Real World Utility of #Metaverse #AR #VR

Recorded: April 11, 2023 Duration: 1:06:01



Hey guys, we're waiting for two more speakers to join us. I know another one, Ruby, you're here. Do you accept my invitation? I sent you a guest speaker invitation. And also I'm waiting for 8th out.
Okay, so we've got another one. Do you want to request a speech so I can accept your fear or if you don't see my invitation? Otherwise, I'll probably go ahead and get started this event. So how are you guys doing today? My name is Wang. I'm the founder of the RML.
It's good to see that many people are joining me. We're actually really busy in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is really kicking off with where you've been right now. I'm actually on the way to Yiven, but I'll be obviously hosting this AMI session. So this particular session, we wanted to uncover a perfect, so number one,
is the real world you're telling. Talk about the whole macro environment, what exactly is all the project up to, how exactly we're going to bring the work to people, what's the infrastructure, what's the application layer that we're looking at. We're very, very appreciated to have. And we have A down, we have another one really sharing
perspective and there's that of story. So for everyone who's doing tuning in, my name is Wing and so far I think we've got a very good number to really kick off this AMA. I'll probably do my introduction first, introducing who the RM laps is, what is our solution, what exactly we want us to do and what is our pilot
So my name is Wing, I'm the co-founder. Hi everyone, you know, all really appreciated all coming at this hour with 8 o'clock in Hong Kong time. I'm not sure where you guys are at, but good morning, good evening to you guys all. ERM labs were accelerated to help digitalizing and
Entertainment industry is specifically a worker motor businesses on to the metaphors so it's a specifically our first project. It's an escape room. We have secure more than 650 IPAs where really helping them to solve a couple of things right so number one is how do we help this worker motor
This is really fascinating. I met everyone in Hong Kong that really loving our disruptive strategy and our 100% share with you guys later on. And the other thing is we have spoken with a number of exhibition, you know, offline entities that they also wanted to get the
exposure on the metaphors. Today we have 8DOW and we also have another one to be our feature speakers. So, Dr. D, you want to take on the next introducing a project and perhaps what exactly that we've done and what is your pipeline?
Sure thing, Wing. Thank you so much for this. My name is Jason. What dotted is a Web 3 mobile-based app that aims to onboard the next 100 million users into Web 3 by offering them creative tools and simplifying the user journey.
I'm going by simplifying the user journey is that the easiest way to put it is to make it so easy that my mother could use it. So that my mother could get her first NFT break down. Web 3 is kind of complex for her. So for her to get her first wallet, for example,
Learn about security concerns for example gas fees all these things are complex right so what dotted does the nutshell is streamline the entire process so we go about by creating a 90-second wallet for example if a user doesn't have a wallet we can also plug into Metamask We aggregate
So we've written a custom smart contract where on Ethereum and Polygon, a user with zero crypto inside is able to mint their first NFT and they can do that.

FAQ on Real World Utility of #Metaverse #AR #VR | Twitter Space Recording

Who is waiting for two more speakers to join the event?
The host, Wang.
Who did Wang send a guest speaker invitation to?
What is the founder's name?
What is the name of the organization the founder created?
RML (not specified what it stands for).
What industry does RML aim to help digitalize?
Entertainment industry, specifically worker motor businesses on the metaphors (first project is an escape room).
How many IPs has RML secured?
What is the name of the app that Jason is representing?
What is the goal of Dotted?
To onboard the next 100 million users into web 3 by offering them creative tools and simplifying the user journey.
What is the purpose of Dotted's 90-second wallet?
To streamline the process of creating a wallet for users who don't have one.
What is the custom smart contract that Dotted has written?
One that allows users with zero crypto inside to mint their first NFT.