🦝RAC FM with Eric "The Neck" Waisanen - the 🧠 behind Astrovault👨‍🚀

Recorded: March 9, 2023 Duration: 0:53:49



Okay, let's try again
sent an invite out. Hey there we go. There we go. Awesome man. So there's a bit of, hey I think it's all on Elon to be honest. So welcome.
- Welcome, Eric. - Wasteland, Wasteland? - Affidz, rapid, practicing, man. - I say a Wasteland, I actually met, there's a Finnish guy on Phylabs, it's a Finnish last name, oh yeah, no, in Finland it's called Vysson, and so apparently
that's more accurate I don't know don't see it too often so you how long have you had the nickname the neck
This is gonna stick isn't it? Yeah, I think so. It wasn't 48 hours according to the post. Yeah. I do you know why? Do we have this nickname? You're gonna have to fully break it down for me. Okay, so.
The reason why you have this neck is because after just dealing with you for a few moments, I realize you have a massive brain when it comes to tokenomics. So I realized, like when you have a massive tree with huge crown,
It kinda have a huge stem right? To hold that weight. So that's the origin of that name. That's your origin story from now on. Thank you bro. I'm so heavy you're enjoying it.
So yeah, let's get into it man
You are talking to a numics guy that has a background in cop counting, right? Yes sir, casinos and philosophy.
So I'm hearing I have some mic drop and right now I don't know what... Yeah, you're like rubbing the mic on a shirt or something or whatever. I hope that this is help. This is help.
Yeah, that's better. Okay, awesome. So I think I maybe have 40 while here.
done this fix now. So you have a background in cat counting right? Yes sir I got into the table games dealing while I was 21 with the card dealing school and I was 18 before I started college and it was a great trade I
enjoyed it and dealing one day I had a card counter and my table get backed off I'm like what card count is a thing so I googled it and started the next day and it was it was dope it got my wife and I and I placed after we graduated and now I can't play Blotcheck anymore
*laughs* That's tough huh?
Honestly, it worked out because I got into crypto because I needed a new side hustle around like the end of 2016 beginning of 2017. So I can't complain there. Plus cool memories.
Awesome, that's like a kind of rare background story.
I would say.
Unless like you a rainman.
I don't know, like the only one you know. Not a subon, maybe autistic, I don't know.
I don't know either, and I can't diagnose that, but thank you for that story, Eric. So, like I come from Rekun, Rekun Supply and Rekun FM, and we have some gambling degenes ourselves, so always nice to be joined by a likewise fellow.
I love everything about casinos. I actually studied economic philosophy in college. So I care a lot about macroeconomics, but also a lot about just any type of game theory. So not too much you could do with a degree, except I did get into like a side from dealing. You got into game auditing.
Game creation actually made quite a few changes in Southern California tables that have currently offered there and then I actually found a place where you get to design economies here in crypto So it's a really nice niche that I didn't think would be available and I was just studying it because it was a passion and college was free
That's awesome man, that really, really nice when stuff just fattles it, it's way to a better place or a more beneficial place or whatever you want to call it.
So I want to get into you said something in the DMs that I've been the talk of the town like the last couple of months, I would say, and you said that the cosmos economics
isn't the best in the world. The tech is great, right? The tech is fantastic. The throughput is wonderful. The 10-bit consensus is amazing. And he has got some of the worst economics in Web 3.
That sounds juicy bro. Can you elaborate a bit on that? Sure. So abstracting tokenomics, let's just kind of think about how this would work from a business perspective. I've got it.
really a software idea, it's going to change the world. I'd go out and build it. It's absolutely amazing. It works every way that exactly how I thought it would, how I hoped it would. A lot of other people said it was impossible. Now I've got it.
I'm gonna give it away for free. How much money is that gonna make me?
it. If the answer is none, then that's where Adam's at.
Yeah, basically man. And what, so what you deal with that, bro, are you gonna improve it for us? I'll go where I'm paid. So the projects that I'm working on,