Reality Check 🧀🎙️ PORTAL & SOMO Monolith Application

Recorded: Jan. 31, 2024 Duration: 1:51:00



I'll see you in the next video, bye!
Take my bad boy, take my bad boy
Take my ball, take my bad boy
The smoke that we don't need
Keeps me alive
And the smoke that we don't need
Keeps me alive
Keeps me alive
And I say to them
They're running around here
They're all drugs right now
And I say to them
Take my bad boy
And I say to them
Take my bad, take my bad boy
The fire in your eyes
Keeps me alive
And the fire in your eyes
Keeps me alive
They show you where you'll find
The sex you're wearing
They show you where you'll find
The sex you're wearing
The world
The world's all too bad
The world's all too bad
The world's all too bad
And the world's all too bad
The world's all too bad
The world's all too bad
The world's all too bad
The world's all too bad
Retweet the fucking room people, let's go
And the world's all too bad
The world's all too bad
The world's all too bad
The world's all too bad
The world's all too bad
The world's all too bad
The world's all too bad
The world's all too bad
The world's all too bad
all right all right all right all right good morning good morning good morning
uh Kyle and Azadi like as soon as that fucking beat dropped there in that one part both of you
your splumojis just went fucking i was like oh my god look at these guys um pretty good uh zadi
that's cool thanks for uh shutting down your space that i completely missed and uh coming in
and everyone that followed thank you for coming in uh tuning in see if we can't dive into what
the fuck's about to happen this morning uh but GM GM Kyle Kenny Azadi how you doing guys the stage
is wide open GM GM cheese and fellow listeners listeners lizards and beyond um yeah a lot going
on uh juke is uh jupin kenny i seen you uh bought in on that you did you get a claim on that because
i got fucked i regret to inform you i got zero claim oh didn't you hold on let me go back to
the recorded space from yesterday where you said you were going to get a big old bag and i wasn't
going to get shit uh yeah bro when when when i was going to get a nice bag but um clearly uh
this is pretty retroactive to activity a while ago it seems like horseshit um yeah yeah i mean
i didn't start really trading hard on juke till probably november
or october of last year so only about five months that's crazy yeah
it's all good yeah it's all good no it is uh guys only 19 likes 19 retweets 10 comments it's
it's not that hard guys like we're trying to get people in here learning about portal coin
learning about somo the more people that learn about these things and learn about creeps the
more your bags go up so like i don't know i guess you don't like your bags going up a little extra
demanding this morning there cheese it's almost like you're a bit grumpy no a little booksy you
know got a little bit grumpy from getting rubbed on uh grumpy cat grumpy grumpy cat yeah i got
dumped on on that shit uh but it's all good everything's gravy um azati i don't know if
you've been to bed the guy's been up all night hosting spaces buying creeps uh buying runes
uh went in like a beast bought the 15 that was listed at five eth and now which looks like a
smart idea because the only 15 listed is 12 eth so uh yeah congratulations on that uh zadi now has
two monoliths yep i've got two level 15 monoliths there you go uh can you explain why uh you bought
so many creeps last night three more creeps or four more i think that's seven for the week
wow that's pretty good and now one of those you gave away though right yep yep yeah yeah nice um
and i don't know if he's in here or not uh zoom out i think he's there zoom out yeah yeah yep yep
and he was nice enough to let me get my rune back that i didn't know that i accidentally sent him so
he's a champion yeah yeah he is uh been trying to help him in dms with uh he called me how you're
trying to help him not giving me a motherfucking rune back you told me all about it no i said that
in the space just i'm like man just keep that shit bro zadi's out here buying 15s and it doesn't
matter not to him um all right so we got a crazy echo coming through your mike sorry i just but i'm
just bullish i'm bullish on you know look i think today one of two things that happened we're gonna
get great news and the floor is gonna go crazy or people are gonna be frustrated and they're gonna
sell some and i'm gonna buy more either way i win yeah um yeah i'm not i'm staying grounded
all right because normally we get hyped the fuck up we get all crazy and it's just like all right
point click boom we're done and it's like the fizzle went out oh hold on now have you finally
accepted that the entirety of the january road map is not going to materialize today
no sir because we still have 12 hours and 22 minutes left in the day so here's the thing
geez i'll tell you why i'm bullish i'm bullish because fucking pork came out of nowhere
and smacked everyone in the face with lots of liquidity on eth and then you got jupiter out
here just proving the impossible is possible with the craziest presale honey pots that i've
never fucking seen right like you're really thinking about it and you know if that's what
they were waiting for they were waiting for big liquidity moves to prove that it's possible
um you know i hate to say pork pork's leading the way uh kenny i don't know anything about
pork i've seen a couple people tweeting about it but what happened on pork what what is pork
all right kenny you know anything about pork i'm anybody azadi pork i did somebody give it a
down low on pork i can honestly tell you i haven't looked into each shit coin in probably
three or four months um just because i got tired of paying 40 gas fee just to make a transaction
so i am out of the loop on the eth shit coins but i do know they still pop off like crazy so uh
i have no idea no i'm gonna go ran up to 130 mil market cap from nothing poly did it it's like
it pork is a fork of pepe so pork get it um and uh and i have all the details but it doesn't matter
the point is massive amounts of money moving around which you know i feel like sets the tone
there's some e-thing 40 bro 43.35 million dollars in 24 hour volume on pork and some asshole
just now bought 27 000 worth just now as we were talking about that's impressive right uh let's go
go ahead and give us your your fake juke numbers come on so jupiter uh let's see we've been live
for what is it an hour and 40 minutes 278 million traded okay i saw multiple million plus dollar
buys the largest one i saw was 6.4 million dollar buy on jupiter um multiple million dollar buys
coming through left and right uh yeah almost a third of a bill or 270 278 million dollars in an
hour and 42 minutes just absolutely insane if you think there's not liquidity out there ready to
fucking pounce on shit you're crazy penny you're embarrassing me in front of the eth maxis listen
fucking pork is 163 million market cap right and it started like i went to sleep uh not like this
morning but like yesterday morning at 1 30 a.m and my phone was getting blown the fuck up in two
with friends of mine they were saying ape as much as you have at this at 1 million market cap
my boy got in he refreshed he got into 8 million market cap i woke up to 60 million market cap and
i was like i want to shoot myself in the face jeez hey dude and it's still running uh and it's
still going fucking crazy dude yeah i'm looking at the chart 164.5 mil market cap 9.17 mill in
liquidity that's not even locked uh liquidity bull wow that's fucking wild man how uh paul is
going to pay off his uh court fees oh is ugula fees oh that this he's already made that money
uh shit he's got enough money for other court fees um and this is some nonsense dude i mean
if this like this you know jupus side right which is impressive and should be noted but like if you
just look at pork and you say wow what what can portal do uh probably a lot more than this
yeah and the circulating supply is 420.69 trillion on this port too that's what i'm
saying though all this liquidity flowing into coins like this is all positive bro because you
know people are always worried whether or not there's enough liquidity to float around if
things start getting hyped uh there definitely is and if you don't think portals gonna do some
similar type of fucking numbers bro you're crazy so that's why i'm fucking creeps jesus
yeah hey i i don't believe if i had money i would buy creeps as well um but i don't i'm broke i
spent it all at the golf course this morning um all right so what's coming first somo at 12 right
and then portal coin did not say a time so the portal coin could happen at one maybe when they
normally tweet let's ask calum i feel calum calum what's going on i don't think calum uh has
anything to do with either one of those he said he was he said he didn't know anything about portal
coin and then i saw a retweet where he was all hyped about it and i was like yeah doesn't even
know what this was bro he quote we did that shit yeah uh it wasn't even a retweet he quote tweeted
and he's like a wallet a wallet with day uh that was a fucked up british accent i couldn't even do
that just go back to your juke chart hold on jesus i hear back kenny i feel like you could do it
yeah um like good i might uh we're going to uh i don't know what poto is it's not australian
all right you gotta go more mary poppins with it like pip pip curio mary poppins a biscuit and some
tea it's casual no you're going too hard you gotta be casual casual you know it's just
pip pip curio mary poppins a biscuit and some tea he's trying but it just keeps coming out on show
and he's like pip pip curio conk oh my god pip pip curio conk oh my god was that good that sounded
pretty fucking good all right fantastic retweet the room if you're not having a good time we are
the room the proof's in the pudding mate moon fuel fucking column or shaking their head
oh my goodness uh it's all good uh so sumo uh here within 15 minutes um as of right now bro
when you click that link it just takes you if you had already registered it takes you to your
profile on twitter um so i mean not on twitter but on the actual here comes moon fuel to tell
me how shitty i am um so if anybody hasn't set up their profile uh applied for whitelist or for sumo
list um i'm thinking we're gonna see something different on the profile kenny what do you think
yeah i think there's going to be a fork or something uh a different page that link that
we're going to be able to click for the monolith um because like you said as of right now just
thanks to our sumo list uh application um so i do think there will be an update on that with another
page to click on yeah i just think there's going to be this is me being bad boy here i think with
that monolith that was tweeted yesterday that fucking overlord i that's sitting in the center
like they have to start connecting these pieces at some point and i don't think the rune 15s are
a monolith but it sure would be cool as fuck if they said you know boom um you want monolith
either go by a creek with a rune 15 or this is uh you know this is how you apply
would be kind of cool to start seeing some connections coming up um i don't know but uh
clocked what's up good morning let's go let's go good morning guys good morning the uh feeling
pretty good this morning man liquidity everywhere right now volume everywhere man i uh haven't been
dabbling that much in meme coins but dude i bought gme a few days ago and shish every time i look at
the chart it's up got a little scared yesterday when it dropped down around 20 and man it doubled
overnight dude so we're feeling good we're feeling good but uh i got questions about soma like what's
going on with that how the application gonna work are we gonna have to manually like be ready like
to do something are we just gonna get qualified or what's up with that no i mean it says so 24
hours remain the monolith application opens 12 p.m eastern january 31st 120 holders will sit
at the center of soma universe a free mint like never before only at apply dot soma dot xyz um
and when you go to that now it just brings us to our profile had you already done um that for
whitelist well that's what i'm wondering so our white list are the people that bought the
whitelisted wallets are they going to be the ones like you know that are front running this
or does everybody still have a chance i don't know i honestly i don't know why does my shit
say activate account oh no that's the activation code so you gotta have the code yeah that's what
i mean like i don't have a code and i feel like most of us in here don't have a code
and then you know you scroll down the list and we're not even on the list of of projects on there
so i mean that's like kind of confusing so let's uh i don't know i just i just want to see some
clear i just want some clarity you know i just tried puddin as an activation code it doesn't work
it doesn't what about proof in the puddin um i clocked i agree it's like we have all these
things coming we know what's coming uh dom has even said that creeps have gotten a few things right
but there's also things that we don't know about um so like the connections have to start being
made at some point to bring not only value to creeps calum don't be laughing bro um the the
the collection that like we have there has to be that line has to be made so like the dude in the
meme has to go away and it has to start having a clear established plan at some point absolutely
i mean and even if it's even if it's not them giving us anything for somo or you know us getting
something just that we expect from somo steal the connection between overlord somo and portal
just those connections being made is going to send our is going to send creeps fucking flying
so i mean give us something yeah look right now we're sending it let's see four eight
uh 13 creeps under uh three floor uh the cheapest one being a 2.85 entry fee to get in only 125
listed yeah any news when the connection is made i mean you know we're looking at we'll be in the
four to five eighth range within a few hours in my opinion 100 128 listed can we get a thumbs up
thumbs down connection going to be made soon yes no i'm hoping that you guys get let down again
because i'm trying to get the 69 creeps and you know i need a little bit of fun in the ecosystem
to make that happen yeah i mean i'm not used to bullish clock like clock seems he's in a good mood
he's working out at the gym right now uh the guy lost at pub g but that's okay because he sucks but
i was on pc bro and oh thanks for coming by jesus by the way it was good good seeing you on the
stream talking i was at a basketball game bro thanks for the support bro i love it love it
this guy you sound like fame bro
did you see that ripple was hacked for 213 million xrp yeah i seen that damn i just
seen that just now yeah i'm about i'm still waiting on the money to come through tornado
cash and then i'm a sweep creeps there you go don't worry about it yeah uh yep no 69 creeps for
zadi um yeah guys the floor is so fucking thin uh i don't even know why we have 128 creeps listed
uh but hey never gonna sell shame if you gotta sell sell i know plenty of people are just making
moves uh so congratulations on doing that if you're making money i have a question i have a
question if i here let me do this sorry oh i have a question um what does being a level 11
hanger get you at this stage in the end well the quest times are like extremely fast so if that
if that comes back into place with runes in runes are and we have to do the whole sacrifice thing
like when when people were finding the artwork on instagram and some of the artist pages there's
a whole nother ecosystem a whole nother map now kyle thinks all that went to the wayside because
there was a bunch of people that were pissed off uh saying that that uh you know ga sucked um so
like there's a whole nother map that we didn't see and i think that's when it's going to come
into play for us to take these runes to different planets to bring um these nfts to life and it's
just another gamified experience to keep us busy and it may be gone now but like i know mart i
think there's i think there's only five people that have a mech 11 so yeah well not just that
but the keep in mind also that the you get a free allocation of runes starting from mech suit level
eight and i believe your allocation of free runes increases with every mech tier yeah like
an 11 mech would get probably a pretty good fist full of runes i am 10 000 sp short of a mech 11
10 000 so like 90 something hundred all right so was that eight no it was that eight purples
there's seven that's seven purples yeah oh seven purples right now bro
oh that's the one the one of ones are 2300 sp so you can just buy all those
or they could give me the sp that they owe me for my little thing really good one yeah let's not go
with that oh my god so does anybody still have like essence and essences i can't i can't fucking
say it um are you all right i'm a little out of breath um any of the yeah any of the leftover
was it's just like treat it like your shapeshifter card they don't mean nothing um yeah so any extra
essences unless they come out with something for them i highly doubt it um but yeah all those
were just they're just sitting there chilling doing whatever uh we've already crafted the runes
so the runes are what they are the supply is what what it is and i'm sure they have a a number
what do we got here we got a portal coin crystal dash wallet submission is open oh fuck why are
they dropping all this shit on us somebody pinned that up five times early i just pinned it uh it
says crystal dash wallet submission is open in preparation for the airdrop players can now submit
their wallets at crystal dash co we can't wait to put portal in the hands of our community this is
a part of grim shift for gaming uh more info on airdrop process to come uh and that's it
that's it so you can submit your wallet i feel like i've definitely submitted my wallet to that
already um i feel like we did that that was for the pre-sale though not for the crystal dash so
crystal dash being the farming right uh but we did you're right we we applied connect for it for
crystal dash like a month or so ago all right looks like there's now an airdrop button
um and you go ahead and uh enter your wallet address right there um which i'm currently
doing right now submit all right so we're all set all right and put your wallet address well i
told you guys don't get like crazy excited because it may just be you know some points and clicks but
we're having shit happen so we're getting close to the tg um you know it's it's definitely
things are definitely cooking so i'm excited um now this was what pam i haven't opened this in a
while it hit me with like nine different fucking notifications when i opened the crystal dash board
all right uh just also got word that monolith application is now live as well
um i'm i just got a message about that um let's go back to my profile here oh yeah it does it says
apply for monolith uh apply to apply for monolith winners reveal monolith airdrop it doesn't really
say anything we have no detail it's probably going to be open for an hour what whoa yeah
look at that yeah no it's not it's open for a day okay thank god it's open for a day um it looks
like yeah applied for monolith winners revealed monolith airdrop oh you got a post about it auto
posts for you i just applied for somo monolith bro you ready for the future of web3 gaming well
this is a pretty clever way to kick off uh i told you it's going to be like another fucking
another portal-esque type thing right um oh wow we got a rare appearance from uh
the underlord himself uh bibbles is on the stage uh is everything okay
bibbles are you feeling sick entered yes a place that you never usually come to oh why'd you go
down bro uh lucas i'm i'm a little sick you only have one hour to do the the monolith claim
is it easy for sure he came up here look at this sneaky motherfucker look at this sneaky
motherfucker he came up here to pin sweet and then he fucking bounced you know what just because
of that i'm gonna remove your fucking oh he just he pinned his his bibbles i applied that's awesome
leave it up there man that's good good we got people it's adding to the speakers lucas what
is that motherfucker bro i'm on the road here like about to puke inside my car
that like we only have a hour really to do anything you know no you have a whole day uh yeah 58
minutes i said we have a day after i accidentally said one hour it was only like a five seconds of
separation but you were probably screeching inside the car oh my god you heard me say one hour and
missed the one day bro i just you will be notified soon with your results after this freaking joke
bro you can do those jokes oh my god i'm fucking blowing now i'm dying okay i'll come back in a
little bit all right wow that guy came in hot and fucking heavy um where you attach your
wallet on here your wallet's already attached bro on your profile dash
oh oh look at the top it says airdrop and then you can update and change that any time before
teaching okay i see yeah so there you go nine a e three um yeah that's uh pretty good pretty good
man nine eight three here um pretty pretty good by the way interpret enthusiasm new season last
season final season starts sunday oh very on topic okay thank you we we appreciate the thank
you kenny okay there's just a big update from fractal in the somo discord about monoliths
all right read away monolith is here 120 nfts made up of the most powerful elements in the
somo universe how to apply head to navigate the monolith application enter into your
somo profile and apply via either of the two visible buttons applications will be open for
24 hours once the applications are closed we will start the review process the airdrop will take
place once all have been reviewed monoliths will be distributed across a meticulously curated
group of passionate web3 gaming enthusiasts the somo team is committed to bringing web3 gaming
mainstream the uh global utilization of our ip alongside our partners there's a somo tweet as
well that just popped up uh here is the following criteria that will be applicable when selecting
winners analysis of social profile somo team will be deep diving into previous social engagements
habits and tendencies we want to select those who have advocated for web3 gaming interacted
with the mission to bridge the gap and have supported somo that sounds pretty good for you
clock analysis of wallet holdings we want users who align with our vision and stay connected to
their portfolio conducting interviews as part of our selection process specific individuals will be
contacted by the somo team somo will be built from the group uh from the ground up with the
most passionate enthusiastic and convicted holders these three key pillars will play a pivotal role
in the process while the monolith differs from the primary collection somo list will have increased
odds of being selected oh great so anybody somo listed has a leg up those who have not yet been
approved on the somo list are still eligible to apply for a monolith we are actively monitoring
all social engagement sentiments and feedback we are committed to building the most exclusive web3
gaming community on the blockchain and we are incredibly excited to welcome you into the
expanding universe that we have been building over the past year open your eyes so that sounds to me
like i'm fucked because i don't know how much i've said about web3 gaming and i'm definitely
not somo hold on hold on what is that what is that hello this is the somo team the somo team
would like to give you the monolith hello hello hello is adi are you there we want to give you
the monolith yeah i would like that okay we see a can you shut the fuck up can you you're not on
this car okay so listen i would just want to say that you know i've had some bad behavior
in recent times but you know try to remember the six months where i you know explain the game to
every fucking motherfucker who bought a 40 000 lizard and you know you really don't have a better
motherfucker out here they could be shilling your bags so if i get a monolith i promise that
for at least 14 days at the start of the game i will explain how to play to a lot of people after
i've swept i like it i like it i promise bro that if i get a monolith i will help zadi to do all that
and i promised if i get a monolith i will argue with zadi a lot more on twitter spaces
and i can guarantee you jonah blake is probably the top of this list for oh my god dude if i find
out jonah got one of these i fucking quit bro i was trying to find the like hang up the phone
call right in the middle of a zadi talking where it's just like couldn't find it in real time but
um yeah that's gonna be interesting to see who um i'm glad that my recent tweets are all like
creeps creeps creeps creeps why i bought another creek bought another creek yeah if there's
anything that's gonna save me it's it's not probably not but it's it's a chance you know
yeah and then i'm out here yeah yes i shouldn't have been so putty against soma yeah clocked you're
fine i don't know objectively buddy in a bullish way yeah i mean if they want me to slow i mean i'm
i'll be posting videos and clips about it if they got a game to play so why wouldn't they want me
i mean objectively clocked if i'm looking at this panel having just read all that like you
fit that ticket better than anybody else you're the web3 gaming mf or like that's specifically
what your account is so like i would say you have a pretty good shot except for the fact
that you unfortunately happen to be a member of creeps you're probably not soma listed
you guys remember when gens were king now you're fucked no you know what would be lit as if like
they just were like fuck it and gave a bunch of creeps the model list but you know expect
i expect to see phrase for i think the good old boys listen if they got a free jacket they're
getting the model list that's how you figure it out um some people are cheating because they
didn't like the announcement by the way not enough though uh i'll be keeping my eyes on the charts
so people are cheating what creeps there's like one creep creep out we stuff like yes more oh
yeah well you know can't please uh no what was that um yeah no i think that's a play
that's an internal play of a current holder uh not going to name any names uh but i think
that's what that was yeah i would like to see another thing right now calum that uh i do play
a lot of video games and i do talk about it a lot on this stage although i don't post about web3
gaming very often i do talk about it i talk a lot yep uh calum i would like to let you know that
i have been hosting tons of spaces writing threads uh been so malicious for many many months um kenny
sits up here doesn't do nothing uh kyle has been working very hard um azati's just pumping and
pumping and pumping no dumping dumpy dumpy uh moon fuel you know he's he's uh so malicious uh lucas
uh don't know anything i just think he's crazy uh clock said red flags clock said red flags
because coin was mentioned um and uh yeah mex is too busy on the playground picking up his kid
still no gameplay yeah hey listen here jonah blake okay don't come up here talking about
i don't know ain't no gameplay i saw bullshit before clock puts a fucking community note on this space
oh my god um i'm a goodness yeah i will sweep somo out of the gate with 100 feet if i get a
one oh whoa hmm you've got to let us brokeys front run that a little bit though man let us
brokeys get a chance nice my pfp is on somebody's car right now where's rep jar we need him to come
up and say he's gonna fucking tattoo somo if he gets fucking monolisted oh yeah do you think
he would do that do you think he would get the mono 1000 percent my boy rep doesn't give a fuck
bro you should do it on the front side just like you should be on the way to the tattoo shop right
now oh you're talking about dedication like yes in him saying i want monolist uh and bro i think
like i should definitely get it for coin and monolist
i don't know it's just me i don't care either way it's a free air dropper what's it gonna be worth
low hanging fruit cheese yeah what's it gonna be worth anyways like nothing about what it's worth
it's about being one of the selected 120 bro it's not about the monetary value what is this the um
what was that uh kurt russell movie wonder if you sell for five east because somebody doesn't know
then they go for 10 20 and then the floor is 120 do you would do you think there are um
what if one comes available for like 780 would you would you buy that yeah if i could give my
freaking auto coin to sell have some damn it hmm yeah i mean obviously portal coin is gonna
launch right azati do you agree with me that like all this somos stuff's gonna get minted through
portal and that's where um that's how they're gonna drive value kind of like ape coin did with
other side maybe it's a maybe i mean wouldn't somo get minted with the somo coin if they've
hinted that no because you need the somos to actually yield that this i think somos gonna
be like uh just an in-game uh token bro what an epic red candle that just popped up on gme dude
i just got back in fuck yeah i'm in the game baby nice congratulations and now back to web
three gaming the main focus of this twitter account uh that's uh for over two years
talking about somo before somo was even somo uh i was thinking yesterday um somewhere on twitter
i was saying that like i'm going to be quietly reading the fuck out of the white paper
however the game works whenever it works in a chat room with some of you guys not saying a
fucking word until after i figured out what we need me and bibbles maybe you can start talking
again you know i just need to be in a chat with the og creeps where we figure it out and we just
absolutely annihilate the floor and then we go tell everybody how to play i mean that's literally
like the first 12 hours it's snipe fucking snipe snipe snipe snipe snipe snipe snipe snipe snipe
snipe alpha on the metadata when revealed snipe snipe snipe snipe level up higher fucking level
level up higher level more yield snipe snipe snipe matching it's gonna be like
outside of the land stuff and carl's gonna interrupt me and be like now you know what i
think but but but but but but what it's gonna be like is um reptilian armory mixed with
shapeshifters at the same time out the gate right it's gonna be like can you get the matching
animal to burn to the level two you're gonna need four of any one to get all the way up to the top
you're gonna be trading swapping with people leveling up leveling down values based on yields
are gonna be fucking associated it's gonna be like shapeshifters with with with uh reptilian
armory mashed into one of the gates what i think what chain do you think this is going to be taking
place on probably if i had to guess a lot um as i can honestly say i do miss a lot uh the game
theory spaces we used to have on how to play i remember particularly when we went live when we
could spend our mystery box points on the leveling up our uh idls like you and i both splooged a
majority of our fucking points to try and get to level 10 right off the rip and then realized an
hour later that was not the smart thing i just remember going oh fuck why did i do that but we
wanted to be the first to do it and then we talked through it and we realized wait that wasn't smart
granted you had about i don't know like 100 000 more points than i did so it was more detrimental
to me than you but those game theory spaces were a lot of fun i can't wait to uh ramp those back up
when it comes to somo yes cannot wait to be the spokespeople of how somo is played in case
anyone's here reviewing applications oh my god um cannot wait to be funded by other creeps members
who don't want me to get any type of shine inside of the ecosystem because i'm a bad look for your
project but think about it we give zero fucks isn't that the nature and core of our point being
inside of web 3 oh it is sure is calum are you taking notes because we really would appreciate
this if you could pass us on to the solo community manager yeah i think everyone on stage uh where
did moonfield go moonfield would have been getting a monolith um moonfield realized that he was the
inspiration for a kid called beast and had to go sit in the corner and think about it
because of his uh clean ass bunny that's a dope bunny man i know but he just realized wow they
are all bdsm squirrels and you know it all started with me well kenny i know you're not
going to get it uh because you don't talk about uh somo uh and he shows up and shows out for shit
coins my friend web 3 gaming oh man somebody already got monolith dot eth uh i was gonna do
that and go send it to the somo wallet in solidarity hey don't work bro all right your work
yeah let me see if there's fractal dot eth let's see what's going on there
nobody beat me to it all right you know um hey uh uh uh calum uh you've been accused of
being this el dama person the community is that is that accurate can you give us any reactions to that
nothing good okay dude i'm telling you there's people that are
gonna remind you for the 15 000th time that there's a big delay he's probably just now hearing that
yeah i don't care look joe just reposted play somo the monolith that guy dude these
guys are fucking retweeting all this stuff just come out and say it drop it like a bad habit i
mean drop it he was retweeting the portal shit uh a couple days ago as well yeah all right well
we're not allowed to talk about any of this open your eyes that's all yeah calum's now on stage
uh-oh calum what do we got to do talk to us wait who did you who did you say i'm meant to be
uh el dima la dima you're meant to be the guy that signs me up for monoliths homie keep that
done i just came up here to say that um that ben and moon fuel and me are probably going to go to
nft paris if anyone wants to come along i'll put an event on fam that's all i had to say oh
find the plane ticket to my man
i i'll come if there's a treasure hunt for monolith
and i'll buy you a baguette i knew that was coming i knew you were gonna say
did you say a baguette or a
who was it who was saying that we were going to have to go outside and
fucking take pictures and fucking shit who's crazy stupid ass idea was that
fucking guy that was yg
oh no i swear you see what he did there think about it think about the national landmark of
paris and it there's probably going to be an augmented reality uh section to the app and
you're able to go over there and find the digital monoliths and it's going to be a worldwide treasure
hunt started looking for national monuments around the world where was the actual monoliths put that
were in viral remember those is that i think they're going on like the arizona desert i'm
going there that's closest to me it's not i think you need to go uh tag the fucking mansion
with monolith right now and take a fucking picture and make that shit go viral i guarantee
you'll get on that way yes oh bro oh you saw that that was a hundred percent emoji
yo can everybody go go up to my post just now and put voucher
clock to be the streamer for somo and let's get this fucking shit going look at all these
people in here get some eyes on my fucking name put some respect on it part of me wants to support
you and part of me is too greedy and just wants all the support for myself so i don't know i'm gonna
wait do you really think they want a clown looking motherfucker representing somo honestly bro well
now i'm thinking back to the vote of the the co-host getting a prize so i know how this
community rolls so i don't expect anything yo tell me where to go do you have me i got you bro
it's just my pin tweet up there
i don't see a pin tweet hold on let me yeah there's a delay on it yeah uh calum i have a question
for you um are you you're you're still here so there's no delay uh so you should be able to open
your mic up pretty quickly on this um yesterday you were on this stage there was a guy up here
with a red bandana and he asked you something about portal and then hours later you actually
quote tweeted a portal tweet uh can you give us any uh answers about what the fuck that was about
i was farming i'm trying to play capture oh do you know that wasn't a power post
you're joking yeah no it wasn't gg to me then yeah i do have a serious question
as uh hope there is um there were three winners of this thing called mystery box
and um i know that there's supposed to be a time and a place that seems very busy we get it
it's got to be introduced the time warp we understand uh when can we expect the introduction
of those three new genesis creeps in the main collection one of ones to be um announced and
integrated into the lore and minted on the blockchain why do i always get thrown under
the bus for this kind of stuff well i feel like after two years that's a pretty fair question i'm
sure franklin wants to know let's move it so i forget who the other guy is right i forget
can you open a ticket i have a ticket i have a ticket open and then it was closed i was told
that the team was very busy i've been told that for two years so i'm just wondering if uh
i actually bought franklin's um not many people know that and uh yeah they told me it'd be added
to the honorary collection hereson shut the fuck up it's already sitting in his wallet right next to
his monolith dude yeah no uh is that if you're you know what i don't know if i should keep razzing
you about never mind yeah it'll happen for an honorary i heard lore lord selen is oh my god
yeah i went after brooklyn beckham and lore lord wanted five uh five creeps for his
honorary creep calum would you do that deal
calum no thumbs down all right i agree i wouldn't have another ticket on the matter do you want me
to just dm you dm them and open a ticket okay open up like 12 different tickets bro like pretend
like your wallet's not connecting and be like and then just sneak another one-on-one question
how many how many applications do you think are gonna go go through for this some others
or the monolith uh how many will they go through i think they already have who they want picked for
this well you know what's clever about this is not only is a bunch of people going to see this
on the timeline but it's going to get a lot of people that hadn't already applied for soma list
to do that because that's like the first step to getting to apply for monolith right so like you
click on the little thing when you see the tweet that we all just tweeted right and they're
automatically going to be applying for soma list uh it's a good way to pad out your whitelist for
sure let's look at this so the tweet yesterday about the monolith uh monolith listing or list
whatever get it out one thousand likes i'm sure it was over one thousand so let's just ballpark
figure right let's say a thousand let's say times 10 let's get let's just say 10 000 people
so we're looking at a what a one in 10 chance and that's probably lowballing it yeah i think so as
well um when you i don't know i've already got it i'm just trying to think of ways to help you guys
cope with the fact that you won't get it um and i can't come up with a good way i've asked grok
i've asked chat dvd like how do i let these guys down with like you know killing them softly um
i don't know what to do here you guys have not a chance if you have like a crypto bunker in your
wallet like what's what's some of the i don't know bacteria here oh you chris just said i just did
the monolith application those bonus questions were pretty interesting but it has uh he said
guess i'm the only one that made it to the bonus round please disregard oh man that's funny uh
what's up max how you doing i'm good good what's going on everybody oh fucking monolith lifting
and um yeah we're good i hear that man hey zadi had me thinking bro you're gonna have
everybody uh fucking doing a national treasure and shit like that everybody's fucking going to
fucking national uh places and scanning shit um i think that was young guns uh he's kind of in my
yeah it was young guns um but i mean bro people have done crazier shit before they've um
you know they've had people dressed up like wizards and getting in the shower so i'm being
nicholas cage bro and going to fucking national you know any monuments and you you know what i
mean and taking fucking photos and shit like that bro i need an excuse to get the fuck out the house
it's not like there's never been any other competitions in even creeps i mean look zerk
won a ble box by a guy that ended up blocking him just for making a cute little video right
like there's been cool stuff that we've done before um you know and one day i'm sure a ble box will
be a thing the um bro like i just wonder how long it's going to be until we see the portal
tweet that says somo is partnered with portal you'll be able to mint um somo via portals platform
like how far away from that are we um i don't know all right that's all you kyle you want to bring
them up bring them up oh you know i will yeah um let's see where this goes let's go to vibes
first and then we're gonna go to mohammed uh i was hello i was coming up to bribe calum but calum's
now disappeared so that didn't work yeah yeah i don't know where you went kind of dissing strategy
my strategy is going to be cookies it works most times strategy i like cookies
it's a very good and jesus let us down cookies is the answer honestly i'm on a winner on this one
thank you let me go put cookies in the somalist activation uh and see if that works
has anybody tried ice cream you know the overlord likes ice cream um who knows um
muhammed obdula salaam you got a long name bro uh dakwa
kenny all on you bro
it's it's muhammad abdul salaam dakwa inshallah what's up bro
what did you do i don't know dude i think we got one of the bonds from the fucking somos
this is the undercover uh monolist uh hitting he's an inspector oh my god
um all right well you don't ever uh you never know who's gonna come up in these spaces the
stages is open for everyone so i don't know maybe he'll find his microphone here soon do i have it
set up to when you come in the room it asks you do you want to be a speaker i don't know i usually
a lot of people end up falling onto the stage if you set it up like that i'm not sure but i
don't think it was when i came in i'm pretty sure i had to request yeah um i don't know so
the portal tweet we already ran through that uh you can't wait to put portal in the hands of
our community this is a paradigm shift for gaming more info on airdrop process soon so today was
just for the wallet submission for anyone that was doing the farming correct yeah that's what
it seems like but i believe it's like you just went to the crystal dashboard that we've all been
using and looking at uh furiously hitting the refresh button hoping to make it update
you know uh yeah and you just added your wallet so i mean that's pretty straightforward and it
looks like the somo application was pretty straightforward too nothing too complicated
all right all right all right so that broke but that means tomorrow we're supposed to
the application's closed i don't know how long they take to review bro they're going to be
interviewing people it could yeah i mean it could take a week i would expect maybe
uh i i mean how deep are these interview processes going i don't know but i'll let you
boy i'm ready okay just don't ask me to pass a drug test but i'm ready for any other kind of
interview yeah so back to portal coin though uh on friday february 2nd we're updating the dashboard
for both public and private sale holders now a lot of people got confused about this next statement
introducing the portal claim experience dive into the ui and get comfortable managing your portal
post tge so some people and i'm seeing it on the timeline even our own uh distinguished co-host
kenny powers thought that dive into ui and get more comfortable managing your portal post tge
meant that we were going to have the portal tge was going to happen on the second and
that's what kenny thought then i see it in a lot of comments um even sham do thought that it was
going to happen like this week but i don't think that's the case right it looks like we're just
updating the dashboard for both public and private sale holders jay walker just added me in the
comments and said he'll sell me some clean days oh my god um but i mean obviously that's not tge
right we don't we don't see tge this week no i kind of like the theory around the chinese new year
uh i think that is a pretty big sector of the market to try to launch something while they're
all you know afk um so yeah i think they might they might wait till after that when does that
all end february 2nd this friday that's when the chinese new year thing ends oh no the 17th
okay yeah i could see it being until then i could see us waiting until the week following that i
mean look chinese cats what do they take off like a couple weeks a week what two what is it like a
month you go to the uk these them efforts are on holiday for like three months out of the year
dude it's fucking wild so i respect the chinese they need a break too yeah it looks like it is
yeah i think the 11th through the uh 17th but i mean fuck it doesn't matter though bro like
they still look at charts they still look at things and do things you know they're not out
at festivals 24 7 so i mean do they shut down all internet access in china no i'm sure not in fact
it might actually be an ideal time to launch something i mean i know personally i had a lot
more time for fucking around when we were toward the end of december when everything was supposed
to launch because i was on holiday for you know christmas and new year's and i had all kinds of
extra time but dude some people are spending time away from all this shit during those i don't know
man i anyway you do it some people are going to be at work some people are going to be
sleep some people are going to be you're never going to fucking launch something
it's never going to be the perfect moment for any time or any launch we just gotta fucking let it rip
yeah at some point it's time to pull the trigger uh we'll see we'll see what they do
just got confirmation from bread boy that ice cream is a code it definitely is not
because i already tried it i oh did you yeah dude i've been typing all kinds of dumb shit
into this fucking activation code oh i've thought i tried gens or king i tried all kinds of dumb shit
dude yeah um yeah i mean bro i honestly i believe the monolith application i think they have a good
idea of who is going to be who i'm sure within that discord there are some people that are quite
active there's not very many on the somo list so um that are showing up in that discord but
like i don't see nobody hosting spaces i don't see nobody out i really don't see a lot of tweets
about somo beyond who should get one two is probably went like if my top two candidates
right now is clocked clocked is the gaming mf or wint has gone well out of his fucking way to like
collate all of the somo information and get it all on one twitter account specifically for it i
know he hit me up the other day wanting to host a somo centric space which i think is a good idea
to start doing now that they're getting the ball rolling i think that could be an interesting thing
to start doing so yeah there's a couple of guys that i would definitely put ahead of me um but
yeah i'd i'd also like one too i'd like i think i'm in the top 120 maybe huh yeah is that you uh
you're a co-host though so sorry sorry you don't get anything
well good thing this isn't a jesus giveaway there was no fucking polls on this one
yeah uh well let's see who let's see let's put a poll up right now yeah
what what is your poll gonna be should fucking should jesus get a monolith no no we're gonna
put this up um
um getting and kyle here we go kyle one day post this all right there we go there's the poll
oh so one out of the three of us well that's an easy vote for me
fuck you guys so let's go everyone go vote that up see what's happening um you know where to go
you know where to you know where to swing that vote all right you know what's happening uh kenny
are you all right and she doesn't have any more our way all right to give away so you know
nope we're gonna start giving away creeps
that's both a lie and unfair so that's let's just stop at yep we're giving away uh giving away
rooms nobody nobody wants your um um hey joe said that uh joe said that r a are the or the phoenix
they have become all right let me let me go put this tweet back up here because you guys
you guys don't pay attention oh bro i just seen jonah put his tweet out saying that he applied for
monolith did he really yes oh my god get the fuck out of here i promise dude if fucking
if that guy gets one i am rage fudding you've never seen fun holy you've never seen the kind
of fud that's going to be coming out of this account i've oh he's been awfully quiet awfully
quiet and his shitty takes but no one has been more adversarial with like creeps
portal somo the whole thing if they give him one dude i am gonna be so fucking pissed not lately
not lately lately he's been he's been good he's been nice so yeah bro he hasn't said one bad
thing about creeps about portal coin anything ever since like shortly after that that thing
that went down with him and him and Dom uh but i'm telling you somebody got that community note
put on the uh jamie king tweet about uh yeah but that was that died down that that probably was
kenny who knows or it could have been riggs i see riggs down there with this sexy ass backwards hat
pudgy penguin that's sitting at fucking 500 eth uh lord knows why i don't know why um but yeah how
you doing rigs hope all's well um yeah uh no i'm just fucking with you though jonah did not put a
tweet out uh for anything with the monolith i just wanted to hear everyone's reaction
about what was actually going on dude i actually like of all of all the creeps i get along with
jonah probably better than any of us but dude like you don't get to just fuck the fuck out of
an entire community and then get the free thing that there's only 120 of that would drive me
did you see the thing where bunny was calling him a bitch on the nifty alpha space that was a while
back right yeah i know but it's starting to gain traction again that's my new favorite poster right
now yeah i i absolutely love it yeah somebody did somebody was somebody brought it back up again i
don't know who it was i posted it in in uh chat yesterday yeah but i've seen some other real i've
seen some other like big influencers uh talking about it just the other day as well um besides
yesterday in lizard lounge because i watched it probably three times yesterday when you put it in
lizard lounge uh just to hear it so yeah pretty good um all right so what other updates do we have
wow was it about is underwhelming or overwhelming did you that you thought like what are your
thoughts here it was simple simplistic as i was expecting it to be i was hoping for something a
little more engaging i'm not gonna lie i was also hoping for like maybe some kind of details about
what's next with portal i wasn't expecting this monolith that monolith thing to be all that much
is kind of exactly what i expected i didn't know they were going to do an automated tweet i think
that's a good idea i think uh that's probably because dude there's not been a lot of marketing
for somo yet really um and you know they saw what was effective right out of the gate for portal
with getting everybody all over the timeline super hype so i think that'll be good for somo
you might actually find some real people in there toward the end of the week in their discord
that'll be interesting uh but yeah i mean you know yeah i would i would say i feel a bit
underwhelmed but i was expecting this so you know good good i can lay back now and chill for the
rest of the day um i don't understand why everybody's voting for kyle uh kyle has 48 of
the votes fuck yeah bro kenny you're getting shit on uh 17 and i'm at 30 when he barely comes off
a mute you lie to these people all the fucking time what do you mean i go out of my way to make
a chuckle i don't lie to anyone uh let's see discount codes model listed uh let's see what else
now just man's gonna be completed by the end of january uh what else uh only 70 list 70 lizards
listed that's that's on opens there's a whole lot of mf's that canceled their fucking end fashion
collab order because of your bitch ass jesus so i don't know man everybody can kiss my ass
and kyle this vote means nothing zero how do you know i just fucking polling i'm sending it i'm
sending it directly to joe and dom when when the results are in well i was asked to put a poll out
okay not going to tell you about and those results are going to matter yes if we're at the
poll did you take it down when you started losing no i didn't take it down the polls right there
i didn't pin anything oh yeah i didn't i didn't pin it i'm not going to give myself a competitive
edge with a room of what 100 people and like the three of us up here i know i'll pin it myself
everybody go vote on it vote for me mexico everybody is voting for kyle it's 52.2 percent
oh my goodness all right well if anybody uh riggs is gonna give they gotta vote for the
guy who has the least actual chance to actually get it so it makes it yeah it's true it's an
empathy vote i think he's a little special um look i mean jesus you got everybody rubbed on their
end fashion club kenny you've gotten everybody rubbed on like 19 different shit coins this week
i'm like i'm the only like neutral mf are up here at this point hey i i voted for kyle the only
reason why i voted for kyle is because he's married to a latina so that man's in the fucking
trenches with me dog so you know what i mean so i had a guy all right so somebody told me that i
should take all of my um i should take all of my uh runes and sell the news what would be a good
price for runes right now in this current current market where we don't know much but i don't know
who told you i think it's bad advice the hype is hype is going up i get i think when i pull because
i'm holding some for someone else when i pull everything out i should have wait is it the person
that you're holding them for that gave you this advice uh kinda yeah i think it's bad advice
i think it's i think total i have like 17 runes 18 runes
so what are we thinking there well so like whatever the speculative price of that bag is
right now right i mean like you're basically betting on the ecosystem being successful or
not and if it is successful then not only are you losing out on the value of those assets
but keep in mind there's going to be this whole somo token that's going to come from those assets
and probably land nfts or whatever the fuck the next thing is in that ecosystem based off of
those tokens you're you know i don't know man i'm gonna hold my runes that's what i'm doing
yeah i mean but it could be a good liquidity play and then you can kind of hold some of that uh i
plan on holding all my high tier runes like my 15 that kyle does not have um and yeah my high tier
runes mid tier runes i might sell some of my low tier runes another reason not to vote for kenny
powers because he's putting uh down kyle uh because he doesn't have a a uh a 15 that's under
this optimism up here you know what i don't actually let any powers down he's not really
a competitor in this poll as it seems but jesus is catching up guys come on remember that this
guy lies to you all the time about all the dumb shit oh no no no no no no um so yeah um so there
would be a there's 115 114 113 a 12 i think a 10 i have like eight mystery runes uh like a six and
a five hmm has there been a valuation of mystery runes like do people have a i think to go and
rate on those is like 0.35 to 0.45 eth right now that they're selling for interesting who knows
if you felt like you had a play i might shave off a couple mysteries but dude i wouldn't dump my
whole bag of fucking runes i definitely wouldn't do that no i would not do that either um i think
they're going to be pretty crucial to you know the sumo ecosystem uh limited supply so uh yeah
they will be but how do you know you're not going to be able to just turn around and sweep up
the floor and get a shit ton of runes for monolist is free all right you know you know how hard it
was to get those high tier runes and there's value to that so i mean we spent months you know
uh on the galactic adventure to get enough essences to be able to mint those so i'm not giving those
up i'm definitely keeping i'm excited to see what they're gonna turn into oh whoa whoa whoa
hold on i got this pudgy penguin em effort down here trying to take my spot in the fucking pool
not happening dude there's only one fucking kyle on this stage and it ain't his name is kyle too
i'll hey i'll put rigs up here in the co-host yeah don't make me do it i mean go ahead go ahead
i'll right click save a pudgy penguin and go host my own pudgy penguin fucking space dude
hey look rigs can't even host the pudgy penguin space so that's a little bit uh you know he was
a little bit mad about that one but um none of us can i can't even host a creep space um i'm just uh
um that's why it's what it is now reality check hey quick question gentlemen
we're all fucked what what's up max all right man so i want to change my pfp if i change my pfp
you guys still gonna love me man uh yeah bro you change your pfp to whatever you want
i'm gonna make sure man are you going uh dodging old dogs no fuck no you know i'm anti that shit
bro fuck that okay i'm just curious no dude i got a i got a one of one a kid called beast i got the
genie beast has been sitting my wallet bro and i'm like fuck dude i think i'm gonna make that my pfp
bro uh go do it i just want to make sure that i still get love for my crazy fan dog because some
people be yeah i mean engagements engagement's probably going to drop significantly um no no don't
do it no they they uh they're a tiny community they they they show up for sure yeah i know that
they show up and they show out um but genie they're gonna think mex come out of nowhere
right click saved since x doesn't require the uh the the hex anymore and they're not
gonna know what's up so i don't know that's a that's a that's a decision i think you should
put a poll out you know we're going polls today are we doing polls all right i think yeah pull in
i would put a poll put it in lizard lounge uh see what people say and then uh go from there
bro pudgy penguins have the best gifts like i think they have what we need somebody creating
all these gifts for us we have some pretty badass gifts from uh we do legend in the croup's
community i wish he would do more but oh bogey's been like bogey's been mia the guy's too busy
working do they have like a generator or something like that like i've been trying to figure it out
or some guy literally sitting there and tracing everything and layer by layer because i'm trying
to figure this out because fucking gifts take forever to make i think they have a like a gift
generator in their discord um but also i think pp is uh in charge of their gifts so i don't
honestly know but somebody told me it looked like they somebody told me it looked like they actually
uh just went through copied like the most famous gifts um like uh you know the most viral ones
and just put pudgy penguins on them so who the fuck knows i've actually had a normie like not in
web three or nfd or anything send me a fucking pudgy gift and i was like dude this is this kind
of wild so they come up like they're all there's a million of their gifts like i mean i just went to
riggs's comment and typed in nope in the gifts and there's like literally at the top of the list
there's two pudgy penguin gifts now that's part of shit dude if i if i was in that position i'd be
uh literally throwing out ios stickers left and right for fucking these web two people to be using
you know what i mean yeah cow we're deadlocked bro 42.4 percent yeah congratulations on activating
your bot farm or whatever the fuck you just did i didn't do anything but kenny bro you're not
showing up and you're not showing out 15.3 percent i don't need your stupid pole to get monolisted
all right i don't need you stupid pole it sounded like he was wiping his tears well he did didn't he
oh my god i don't want monol with anyways i didn't want to be with you guys anyways that's what he said
yeah uh it's all right kenny uh everybody show kenny some love uh even though even though you
can't change your vote um it's all right give him a heart you know the guy the guy works hard
um he's more focused right now on the juke chart than anything we're talking about uh we'll
probably shut the space down here shortly and this motherfucker will come up asking me did we
uh talk about monoliths yet just like yesterday um that was pretty funny i'm not gonna lie that
was like so on brand for kp it wasn't even funny yeah i meant to call kenny and be like bro were
you just fucking around or were you actually being serious i was serious i was doing some
other shit bro oh my god yeah we talked about that for quite a bit phone for a few minutes
yeah um so the aof verse stuff still continues um they so uh everybody remembers a few days ago
dingaling he dropped all of his uh aof verse then him grail like people were just they're dumping
on founders left and right and uh so yesterday aof verse put up a another message in their discord
then they deleted that then they put out a message for all the farmers and the farmers are actually
getting a higher allocation than the nft holders what a portal did that to
and creeps came out and you actually got more kenny for farming these last what two months
over the uh creeps allocation did you just say you got more kenny no get more kenny get
got get you you know what the fuck i'm saying i don't i don't know what the fuck you're saying
i'm still confused right now what would you do if you got more portal allocation for
farming rather than holding your creeps back i just don't see that being yeah neither do i but
i mean that's what aof verse did so are the founders that disconnected i mean look i wouldn't
be totally mad about it i do have 38 000 shards so yeah at that point all that at that point all
that really have to do is then drop like a keyboard for us to purchase you know that's
yeah the keyboard's pretty bad uh kenny would you be mad if i told you that my multiplier is now a
325 325 would i be mad no because fucking farming is over bro no it's not no it's not there is a
power post up right now bro i'm still at a 30x why did yours get fucking pumped and not mine
335 sorry i'll be standing on top of my monolith looking down at your bitch ass here pretty soon
first of all he's because there is no 335 hey bro don't did then portal just fucking made me
a mono lifted portal crystal dash and king all right cool don't come at me um yuga labs gaming
yesterday uh dropped the explorer craft conquer rise codas make the best captains coming uh second
half 2024 so um what do we think about that did you see that they have like a little game here
it looks like a game they have it on an iphone um shows the codas there's some type of leaderboard
uh space rangers i don't know if that's the heavy metal
yeah i never looked at codas they're at a three and a half east floor like that's pretty impressive
well you know those things were selling for what 30 40 i think there was some sold over 100 east
yeah but you know i mean a lot of you guys that's used to sell a lot higher but still like a three
and a half east floor is pretty fucking respectable right now yeah yeah well no um that's still uh
it seems like yuga's about to be pumping some shit out with the marketplace dookie dash
and now this coda thing so they're definitely uh definitely cooking wow no new votes oh jesus takes
the lead man this was very important damn damn dog i should not have pinned this to the top of
your space apparently that was a tactical error on my back yeah uh oh look calum this guy says
he doesn't know shit about somo uh two minutes ago i just applied for the somo monolith are you ready
for the future a web3 gaming hold on hold on now i see reality check radio twitter account
in the space how many of these accounts in this space right now are yours hey i forgot to factor
in all your alt accounts that's probably what's going on with this poll right now don't don't even
get it twisted bro um yeah the the reality check account did vote on the poll um so go ahead and
assume it didn't vote for me uh no i was playing with something to try and bring that account uh
to bring that account in so um yeah we'll see but uh what else do we got what else is going on today
kenny what's happening over on the soul side tell us what's up over there
how's juke doing what else any other plays people should be looking at uh focused on gme what's
what's happening he's almost at a 50 million market cap right now hmm yeah uh jupiter sitting
at a 6.8 billion dollar market cap uh 354 million traded in just over two and a half hours i'm
looking at other mean coins that uh majority mean coins took a dip yesterday i think people were
loading up liquid liquidity to go in on the jupiter launch um i do expect these to bounce back
so just kind of eyeball in some good ones to uh throw some capital in
no i was just playing with something um yeah this is all a test guys i'm just trying to figure out
which ways i can bring the other accounts in uh we're trying to get the reality check up here
probably going to replace kenny uh with an account i i mean i need an account up here
reality check on the stage the reality check account won't talk kenny doesn't talk
so it's like well i just might as well go ahead and put the brand up there right
right or no is that wrong kenny do whatever you'd like bro
kenny's getting too much hate right now man that's my dog that's my rug brother
well you know everybody needs a a whipping pole you know and and i'm obviously jesus
that's okay because it's called it's called whipping post
post poll yeah whipping post uh zadi welcome back i'm glad you took a 20 minute nap no no
i was on the phone with the entire sumo team i got a update due to the popular demand
of the monolith applications they were going to be increasing the allocation so 121 monoliths
so uh and keep in mind zero is also a number so technically it's 122 be on the lookout for that
nice for the bonus list yeah that goes about with um that goes right about with uh oh you
chris saying the bonus questions so that's pretty good it goes about with you and your
fucking promo codes it goes with all that put it all been light on fire and fucking send it to
the fucking uh kenny's house i'll be in your discount code right now well they don't have
clothes for us that's uh you know us actual men right what did you have his adi looking for the
other day that you said you said some dumb shit the other day and send his adi down a rabbit hole
in one of these discords i don't know the good news is i'm working out heavily and i'm down 41
pounds so i'm trying to go nice congratulations to a real congratulations bro that's awesome
well i just figured you know one of the go-tos is to call me a fat fuck when people are unhappy
with me so i'm like let's what happens when i'm not fat then what are you gonna say you used to
be a vessel i'm gonna call you a skinny fucking go bro nice no i'm just doing it i'm just doing it to
do it dude that's good i mean you start losing weight you start feeling better get more energy
um you know i figured if i could buy five thousand dollar jpegs i could buy a five thousand dollar
at home jet that was like my yeah nice did you get a you got a uh didn't you get a tonal i did i did
yeah more so than anything else anything else is that your health is your wealth it really is man
all the money in the world will not do anything for you if you're not healthy and you're sick
and uh yeah everybody should be taking care of themselves
dude did ace hondo buy a fucking the right click save baller what a fucking baller
posted it did he yeah hmm ace hondo what kind of moves are you making bro
um and update azadi under even gone uh calum actually who has never heard of somo he applied
for the monolith so um yeah there you go um i wonder if this whole fam thing is for these guys
to him and rengo and vel to try and make themselves look good about supporting gaming
and community building so they can get mono listed i have a question what you feel a certain kind of
or you ask a lot if it's okay if co-hosts can win prizes right uh yeah some yeah because i've seen
some spaces where coast of one and people started giving community managers and projects they're
not allowed to be a part of she can win monolith uh sure because uh they're all holders too so
okay and from what i've been told um none of these guys know anything like dom and joe
keep things so compartmentalized that the joe and dom don't even know anything well no like
that stuffs ran by a separate team so um and separate individuals and i think a lot of that
somo is done by the arcadia guys um so and then also some of the portal stuff so i i wouldn't
you know i i believe them if they say they don't know much about it um i'm just saying if they all
get monoliths i'm throwing a fit yeah i don't think they will i honestly bro i'll be blown away if a
creeps holder actually gets monolith i think that's the most bullish thing they could do is just pick
all creeps holders to to get it that would really and then still not announce that it was creeps
affiliation but just all creeps people won the monoliths if you didn't win and all other creeps
a lot of other creeps won would you still feel the same way yes because i'd know for sure i could
talk somebody out of selling your one at least i would know them i'd be like hey hey hey hey
hey you a uh you uh you bet it was in the beginning basket yeah no it's true um
i wonder if you have an alt account that's not really tied into crypto
if you can see any of this portal in somo mess outside of it um because right now it's all i'm
seeing is the somo stuff but it's all people that follow yeah i was gonna say i haven't seen so much
on like those uh i actually only seen it on like two of those went through gaming tier lists that
are like one of like uh they said like most anticipated and you know they're most hyped
about to see drop so i i would like to see some more somoship popping up on my feed too so yeah
well alina actually tweeted about it yesterday the azuki the azuki holder uh she does her like in
case you were away thing she tweeted about it yesterday but kind of had the information she
she thought that um that somo list was already like open and thought it closed today
uh and then a few days ago rug radio in their daily morning like report they mentioned somo
um clocked it was right around the time that you were pissed off about somo talking about the coin
uh first before gameplay it was that tweet that uh rug radio actually had it in their
in their web three updates so i mean somos being talked about i just don't know how much
outside of our creeps you know echo chamber are we actually seeing it yeah i i had a few
buddy days they're not gonna lie but you know i'm i've cleared my eyes out a little bit of the
fun and you know i'm i'm just preaching positivity now so let's get this shit going yeah yeah i agree
oh shit this is a big move for web three uh i guess doodles uh announced the collab with g shock
yeah fucking dope looking at that um yeah look hit calum out here just retweeting everything
um pretty pretty wild here so g shock what does that do as me as a doodles holder
uh something is coming doodles x g shock you can now wear your overpriced g shock watch
with an overpriced pair of crocs um which your crocs are still on a six month uh backwater
and g shocks uh will not come out for at least another year no i'm fucking around um now that
i mean that's that's pretty cool let's go to the charts kenny another example of the false news
that jesus provides on the stage every day remember that when you go to the pole
not well i mean they did the uh the the croc collab and that did absolutely nothing uh the
community didn't give a shit um let's go check out doodles see if doodles are running nope it
looks like they're dumb they are down 9.93 uh floor price 2.17 volume is down 21 so even though
that tweet just came out but did you see eb7 he tweeted um yesterday that he was the sixth
largest holder of doodles at one point he did everything in his power to help the community
and help the brand and support by constantly buying up the floor and he said fuck it and
finally sold them all so he's out on doodles because he doesn't think the team he doesn't
think the team's doing what the fuck they should be doing so you know a lot of doodles listed 519
doodles listed that's a lot bro wow out of a 10 000 piece collection it's pretty uh pretty high
yeah so there you go you want to doodle go sell a creep get a doodle uh and get in doodles discord
and ask them how much portal coin can i get by holding this doodle and then we'll see you back
for you so no we'll see you at nifty island for the yeah for the doodlevention um exactly speaking
of doodleventions um you saw that uh gary v's back to tweeting about his nft collection
so that doesn't make you bullish he was earlier than all of you to the party he was so he was
yeah i was there i always measured if i could beat bank phase banks and fucking gary v to
discord i was doing pretty good yeah he uh gary v he i think he started about a month ago
and he started giving away people that were sweeping the v friends og collection he was
giving away other v friends and v friends series two for people sweeping the floor um and i think
that's kind of similar to what jpeg poppy was doing with quirky and why they they ran up to
where they're at i think yeah they're at 1.925 ease wow hell they might flip doodles
um but i think uh kyle do you see that tweet from jpeg poppy yesterday
and he said that where it was somebody else's tweet where they said that people were flooring
do uh quirkies to buy doodles and then jpeg poppy came in and said no we're trying to correct that
bring the two communities together yeah yeah it was somebody else's tweet that he commented on
and he said that he was reaching out to doodles to try and bring the two communities together rather
than uh have one dump for the other and it's like nah you're grasping now it's kind of always been
quirky thing that was quirky has always been about the cross-pollination and getting support
from other communities and projects and stuff like that but i did see that tweet of uh
them saying that they're dumping quirkies for that which yeah poppy was like yeah no
kind of not the case so yeah he said it's happening both ways remember um i think that's
what he said like people are dumping doodles for quirkies and and you know vice versa so
yeah i don't i don't know about that well hey you know what's interesting on this um
um on this player profile for soma yesterday remember we could see the um we could see the
apple and google play store thing for the mint card they they removed that and that's where they
put the application for model yeah that is where that is yeah and the countdown's counting down
so yeah i'm expecting we get some kind of an update tomorrow i guess you can even expand it
for whatever reason i don't know why you would need to expand it to full screen but yeah i mean
hopefully we get an update when the timer's up tomorrow i mean i don't really expect to i guess
that's probably when they'll start sifting through the applications um part of me thinks they probably
already have selected the 120 people it's just not 120 is not a lot right like so i don't know
we'll see how it goes and they're free they're not gonna be worth nothing i'll give you a you
know i'll give you 0.25 east just to feel good about it um so anybody in the room that does get
1.25 east and i'll swap you out clean up that wall in a little bit um all right that's very generous
of you there lady oh oh hey what'd you call me nothing and that is why i voted for cow
uh hey bro i'll give you 0.2 uh it doesn't matter all you can go try and vote for kyle
because i'm winning 46.4 and i know calum voted for me too uh calum one thing you can speak on
when overlord continuing to walk through the portal i don't care if he's walking
trips on a rock rolls through the portal like when is the overlord gonna get through that
fucking portal because he was walking kind of slow in that video and i i would imagine unless he's
like 25 000 years old and there was a cane underneath the cape like when overlord through
the portal i mean books got this information before all of us can we not get it just like
maybe maybe leave something hanging in my dream catcher one of these nights there calum come on
bruh yeah i have dreams every night but not about overlords walking through portals
uh thanks calum we appreciate the support the breaking news in the spaces live and hot um yeah
thank you yeah i don't know azati what you got going on today more spaces more what are you doing
exactly soon all right see you soon and then sleep enough um but i am deejaning uh
random fucking jig ones that i see freshly launched just a little money at every one of
them just in case nice just uh dumping a little bit here a little bit there and see him what pop
yeah we just snipe it under 1k mark you can't be anything's possible
yeah somebody put a tweet out and the guy goes um he's like who in the fuck
actually rugs a 500k a 500 dollar market cap he was man he's like i put in like 20 bucks
just to see like what would happen and i guess him and like five other people did and it was a
500 uh market cap in it in it rug it was pretty funny uh seeing that but i mean i guess imagine
if you do that 10 times a day making a little money i mean i just sniped 20 billion tokens
for like 10 bucks on this random coin oh my goodness and if you just sit there and watch
that and even get like a fucking oh my goodness could you imagine that when that's the one that
runs up to one mill market cap sniping shit and it's like one of them's got to run and the
motherfucker's gonna be like no he did it and i'm gonna be like fucking 10 mill market cap like
hello moto
just dunk it yeah yeah i mean hey you cannot potentially get lucky there uh kenny juke is
dumping you might want to sell your juke juke is dumping uh it is now at 41 cent um whoa
kyle is that's uh no i'm fucking with kenny what kyle that's up to you um i don't know who that is
let me take a look here real quick uh somebody with a meme banner uh looks legit tweeting about
mocha verse and stuff let's see what they got to say here today cheese all right let's go let's
bring them up maybe this is the mono list uh question question like this is a test
are they coming up watch what said there was an error adding them the first time i don't know how
to say this name yeah there's i don't know i quit what was the number number one player in game of web
three you go
stop googling it you fucks answer the question i have wolf game i don't know i mean number one
web three play to earn game bivou uh that's the most sustainable that's the most sustainable
yeah no the number one web three game would be axi infinity correct yeah and that was no google
i tried to google it but i fat fingered two instead of one so i
yeah i didn't even get there now i don't know if this is accurate still but like four months ago
maybe a little bit longer but seed phrase said in an interview that he was still making over
$20,000 a month off of all of his axi shit you think that's true
dude if you get in early enough yeah well i mean he was in at the very beginning and i'm straight
i don't know i don't know trades like yeah it's very possible yeah that you've made if the game
is still going and you can scrape the bottom of the barrel sure why not yeah i mean i think axi
still does like really big numbers right now so and but yeah i don't know but yeah
axes uh axes done a shit ton of money um shit ton of volume even on uh assets and um ileo was on
a space talking about how he was going to be they're going to be doing some asset change
on their stuff because i think they moved it over to ronin right because they weren't ever on
always on ronin was it i just bought a bunch of ronin really yeah um you know who else holds a
big bag of ronin that i'm aware of your homeboy ronin was getting ronin is getting a lot of hype
in the web through gaming ship because of that pixel oh pixel virus yeah uh yeah yeah it's gonna
be it's gonna be big bro that's where he is doing um what was it uh superverse so superverse is on
the i thought it's on the ronin no it's not polygon labs immutable uh omni with at layer zero labs
so this is really interesting so you have layer zero is supporting superverse dal
which is similar platform to portal coin and so layer zero in immutable
it's like all the same is it the same i don't know i don't know
um superverse unites the biggest web3 community with the best crypto games
clock i say you go over there and start streaming all right who's that i'm sorry i'm still
superverse superverse well i had nothing to learn about what's it what's it uh
superverse is a dal that's uh that's ileotrades version of that's ileotrades version of portal
coin uh yeah i'm good on that um but they that's a fade for me probably yeah but they don't have
they don't have streamers so i don't you would have to reach out to the individual games to make
that happen i think uh looks like a lot of their um it looks like a lot of their gameplay right now
is going to be imposters
which is no surprise because that's ileotrades project don't you have some imposters
but they made so much money on that no i did not on imposters yeah they made a shit
and that that blood token i made i think i made like four eth on blood token
uh that was the token that came out with uh imposters in the beginning and i think imposters bro
you can get those things for next to nothing right now yeah they were trading for over two
weeks at one point yeah they are 0.3329 uh is where they're at no hold on these aren't them are they
are they no imposter genia genesis aliens no that's not them when the fuck are the imposters
jesus christ bro they got to get there and clean up a bunch of shitty ass projects
um because like you put in one name and there's like 85 different versions of the one project uh
imp yeah i don't know reset or 0.33 yeah the genesis look that doesn't look best on the
art game now no that's not art that came out bro yeah these things were like 3d
no is this yeah i'm going to the website imposters
yeah 24 000 eth i thought the artwork was like 3d it doesn't do the website completely different
oh okay well still that's 24 000 eth
i mean that's a shit ton okay yeah see all right there we go
what shitty artwork bro it looks like journey crypto shit
um i know kenny didn't you have journey crypto oh wow no that is the right artwork but it's not
what they marketed no the artwork i was thinking of was the the one you see on the website the
little gold one that's oh i guess you can you can wait did you click on it i guess there's a 2d
and a 3d version oh wow so go to it there's a v1 and then they made a pfp into the update
so you can talk oh oh okay there we go now we're kicking um i would leave the v1 version up
you know what i mean yeah somebody thought those are crisp crispy lines huh yeah oh my goodness
well if they ever hit 10 eth they'll look a lot better yeah everything looks great at 10 eth
um yeah pretty wild oh man um well might shut her down been going almost two hours i gotta tell you
it's been a while but there's nothing like just so i can buy some creeps dude yeah if you guys are
out there that's a means you know give the world it's fun there you go scoop up kenny won't you take
your uh payday your gme your fucking juke add all that shit together and go buy some creeps
nine five plus four pennies add that yeah lift us up to uh uh lift us up to a three floor
be the hero we need right now yeah make it happen wait can you still hold creeps bro i haven't i
haven't seen tweet about it in a long time yeah no he usually shows up and shows out for all these
other uh shit coins you know that's what happens uh kyle just an update before we shut the space
down um the voting the voting's at 14.5 for kenny 34.9 for you and 15.6 well good job winning your
own fucking poll i mean that's cool you know you had to turn you had to basically change the rules
of the game we did all this mail-in voting shit we'll just pretend like that's not election fraud
but whatever i'm gonna say it was uh the mickey mouse ears they're just likable thank you yeah
that's probably true people do like uh people like mice better than they like clowns i think
if he was still jesus holding a dick sandwich he wouldn't have won i don't know there was an
iconic picture do you miss that do you miss that pfp sometimes or you i i do i do picture underneath
that and people would redact their vote put a picture oh you're pitching now are they'd vote
for me even more you want me to do it hold on hey guess what it's your account that's gonna
reveal it it's your account that's gonna get banned um is what's gonna happen and i'm going to
uh oh kenny powers declined to go oh kenny power's gone where'd he go he go what the fuck just
happened did you can't power bro bro i'm sitting here i've got my mic like the the boom in one hand
and i'm flipping my ipod case on the other hand like poor man has just been getting kicked while
he's been down all day yeah i don't i don't know i don't know what happened um i don't know but
i don't know where he went but just in case um yeah i don't know we'll hurry up and in the space
before he comes back crying oh no i'll call him and make sure he's okay once we end so
um oh hold on here he comes hey just a reminder it's been a long time since we said this um you
don't follow me but if you have a creepy pfp just go down to the bottom of the room and see what
creep you're not following and stay bullish dude work for your bags yes uh right on kenny what
happened to you bro i was trying to post the picture and on accident hit um leave the space
so hold on let me uh let me do it