RE: @NFTSwitch_xyz -What you need to know!

Recorded: Nov. 12, 2022 Duration: 0:56:40



GM to everyone that is tuning in today or in the future where in whatever point in time you have listening to this. Jim Ram, JJ here. JJ.
You can talk to us today about NFK switch.
I'll see you soon.
these spaces are recorded by I check out them afterwards after the fact on that website
Hello, though, we can madam clear my hey young good. I'm good. I'm good. I'm really good. Thanks for having me in the space. What's going on, JJ? Oh my gosh, lots of stuff. We're juggling so many things. So, you know, backbone labs just put a proposal up on an astro port to
change the pool from the xyk pool to the preferred stable swap. And so that will be a live vote for four days. We definitely need the community to come out and help with that. I'm going to start to tweet about that because we do need to get 10%. I guess vote to turn off our own
pool. Which is a little bit. Yeah, but whatever. That's fine. You know, yeah. Um, what about just let's see, NFT switches about to have the mobile version. I think it's going to be live today. Uh, so that's always before you launch. Yeah. Before you look, it's with just getting a couple of people in the call now. So I was just
It was more general how I what's going on well, you know I've been up since 3 30 in the morning trying to figure out like a thousand things like I'm firing Yeah, you know like the world's melting and like I'm so oblivious to all of it because there's so many other things that have to be seen to right now man I think
I think that's a good place. Even with all these shenanigans, I think Dokwan is going to get vindicated. I think people are going to come right on back. That's what I think. What's your thoughts around that? Well, you know, there's all this weird shenanigans on these conspiracy theories. I tried to not pay attention to them, but if they're
And you know, if Sam and CZ and all these kind of like big players are playing like, you know, this economic chess with each other and hurting the small people, well, I mean, that's just, that's going to be a problem for these big guys, you know, and I think that's going to be a boon for the D-Sense.
And what we're trying to build upon, you know, that's what I really feel it's so. If there's possibly some go gamothron stuff going on behind the scenes, which hopefully will be more bent, but you know, of course these people very rarely get help to account afterwards. So I'm
I'll be curious to see what happens there, but I'm just in the process of sharing this space as well in the discord and I'm just going to ping fin2 because I have pinged him, which is where he is. But you might as well, if you want to get started, you might as well start giving us a bit of a rundown for the people that
it just a quick tail day off and it doesn't have to switch. What is it? How does it work and why do they want to use it? Okay, so rundown NFT switch is just a peer-to-peer private trade platform. These are closed sales and we do not take royalties. So
When I was a retail customer, one of the things that I was most bothered by is I would go into communities, I would be an owner, I would make friends, I would get offered good deals, and then I would be forced to go to an open market when I did all the legwork for the deal. And so that bothered me, and that was kind of what brought
NFTs which to come to life now we don't allow people to just trade willy nilly only people can trade and only broker within collections that both parties own so This is just like like I said like this was it's kind of like just a safe town hall or a
a safe place where people can just come and broker their own entity transactions and you know there's advantages to being a part of communities and and some of those advantages should be that you get to make friends and and get some good deals within those communities and you're able to capitalize on those friendships and you don't have to be afraid in being in web 3.
because there's a place like in a piece where you know I don't know. Gotcha so essentially servicing a name that used yourself came across and you thought okay have we do this how does one pull together an effort like this from scratch if you have a background in building these sorts of things or where did this come from. So to be honest
I, the NFT switch was the first project that I've ever like built from ground up. Prior to that, you know, I come from like mining for three years and then for the last like two years, I've been like heavy into NFTs. I, I minted really early a bunch of, of lands in the sandbox.
I was able to sell a bunch of those for a really good profit. So that experience, I was like, oh, well, this is different. And then I went down the rabbit hole about these silly PFPs that I really don't feel have any utility. And that was another experience. So for, you know, eventually the scams were
rampant, the communities were getting hurt because there wasn't a place for safe transactions and the way the things were shaped up is like everybody was either forced to the open market or the DGen is going to take the risk and try to do like some type of OTC trade or a third party trade and so NFT switch for me was like oh well here's an easy solution
And if we give this to them, you know, the communities will be brighter and vibrant and people can make friends. And they can say any deal they want and they can say, Oh, well, I only I'm only going to make that transaction if you switch. If you own a skeleton punk, it's only going to be, you know, three quarters of a percent of the transactions pretty pretty reasonable.
I don't know, it's just what I wanted when I was a retail site. I thought we would build it and offer it. And then we do also run a validator so we kind of offer it for really cheap if people will stick with us. Fantastic. And has a valid valid day time. I never said that word. We're just working out. But as far as
This is a new endeavor for you. How are you finding that process? How are you finding that sort of a business? So, you know, I'm super fortunate. One of my partners is Thomas and he has years of running nose and experience in that, right? So I'm lucky that I get to defer
Like all of that to him and I doesn't even really blip on my radar to keep 100% honest. But I do know that we did have this mad rush of changing our servers from from Hetzner because they had this policy change this last week and that has been that that set us back a little bit because of the time we needed to reconfigure everything.
But it's all done. So it's all good, right? It's just like another blip in the road. Not really a big deal. Yes, it seems between this, I was at the validating the entity switch everything has been going on there. And then of course, you're very heavily involved behind the
Everything is shifting so fast at all times. It's like you either are going to evolve or you're going to die. And right now I feel like we are all evolving together and this is not the time to sleep. It's not for the faint of heart. And so everybody who I've been working with
Like we're all like committed to like doubling down like right now is like the time you really need to like super commit everyone else who wants to get scared right now That's fine. It's like right now. I really believe this is like the future like we are really gonna have a chance to like shape something kind of amazing together
Yeah, you've obviously we've had lots of calls at this point and There's a few times where the conversation is gone towards decentralization and obviously it's something that I can hear your incredibly passionate about So you know, I guess I
I'm tipping my hat to you. You know, metaphorically speaking, I'm tipping my hat to you to just say, like, go on, you've been pursuing this space and getting active in it in multiple fronts. And yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with NFT switches as it continues to roll out.
So I'm hoping that we'll push the update today. So hopefully it's today.
For more understanding, there's only one thing that's not right. And we've picked that and pushed it today. So that's what I hope for mobile. Now, you know, NFT switch is also not, we've learned our lesson and we love the IBC at NFT switch. Like you can see.
and a piece which is profile picture is a spacekely which is on Stargaze. Which looks epic. It's pretty cool huh? They really hooked it up and then one of the community members who minted it was super kind and traded me two other ones for this one. I was like I got to have that dude. He's like alright.
For a school. Yeah, that's pretty cool. I'm not gonna lie. Oh man, EJ did such a good job on that mint on that whole project. I think it's just a really beautiful mint. I really want to get more into the other IBC chains and like one of the things that NFT Switch is doing is
We are definitely now looking at configuring the platform for Stargate, you know, I mean we have our friends over there and it wouldn't be too much for us to spin up a validator over there and offer our same service over there that we do here, you know.
Right, yeah, well, StaveGa is really seems to be positioned as like the future NFT chain of the Cosmos. And so, you know, that's another taking itself. Would that be a, would that be something
that would take a while to set up or something to be done relatively easily? Well, look, so it could, if we were able to focus on it and not have to do like a thousand things to survive and eat at the same time while trying to do this, I think we could do it relatively easily. I think we could do it probably within like
probably like a month if I'm being 100% honest, if we were able to focus on it. But most likely it'll take a little longer, maybe like 60 days because of all the other stuff that we're juggling with backbone labs, with the skeleton punks, with entity switch, and like possible other things that are coming down the pipeline.
man there's so much stuff happening I literally get so excited every time I want these faces. Oh certainly I just muted myself actually. Okay gotcha so what do people you know what do people need to know if they're tuning in and they've got a five minute window here
was the TLD of every managed now advanced entities which at this time point in time. So at this current point in time, an FT switch is just a place for you to facilitate and and make your own deals with your online friends. Anything beyond that is I don't know
I could say what could be done anywhere. There's a lot of places but but this is a safe place We do all the checking for you so that you don't have to be overly concerned with who you're talking to You can now like field any message you want You can like make any deal you want with an NFT member or whoever you think you're talking to and you can go to NFT switch
and you can either set the sale or be the buyer and if that transaction is a good transaction the protocol is going to check it for you on both ends. It checks it on the sale end and on the pickup end to make sure that this is a verified collection and if something isn't right then you will get an alert and then you just don't make the purchase. It's as simple as that and then
You can either write to that person back or you can block them or whatever you want, but this way it's not like we have to be in the metaverse world like being so so worried so scared about what's happening. Oh, and you know, I did for I almost forgot. Hermes protocol is actually working on integrating a messaging for us so that if a
buyer has a sale that they will get an on-chain wallet notification and if Envice Versa, if for any alerts that are happening on NFT switch, that's one of the things that Hermes Protocol is going to start to offer to other platforms and we're really super, I mean we're going to have it
essentially be the prototype to be the space where we get to test this technology out firstly. And I'm looking at your map at the moment, your roadmap, and everything's been pretty much on time. I'm looking at when you went to launch a mainnet,
It was just after September. It was about there. It was saying, "Q for all planets are expanding polygon on Juno as well. Is that still the case?" So our plans for polygon were partnered. I'm on the Space Gele's team also, right? I don't do so much because I'm doing a lot of other things. But one of our partnerships with the Space Gele's was that we were going to go on to polygon
on with them when they thought they were going to polygon. And what we were going to do is how the skeleton punks have the they're like a prime collection for NFT switch. They get a trading discount if you're a skeleton punk holder. Well, our plan was to repeat that same model on polygon and having the space gullies be our prime collection. And if you own a space gullie, then you would get that prime
discounting that 50% off of the broker fee. So it would go from 1.5% to 3/4% trading fee or broker fee. But so they ended up moving to Stargaze. That's one of the reasons why NFTs switches now looking at maybe going with them to Stargaze because that was originally our plan together.
It just makes sense. We have a lot of friends over there. We love it. I just love the IBC. I love Luna, but the sooner that we all realize that it's really all of us versus central finance, the better off we'll be. Nice and played since. I got you now.
the push for the stars. So the roadmap would have to be updated to stars instead of polygon or something along those lines. We're just looking to expand I guess would be that part of the roadmap. Right? I guess that would be what it is. Well yeah, and the roadmap extends out until early next year. It says that there'll be multiple
Swaps a battle is that still sort of looking like that's that's the goal. That's yeah, that's definitely the goal. So basically Let's see. We're already in I could see I could see us maybe having Stargaze on we're gonna put a proposal up and see what the Stargaze community says
And it would be great if we could get a little bit of help. If not, you know, we'll find a way to probably push through no matter what, like considering everything else we've built has been on a crazy slim budget. You know, whatever. Got it. Now I'm just having a look at myself because I haven't switched anything personally yet on NFT switch, but just having a look.
look at it. Logged in, I'm on the connected via the wallet, I'm looking through it how sort of it from the user experience it works. So when it says here, you know, start a switch, buy as address, I would enter my address there, I would do the buyer.
So if I was your buyer, you would put my address in and what that does is it makes the protocol actually look at your buyer's wallet. And because you've already connected your wallet when you connected, now you're submitting your buyer's wallet. So now the protocol is matching what collections you guys are both holders in and it will only display NFTs that you guys
both hold to make sales and anything else that you own that he doesn't own won't be displayed. Right so for that to occur and basically that's a bit of a case of we're chatting in a discord somewhere we say I say hey I've got these things I want to swap for whatever I've got one skilly down I swap for two skillies
Okay, so this this this is just a straight sale right now version one is just You have your mate. You're selling one NFT to one buyer version two is gonna have it where you can do more complex trading So it's you know how remember how I don't know if you were aware of this but there was a couple people in the height of the height
that were pretending to be big reaves and they got scammed by people pretending to be big reaves and I just got got he lost like man he really did lose like 50 like he lost a lot of skeleton punk than a lot of like iced out luna bowls and a lot of stuff right and uh that was like one of the catalysts for this i was like oh my god if we just had this like that would never happen
But so it's just 1F NFT out of time. So yeah, so just for the sake of the hype of it cool, um, let's say that I want to switch. I say to JG in a discord chat. JG, I want that one that you've got and you can have this one reshown you go, yeah, right? So it's basically okay to just manually retrieving your address from
you and then inputting it in here. What I'm not just about to view your wallet elsewhere as well with an address? What do you mean? I mean, you could view my wallet. I don't understand how to ask your question in a different way. I don't understand what you mean. So I don't
I don't know if it's still the case but I remember back in a while ago on the, what's it called? I'm just having the beast make a blank I'm looking right at it. It is called Terra Station Wallach. A while ago you could also view NFTs and so theoretically would I not be able to view your unless I'm confused here?
Because this gives you the access to what's in people what in a season people wallets and so I'm just trying to It's not a secret. It's not a secret about what somebody has in their wallet, right? But what it is is that our platform will only let Corresponding buyer
and seller collections like if you want to sell me a galactic punk I have to have one already right so all by putting the buyers wallet address in when you connected the protocol read your wallet and so now your buyer's wallet is being added there and so the protocol is now matching the collections that you have in this
telling you that these are the things that you can trade in because we don't let anybody just trade free. We need to protect the integrity of the NFT projects too. So we don't want you to be, if I don't have a galactic punk in our model, you couldn't sell me one because I haven't entered the community yet.
And that means that that is right so this is our model because look we look at pseudo swap and we look at like what's happening on on like Salona and all this and how like there's ignoring royalties Well, it's like I understand part of the argument part of the argument is that if you've done the deal and you like why are you paying a royalty if you really own this and like you're making your own deal
Well, that's one thing, but it shouldn't, it cannot be an open sale if that's your model. Like you can't have it that anybody can come in and browse like Craigslist ads and not be honoring the project's royalty. So it was kind of like it's a hard thing to work out and we sacrificed open sales for closed sales because we want to be able to offer
this little tool I guess is really what it is. Yeah, makes complete sense. I was just being complete and new for a second then. I was just like, "What was making sense to me?" Now looking at I got caught just the confirmation process. So you select the NFT, you decide the price between the two of you, and then you set
like an expiry. Oh, you just certainly determine the price, set the expiry time and then because they have the opportunity to accept it at that price. Right. Now, so Hermes Protocol is about to help us. So now when you do this, now your buyer's wallet will get an alert. Now you don't have to go back and tell him, which is pretty cool.
I'm super excited about this integration. It's going to totally help our platform. Yeah, that makes some sense. That's really cool. Awesome, man. This is great. I'll have to have a proper plan around with it and do a swap at some point in the near future. Maybe we can swap something.
Okay, great and we've got I can see that. Two spaces now on the case of course it's odd. It's not seeing the emblem there, but we're stuck person. You're here. Now you were saying on the in the DMs actually before we jump
off the topic of NFTs switch. I'm checking because obviously we've got a few familiar faces here. Feel, share that, feel I'm saying you know what I'm doing. And Debes is here as well so I might just put a quick call out and just see does anyone have any questions while we're sitting here for a
So do you have plans for a token of the issue at some point? No, so we in all of our models in all of our projects were not issuing tokens. I feel that tokenomics of like governance tokens. I feel like they just pull liquidity out of projects. So that's like one of the reasons
why in our backbone labs model, we're just using the NFK and we're just rewarding the community members who've stuck out with us. That's a lot of our whole entire goal, right? And same with NFT Switch, I can't really see an NFT Switch token being a viable product or helping in any real way. Sure, I can.
you do just to just for the sake of safety, security and everything as well and just sort of a vote of confidence for people too. You know, that wasn't on we touched with you and I touched on this thing on a recent call, maybe it was a skeleton, but the audits just real quickly
audits were conducted past and so two things there's two things so NFT switch has its own audit it's completely done by SCV security and Vinnie and there was two contracts that were audited there was the
The contract that does the trading and then we have a back end V splitter contract, which is just for internal use. And so nobody in front interacts with that. No customer interacts with that. But I think what you're also referring to is the other project we can touch on that too. But that's a little bit separate. Is that what you were talking about the auditing on?
of backbone laps as well. We can show we can touch on that as well. I was referring to it in the context of NFT switch pedal. So yeah, if you've got something to share. So we can talk about that two for a second because you know, one of the things that was brought up is are we going to re-autodil the contracts for backbone laps and
That would just be redundant because PFC, who is the operator of liquid stake, we're using the exact same contracts with a different performance fee. That's the only difference we added the performance fee. And that was already in the contract. So all we had to do was change the variable.
So for us to redo that would just be redundant and money we don't have. But what we are going to do is we are putting together an open repository for backbone labs so that anybody who wants to come and look at what we're doing can do so. Right. Because it's already it's already open source.
on liquid stakes repo as well. So it's there, but we're going to brand it and we'll have it in the display and hyperlink it in the website so everybody can see that this is also already been audited by the same people, SUV security, who does a great job.
Yes indeed. Sure that's who STV there. NFTs my man. So we're talking NFTs, we're talking you know projects at the start as we're talking at the moment is it just the Scalds and Punks and the GPs on NFTs which are available or what's the
So I don't know what you have in your wallet, but you connected your wallet and it's only then display what you have as the drop down. Right. So if you have it. So we are already using the Hermes protocol. They have an open source API with the
the collections that are currently being on Terra at the moment, and this is constantly being updated. So that is where we're pulling our information from at the moment, and that's what is authenticating the contract of collections. That makes sense. I'll just realize which I've got a couple of different wallets. I'll just realize which is a little connected with.
a lot of different ones and this one's got like three in a two. Okay, that makes sense. This is all coming together nicely. And so, future wise, fast-boarding, it looks like everything's gonna be basically set up as of early next year with the multiple swaps featuring all that and the alerts,
Do you have grander plans beyond this? You know, when you look one year out or is NFT switch is going to just like kind of set and forget it's you said about it does everything as far as the dough and and this Yeah, just roll so I would say that you know for me my vision is is that NFT switch
which is I think in a really kind of interesting position because it is such a small and tight idea. It doesn't take too much to spin it up everywhere, especially in the IBC. Now that we have, you know, that we're pretty much fully integrated, it makes it very easy. But I would like to have this spun up on all the EVs.
I've been talking with the wreck gang about trying to have them be our prime on Ethereum and trying to make our way over there sometime in 2023 and covering all the EVMs. In my eyes, NFT Switch is really perfect because it is such a small compact idea.
And we do want to try to validate and participate. So on every EVM chain that we go to, it would be our goal to try to spin up a validator and do a validator to earn model. We feel that those projects that actually produce something and also validate, those are the projects that are actually producing the most value to whatever ecosystem that they're a part of.
got it. And actually speaking of the validator again, anyone listening is not currently delegated to the NFT switch validator, definitely consider doing that and supporting the guys. I'm going to go one farther and just be like, why don't you just go get Bone Luna at the grave digger and support our whole alliance.
I'll be one more altruistic and just say if you really like what we're doing and what we're building for basically nothing, it would be really supportive of people who got Bone Luna at the Gravedigger. That would be the ultimate. Hey, and so maybe just a quick hot list of the validators included on the Gravedigger as well.
- Yeah, well, Orbital Command is on there. Godora is there, Kappa Polk is there, and if T Switch is there, Hermes Protocol is there, and then the Maestro of the Contracts, we have PFC, who's been such a crucial component to this community push that we're doing. Man, it's been great.
Awesome awesome awesome. Again, I did notice before that it was a bit of radio silence when I put out the call for anyone to ask some questions. So again, if you are listening, of course, hopefully you're enjoying it and if you are enjoying it, please do share the space. It does help get the exposure out there for the projects that we're speaking with. But if you do,
questions well. Don't be a stranger. Definitely come up and let us know. But can we, well, we're on the topic of back by and labs. Can you share some, is there any intel anything updates that can be provided to the people? Let's see. Let's see. I mean, I think that's pretty much, I mean, it for
I mean, the biggest news is that we're now starting to look at Stargaze. I think that is the biggest ship for that project. But I think, you know, because everything is so interconnected with our group, you know, Scalzenpunks, backbone labs, NFT switch, like all our guys kind of float between these. There's like six people that are
kind of like juggling all three of these projects. And so that's why like a couple of days like, you know, we were we were 24 hours late on putting the to the to the register the other X Y K pool. It's just because we're we're really like literally going like 20 hours a day. Yeah.
Let's talk about that for a second. So you get a team of about six people at the moment. Often a question I'll ask is, you know, is there are there any roles within the group that are still needed like because usually there might be someone on the call that has certain skills and so if there's a chance to match up talent and and approach
projects. I always try my best to do that. Is there any skills that you're looking for at the moment? Well, I'm going to be 100% honest. So like everything that we've done, like we're like we're literally all working for free. Like I'm not I'm not even I know that I say that but like we're not exaggerating. So like I could tell you all kinds of skills that we want. But like we can't#
I don't even know what to do. We're literally, okay, the videos that are being made by Tarantino, man, he's just making those because he loves terror and he loves what we're trying to do. Everybody is just pitching in their little part and we've kind of sewn this thing together and then we're like, "Yo, we want to share 100% of the revenue with the community."
like I don't know how else to convince people that like what we're trying to do is like really include them on a different level. We're not like minting or selling something to future build something. We build something with our friends with nothing but our time and like what little resources we had. And then we're saying, look, all you got to do to join or participate in what we
might get is be a holder of skeleton punks and I'm telling people you're going to want to own at least three based on the model that we're coming up with because look I can't think of any other project so look the Ronins we're going to do it in its entirety before the crash but what happened was after the crash you know they had a separated between the red holders and the Ronins
And in their new model, it's the red token holders that are the governance. Where a Ronin holder still has the 50% revenue share, which is I love that model and that's part of our inspiration. But for the Grave digger, you know, there is no token. The governance model is the NFT. If you want to make a proposal on the Grave digger,
and once we're on chain, you're going to have to stake your NFT for that proposal for those whatever days it is that we decide how that breaks down. But the good news is that when this does happen, we are going to hit a bull market. It is my belief that Luna's going to be in a great position once we see how all this weird news shakes out with
and FTX and all that weird stuff. I think Luna's prime position after nine months or eight months of rebuilding, they're gonna come out with so much slick stuff that it's like, I really feel that this is an opportunity for anybody who was really hurt and Luna to come and maybe unrect themselves. I think it's a
I can't this is my plan for myself so I can only share what I can do for myself with other people. Awesome, so anyone that's listening if you've got some skills, there's no paid roles going at the moment but if you are behind the community and you want to assist in some way you can always get to JJ and I'm sure that you'll be able to find something to
Asign you too, asign your skills too. Challenges wise, you know, building something like this and everything that you're doing at the moment, there are challenges that come with it, you know, nothing is ever a straight line to success. And so I'm curious to know what some of the challenges have been for the past few months for you.
You know, I think the hardest thing has been well I struggle with this anyway is is my time organization I think I should take a class in that I'm not very good at that But besides that I think the biggest challenge is trying to stay relevant and interesting in a bear market like when people are like already kind of like
got a sour taste in their mouth and they're like, "Oh, that's a scam or that's not good." Or this is this, to stay positive and constantly engage and to put out new material and the wrecking does a great job of this. They were putting out memes during the crash. I was like,
crying in my bathroom and they're meaming. That's really hard. Another thing that's really hard is because we have this alliance which is really powerful in a lot of ways. But then again it's a lot of personalities to try to navigate and then we have
the geolocation, which sometimes makes communication a little different, difficult. I mean, it's the normal crypto problems, but they're way better than regular nine to five problems. I'll tell you that. Like, I'm cool on the nine to five slavery. I'd rather do this 20 hours a week for myself than, you know, 10 hours a day for somebody else, right?
Yeah, totally really know with that one too. It's much easier to get yourself motivated than going when you're working on something that is, you know, underpinned by passion and so yeah, you're on a mission at the moment and I love that. I was just having a little scroll through the
discord as well as in the announcements channel then of course you said there's a few things so any friend of us listening now you'll want to tune in I think in a week or two I think two weeks time I'll be a little bit to get the calendar properly but there is going to be a space where we talk to JD again more about the Skelleys and there'll be some information coming up around
You've said backbone labs is cooking up an end of month surprise for the community so we're going to riff on that. And then we're going to talk about the logo partners as well and the art and the techniques for the skeleton punks of that time. Do you have any clues you can drop perhaps?
Yeah, well, I think one of the things that should be watched is backbone labs in our eyes is going to be positioned as like an alternative defi hub because we have a plan and a strategy. We're in a unique situation that the gray figure is under the backbone lab.
And we are going to be having a launch pad and we are going to use these mechanisms to A, provide security to the communities that are minting a project down back on labs. And from that, it will secure the DeFi aspect of the
Liquid staking. I don't want to tell too much because I would be I would be so disappointed if somebody could make it happen before we did just because I said the full idea here, but we have a really interesting concept of how to have NFT markets protect and fuel DeFi and then have DeFi protect and secure
the NFT customers. And I know that if I had had this when we minted Skeleton punks and that guy had ruged us, we would have had like 30 or 40% of the original minting price. And if we were as a community would have been able to have that, we would have been able to take legal action, we would have been able to continue the project.
lot of options available to us instead of us kind of like scrambling and like not having any idea of how to move forward. Right. So with backbone labs, our launch pad, we're going to provide a clear path forward for projects who think they're going to treat the community inappropriately. Like we exactly, we know exactly what to do and we're not going to let that continue to happen in our space.
Got it. And I'm just looking as well through the general chat at the moment on the discord. There's a couple of interesting questions here and so I'm curious to get your take on them as well. So someone here said NFT switch on look. Is it a case where already existing
exchanges could have links to, is this the plan to have links to any switch for? Yeah, okay. Yeah, I would totally love to partner and be available for other marketplaces to use in that sense. Also with the launch pad with this secure
sharing the NFT mince, this idea we want to be able also to offer to like nowhere or random earth and allow theirs projects to have that same security through backbone labs and the Grave digger. This is something that we're going to be able to offer as a component to other people who want to utilize the same idea.
Very cool. Yeah, it makes sense. It's a logical, it's a logical step forward is to see where you can integrate with other existing exchanges and get some traffic flying your way. Of course, you don't have, there's not like there's funds there for ad spending things like this is all community driven. So if you can, if you can get part
and collaborations have me there, then of course, bring some traffic in your direction. We were talking about Stargaze earlier. We've got a question as well from Profine, which is about, have you thought about hollering at Mint Down? It would be cool if they incorporated the OTC. The OTC switch, since they aren't
market place. Is that certain that you consider this well? Man, you know me, I'm pretty much willing to make friends with anybody who can do something interesting with this. I have no problem just knocking on people's doors and saying, "Hey, let's hang out." Yeah, you do. We've definitely...
I've definitely seen you in action. You're a go get her and Thomas actually sent me a message really now thinking about it. I could have I'm just trying to get in my chance to see if I can find it but He said so in about a prop. He said Where is it? Do you have some news about a prop for?
the style.
The community in the forum, we now have the current proposal up that needs to be voted on so we can decommission the XYK pool. So we do need community help with the community.
achieving this, I guess, this small vote. So then we can take this, deregister it and then make the new one. We can't make simultaneous pools out of one token in the astro ecosystem or in their structure.
Yeah, I'm trying to load it up at the moment on my computer and it's, I have your idea, just the talent by Luna, BilliNaluna XYK pool.
Okay, gotcha. And this is so anyone that's listening this ends in 17th of November, so four days. And there's no votes here at this point. What's going on there?
So we just did it an hour ago. That's why we just activated it. I'll track about it in a few years, just a second. Awesome. Yeah, that's good. So as long as we can get some
people to do what needs to be done and cast their votes then we are on the track on the road to success. My man, do you have anything that is pressing, that is you know bubbling under the surface that you wish
to share, convey to the people, because I'm looking through sort of everything that I had here for you and I feel like I've touched most points. I think the thing that I struggle with the most and like conveying is
like is and I don't know if I'm allowed to say this kind of stuff, but like owning a skeleton point is going to be the equivalent of like actually owning a share in like a web 3 organization. Like that's how I'm making this thing. So
It's not just like an NFT with a PFP. We have real utility. You get a 50% trading discount at NFT switch. You get 20% off all future orbital command hosted events. When redacted monies V2 comes out, you're going to get 50% off the mixing fees to mix your money. Now you're saying that if you own one
that you're going to actually be like a partial owner of the grave digger because you're going to be able to make the governance votes, like anything that has to happen, has to happen through the skeleton punk community. Like we're really trying to make the people who've been through the worst have like the best shot and being the best position for when times get good again.
you know this Wednesday you know doquan did that cryptic tweet oh no not Monday Wednesday well we all know that he's been sitting back there with his like mad scientists like cooking up you know 30 40 50 60 slick daps and you know I don't want to speculate too much but what maybe feather maybe Darwin maybe both I mean these things are going to
change the landscape so fast and we just want to be able to partake and be able to be contenders. If feather comes out, if you think about it, let's just say hypothetically feather comes out and let's say the liquidity alliance thing is happening. Our model of our LSD does a 100% revenue share.
If you're participating with us, what I'm going to do with my money is I own skeleton punks already and then the next part is I'm going to be all my Luna and Bone Luna because that way I'm maximizing all the possibilities that this protocol is offering the community. Like you're sharing 100% of the revenue
new if you own a skeleton pump and you're doing the LP. That's the goal. So the people who are most interested in rebuilding this from the ground up and the people who want to have a say in how this thing ends up developing, I mean, I don't know how it's to have and be like, "Look, all we want you to do is just grab one of these, join the club and now we can start to figure out how to fix#
Yeah, for a while there, every time we got on a call, Joji, I would finish the call and I'd buy a Skelly Punk. Always made convincing cases and so here's another one to the list. I'm probably going to have to get another punk after this call. But it seems like we're poised for a very interesting next year.
weeks of course everyone's aware or so that most people are aware that there's just being chaos in the markets over the past few days due to all the Alameda FTX Malaki but at the same time that we're aware that there's going to be other releases happening on Terra
they could be some good news coming out on that front in the coming weeks beyond just the doubts released and there could be some stuff coming out. I guess, you know, we'll see what happens. It just comes down to how true the conspiracies are at the moment regarding
Sam Franklin Freight. I'm at a mental blank with old SBS. But I have something to say like this conspiracy is aside and like whatever really happens is really happens and they're going to sort that out. But at the end of the day, Luna was able to sprout a new chain, retain almost 75% of the builders.
We have stable plans in place to retain new builders and attract new builders. You know, it's like when one of these central organizations like FTX or what Voyager or BlockFi or Celsius or any of these central things they collapse, there really is no value proposition after it's just going to be vultures coming to pick the
the carcass, right? Whereas in this decentralized model, it's like, okay, it didn't work, but look, it didn't die. It didn't, and I only did it not die, but there's like a real chance of like making something really great now, right? So I, for me, it's like, I, there's a little brainer where I'm going to be taking my risks now on.
I got WAP in Voyager and now I'm getting WAP in FTX because they were supposed to buy Voyager. You know, I'm going to lose like 20,000 in that old shenanigans. So I'm done with that. It really is. Not your keys, not your crypto. That's a hard lesson. But we're going to make a better version of that here together. That's our goal.
Yeah, and actually speaking of F2S just real quick, I think if you do have funds on FTX, I did get a message internally from my body this morning just saying,
don't update your, I can't see with messages right now, but if it was don't update your FTX, there it is. Don't update the FTX app, they're pushing update, potentially a Trojan virus in there and then
Oh, that was early. Okay, so this is just happened. Oh, that's okay. I see what's going on here. Oh my goodness. What chaos? This year has been brutal. 2022 has been this last year has been a roller coaster. Obviously we had the epic highs of, you know,
just in the January this year with Terrell Luna and then May, you know, went to shambles and then yeah it's like Voyager who else was there? Celsius look there's just it's just been carnage I'm looking forward to
point where we go, okay, that's all the bad news for the moment. And so we'll see what happens, we'll see what happens. My friend, last things I've got, we talked to you Joe, we talked NFTs, we've talked NFTs,
any sort of last call to actions that you have if anyone's listening and you're not already following any of the switch and you're not already following JG, you should do that to get the updates about any of the switch in future. Do you have any other things that you would like to point to people in the direction of?
Um, let's see. No, not really. I mean, I just want everyone to be safe out there and make sure you don't click on no weird air drops because I keep getting spam those things and I don't want to be responsible for for clicking those. That was up.
Yeah, I had a moment there the day where I remembered back to a while ages ago getting some air drops on Open City on my metamask.
click guys click another because obviously I know they are these days when they first came out I'm trying to remember with a click one I guess I'm finding it if I were like the dragon would not but yeah be safe out there. I know that a lot of people who got wrecked and
Tara didn't have a lot of experience with metamask and if you go into your metamask you're going to see random air drop tokens in your wallet. Sometimes if you go to like the explorer you're going to see you'll put your wallet address in and you'll see a bunch of tokens that have nothing to do with you.
do not click those tokens. It's not like if you add some token to your wallet that's a scammy token it will drain your entire wallet like Metamask is ruthless ruthless with scams. I've gotten hacked twice like in some pretty crazy ways
Yeah, man, it's still the wild way out there very much. Very much so. And so hopefully, you know, the response, well, the response is always going to be, let's push for more regulation and monitoring of the space, etc. But let's hope.
hope that we can navigate that without going down that path so much and remain safe. Yeah, it was so big. It was hope that 2023 and 24 and onwards people make sure that they don't
Loose what they've worked for as far as you know they gains been have changed up the hole and everything else But look, oh, you know, hey one more thing I see mr. T down there and if anybody's interested mr. T might want to follow mr. T. He's heading up a proto
called ARC protocol and we're going to be doing some fun stuff with them in the next very short period that we've got to, I forgot we got to keep playing for. So if you are interested in NFTs with like real, real utility ARC protocol is about to deliver
a game changer. I'm so serious when he told me to pitch deck and I was like, "Oh man, that's just going to change everything." He's like, "I know. I was like, this is going to be nuts." So if you guys are interested, that is one of the cutting-edge guys right there, Mr. T. Mr. T, I just follow you, sir. I'm proud to call him. I'm curious to#
Yeah, we'll definitely have a look at that. You're going to get inside look just because I mean you're in the alliance right so I'm going to be showing you guys what's going on a little bit. Don't worry about it. Thank you. Yes, I get lots of looks at lots of things and it's
I feel like I had this conversation last night with one of the other OC members. I'm looking at all these different things and talking to all these different people that it just gets very hard to keep track of what and where's where. So it'd be good to get a proper rundown and let it sink in and let my brain out.
hold that new information. But I just want to say thank you for you know jumping on. We'll start winding down. I'm going to jump on a meeting in just a moment. But this is yeah this is exciting. I'm just really impressed man. I'm really impressed. We chatted you and I spoke before.
for any of this was happening. This was all, you know, just an idea circulating in your brain and you asked me if I knew people that know people that might be able to get you, get the wheels in motion and of course I knew Thomas and was able to
Have that conversation with you and it's also just to see how it's all coming to fruition. I forgot for a second that you really did bridge that connection seven, eight months ago or it was in April. April or mid. I think it was April. Yeah, it was when things were pretty collapsed.
Yeah, it's a testament to your go get a ratitude and your ability to bring people together and your ability to really pitch your vision in a way that resonates with people and then has them feel inspired and so you know you've got that side of the you've got side that side covered in
Thomas is behind the scenes technical guy and then of course you've got the other members of the team as well. It's really cool to say and that you're doing it for multiple projects. I really do too. I really do too. I'm a head off to you in that regard. I know of course you're doing it so far for free too. Big shout outs from me in that department.
man, thank you so much. I gotta say, being broke has been hard, right? But this has literally been the funnest time of my life. I wake up in the morning, so early in the morning, and the first thing I'm doing, I'm like, all right, we gotta go see through this, we gotta get to engage more
We got to make it happen and like you know what it's like it's okay being broke I really if this is the future then it's gonna pay off and like and we are here we're shaping this like I really feel like this is like a blessing. I don't know how else to see it weird
Yeah, and I'm just going to do this before we sort of wind the call down completely. I'm just bringing up the future.
conversation that are going to be hard to so we can give you a quick preview of spaces to come. And as we, as I said earlier in the call, anyone that attends these spaces, you know, we appreciate your time and your energy and your attention. And, you know, we don't take it for granted. We want to make sure that we're providing value where we can.
This is one of the things that older command does is we are essentially our side service. We're valid data but we are an educational platform and I guess media in a way and so we just try to connect communities and people with projects and then have them, you know, if you can get jobs through us, if you can get information through us.
We're doing our job right there, but you can get information on our discord if you're not already doing that the links at the top of the the oral command Twitter, but coming up in the next few weeks we've got a conversation happening November 15 that's in a few days with de fund that was organized by
on the cards as well for early December. So if you curious about what's going on with all those projects, that's what's coming to you over the coming weeks. So stay tuned. You got some big, you got some big dogs lined up brother. You got some big projects coming out in December lined up here. I think it's timing.
and preparation, you know, equals good luck or whatever that saying is. But yeah, I'm telling lots of conversations behind the scenes and so I think some of these big names are starting to get, they're trying to figure out what happens next, you know, they spent the last few months rebuilding in the ashes and they're starting to figure out what
comes next and so yet prism and Apollo have said let's do this so just confirming the data development early December is what's going to happen. There's some alpha right there for these little like that's like a real like peak behind the scenes right there I didn't know they were going to start pulling back the veil that's nice. So I
You heard it here first people, but as I said, thank you for your time, energy and attention. J.J. Thank you for your time and your enthusiasm as usual. And until next week, do take care, stay safe. Don't get rugged. Don't click on NFT, air drops. And go and try it and please switch if you haven't yet done it.
guys have a good one be sick