🚨RAC FM Special: Randomness Summit with Moltres RAC & NOIS Network &API3🚨

Recorded: March 20, 2023 Duration: 2:03:10



Morning, Ragger Tham! So, we are just waiting for our panel to join.
And meanwhile, I'm gonna play some music.
It's the next show coming from the rec slow.
this back in the back in the back flow let's go kill him with chocolates by the back door take call so you can stay more know I wanna do is make you do right but I'm on this crew when doing all right be right
I think I say that. I know, I know.
Morning, morning, morning.
Hello guys, how are you guys doing? Absolutely fantastic noise, absolutely fantastic. I've been looking forward to this show, I'm psyched, I'm hyped and I'm nervous. How about you guys?
Yes, very excited as well. Yeah, it has been really nice, but very tough at the same time these last days with all the organization of the Death Net launch.
and mainnet lunch as well, we're doing them together. So yeah, it's been amazing, it's been very cool and excited as well. Thank you for the invite and very nice rack music.
Thank you, thank you, man. Always a pleasure. And we are really, really happy that you could come today, nice.
So maybe we could do like a because Simon is here and so I am Katharina another co-founder of noise and then Simon is here maybe you would request the speakers as well. Of course I just yeah.
So good morning Ken, good morning Mal.
Good morning guys. I'm just getting my headphones cut to that to me
No worries. You guys hear me or?
Absolutely perfect. Clear, loving. Just wiggling up a small coffee on the side. I think it's going to be a very interesting space. So thanks wouldn't be invited very well. I'd be to be here. Hello, hello, good morning.
Is it morning where you are good morning Simon? No, for me it's afternoon. It's just one o'clock in the afternoon. Okay. Yeah, same here in Europe Yeah, me too, man. When you're a bio Simon funny
When Europe are you residing? If you don't mind, Bernstein. I'm German, but right now we are on a team retreat in Belgium. So yeah, central Europe.
Also, man, I'm sitting in Denmark right now out in an unknown location way out in the countryside. It also sounds nice. Are you planning for Spain? It is, it is.
What you think, are you planning for something in the countryside? Always man, always catching a plane. Right now I'm just looking at some fish inside my window and I'm trying to plan how I'm going to catch them and eat them for dinner. I'm jealous.
So again, thank you everybody for coming. I think before we get into the nitty gritty of it all, I would like to hear just a little about yourself, but if you could keep it under
two minutes, two minutes introductions, I would really appreciate that because to be honest, I don't think people came here to hear about your personal stories, but they came to hear about the tech, the randomness, the chaos.
So if a noise the noise the guest of honor if you go first then we can have Simon kin and then Rack All right, all right, so my name is guys button on Twitter's Katarina because that my legal legend is
Yeah, League of Legends hero, I was starting, I'm coming from Web2. Well, more DevOps and finance, banking and some AI stuff as well, but really more mostly DevOps.
been in the crypto space, the blockchain for like two years, two years and a half. And one of my big interests, yeah, is randomness. I mean, duh. So yeah, this is me.
for that nice. Hey everyone, I'm Simon, I'm my day job, I'm one of the three co-founders of Confield and this is what I've been doing most of my time. So I'm developing Cosm wasm, the virtual machine doing that together with Ethan and Martin.
and 20 other people since almost three years now. And one of the challenges that we encountered with Cosmossum is something that people always ask for. Yeah, but why can't I access this random number generator? Why wait?
is not possible and then you always have to explain to them how sandboxes work and stuff. So in late 2020 I came across this project called DRAND which yeah it's basically a random number generator and as a site project I started experimenting

FAQ on 🚨RAC FM Special: Randomness Summit with Moltres RAC & NOIS Network &API3🚨 | Twitter Space Recording

Who is the guest of honor in the podcast?
The guest of honor in the podcast is Noise.
What is the main topic of discussion?
The main topic of discussion is randomness and its importance in blockchain technology.
Who are the co-founders of Noise?
The co-founders of Noise are Katharina and Simon.
What is Simon's day job?
Simon's day job is one of the three co-founders of Cosm Wasm.
What is the challenge that people often ask for when it comes to Cosm Wasm?
The challenge that people often ask for when it comes to Cosm Wasm is accessing the random number generator.
What is the name of the project that Simon came across in late 2020?
The name of the project that Simon came across in late 2020 is drand.
Where is Simon residing?
Simon is residing in Germany, but he is currently on a team retreat in Belgium.
What is the background of Katharina?
Katharina's background is in web2, devops, finance, banking, and some AI stuff.
How long has Katharina been in the blockchain space?
Katharina has been in the blockchain space for two years and a half.
What is the focus of the podcast episode?
The focus of the podcast episode is the importance of randomness in blockchain technology.