🦝RAC FM: Wheelchair Mafia mint out space🔥🙏🚀🦝🤝🐶🦽

Recorded: May 5, 2023 Duration: 0:20:35



Let's fucking go man. I'm just eating some dinner on this fine fine Friday evening the fifth of May.
And we are fucking releasing the IBC wheelchair mafia Who the fuck would have knew? Ragged them. Oh my god Ragged them motherfuckers. What a day it's been
emotional, emotional, go back, listen to the space we had earlier.
Crazy, crazy, quick.
He will be crying next and right. Yeah, you don't want to miss it. Go back, listen to the recording.
have fun but right now it's all about the wheelchair mafia it's all about changing lives, spreading happiness for some unfortunate
talking with Peggy before life on the spaces.
I just send you a co-hosted mic, here comes Finn.
Let's get this fucking show on the road.
Ah and no rocks both came up smooth and swiftly awesome then. Good evening, good morning, good day, good fucking whatever.
How are we feeling?
Hello? Yeah, this is thing on.
Yo, it is holster. What is up come up here holster? So giving those fans down man.
All right, I'm just here to get my chariot racing dog, take it to the track and win some Pepe. Let's fucking go.
Win some paper, are you gonna win paper? Did you just say win some paper? I don't understand.
no Winston Pepe, it's my uncle. So I go to the track with. I've got Winston, I've got Winston under me on pit right now. This little cunt. You might there might be loads of noise because I've got
big fan I'm on the floor I don't give a fuck like I'm just so happy you might be us right now with this little hairy little cunt fuck any class man Winston isn't he? like literally
No one in the world gives less books than Winston and therefore I have to accommodate them not. But then look, I'm trying to get away with it. Hey, does your dog have a chariot attachment or is it just a stock dog? What kind of dog you got there?
He's only got one trait that's like zero folks given right now honest to God I've got him in this like there's tank here still I've got him in this Brazilian jujitsu like lock and
He's not happy but he's gonna have like 10 minutes of me like Tickling these ears and Dean like shit while I've got this like luck on him and he's like okay dad I'll give you this like little bit of time before you got a bed meet your happy like oh Listen to that. What was that?
that Winston, he's like, you know the fucking like a horse or something, you know when your dog sounds like a fucking horse. You know he knows too, he knew too, he knew he was in for, he was, he was sitting there and he is like, is, is dad crying?
Oh fuck he's gonna be for a long one today and he fucking he knew he got in and hey we're minting are you guys minting it's live live right now we may I just got one oh we live I did pull that I think I think B. Ben's is getting rough and maybe tangus will
or nowhere. Get them up please. Come on, let's hear from the nice people. I love some tank, I love some fucking bay pants. Come on, let's get them up.
put it up all too red ones. I'll put it in the night. You know what I'm talking about? The tics, sorry the tics, yeah. So you get like the Greer one and the red one, right? Greer one, well if you get a Greer one, that's the beer bees and that's when you're fucked like and we're at the peak
even know where it's a pig dry like anyone realises like pig dry season is peak like tick season I pulled air pulled too off like Winston fucking about fucking two hours ago I like after that space and I was giving a miss stroke and then I was like what the fuck is that and I'm like oh come here so I've a lot any other red one on as long as it's not the gray one
Fuck man, you know, you put them in the alcohol, you know, the bottle of blue alcohol, no? We have to put the tic-sac in the alcohol, that you can't kill them, these things, no? The horrible.
Bro, what the fuck is going on man? Why are we getting rocked right now? I said, "Bin and I did." Are we minting or what? Are we shit minting? Yeah, I'm minting as well man.
Find barge and I'm gonna moon. I'm gonna moon. Let's go. Oh, you did or you lucky dog. He didn't. Find bar. Find bar.
Saunders. Finn I was actually thinking about this today I walk on home. Do you know Finn bought Finn bought Saunders on her? Mmm, can't say I'm familiar.
I'll introduce you to the story a little bit later in the day. By the way guys, I'm lying on the floor in front of the fan. I've got Winston, like if I'm loud or the sound quality is not good.
I'm just here for the culture. I kind of wait away and go up and talk to Michael tomorrow. I'm going to wake up and just ring Michael and just say I brought. Let's go.
It's all cool bro. Bro, shall we do it? Give us some numbers. Come on.
Okay, I'll give you some numbers. We are right now at 8% minted 45. We are at 8%! What can help? In like a cookbook, Jesus in a few minutes. Wow, yeah, seven minutes. Big
That's okay. That's a big deal. Thanks man. And to everybody who's participating through the team as well, to the REC team and to Michael. But I'll just let you know that I don't think people down in the listness can hear us. So homeplayed in Tang was giving the thumbs down and the both left.
Well, DM, then, like DM and say, you're okay, bro. You know?
He's right right when he said that I went to go look on my recorder and it's definitely like even glitching out on desktop It's doing that freeze thing that it usually only does on the on mobile, but now it's doing it on desktop
So that's fucking special.
I've been worried about like I've got a like log out log out clear like I see like like I've been in a no three times. You've got a clear I can clear test wireless spaces life. I'm hosting. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah#
I'll do of course. Okay. What is that? See you in the bit. Boss. I'll see in a bit. See when you've got a call host. That's why you need the call. He'll be seeing us when he has to restart the space because he's about to crash it.
I think we have a delay as well but I can't even bring your woman up to like a B-vans is there and I can't like it's it's not even letting me yeah like I've tried as well this is awful Elon how are we supposed to build our business on to
your business when you're business ain't working. Come on man, get it together. You want me to get on a rocket that goes to Mars, you can't even get goddamn Twitter working. It's going on. Jake, I listen, Jake, you're building your business on top of Elon's business. So Jake, you need to work twice as hard, you little
club because I don't know what the fuck and I like guys I know I was done like what the fuck up your front end so much bro I mean I'm trying to really want to love you I want to love your platform but your front end needs work on mobile did you hear that?
week. There's a fucking mobile platform coming in there Q3, you know, that's really exciting. That'll do. That'll be really, that'll be special if it, if you can use it on your phone and it doesn't catch your phone on fire like that, that'll be really huge. Hey, everything
time Finn vortzondau, dawysforn, cut his fire.
This motherfucker Winston, he's fucking he's not Abbey. I think he wants like I'm on the floor and I should be on the couch and he's like Dad I'm not coming over there unless you fuck off up a height I think he wants me up a height. What are you worried about like what do you think I'm gonna do?
like Winston, like really? What are you so paranoid about son? Like I'm on the floor, like what's wrong? He never sleeps anywhere else.
Yeah, this isn't working on that's weird. Usually it always works on desktop. Like that's what's kind of got me puzzled because desktops like the lowest barrier to entry for this thing like it doesn't have to
talk, all it has to do is listen, and now it's not able to do that. So, yeah, I don't know. Might need to move this party into discord or telegram or something, something that's actually working right now.
Oh my goodness, Finn Bar, Finn Bar Sanders. Hey, I just wanna update and mint update from Bruce. Like Bruce, how are we doing? Are you okay? We are at...
9% 53 man is going right as planned I think some of the problems with Spaces is because of the cash is slowly up there are slower updating at the server side
Are you a dev now? What do you eat? You eat and turn a show again? Yeah, yeah, yeah. We had to talk about this didn't we? But bro, if I have to do spaces all day, I need to eat at some point and I always eat in the night time like a normal animal, right? Yes, clearly.
like eating like celery or something. By the sound you're fucking voice what you were like chewing on. It was clearly like you were eating some stargate. You were like okay and fins like fins like in the in discord fins like is this mother for
Eatin' right now, like, what's happening right now? Been muzzle-two shit or what? Yeah, I'm always eating some takeaway food, I'll take. Oh no shit, no shit Sherlock, I like Bruce like, I'm always eating. We fuckin' here, you daff-kun't, we talkin' bout?
I don't know bro, but what are we going to do with the space? It's only us Holy shit. Holy shit. Just came up
I'm reversing from the fan cause your man Winston, he ran away and then he came back but he's like, I lie here, I hate a fate under the fan, like reverse, so I'm like,
I've had a come and say I've had a like do the double dip you know I've had a see there's your woman coming in come on Bruce I hope you're not getting she gonna work come up
I think she's-- - No, I don't think it's working.
You could try to kill this space and just start a regular one and see if that works. Why did we have a problem all night from Rockefeller night?
Listen, I don't think you understand like what Twitter's in for is like like Twitter has been around as long as the jam hole possibly a little longer even and there's been a lot of changes in tech since then and I
I don't think they I feel like they just kept putting band-aids on shit rather than like redoing things properly and now they're at a point where the second and update comes out it breaks like eight other things just because of how like band-aided to
So I don't know, man. I databases once they get that big. Man, that's a lot of trouble. Okay, Robo. That's my guess. Robo, are you ready for a really crazy stunt?
What we're gonna do is I'm gonna log out clear cash and login on Bruceman and you're gonna log out and clear cash and login on regga FM
Okay, let's try it.
And if it doesn't work, we're just going to close this down and host a new one.
I'm going anywhere.
I'm lying on the floor on Winston right now and seriously he's not normally like this. He's heartbeat maybe because I'm talking to you lying on his heartbeat is like three or four times like that what it normally is like literally I'm
Brought in seeing compatriots humans this heartbeat is like boom boom boom boom boom fuck out of hell man. What's wrong with your Winston-man? I ain't you dude this dog's gonna have to go to sleep a little bit. So right broot Bruce what's up? You're gonna log out and I'm gonna come in on the right after my cow. Yeah, I really
But I'm sure one of us needs to be the core and then we can't be the core at the same time, so let's give it a go. Okay, but we're gonna boot you down.
I'm gonna boot you now. Wait.
That's fine, we can do this. So proud of us right now, just troubleshooting this platform forum. Oh God, here we go. Fan, I'll gotta say, man, if they fuck this up, you gotta add some sort of effects on the edit.
This might be a major failure. Oh, yeah. They'll might. Bold of you to assume it might be. Oh, Lord. I don't, I don't even get it. There's like two other perfectly functioning platforms that sound
even better than this. And like everybody likes to use this. I mean, that's cool. We would go where the people are, but you gotta know that when you use stuff like this, sometimes this shit don't be working. Oh look, here we go. Are we back? Oh shit.
Bruce, are we down? In fact, where's Robo? Or this is where he feels illegal.
did you guys just do like feel like get out get to the stop oh my god rowing switching drivers yeah yeah yeah yeah thanks a row what you're here we had to be just do the B and switch like live and switch and switch hello guys hello
Let me pull up the recorder and see if the desktop is actually like fucking working or not. In Elon, not even known, double swap and they, oh my goodness, we're rugging the industry right now. And you know something I'm lying on the floor Winston while the wheelchair mafia
mint out and I'm just like how good is life right now? This little hairy cuntman. I mean, he doesn't smell the greatest. Well that's alright because I can go on the shop at the morrow. Like it does not do. Like it's just the hairiest little... What's it called? What do you call a hairiest?
What is the Harry Fogger? The Harry in the Henderson.
the Robinson's like like it's like like who wouldn't want to live with this good money? It's like mad. There is yons like he yons and he could take your face off like that's that's the beauty of like animals now you just like oh you could
Lesson, this is fucked. We'll just record it off of the recording and assume that the recording is going to be okay because it's still recording on here. So just just get on with it and I'll piece together what I can in post.
You don't want to try and spin up a new space and hope that there's not gonna be so rocky so we can get some actual guests Going I mean yeah, you can definitely try. I mean, it's not like we're gonna get any less fucking listeners, so I mean definitely try
but just make sure you set that one to record because I don't think if it's going to still rug we won't be able to record it on the fly like we usually do. So Robo.
What do you say?
10% let's go bro bro bro bro you know something I'm not kidding you this kid's like that nice I'm I'm fucking off the bed gone cause of carnage and gone do what we do best and like now Robo needs to
I'm gonna see you and God bless the wheelchair mafia when I get up in the morning I'll send all NFTs to June or paper and we'll fucking get Michael fucking talking and blah blah blah blah what's guys for now like literally like Winston's been really nice and
I'm on the floor with him and I'm not here often so I'm gonna go and enjoy this little con like I love this little fucker man. He's better than any fucking bird out of a rolled up his sore. I'm off ski, see you later. Alright you have fun, Rubo's gonna

FAQ on 🦝RAC FM: Wheelchair Mafia mint out space🔥🙏🚀🦝🤝🐶🦽 | Twitter Space Recording

What is the podcast about?
The podcast recording is about the release of the IBC wheelchair mafia and other random conversations.
What is the significance of the release of the IBC wheelchair mafia?
The release of the IBC wheelchair mafia is about changing lives and spreading happiness for the unfortunate.
Who is Winston?
Winston is a dog that belongs to one of the speakers on the podcast recording.
What is the purpose of the tic-sac in alcohol?
The tic-sac is put in alcohol to kill the ticks as they cannot be killed by hand or by squishing them.
What percentage is the minting at?
The minting is currently at 8%.
What is the delay issue with the podcast recording?
There seems to be a delay issue with the podcast recording where some people cannot hear the speakers.
When is the mobile platform coming?
The mobile platform is coming in Q3.
What is the speaker's view on Elon's business?
The speaker thinks that Elon needs to get his business together before they can build their own business on top of it.
What is the speaker's opinion on the platform's front end?
The speaker thinks that the platform's front end needs work on mobile.
What is the speaker's relationship with Winston?
The speaker is Winston's owner and is lying on the floor with Winston beside them.