$PUGAI - what is next?

Recorded: May 21, 2023 Duration: 0:28:58



Welcome guys to the park AI Sunday Twitter space. Please allow me two three minutes. I will do the push on Discord Twitter Telegram and then we will start. We will just cover what
will happen to pack AI over the next days and what you can expect tomorrow, the day after, the burn events, the centralised listing, exchanges, and so on, and so on. So please hold on two, three minutes and we will slowly start.
Once again, welcome, welcome to the pack AI Sunday Twitter space. I think that we can slowly start. I just did the pushes on Telegram Twitter and other networks. So I believe that right now there is everyone that is interested on Sunday. What is happening?
with Puck AI and what you can expect. I will just keep this first space brief, let's say around 15 minutes or something, I think that we don't need to just do the small talks or stuff like this. In case you have some questions, different requests to microphone, I will give you the word and I'm here to answer
answer all of the questions. So first, I think I just want to say that right now the PAC AI, of course, we also, the due price just dropped over the last days quite significantly. First, of course, there was a partial cell
of the partners and influencers that we hired to help us, basically to push the price and just to do something. Of course, I wanted them to avoid that, but you cannot avoid it completely, but they promised not to sell anymore tokens and just to push
for the mutual goal. I will just keep you posted and so you don't need to worry about more or more cell-offs from the partners or something like that. But of course right now we are around all time low so we need to push the price back up. We are well aware of it.
What we have there first of all are error drops. I am pretty sure that lots of you that are listening today are waiting for for the Zali platform second error drop. So as you know, it is Basically ending at the end of May and we will be rewarding three hundred
Most active people from the from the platform so the the price pool will be one thousand dollars again But this time there will be only 300 people rewarded which means that your reward will be bigger also in comparison to T. We are in comparison to
price action and so on. I am pretty sure that you understand that it is in the best interest of the community for now. But if you're active, if you're basically supporting Puck AI, there will be more and more phases. So if you're just sticking to the plan, you are being rewarded basically everything
single day because not only we are rewarding you with the Paki Air Drops but if you spot it for example we sent weekly or twice a week email newsletters and we just sent like eleven dollars to two people they just read the whole email newsletter and commented on the post as requested
So we are reverting you guys every single day with Puck AI with USDC with Solana and so on. I see Ghost here, I see Crypto King here, 69. Welcome everyone, welcome everyone. Very happy to see you here. In case you have some questions, just request a microphone.
and I will give you the word. - So let's jump on centralized exchanges. I heard and I saw lots of lots of discussion regarding centralized exchanges about PAK AI. As I stated many, many, many times, we can go listed on MEXC today.
However, I cannot disclose the detailed deal that we received from them, but I can just share that there are lots of dollars in basically PAC AI tokens. We can do it today, we can just send it and we can get listed there. However, I am pretty sure that you saw the King, the top
trending, Mimjo Kenosuana right now, they got listed on MEXC yesterday and they paid excessive amount of tokens to MEXC and we also that basically they dropped 50% of the value because the exchange air drops part of
the listing in tokens to their users and I'm pretty sure of course I don't have any evidence or something but they just dump the tokens and it basically falls this pattern so that's why we are not getting listed on MEXC right now because I would prefer to rather pay in dollars than into
because if you pay in dollars, there is nobody who can dump on you basically and the price will go up. If you pay in tokens, of course you just save the dollars, but the price will basically crash because so they will just dump the tokens on you on the community and the price just goes down and so on. If you want the proof
for something just go to MEXC and check the launchpad zone and you will see King, you will see many other and other tokens that are doing the same pattern that they just get listed on MEXC and then they experience 30 to 70% price drop because the exchange doesn't have
have so much buying power. And to be honest, if you have to pay for example $100,000 in tokens to get listed there, then they just dump this amount on people as soon as it gets listed. And you need the same amount at least of the buying power
Basically to hold the price and so if there is that buying power then there is no reason why the people would be waiting for me actually think they just buy it on Radio myself like that and me xc doesn't have so much buying power that there will be bigger than one hundred thousand dollars buying power on the listing day to basically save
you from the price decrease or something like that. So that is the reason why we are not getting listed on MEXC right now. Of course we are also in talks with BitMart and with Gate, but to be honest with BitMart I have witnessed and I have seen many tokens
including Djogo, if you've been with us since Djogo, the bitmart doesn't do anything. Basically, if we announce bitmart, the exchange has no bank power at all and just the simple announcement doesn't make much. Or it can basically pump like
10, 20% maybe, but the exchange itself really doesn't have any bank power of the people. I really, I really just studied the data, studied the market and there is no point of getting listed there on BitMart as it would have no effect. About MEXC, I
just shared the issue. We want to get listed there but later on when there is regaining the momentum and when we can basically get there for more favorable terms and for dollars and not too comes because that will basically kill the project. So that's it and about the gate IO
That's our preferred exchange, but of course gate I/O wants to see a volume, gate I/O wants to see a momentum to basically proceed with the listings and then from experience with Dogeo and just other projects that I witnessed it can be seen that gate is the best exchange to basically get listed
on as there is a buying power and there is lots of organic volume that can be basically brought to the pair and to the market. So that would be the best exchange that we can enter. So we are working on that, but right now we need better momentum and better price action.
to get this to be honest. So I hope this is clear. This is clear, but I just said I will just remind you that we release the $500 giveaway 25 people get $20 in pocket I took them
We already draw the winners, we are waiting for all people to send us the addresses if they don't send it by Wednesday then we will just scan the earnings and we will send the rest to the winners that provided their votes. Also yesterday or on Friday we released a meme token competition where you can get 5 times for
Soana's the only thing that you need to do is to swap any min token on Soana whether it's guac King supepepe or whatever min token it is at least that at least equals to ten dollars You need to swap it to pack AI token and five people they just
swap it after the announcement that we made will receive for Solanas. That is worth around 80 to 90 dollars. So I just want to remind you that I always just keep pushing and pushing the announcement on Discord, on Twitter and Telegram. So even if you missed it for the first time, you can basically
get it after we just we just remind it to to others. Also another important thing what we are planning to announce tomorrow is the pack AI burn. As you know we have supply covered and we have supply reserved
for partnerships, for integrations and so on. There are still lots of, lots of undistributed tokens. So we plan to start burning events, not ones, but several phases of the burns because some tokens definitely will not get distributed for integrations or something.
as the market kept currently is not ready for these distributions, so we will just burn the tokens, which could also drive the momentum, which would also cause the price increase and stuff like this. So we will announce the details tomorrow, so just wait for it, of course, we will get rid of it, we
We have a plan between our partners and other influencers and some news media and so on. And of course we hope to get some momentum and also hope for the price increase to be honest. That's it. So this were the main stuff that I wanted to share with you. I see lots of new
faces here, welcome Emperor, welcome Pipeman Soul, Swiss Web, and other guys, I see ghost that requests the microphone, so let me connect you and see what you have in store for us.
So, Ghost, welcome, welcome on stage. What's your question? For those who don't know Ghost, he's a great community manager on Discord, basically he manages our server on Pakai and on Wichordau.
So he just basically knows everything that's going on with PaK AI. So, big thank you to Ghost. And Ghost, if you hear me, you can unmute yourselves and you can speak.
But since you're not joining and unmuting yourselves, I'm joining KJ who also requested the microphone. Guys, whatever question you have, just ask the question, whatever you're interested in, keep asking. This is the best time to
ask anything you have. I know that there are lots of lots of lots of questions every single day in the chats, but of course I'm unable to answer every single of them in the chats or on Twitter and so on. So right now is the best time just to ask me directly what your question is. So I can directly answer.
KJ welcome on the stage what's your question you can unmute yourself. Good evening. How are you nice to meet you? Actually I don't have much question I actually wanted to recognize the photo of Victor because
He's been a great guy, bringing him to the public is working tirelessly. So I think his effort needs to be recognized by someone. So I just wanted to say thanks to him and if you keep up during the great work. So to you two, the host, thank you so
much for bringing Pogohai to the public. Thank you. And also I greet everyone. Good evening. Yeah, thank you for the message. Thank you for your chat. I really appreciate that. Yeah, I and the team, we are just doing our best. Whatever, whatever we can, we just
try to bring some joy fun and also some gifts for free for the community so I'm very very happy to see that. Lots of you guys basically recognize that activity that we are that we are doing so I see that a lot of people, a lot of people just
joined a bit later on, so let me just sum it up. What I just shared. So in case you haven't participated yet, make sure to participate in our AirDrop phase 2 in Zeli platform. It ends the AirDrop phase ends at the end of May.
We will distribute the AirDrop worth $1,000 of tokens among top 300 people based on the leaderboard. Among the centralized exchanges, we are in talks with Gate, Bitmart and the MEXC.
get listed on MEXC tomorrow or today but we don't want to get listed there as we would need to pay a lot of money in tokens that will cause the incredible crash, the price crash right after the listing as you could see for example with King or any other tokens that get listed on MEX
and pay a lot of money in token. So that's the state. We want to personally get listed on Gates I/O, but of course we need better numbers, we need bigger volume, we need better momentum and better price action, but that's the exchange that we would target and we would happily get listed.
There are lots of organic buyers, lots of organic volumes, so that would be definitely great. And about with Mart, we could get listed there as well. But from my point of view, the volume there is very low and are not too almost very low organic
so it doesn't make much sense just in exchange for 10-20% fab or just two or three announcements from the exchange end our site. Also we released the $500 air drop we are waiting for all people and for all winners to send us
Dovening addresses, we will wait till Wednesday. We still have around 8 to 10 people who didn't submit their addresses in case they didn't submit their address by Wednesday. We will just cancel their earnings and distribute the rest. So in case you're a winner of this giveaway, please wait after
until the Wednesday. We are waiting for all wallets to be submitted because it doesn't make much sense just to send earnings five times or something like that. Also tomorrow we plan to announce the first burn. We will burn tokens for several phases because there are lots of tokens for partnerships
integrations and so on and part of these tokens will get burned. So expect the news with an upcoming hours and also on Friday we release the Mint Token swap competition where you can just swap any Mint Token on Solana to pack AI worth at least $10
and then you are qualified for five times for Solanas for that competition. So make sure you just check all the announcements on Discord or Twitter, all the time. And you can basically check it out. Our plan for the upcoming days is to regain the momentum, push the price back,
to make partnerships to start integrations and to have fun to bring back the positive wipes and basically to just spread joy and make this meme token era last a little bit longer than it should then it seems
that will be running. So in case you have some questions, please request a microphone now. Otherwise, I think that all important was just said earlier. So I would just slowly finish this space in case you want to add something or you have some questions that I
I didn't answer in the chat right now is the best time to ask basically because I'm answering all of the questions and this is the best time to reach me whenever you have some questions or so. I also want to remind that this Twitter space is recorded so in case you missed the
beginning or you just want to replay whatever was said here then just click the replay button right after we finish this space and you can listen to it whenever you want. All right so I see one more question from SAD, SADEC, Arabeeg.
Yes. Yeah, actually wanted to ask that to be among the content stands, is it like a contest or something on this swapping of an MM2 came to a high
So by swapping I think $10 a year, so is that a specific number of people that you are looking at or you have you just pick randomly or anybody that actually that's qualified.
Okay, my dear. So we will we will reward five people each winner will get four Solanas so five people that swaps basically will be qualified and then we will just draw it with to interpret
We will just pick the winning Twitter users basically and just draw it so Everyone who just swaps the token for at least $10 to back AI is qualified but we will pick for
I've winners sent each I will get for so on us. All right, thank you. So you win, Kandabi don't you will come. So sad so that Arabi.
Well, come on stage, what's your question? You can unmute yourself and basically share whatever you want to share with us. Good day, everyone.
Hello. Yes, we can hear you. What's your question? Good, everyone. We appreciate your effort and dedication video.
Previously I have been selected among the 200 people that received the extra poor guy adrop but unfortunately my old tweezer account have been suspended.
while it is true that
Okay, I didn't I didn't catch fully your question, but in case you are winner of the extra extra air drop and your Twitter gets suspended then you need to worry I have your
for a wallet saved and we will send it there. I will just double check the wallet with you with this account that you are just talking from right now that the wallet is correct and then we will proceed. You don't need to worry.
Perfect perfect. Alright guys so thanks everyone for joining the space. I hope that you liked it. I hope that it answered some of your questions. In case you will have some questions after the space that you can just direct me on Twitter or you can ask the question on this
Discord and make sure to tag me because I'm in many servers and also handling the Twitter's. So make sure to tag me so I don't miss it and I can answer and then I believe that we will run an R Twitter space next week.
I will provide the updates in Discord and Twitter. So once again, thanks everyone for joining and support Pakai. We will do our best to push the price up and just to have some fun, just to have some joy and make it as good as possible. Thanks everyone.