Real Yield w/ Kujira, Sommelier & Quasar

Recorded: Jan. 16, 2023 Duration: 1:35:19



Hello everyone and welcome to the club. What a time to be alive in crypto and in Cosmos. I know I think you invited as a speaker. I can see the speaker icon.
I think it's working. - Perfect, perfect. And I hear you loud and clear. Do you hear me loud and clear as well? - Your microphone quality is currently unimaginable. I wish I had the same setup. (laughs) - Thanks man. Actually, I was thinking about getting a new mic.
But the I'll take that as a compliment. I know the rabbit hole. It's like with auto tuning parts got to get the other one, but awesome. Perfect. Well, as a host, you have to, right? There's no other way.
I actually had a show I thought yesterday about how ridiculously high the standards for content creation became that basically I mean you got a set of so professional. At the same time iPhone cameras are pretty good nowadays so it's pretty exciting to see. Yeah.
Yeah that's true, but I mean to me at least personally actually some of the most valuable podcasts or YouTube videos or whatever is actually not the ones with the highest resolution or anything like that is it's more like just
people who have been really grinding and building a lot of content and it could be like a quick video with your phone or something like that. It actually brings the most value to me sometimes. It's funny. Yeah, it's right. You say that there is a, I mean, if you look at Mr. Beast, I mean, technically you could argue
most of his growth was pretty low quality from audio and video side of things obviously not from the content and now he's the biggest. Also, do I hear a German accent if I may say so? Danish, close. Danish, high neighbor. Mark from Denmark, easy to remember.
That's actually true. What about yourself? Are you a terminal?
It's a classic German complex situation born and raised in Germany, but Eastern European parents from three different, I mean like half half and then I won from another country. So quite mixed. I see. And I believe, Dough and Josh, you are invited as speakers well now. I can see the icon at least.
Hey guys, yeah, thank you. Good to be here. Thanks for having me. Great to see you, Duff. Yeah, thanks man. Always a pleasure. Always. And Josh, you speak as well. Yeah. Yeah, thanks for having me. Perfect. Perfect. We'll just give the guys the community one more minute and then
We'll get started, but what a time to be alive in crypto. It's a... thanks for shaping up, it seems. Yeah man, it's a weird one, isn't it? I don't think any of us really saw that one coming. I mean, I've got...
Of course, maybe one or two, but yeah, it is interesting how everything is bounced back to life. And of course, you know, we're not just hoping, you know, we're in moon, but it's like we need, if the capital comes back, yeah, it's going to be exciting, but yeah, man, also pretty scary, right? We don't really know what's happening with
with the overall market and where it's going to really go. Yeah, personally, I was so pessimistic. I mean, I guess a lot of people were, but when I least expected any kind of bull market to enter or in the pump to enter, then of course it happens. I was just
waiting for the last terminal to fall and everything to go to shit but that didn't happen. I'll be honest, I felt massive phomo because I also set aside some capital waiting for a bit more of a drop. Call me pessimistic even though I still have majority in crypto rather than cash but I feel like this is a bold
And please don't listen to me. I have no idea about trading. I am not good at it. But I feel like it was too fast to wrap it, not with enough liquidity. And everyone's just already acting on the CPI data from the US. But there's so much more at play globally, economy wise, inflation wise. I don't think the ships over to be
honest. Obviously, I would be happy, but it feels too good to me to help with how fast it went. Yeah, definitely. Well, that's another topic. I don't know about you all, but everything that I think would make the market pump like never does. And then it'll random. That is so true. That is so true. Yeah. So
Yeah, I have no idea which way price goes, but obviously we know that builders keep building and like the technology gets better every day. I think I have an idea. I think it's going to go up or down. Yeah, that's another topic for another day, I guess, but speaking of builders,
and building continue to build. Real yields is the talk of today. Thank you so much guys for joining this first panel out of hopefully many in the Cosmos Club, where we bring experts, builders together around a certain topic that is booming or will be booming soon enough in crypto
and blockchain. Real yields is really the talk of the town these days. So just to kick us off, maybe you can just briefly explain what your individual approach is to real yields and what it means to you. And I guess, a video because you started or you came in first, I'll let you speak first also.
Yeah, thanks appreciate it. Yeah, everyone listening high to the others So real yield is interesting because the way we look at it from quasar's perspective is really just enabling people to invest into what they deemed to be real yield I think if you make if you