Real-Life Escape Room on Web3.0 and Metaverse!

Recorded: March 27, 2023 Duration: 0:44:28



I think Jay is also joining in. How's it going?
Good, how you doing? Yeah, very good. Very busy. This is our fifth product, steep dive session of the day. Sorry, fourth one. So yeah, really looking forward to it.
Yeah, sure. I'll actually give you the call host so you can accept anyone that is racing their hand, wanted to speak out with our audiences. But I've also invited Mark and I'm waiting for Jay to actually request to be the guest speaker. Otherwise, I mean, we can go ahead and start it.
Yeah, cool. Just while we're waiting for them, I guess. I suppose there's a lot of the audience here who are familiar with your projects, but maybe just like a really quick background for anyone who isn't familiar with what you guys do.
Yeah sure. I think Mark you have officially upgraded yourself from listening to Speaker. Do you want to give a rundown of what year I'm done? I'm just going to try to find Jay and add him to better speaker while I'm doing that. Mark do you want to take in control of this phase? Awesome. Thanks, Wayne.
We're meeting everyone, I'm very excited to speak on tonight's and thanks for organizing this. In AI and Labs, we can't labour ourselves as a pioneer to reshape the future of XK room 3.0 that we're trying to focus on the recognition of IP ownership. By achieving this, we're building an
own channel to integrate to and want to create a driven experience on the universe. But most importantly, we wanted to be a starting point to build a sustainable ecosystem for the contributors created to capitalize their IP creations.
Yeah, awesome. Thank you so much for the background. And for everyone unfamiliar about what this session is, over at our, we're hosting a competition with our analysts and we've selected five really great upcoming startups of which ERM labs is one of them.
And we're using this opportunity to build collective intelligence reports. So our entire analysis community is getting together, building reports on these startups, and then we're going to release those reports to our community. So if you're interested in seeing the outcome of those reports, come over to our website or our Twitter, sign up, or DM us.
and we'll flick you some of those reports. And the structure of all the questions that we've come up with today is really centered around that. It's centered around trying to find out what the project is about, the benefits of investing in it, and really trying to find alpha for our community members. So with that in mind, Mark,
resolving the current pain point of the industry. To further demonstrate our valuable position, I would love to touch a little bit based on what's current pain points in the market. So if you guys think about X-Ga-Broom, it's kind of a heavy acid-driven investment that where you normally require the huge chunk of
our phone calls to start the exit room and there will normally be a result of low LTV which is live time value so customer and the returns and how I would just return of investment for all the investors. And the second point is that it's normally lack of the innovation in the exit room industry because imagine you going to
to play with a bunch of friends who normally rely on these hardware or VR and AR and with the kind of those environments of the two kids and how we are lacking of the new innovative and disruptive business model in this industry and third of all this is no such a thing called a recognition
IP rights for all the players and creators and game designers. And fourth of us is probably the most important thing is X-Table Room you guys can probably imagine is a subject to the constraints or geographical limitations. Imagine you're located in Australia but you want to fly over but you want to fly
play in a world-winning X-ray room in Europe, you probably need to fly over there and this is a high cost. And within EIN labs, we're trying to demonstrate and resolve all these four pain points, trying to offer this very unique, with the solution to empower of what through traditional
So in Iran, we transition ourselves as Manoeuvres 2.5 that we're sitting in the middle of being a bridge to work to business and work to be. So our revenue as the oil mentioned we can break down further into two men of the remuneration of the web to where we
We do a lot of corporate bookings, ticket sales, partnership, game, ticket sales. However, Web 3 will also help them to build an avatar NFT draw where it will involve a lot of NFT sales and NFT royalty fees. And they will also have a very unique Web 3 game ticket sales as well.
Okay, perfect. And another question just on that side of things. What product is, sorry, what problem does your product solve for customers? So are you guys chasing more the traditional escape room customer? Or are you going after a web3 market and introducing them to escape rooms?
or is it something else entirely? Yeah, great question. So I guess in this case, we will probably demonstrate ourselves as a B2B or B2B2C model, where we imagine our customer will be the real live X-EA rooms, where we partnership with them and then we sign an exclusive partnership with them, trying to help them to
on both engage of more uses, try and help them to build this community. So kind of to answer your question is we're trying to resolve this issue of endpoints in the traditional industry by creating more revenue streams for them, but also helping their customers to build a more immersive experience to
capitalized their IP. So I'll say in this case is our customer is more like we tried is it's more like after after-paste model where normally after-paste customers are all the merchants, wrist-wrongs and stores, but they offer the customers of the customers the ability to afford the products if they kind of make sense.
Yeah, that makes a lot of sense and just how big is that market? So I think one of my favorite slides on your pitch deck was your global vision slide. I think it was kind of like the total addressable market serviceable available market kind of slide. So could you go into a little bit about what your total addressable
total addressable market is. Yeah, definitely. Yeah, I think sorry Mark. Before I know, I know, I know Connor's been asking a lot of interesting questions. I can't wait to jump in and actually live a few comments. The second last question that you mentioned about our revenue streamline, we just
recently work on our UGC economics, so not only on a very traditional method where we are charging a ticket price, you know, it could be a fiat payment or it could be a token payment where the users can pay extra amount of token to enjoy the escape room. So right now we are looking to partner with FISA MasterComp
So we're actually allowing our normal payment gateway to connect and pay or you can select your digital currency to be able to enjoy that escape room metaphors and the other one which is a more fascinating idea is the user generated content. So this is where we wanted to encourage all our players
to also becoming our creator. So in that way, for example, you go play an in scaperate with a couple of your friends. You don't normally go play solo, right? So you play with a couple of friends. And with that, you know, economic in mind, we're expecting, you know, when we're targeting one person, we're targeting pretty much a group of people, which is
5 time exponential growth compared to any other project out there. So in terms of the revenue streamline, we're very heavily focused on the UGC model. So the UGC model means that you ask the creator, you also get to obtain your IP, you get to obtain 100% of your ownership, the access that you created,
you know, all the puzzles or energy, everything that you own, you capitalize everything on that. And I think Mark, if you can actually perhaps share a bit of insights on how we can help our creators, how help our players to capitalize and obviously not on a project point of view, but also on a player point of view to touch
based on really generating the revenue for our community. And then the last question that you asked was, sorry, the second last question was, was it about the marketing? Oh no. The total addressable market, like how big is this field that you guys are playing in? I think marketing
definitely handle that. I just wanted to tap into talk about the revenue that is generated from the UG economic is phenomenal, is huge. And that is already been felt there by the sandbox. The sandbox team has very, very encouraging us. They even went on to the supporting that, hey, you know, we're happy to create a cabinet to educate your
your escape room players to use our game maker, use our Fox editor tool to sort of build their own version of the escape room. So this particular idea has been validated by many, many metaphors, people that you spoke to heard of like sandbox, roadblocks, which have been talking to a number of different metaphors.
Yeah, that's really, really cool. It's super interesting to hear that strategy. And yeah, Mark, did you have anything to add to that as well? Yeah, it's a very, very good call out. And I think in terms of that you do say, well, I mean, the creators, what they can do in this business is kind of sick.
give you a very specific use cases. So imagine you are playing the X-Gabrums with your mates and with a group of people. You actually get to participate in the X-Gabrum design and where with a very specific token in small mix you can actually own the IP of the
design of the X-Series myself. And we're trying to encourage more kind of the work to and work three uses participate in this game by giving them the leeways and then freedoms to design their own X-Series and also giving this type of sense of engagement and participation back to the community.
And we are very far like how we said we are verified ideas by Sandbrook and the other multi-meters. They are very interesting this idea. So in terms of the market, this is pretty big. And then go back to your question in terms of our market size.
We can break down, break them down into our three layers. So for the entertainment and escape rooms, we have around 2.8 billion of the market size for entertainment, just for escape room alone. And there are a cumulative more than a hundred million players on any basis. And that's just for
to X-ABrune along and if we're looking at both, there will be an in blockchain and NFT level. There will be 15.4 billion of revenue generating estimates on a new basis as well and there are 85 millions of wallet uses
last year's and if you look one more layer above, they are in terms of gaming and metaverse wise, they are 61.8 BDS and 3.2 BDS of gamers last year. So they are definitely a huge
of total address for market that we're looking into tap into the space and all the kind of financial modeling and the revenue kind of estimation that we're doing now is slightly conservative, but even though just typing on the small portion of this huge total address for market.
can give us a pretty optimistic kind of outcome. And do you guys see that market growing? Like is there a key market trend or driver that influences what you do? For example, the growth of the escape room industry or maybe it's more on the meta best side.
Yeah, in terms of the growth rate, I think for the Web 2 where we call this entertainment industry, I think that it's 10% of any growth rate. But in terms of the block chances where in the bear market, I probably need to go back to with the number of buyers still there for training. This is probably also interesting to bring a very recent conversation that we have.
We get approached by so many different NFT community as you guys I'm not sure if you guys heard of Moomber projects, but same box actually purchase and Moomber NFT themselves and build kind of playable NFTs in the same box now we get approached by so many NFTs
interesting NFT community asking us if we can offer a very unique solution design for them to increase the utilities for the NFT or even engage further for the NFT hold it themselves. So given all the interest that we receive, we think it's a potential bungling services we might
offering the future. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. And being the hot industry that it is, do you guys see any competitors? And how do you differentiate yourself from them if you do? Yeah, good question. So I don't for now for Xebrum alone, I think we are a
where we focus on very nation-granular levels of sectors, just for building a solution for the X-K-Broom. And we also are largest owner of X-KBroom IP, only metaverse itself. And how we potentially differentiate ourselves is what I mentioned to the destructive technology of
or to all integration took us in our very unique UGC economy driven experience. I don't see any kind of competitions that we're facing at the moment. Do you win or is there any like very specific competitors that we have at the moment?
In terms of direct competitors, I do not think so because before we go to market, I mean this is only pre launching right now. So our actual sandbox game is going to come alive in July. Hopefully July, mid July this year. And in terms of the recomputter of escape, we're building on the metaphors that that's not
because we have already secured the top 10 global partnerships with the real-life escape room and that's pretty much representing 6% before we go to markets. We're very confident even though if we get any competitors they're going to take some time because we spent about the last 7 to 8 months accumulating our business contract
I'm trying to bundle the smart contract with the IP. We spent a lot of time in the background before we come out and say hello to everyone. But however, in terms of engagement platform, this is a different story. For example, everyone's probably the latest bus word
for metaphors is, what are the engagement platforms? How do you engage to activate a retail shop, a supermarket, a brand, a fast consumable brand, or perhaps a prestige brand, like BMWs? A lot of retail retailers are spending big money on the metaphors, but however,
the number of ROI, the number of return investment, it isn't looking so great. People are just really spending a lot of money on the metaphors for the sake of, it's a better gimmick, it's a better branding, it's a better facial impact. But in terms of economic, in terms of actually growing the underlying economic and fundado,
Every retailer in every agency is still studying things out. For example, our recently hosted Twitter space with the founder of AIG. He's a CEO and founder of AIG. They are very big teams. They're already going for a CVA, they're going for a CVB right now. The whole company is about 77% of the
people, they are solving the underlying fundamental issue of how do we bring work to users onto work free. So a lot of competitors in this particular engagement platform space but specifically TheraPinea and TheraMeage Interest Getroom, entertainment industry, get room, no there isn't any data competitor.
Yeah, okay, cool. And so primarily on the engagement stuff then, how do you guys plan to stay ahead of the competition in the future? What's your defensibility for the project? Yeah, good question. I can probably take on this. Yeah, thanks, we're for for answering questions. Yeah, again, like what we said, we already have
a very unique and exclusive partnership with the real-life X-AirBroom and we also got a commitment from them to get able to try each of the uses and we able to onboard those real-life uses into our web 3 platform and the metaverse and also because it is
we are funded and supported by sandbox. We also get a very unique advantage of the daily active uses. So I think sandbox is going to launch the Alpha4 season in July.
and we can potentially getting a good proportions of the daily FD users to testing our game. So in that sense, we already get a first round of advantage and we able to polish our game to getting a user retention kind of metrics and then we able to polish it up.
So I guess overall we wanted to be a starting point not only for example, but not even for entertainment industry, but for any traditional industry to show them how we can potentially bridge the web to traditional business into web 3.
Yeah, very, very cool and it's very cool that you bought up partnerships as well. My next question for you guys is what metrics and milestones do you guys use?
to demonstrate your traction and growth do you strategically have any bars that you set for yourself and what have you achieved and what are you hoping to achieve in that sense?
Yeah, for now, I think we're setting up in terms of looking break down into a RemewSRames, in terms of how many uses we are able to track from Web2 and Web3, both of the channels. So in Web2, we are hoping to run different events and trying to get the Web2 users
from real life XA room into our Maniverse. And for sandbox, we also very came to try several testing and invite users to play out games and the uses and instructions and retention will be also another of our metrics. But in terms of our very recent milestone that as nation we secured
10 global XKBroom partners and then we also found it and supported by Sandbox potentially gonna launch in Sandbox offer for seasons with potential three 30Ks of daily active uses for user testing. Yeah, that's it.
Sorry, sorry, I'll probably add on a little bit of content in terms of how do we measure our KPIs or how do we measure our Tractions when it comes to the market activation? So my background is marketing so when it comes to this I love talking about marketing There's a couple of ways of doing so as a couple of ways of doing so so
not only really targeting the offline partners, because they are solid partners. We need to make sure when we deliver and when we do campaign, when we do events, we need to make sure it is one of the kind. Right now, all the meet up, I'm talking about all the web for you, all the crypto meet up, we go to a bar, we go to a cafe, we go to a restaurant, we go to a fancy sit down,
against time. And I think all the meter I'm talking about in real life experiences, there has to be engagement, experience and excitement. You can't just go meet up and say, "Hey, yo, what's up? What's the project you're working on?" It's still okay, but then what we're providing is sort of a very immersive where we're putting competition, we're putting
So we try to monitor our traction by bringing other web free gameers on both x and x in finishes.
We do know that there are a number of bills, incubation, like guilds that they are losing a lot of members, it's because they're no longer profitable by dedicating the play to earn model. Right now we have incentivized, we out
without our token armoured we have incentivised our players, I pay to own. You don't only sacrifice your time playing a game just to own X amount of dollar you also get to own the assets. It doesn't have to be in game assets. It could be a certificate, it could be an entry. The next entry ticket for you to get rid of but it is a recognition
And it's an achievement that you have solved a particular puzzle. You have cleared through a particular escape room. So what we're targeting, a TLDR, what we're targeting is the psychological mindset of the player. We're no longer providing our triple A game because that's a year to build, right? That takes years to go to market strategy.
What we are targeting is a very short period of excitement that we can generate from our players. That's a really great answer. I think it leads nicely into this next question as well. Targeting that player's psychology right there. What is your custom around
acquisition strategy. I mean, what are the key customers that you're going after here? I really loved especially that part of your answer about meetups. It would be so ideal, I think. I could definitely see myself doing this instead of hosting a meetup where it can
be a little bit awkward. There's like a bit of a shuffle. But if you're doing an activity and you're networking at the same time, I think that's particularly cool. Yeah, I'll jump the gun and freestyle this one Mark. I just recently shared Instagram story to Mark saying that health fascinating AI technology has become, you know, everyone has a phone.
that that that connects the digital wallet should should have a phone right so what we are looking in in terms of the market activation in a very fun way is where you use a camera to scan your t-shirt your merchandise it could be a year in could be a heart it could be a t-shirt and it will come up with an AR like an augmented reality directly scanning to
day. That isn't an engagement because I'm such a fun person to hang around with. But everyone get my energy just by being around me. But then it's the fact that you're gamifying the whole experiences of meeting someone. It could be like an icebreaker, right? And this can use your VR technology, your AI technology, even with
thinking of using AI to actually help to to to bring the uses a lot a lot closer other than just you know a very awkward engagement engagement way and that's not only a meetup I'm talking about let's go back to the escape room environment. So we are exploring generative AI content
So I'm sure everyone here heard of like you know open AI you know chat to you be team stuff like that so how does how which sector which industry actually get benefit the most it's the gaming industry well I think it's a gaming industry is because the hardest to produce in a gaming environment when you're building a game is the game logic is
the game content. Right? And this can actually be solved with AI. So I've tested with my gaming studio, I tested with a number of different people that is also having a gaming background. What we did is we collectively coded a little bit, you know, you know, coded it, coded around the open AI. And we're statistically very niche to
focus on solving, like generating a solving puzzle. And then that particular puzzle has to have a solution. So it's almost like you're referring engineering. You're putting a one, two, three, four puzzle on the table. But then the code is actually four, three, two, one. So the AI would be so
effectively and efficiently to deliver the whole puzzle design and what our player can do is literally use our created toolkit to jump on board, jump onto our platform, use our existing access library and drag and jump all the puzzle that you want. And you can even minimize the customization of the game logic, except there would
be able to finalize their own escape room within a day. That's the time frame that we're trying to look for. And I think AI is such a powerful tool to help the gaming industry to transform a lot better. So right now we are exploring the idea is, you know how we talk about the UGC, the user-generated content. Right now we're exploring AIGC. Is it
the term is called AIGC. So using AI to generate your content. And we're exploring that. We're hopefully announcing a partnership in the next couple of weeks. And I think that's going to really change your whole landscape, not only on the metaphors, not only on the escape room, you know, the web free. I think AI is going to have so much more implication when it comes to
emerging with the work for technology. Yeah, very, very cool. I think that's going to have massive implications on the product and just to reiterate the user acquisition strategy, do you guys focus on marketing or sales or how are you guys finding new customers? Is it like Twitter or a different platform?
I think I did rock it a little bit too much. I was mentioned talking about Mark. Mark, do you want to know? It was a great answer. It was a very unique kind of a point to race here. As we mentioned, this is a very unique type of pen point that we discovered.
is kind of the brand behind it. So by there are several marketing strategies that we can leverage. First one, as I mentioned, we want to try age the real life users Web2. We kind of take responsibility to educate real life users, help them to own more in the Web3. And for existing users in St. Both, it's become a very small transaction to get them into
to our platform, because we got it from the same box. And as we mentioned about this AIGC potential, we are in a conversation with the server of AI to help to integrate and share the user basis. And last one, as I mentioned about that we potentially would pivot in all third bungling
solving services to big NFT communities, there are tons and endless of potential we can tap into the shared users if we are able to build and have the fast track to build this big NFT IP and help them sustain into sandbox and we were able to share the users from there as well. Is there anything else you want to add on today's win?
Okay, that was a great answer. I think we've got time for a couple more. If anyone in the community here has any questions, feel free to post them on the tweet and I will ask them.
Otherwise, I've got a really hectic one from our co-founder that we've asked every company today. And so far, it's my favorite because we've been getting some interesting answers. If this project was to fail, what would be the reason why?
Oh, that's a tough question. I love your co-founder. That's a handle. That was Hannah's brutal left hook right there. If it has to fail, what were the key factor? I think because the escape room
a very optimistic person, even though VC did turn us down because we focused on a very, very way too niche, like they want a 100x type of project, right? And as it look, I am a very product marketing driven type of person. I want to focus a niche market so I can do good. And then I go exponential building across
my horizontal partnership because I test out my strategy work. But going back to your main point, number one is to niche. It could be to niche, right? Second, when it's talking about the marketing, right? So the first one that I talked about was from a Fisi perspective. The second one is the marketing perspective. Maybe the work to uses. They just
absolutely do not want to come on wet free or perhaps they think wet free is you know it's a scam you know I don't want to open a digital wallet I you know there's this many many general public that does not want to come on to wet free and I completely understand how and why because the regulation has not been too friendly lately and and and and being you know
one of the couple of questions that you asked, who are our target audiences? Of course, the general public, the whole web2, people that play Escape Room, all the all-out target market, but they mind, they all your life, they're all your high school efforts, they're all your moms and pups, if we are to convince them to open a digital world, come on to web3, definitely
a very long process to educate them. So I think if it's too fail on a marketing perspective, it's the user adoption. It's going to take a longer period of time and it will have a longer burning rate and education timeframe. And then the other
the other component that I also want to talk about. Perhaps it's our strategy that didn't work out. It might be the OTO integration or perhaps the user-generated content economically. It doesn't really work out because we even though we run a lot of interviews, we tested our idea. But then at the end of the day, when it rolled out to the market, we get actual real
feedback coming from our users. They might not like the idea of having a virtual escape room. They're still a preferred physical escape room. That's not a problem, but this is where our idea could potentially fail. Hopefully not, but this is where I think the product might fail because everyone's still preferred a physical escape room.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, great answer. I just want to add a little bit of a great question apparently. So I guess it comes out to the roots. So like how do you guys really define the failure, right? So in EIN labs, we really want to advocate and be a pioneer of empower people thinking
about how it manifests 2.5 and how Web 3 2.5 can empower real, traditional industry as we mentioned the education course is pretty high but essentially our vision is just to empower everyone think about how future looks like, how we living in the manifest
future. As long as we can nail that part, I don't think we are failure. And at the end of the day, who are we going to disappoint with investors apparently, but we would love the lot of thing we're going to do is to disappoint our users. So as long as we can create an interesting game, important thinking of future,
I don't think we ever gonna be fair. I'm gonna love that. I mean honestly I think this is one of the coolest use cases of web3 tech
technology we've seen. It's super original and yeah, I honestly have high hopes for this project. On that note, if anyone wants to add anything, if you guys want to add anything about ERM labs or talk to the community really quick, be a great time to do so.
We'll probably give him one minute or so. I'm trying to invite my colleague and then I just keep
I'm sorry, Jay, I think he's in the space. I'm still very new to Twitter, by the way. We've only three launch on the Twitter, on the whole social media, literally three weeks ago, and we've got about 1,000 followers. We're hosted about four different
This is our fourth one for Twitter space. So I'm still learning. I'm still trying to get J. Oh, that's all good. And yeah, likewise, the first Twitter space we posted were done today. While you're doing that, I'll just talk a bit about what we're up to and what the point of this project deep dive is. So yeah,
Over at our we're creating what we're calling collaborative investment intelligence where utilizing our community of Web 3 native analysts, many at blockchain clubs at universities or their scouts for VCs or sometimes angel investors. We're relying on this community to find really, really interesting projects.
RM Labs is one of them to bring them in and we then interview them. We look through their pitch decks. We write investment reports about them and then we give these reports to our community. So if anyone is interested in that, the first five reports will be free. ERM Labs will be one of the companies that we're writing the reports about.
come join us over at our sign up or follow us on Twitter and we'll give you some more information about how you can join the mailing list. Yeah I think this is actually a really good sort of like enterprise solutions or perhaps this is more like a like an investor solution
of a platform and I think it is in need of in-with free. I screened for a pitch that literally 10 on average on a daily basis because everyone is like, "Hey, I wanted to do partnership, collaboration." But then that isn't someone that's with a very higher credential or someone that's with a
finance, perhaps a marketing background that goes through, we're validating that particular project. And I think you guys are fantastic in tapping into such a good industry where it's booming and you guys are profiling that insight and obviously providing an analytical papers to your investors. I don't, I think investors are perhaps
you know your your your whole salary investors or perhaps you retail investors someone that just genuinely could invest into you know X amount of dollar that could that could be contributed as an investors overall yeah yeah yeah yeah I love your model so when when when we approach you guys to me I did a bill research and I think
We are on the same page right so you guys also trying to disrupt this investments analyst into Web 3 They are trying to gauge all the interest and analyze for on the public as well So we definitely think you guys are one of us where we trying to educate is Web 2.5 to giving the transparency back to the public
Yeah, absolutely. The whole thing really just came from how noisy the investment landscape is. It's particularly risky right now with the market the way it is and so it's never been
I think more important to find really cool projects than in this building stage where all in. So yeah, guys, thank you so much for joining us today. Did you end up finding your co-founder wing?
He's not a co-founder, but he's one of the Melbourne team that's really been with us since the beginning and that he's still trying to lock you down right here. I think he's known me. That's okay, but really appreciated Conlon.
joining us really appreciate a Hannah's been putting a lot of hard work and talking to me. I know that I've been away for some time but I really wish you guys all the best and obviously all the best as well. If anyone has any questions feel free to follow us on Twitter
feel free to follow a bell on Twitter so you can look at what are the top five projects that they have selected and as well as if you guys enjoying escape room experiences especially building on a metaphors feel free to follow us on Twitter we're going to have many exciting events coming up in Hong Kong
and I appreciate Mark for being our host, sorry, co-host to do this particular AMA and Neil, I thank you all for my colleague that couldn't join in. He still can't join in. Otherwise, is there any questions coming from the both of you?
That's basically I think covered off everything today. Yeah, thank you guys so much. Really, really great answers and super excited to get these reports into your hands as well. We'll flick it through to you right when they're ready. Yeah, awesome. Thank you guys. I will turn off the
to the space and hopefully we'll send in the recorder if you wanted to listen back and we'll save a record. So what we do just to just a really closing thought is we will generate a monthly summarising of all the party that we have spoke to, including yourself and we
have the last AMA on the 31st of March. So after that, we will have a summary and what we have learned. You know, our user journey, our project journey. And then we're going to publish it on our medium platform. So you can see what sort of idea that has been flowing into this particular project. Yeah.
Yeah, I agree. So yeah, we're gonna have like put the breakdown different anime. So yeah, make sure you follow eml app so we're gonna be more anime talking about tokenomics and meta versus self and we would love your feedback about this idea anything we love anything and we want to make sure you are right this journey with us.
Thank you, God. I will see you guys later. Bye, everybody. Thank you, bye. Say, yeah. Bye, bye.