Recap of 2022 and what 2023 has in store for DeFiChain. Let’s talk.

Recorded: Dec. 22, 2022 Duration: 0:32:28



(upbeat music)
Hi guys, sorry, I'm not sure if you hear this music as well, I'm trying to switch it off, but I'm having a hard time, hold on.
I think I fixed it.
I would say let's wait one or two minutes and let the people join.
And then let's start.
That was cringe, this music was like elevator music man. Yeah, there's no, I don't know, I think it switches off.
as soon as you first, the first time you unmute yourself and then it's not coming back and you only have like four or five different chingles to choose. I'm not sure the first one is like super cringe.
Alright, it's looking like it's a small group of people at least.
I only see a small group of people.
And what's in it's kick it off.
and have a look at what happened this year and what can be expected for next year not only in terms of our team and accelerate the but also in terms of DeFi chain and the whole crypto market at least what we are expecting
We don't know that either, but we can just make educated guesses. So that's what we're going to do. I'm sure most of you have followed us on
any of the social media channels and have followed what we've been doing. There have been plenty of things over the last
Yeah, 10 months I would say Well, at least we started like with the major pushes in February so 10 month from now So yeah, we've done everything from brave ads. We've done recently the other
drop we've done PR, we've done influencer marketing and yeah the year was kind of like a roller coaster ride and for the market itself and also for us in like finding the ride spot
for marketing and figuring out like from bull market to bear market what is the right strategy to do. I think we handled it quite well. We were able to pull off some really successful campaigns. If we just look at the metrics, I made a little bit of a summary on that.
So when we started in February, just that some of the social metrics we measured, we had 45,000 followers on Twitter and now we are like at 74,000 so we gained 30,000 followers almost over 10 months. On Reddit we
started with 5,700 and now we are 21,000. So it's almost four times the amount of followers on Reddit and on Telegram we doubled almost the followers from 9,300 to 18,100. So also very successful
When we talk about the wallet address, it's almost a double as well from $49,286,000. So people forget that, like looking at the bear market is, but we've still been growing over the past month as an ecosystem. Obviously people are more
hesitant now to invest that's for sure and you can see that it's the value of 1.5 in Satoshi's measured like February we were at 8500 that was a good month and now we were like 2,600 so that's obviously not how it how it should be but
But it's nothing new that all coins are outperforming Bitcoin and Boost scenarios most of the time, but in bare scenarios it's the other way around. That's where we are. So I think very successful overall, if you look at 2022,

FAQ on Recap of 2022 and what 2023 has in store for DeFiChain. Let’s talk. | Twitter Space Recording

What was the speaker's struggle before starting the podcast?
The speaker was struggling to turn off the elevator music playing before the podcast.
What is the speaker going to discuss in the podcast?
The speaker is going to discuss what happened this year and what can be expected for next year, particularly in terms of their team, Accelerate, and Defi Chain.
How long has the team been working on marketing campaigns?
The team has been working on marketing campaigns for about 10 months.
What social media channels did the speaker mention the team has been active on?
The team has been active on Twitter, Reddit, and Telegram.
How many followers did the team have on Twitter when they started their marketing campaigns?
The team had 45,000 followers on Twitter when they started their marketing campaigns.
What was the team's Reddit follower count at the beginning of their marketing campaigns?
The team's Reddit follower count was 5,700 at the beginning of their marketing campaigns.
What was the team's wallet address value when they started their marketing campaigns?
The team's wallet address value was $49,286,000 when they started their marketing campaigns.
Has the ecosystem been growing despite the bear market?
Yes, the ecosystem has been growing despite the bear market.
How has the value of Defi Chain compared to Bitcoin in the bear market?
The value of Defi Chain has been lower than Bitcoin's in the bear market.
Has the team had successful marketing campaigns?
Yes, the team has had successful marketing campaigns.