Probably Nothing EP 22 with @feedurmonkey 🤫

Recorded: Feb. 7, 2024 Duration: 1:00:00



morning morning how are you doing doing good how you doing good good you
have Jacob hey what's up Jake how you doing what is going on excited to talk
about crypto early in the morning oh yeah favorite thing to do what did it
way to start the day let's go I see wild monks in this space hello I haven't
seen you in a while very exciting well Mike has been here since day one since
our like initial thought leadership spaces last year let's go good to see
you brother cool I guess we'll give it 30 seconds but for everybody in the
space feel free to share out this space as we're waiting oh we have wild monk up
just connecting cool hey all good how are you guys hey good good what have you
been up to oh discovering Asia oh that's lovely you're traveling around mm-hmm
Nepal and India I'm sure that's beautiful well happy to have you a part
of this conversation this is exciting see some familiar faces here to John
Collins shout out cool we can jump right into it so for anybody who's new to the
space this is our weekly space called probably nothing and we're going to be
talking about news that has happened in the last week in web 3 as well as we
have a special guest feed your monkey we have ash down here from feed your monkey
and we'll be diving into the tournament that we have with them so we can get
started so I know you guys we've talked about it very briefly but Solana went
down yesterday for five hours and I actually kind of knew this later in the
game later in the day I think I'm not on sole Twitter but as a result there's
just five hours downtime there was an issue with one of their programs the BPF
floater there was a their proposal there what was it called swana
improvement proposal with deploying this it there was a bug with the BPF and it
went down but they got it up after five hours but it kind of stirred up the
Solana community what do you guys think about this oh man they're just making it
so easy you know I know it's like super easy to dunk on Solana I think I what did
I see was they went 346 days straight without an outage like that's something
to be proud of I mean that's what I was thinking to it's everybody's like no
it's okay they almost made it a year without any downtime as if like why is
why is the bar so low here it's not an achievement yeah I mean I think it's like
to me but it felt like palpably different this time around in terms of like how CT
was taking it as well as like how it like the price action on Solana went because I feel like
in previous cycles or any other token that would have gotten this like you would have just seen a
huge run on it right like it would have I think people would have been going for the doors but
um they've really been putting in the work as it were to like you know build out a really user
friendly eco environment that obviously like the the saga really helped kind of gain subtraction
and I think they've been largely targeting a North American audience in a way that like a
lot of other chains haven't focused on um and obviously there was the narrative about them
you know prior and so it's like I think that like people were pretty forgiving about it
unfortunately um because like I think a lot of people have like you know that kind of like
their bag is tied up in it so it's like flooding their own bags if they're talking about how the
network went down but it was almost like people were like treating it like it wasn't a big deal
yesterday even though it was down for five hours or something like that and which is just kind of
like I don't know inconceivable to like just contend with that it like they're just okay with
shortages and outages in that it's like maybe sorry I think maybe these people are just used to it
this is the 11th time in two years that it's been down yeah so it's nothing new
I think that yeah yeah I mean it's like you just kind of come to expector right it's like
but it's kind of like you know think about any of the other services in your life
when they're down it's like if your internet's off from even like a power outage or like uh
there was a while there was a like a day where like Bell one of the those telecommunications
providers in Canada was out on the west coast for a day and it's just like it's crippling right so
I think that again I think it kind of comes back to like that people didn't want to fud their own
bags too much here um and why they didn't end up leaving for the door but I think it just like
I don't know that it's super healthy for the environment on a whole for this to just be like
acceptable on so many occasions right like once or twice like I don't know that's still like not
great but we're on the 11th one now right so it's like um I really don't know I like I wish that it
had some kind of like tangible effect but I think that based on what I've seen from a lot of people
in Seoul and the you know the sentiment on crypto twitter like they just were kind of laughing about
it more than anything which is yeah I guess a thing right I that's what surprised me like you're
right this is kind of it doesn't have this huge surprise factor because it's happened so many
times before but you know crypto twitter is not a forgiving place and for them to treat it like
this I think it also has to do with the Jupiter drop last week and everybody kind of has their
hands in the the Seoul ecosystem in a way and you're right like they don't want to fud their own bag
and it also makes me think like do people would people prefer a flawed project blockchain platform
that is transparent with their flaws and are actively trying to fix them versus not having
that transparency and not seeing those flaws like I wonder if there's an element of that in here
where people are more forgiving because I'm really trying to figure it out um you know like if a
project um has one downfall usually like you know it's good that people are critical about it but
it's the end of the project um so for Seoul to kind of keep on coming back I wonder what the secret
sauce is here uh sorry go for it well yeah I think that the secret sauce is that many people
like you said already before is they have huge bags of Solana and they don't want to sell it
below the price so once it's going up they're going to sell but maybe on exchange
so if they're keeping it on the exchange they're still able to trade it I don't know
yeah fair enough it can be as simple as you know it's the money in this
yeah mr crypto you have your hand up
my audible hey mr crypto what do you think about this
okay my question is are you planning to burn token to invest token value and attract investor
to invest but I'm just gonna cut I'm gonna cut you off man this isn't uh like a space to be
talking about the tokenomics here we're kind of cutting into news and we've got a bit of an agenda
here so if you want to save your questions till the very end be happy to answer them but we kind
of got something we're moving through here thank you thank you mr crypto yeah I'm feel free well
we'll leave some time at the very end for any questions but if you have any comments about you
know the any of the news that we're we're going to be talking about we'd love to kind of generate
conversation here but yeah it is really interesting to see um Solana and the downtime and how you
know people aren't phased by it I'm like seeing tweets I'm gonna read a quote from one um okay
this is one of the tweets uh this is a part of a bigger tweet I'll pin it on top but this guy's
kind of talking about Solana as a whole and the downtime and what it means and he goes from a
less technical perspective the market has clearly decided it is willing to make certain
sacrifices for high speed and low costs which made me think like do we have to make certain
sacrifices why did why does any sacrifice need to be made why can't processes be built and blockchains
be built to um to combat this and I don't want to do a shameless telos plug here but you know
we're a blockchain we have zero downtime in the what five years we've been running so I don't
think any sacrifices need to be made here yeah yeah I would have to agree with that 100 percent
I think like part of it too is that they like um you know they've got a pretty strong meme game
and I think overall like that community like they've done a really good job binding it and
I think people like again coming back to the bag thing is like people made a lot of money off of it
so I think that there's just like sympathy in terms of like people being more apathetic to this kind
of stuff because of that fact um I think that's kind of where I fall but like I mean this we're
not even in the bull run at the moment and we've got an outage right now like what happens when
shit's really hitting the fan it's like I really suspect we're just going to see more of the you
know let's rack them up guys are we at 20 now like what's the what's the what's the count here
that people will be accepted acceptable with where you know your network just doesn't run properly
yeah I guess we'll see um but cool okay so moving on I know um gooey you you have your hand
in ordinals um and I'm curious to know what your opinion on uh of this is um with quantum cats so
they've launched on ordinals yesterday um and if anybody doesn't know what quantum cats are
it's three thousand three hundred and thirty three cats and they've been inscribed to the bitcoin
blockchain and so um obviously to inscribe on bitcoin it's very costly um and then I I read
that it took sixty six thousand dollars uh to mint this on bitcoin or inscribe it on bitcoin
um and they've uh gathered from it because each of them sold for a 0.1 BTC yet they gathered uh
13 million dollars which is insane um but what's interesting about quantum cats and this is
something I didn't know um was that they're um known as evolving inscriptions so this is very
similar to dynamic NFTs where an NFT with the metadata is able to change over time but the thing
is since it's inscribed these changes are predetermined so the the creators of this
kind of said you know your cat is going to change over time but they haven't uh dropped any other
information on that which I thought is very interesting it adds this extra layer of I guess
utility to bitcoin ordinals but gooey I'm curious to know like considering like how involved you are
with ordinals what do you think about this yeah I mean this was like a pretty anticipated mint
from what I understood um it has to do with um like taproot wizards I believe it's like part of
the team that is kind of like was propelling this um and I think what's really interesting
more than anything about it is just like how the floor on mints on ordinals just keeps like creeping
up like to point one um I think that like just the the team and the the narrative behind how
things are really like heating up in terms of the tech on BTC is has really pushed this forward um
and like basically anybody who's in the ordinal space was like promoting this thing or grinding
for it so I think they did like a really solid effort in terms of like marketing it and I think
that uh based on like what I've seen in terms of ordinals in general is like it how do I put it
it's kind of like they're they're going through the cycle that what happened and what happened
in 2021 with NFTs like they're learning a lot of the like you know lessons of building communities
around NFTs as it were quote unquote and how to like introduce meta so I think that you know
that community is still not entirely huge um and I think that you're just kind of seeing a lot of
those same metrics play out or not metrics isn't the right word there but like the same kind of
like functions that happened with NFTs and quantum cats is kind of like I think a ratcheting up of
how we're going to see the like kind of ecosystem in BTC taking off in more meaningful ways around
ordinals um that's that's what I'm curious about right like BTC is so limited or it feels like it's
very limited the fact that you know these um quantum cats could be dynamic is very interesting
but how much can it grow when it's so expensive to inscribe plus you know there's not a lot of
flexibility with the tech well I think it's like you're seeing a lot of innovation happen and like
there's still a ton of friction happening in um in how people can get it and I think like that
that's a real like thing to spur people to innovate and I think one of the ways that
they're choosing to do that is have these like dynamic properties like something like
famojis has backgrounds that can change based on time so it's like I think like there's just
more attention in terms of like what ordinals can do on that chain and how people are really trying
to push the envelope in terms of like what you can actually dynamically change on chain too so
I think it's like we're just really seeing the kind of marching development of how people are
playing with these things and I think they're like you know obviously BTC is you know the king
narrative in crypto and being associated with it by way of ordinals just how it kind of gives it that
legitimacy I want to say regardless of how primitive some of these like actual developments
are in terms of the broader ideas of NFTs and how people abuse them but I venture to guess it's
like there's also a lot of like um money from Asia that's pouring in for and for ordinals because
there's some kind of like technicality around trading inscriptions over trading krypto
especially in places like China so this is the way that they can like get exposure to it
um and like you see that with like BTC frogs and node monkeys did the same kind of thing so
I think it's just like and it's entering this phase now too where it's not just
and maybe this is kind of the last thought on it is um when ordinals first started off you saw a
lot of like just like kind of copycat things like punks or um collections that had already existed
and they inscribed them just to do it and get it in early and now we're kind of entering this new
phase where there's actual projects that are like have their own identity and are unique
completely to BTC and I think something like taproot wizards which you know a lot of the team
that is behind quantum cats like they kind of were part of that first vanguard
that was somewhat unique and now we're seeing this kind of evolution towards much more
like just ordinal specific things that aren't just carbon copies from other chains
yeah I think it's interesting to look back on the launch of NFTs in like 2020 2021
and apply that to what ordinals are experiencing right now um and it like made me think when you
started talking about ordinals they started thinking like okay what is the niche that
ordinals are going to carve within their own like within the bitcoin blockchain like what kind of
projects are going to gravitate towards bitcoin um you know we saw with ethereum it was like the
10 000 pfp generative collection right now it's like we're kind of seeing that be imitated with
BTC but is it going to change based on the environment initially I was like oh there's
this is going to be you know the art train you know it's so expensive to inscribe people with
typically you know mint one and it's going to be very high end but I think I was I think I'm very
wrong on that so that's how I'm constantly trying to figure out like I wonder how like time is going
to differentiate ordinals from other NFTs on other chains yeah I think there's still a lot of like
um you know things have really cooled off in the mempool so I think a lot of people are kind of
like piling in to get stuff in right now I know I've inscribed a few things just to like have a
little bit of exposure to it but it will be really interesting to see what happens in the next cycle
with these kind of things because you know node monkeys and BTC puppets I think is the other one
that dropped pretty recently they're like they've been able to hold their hold their value pretty
well um they're they're much smaller collections too because of the like you know how expensive
it is so I think that um something like Quantum Cats had like a 90% allocation to white list and
10% uh out there in the wild so I think like if you're able to like bind the community around
holding these things it also really helps and I think that given it's a really small kind of
insular community at the moment too that really helps push the kind of like diamond handy kind of
vibe with the whole environment so yeah I I'm like I'm stoked to see that you know there's
there's some interesting stuff happening and real innovation that they're trying to push ahead
especially with you know happening on chain I think there's a lot of things that are disadvantages
to it too um I think that they definitely have like this like air of their shit don't stink a
lot of the times that can be really annoying over in ordinals um but on the whole I think like just
getting exposure and knowing what else lays outside of the backyard of you know anywhere that
you are is is a good idea so yeah keep keep your eyes out on it 100% hell yeah yeah I know it these
puppets are pretty funny um they they're the marketing they did crazy marketing on this one
I'm just checking their twitter and looking so funny really dope actually
yeah I know it's it's all in the marketing right and like yeah yeah with everything but speaking
of that too um on our last topic and then we're gonna kind of move on to talking about our feed
your monkey tournament which is really exciting it's some exclusive alpha um but I don't know if
you guys saw and I'm curious to know what you think about this Jake um but Doodles and G Shock
just had a partnership so G Shock is going to be releasing um you know exclusive watches that are
within the Doodles brand um and you know we've seen this with these blue chip NFT PFP projects
where their natural next step it appears is to you know make way in the physical world uh we've seen
a good example with pudgy penguins um and you know having kind of a club penguin type approach
as well as having like physical stuffed toys being sold in Walmart what surprised me about this is
that I just don't see the co-relation between Doodles and G Shock other than the fact that maybe
like watches are collectible items and they have this exclusivity factor to them but hey I don't
know a lot about G Shock so I'm curious to know what what the group thinks um especially Jake
because I know you have kind of a a good background on watches and collecting watches
yeah actually this is my first time hearing about it I think I think that's pretty cool um I know
G Shock kind of uh started building up hype a few years ago um during COVID they released
this pretty cool watch line that was transparent um they like sold out and so um I've been kind
of watching them for a bit when I was younger in middle school I used to have a G Shock they were
like the coolest thing thing to have um and I know Doodles is is like you said pretty collectible
so I'd be curious to see like what the collab would actually look like I'm assuming it I'm
assuming it would just be pretty different um color palettes on the watches but um I wonder
if that means like the faces will change or if like we'll see only if we'll see any Doodles
characters on the watches seems pretty interesting yeah I'm pretty excited for that yeah it is pretty
cool I shared some pictures of it above I think they're really going towards that like bright
Doodles color palette um but yeah I associate G Shock with you know back in the day like in high
school like it I didn't you know I haven't thought about G Shock in a very long time so
this is cool it's cool to see that they're kind of um exploring web 3 um and moves are being made
oh yeah they're cool I like the colors they're dope kind of reminds me of um you know you were
saying how you you wouldn't like see G Shock and Doodles teaming up or different watch companies
but you guys have all heard of swatch right they do a whole bunch of different collabs all the
time and I think it really just benefits both brands um but I think I think it looks pretty cool
I'd love to see more NFT uh NFT collabs in the real world honestly
yeah I do it it seems like it's been a pattern right like with these brands trying to like go
past web 3 into web 2 it just feels like making it physical somehow um cool oh it's gooey I'm so
sorry I feel I thought you were up okay um in while we kind of get gooey back up here
Shubzy welcome how are you doing yo what's up man I'm good I'm good how are you guys doing
good good we missed you at the beginning of the talk we were talking um the soul crash and how
it's potentially you know you know how everybody's very forgiving of Solana right now and it comes
at like a very um convenient timing with Jupiter and how everybody has kind of a swatted bag
do you have any thoughts of like that or anything that has happened in the in the past week within
web 3 um to be honest like the soul crash was just kind of funny to see like you know because
they have like a lot that they're doing in the moment and they're building all this stuff but
um to me it just kind of shows that they still got a lot they have to work on before they
make major moves in the in the you know for the rest of the year and stuff because I was speaking
to someone yesterday that's a soul maxi and we were talking about the crash thing and he pulled
up he pulled out something he said look they're having discussions about inscribing nfts on a
blockchain and you know he said he's a soul maxi he's like I'm still forever and ever but at the
end of the day you're making all these discussions about things that you want to build and train and
develop and stuff and we're still having these down times he's like it doesn't matter if it's
an hour or five hours this stuff that shouldn't be happening um we have to use like we have the
infrastructure where we can you know be better so um it was yeah like the normal thing we see where
something happens and fud smashes the timeline like it was just funny to see that that was some
there were some good memes and stuff it was a good laugh but um i'm just uh to be honest i
didn't i don't like hold a ton of ton in salona because i'm like not financial
advice don't get you know any like hopes up i'm just like telos maxi in it so um bags i used to
have in salona i just moved them over like i'm still believing in salona and i know that they're
going to be cooking some stuff up but i'm just like what chain do i spend more time on i'm on
telos so anything that happens to salona if there's a potential to short then short there
and transfer that's like yeah yeah that's what we were saying before it's like salona happening
and everybody kind of being like oh but but they've been they've been um up for almost a year it's
like why why are standards so low here so i agree i might be biased but i'm all in on telos but
kiwi are you able to um are you up are you able to talk they
oh no you're rugging unless anybody else could hear gooey
no okay i'm gonna bring you down and then request to speak and then we'll get you back up
beautiful you know spaces and and the technical difficulties really makes you resilient
in this world um but cool okay so moving on we have uh we wanted to kind of get into
feed your monkey um and this is a game on telos let me pin up the tweet here
we have a tournament running and and gooey's gonna get more into it but let's talk about
shubzy jake have you played feed your monkey or have you kind of spoken to the community about it
yeah actually i i was playing feed your monkey for a little bit um i haven't logged in and seen how
my monkey's doing in a bit but i'm definitely going to at this uh after the spaces but um
it's pretty fun actually you get to um stock up on bananas feed your monkeys to make them stronger
and then send them out to battle against other players monkeys you can also uh send your monkeys
out to like explore the jungle to find items and then you essentially use the items to craft
weapons that your monkeys can use in battle so it's it's it's it's a pretty fun game i i could
see it getting addicting um you definitely have to check every now and then to see who's
who's came and like ransacked your monkey or um see what items you found in the jungle so
there's definitely definitely some really cool factors that is very cutthroat hey like
yeah yeah am i back am i back dude you're back dude hey so sorry but it's true it's true it is
pretty cutthroat you can build a sword for your monkey it's it's it's insane um i haven't gotten
there yet i i don't have enough exp to like build those things and then grinding for um i think i
think what is it uh the not coal but um is it like a like fire starter kits so that you can um
so that you can make steel is or iron actually uh takes a bit of time but but i'll get there
i'll get there i want a sword so what a noob yeah i mean i always i always refer to future
monkey as like the most d gen game that we've got on telos right now um and and maybe i'm just uh
just trying to i know twitter's been ruggin here and hoping to have ash from the team come up and
and talk about it but maybe while we're waiting i'll talk about um we've got up in the nest there
up at the top um we've actually got a an airdrop campaign that we're we're running with them right
now where if you fulfill the quests and they're they're very simple it's just the kind of making
sure that you're um you know in their telegram uh provide your wallet you uh there's like a fun
you know add a violent monkey to the tweet as it were um where if you complete the tasks you're
gonna get 500 uh free bananas to like basically get you started in the game which is like more
than enough to get going um and we really wanted to make sure that like it was easy for folks to
to kind of get in and play it's it's a browser-based game too so it's like it's very very easy to play
if you've got an evm wallet um and basically like yeah like you guys are saying it's it's
just violence against each other as monkeys and it's super addictive and super easy to play and
it reminds me a lot of the like um i don't know if anybody played like any of the kind of like
browser-based games back in the early 90s or late 90s early 2000s um it just really has that vibe to
it and i find it's like i go down a rabbit hole like just fighting every monkey i'm able to
um and i i don't know i i'm just enamored with the game i think it's like it's a very fun uh
fun way to just like i don't know you know have a little beef with some folks the telegram's
really popping um i i really enjoy kind of like uh the vibe that everybody in that telegram as
it were so make sure you you go and check it out can you guys hear me yet hey there she is yes
i'm just a monkey hitting buttons you know i'm trying to make it work well uh pappy yulan's just
been ragging us all morning so it's uh i'm glad we got it all sorted i've heard things about spaces
i've never had to speak on one so you know i i'm just going with it oh this is fantastic well
thanks so much for for coming up and uh and giving us a bit of your time i really appreciate it um
so yeah maybe let's like cut right into it um i'd love to know um first like how you got into kind
of crypto in general and then maybe we could kind of quickly talk about uh the history of future
monkey before we kind of get into the nitty-gritty of the campaign yeah yeah i actually i'm like kind
of a weird case i i was working on satellites and i got my masters and decided to take a career
pivot and somehow i ended up at a blockchain network i'm like what the hell is this there
it was just like this wild like different space uh it's just like the the whole culture behind
blockchains and crypto uh i kind of got like into this hyper focus like tunnel of learning about all
the things and um i was doing business development and feed your monkey cross my path shortly after
they had released and i just got drawn in it's just a vibe in there like i was saying i i really
like um i like how a reverent monkey is all the time in the chat he's just uh he's a force he's
great yeah and and especially in like the crypto space um he's he doesn't filter himself and it's
just someone i'm just like yeah he's gonna tell me exactly how he feels and that's very comforting
to me even if you know he's a monkey about it maybe especially because he's a monkey about it
well and i think what's like really refreshing about feature monkey and monkey is um just like
it seems like all all you guys do is build over there it's like there there's you know a lot of
projects do the inverse where all they do is talk about it and there's so little substance but it's
like there really is you know a fully flash show game that i feel like is really well balanced
in terms of like how the tokens and how the gameplay kind of all interact and it's yeah it's
just really nice to see you know a team that is putting all the work into like making a really
great product rather than just sitting there talking about it yeah and i think i think that's
kind of part of it is you know monkey is a great dev and he's been really passionate about working
on antelope and the antelope coalition like we have the feed your monkey out we started off
on eos and then that was last july and then he built on telos and wax and i think it was october
that he released and and then he's kind of moved on to now we can have users start on telos evm and
that's really smoothed out the onboarding process but then he's still the game runs off of telos
native so we can take advantage of things like the session key so we don't have people paying
as much gas and signing as many transactions and even though the whole game is on the blockchain
it's it's a lot you can't really tell as a user when you're signed in on the session key so it's
it's pretty great yeah i definitely like when jesse showed me how to set that all up um
like i really think it's one of the it might be the first game actually on telos to like start
leveraging the session key and like really gave me that glimpse into how games can be played
without signing every single bloody transaction yeah and another cool thing um is that you in
the session that you're in when you sign in to feed your monkey you actually can battle monkeys
from um you know telos wax like and then we bridged using oh no sorry it's telos um telos evm
and then also finance since we've bridged to finance using telos evm and so all the monkeys
that you see are from all of these chains and it's not just separate a separate instance
oh i love it so you can basically just like be hitting across any chain that you you know
if there if there's a player in the queue yeah like if you have a friend on binance and they
create a monkey over you know using the binance banana um they they can fight your monkey even
if you're using telos evm oh man that's great i didn't even know about that so yeah yeah so
all those names that you see in the fight your monkey like fight a monkey list or your opponents
list those are those are all those monkeys they're in the same pool um so yeah it's it's
just kind of a glimpse and the you know maybe some things to come and and we are planning to
you know continue bridging and i really i really do like one of the biggest issues
with you know blockchain gaming is really the onboarding experience and i really do like how
it's smoothed out with telos evm um you know we users log on using metamask and then you know
since the game runs off of native we create that native account um and being able to use
the session key and morph kit and all that it's it's pretty great monkey's done some cool stuff
let's go well maybe this is a great way to kind of bleed in i i touched on a little bit but um
getting into the airdrop campaign that we're running this week um which i i think is like a
really great opportunity for anybody in the room um please go check it out but wanted to make sure
that this was kind of accessible to everybody and give you the first you know first hits free baby
uh kind of vibe where you're able to win some bananas drop into the game um and then maybe
it's also a great time to kind of talk about what's what's up for grabs next week too
yes and i wanted to mention we're going to try to add a spot in the airdrop campaign where you can
add your monkey's name and that'll help us track you during the tournament but so yeah the
the airdrop i'm sorry what did you ask um about the airdrop um well maybe it's worth more getting
into like why um like obviously we want folks to be signing up for this uh there's up to 100
people that can be getting this free airdrop so there is a limited space in it and um the
price of banana has just kind of gone bonkers since i first started playing the game too so
oh yeah um it's a really good sometimes um yeah right hundred is great because so you can join
the game and i've released in our telegram channel i've given i've gone ahead and put the
first iteration of our tutorial video and that'll kind of get you started and and so we have mining
accounts in the game that are just prey monkeys that are just easy to defeat as long as you have
a higher weight which is you're holding more bananas than them uh they'll they'll help you
start accumulating experience and then to start exploring the jungle you need at least 300 bananas
and 50 experience so after you've gone and fight fought a couple of the prey monkeys you're ready
to start getting your resources so you can like start dual wielding your nail bats or katanas
whatever your style is but 500 bananas is a great amount to just get you started in battling
and to be able to start exploring the jungle yeah and there's so like there's so many kind of
multi layers to how you can experience the game i like it took me a while to like figure out how
to explore the jungle but i really found that like i was just like i'd have it going i'd be
watching that counter on the timer uh ready to send them and ship them back out right away
yeah that's kind of like the idle game aspect of this too is just you know being able to send your
monkey out on their exploration and grab those resources kind of incentivizing users to log in
more and check on things more um and while you explore so your monkey isn't available to be
attacked unless you've a attacked another monkey or sometimes exploring the jungle opens you up
for an attack so it kind of incentivizes users to keep logging on to keep fighting to keep being
available to fight for others uh and and yeah and the more experience you have so the more you
wreck other monkeys the shorter your exploration times are let's go let's go so let's get into um
like the the tournament that's going to be happening next week so we've got uh prizes for
first second and third that are going to be handed out um the first is approximately 100
bucks worth of bananas it's a pretty big bag second place is going to be approximately 50 bucks
and third place is going to be approximately 25 in bananas so there's there's some real cash
money on the line but there's also going to be some um some daily rewards maybe that's a good
place to start yeah so our our tournament is going to run from and i'm sorry i'm on the east coast
so the times i give are going to be in eastern time so we're going to start on sunday the 11th
at 3 p.m eastern and it's going to the tournament will end on friday the 16th at 3 p.m and so first
second and third place is going to be for the entire span of the tournament and that's going
to go to the top experience earners and then the daily the daily prizes of it's just over 3000
bananas per that's going to be for the users that have generated the most peels on that given day
and peels are generated by consuming energy and so oh by consuming bananas as energy so when you go
exploring you have to eat bananas to explore the jungle and that's kind of our burn mechanism
and our tokenomics and and so those peels are generated as you eat those bananas so
and um you also you also consume bananas when you craft and when you fight other monkeys
let's go let's go what's what's been your like um your your winning streak look like when you've
been playing oh my gosh um i have several monkeys but um but yeah i've been i've been i don't know
how this happened but somehow i i don't know if i'm currently i need to look at the leaderboard
this morning but i was alpha monkey that was just going in like i was just logging in a lot
more and wrecking monkeys and i'm like how does this happen because you know it's i mean i should
i should probably act like it's less of an accident i mean obviously i'm a great monkey
what i think i saw somebody in the chat had had racked up something like 450 fights too um yeah
i mean not not hard to do uh given how addictive the game is but i i really like i keep coming back
to you how um i kind of mentioned it at the you know the top of the the interview here where
it kind of feels like an early 2000s internet game like from back in the day i'm trying to
think of what the like alien alien farm i think is the one i played that it feels like oh my god
you played that yeah yeah yeah yeah as soon as i started playing this i was like oh man there's
so much nostalgia and it takes me back oh my god for real yeah i know i actually used to play that
too it made me think of that i love like online tech space games when i was younger and and i
think as we go forward i really don't want to lose that feel but we are we are adding a lot more to
the game that's so funny you played that but you know we're going to be adding more enough teas
well we're going to add enough tea so we don't have them out yet and you know farming uh really
trying to incentivize people to contribute to the liquidity pool
hey guys just testing if i wrote did i rug or or did it go silent i think the the spaces
might have went silent i don't know what it is about today ash shrugged a bit okay she's probably
going to come up i was wondering if it was me i didn't want to interrupt um but as we wait for ash
to come back up it's it's so funny to see kind of it's cool i really am stoked about this tournament
and what's going to come from it um it's funny to see like you know you can't get attacked
if you don't attack another monkey i like this karma element of everything um oh here we have ash
hey ash can you uh can you hear us okay
yes sorry your victim to your first spaces it's like a rightest passage that you have to rug i'm
so sorry it got really awkward for me for a second because i thought i just talked too
much and everyone went quiet yeah i was i was wondering if i ragged or not but i know gooey i
think he ragged as well but sorry it probably missed like i want to say like 10 to 15 seconds
of what you were talking about so um if you want to get back into it and then we can go from there
oh geez i don't even know where it cut me off um
i guess if anyone could tell me where i last left off we were talking about um how you know you're
going to be the last thing uh you said is that you're going to be adding nfts and you're going
to be building on top of feature monkey yeah so some of our future updates um right now we are
working on our farming update which we are adding nfts as part of that we're looking for ways of
incentivizing our users to start contributing to the liquidity pool and be rewarded and so those
nfts will be part of that uh we also after we have our farming update we're looking at ways of
improving our monkey battling of course adding monkey nfts because how can you have a monkey
game without monkey nfts um and and really adding a lot more weapons uh so we have a lot of really
fun updates coming and we're really excited for it we're you know upping like we're updating all
of our art uh we have a lot of really fun things to share with the community
yeah it's really refreshing to see a project like future monkey beyond telos and build the
way that you guys are building it really feels like you guys are building with a community first
approach and what you're doing is is very unique um and it's really well thought out and it's cool
to see how you're going to continue to build this and kind of be a pioneer a pioneering game on
telos we really appreciate that like that's that's something that's really important uh when i talk
to monkey because we've been you know we've been pitching to investors and everything and and we
we talk about like revenue mechanisms and everything and we we really think it's so
important to be able to reward our community because we value users you know interacting with
the space and and playing and giving us their time and you know creating memes in the chats and
like we really want to nurture that kind of environment too yeah it's funny it's it's what
gooey said first about the the community it's like the telegram is a killer and people are
very active there but i see you're back gooey hello check check is it working this time yeah
beautifully oh my god what a day what a day i'm so sorry about this ash um yeah i i kind of going
back to the the browser kind of conversation that we had there and and why i think feed your monkey
has really taken my heart and obviously the the hearts of others that are playing it is
but like i think there's this narrative right now in in web3 gaming where it's like you gotta have
the best shiniest graphics you have to have you know the most advanced controls and and be on the
cutting edge but i really feel like you guys are are leading the way in keeping that that gameplay
very basic and easy for anybody to drop into but kind of building on on top of it from there and
i think that's why um you know why people persistently play the game and why i think like this is like
a really great play to be doing a cross chain too because you're really uniting communities
in in kind of two separate places all under one banner that like you just don't really see that
happening um in a lot of games that are out there right now so i just i i got nothing for love but
feed your monkey and i i can't wait to like see how you guys are rolling out nfts and and really
updating the the art and and everything else as it were yeah we really appreciate that like it's
it's definitely an interesting space as someone that's been a gamer my whole life um well yeah
yeah since i was three uh getting into like blockchain games has been really interesting
um it's it's really an interesting balance of oh we have this economy that we have to design
and then it has to be really well integrated you know into this gameplay it has to just make sense
and i think that's so much fun you know it's like when i was younger you know i used to be one of
those kids that would you know play the end game economies like you know i would play the auction
house and world of warcraft and loved it when i did trading in diablo and so it's uh it's kind
of fun to do this on a in a different way let's go let's go well again anybody in the room that's
interested in in participating the links are up above there in the nest for how to participate
in the airdrop and then say you've already got them you know you've already got a monkey ready
to get cooking and you've played the game as well make sure that you participate next week in the
tournament it's going to be pretty action-packed i think and again real real cash prizes up on the
line here for you to win and i i mean being the top monkey is is a bit of a flex too so um definitely
get in there get trying the game and then also i know actually you've been working on a tutorial
as well where can folks um find that just in case they wanted to you know get a better working
knowledge of how to get into the game yes so for now just join our telegram i have it posted in
our telegram i'm going to be posting it to our socials later today um and also just join our
telegram just to talk and interact with the community and and um we can help you with
any questions you may have or if you need help getting started let's go let's go well i so
appreciate you taking some time out of the day to talk about this ash yeah thanks for having us
yeah it's been really wonderful to chat and get to know you a little better and know about what's
going on with feed your monkey so uh again everybody please make sure you check out the
campaign and make sure you get into that telegram because that's where that's where it's cooking
oh yeah so i posted feed your monkey their account up in the nest so be sure to give
them a follow and yeah keep an eye out for the campaign thank you so much ash um i know
that we're we're winding down to the last five minutes but before i saw jake your hands up
your hand was yeah i i did have a question for ash and this might be too much alpha
so it's okay if you can't share it with me but the mushrooms and the figs any plans for those
so the the figs are actually used in the starve pills i make jokes because on my eos monkey i have
like my inventory is almost exclusively filled with pills so i just have like a monkey dispensary
over there but uh the mushrooms nah i'm not yet i can the the joke is just you get a mushroom and
you throw it away but but soon i've been holding on to mine just in case you know like one of one
of my friends jokes that his monkey's gonna eat them and he's gonna have like a third eye and
and have magical monkey powers so i'm all for that i'll wait for it
i love that it's like the stone dape theory um that's really cool um cool okay so in the last
a couple minutes we'll we'll get into the the rest of the telos news thank you so much ash and i'm
excited to see you know what comes from this campaign and and what uh ai generated monkeys
are produced from this too it's gonna be funny um but yeah moving on uh we have the baba collection
uh bebba i think oh they were in the audience um some news around them so the first part of their
drop minted out um this is pretty exciting we had them on the uh the show a couple weeks ago
and check out their uh their profile and please give them a follow this is a link to a physical
product a physical bag this is a a real world brand um that are kind of creating these nfts
that are going to be a part like also a physical piece so um check it out i know gooey did you uh
did you get involved in in this first round oh yeah i done minted um i got uh five of the
the commons that dropped out there i just love the art so much and i'm actually plotting on a bag
too because i'm just a a real slut for backpacks as it were apart pardon my language
um yeah the art is so sick i'm a huge fan of the art
yeah the art is great i uh this morning when i woke up i went ahead and minted minted five i
i thought i thought that was so cool that that you can kind of collect them all i i was worried that
maybe um i'd only be able to snag one but i got them my favorite right now is uh
mount kilimanjaro and the giraffe i think those those are so cool to me
it's a style yeah i think there's still a few available to you so if um
i think if you haven't collected them make sure you head over there and grab a couple
let go and on top of that i i do see that um they're using uh i guess um altera's white
label marketplace which is which is really cool i'd never really been able to see that in action
until today it works smooth it's pretty good minting experience let's go bullish on tell us
nft's i just love that like we're really doing a lot of different stuff over here and i think
nathan i know we had him on the show a couple weeks now ago or was it last week um and and
just like the the whole mission behind this i like it's just so easy to get behind so
big shout out to nathan for for making a really cool and innovative project
yeah agreed i think it's cool like to your point gooey like to see how far you know tell us that
nft's has come like today we're featuring feed your monkey we're featuring beba two completely
different projects but still building on on telos and we have kind of the our flagship
project coming out takika and things are rolling with that um actually as an update for that uh
we're doing our artist reveal party uh february 17th so this is going to be an in real life event
and we're going to be showcasing the artists we have building out the takika nft's um and so for
anybody who doesn't know what takika is um this is the project that's going to be a flagship
telos project that gamifies um the experience of interacting with the telos blockchain
and it follows it's a it's a narrative-based game and it includes dynamic nfts so we're in the
process of building this out and we're going to be dropping some sneak peeks as time goes by
um but as this event comes up there'll be some some drops as well so definitely take a look
uh we've pinned up the event if you're in the toronto area be sure to come by i see nfto is
it a partner uh of this event with us actually um as a listener and we have john another transonian
um so yeah if you are in the toronto area or know somebody definitely forward it their way
it's going to be a party it'll be really cool um and yeah if you want to see a little bit more
about our artists to see the pinned tweet uh up top um you know our artist his name is mute and
he has a ton of experience within nfts but he's just an artist through and through like you can
tell he does this out of passion and he is so talented so we're so excited to showcase him
here and and drop more information on him and i think it's worth noting too right now you can go
to the um telus discord and in the tikika section you can get an og roll which i would definitely
suggest going over there and getting um it's only going to be open for uh you know a bit more
amount of time so if you haven't gotten it head over there and you're also going to get like any
kind of alpha in terms of what's happening with tikika at first so if if you want to get in on it
and i don't know why you wouldn't make sure you head on over um and grab that og roll
okay hell yeah cool okay um well i know time is up so just wanted to thank everybody for joining
on the space joining in as a speaker um we have these spaces every week where we talk about you
know telus news but we also talk about web3 news um and just want to start a conversation about it
so i appreciate it appreciate ash coming up and speaking you're always welcome at our spaces
and i hope everybody has a good day have a great one folks see you next week have a nice