Protecting on-chain data and privacy with Manta Network

Recorded: Sept. 30, 2022 Duration: 0:46:34



Hello and welcome everyone. Welcome Kenny. Let's just give it a few minutes before we kick off the space here. And everyone.
All right, I guess we're off to a bit of a slow start on this Friday, but that's all right or we're recording this face and people can trickle in as time goes on. But we'll go ahead and get started. So welcome everyone to Darwinian.
AMAs weekly space where we discuss projects in the Polkadot ecosystem and the people behind them. And today we've got a very special guest for Mountain Network. Kenny Lee, welcome Kenny to the show. It's nice to have you here today.
Yeah, thanks for inviting me. God to be here. So as a very important person behind the men project, I wonder if you can explain a little bit about your background and how you got into crypto before we get into talking about the project.
Yeah, sure. So I, I guess I started in the cloud computing space and not encrypted, but while I was in cloud computing, I had a bunch of servers and I just started Bitcoin mining with that and that's kind of
how I got into Bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general. This was back in 2013 and then 2015 worked on an options trading platform with a few friends. 2017 started writing about the space. 2018 went to go pursue my MBA.
and got or was the teaching assistant for the blockchain courses there in 2020. Victor Schumann, I, the founders of Manta, got together and started working on Manta Network and yeah that's that's a brief history.
Great, wow. So you got a rich history going back almost 10 years now. I was in a Bitcoin mining for a while as well and moved on to more green solutions in that regard.
So yeah, very happy to be with Polkadot and with the proof of stake networks. So yeah, I wonder if you can tell us a little bit about what Amanda is hoping to achieve in this space and kind of what principles you are founded upon.
Yeah, sure. So, uh, Manta Network, we are specifically working on on chain privacy. And so the purpose of the project is to bring privacy as utility to all repair chain networks within the Polkaddi ecosystem.
So the idea here is that other applications, other layers, other parachains should be able to enable on-chain privacy through zero knowledge proofs powered by Manta while still delivering their value propositions, whether it be an