Welcome, Bea. Thanks for being so punctual.
Hello, hello. Thanks for having me.
Always a pleasure. I'm just going to vibe out here for a few minutes. Please retweet the room if you're just entering. We're going to be talking about using Crop House for token emissions for DAOs and communities. So it should be an interesting chat. Please retweet that room. I'm going to post it in a couple more discords here and we'll get started in a few minutes.
I'm going to post it in a few minutes.
Thank you for entering. Thank you for coming. Please retweet the room and we're just going to vibe out for a couple more minutes here, give people a chance to join before we start with this conversation.
Welcome, everybody, to PropHouse Weekly.
As the name implies, it's a weekly space that we talk about PropHouse.
Today, we're going to be talking about using PropHouse for token emissions.
It means PropHouse being used as a way to essentially, well, emit the tokens for a DAO or a community instead of using something like BuilderDAO or, you know, a 10K PFP Mint.
There are communities that have and that are using PropHouse as a way to distribute out those tokens to the community.
And we've got representatives from four of them here today.
Well, three now and one joining later.
So excited to chat with them and get their perspectives.
If you're just joining, please retweet the room.
Always helps to remind people about the conversation that we are having here.
Just want to welcome all of our guests.
Beauty and the Punk, sorry.
She is beautiful, but Beauty and the Punk here.
That is the most awkward yet adoring introduction I have ever had.
We've got Matas here as well from UmaDAO.
We have Mano from NounsDAO Amigos.
And I've got JP here as well, who's also from Nouns Brazil, but having trouble getting him to join.
So, JP, you might have to go out and come back.
And then we also have someone from the Vesselverse community who's joining us in a little bit, just finishing up a work meeting.
So, why don't we start with Nouns Brazil.
Bea, can you tell us a little bit of background on Nouns Brazil, how it got started, and just for anyone listening so that they know what we're talking about?
It's always nice to talk about the things we love, right?
So, yeah, thanks for having me just blabbing about it.
Yeah, Nouns Brazil started because, well, at the time I was the only Brazilian nouner.
And I loved what we were doing with Nouns.
And knowing my Brazilian friends and colleagues and just the community overall, I know we're builders.
I know we have amazing ideas.
And there's a saying in Brazil, like, you get milk out of stones because you're just so resourceful.
So, I knew that we could bring this there and we could get a lot of amazing things done.
So, I was also a bit inspired by Nouns Japan at the time.
We didn't have that many, you know, sub-DAOs and they were also sort of a source of inspiration.
So, we came up with the idea of doing a one-week event in Brazil, in several cities in Brazil, to introduce nouns to the public.
And to get more people interested in Web3, in DAOs, in, of course, nouns.
So, we got the, we were granted the funds to do the week.
But, again, we managed to get milk out of stones and we managed to do much more than a week.
We got such a great community involved with all the projects that we have for the week of events.
And out of that, we managed to even hire a dev.
We didn't do it through the Builder.
So, we have our fork up and running.
And we managed to fund props by ourselves as well, like a surfer, a skater.
So, we have some funding that we have done in collaboration with the eSports pod.
There was just so much to do.
And so many synergies with other sub-DAOs, which is really cool.
So, now we want to use PropHouse to show people that you don't have to be resilient to join this DAO.
I'm not Brazilian and I joined the DAOs.
And also, we want to share our tokens and bring members to this community.
And we want to have props printed in English at the DAO.
We want to have members of all cultures in all countries.
We just share all these noun-ish vibes, right?
So, I think it's a great way for us to be able to gather more people to take part in it.
Actually, you kind of reminded me of something that I wanted to summarize before we got into all the different projects.
So, maybe I'll take a minute to do that now, which is just that the four different projects that we're talking with today, they've all taken sort of a different tact or different strategy in how to use PropHouse to distribute their tokens.
So, in the case of Nouns Brazil, you do have a Nounish fork and that's where the tokens are distributed.
But you're also using PropHouse right now with your open round to distribute tokens to prop builders, too.
So, I do want to ask you about that in a few minutes when we come back to it.
But just wanted to sort of clarify that.
Whereas, when we speak to Matas from Umadao in a bit, they've done something a little bit different where it is actually the only emission method for the project.
So, the only way you can own an Uma token is by winning a PropHouse round or convincing someone to sell one to you, which I don't think any have ever been listed.
So, that's going to be pretty difficult.
So, Matas will tell us about that.
Nouns Down Amigos has done something similar to using PropHouse as the sole emission method for their tokens.
And then Vesselverse has done sort of a combination similar to what Nouns Down Brazil is doing, where they're doing PropHouse rounds, where the prizes are a combination of ETH and tokens to sort of align their community.
So, I'm excited to sort of explore all the different ways that it's being used, but just wanted to highlight that before coming back to you guys.
So, maybe you can tell us a little bit about why you decided to go with Nouns Fork in the first place for the actual DAO?
Well, first of all, we weren't sure when Builders was coming out because it was never a hard deadline.
Like, it should be around this time.
It should be around this time.
So, we wanted to invest the funds to get, like, a full fork also for our community.
And we have great DAOs, which is great.
We have great artists that did the great art.
And we just had all the tools.
And luckily, we had the money to fund the DAO like this.
It was, yeah, it was more of a, we needed to do it this way because we didn't know when the opportunity would rise to build with Builder.
But in any case, I'm really proud of the way that we managed to build it and that we have a full fork.
I think it's pretty cool.
And one thing that you guys did really well, I think, as an outsider looking in, is you built that community up from the ground up without any kind of token or any other incentives by doing those IRL activations that you talked about.
In the different Brazilian cities.
And, you know, every time I was hearing about things that were going on in Downs in Brazil, it was just on fire.
Like, I know there's a lot of stuff happening there between you guys and NARS and lots of other groups.
Love to see all the activity going on in Brazil.
How has the auction been going so far?
The auction is doing well.
I have to say, I'm quite proud that we have over 10 E's in our treasury.
For a young DAO, that's, you know, that's hard to worry.
And I have to, you know, give credit where credit is due.
A lot of this amazing work on community building has been done by JP, JP, that's here with us.
We know that around here.
Yeah, he's an amazing guy.
Yeah, so, yeah, that's really cool.
I think the fork came out of a wish of the community to have the fork.
And that is, it really was built for the community, you know, by the community, for the community.
Everyone wanted it and we got together and, you know, we brainstormed what would be the best way to do it.
And, yeah, managed to get it done in time.
Well, one thing that I think you guys did really well with regards to the fork is being really thoughtful about your art.
That was something that blew me away because there's so much going on in the nouniverse that sometimes it's easy to miss things if you're immersed in certain corners.
But as soon as I saw, you know, maybe one tweet with a picture of one of the, you know, one of the NFTs that you guys were auctioning off, I was like, oh, that's really interesting.
And it caught my eye right away because the art was so nounish but also so unique.
And I think Ilustradora and Zeznista and whoever else worked on that did a really good job of imparting Brazilian culture into sort of a nounish aesthetic.
Thank you. It was a lot of work.
It was Zeznista that did the trades.
And actually, someone else that did a couple of trades who is not Brazilian, but he did a couple of trades because he's a good friend, is Fakou.
Yes, you know, he did the barrel head and the vending machine heads that won the last round of new trades for nouns.
I think he was also involved with the art for noun BA, which is another one of my favorite.
Forks from an art perspective.
I'm pretty sure him and Emiyoko worked on that one.
So we have so many talented artists.
Yeah, and we're lucky to have these people around us.
So I was talking to Fakou and he did a couple of mock-ups for me.
Because he's not Brazilian.
So I gave him a couple of ideas and he came back to me.
And then with that, then we spoke to Zeznista.
And then we had a huge list of trades, of possibilities.
And some of them, he was like, there's no way we can do this.
The cataratas that we were through.
So where the three waterfalls, like the three borders of countries that meet.
Oh, I haven't seen that one.
There's no way we can do that.
You know, also the details.
You know, not only the, you know, main trace of the head.
But it's so interesting to sit down and think of all the accessories that you're going to have.
Of different knoggles that you can think of.
So shifting gears from the art.
And everyone should go check it out.
You can do so by hitting the pin in the top there.
I believe there's a link to the NounsBR site.
But let's talk a little bit about the Prop House round that's open right now.
The deadline is February 11th.
It's been on for a few days.
And it's just a fun one, basically.
Asking people to submit pictures of their nounified pets.
Look, what could go wrong?
And top 10 will win one NounsBrasil token each.
Which is, you know, DAO membership.
And also a voting token for the next round.
First of all, what sort of prompted you guys to want to use Prop House as sort of a secondary dispersion method for your tokens?
And I guess the second one I would ask is how are you actually doing that?
Like, do you have tokens going to a certain wallet with, like, built-in fork that's designed for this type of thing?
So if you could answer both of those, that'd be awesome.
So I'm going to start by the letter.
And yes, we do have specific tokens in a specific wallet.
And that's from the NounsBras wallet.
Like, they have the NounsBras from the Nouns.
And we have the NounsBrasil, which are the three of us.
You know, myself, Komi, and Quixote.
And we decided to use some of the funds that we had left over, which wasn't much, but we did.
And with the money that we had left over, we decided to put it in the treasury.
What better way to do it, right?
And then the community decides what to do with the money.
And then we thought, we can just send the money to the treasury.
Or, shall we buy tokens and distribute them to the community?
Because it's also unreasonable for the tokens to stay with us.
Because it's not our money.
So we decided to do that.
We bought the tokens and now we can distribute them to onboard people.
I think it was just, I think it was the cleverest way we could think of to inject money in the treasury
and bring people to our community.
You know, just to wrap them both together.
So that's what we decided to do.
And the community decided on the amount of tokens that would be bought with the money.
So how much we would pay by each.
It was a joint decision here with the community.
Because before we completely let go of decision making, we started making decisions together.
It was like a taking the training wheels off kind of thing.
Because it doesn't make sense to have a DAO that has, you know, bosses.
It just doesn't make sense.
And we never wanted to be that.
But you need someone to just to hold it and nurture it and make it work.
And, like, build the bike for them to take the training wheels off, I guess.
So we were the ones, like, building the bike.
And now the community is riding it.
So it was the idea to distribute the tokens through this wallet.
So we do have the tokens in that wallet.
And I forget the first question.
No, I think that answers both, actually.
It's just why you decided to go that route.
And maybe we can call on JP.
We've got JP here as well.
What do you hope the community will gain from, you know, giving out tokens like DAO tokens to the winners of this prop house round instead of, you know, a small portion of ETH or something?
Are you guys listening to me?
But you're muted yourself.
Maybe he's having trouble with Twitter today.
JP, you want to try again?
No, he doesn't want to talk to us, Tony.
I think he's going to be getting a little bit out.
Twitter can be cruel mistress sometimes, doesn't want to cooperate.
We'll try one more time because he did just leave and come back.
Is the speaker connecting?
Hey, Tony and B, thank you for the words.
So for me, the best part of distributing tokens on prop house is that we have a lot of community members that cannot afford.
Even the tokens are cheap.
So we can make them be part of the community.
And it's good for the community itself because we can expose it to more people on prop house.
As a builder, I discovered a lot of DAOs on prop house.
So we believe that more people, more builders will discover us there.
And as I said, for our community members that cannot afford the token, they can join us as well.
So it's kind of like DAO sweat equity option, essentially.
You can work your way into the DAO by participating.
Any final words that you'd like to share about Nasdaq Brazil and what you have going on before we move on to Matas to talk about Umada?
You know, Brazil is awesome.
Do you know, extreme sports?
There's so many amazing people to connect to.
And if they don't speak English, that's another thing.
For example, I think it was with Ilustradora that was, I'm not sure how her English is at the moment, but there was some communication issues.
And someone asked Comet to step in and make some translations and we'll do that.
Oh yeah, I've seen that a lot.
Actually, the last two spaces that we had here for prop house, we had some Brazilian artists to come and speak about their builder DAO proposals.
And JP was happy to jump in and translate for Dora and for Devinvest, two of the other builders.
So definitely see that community spirit a lot from the Brazilian DAOs.
And I'm looking forward to see people joining with, you know, Nounish pets to, you know, be able to join our DAO.
I was just going to say, it's the best and easiest way to join Nounish DAO Brazil.
I mean, if you have a pet and you put naugles on it, it's a pretty easy way to get into the DAO.
Of course, you have to have a cute pet.
So you have to have a cute pet.
Even if it's not you, that might be part of it.
Even if it's, you know, a very ugly pet.
It can go all the way back around the ugly cute.
Yeah, JP hosted the spaces, has been hosting a space called Bora Buildar Brazil every week.
And this week's space went like, what did it go, like two and a half hours, three hours or something, JP?
So definitely lots of activity happening in Brazil.
And thank you for making Prop House a part of the growth of the DAO.
Thank you for, you know, thank you for making Prop House available to us.
You know, it's amazing to have the option to have this tool in our community.
Thank you so much for the builders.
So we're going to shift gears here.
Thank you to the folks from Nouns Brazil for talking to us about their strategy and using Prop House as a secondary way of emitting their tokens for their DAO.
So we're going to chat now with Matas from Umadao.
Before we do that, I see quite a few people have joined since we started our conversation.
If you don't mind retweeting the room just so people can see the conversation we're having here.
Maybe they've forgotten they'd like to join.
Matas, welcome to the stage, sir.
Excited to talk about Umadao.
You guys are the OGs in the sense that you were the first project to ever use Prop House for this purpose as the emission method for your DAO.
Do you want to talk a little bit about how Umadao came to be and why you decided to use Prop House this way?
I got the big smile on my face seeing a space about a trend that I feel we can take the credit for starting.
I think that's fair to say, sure.
So, yeah, how the idea came up.
Basically, it was just, I was thinking about distribution mechanisms of NFTs especially.
And the classic way is this big kind of seed round at the very beginning and you raise money from 10,000 people.
And then you're expected to provide value with that money and possibly bring back more value than you got from those people.
That's been most projects.
Then Nounstow challenged that distribution mechanism with this slow, constant mint.
And, well, with Umadao, it's an experiment at almost short-cutting, taking the ETH out between raising the money and then using the money, deploying the money to provide value.
And it's just, the idea is tokens go directly to those people who build up value for token holders.
So, yeah, a community of builders that could and now is building itself.
So, for anyone who doesn't know, who might be here or listening in, Uma No Copyright was a character designed by David Horvath and Sun Min Kim.
And it was actually the very first CC0 character to be made into an NFT.
So, it actually predates Nouns by a couple months.
And so, why did the community from Uma Matas decide to come to Nouns Prop House?
Is it just because of, like, the alignment of sort of values?
Or what made you guys think of coming to Prop House in terms of doing this versus doing it some other way?
And I just checked in preparation for this talk, my early DMs with Seneca, who's in the audience right now.
Well, I started it and I basically had it ready, like this minting page with an updatable allow list.
And I started it and I very quickly realized that this would need some organization, a platform that would make it easy for people to propose what they were going to do.
And that that wasn't possible just, I don't know, on Discord or something like that.
I realized that very, very early.
So, I reached out to Seneca and Prop House.
The Prop House team very graciously let us experiment.
And since then, we've stuck with Prop House.
I like the way that you put it earlier when you talked about sort of taking out the middleman of not needing to sort of go through the rigmarole of paying builders with ease
to have them buy the token, just give them the token direct.
I think that's a good way of putting it.
Well, it's a very interesting experiment.
And there's things that are great and some downsides, too.
But it's an interesting path we're taking.
And what I'm very happy to see is that this started eight months or so ago.
And some things I was secretly or not so secretly hoping for back then are happening now.
We have a treasury wallet, a multi-sig that was set up by a community member.
Well, and we have some ETH in there, which is crazy for a project that doesn't take ETH for its NFTs.
We have a modest, but nice.
So how did that get in there?
Some community members proposed or just did it from themselves.
For example, I see Scomra in the community.
Some people would start open editions, UMA open editions, and the proceeds would go to the treasury.
Or people would create one of one art and auction it off and would send half of it or all of it to the treasury.
So we're seeing things like that happen, which is amazing.
Very recently, the whole site, umadao.xyz, got a huge upgrade from what I very amateurly put together eight months ago.
So now it's looking nicer.
You can see our treasury there in the corner.
So, yeah, people are really putting a project together from bare bones to something that looks nice, has a treasury, has ETH.
Well, I think you should give yourself some kudos for the consistency because we're looking right now at round 33 of doing this.
It's not easy to do these rounds every single week.
And so appreciate all the effort that you've done there.
And also to your community because every single round you get, you know, people with good ideas to build out the community.
And the only payment is, you know, tokens that allow them to further participate in that community.
So I see that we do have Seneca here.
I'm not sure how long he can be with us.
So maybe we can go to Seneca and just ask for his receipts from those early conversations with Matas to make sure it adds up to what you're saying, Matas.
Yeah, I think the stuff that the topic of the week is the chat is very interesting, especially with with UMA since they've sort of gone pure with token emissions.
I think it's very interesting because I have the sense that that over the long run, the long tail of communities will likely may maybe start out with with this sort of model where ETH is sort of hard to get or USDC for for that matter is hard to get.
And if those are just any other currency, right, I think this sort of thing where you're minting your own currency in order to to get things started is is one very unique to crypto.
And so that sort of opens up a whole bunch of possibilities.
And two, it just sort of lowers the threshold or the barrier to entry at least tenfold, right, where anybody can really mint your your currency.
So I'm very excited by the UMA experiment, likewise for for Brazil and now it's amigos.
And excuse me if I'm missing anybody else.
I'm curious, Matas, what sort of limitations have you seen with the proposals?
I'm curious to hear if if if if there's certain things that are just not possible or rather.
Are there things that surprise you that people were able to do even without ETH, right, just doing something like the social currency?
Yeah, that's that's a great question.
And there's there's things that could be experimented with.
There's there's there's not many other projects doing purely this.
So it's it's hard to tell from other projects experience.
Well, people people talk to me earlier about why not do like multiple UMAs for one proposal and different kind of rounds.
And well, we've we've chosen kind of a more consistent just five a week or up to five a week approach.
So the the sizing of the reward being the same for every single proposal, it could be hindering bigger proposals.
But we've also seen people kind of starting to work on something and they almost get like self-employed at UMA Dow and each week they're just like, well, I worked on I worked on this and you can work on the same thing the next week and get an UMA for it.
So so so so that's a workaround to it.
Other than that, I I haven't really seen like there's things where you would think, oh, you really need money for that.
You really need ETH for that.
But I've seen some like even even a new website or something like a Web3 integrated website that shows the treasury and whatnot and like how many people own UMAs.
I I'm not sure, but I think that would cost quite a bit of money if you wanted to get it done professionally.
It is done professionally, but if you wanted to hire somebody for it.
But people are doing it for UMAs and to participate and to build and there's builders that are not in it just for the ETH and it's it's great to see.
And the cost of something is ultimately what someone's willing to pay.
Right. So I mean, if and what someone's willing to be paid for it.
So if someone's willing to do that kind of a great job for UMAs, then that's the value of an UMA.
Yeah. Well, that's that's something I'm still wrapping my head around.
And the value of an UMA being backed by the work that people put in into UMA for an UMA.
It's it's yeah, it's fun.
I mean, I mean, there's some form of president for this.
Right. Like if you look at how, for example, Bitcoin started.
Right. Nobody was building on top of Bitcoin because they were getting paid.
They were getting they were just building for the for the sake of building similar in other other open source projects.
I don't know, like Farcaster, for example.
There's 20, 30, 40 plus projects by some of the best talent in crypto.
And they're not they're not getting paid anything.
Right. So I think there is like there's a very real thing here that I don't think we formalized yet where instead of getting paid, what is sort of accepted,
meaning because we come from a fiat world, we sort of accept that the only form of currency is is a state backed currencies.
But in this new world, which is is why I mentioned this, this is very crypto native, given that there is a new tool, right, a new way to to make currencies.
You're essentially sort of giving out that whatever that stands for and people are building for that.
Right. Because ultimately, like currencies, whatever value you have is just whatever the community is willing to to do for it.
It's not necessarily pay for it either. Right. So, yeah, super interesting.
And and I'm glad you you've stuck around for so long.
And like Tony said, kudos to you for consistency.
30 plus rounds is no joke.
I think it's the record, isn't it, Seneca? I don't think anyone's done more than more rounds than that yet.
Yeah, I don't think nouns has has even those.
Let me see. We have 20 rounds. Yeah, I think Uma has 30 plus 33. Yeah.
Thank you. Yeah, thank you.
And just on the note of make your own currency, I pinned a tweet to this space that influenced me.
I think it's pre Uma of Punk 6529 saying make your own currency when somebody is almost complaining that they can't do something because they don't have money in the space.
And he's just saying make your own currency.
Well, yeah, that is very crypto native.
And and yeah, there's there's a good case to be made that the ultimate meta for NFT projects is just communities being excited to build for it without without any expectations.
Just yeah, to get to get people excited to build on something.
That's that's that's that's a big thing that not a lot of even big projects managed to do well.
Yeah, what one hasn't been mentioned either, Matas, is just how this kind of a method aligns incentives as well.
And it kind of reminds me of how the Nouners didn't take any payment for all their work on nouns, but rather aligned incentives by taking every 10th noun as payment.
Whereas in your case, literally everybody who's in your community is in that boat where, you know, they're they're only getting paid in Uma.
So the success of Uma is the success of everybody. It's it's an interesting experiment.
Yeah, everybody's on the same page. Me, me included. I'm lucky to get every 10th Uma.
There's there's been some people who made more Umas than me because they just apply every every week.
But it's fun to see. Yeah. And we're in the same boat.
And people have been doing cool stuff. Well, I'm amazed every week at the creativity people put in.
And and sometimes you just get these really creative, really smart people that somehow stumble upon Uma.
And they just they just do something huge for the community.
And it's great to see. But but I think there are not that many projects like Nounish ones are an exception.
But you can't just walk into cool cats or or board a yacht club and start working for and with them.
It's it's not that easy. So it's it's a culmination of, I don't know, CC zero, the distribution mechanism prop house that makes it extremely appealing and easy for builders to engage.
Awesome. Seneca, did you have something to add? I saw you unmuted there for a minute.
No, nothing to add. Congrats, Mattas.
Thank you, Mattas, for coming to talk to us about that. You're welcome back here anytime.
Always love to hear about what's going on with Uma.
Thank you for having me. Appreciate it.
Awesome. We have Mono, Zero X Monographia here from NounsDAO Amigos, and he's going to talk to us a little bit about how NounsDAO Amigos is also using prop house for the emission of their tokens.
And I'm sure Seneca can probably weigh in here as well, because I think, Seneca, you helped them with with sort of the planning and delivery of this.
So, Mono, why don't we start with you and just sort of tell us a little bit about NounsDAO Amigos and how you got your start?
Hey, hey. Hey, thanks, Todi. Hello, everyone.
Yeah, it was well, we started NounsDAO Amigos last year.
We won a prop house round, Nouns prop house round.
So that's cool because that's how we started and that's how we grow in the community.
And, yeah, I was looking at my receipts and I think that there's one person that's constant in those receipts and that person is Seneca.
And, yeah, we were looking for growing the community.
We were doing the Nouns Fair at that time and we wanted to, yeah, we wanted to grow the community, help people to build, help Spanish speakers to build things with nouns.
And we were directly inspired by UMA, of course, and what we introduced here, and thanks to Seneca for guiding us on this, was to use prop house as the minting method for the NounsDAO Amigos tokens.
And also by giving people funds, so people were able to, is able to make proposals to get funded and to get the NounsDAO Amigos token.
And I believe that's a good, great combinations for Spanish speaking builders to, to actually build and to get a, to get this sense of ownership around the community and also to, to get the, the, the resources to, to do, to do so.
I mean, it's, it's, it's, it's incredible how things are going and yeah, it's also important to, to, to take into consideration that we, we mainly are focused on, on, on Latin America.
So, so, so, so, so funding people, it's important to, to get, for them to, to, to build and to, to be part of, of the, of the, of this experiment.
Awesome. And in the two rounds that you've run so far, you've done a combination of small amounts of ETH plus one of your NFTs for your, for your DAO.
Can you speak a little bit about your decision to sort of do a combo of sort of similar to what NounsDAO is doing, maybe a little bit of, of UMA, a little bit of Brazil and what made you choose that route?
Sure. Yeah, sure. Well, we, we want to, to do that combination for the upcoming rounds. We might adjust sometime, but yeah, we, we wanted to, to have the, to get funded and to, to, to build and to get the token.
Because people will, I will, people will get, will engage more and we'll be able to participate in voting for deciding who will get, who will get funded next, who will be part of the, of the, of that decision making process.
So, so yeah, that's a, right now that's a, like an experiment with a small, small amounts and, and the token just to see how people are reacting, how people, what people can do and how people embrace these or, or not.
For sure. I have to throw some flowers your way as well as we did for the Brazil crew earlier and just say that I love the art and how you guys have sort of imbued.
Different cultural elements from different areas of Latin America into the art, but still kept it very nounish, very similarly successful to, to what nouns now Brazil has done.
So kudos to you guys on that. Who, who's doing the art for your project?
Thanks. Thanks. It's a combination between mashup.
Oh, did we lose you there? You were rugged for just a second. We heard you say mashup.
You were rugged for a few seconds. We heard you say mashup and then nothing after that.
Oh, okay. Yeah. Uh, mashup, uh, Ninguna Nube and me, uh, the three of us.
Oh, cool. Awesome. Um, Sanica, did you want to speak a little bit to what it's been like working with Amigos to help them get this up and running?
Yeah. Amigos have, have been great. Mono, uh, Ale, which were the first, uh, Amigos, I believe, where they won the first prop house round, um, to build out the community.
They went on to do, uh, what was it? The hackathon in Mexico, uh, SF, and I believe Columbia. Um, yeah. So it's been, it's been a crazy ride and, and I'm, I'm very happy, um, that, that they've, uh, embarked on, on this journey of, um, creating this sort of sub-dow slash community within nouns, um, to sort of meme the meme in Latin America.
I think they've done a fantastic job and there's just a lot to learn with the experiment. I'm very excited by it. We've been doing it with, um, Japan for, for quite a bit where, uh, through prop house, we do sort of continuous rounds to proliferate, uh, nouns, um, in, in, in certain regions of the world.
I think, uh, Mona's doing a fantastic job. And, uh, like I was saying, it just, there's a lot to learn. Um, I'm sure there's going to be a lot of hiccups when you're giving this sort of governance power to a bunch of people, uh, on a bi-weekly basis or whatever it may be.
But the important thing is that they are experimenting, right? That they are seeing, um, what are the results? What are the, the flaws, et cetera. So we can sort of improve on going.
And personally, I think this sort of thing, uh, as we're seeing it now through Brazil, through, um, kind of America, Japan, of course, UMA, I think this is this, while we don't have it in, in like clear terms yet what the final form is, I do think there is, this is the sort of route to, to have, for example, within nouns, um, maybe 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 sub communities, all with varying interest, right?
So Latin America, Japan, sure, they're, they're regions, but you can imagine this for, for different sort of things, right? Like nouns, art, nouns, tech, nouns, dancing, nouns, whatever. So, um, yeah, overall, just very happy that Mono has, has jumped into, to nouns and stuck with us and just excited to see what unfolds with, with prop house as a minting mechanism.
Mono, I really love what you guys did for your second round, which was, uh, thanks. Yeah. I'm, I'm excited to, to see, uh, what would happen with, uh, with this experiment. So, but yeah, um, very exciting.
Very cool. We've got, uh, Ninguna here as well. Thank you for joining us. Also a member of Nasdao Amigos.
That's, uh, Ale, who's also sort of the, the founder with Mono, who's kicked off everything from the, from the very, very early days.
Very cool, Ale. Thanks for joining us. Is there anything that you'd like to add about, uh, what Amigos are up to?
Hi, thank you. Uh, no, we're just like very, very excited about, uh, I think also aligned with, with Uma's vision about
just building for the sake of the community. And we, I think, uh, there's a lot of projects in the community
that are, that, that are born because of the context, uh, Latin America countries live in.
So I think we're going to get a lot of variety of projects. Um, I think that's very interesting. And yeah,
people are reacting, uh, very positively. So thanks. And we'll see what keeps coming.
I really liked what you guys did for your second round with the meetups. That was a cool idea. So
their second round was basically Nounish meetups in, in, uh, Latin America. So eight people won,
won prizes, including Amigos, NFTs, and, and Samith, uh, to throw a meetup in, in their area. And I,
one thing I was really impressed by reading through them is all the different, like the, the varied
geography, uh, of the, the people who submitted. So you guys really are, um, you know, you're affecting,
uh, a pretty wide audience of, of Latin American Nounish people. So that's great.
Um, yeah, exactly. I think that's, uh, very, very, um, exciting for us to kind of bring people
together and not think just about every country to, we're trying to kind of have a mindset where
we can think from our local context and community, but also think for the whole region from Spanish
speaking people and Latin America, and also globally, like we have different levels in which
people can think their projects. And I think that will be very interesting that we can combine
all these kinds of, um, yeah, like levels of reach, um, engage, not just for each country, but as a whole
region and also as a, um, like all of us wearing like the Nouns flag and what this started to mean
for everyone, that's going to be something very fun to find out.
Awesome. Thank you, Ale and Mano for taking the time to come chat with us today.
We, we have one more guest here briefly to chat with before we wrap it up for the day. Uh,
Vesselverse is another project that has been using, uh, Prop House as one of their mission methods
for their token. Um, unfortunately, Victor Solomon, the leader of that project couldn't make it today,
but we were able to chat with Craig here and Craig was one of the folks who won one of the rounds,
the first rounds of Vesselverse. So I just wanted to get Craig's perspective on what it was like
to join a community via Prop House from his perspective. Craig, how are you?
I'm doing great. Thank you so much for having me on. Do I sound okay? I'm using my AirPods.
Crystal clear. Yes, we got you.
Big nod. Shout out to Apple. Give me one good product this time. So Vesselverse, um, really been exciting, right?
So it's a fairly new, uh, fork and Victor being the, the impetus of it with his background in art
and basketball. I was a basketball fan, was learning about little nouns, met Victor in proof,
met, uh, Al in little nouns and proof. And they invited me over. And immediately, uh, I knew a
little bit about Prop House already from little nouns and kind of trying to see what's going on
there and actually got funded for an episode of my podcast that way. And I started the same way
with Vesselverse. So I think that, you know, I'm even working on, it's not done yet. I'm working
on a Prop House blog on my website just because I think it's so impactful. I come from the traditional
marketing world. I own a small agency in Florida and I don't, and you know, I, I keep talking about
these things and DAOs and Web3 and NFTs. And so many people in my, in my world are like, what is Craig
talking about? What the hell is going on over there? And I'm trying to kind of iterate on different
ways to, to share that message. So putting out podcasts, putting up videos, the latest round
for Vesselverse on, on Prop House. What was so exciting about that is I pitched doing a mini
video series. I'm actually about 30% of the way done getting the first one going. There's going to
be some text content and then I'm going to be sharing it and putting it out there. But I think
it's such an amazing onboarding opportunity for people to realize like you can have an idea that is
in your own wheelhouse. You don't have to have it. I'm not a Web3 expert. I'm certainly not a governance
expert. I'm not of now, I'm not a dev either, but what Prop House did for me at least, and where I
want to share with more people is you could have your idea. You could have your way that you think
some of this can happen. It doesn't mean everyone will agree, but that's what the cool voting
mechanic is for. So for me, that was pretty impactful.
That's really cool. It's cool to hear from your perspective. And I think you actually had a prop
in both rounds now that I'm looking. I did. So that's really, really neat.
The first episode was with Victor and then we did another one, kind of like a basketball episode.
So I did two, really. Same with Little Nouns. I ended up doing two, even though it was only funded
for one because I'm just interested. I become, dare I say, friends with some of the people. You know what
I mean? You spend this time in the Discord. You spend this time learning, time on spaces and
just become friends. Friends. I don't know. I wouldn't go that far, but no.
Of course you make friends here. That's what we're all here for, right? Just to make friends.
Vesselverse has done things a little bit differently in a few ways. One of them is through their token
emission, as I mentioned, because in the rounds, they're giving a little bit of ease
for the winners, but also won Vesselverse NFT to each of them as well. And actually
doing a Vesselverse runner-up for three different people who didn't win the ETH prizes also.
So essentially doing a slow growth or slow burn governance growth, similar to the other
projects that we have talked to as well. But probably most analogous to what Nounsdow Brazil is
doing in the sense that there is the main auction, but these are sort of extra tokens that are building
the community by proof of work. So what has it been like for you joining the community in that
way, like in a proof of work sense versus just buying them at auction?
So you mean like actually then doing things, not just buying them and then holding or just
receiving them as a result?
Yeah, just the fact that you were able to join Vesselverse without having to go and win an auction.
Oh, I think that's super impactful. I've seen the same thing in Little Nouns as well, where people were
able to earn a Little Noun and it was their first one. I saw people in the chat being excited about
it. And, you know, while Vesselverse is a smaller project than Little Nouns or Nouns or many of the
other sub-dows, it's newer. I've even created friends, not to bring back friendships and stuff,
but two of the people that I talk with most there, we're in a fantasy basketball league now together
and being able to have people come in without immediately always having the financials.
Because for me, I was able to buy, I was able to support, but that's not the case for everybody.
I really like and want to encourage more people to learn about the way that a lot of these sub-dows
and a lot of these projects that are forks are really inviting people in. And it's not that you
have to have, you know, $50,000 to get in. You know, I think people have that. There's some sort of
disconnect sometimes between what's going on at the highest levels, which is amazing and impressive
from the Nouns down, but then what's going on in those smaller sub-communities.
Amazing. Well, thank you for joining us, Craig, and giving us that perspective from Vesselverse as
well. Seneca, if I could just call on you one last time, maybe if you could sort of give a quick word
on anyone who might be listening or listening back later about how PropHouse might be able to help
their community if they have a community that's looking to grow in this way.
Yeah, totally. I think one of the ways that, of course, PropHouse could help you in relevant to
the topic is instead of trying to raise funds, raise ETH, raise hundreds of thousands of dollars
or tens of thousands of dollars, you could simply do it the crypto native way, which is
meet your own currency. If you have a good idea, if you have a few people that sort of believe in it,
I think that's more than enough to get started, to get people rallied up and building around whatever
the idea might be, whether it be a meme, a hobby, something like sports, basketball, whatever it is,
I think these are the steps that we need to take to make crypto in general, not this like foreign casino
thing, but rather a thing that you use every day because like Craig said, you sort of get to meet new
people and have fun, right? At the end of the day, if it doesn't have that, then we don't really have
anything. So to your question, Tony, like, how can PropHouse help? Well, maintain your own currency
to get your community started. Also, if you have an existing community, you can use it to hold rounds
in order to distribute either capital, ETH, USCC, whatever it might be, or again, your own currency.
At the end of the day, what we're trying to do is help internet communities sort of build up their
ecosystem, right? Like make decisions online and allocate resources, whether it be hard ETH or a
meme token to the people that most deserve it. Awesome. Great place for us to leave off. If you
are listening to this and you're thinking, wow, that would be great for X project that I'm involved in,
go to prop.house and just scroll to the bottom and click the discord link. That's the easiest way
to get over to the PropHouse discord. And then you can pop in and ask some questions of the team
there about how you can get involved with PropHouse. I want to thank everybody for coming out today to
talk about this topic. Just as we close out, I always like to do a quick review of all the
deadlines that are happening on PropHouse this week and so many houses going at a time now that it's
difficult to keep track of everything. So just take a couple minutes here to go through the houses that
have opened and the deadlines that are happening on PropHouse this week. Yesterday, Monday, the private
voting research sprint round opened to new applications. This is a round where the verbs
team, which is a technical team within nouns, is looking for ZK zero knowledge teams to basically put
in to do research on private voting within nouns. So that is open. If you know someone who's working
in ZK, you might be interested to pass that along to them. Little Nouns DAO kicked off their
open round 12. So open round means you can basically put in any kind of proposal that will
build the Little Nouns community in any way. That is now open to props for the next five days.
Meabitz House round three has opened to proposals as well. They've had great success in their first two
proposal rounds. And this one's a little bit interesting because it's a one prize takes all,
one winner takes all, 5k Ape prize. So looking for people to do something really cool in multimedia
with the Meabitz NFTs. And that is open now for proposals too. Anada Dow finished the voting for
their second round. So congrats to Anada for another successful prop round that ended yesterday.
Uma Dow, of course, who we spoke with earlier, the voting ended for the 32nd round and they've started
into their 33rd round. They just can't be stopped. Then we've got open round 14 for Nouns
DAO last night opened up at 6pm EST. So similar to the open round for Little Nouns. If you have an
idea that we'll build the Nouns DAO community and proliferate the Nouns meme, you can put that
into that round. And that began yesterday for a five day period. And finally on Saturday, coming up
the Saturday Nouns Brazil, their first prop deadline comes up on Saturday. So you have until
Saturday, I believe at 10am EST to get in your cute pictures, or as Bea said earlier, your ugly
pictures of pets with noggles on them and the winners will get to join the DAO. So that's
pretty cool. Thank you again, everyone for joining us. We'll be back here. I think we're
actually going to be moving this space to Tuesday permanently. It's been quite a few weeks in
a row where guests have found Tuesday a lot more accommodative than our usual Monday spot.
So as long as Seneca is okay with that, we're going to probably move our normal weekly space
to this slot at 3.30pm EST. So we will see you there next week. Thanks, everyone.
Have a great evening, everyone.
Thanks for joining. See you next week.