RAC FM: GMC in Da House 🦝

Recorded: Jan. 29, 2024 Duration: 1:30:19



We've got your man from Terraspaces just joined the room.
Absolutely fantastic.
Here we go.
We've got IBC Mafia coming in.
He obviously wants to find out all about the GMC.
GMC coming in the house.
Actually, let me dig in very quickly, but I went through and I read the medium and stuff.
Pretty much like last minute.
I was JJ.
We've got Backbone Labs coming in fantastic.
Kind of like went through the medium.
Medium article and I had a read and I'm like, I'm actually glad that things are high to
me attention to these because like it's actually a pretty cool concept when I, when I went down
it, they're like the meeting the board here.
Here we go.
We've got people.
Let's rob.
Stop talking.
Let's get the crew in because I want to find out about this.
This mining.
Oh, we've lost Finn, have we?
Oh, he's back.
Hello, Finn.
Good morning, sir.
You all right, GM fam?
Let's get everybody chat with GNC.
I'm excited because I have a lot of friends here that use their protein powder before
they go work out.
So I think this will be pretty cool to get to ask them some, some hard hitting questions
about exactly what's in that protein powder and why does my friend sweat really, really
bad right after he takes it.
So I'm looking forward to it.
Wait a minute.
I didn't find any protein powder in the folk.
Medium articles.
What you're talking about.
Hey, why didn't you say GNC?
What the fuck, man?
Don't, don't fuck with me like that.
Right before show.
Here we go.
Here we go.
Without further ado at GMC GM or good evening to you, sir.
Good evening.
How's it going?
Not bad, mate.
I have to say, like, I've not really like got the noise very much, so this is pretty
So basically we are a bunch of miners and agents in the cosmos for a while.
We started this on Terra 1.0.
Never really had a chance to launch after we were scheduled to launch right like literally
weeks after the Deepak happened.
So never got to launch, spent a year after the Deepak, you know, trying to work on our
project, improve some things, make it a little better.
And here we are now.
Basically we're 50% mining, 50% DeFi plays in the common in the cosmos.
We'll be doing a DeFi on multiple ecosystems, Kujira, Luna, white whale.
We can find good deals going on.
And the mining side will be bringing in Bitcoin liquidity.
We'll be mining Bitcoin, altcoins, whatever's the most profitable at the time, but swapping
it off of Bitcoin and bringing it into the ecosystem and.
Before we jump in, before we jump in, what do we call you?
Because like GMC is Google, mate, but like what works for you?
What do you want to call us?
Call us whatever you want, man.
A lot of things actually, but yeah, GMC works for us, but you know, duty bro.
So just, just for the crowd, just to establish a couple of things, uh, you guys are minting
on the first of February.
That's still happening.
That'd be it's still 100%.
As far as I know, yep, JG can confirm that, but yeah, the first February is good.
We just have to finalize the time of day and you're minting on the crop less as well.
So like, obviously in the crop list, it's quite new.
They've done a couple of mints, but you're going to be like one of the big, like next
like banner mints to deploy on the crop list.
We hope so.
At least.
We hope we hope people are digging it and they want to come in.
So bro, I'm really interested to find out about this, uh, upstate New York facility and
everything else.
Uh, I mean, I don't know if they're not JG want to see anything just before I kind of
go back the beginning and find out the origins a little bit.
Well, before we jump in, yeah, I just, just quick question real quick for the mint is it
going to be leap only, or is the new version of station all working on the crop list?
Just curious like where we should have shit locked and loaded.
I mean, it's, it's, um, if it's mobile, I don't think stations, uh, they haven't pushed
their mobile updates.
So that's still a limit.
But even, even on desktop on the laptop, like it wasn't working out.
No, there's a different abstraction layer, uh, that, that is on the site.
Like it's different now.
Like, um, I don't know if you've tried the NFT switch beta, um, but it's that wallet
abstraction layer that's going to be on the mentor.
It's completely different.
All right.
I wasn't throwing shit.
I was just curious.
Cause I got, I got to fix your fucking shit.
No, no, no.
You gotta remember it.
Cause when, when we, we did that, like we were not prepared to do that when we did that
original, we did it out of the fact that nowhere shut down and we needed to have something.
You know what I'm saying?
You're fine.
It's okay, baby.
It's okay.
Anyway, let's go to, let's go back to the, uh, health food store.
No, I was kidding.
So about this protein powder, uh, you, you and your protein powders can basically fuck
right off him.
You got him for a sec, didn't it?
He legit, it got him for like a legit probably five seconds.
He was like, fuck, did I miss something in the article?
Am I the pleb tonight?
Even the dogs looking at me like you're a wanger on guitar.
He knows.
So yeah, I mean, GMC sort of, let's go back to the beginning.
Where was the concert?
Where was this project conceptualized from, you know, and, and how did you guys get your
like hands on a 32, uh, 3,200 square foot, like an upstate facility to do Bitcoin mining?
I mean, can you just like fill in a little with the gaps for us?
Is that all right?
Yeah, of course, man.
Uh, I've, uh, I've, I've been a minor for, uh, wow, geez, I don't even know six, seven
years now, I guess.
Um, it's been a while.
So I've been mining at my, uh, for myself, uh, basically filled up my whole house full
of minors, the basement, the upstairs, you know, kept it warm during the winter with
my minors.
And, uh, eventually I had to expand, man, I just had no more room left.
So we, we built our own, we built our own, uh, facility on our property.
We got about 20 acres up there and, uh, we, yeah, we built our own and we plan on filling
that up as much as we can with minors now.
Why are you not messing around?
You're not messing around.
You had them in your basement and everything.
Oh yeah, man.
The wife was getting mad.
You had to close your house and the side rooms in our room, uh, corners of the room.
They wound up being everywhere at one point.
So she kind of said, you know, you got to do something or get rid of them.
I'm more curious what the electric company was like when you were like, Hey, we're going
to need like two more of those transformers hauled in here.
And they're like, we only got one left.
Luckily, I do constructions.
I used to do construction for a living, I still do and I got a lot of friends in the business so
it worked out all right. You've got form, I mean that's the first thing to establish is you've got
form as a minor which is really good. So like the next question would be I presume you've come
together with like a team, you've obviously got like obviously an artist or something on board so
yeah I mean yeah that was you, your origin. So what about the actual like say project for example?
Yeah well the project's been around for actually JG was like one of the original mods in our
and I've become you know a little bit more involved. They've been you know now they're
they're my's in the end of Discord too, they help out on Telegram. So basically all community man,
all friends and community that I've met along the way and people who have you know unique skills
who can help out and and talents you know to help out where I'm not so good and we basically
put all our skills together and we one big community team trying to make the community
better you know building tools bring liquidity anything we can do to you know to improve
the community's you know ecosystem and make everything better for everybody.
Yeah dude that's a good point actually because I actually thought you guys were real old school.
I thought like GMC had been around for like quite a while and I'm gonna start reading and I'm like
oh they're just like I thought you were like an OG project but we're just doing like other things
in the original Loona equal system we is like doing any. No no we just we never got a chance
to launch an original ecosystem and we changed the plan from what we originally had the original
plan we were gonna just mine uh you know a whole bunch of Bitcoin altcoins we're gonna do
CAS at the time uh not CAS um KDA at the time because that was really profitable and basically
the plan was back then to swap everything to Loona just because at that moment at that time
you know nobody could have enough Loona so that was the plan just to you know stack as much as
possible and I actually uh fucked myself I uh I wound up bringing like you know a couple years of
my mining savings into the ecosystem converting it all to Loona and UST and then like you know
a couple weeks later everything crashed so it's uh it's kind of shitty. Hey rest in peace to those
and my GME fucking gains too bud I feel your pain. Yeah yeah in all honesty actually some of the
ex-Loona like stuff that after the crash some of these projects are doing the best like work out
there it's quite uh that's quite an interesting combo. Go on J.J mate yeah jump in. Hey I was gonna
say that you know they were getting ready to like they were literally gonna mint I swear like
the like the day or the next day like what you were you were scheduled to like you were
like pretty much ready to mint like right at the crash essentially. Yeah it was like a week or so
like it was right there dude if a week. Yeah but you know what I gotta say something that
to see the evolution from what you would have launched into creation to what uh the project
has developed into now I think it's I hate to say it but you know it's definitely a much better
it's much better right like let's be honest it's like are you saying
uh bro are you saying you would not have enjoyed a luar spotted cousins mint I mean come on.
That was so terrible fuck no but I'm serious like this is such a this evolution has been like a
really amazing thing to watch and you have you have pulled your team together from the community
I remember when you like made the tweet asking like hey who can do this who wants to participate
like this and and you were able to assemble like an anonymous team like from around the world it's
pretty it's pretty powerful I love that this is what I love about the space you know it's
like the thing that actually it's the thing probably I love most about it to be honest.
Well and then we we should probably just get this out of the way I wouldn't be a very good
journalist if I didn't and uh I think there's been a lot of uh discussion in the capital
telegram and you're talking about being able to assemble an anonymous team from around the
world like that's awesome and stuff until like some shit like that happens um do you want to
like just address that like for the record once and for all so like everyone can shut the fuck up
about it and it's not that's cool too you know I just figured it'd be good to get it recorded
that way whenever anyone else asks we can be like here go listen to this fuck off type thing
can we invite uh ct uh cbunup he's actually our community manager so I'm gonna have him come
up here too but yeah I'll comment on it so yeah uh I guess you know we have so we have ops wallets
so what we're doing you can't like it's very hard to do everything through the dow treasury
because sometimes shit has to be done quick you know um when you're doing ARBs or you're doing
you know certain things you have to be quick and you can't always wait for a dow vote so we
decided to set up um pretty much an ops wallet for every ecosystem and that's easily easily
accessible we'll always have a little bit of liquidity out of it so we can do what we need to
do um one of the team we're not going to stay the neighborhood now but uh because they're not in
here uh decided to be a good idea when they saw kappa you know going down to really quick they
decided to I guess sell it and try and say what they could and uh so it was a it was a bad idea
about one of our team members then me and quarry actually wound up paying for it we
went up taking personal funds and buying back whatever we couldn't afford back with the
with the dow's money so we you know we had everything we originally had before uh they
did that mistake so but yeah I mean you trust people you know to do things and uh
I guess you know it's just one of those things we got to work on perfecting man
it's uh you know so I guess mistakes happen you guys bought it back you
rectified it you even went above board and you some of your own money I mean like at what point
uh can you know I mean it's like okay that's not a big deal right in the end it's not a big deal
let's just have let's just move forward you guys have reestablished this position
it was uh an internal mistake and it was fixed like within 24 hours well like for like for you
do you it like it doesn't sound like this was a malicious intent of any sort he was just like
trying to save some bag maybe buy it on the on the backup swing or something but it seems that
it's done more optics damage than it has like actual financial damage I guess to the to the
doubt sounds like everything's like back where it should be no harm no foul sort of thing
uh are you finding it hard to like get the trust back or has the community been pretty chill about
it I mean for the most part yeah I mean they've been pretty chill about you know they see that
we're we're trying to do the right thing um you know we're gonna we're gonna do what we say
no matter what if I gotta pay for myself or you know go work extra hours somewhere do whatever
you know I don't not deliver on my promises I'm a man I'm aware to tell you something's gonna happen
so I mean we're gonna deliver one way or another so I mean people who know me know that you know
I mean I don't say stuff unless it's gonna happen try not to especially since we're online you know
everything's recorded all transactions recorded all your tweets are you know permanent even if
you delete them somebody screenshotted them or shared them or whatever so you know I try to be
real careful about what I say online but uh yeah you know so nah man everybody knows when things
happen uh it's a work in progress you know but when you're like I put a post online you know
without unless you try new things you're never gonna know it needs to be fixed and this is kind
of what we're doing here you know the whole thing is totally new you know there's I don't
think there's any very many projects doing what we're doing so it's like it's a whole new experience
we'll we don't we'll get it down as we go things actually spot on with something there we were
talking about this last night for a lot of projects and especially like a lot of like dao based
projects and stuff you know you're not trying to instill trust you're trying to distill like
mistrust you know what I mean but GMC you mentioned something there that kind of triggered me
dao treasury management is that an oxymoron because we're starting to realize that it is
you're talking about we are dao's a slower and this and that dude slows fucking not the word
jesus like archaic for treasury management there's literally zero tools to be able to actually
effectively manage a treasury through a dao unless you've got a very streamlined sub-dao
or sub-dao system and people just sitting wanting to sit in front of a piece they all day long
watching charts like dao treasury management is a fucking oxymoron bro isn't it I mean it
kind of is man so that's why we went along with the ops wallets and you know we made the mistake of
you know I guess giving too many of the team members you know access to them so we could all
have an eye on them and do what we got to do right so right now me and Cory are the only ones
who have access to the ops wallets right now so you know nobody can touch anything if you know
anything happens it's on us but uh you know we we just gotta we gotta figure it out I think
the way it's going to be we're gonna find like trusted community members who you know will be voted
in or whatever they have access to these wallets who people can trust take responsibility for if
something happens and you know they'll you know have to figure it out as we go well somebody's
gonna have to be responsible for ops wallets you know somebody has to have access to them quickly
we can't have a vote for everything but we all have to be on the same page about what we
want to do with our money you know it can be talked about beforehand and then when the opportunity
arises we can pounce on it you know but you know uh it's something that has to be you know worked on
even like the doubts that I thought you said you know it's kind of an oxymoron man yeah we're
quickly learning this and this is even with a small deal of like four people now we were six
we're now four and it it's still a ball here and now we're down to four we're like shall we not
just like have a 25 percent quorum and anyone can just go put their own votes up and pass like
we're like past karen dude so tell us a little bit if you don't mind though about the art i'm
guessing you're not like an artist by nature or by default you're probably out of bringing like an
artist in did you just sit an artist we need a kind of we got we got two team members down
in the audience if you want to invite them up uh c butt and mr fox is the artist right there
he can he can talk about if he wants uh if if not you know i'll speak for him but uh if
he wants to come up and say some invites immediately uh and uh say put down there as well yeah i said
them so i didn't know that so uh mr fox i may say muffy is the the artist behind it yeah cool
yeah yeah yeah so he's dude he was a god sense so this dude is so amazing so talented like his
art is is amazing like i thought i was like putting a real challenge on this dude like i was telling
what i wanted you know uh most nft classes are so generic you know it's just like one
character doing the same thing and 400 different sets of clothes you know i want to do something
different so i gave him a challenge you know i want like the most unique most uh most uh traits most
variables you can have in nft collection the amount of time we had and i think he delivered
spot on man we got like 10 different characters uh so many different trades we got multiple uh
cosmos projects that got integrated into the art uh we even have smart contract built so
so uh future uh projects that want to do anything with us can make their own trades can create their
own utilities uh with our nfts you know have a limited uh collection of nfts that do something
cool on their dap give the user something cool provide value whatever they got to do so uh
yeah man we took dark to the next level we're trying to make everything uh have as much utility
as possible be as innovative as possible bring new cool tools uh just you know think outside
the box and do new stuff man tired of the same stuff over and over again they're supposed to be
world-changing life-changing technology like let's let's fucking do it put up or shut up
yeah i mean you must have something bro because there's no way necropolis would let you on the
platform because we're learning obviously with like fin stuff necropolis are very very picky
and choosy about who and what they let on that platform like jj said the other way the door
went any old shit you know like jj what was it yeah you told me he just told me to go fuck myself
so he he's definitely running a tight ship over there i'll tell you what i know i'm wondering
like jj i mean you know you were obviously you know these guys from before was it like
just a quick phone call or were you guys like can we see your art what kind of like overview
yeah so i mean i i because i've i've actually seen this project like i said i've seen it
actually develop over the last two years this was fairly easy for us to uh make this deal with them
right like you know look if if you hung out consistently over the last two years you're
probably not going to go anywhere when it gets good i think you're you know i mean like you were
you've already hung out like the worst part why why would you leave now like it's just about to
the worst the the worst part so far give it give it time that's what they're waiting for
the next leg down right everything's going to zero you know so as long as we're all prepared for that
let's have some fun but i really don't believe that i think that you know you know my thesis
this is a real store of value shit so let's let's have fun let's create you know this is education
right this is what robo is doing he's getting the word out we're getting education we're having
fun we're doing fun stuff with money and like this is how we teach people to you know be responsible
with their own finances in the long run i got to specialize the world i got a question for you guys
we watched the uh a couple different projects like you had mentioned on uh kadana doing some mining
nft stuff and then they all just seemed to kind of disappeared i guess or just wasn't wasn't
cutting it do you guys watch that and kind of have any any worries about if this is going to
be profitable at least in like the like electricity side there's a lot of money that goes into this
it sounds like you have a lot of the equipment already so that's i assume part of the part of
the bargain there like are you are you guys worried at all about like breaking even on on mining
no i mean i'm about as worried about as you are you know you're staking rewards
it's uh something i've been doing for quite a few years and uh managed to stay pretty
profitable through most of it the game plan is you know do what i usually do we mine through
the bear markets um up through the bull run around pico bull run we try and sell all of our hardware
so basically you know we buy let's say you buy a miner for 20k some of these miners are really
expensive so actually that will probably only start off with well you know four or five
miners tops but uh these miners will be bringing in hundreds of dollars a day each um so basically
the equipment as the price of the tokens go up the equipment goes up too so let's say you buy a
mine for 20k at the top of the bull run your miner your miner might be worth 40k so now you sell your
miner you make your original profit back plus you keep all the coins that you mined throughout the
year two years you had it swap them all to try and get both of them into stable coins or whatever
before the bear market ride the bear market out you know buy your favorite tokens in the bear market
do it all over again that's been the my process for the past couple years it's been working out
pretty well that's cool and then that keeps the that keeps the gear fresh too because you're not
constantly running like 20 year old fucking mining gear that's that's the biggest thing with mining
is like you have to be able to get equipment fast and early and you have to be able to make
your profits you know and decide whether you want to you know keep mining it like like kadina last year
was so profitable when we were building this it was insane but now yeah you know they had like 10
projects come out all doing the same thing no no like they're all the same thing and what they
did was they raised all this money they went and bought all these miners uh destroyed the freaking
hash power so now there's so many uh miners on the chain they're not making any money anymore
so uh you know we we uh we do things a little different we mine just about everything we're
not mining one coin if it's profitable we mine it um we use multiple different uh mining software
it's nice hash unminable so we can actually buy the cast kadina whatever we have the equipment
for and get paid in atom or or bitcoin directly like we never even have to touch the coins we're
mining we will we get paid directly and what we want to get paid in this is pretty cool
so yeah fin any follow-ups on that before i dive into number no no no that was perfect all you
bud good i saw one thing i was quite surprised at when i went through and especially speaking
to you now jmc and you know learning about a bit of history seems like you're very bullish or
nomic now i like is is this kind of because it's it's been launched on on a cosmos chain
and you know you say like okay well that liquidity has to come in like it's part of the project we
have to have that like sort of token thing there of saying all of the bitcoin is now like on cosmos
right so uh like but i know a lot of hardcore bitcoin people especially the old schoolers
and not entertainancy or something like nomic so is this like uh like a sympathy vote almost
because you have to bring liquidity over or are you like quite bullish on the nomic like prospect
oh man that's a tough one so so when nomic first came out like and they were talking about
everything they did i was i was very excited for it um you know it was supposed to be an easy way
to get bitcoin in um i spent hundreds of dollars like testing all this stuff out and
so much money on minor fees going you know through through slower chain swapping to adam
going through nomic um through squid router just about every way you can imagine you get btc in
i've done it and and spent so much money doing it um i actually have right now i have like hundreds
of dollars in uh no big btc just trapped it's been trapped there for for about two weeks now it's
kind of it's it's kind of annoying you know what i mean because i can track the stuff online it
just gets to certain address and just sits there and then three days ago it moved still haven't
still have received it so it's it's uh and then they posted something in telegram saying it was uh
the mempools are full of bitcoin but i've never had anything take you know over two weeks it's
kind of ridiculous over a thousand confirmations on my transaction i still haven't received it
so um yeah i gotta talk to them over there but as of right now you know they're an option
but they're probably not going to be our first option to get stuff in right now until like they
get all their their system worked out and it's working correctly because right now i don't believe
it is yeah that's kind of like where we were getting that dude that's what i wanted to
get at so like yeah at least you're kind of saying that you guys are fluent and that you
think about these things it's not like setting stone or the only option you've got right
oh no dude we always got option a b c d you know it's part of being equipped though you
gotta have a backup plan for just about everything you know even getting liquidity off-chain
is is a challenge sometimes during the tear crash we were uh we were we were like everybody's
running for the hell of it we're you can ask jg we're in a discord like we're arbing on fucking
hugira where we're trying to get shit off-chain uh at one point all the wallet stopped working
because you know it was so compacted and there were so many transactions we found out that we
could like do shit through uh wasm contracts and get through a little bit easier like we're
doing everything we could just to make money while everybody was running for the hills and
it was a good time until like you know it ended and that was that everything was at zero
but you know we we made some money during the crash we you know we did a little bit we did
what we could and we kept the community active we kept our minds off you know your life savings
only zero like we can still make a little bit money while we're while everything's burning down
so let's let's fucking do it yeah like this is an interesting one and you've got your guys say
bud say i would like to hear from them that's quite an interesting one with the mining because
like bitcoin essentially i believe is is probably bitcoin like the most profitable to mine but
yield bearing opportunities are very far and few between aren't there if you want to be like
productive with like you know what i mean the yield not that that's a big thing for us man
get it you're getting yield you know getting yield is sustainable so yeah it's a huge thing man
um bitcoin it can be might can be profitable depending on you know what equipment you have
what's your power um if you're not paying a lot for electricity yeah bitcoin is awesome to mine
but if you're like a normal person nowadays like it's it's really hard to mine bitcoin because
electric is can be so much the machines are so powerful they do suck up a lot of electricity
but um you know if you have the right setup for them it's it's great it's fucking great
you know it's uh that's why we used uh nice hash for years and years and years it's actually one
of my favorite mining software so that allowed me to like i can mine eth um all these alt coins
that are coming out that you know nobody even knows what they are and like i said before we
get paid in bitcoin so you get the profits of these you know brand new alt coins but you get the
stability of holding bitcoin at the same time so it's a pretty cool way of you know combining the two
and just being a little safer and it works out good i like it it's a good system so bro we've got
a couple a couple of new people in very quickly let's just quickly get to this one subject then
we'll welcome everyone else are you worried about any kind of legislation or regulation
specifically as well i'm kind of talking about like new york state uh does does any of that
bother you or are you just like it's not happening it's all hot air and talk or what
oh man now see i've i've something i've thought about and i've had to deal with i've actually
talked to my my state legislators i've talked to you know um i've written them i've talked to
them talking to the the business bureau about all this but uh as of right now we're not
really worried about it we're uh we're actually not going to stay here we're gonna
stay in new york and start but we have plans to move elsewhere we're looking at properties
in other countries where we can use uh actually uh renewable energy um i have a couple buddies
who are helping me out get hydro energy from dams but they're i mean all this stuff is in
different countries so it's going to be a big move for us but it's something we're always
looking at and trying to stay on top of you know what i mean because something you don't want
to fuck around with us we're damn sure you know but you know that's right now i think we're right
tesla turbines bro that's the next move tesla turbines for fucking renewable energy
uh we've got your man uh hello seabuds gmc did you say community manager or
well yeah i'm i'm horrible at talking to people so i hired this guy to do it
no worries how you doing dude you okay yeah i'm not too bad yeah i'm just fighting off
a little flu but other than that doing well how about you oh man flu bro we can cope can't we
we can cope yeah so uh yeah how so how long have you been with the project if you don't mind me
asking so i came on probably around october september october um
steve had kind of put a call out looking for people um i just you know jumped on board initially
kind of did a pastor of the light paper upgrading some of that um we bounced some ideas back and
forth we found we really kind of yin and yang at a lot of times um you know we really kind of
balance each other out and things like that so it's been uh it's been a really good partnership
in in terms of how we've been kind of building this and bringing things together so far and
you know hopefully it's just the beginning got in at the right time didn't you it sounds
like that's a perfect time to be joining just before like there's going to be like a big
launch you know the main launch yeah yeah the timing was was excellent i've definitely
definitely fortunate in that regard same man like everything like started really picking up that time
too and like i was like in 10 places at once and you know i started talking to kori over here and
uh you know realized he'd be a community manager but he wound up like he said you know this is
pretty much a partnership now he wanted to be my right hand man we we talk about everything
together and uh you know he's he's become a really main part of the project and it's he's
great dude awesome so i'll tell you what that's a good question so kori what excites you most about
the project is it because like it's you know pioneering we haven't seen many other projects
like try to manage this successfully is it are you just bowled over because you're writing
to nfts i mean where does your passion come from kori yeah i mean it's you know a little
of all of the above like i've been in crypto since 2017 right so like my initial toes were
dipped right around you know launch a wraith protocol and things like that so um i always
had an interest in mining and things like that so you know the initial proposition of
uh you know kind of taking part in mining but not having to be so hands-on in the equipment
piece really intrigued me and yeah in the last six eight months i really got into nfts and of course
the art's incredible i mean you know fox really just outdid himself with it so
yeah the art really drew me in the concept of of the fresh liquidity and the mining and being
able to participate is more of a layman and not having that technical knowledge
but then also you know being able to really dive into the defy and beyond the cutting edge of
so guys we've we've actually got someone who's joined the room now we were talking about bdc yield
opportunity and stuff earlier and he's like oh i'll jump up you know but also he's a massive like
privacy advocate now one thing i did think is okay there's i do know there's a lot of like
opportunities with you know yield bearing and ft's and stuff these days but also there's a lot of
people who want to keep it quiet want to keep it private uh this ongoing kind of revenue streams
and stuff you know so i i definitely want to jump in and just quickly touch on privacy but
let's say hello to redeye because he's the man hello redeye wouldn't be em fam what's going on guys
it's uh it's finally i can say gmdu uh robo and it be reality it is like actually true
yeah you bang on it was uh eight o'clock when we started i'm about to take a rebel defy on a bike
trip today which is going to be pretty cool i'm turning around Bangkok and a little sightseeing
to us so i'm pumped absolutely hell yeah nice yeah i i saw a galactic mining club was here
and uh been kind of following what they've been doing for about a month now and heard them talking
about you know wanting to be able to utilize their treasury and i love what you guys are talking
about with rotating uh equipment during these cycles um and i mean it's super cool you guys
are doing this in cosmos because you have the interoperability the one thing that made me want
to come up and speak is like just purely thinking about like where the ecosystem is headed as far as
composable defy is you know mentioning yield bearing assets um like being able to let's say
uh you know uh galactic mining club is uh hoarding stable coins right and they want to make a little
bit of extra money with that no impermanent loss so they have they build a stable coin stable coin
lp position imagine then being able to take that while it's earning swap fees and borrow against
maybe it's you want to try and front run the the acquisition of new equipment
so you want to borrow against those stable coins go ahead and purchase that stuff and
now you've got some breathing room in between you know selling you new or selling your old stuff or
i mean just uh being able to do more with yield bearing positions is super cool sommelier with
their real yield eth real yield bitcoin being able to take that and do something with it
whether it be borrow against it or you know do something else um one of the things like we were
talking about uh yield bearing assets i was talking with lavonna not too long ago and
they were really interested in the idea of being able to take their private perps positions that
are represented as secret or sorry as nfts and bring those over to secret network to
allow for these private trading strategies and then even potentially being able to take that
private perps position and and borrow against it or or leverage that in another way um is really
cool so i know it adds a bunch of complexity and like business tracking stuff but like um
you know you guys are mentioning a lot of things that um you know i as someone who might be
interested in running a dao like community managed dao in the future
would be looking at so it's cool to see you guys kind of trailblazing in that degree
yeah you you've just actually hit something you've just actually hit a nail on the head there
uh i'm gonna have to ask this guys because this is just really kind of normal because like we've
been through it where i've been there yeah what about any form of uh like incorporation or is the
dao like a wyomi like llc or have you went marshall islands did you guys have to consult
experts have you had quite because i know the money that's involved in like investment and
setting up something like a proper org i mean you don't have to talk about it if you know you
haven't done anything it's up to you guys but yeah have you taken any steps to like kind of
make sure the org is like watertight and you know secure yeah so that's something we uh we're
working on we're in the process of finishing up uh but actually the the dao will own all the
assets uh legally um the miners the the the tokens uh whatever whatever's in the treasury
outside the treasury the real world assets but that was gonna legally own everything by the
time we're done um this is not being set up in america obviously uh we we have other options and
we we're going after them it's uh i think it's better that way more safer for everybody
so like that's that's bullish that you're like are you there right for people in the audience
to not be registered as an LLC in america is a very bullish move can i just say that bro
yeah i've had a lot of time to figure this shit out so yeah definitely we got a pretty good plan
and uh you know we're sticking to it at this point uh we'll expand more than that as we you
know begin to finalize it um should be you know soon after the min actually but uh it's it's in
the process and it's being done and it's uh it's in a place we don't have to worry about you know
the current laws and and what they're gonna decide tomorrow and all that stuff man so i mean
that's a really big deal so yeah we definitely jumped on that we want to make sure it was solid
airtight it's uh just one of those things in the process of being done good um i mean even
the fact that you've had the convoys you've got the plans in place uh even like sort of pre-mined
that that's quite bullish because we've been through it ourselves we kind of know what options
are available like where in the world there's not actually guys many options for people you know
you've got like an unincorporated interest in the uk you can uh you can do panama martial islands
has proven really like popular but it's i think it's about 1200 upfront and about 1200 1400 a year
or something but like yeah this this just having that okay we're in lc it's just such a
stamp of approval on something like this that is going to be managing funds you know that's
definitely like a huge credibility life take you know what i mean bro yeah yeah definitely man and
like you know i don't i don't need any any of that trouble on me i don't want to absolutely you know
the at the end of the day my my goal is like you know i really don't want to be responsible
for anything it's gonna be community owned where uh you know i'm gonna have just as much say as
anybody else in there you know of course i'll be there to you know give my input and you know
help out where i can you know run equipment whatever but even the dao can like boat to run the
equipment elsewhere like they don't have to run it in my facility if somebody else can do it for
cheaper and has better power they can by all means you know vote to do it somewhere else you know
it's it's just i'm doing what i can to you know help get it going at this point bro can
we put some numbers if that's all right so uh what's the total collection how many is in the
total collection how many pieces four thousand just so you guys go for it
yeah go on to give us all the dates bro
uh yeah so it's uh four thousand pieces uh we've got a thousand earmark for tier one and
uh a thousand for tier two uh on the white list um they're in tier ones i think
thirty dollars uh tier two is 35 public is 40 um
i believe it works out to three thousand six hundred and fifty through the mint there's a
small uh airdrop that went there's 300 that went to uh the treasury and the team and things like
that for some of the collaborations and 65 that we over the counter sold to capital too
so there's a you know out of the four thousand collection 365 won't be mintable because there are
they were airdropped to the dow treasury otc sold to uh other other projects whatever but uh
yeah so the rest of the all for the community to do to mint them up let's fucking uh let's get a
mint out on there let's do it quick let's uh show people that we're we're alive we're well we're
doing good over here and uh the nft market's coming back and you're gonna be utilizing
their enterprise right you're not doing anything with grave digger is that right or is that
so like this setup talk to me a little bit about uh about when once you're minting
right what's what's gonna happen then is it enterprise staking or
yeah so we use enterprise the state
automatically like distribute rewards here what's what would be their distribution like once a month
once a quarter something or uh yeah minimum once a month the ultimately it'll be uh distributed so
it'll be the bitcoin that'll be coming in through the mining um and then all the defi gets paid out
in the host chain currency so luna kuji things like that yeah i was thinking this is more like
of a dividend like a quarterly dividend thing isn't it than than anything else here i mean it might
start out like you know in the beginning where it might be weekly or monthly but obviously you
know the goal be to have payments you know more more regular than that but you know in the
beginning it's just you know it's going to take probably about depending on where the rigs are
when we order them because like sometimes they're they're close they're easy to get i can get them
a couple days other times i gotta wait 30 days to you know ship them out from china and shit
so depending on where you know uh hardware is on the mint uh is going to depend on how long it
takes to get the to get the mining revenue coming in setting them up is nothing you know
once i get them it'll take me minutes to set them up but uh you know it's just actually waiting
on the hardware like uh corry said that uh you know we've been building a treasury uh i write
defy uh uh threads on on my page on my personal page and you know i share them with the community
like uh so we got we got a couple strategies going uh things where we've been trying to accumulate
you know to to boost the treasury uh things that we want to we want to be active in you
know we're trying to get all of our routes down um you know obviously i'd be seeing uh
assets through the cosmos can be a little challenging sometimes so i got like multiple
ways to figure that out uh uh i b c um that fun has been great uh that's by uh uh skip protocol
over there leave there behind uh the new station wall upgrade as well uh they got some awesome
products for moving stuff around tfm obviously you know uh there's a bunch of ways to do it
so we're just trying to finalize everything you know which we got all our walls ready
gotta have gas tokens everywhere um just just get everything ready to to you know be as smooth as
possible and hopefully uh more frequent as possible too you know i don't think anybody wants to wait
like a month for you know a payment on anything so we get it you know uh daily the weekly that's
what we're gonna do oh bro there are fucking awesome teams skip under where they're often like
a team that works in the background like we don't we're always like oh tfm or leap and this
fucking bros skip they're all there they're just gonna kill us nice day too like their their customer
like relations are great like sometimes you're you deal with these protocols and uh actually
the one day a relayer was down for i think noble or something and i could not get a hold of anybody
there like i went to uh telegram's discourse their page couldn't get a hold of anybody actually i got
gattican fucking uh he went on and like restarted or something and wound up getting it going again
and got my transaction through but i found up you know talking to skip and they were like yeah
man we're here all the time you ever have any trouble there's always somebody here and uh
that's actually one of their goals is to have a great community uh support service so that
people don't have to like wonder where their money is for days and not know who to talk to
there's always gonna be somebody there to help you they're they're great and their products
are so smooth so quick uh very cheap to use just just all out great all around very reliable
uh a lot of times you obviously something that comes in on the wrong channel so you have to
transfer it back you know make sure it comes in right it's usually don't have that problem
i'll skip over there it's their products are great man it's awesome yeah man everybody
says the same i'll tell you what dude what you've just said is what everybody says like
whether it being public or private about the time really good i like how fin did you hear that
he's like fucking gattigan restarted it like i love it how everybody introduces it
like fucking gattigan it's so good fin you got any comments you're being a bit quiet there brother
no no just uh doing some catch-up stuff uh gattigan's awesome every time
he's helpful and he's such a pain in the fucking ass when he's not i'll tell you what
it's a love-hate thing uh had a couple questions from the chat as far as uh like the specs on
the miners or anything is there anything you can tell us about the miners specifically or does
that depend when like when you order them because shit changes or how does that work i mean i can
give you a rough idea right now just give me like two minutes to pull my sheets out and stuff look up
everything um give me like 30 seconds i give you a rough idea but you know it's like anything else
the yield changes depending on the amount of hash rate on that on the on the ecosystem uh
and the price of the token so it's always changing uh it's been very actually profitable
uh our lives have been fucking great uh depending on what you're mining but uh yeah it's still
changing and uh hold on give me give me two minutes here i'll pull some shit up for you
so where did you where does your interest in miners come from fin
uh do you remember that film zoot lander you remember his uh his family was miners
and i just always remember when he goes back after just completely failing
and his family takes him in and lets him try to be a miner again even though they're getting laughed
at and mocked i got the black line yeah like i fucking feel that shit it's like every time
anybody tries to tell anybody that's like not in the game about the game and they're just like
that sounds like a fucking ponzi scheme you don't get it it's like man we've gone through so much
together it's like fuck man just say yeah that sounds nice you don't even have to mean it
for once just shut the fuck up and be positive and so yeah the movie zoolander is where my my
interest in mining comes in and also the pie phone miners i thought that was a pretty interesting
grift back uh a while back everyone was like look guys i'm mining on my phone i press a button
like does stuff and i get like these tokens and it's like my phone is mining like your phone is
mining your data bro good luck i'm uh i'm really glad like to be honest been that we weren't trying
to have like a serious short of it uh really appreciate that one jmc yeah i'm not here to
help yeah so some numbers for you um right now the miners that we're purchasing are about 15 grand
each they're all 14 five uh give or take uh where we get them well yeah so around 14 grand uh they
they pull in uh profit a day well the income is about 70 a day right now the profit is 60 so
you're spending like nine ten dollars a day to run this thing but you're you're pulling
six dollars profit which gives you a rough roi of about 237 days so in less than a year
these things will be paid off and you know just producing nothing but profit um and like i said
we're not holding these alt coins and stuff you know we're holding bitcoin uh adam kuji uh cosmos
assets so we're taking like the risk out but you know the reward is still very good um you got 10
you got 10 machines you know i mean that's like decent money and i saw like that 70k a year like
isn't it 20 nearly 22k or something right yeah yeah i mean you get 10 yeah yeah so you got 10
machines going you know you're pulling in uh you know pretty damn good money a day man
uh yeah 600 bucks a day you know then when the coins go up the profit goes up as well and then
you know like your hardware goes up you know everything goes up together so you know you
are like i mean when we started this the roi on these machines was like literally like
120 days at one point i think it was like 70 days like you know three months you paid off but uh
you know the dips and stuff uh you know more miners coming online that's why it's really
big to get in early with these things um be ready for them have the fun set aside to
to order them when they come out uh be one of the first crews using them and you make your
profit you get in and then you can decide what you want to do because like uh you i was talking
to tfl actually about at the beginning uh they were going to help us out do some things
and uh they just like couldn't believe that we were you know getting these roi's and these
numbers i'm like i promise you it's really i've been doing it like for years in my whole life
i'll give you game all statistics game all sites you know some of the hardware we use
and everything and just uh chris had a really hard time wrapping his head around it so uh
you know we decided to do our own thing but uh yeah man it's it's a pretty good deal
it's it's just oh sorry i was very quickly very good i'm just gonna say it seems to me like it's
a very clear easy distinct clear this right this is if you want skin in the mining game
but you didn't want to be packing your house out with equipment and having ridiculous electricity
bills this is like your opportunity of a seed round to essentially get in an org that is at
its core heart like a mining up so like it's just basically getting skin in the mining game right
that sounds really professional man um we're not trying to do all that we're just yeah if you want
if you want mine you don't want to do you don't want to deal with mining or your wife yelling at
you you just buy a fucking gmc uh an nft to be good man same thing we're gonna so we are our
our all of our fucking uh socials are filled with with dgents people have been around cosmos
for years uh you know we love helping people with strategies we love teaching people
any questions you got about anything mining defy uh how to do something in the cosmos
there's usually someone in our socials who's been there done that had that same problem and uh
most of us love helping people man we're just we're just here to help teach people uh how to be
independently financially free uh not depend on irl shit you know uh not be stuck uh in your
nine to five rat wheel fucking job you know there's a way out man and a lot of people
are losing it with the with the money printing all this bullshit going on so you don't have to do
that man there's other ways there's other ways yeah all right dude it reminds me a little bit
about raccoons actually where it's like a mackerel player like we were scooping up all these raccoons
like ages ago like two years ago like 70 bucks and that we were just like pure mackerel it's
like a just longevity player uh gg were you gonna jump in there yeah but i gotta tell you
something those things jumped out of my price point when they got on my radar i was like oh no
dude i called the pico button man $70 i was like that this this is it it's in the look at cheaper
i've literally got the tweet that says it uh so gg obviously you're going to be minting yeah
is this something are you going to be minting because you just know the project and that's
what we kind of do or are you actually thinking hey this is a good like mackerel player
so for me i mean i i i'm definitely minting because i love the art and i know i know the team so to me
it's easy to believe and trust in what they're trying to accomplish right so i'm definitely
participating uh you know again i watched i watched their behavior and as they tried to redesign the
project and redesigned the whole art from the ground up this last like seven eight months like
they've just been literally transforming this collection so to me it's like a no-brainer like
i'll max min but i'm a degenerate too so don't always this is not financial advice this is just
my personal viewpoint just so everybody knows advice for degens only yeah if you're not a
jesus don't don't even bother but uh if you're if you're degenerate and you want to go have some
fun you want to do some new shit you want to learn some shit come and come hang out with us
come into nft man have a great time our community's awesome try and stay smiling try and stay positive
try and teach people uh and try and make money bro that's that's what we're about change the world
let's let's do some stuff all right how do i make money that's all you think anyone should
ever ask right jj do you think this is like a blue chip for the platform are you like
directing it's a proper blue chip yeah i do you know at the moment you know when you look at
terra this is uh you know the you know the gps the sp's the pixel lions and uh the alliance
dao nft's are pretty much and even you know it's crazy even the ronans the ronans have great
volume but they had to leave i missed them i missed the ronans i really wish we had kept
that mixer on terra i really do i love those guys but but i definitely see you know this
collection art wise to me this art uh i mean i think i mean fox you did a great job on this
collection brother i'm not gonna lie dude i think the art is the art is worth the mint price with
with no if we just gave you these pictures and no utility at all the art would be worth what
you're paying man these these things are awesome i think so too and it's super stylized it's highly
detailed like it's definitely i mean this is this is actually like this is actually
really good art it's not like a bad kid sorry i don't really let's not get down on that
it's it's crazy man like sometimes i look at you know stuff that's on i'm like oh this is this is
what we're competing with right now like why why why are these selling did you just mention
the illuminati i mean fin the space will start rocking in a minute now they've mentioned those
fuck me here we go here we go honestly hey robo you know what though like i think this art is
like on par with like the raccoon art like the raccoon art is like super high high level art
too right it's like so to me both of these collections are extremely stylized extremely
highly rendered and like it's beautiful i'm serious i like i mean i'm i'm not gonna lie i was kind of
i was kind of jealous lisa makes fun of me that i don't have a raccoon but they're like i'm like
dude they're like 700 bucks out to get the ones i would want he should bro in the last like
fucking two weeks she's become like the top holder bruce was like down infinite he was so sad
i did come for him see he's a beast i love i love lisa i wish i had 10 more of her just because she
brings she brings good energy wherever she goes she's positive and she will be minting GMC so make
sure you get to the public earlier because lisa will be there he's an alpha when it comes to
nfts that's uh if people are not following uh crypto for me like for the number you're
fucking missing out because she's not being wrong is she like even when we all saw like
proper bottom of the market and she's just like i'm buying these i'm sticking these and like
everybody's like trying to fucking make what we kind of means she's laughing at you now
but either way i will shout out foxy because he did a 420 collection didn't he on omni uh last year
uh which i thought was cool as fuck as well but he's uh he's definitely like proper talented
like been on the show a couple of times and that yeah definitely once i found out there was
foxy behind it i was like ah right okay now i'm like really interested do you know what i mean bro
i mentioned it on i think it was one of the last unrecorded once we did how his his uh his bottom
posting was like a breath of fresh air because i was finally reading somebody's shit posts that
were more cynical than my own and it was really like i really look forward to that shit
he calls shit out it's so fucking funny i don't know why it just cracks me up
he's a straight up dude too man like uh so dude he just came out of nowhere like i'm like how do i
not know you from anywhere like your art is amazing so many people know who he is like i've
never even heard the guy before i started talking to him i was like yo i feel like i want to go have
a beer with you man you're fucking awesome and then uh we started talking about the project you
know i told him where i was with everything and uh he was he was so laid back about everything
he was like you know i'm not really worried about you know making crazy money i just want
to you know i want to i'm going to help you guys because you're doing something cool you're doing
some uh innovative that's really going to help bring um you know new people to the space and
pick up energy and get people excited he's like i'm more excited about that than anything so he's
like i'm on board let's do this and he shipped 150 the whole time and shipped everything came
in on time never late um i would i would throw stuff on like last minute with a couple days left
like yo we need this this and this and this but all right no problems and still come in on time
he's so talented dude and i tell you like the amount of creativity he put into this
like my mind would not be able to expand that far like the in the amount of time that he did
this it was just insane there's there's so much stuff in this collection it would take me like
years to think of it and go through it all like and he did it in a couple months it was crazy
yeah a lot of people out there i'm going to be honest people uh we've taught that on bidor you
know and these couple of collections date now like these fucking generative art of artists
collections and stuff they're not fucking easy work they take hours and hours and hours man
people go offline for like weeks on end like just buried in the lab like working on them
uh but yeah shout out the artists like we always do this actually leads me to something that i've been
thinking right so for me like not only are you like obviously this play that we're being taught
about right uh but also there's it could be an educational aspect behind it so what we're seeing
now with omniflex tv is fucked on a create like everyone's making a channel now dvpn just created
one yesterday well you that's you know why that is right besides omniflex being dope like youtube is
just going balls out like killing people's youtube's account like if you mention crypto they're like nah
you're done three strikes all at the same time get out of here so you gotta go somewhere where
that's not going to happen right and not just that look at my twitter getting bombed last week
and banned for fucking well yeah you were you were calling people pleb guns though i mean you can't
can't really blame it's kind of apples and oranges here but that's not to know what's wrong with that
that's a recreation they assume he means that in a negative connotation he's obviously using it as
a term of endearment see you should have wrote that in your appeal i was endearing them those
fucking cunts just listen those fucking cunts bro i grew up man like you know i'll be daydreaming
out the window and me grandma be you pleb couldn't hurry up and get to school you know
just not my football brothers have always brought up you know we would never blame you we would never
blame you for that no now as we become grandparents our grandkids are gonna tell us about the day or
they're gonna tell their kids about the days when we called them pleb cunts so i go outside and oh
yeah i called mine that three times already today it's been a it's been a trying day
so Finn you're minting yeah i'm kidding don't i'm kidding i would i'm kidding
so Finn you'll be minting of course obviously i bet no doubt yeah i was i was gonna ask i probably
missed it uh because i was daydreaming about getting called a pleb cunt by your grandma
um what's the mint price again and this is i saw something that's going to be in a
multitude of of different currencies
fuck sorry jms he was daydreaming we've basically been through all the mint prices but never mind
well again if you can just go through like the first 30 minutes of the space again and
just like summarize it for me that'd be great well go on jm say quickly fill him in so he
can mint the little pleb yeah so if if you're already nft dj and you're tier one it's uh
30 to mint if uh you've uh got one of three of our partner project nfts like three of the same
collection we put you in tier two uh to 35 and if uh you don't have any of these projects these
awesome so can i just say that the project we we uh we try to whitelist our projects off of we try
to go around and pick the most community-based uh projects that we could uh projects that we
they're already doing going above and beyond for their communities um more worried about you know
making their community whole making them uh profits you know making their their projects worth
that they're the money they spent on at work that went above and beyond for their community so
those are the nft projects that we took their communities and we whitelisted them for our project
um and if you're just minting public you don't hold any of these nfts it's 40 bucks
it's been the moment uh 10 different tokens the backbone and jg hammered that out for us
that's sweet man got solid in there uh b luna uh i think b roars on there uh a couple other tokens
so it'll be for everybody no matter where you're coming from oh yeah hell yeah thank you so i'm
wondering i'm wondering guys i mean obviously we try to keep things like sophisticated a bit like
the proper you know good interviews like this like down a little bit to like round about now
or whatever but so minting strategy we saw like a little bit of a uh i'm not going to say like unique
but maybe you can call it unique strategy with the megaloo wheels how like the mint was open
and then it was closed and then it reopened again and then obviously it's minted out and that was
like a collection of like 3000 maybe 200 something i think around that so we we've known about like
so 4000 pieces of decent size you know uh so what's the minting strategy is it going to
be open for a certain period of time is it going to close are you just going to leave it running
what do you think you're going to mint out pretty quick what's that happening what's it look like
get there quick get that get there early we're making out we're setting records
that's all i gotta say i'll i'll tell you i'll tell you my mint strategy is to kick deployed
on a couple of them dope corn nuts and have him scrape me up some bots so that i can front run all
you fuckers and then just raking those rewards baby let's go well that's a good point because
listen we all saw what happened with the unicorns the other week i mean right pj we'll just say
this isn't stargaze either though like i think that's you're comparing two different two radically
different launch and two radically different price points too like to set up a bot to
bot this would cost so much fucking money you're not you're not minting something in 12 stars you
know if this is 40 bucks i had 12 stars
hey i like my pink slip nfts thank you very much
so obviously there you go jj but like you know
bot better bother you so not use it past that yeah your levels above it i guess
well you know i mean anything's possible but like you said like if you if somebody wants to
bot the public mint at $40 i mean i'll give you a five five dollar discount to do it you know what i
mean like that's just like he might as well broker another deal like ots you know it's just like that
so i don't even i just don't see it happening i guess it's possible but i just don't see it
happening i'll give you a five dollar discount your man doesn't fucking care does he actually
that's it because finn interrupted me so omnifix tv yeah uh we're saying this i mean i'm
mentioning this red eyes here because we're saying the success of like a shared protocol on there
like you know some people are hitting some decent numbers now for me you know you can provide added
value to the community from an education like i was like into the mediums and i'm like actually you
know what i'm learning some shit here and it will be awesome to like i'll tell you why i'm mentioning
this is because first time the other day i jumped on youtube you know when you go down the hall
sometimes and i came across this guy i think like down in Arizona or somewhere right or
if i go where he is no there was snow on the ground he's not in he might be Iowa or something
and they've got this like unbelievably gigantic fucking mind and operation on the go you know
and he did this like video like walking around the whole thing talking to stuff and i was like
just fuck dude i couldn't stop watching and then i watched a couple of his other videos as well
and then i found them on i think twitter was it and i'm like this is educational as fuck now i never
used to be into this and i'm thinking i suppose like if i'm buying an nft i'd look to like say
some videos as well where i like used to say like setting up or you just get the miners like
unboxer you know what i mean like people will watch that shit dude if you're in crypto for
any other reason you know besides making clinic money man you gotta check out mining man there's
a whole mission going out there we gotta decentralize the world we gotta get the
governments out of control of our money everything needs to be decentralized we need to get the
internet to centralize front end is decentralized hardware decentralized we gotta get you know
shit running everywhere around the world by the people for the people um you know this is
we're a movement this there's a bigger thing going on in the background and we need to
play a part we need to help out we gotta do it we kind of gotta educate people um but do
i do a little subliminal shit you know speak my mind here there but uh you know it's bigger
than making money it's bigger than uh you know just mining in general there's we got this world
to stock man we gotta do something about it with that with that said oh go on to me go on
so you obviously you guys are focused on mining but i'm pretty sure i heard you mentioned
doing arbitrage as well like there are other revenue generation sources for uh gmc do you guys
like this is something i'm actually wanting to start up is like kind of an anonymous market
making group or like an anonymous arbitrage group where you know you have decentralized
software that's running effectively people can pool their finances together to be able to
our particular markets um i was just curious like if you guys are doing something like that
that would be actually a really cool additional utility if it's something that's being kind of
managed by the dow yeah so we i can definitely hook you up with some people who can help you out
that we're actually doing something very similar um yeah we're running trying to pick up as many
revenue streams as possible like we have bots being built we have called bots that are done
um we know we're looking at we we we have uh arms we have smart contracts that we're
that we're trying to get built uh some that have already been built we're going to be utilizing
you know the the fee share strategy um you know just send out smart contracts on dApps that can you
know uh utilize looping and um you know all these basically kujerri you can go long and short using
ghosts just you know people don't know how to mangley long and short you gotta know how to
do these things to you know to use it without the button being there but you know it's all
there already they just don't have buttons you know to click you just gotta know how to physically
do it liquidity provision like people don't realize that you can open short positions with
the liquidity like with an LP um yeah yeah all sorts and those LP tokens can be traded too you
know it's the other thing there's there's so much you can do that there's not a button for nobody
ever knows that's awesome though uh that you guys are looking to do that i found i mean it
i always find myself comparing my situation to if you guys have seen the movie war dogs you'll
kind of understand what i'm talking about but like you've got these massive players who are looking at
getting whole slices they're trying to get the whole pie i'm just over here trying to get some
fucking crumbs because some crumbs to me might be you know a few thousand in a day and that's killer
um for like anybody so uh yeah i mean especially on uh niche markets like newer markets um any of
the smaller markets generally where i find that the best arbitrage activity they're also the harder ones
to stay active with because either their documentation is not great or you know it might be more hit or
miss but yeah anyways i was just curious what you guys are doing that's cool to hear that there's
other people thinking about doing the same thing yeah man i mean like lined out did a great job of
this uh you know setting up you know showing all the things that you can do defy strategies um
that you can do you know they're they're a little more uh uh risk uh off than we are like you know
the stuff that we're doing is probably a little bit more risque but it's also going to be a lot more
probable so um you know obviously we're taking extra steps to make sure you know um you know
it just doesn't go wrong when we have uh uh you know limit orders uh stop limits and everything
else but uh uh yeah we're just we're taking a little bit more risk doing these d5 plays but
it's hopefully it'll pay out a lot more uh something i'm really passionate about man
something i'm good at in life too you know like it's just one of those things that
i just you know i got i started getting into it i just couldn't stop you know i
my wife would yell at me like yo you need to get off the computer i'm like i'm i'm breathing still
it's like it's two o'clock in the morning you know come to bed now i'm not going to keep going
i just find this stuff so interesting man it's it's it's just sucks me in it's great and then
helping people learn it too like it's such a good feeling just you know helping people
and then it's something you're passionate about too you get to help somebody with somebody you're
passionate about it's it's great man i love it hey red i i got a quick i got a quick question
real quick uh if this was war dogs which one of you would be jonah hill and which one
of you would be miles teller between you and carter uh i think i would be jonah hill
if i had to that's that's where my head was too so i'm glad we're on the same page
i would be the one probably getting carter into trouble and he has to lie to his wife and
fiance about you know running a sheets business pillow business over in the middle east
so yeah that would probably be me
he his wife and fiance wait a minute he's gonna have to delete that bit out of the convoy like
you're going to you you gotta watch you gotta watch the movie whatever the whatever i think
they're married at the end from that they got a kid so i i have to assume they're together
probably in some legal capacity
i really wanted your man i really wanted your man's take right on the proof of work proof of
stake thing because again we had uh a shout out mba's jump in uh we had joe on the show last night
and you know like me aim tank few others we always go off sometimes you know when we don't
give a fuck on the weekend and like literally joe just did a hatchet job unlike all proof of
chains in their current form so yeah man i mean you've come from that p or w kind of background
right so what what you take on this like i mean are you in it because it's inevitable and you've
got a thing and you should be but you didn't really trust it or are you a big proponent of
proof of stake in its current form what do you think uh for your other questions i can ask you
but we'll start there yeah man that's a great question actually so i fell in love with proof
of work because of the decentralized aspect of it you know it's you could you know when i started uh
you could you could just go out and mine you know you didn't have to have any specialized equipment
you just you know you had a decent computer you go on there and you know download some software
and you're making fucking money and nobody knows nobody can say anything about it it was awesome
and uh i just grew with that but you know a lot of these ecosystems there wasn't really
nothing to do with them at the time so i just mined stuff i got a little bit into ethereum
for a while and then i wasn't i wasn't a big fan of ephman like there's just something about
just annoyed me like the gas fees like why do i gotta pay so much fucking money to move something
somewhere ridiculous and then uh actually um somebody in uh cosmos uh i won like this
competition on twitter and they air dropped me a shit ton of luna uh for winning the competition
so i was like all right let me go check this shit out and uh i started learning about the cosmos
got into you know ibc entertain and and uh see what was going on over here i fell in love with it dude
it was just so fascinating to me and i never left like i never went like i was so busy in cosmos
just like learning everything when soul came out and avax came out like i didn't give a shit dude
i was just like over here trying to learn as much as i could about cosmos and how to utilize
everything over here the best i could like i had no time no interest to go anywhere do anything else
it was just there's so much shit to learn here dude there's so much going on there's so much
innovation it's literally insane you could sit here and read all day learn all day and there's
there's something new tomorrow to learn it's it's great i love the cosmos man oh that's
that's an interesting pick that light bro yeah do you think there's like we all love cosmos we're
here for the tech we love the interoperability etc compatibility but do you think there's a lot of
vaporware in cosmos that we don't need a lot of bullshit yeah there's there's a ton of bullshit
here that we don't need uh um something that i can't say probably without pissing some people off
but yeah there's there's a ton of shit here we don't need man um but you know that's part of
the process that's part of the process you gotta learn you know you gotta people gotta know
how to how to find these things out and if there's never no bullshit on chain how are they gonna find
the next bullshit you know like somebody's gotta create bullshit so they can spot out the next
bullshit i guess right you know you gotta be positive bro we need we need bullshit even i guess
yeah just like you need fucking memes it's uh get where you're coming from yeah we've been called
out a couple of times or butchered a few times for like saying like the app chain thesis the way
it looks at the minute like just looks fucking dead when you look at like what you've got with
celestial and stuff like that you know like a lot of us have said like how many of these chains
should actually be around like a cash luna cosmos you know not that many i think the problem is we
we got we got the tech now it's just like people need to start utilizing it in new ways in cool
ways that's you know actually benefits people man like yes this tech is cool it works great you
do all this stuff with it but we got to figure out how to do real world stuff with it
how to how to actually benefit people's lives and people get into it man
it's it's there it's it's so amazing it's just it's a whole this is a new financial fucking
freedom that we got we're building over here we're innovating we're starting for you know
something you could you could put something on chain now that could be here longer than
you're alive like that's so fascinating to me like it's something that can live on for
for thousands of years you know hypothetically and uh that's amazing man uh we're part of a
movement right now it's it's great let's fucking do we're kind of making the rest of it are you
are you one of those people who can like say separate yourself from things like like political
drama so we've seen more probably political drama in the cosmos over the last 12 like 18 months
than anywhere else right all of the stuff there the tenderman split and we've just seen
what's happening we're getting in all that sort of stuff like are you the guy i mean finn couldn't
give a fuck about political shit honestly i try to talk about stuff and he's just not interested
are you one of those guys like obviously you've been in it a while do you give a shit about that
side or not no not not particularly it's based on i'm gonna like what are you building that's
beneficial uh that that's gonna help me that's gonna make my life easier uh it's gonna help
the community that's gonna that's gonna you know they bring the cosmos to the next level you're not
doing that you're not making real yield you know whatever man i got time for that there's too much
other good shit going on agreed mate agreed like literally the the good stuff that's going on is
exceptional but i do feel like i don't know i feel like uh the the the kind of almost calling
themselves out you know all this shit was saying they're kind of putting it all on display so at
least everybody knows now at least like everybody knew would talk about the behind closed doors before
you know at least it's out now but now finn i mean i'm gonna take rebel dayfire up the day but what a
cracking interview fucking it i mean i got out of bed you know seven o'clock this morning on a
monday morning i'm off work for this and i've had a banger what about you finn have you enjoyed
yourself always always i think i think it's funny because it seems like people like we watched
and the tech evolved and everything and people kept moving but somewhere along the line people forgot to
like bring the bar up with them and so like the bar is still sitting way the fuck down there with
like can you launch a meme coin can you provide like it's it's the same shit and that's i definitely
vibe with that because i've been saying that for a minute now it's like i'm not excited because
you're literally doing the same thing i've seen the last five do like do something different you
know we're bringing the bar we're bringing the bar for the next fucking project too you know
we're going to be setting the bar with us this time fucking who's coming with me man who's coming with
me so i'd like to remind the audience uh minton the first of february and it's not just uh about
jmc if you think about it it's also another step in the right direction for uh necropolis
and for the backbone team it's like adding another blue chip like we talked about earlier so
i mean guys honestly from the rack fm team is it being golden come up like past the sniff test
we've invited uh audience members etc to come up but i'll thoroughly thoroughly enjoy your dinner
which is a massive success moving forward mind i'll be i'll be i'll be i'll be keeping me
eye on the project trust me and i'm really sorry about the sniff test i i don't know why he
does that i try to like tell him like people don't like it when you sniff them but he just
insists so i'm really sorry about that that's it i totally understand man it's all good but yeah
but we're here all the time my dms are always open uh most people know that you know you
can message me and i'll get back to you man you can ask me anything i'm really open about
most things um and uh yeah i'll tell you whatever you want to know man just uh let's talk about
let's do it uh uh let's figure it all out let's you know everything should be out in the open this is
my project this is a community project so you know i want the community to be involved know as much as
possible know everything you know so that's that's how it should be good crap mate good
crack like i say i've enjoyed the day absolutely really enjoyed it we'll just quickly go to jg and
then red eye for some part and comments and we'll wrap it up i reckon uh jg anything to say
before we jump out bro let me go for a second because i swear to god i had something and i just
spaced out i was thinking about something else for a minute yeah old old fart you old fart and then
robo gets doesn't get to say that very often red eye yeah there was just something that uh
gmc mentioned it kind of made me think about you know when shit gets back like people talking
about like do we really need all this tech like people building redundant tech and blah blah blah
i think one thing that um you know at least you know kind of the the ecosystem i come from
were like very unique very niche um and so in like the privacy space it seems like while on the
surface people are like pvp there's not very many privacy projects so you know everyone's
vying for the same amount of small attention um but you know when shit gets bad like in the
bear market you know everyone kind of comes together and everyone's trying to support each
other and there's been some really great stuff that came out of the bear market
um relating to privacy like the upa or yeah upa universal privacy alliance um saw zephyr come
out and get a lot of traction shades continuing to grow um you know privacy is coming back to
the forefront so just uh you know kind of seeing gmc doing something unique uh filling a niche
and trying to show that dows can do something that people might not think is really cool um and
i'm sure you guys are going to face some hurdles in the future but um you know looking around you
at those who are willing to help you whenever shit's tough like those are the people you want
to keep keep around so it sounds like you guys did a really good job at doing that cultivating
this community after kind of the terror collapse and and kind of rebuilding so just awesome to
chat with you guys um love hearing what you guys are doing and yeah real quick real quick
are those are those leveraged lps live right now like can we can we use them or is that something
that's being built as we as we're talking yeah no it's at least uh at least on shade it's being
built like being able to take lp tokens and borrow against them that's something that we're
building right now but i think with uh i think you can do this on kujira right you can take
leveraged uh like leveraged lp positions with bow or sorry with ghost i'm not mistaken uh which is
pretty cool when you add when you add uh to bow there's an option there to leverage that i don't
know if that's what you're talking about yeah i learned my lesson with leverage last time so
a little bit of leverage you know applied appropriately can be helpful um i like for
sure for sure okay can i i got i got one real real quick question so as this is a doubt will
it be possible somewhere down the line if everyone gets together and is like hey
can we take like a percentage of the mining resources and direct it to like let's say zephyr
for example is that something that's doable or are these kind of like bought specifically for
what they're mining sorry i should ask that way earlier you can just message me it's fine yeah yeah
finn we no no we lost uh gmc earlier so you know when you get that yeah yeah it's all good
it's all good so basically they're they're mining and they're going through nice hash and so they're
just selling the hash power of any miner that they're running so they can get paid they can
mine hash and get paid in bitcoin they can mine kaspa and get paid in litecoin they can
mine doge and you know i mean like they can mine whatever because they can merge mine
yeah so finn you can merge mine or what we call merge mine so you can say like
mine sis coin like that is merge mined with btc so you can do it at the same time yeah
but hey gmc's come by so merge mining's actually a little different um this is more of like we're
selling we're selling actual hash power to the highest bidder um actually mining on nice
house is usually more profitable than actually mining on chain because people buy this stuff for
a little bit more uh profit than than you can uh they're willing to lose a little profit so they
don't have to deal with the hardware the electric expenses all that stuff and um now we're looking
into unminable a little bit because they actually have uh adam as a as a payout token
so instead of uh actually mining in btc and then paying crazy you know like uh fees to get it
over here we can we can mine and adam uh move it over here for pennies and then swap it all to btc here
so like there's a couple options that we that we're looking into it's pretty cool
i'm just more familiar with nice house actually this is what i've been mining on for years but
uh i'm starting to look into more other things now especially now i realize adam's uh available
there you go finn yeah thank you thank you thank you
please we're coming back gmc yeah i didn't know if you were dropping off or what there
but uh red eye i mean that was a good closing statement that son you don't want to come and work
for rack fm jesus christ i'll tell you what gg you're old bastard did you remember what
you were gonna say before we actually do it yeah i just wanted to say you know uh i mean if
anybody knows me and like what we've been trying to do we've been trying to cultivate a different
type of a community experience like we want uh people who are willing active participants we want
people who are engaging and want to help the next person and you know the galaxing mining uh
dao and their community that that's formed around this product it exactly fits the paradigm so you
know um i'm definitely interested in in betting on teams like this and and i and this is like you
know we want to be the change that we want i don't want to sound corny but like in this
anonymous space we have to we have to be as good as our word and we have to protect the next man
that we're you know participating with because we're only as strong as that that weakest link
right so you know at the end of the day you know we have to find the people who are willing to stand
for difference for stand for change and i you know this is something that's going to bring new
people into the space people will get interested they'll want like you said this is a whole
different vector to to mine is very complicated to a lot of people and it's hassle and like
so to be able to get that exposure through art through through culture and be able to have this
you know cross-pollination throughout the cosmos that's really because that's really where the
decentralization is going to come from you know having having having a secret be be a strong chain
and having that identity and then having you know you know for me you know having terra be this
identity they're building all these web3 tools and and what they're coming out with and like
having kujiro you know their identity is this like really like advanced like trading platform like
all these like different chains identities are really important that they're all healthy and
that they all talk seamlessly that's when we're going to start to really be able to have real you
know freedom of like of not being censored right so this next wave and this is why i'm excited
for what they're bringing out this next wave that we have do it's like i swear to god like we've got
a reset from like two and a half years no three years ago now what it was all about education
hammer hammer hammer right that's like literally that's why these spaces are so important and
like what you've been doing is important and like what terror spaces does is important you know you
guys put out the content for poster posterity so people can go back and listen i i again i've said
it so many times i've i've learned more uh from going through finn's archive like when i'm like damn
like who the fuck you know like who the fuck are these guys i'm like oh i'll just go look through
terror spaces oh those who they're blink and i hit play and then i'm like oh yeah i like them oh
i don't like them but i get a feeling for them like right away right so and like this is this is
really crucial like i i am definitely and again i don't i i get on i tend to get on a little bit
of a soapbox right but but this is like i'm trying to do a rally call and if people are
going to come participate i got their back right so so if you want to come and you want to like
have some type of change in this in this world like that's what the cosmos was about like we
were going to change the world last time so that mission has not changed we are just going to have
to do it again that's it right so let's fucking keep hammering let's do something different and
let's protect each other and we could have like a different like financial like future together you
know we call that in the game in the game we call that a frontline speech right i would look
like a football hooligan rivals were called the frontline right but that's that's right
whoever name can we have to front line speech that one bro that was brave or shit going on there
right i didn't even know how to follow that right so gg you've been an absolutely awesome guest
commentator as panelist thank you gmc uh yeah dude it's been fantastic to meet you for the first time
mind and i'm looking forward like six nine months coming back on and just talking about
right this is where we're at now you know what i mean these you know i'm not saying audits or
books but you're not all there this is what the day was doing so yeah man dude do feel free to drop
us a dm and drop back anytime you like and just come back as a chilled out listener jj drops in
as a casual we like to call him you know what i mean bro yeah man like i'm not i was not very
comfortable with public speaking but he's biz cash all the time thanks for inviting me on
man had a great time man oh you sang fizzing bro he was like dude you need so many things
they should get these on the shorts like it's done you know what i mean but uh yes thank you
very much for this one i've really fucking enjoyed it like yeah yeah well uh we'll see
you all this week i think you got some shows coming on this week you can always check
terracebases.org check the schedule there there's a calendar that's updated all day every day
check it out and yeah hey i'll put a call out real quick if anybody's into building robots
we're uh building the first robot fighting battlebot dao so hit me up if that's something
you're into and uh we'll get you in all right and the shit i gotta go eat another fault of that uh
yeah i've got a gun uh i've had two joints and i've got to go and store broke because i've got
to drive a motorbike today so and i've got to get out before the police set the bloody
what the police i want pics i want pics i want driving miss daisy style pics of you driving
fucking rebel defy around and i want it i want his make it happen hey is he gonna ride on the back
of your scooter he's on the handlebars dog he's on the handlebars like et they're gonna fly
it's a pc x it's a pc x 150 to bro we don't call it a scoot that's a bike zone okay let's leave
the scooter alone i'm not some italian on the back back what is i thought it was a bicycle also
so it's not just you i'm picturing him with like the bell and like the streamers and shit and like
rebel on the front and the basket and they both have like the biggest smiles on their faces i had
to get some ai to render that image for me if mr foxkin i'm ending this i'm ending this book
and space because it's ridiculous and it is monday the 29th of january 2024 and this has been
your host rob or the mayor of ratville whose twitter account doesn't exist anymore and right
about now you'll start hearing Finn's music as he plays out this show good night and god bless
from racket them over and out bye bye enjoy your day