🐍 Python Weekly 2: ApeWorx

Recorded: Jan. 17, 2023 Duration: 0:33:09



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Hello, hello, testing, testing.
(upbeat music)
♪ ♪ ♪
Alright, alright. Shall we get it started? Yeah, I'm sad.
Well you guys don't go disco Tuesdays? This is disco Tuesday. 30 seconds more.
That was awesome. D.J. Thank you so much. It was an awesome intro. I felt so pumped, particularly
that we're here Tuesday, Jan 17th. And this is Paloma's Weptory Python Weekly. This is our number two event. And we just want to say welcome everybody. Of course, it's going to be recorded and we're going to blog it and we're going to do some awesome stuff with it. And we
We are so happy to welcome the team from APRx to this AMA. Let's do it. APRx is here and is Dougie is here. Dougie. Can you hear us? Park Park.
We have field theory here. Field theory. Are you in the house? Right here, sir. All right. Cool. Oh, no, you house. Are you in Jupiter? Are you in the book? That's where I left. Exactly. And wait, how many degrees of freedom do you have, sir, this morning?
I have to ask my AI program that I just wrote. Well, hopefully your AI program is going to be running on APRx because today we are going to be talking about APRx and the APRx library. So we want to say welcome APRx team. Dougie, glad to have you here.
Again, good to see you. How are you? I'm doing great today. Just got out of the shower feeling refreshing ready to tackle this excellent excellent So let's get some context. This is a new show we started and we're building a list of
Python devs on our Web 3 Python weekly. I think we are super impressed. I'm not sure how many devs we're up to now after about three releases, but every week we want to cover some of the leading Web 3 Python modules and libraries because Paloma is actually
building in Python and with a Paloma SDK. And we are also looking to integrate and connect with some of the best Python packages you can engage with in Web 3, particularly since Paloma is a cross-chain protocol and is doing a solidity as well as
Also on Salana so super excited to talk about a works today And I think we have a what we're gonna do is talk a little bit We're gonna do a little high level and we're gonna do a little low level So let's first start with high level and what we're gonna do is talk a little bit about You know what is a works doggie when I

FAQ on 🐍 Python Weekly 2: ApeWorx | Twitter Space Recording

What is the name of the podcast?
The name of the podcast is Paloma's Web3 Python Weekly.
What is the purpose of the podcast?
The purpose of the podcast is to cover some of the leading Web3 Python modules and libraries to engage with in Web3.
What is Paloma's building with the Paloma SDK?
Paloma is building a cross-chain protocol on Solidity as well as on Solana.
What is Aprx?
Aprx is a library for interacting with blockchain data in Python.
Who is the team behind Aprx?
The Aprx team is present in the podcast.
What is the format of the podcast?
The format of the podcast is in the form of an interview (AMA).
What are they going to cover in the podcast?
They are going to cover a high and low-level discussion of Aprx and the Aprx library.
What is the topic of the podcast?
The topic of the podcast is Aprx and the Aprx library.
What is the name of the person who is called out by the host?
The person is called Field Theory by the host.
What is the goal of the host?
The host aims to build a list of Python developers on the Paloma's Web3 Python Weekly and talk about some of the best Python packages to engage with in Web3.