, and we'll see you guys next wednesday
Thanks for coming everybody
All right, goodbye