Regenaissance Festival πŸŒ±πŸŽ‰

Recorded: Jan. 29, 2024 Duration: 1:32:10



Let's grow the man I'm
This is the regenison's festival meeting the festival that will unite and grow the region movement unlike anything else
Ladies and gentle friends if you're tuning in live on the spaces make sure you're dropping a let's grow in the comments
Let everybody know that it's about to grow down
Everybody read read the room and the show again moment
What is up, do me not envision how we doing my pangan friend
Good to be on the space. I'm always excited when Monday comes
Yeah, me too. It's regenison's day, baby
Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it friends. I'm seeing some let's grows in the comments
Love to see it got a hashtag. Let's grow from King Bishop from will T from
Jim me Jerry luminae. Let's grow. Okay, I'm gonna retweet all those we're gonna pin him up
We're gonna grow the movement, baby. We got some important stuff to discuss today
Let's fill this poppy up. Make sure you're retweeting. Make sure you're commenting and I'll get started very soon
These beings carefully guard is an aspect of consciousness called light
At different times these guardians of light met and works together in the different realms of reality
And they designed a time when their plan would go into effect
These beings are you and that time is now
And each of you knows in the deepest portions of your being that you have come here for a purpose
You are beginning to feel
What may be coming?
Hello and welcome everybody
To the maximum packed show. This is the live podcast
That is all about empowering you the changemakers to maximize your positive impact
In the world by leveraging the latest and the greatest
Technology today is a very special
Regenerations festival day. We have some big
announcements to announce
Boom and we'll see me getting into some deep dive discussions of some very key topics friends
If you're just joining us, make sure you're retweeting in the comments. Make sure you type in let's grow in there and
And here we grow. So first announcement
We have a beautiful logo
Okay, pardon me. It's so good. It's too good. It got me
Okay, so round of applause for Centropic region for putting this together
Thank you, Britta. That is a record time and it is a bit an ass logo
I might say myself and so
Why don't you give us a quick quick little one to one? What you did there? Why don't you?
Explain the logo for it. Let me let me pin something up here. Okay in the Twitter spaces. I'm gonna be pinning up a
Graphic which I slapped together
We need to put together a better weekly graphic for this
but I did include the logo in the graphic which was quite an ass and
Boom, there you go in the right hand corner. You can't actually see it in the preview. I check the click on it
But yeah, tell us tell us about the logo you made good friend
Hey, hello Jimmy, hello everybody. Well, yeah, I think the logo well the process of the logo was really interesting
Yeah journey cuz I've been now into fractals since maybe since GG 19 ended
I I don't know where I heard about that
I think Roth was talking about fractals in one of those spaces and I got really interested in that and yes, I
Realized and I've seen that
nature grows in fractal growth, correct, so
You can see fractal patterns in many nature
Elements, right plants even even coastlines and stuff like that. So I got really captivated by fractals then
Yeah about the concept. Well
the process of creating the logo for for the
The festival was really cool because yeah
I was also with boating right and the core members of the group were boating and it was a really interesting
Yeah process to see which one was what like which direction the thing was taking and the fractal concept was
Boated by the team. It was not even my decision was
One of the two options and in the end it ended up being the logo it is
I'm very happy of it. I'm very happy with it. So yeah, it's it's
What I did is to experiment I found a fractal generator online
And I was just experimenting on how how fractals are done and I found that I think all canopy fractals
Which are really really cool. They like they simulate a little bit more the plant growth in a way
I don't know. That's how I saw it
So I started like exploring because there's a lot of numbers to put in right like angles branches length factors
With right and and also a number of branch levels and iterations like there's many ways there's many
Possibilities to to in how to design a fractal. This was
Relatively a very easy one. Let's say that way cuz yeah, these things can get really really complicated
So yeah one after after I did this this beautiful fractal
Then I started like
Trying to find like some iconic
part of it, right the the whole point of how
why this logo had to be like what had to be like linked to a fractal was to catch to catch the
Bay the most basic element of fractal growth which at Lee which I think it could be really
really interesting to
To how do you say sometimes my English is terrible my friend
So yeah, it's in you know in order to how to merge it with this festival, right?
And it's like growing we're growing something. It's it's it's organic. It's we're part of nature. It's
We're in fractal growth, right? So I said, okay, let's let's get the essence of this fractal
And let's just put it in a in a very nice neat element
And that's how it went and I'm really happy with the with the outcome and I'm really happy with with how
Everybody voted on it. So yes, it's really cool now now
We have a logo finally and also we have a palette and yes
Anastasia I'm working on the banner and yes, Jimmy. I'm working on the pitch deck. So
Well, I listen to this place. I'm working on this. So yeah, thank you. Thank you for the space as well
Right on man, you're doing such great work for the regenerations and I'm so grateful to have you as our lead designer
Absolutely crushing it. We got a color palette whipped it out like it was nothing. We've got a logo whipped it out like it was mad
I'm sure I'm down playing. I'm sure there's a lot of hard work that went into it
But the fact that you're able to spin that up, you know
Relatively quickly compared to some of the other design firms like entire companies
I've worked with just shows that like, you know, you're super dedicated
You're super passionate about the regen movement and have been you know
Such a huge asset to this festival and let's grow down already. So thank you so much for doing that BAM
Okay, I'm just about to finish a post announcing it. All right, and I'm gonna pin it up here
We have a logo and color palette for regenerations festival
What do you think?
Okay, BAM. All right, it's out there. There's no emojis
That's how you know, I rushed this post but I just want to share with you guys cuz I'm super happy with this
Oh, look at that beauty right there. Whoo. All right. Amazing. I love it. Okay, so there we grow
What's up there BAM? All right, so everyone retweet that let us know your thoughts
I love that this this festival and this Dow is really such a community initiative
Like the first day of like the real like idea where this festival came to life was honest was on a Twitter space
And by the way
the origination of the first
24-7 livestream was also from a Twitter space and the origination of including video came from Twitter spaces
Like was all just like community people coming together and then the fact that the logo was also, you know
Like co-design with involvement from the community as well as your you know, artistic touch
is super cool about how this is really like by the people for the people this region move and coming together to grow and
And to maximize collective impact as well. That's that's a really cool part of it. Super grateful
We got some legends joining us up here on stage. We got none other than speed. We got what's up B
So let's grow friends if you haven't typed let's go in the comments yet. You're missing out. You're missing out on a retweet
Okay, I'm gonna I'm gonna retweet it from let's grow and from Jimmy
I and you're gonna get a shout out up here on the Jumbo Tron as well
So that's like a triple whammy shout out maybe even quadruple for read it out
So make sure to type and let's go in the comments right now. All right. Okay, happy days. So
That is one aspect that I did want to announce and then we also have a one pager
Shout out to Guru who kind of put together this one pager
We can get that shared in here as well. But
Yeah, I want to welcome up to the stage see I don't know. Yeah
I'm not sure how much we had some great discussions
IRL when Steve actually came to kopangan and we're talking about different elements of the festival and how give it can get involved
So it's great to see you here in the space about Matt. How are you doing today? How's Malaysia treating you? What's going on Steve?
Bill of a late one
We're an hour ahead here in Malaysia, even though it's like the same place of like, you know, when you look at the map
Today I just applied for my tourist visa for Thailand
We're coming back back to the land of the smiles but to call enter not to kopangan
But I love your post that you put up about
You were cleaning the beach and then everyone just like starts helping you and you found a bit of money
Would you spend it on? I
Will tell you that off Twitter
The exact same price and I was like, huh
It's a sign but uh, yeah
No, so that was a beautiful moment and that just goes, you know to show like collective action, right when you go out there and like
Document doing the good thing guy
I mean, I didn't have a camera in any one space and you could see I didn't actually like film other people doing that
But you can imagine though those other people that were like, you know, really catching on and stuff like this
But the fact that you can just document and just share some of the experiences
I hope that that inspires other people to do good as well and then just doing it in public as well
Like and this was like a crowded so let me just break it down real quick
So every month there's something called full moon festival or full moon
Whatever party at at kopangan and like the people who have experienced kopangan
Like they know this is not really like where to parties that like it's kind of just a touristy thing
Like it's not it's actually not as good as it's hyped up to be, you know
The vibe can be a little off the other events that are on the island are actually way better, right?
But it's the attractor like it tracks everyone here. It's like a famous thing
Like even at my university campus, they had full moon party, which was inspired by what happens here, right?
So anyway, people always kind of like put down the full moon thing
I'm like, you know what? I got at least get the full experience see what it's all about
I went there and sure enough. Yeah, like one fight broke out or like over to the side, right?
But I found like this drama base stage. The vibes were pretty good there. So I was like, alright, let me just you know
Set up here. I'll be chillin here. And then I just looked down the ground. I see it's like
covered in plastic like there's just straws everywhere these plastic straws and
And I was like, you know kind of down about that for a second
I'm like, you know what? Let me just ask the lady behind, you know, where they're selling these buckets about the whole let me just like ask
If they have an extra plastic bag and I'll just yeah, I'll start picking up like around this area, you know
And and so I did that she had an extra plastic bag and then the people behind those were like cheer me on like yeah
This is great
And then like a few people started joining in and more people saw that and I wasn't like, you know
Like sad about it picking up like I was you can see in that video
Like I was still having a blast like I was dancing while I was picking up these plastics while I was like
low-key still training for the
Control record of tree planting like I'm like picking up the you know plastics and stuff like as I'm like doing these lunges
I don't know it was I was hitting like a trifecta there
But anyway, it was inspiring more and more people and people joined in and then really like when the Sun came up
That's when like everyone realized. Oh snap. This is like one of the most beautiful places in the world
But it's just covered in plastic and then more and more people
Joined it like that that was when like tons of people really joined in and then like eventually cleaned pretty much the whole beach
There was still some like a few days later when I came back and did more of that as I was doing workouts
But yeah, it happened twice found money on the ground. It was 500 and then a thousand
I did actually ask people around me
I was like, hey did like did you lose money and they're like nope and I'm like sweet. Well, that's great
So, you know, that's karma right there friends do good things and good things happen. All right good do good things good things happen
That's the moral of the story. All right, so
So yeah, I know you say you're not planning to come to Pangan
But bro, this this island has a way of wooing people in I'm sure you'll eventually end up back
We got a place in
For two months and it's our favorite beach. It's an amazing big photos. Don't do it justice
You know you take a photo. It doesn't look like anything but when you're there, oh my god, it's so amazing. So
Yeah, but yeah would definitely be you know there for the festival, you know
We got is it dev con or dev connect?
Dev con I believe yeah
Is gonna be Bangkok
And then the festival yeah, and yeah, so I'm hoping we can get I did mention it to griff the other day
But it's early days, you know
For griff right now not on his mind, but
Yeah, so hopefully hopefully joins us for the festival and hopefully by then I think it'd be cool to also
Get in touch with the Chinese community in chung-mai and see if they want to join in and do something for the festival
Because there's a massive community up there so it'd be cool and yeah something like to party
So so it should be a good time
Absolutely. Yeah, no, definitely we should have all those web 3 communities here and the fact that there's a massive web 3 conference happening
right before this one is
perfect timing and
yeah, I think that this this involving giveth in the regenecence festival is just so perfect because I mean first of all
What makes for a good vibe at an event, you know, particularly these kind of festivals
I really think that this whole giving culture
Absolutely, essentially like it really crops the vibe
I think that's one of the reasons why burning man is one of the most successful events in the world, right?
There's like 50 different versions of it all across the world. It's a nonprofit. There's you know one in Africa
There's one in Australia like literally all across the world and it's because they have this format
and this whole giving aspect is a big part of that and I know that
You know griff is a big fan of that as a lot of a lot of people are from from giveth of this burning man concept
And I've definitely taken some inspiration from it, even though I haven't actually been to that main festival myself
The whole aspect of like that event is also created and put on by the attendees
They come there early they build the sound stages every single aspect of that event except for like a temple
Pretty much is created by the attendees
And so this similar to that is created by the refi movement, right?
The regens who are you know building the regen essence and you know, they're different people have different
Understandings of the regen essence to me it is this inevitable creative revolution that is bound to happen, right?
We're gonna have another Renaissance already. You can you know
Prompt something and code a technology very soon in our lifetimes
You'll be able to speak a technology into existence that pretty much any idea that we have will be able to create and so happy days
Being able to do that in the future. It's it's gonna be like this this insane creative boom, right?
And is that next creative boom gonna lead us down the path that we've already been heading down or with a lot of destruction of nature
If that's what's prioritized or can we inject our values into what we value and see this next creative Renaissance, baby
Regenerations we're really regenerating the world and making it a better place
I think that is ultimately gonna come down to the regents
right the people who are leveraging this technology for good and this festival can not only
Empower the people who are already doing it to do it in a much bigger level by working with each other by getting the best
information forming the best collaborations, but also we can green pill tons of people and
Onboard them right and I am so confident that this is going to be the biggest regen festival in the world
Because not just the IRL attendees the fact that there's gonna be a hybrid event, right?
Of course, everyone's encouraged to go to IRL if you can but hybrid did I mean we are our viewership for let's go live
Was more views than than get coin got in the full year. This is just within two week period
On a brand new account, you know
Which are these more than 10,000 so that's like already pretty massive for what we able to accomplish from a brand new page with you
Know some channel partners when I did a festival in 2020 a digital festival
We had massive channel partners and we're able to get 3.5 million views on everything that we put out
And so I think we could take that to a whole new level
I think we reach millions of potentially even tens of millions of people online and
And really grow the movement and really make a massive impact and that's why this is worthwhile
For everyone who's getting involved is because we can really put refi on the map and grow this movement, baby
See what's growing up. I
Got two things that I want to add here one
In extension to the reason movement I think
As well as you know, all the tech side
I think I think we're also going to see people more in touch with their spiritual side and
This kind of free
discovering ancient knowledge and stuff
And you know pang an is a place you that you can do it Bali is a place that you can discover things
and I think
That's what I really love when I meet region people is like
Everyone's kind of already open to
you know music and
Meditation and things like this that there may be in the West at least we we didn't do right
And then the second thing I want to say is if we really want give us to join the festival
And we want it to be heard. Maybe we can start a social media campaign
like you know where many people comment and
post like hey give us like you should be a part of this and we can do it openly because
you know give us as a dow but
If we just try and talk to them like for example when I'm trying to say it to them
They're like, okay, but what is this and I'm only talking to one or two people
If we're talking to the community and we're telling them and like hey, this is like for example what you just said
The 24 7 streaming was more than get coin in a year
You know, it's perfect timing. It's perfect place
You know all this stuff and then everyone below is like commenting like yeah give us you should join you should join especially
Projects that are on give us that want to give us to be a part of this
That I think will get give us going
what is this and then the Dow as a community will get more interested and then we can get give us in I
Think approaching it person by person just won't work right because it's community. So
There's my two cents that I wanted to add. I
Love it. Absolutely friend, you know, we've been saying this for some time now
Like hey, let we really need to reach out and involve everyone and we're kind of like, okay
Let's finish this one pager and then let's send that out
but I think yeah
we can spruce that up a little bit and I think yeah like we could we could freakin do it right now if we
Could make a post and we could all like, you know, we're here, right?
Let's pick action together and let's get to give it to the world
We need to get like the core leaders of the refi movement to really place a substantial role on this, right?
So yeah, I think we should do that during the space
So we can craft something up and make and make that happen
Another thing that we wanted to come up with during this space is the slogan of the event
Okay, so we've had a suggestion in the telegram. We need to come up with like a slogan, right?
So what do y'all think should be our slogan?
some slogans kind of like
Describe the event itself, you know others are like one kind of maybe it's like more mission oriented or
Maybe it could be like, you know
Some of the the key kind of like the USP or you know the key thing that's unique about the event
That could be an aspect. What do you guys think in terms of slogans? I'll go last
Once around we got good karsh up here. What's going on? It's karsh
Solo punk. Wow, what a time to put me on the spot. Yeah, bro. I have no idea
I was just thinking I was just thinking what to say what to say and like I was drawing blanks cuz
I thought that the best way to do this would be to probably put a tweet out and let everyone like
Gather some thoughts and reply to that. It would be nice
Like to see other people's thinking's and also then be able to build on it
So yeah, that's one thing but I was just trying to also probably circle back to what Steve was mentioning. I think
Steve just to like give you some further context like
we've been trying to
create like this one master list of
organizations or projects in the refi region public goods space
that we feel like, you know in some way or the other need to be like
active participants while
coming up with this or you know, maybe like either be active participants or like have some role to play in
creating of this because it's essentially like we're trying to do this for the ecosystem and the ecosystem needs to feel
included in the making of it also and not just attending so yeah, there is a list
We need a yeah, so there is a list that we have prepared and we have started working on that
one-pager and a pitch deck of sorts which would like give somebody a brief idea of what we are talking about and
then I mean just because just trying to understand what would be
the best way to approach after we have the pitch deck and the one-pager do we just like DM them and
get that going or like do we go to their
telegrams and their discords and try and pitch it over there or then we find the right person
That would be the right person to speak to for this like understand that better and then put it out in the public
That's a good question. And I think it depends on each dowel, right?
What the answer I got about giveth was creating a forum and the giveth forum
Yeah, but it will be different with different dowels, right? There'll be a different area and things like that
and this is just a reminder that I need to
Follow through and then sign up for let's grow
This is one of my goals for this week
Yeah, I guess from what I get it then it's probably depending on the maturity of the project or the
Like I mean if it's really nascent and new then we probably identify people
But if they are relatively more mature, let's say in this case giveth
Then we form a proper proposal put it up and then we try and spread that forum message to the right people to get that
Activity going to take it further
Yeah, and and and we have a project like giveth
Did not mute everyone
So like for example a project like giveth I think also is
Talking to projects that are on giveth
Right, so and that would be the same with get coin as well
Right projects on that regularly use get coin because then it's like they are the community, right? So
It's kind of a multi
Outreach type tactic that that will need to be used
Yeah, I like that multi, you know pause on the multi because yeah, I get it
It's you to hit it at like various levels and then
Make sure that you drive the conversation at least a certain degree before you know, it is on so yeah
So love these ideas. Sorry. I just had to refresh the space my wife wife
I cut out back on the back on the hot spots and so
Yeah, I think that yes
We should all be encouraging these different organizations to participate in a social way in a collaborative way
And by the way friends, I have posted and pinned
Such a post that's right. We take an action today in this case. So comment with slogan
You think this festival could have go ahead?
Yeah, Jimmy I was I'm not in front of my laptop right now
but I was wondering if this is a good time to maybe
Share whatever we have on that one pager and since everyone's here, maybe get some input suggestions feedback
so that you know
there is at least
Maybe some amount of clarity that we can also get for making the pitch deck
I think it's very important to get the messaging right on the pitch deck so that like
Yeah projects feel that there's resonance and they would want to participate. So yeah, are you do you have the
Are you on your computer?
Yes, sir. I am I can we're also video live streaming right now in
traditional let's grow fashion
So I can actually I like I like I like how it's become traditional. Let's grow fashion, but yeah traditions form pretty fast
we're pretty new now, but I
Mean, yeah, like that's that's how we started out. That was our first live streaming
It's this spaces video combo friends. And if anyone wants to join the video, I believe
link dot let's grow dot network slash video super long URL by link dot let's grow dot network slash video if you want to
Jump on the video
But you can also go to our page and check it out. So
One pager, let's see
Regenasants one pager. We got it in our charm burst
All right. We're very three natives. Thanks to wasabi. He was really been cooking up all the tech stacks
Megan it happened
Left right and center. Well done, buddy. I it's entropic. I thought your hand was up a little bit earlier
Did you still want to chime in while I pull this up or?
Yeah, I just wanted to say that
Circling back to the whole
slogan of the of the regenascence
one thing it would be
important maybe because the name is all is like very protagonist and
Says a lot about the region the slogan shouldn't have regeneration in my opinion. So it's not like redundant
That's the regeneration. Okay, come on, you know, so I think
Regent region or anything related to region in this Logan. Let's try to just avoid it and see what happens
I already posted my my
my my comment on
which would be the
Yeah, I mean which which I think could fit but I really would like to see what all the community says also in the region
Telegram group in the regenascence. So even group would be nice to submit like the same
Like everybody could just give their slogan and see what happens. They'll be super cool
Yeah, let's not rule it out entirely just yet. Okay, everyone brainstorm brain dump put everything in there
And then yeah, I would laugh. I would laugh if this actually becomes a slogan. It does fit
It's so good
But that would be funny if what the journey starts with it. That's the slogan
That Marco put here and
that's laughs
I mean, I think it's quite encompassing to say the least
It's it's it can be fit into like ten different things. So yeah
Yeah, I totally agree super it's like a generic slogan, right could be for whatever but yeah
Very good regenascence and then you say the journey starts within like then I feel like it does connect the dots
Also, like it's not very generic in this case
But then it doesn't talk about the tech, right
And we need to somehow include because because the way I view it is like you've got regeneration
Like of a person, but then you've got regenerative finance where we're using all this web 3 stuff
So regeneration
the regenerative finance maybe not but then the question is what are we
What are we promoting? Are we promoting just the regeneration?
like of individuals
But I think it's the tech as well, right? Yeah, it's hundred percent
So I feel like once probably Jimmy starts sharing the overall idea is that it's like a four to five
day event festival
Where three days is very don't use the word serious, but a focused
conversations and discussions around like refi and using tech for regeneration and
then the last two days is more oriented towards play and like
Self workshops and like stuff like that. So that's how it's
split for now, but
The focus is very much on like being able to drive the refi moment and
To drive the refi moment then I feel like all the region aspects come in so that's how it's being followed
But yeah, I'd let like Jimmy share what's there on that pager and then take it from there
All right
Forgive me. My computer is totally freezing up. I think I have too many chrome tabs open
Give us one pic. Okay video live stream. Okay, I gotta restart this yikes
It's okay
But yeah, so I do have the document up
Everyone make sure you're typing in the pinned. What should the slogan our virgina sauce festival be?
Okay, let's
Grow. Okay, I'm going growing last
Okay, part two. So yeah, type it in there type it in there. And of course, yeah
This slogan will be a part of this one page or two. So it's all connected, baby. All right. Happy days
Here we grow here. We grow
Question Jimmy, how will we decide the winner slogan?
We could vote
Dow fashion or if yeah, if it's obvious and everyone just loves one then we can okay do that
But I think yeah, we would probably vote off
Chained vote just telegram vote most likely or we could do one change
Okay, so friends by the way, if you put if you participated in let's grow live the 24 7 live stream
We did for GG 19 you have received an email
Okay, you've received an email from us and you're quarterly invited to
Sign the manifesto gas free. All right gas is covered
Which is amazing and when you get an NFT the first truly free NFT, you've probably ever meant it
Okay, and that's when you sign our manifesto and then you can then join our Dow as well
One person one vote free to join baby. So
Participate in that. All right. It's also pinned in our telegram community. All right, so
Yeah, okay, let me just let me just share our TG in here we have newbies join every week that we do this so
Actually, did I share it in the let's grow community? Yeah. Okay. So you want to join our let's grow community
Telegram as well as through genocide's festival telegram
I know it's probably a little bit confusing, but like this is everything let's grow down, right? So the first initiative of let's grow down was
The let's grow live the second big initiative that we're undertaking is
This regenerations festival, but of course we are planning let's grow live again for GG 20, which is now happening in
April is it or March? Yeah
Okay, so we got a bit of a later one they're doing some revamping but that might give us some, you know
Actually time maybe we do something forgive it. We've been talking about this internally
And maybe we do some for the next retro
PGF round of optimism in six months who knows who knows Oh
Which a PDF would be an awesome one that one
Crazy and also this year you're gonna see an
Increasing number of QF rounds on give us. I think we've already had two in one month
There's actually one coming out right now, I think they let me just double-check but there's an Asian based
QF round with Metapool and
I think the space. Yeah, it's tomorrow
10 a.m. In my time. So I think that's 11 a.m. In
But at least it's not midnight
And I was like, what are you guys doing like this is an age for Asia like everyone in Asia
Now 10 p.m. I think that's I don't mean I don't mean this I mean the medical one. Oh the medical one. Yeah
Let me let me can I share it
Feel free just click the share button and there's the top one though. There's QF is an
Asian based like for projects in Asia
Metapool is the sponsor
And I'm trying to get another
Asian based sponsor for QF
Forgive us this year as well. And there's other sponsors coming through
They had a polygon one as well in January which had more donations in that one month than they've ever had
On give us in one month before so it's a good start to the year, you know, so
If you're not on give us you should be on give us does there I think that
The QF rounds potentially if you look at the way the UX works
the onboarding process, I think that it could surpass get coin and
Talking about that polygon round the polygon
Get coin had a polygon
get coin had a polygon QF round or is having one and give us is having one and
The last time I checked give us has like
three or four times the
Amount of money donated as get coin
So it's great
It's it's so so like so bullish on this year forgive us, you know
Absolutely. I mean it makes sense. You got a double whammy. It's like you got matching and
You got like 60 to 70 percent
Given back to the donor in the form of givetos. I mean, that's that's freaking bullish. So yeah
I'm stoked and really excited to build alongside you. So, okay, let me share this
One pager. All right a few details. It's a draft. All right, a few details are gonna change here. All right
So and maybe there's something we could discuss as well. All right, it's officially in the video. Oh wait
Yeah, it's officially in the video live stream now
Okay, and I will I will comment this in the comments if you if you don't want to leave our Twitter spaces
But yeah, so we're also live on Jimmy. We're live on Let's Grow live on treegens
By the way earth if you want to be live in future spaces, just let me know same with Anna
It's in the back end, but I need your permission. All right, cool festival one pager. Oh, it's posted twice
Okay, great. So it's pinned to the jumbo if you want to just have a looky-loo at our dock
You can make suggestions in there. All right, so, okay
Let me read it out for y'all. All right
Okay, so the intention
Okay, so this is Regina Sun's festival
The intention is to make the biggest region slash refi event to unite and grow the movement
This annual event is created by the refi movement for the refi movement
Various startups and companies are coming together to create this historic event location
Kofangan Thailand date November 17 to 21
2024 expect to guess 1,000 plus IRL with millions online baby. Let's grow number of days
Workshops experiences panels presentations hackathon on conference music performance post event regeneration
Discussions nature excursions healing sessions play and
Fun, I don't know if fun is an activity as such but we're gonna have a lot of fun along the way
All right venues space one and two presentations of panels. So that's kind of like the workshops or no different
Three is workshop. All right, I'm not sure there's need to be different
But but I guess it depends how many people are gonna be participating and building this thing, right? Then we got the unconferences
Okay, it's another
Project booth case. You'll be able to have a booth share what to do on keeps happy days. We've got dining
So like like a vending area for the you know food kind of situations, right? We'll bring different local vendors
Party and bar is number seven might not have a bar depending
We'll have some kind of bar just may or may not be alcoholic again. Put that to a Dal vote. Okay
Play one is self-organized. Okay, other is designated. I have a designated player
Okay, accommodation close to the venue 500 route price at three tiers
So yeah, we'll have a whole bunch of fortunately November is not the peak season on the island
So accommodation is not going to be an issue. The prices will be more affordable for people
Happy days and also less competition more collabs with event organizers on the island. Okay, so that's the venue requirements
Guru put this together by the way. He had a lot of years in construction. You might be able to tell okay day wise program
Okay, day one and two presentations panels workshops on conference party closed out
Okay, day three and four music festival regen workshops. Okay, day five is wind down cleanup
I think we're gonna have three days of the first and then yeah, the wind down was just gonna be extra
So again, it's a draft putting this together, but these are the important notes for you at the end
LGBT let's grow down
To mainly focus on core initiatives like the designing of the festival setting the vibe coordinated with partners
General organization conference panels workshops, etc. Partner with local organizations for non-core
Activities like the music festival components food decoration, etc. Okay actively involve the regen tribes while planning the festival with
Representation in meetings. Okay partners are encouraged to
Co-design and co-create their spaces and stations as needed. Okay, leave the place better than how we found it
permanently BAM, okay, so
Actively involve regen tribes. This makes me think also of the venue. So the ideal venue
We have a lot of phenomenal options here on this island
There's a lot of you know pre-built festival venues that we can potentially rent
or the other path is that we
Partner with land owners who see the vision who are ideally already regens are already growing care about the environment
And then we co-build this with them. They own a huge portion of it
Actually legally 51% of a business needs to be owned by a Thai person
So that would be the landowners right there boom and then hopefully they could continuously run this in the future and let's grow
I mean regenerations festival could very likely move around different countries kind of like how
cop moves around different countries activates different region zones and
That we could continuously just add one more each year. Hopefully that's the plan
So Paul's been clapping away and I think you raised his hand earlier
So I believe you also mentioned you got some some leaves on on such partners. So over to you
And it works the last time you get using the 100% emoji and it works and yeah
I just like you know, I learning from our region community and
Appreciate that so basically I'm here. I just need to jump on my bike. That's why I like force myself here
Sorry that I'm not from the beginning here. Well first time
That's tomorrow at 10 p.m. Or 10 a.m. You will be sleeping but maybe on a stage
We're gonna meet with my Israeli and friends who do in with the tickets and all logistic and we're gonna talk on this
What we can
Do what they can?
Provide us as discount and when is better time to start to sell
Tickets for for flights and all that stuff. I mean not selling tickets, but we can provide packs with discount. That's my
My goal actually and the second one that's I already showed it with
Jimmy and Anastasia that we have some
Highly likely we're gonna have
Special land that's designated for festivals here on island. That will be new one
so I haven't been there and we need some more time and they need actually more time and their local in a family and
We're kind of
I also we're gonna talk with them about
Security that we discussed today with Jimmy. So I hope we might have
Pretty nice place that we talk with corner. So it's like full for long term as well
so yeah, that's short two alphas from my side and
Back to you Jimmy or I see that
Okay, yeah you've
You've shared that I'm full night out mode from the right now
I'm gonna move to like four or five in the morning sleeping in but there's some important pen
I can't force myself out of bed. I wasn't
But but yeah, we'd love to
Connect with these these landowners and potential partners and let's let's explore as many of those
opportunitize as possible
So you were talking about Israelis and ticketing. I got most of that
But but yeah, let's let's let's
Look I think you had your hand up
yeah, so I just want to take this as a chance to get some feedback maybe and
See how is being received
When we were creating this
loose framework the idea was that we
in some sense are able to replicate the
Good eat conferences that happened. Let's say like Paris or
Then were Barcelona whatever like those good like
concise hard-hitting three days that they conduct and
We then eventually are able to transition to a more like play-oriented space
So that we get we are we are given the chance to be able to present whatever is happening
We are also able to have the right kind of conversations that are needed to grow the space and take it forward
Also giving a chance for people to come in and understand what we fire is all about and how we are for working
while at the same time like be able to invite people who are
very active in the climate action space in the region space
but are not very aware about
What is happening with refi and like let's say how we are trying to use tech
I mean up until now it's primarily like web 3 tech
But I'm sure we would also have a lot of AI use cases come up by the end of the year
So yeah, it's the the the thinking was while we were designing this is that we want to do that for a few days
And then you know also be able to leave room for everything else that can emerge from this
So yeah first is to be able to like get some feedback on the overall design and yeah inputs on that
Inputs gather around input overall design. Oh, I am
About this so so
You you've been mentioning about streaming
How does that fit into all this?
Do you expect that to be the workshops the first two days kind of thing? I
Really I feel like we stream all the events that happen like all five days. There's a constant stream going on
Maybe a post 12 in the night we can decide if we want to give it a break
But yeah, I mean mostly most part of the day and some parts of the night. Yeah
Okay, yeah, I mean the question is should we have like five streams going?
I mean depending on the series we have right if there's like, you know to workshop one soundstage or two sound whatever
Should we stream all of them or is that logistically a bit much? Should we just stream one of them?
I think that's gonna come down to maybe cost and different things like this
but one thing that would be super cool is if there was like a
Digital stage IRL almost right because like maybe some people would love to speak but can't make it for example
They could simply speak online
other like maybe like an area for people at the event to actually like
Engage with the people online, you know what I mean?
There could be like a call where they could just like talk to each other that could be kind of cool
I don't know. So I don't know maybe that's separate from like the live stream
I mean I guess it ties into it, right? Is there should there be a digital stage?
But like look there's some pretty amazing people in this community that are like pretty plugged into you know
Different virtual worlds right and metaverse vibes
So it'd be pretty cool if you could like explore
Like a meta virtual metaverse festival ground where you have different they have like three four streams going on simultaneously
You could just check them out. I know this
Was doing something and she's also a pretty big region
Connection was lost. Yikes. I got five G full bar. Can you guys hear me wave if you can hear me?
Yeah, you cut out a little bit and then came back. Okay, we're back. All right, so
Yeah, so that's what I'm thinking it would crush
Yeah, I think I mean this is probably going to be an interesting experiment
Since we're thinking about it from now itself in terms of how do we also design the experience at the festival in a way that
Let's say we've given that conscious thought to how people who have not been able to make it can interact
So maybe there are booths where they're able to like speak to people at the festival
There are ways that they can connect there are ways that they can like, you know
I mean this happens when you're streaming they can ask questions during the stream and we can relay it to the people over there
so just I think it's going to be a series of
small small things that we do which will probably be
Which will help us bridge this physical digital divide to the best extent that we can
But I also want to like
See in terms of what is coming up
For you know, let's say
What kind of panel discussions would we want to do?
How do we want to like?
Let's say divide the time between
Presentations or more
Unconferences or like more workshops or do we want like what are the pain?
I think what's really necessary to also get a pulse on is what are the very real pain points that
projects and people in the face in the space have and
How can we all come together try and see that? Okay. These are the pain points
What are the possible solutions to it?
Who can we invite into the festival that can help us build a solution for something like this?
So I think that's what I do really want to get at that because I mean the way we are seeing this develop is going to be
like a public goods plus region space because that's what aligns more with the vibes that we are going out with and
There are very real problems that we have in the space
Different maybe for public goods funding. There are some overlaps with the reefer region space. So
Yeah, what is it?
How can we best address it because eventually the goal is that we want to do this in a way that helps us grow?
the movement and the only way to grow is if you're able to like, you know directly address all the blockages and
Yeah, I think Steve you had your hand up first and then Paul
Yeah, I just want to echo that that's a brilliant idea. One thing I noticed in Turkey was a
Lot of talking about the problems, but no kind of what's the solution?
definitely if we
You know, I don't think we're gonna figure it out, you know in the next month or two
It will be probably nearer the time that will know exactly what it is
but definitely if there's a core problem that we find that we identify in the community and
One of the goals of the festival is to find solutions for that
I think it will be an very impactful festival
We don't want to fall in that trap of hey, we're just gonna talk about all the problems we have like it's this useless and
It's just everyone just talking at each other and complaining or whatever. Maybe not complaining but you know
So yes echoing that definitely understand. Let's do that
Similar experiences and while it's great to like be able to discuss the problems and get more clarity on the problem and get more
Different perspectives on it. I think it leaves it hanging when
You don't have enough time to spend with one another to like, you know
If you I think if you could spend little more time more productive conversations
There are like gems of solutions that can emerge and that's what I possibly feel that
Since we are taking all this effort and getting everybody in the same space like we should be able to
juice out
Crazy amounts of value from this
uh, it's probably going to be the first time that a lot of people in the reefer space are going to
physically be present in the same space and
Goal or our like aim should be that how do we create frameworks that that time that people have together is
best utilized
So maybe there are different paths to it one is to be able to get some consistent on what are the problems
And then what can we do what kind of let's say facilitation workshops or unconferences or discussions?
or what can we do brainstorming sessions on the possible types of problems and solutions that we can come up with
And do some small implementations also that we can see to it
But yeah, I think the the objective being that like how best to utilize it what have we learned from the
Conferences that we have attended so far what's been lacking?
And then to be able to map it right to what like the ecosystem needs and that's why I think it's now
This can only happen when everybody is able to share like what are their personal issues?
What are they seeing as a problem in the ecosystem? And then how can we like collectively start addressing them?
This has been great guys, but it is just hit midnight and
Where is gonna be a lot of
Misaladi came through fam. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We appreciate you and all that you do
And yeah to your point and and see I think this this should be a celebration of the solutions, right?
Everything that's out there all the champions, right?
Like centropic regions really talked about doing the refi awards, right?
Like the refi award ceremony i'm gonna nominate all the legends another way another reason to get them there
but also to celebrate right celebrate all the great things that are happening and
You know i've spoken to some, you know
Some heavy hitters in the refi space like Gregory long do it for example from regen network and you know
think what he'd be really interested in seeing is like
Getting like the un people there for example, right?
Like the policymakers the people that would really add value to the refi space if these two worlds could come together
You know, and so yeah, like there's a lot of spiritual things on the island
There's a lot of really great, you know transformation that people can get here
Um, but also like as we think about our messaging
We've got to make sure it also kind of appeals to that demographic that would be able to attract these people that
I don't know. Maybe they're into that but but you know, it should really have
I think we got to create different different marketing contents around the festival
Some would be you know to attract different audiences. And so
Okay, I thought Paul is hand up. Yeah, go ahead. It's gosh. Yeah, just to add to that. I feel like
It's this right when we speak to people and the projects and when we tell them that we give them a
Base level idea of what we are trying to do
Like what I am very excited about is what comes up from them
I really want to know like let's say because when we were speaking to gregory at cop
This clearly came up, right? Like he said that okay
It should be this we want to see more of this happen
And these are the things that we need in this space for us to grow
I'm sure everybody has like gems of insights to provide
And maybe we're able to collect all of those perspectives and then be able to churn out something which is like addressing all of that
yay, marco
So, um now i'm thinking that also, uh, maybe the regenecence festival would need a manifesto, correct just little
Manifesto like something that tells what is it all about?
That will help a lot in maybe selecting the slogan that will help a lot in maybe how to pitch the idea to
Partners and or sponsors, right? So maybe we gotta be we gotta start working on the manifesto
That one pager is like a pre manifesto of sorts that can lead to the manifesto
Yeah, I don't know if we need all these details of like, I don't know how many spaces we got
And because some of that's up in the air as well
Um, I think maybe keeping a more about like the yeah manifest to be why we're doing this details about the general aspects of the event
Maybe we would add that to the to think by the way initially we're looking at the dates like, okay
let's be as close as possible to
You know to the devcon so we picked the 17 to 21, right?
um, that is a
Sun, I think it's wait, let me confirm. I believe those are weekdays, right?
So we gotta like, okay
Do we want to be as close as possible to devcon or do you want to push it back by a couple extra days?
and then you know be able to have some weekends in there because
You know people be busy people be busy right in the refi space. Just like we were trying to track the heavy hitters
That's something I want to think about wasabi
I'm going back a little bit into the um
Stuff yet to be defined something that I want like like everyone all handsome deckies
like uh picking up roles within the festival because you know
like you said there is there are many spaces that has happened so far but
That like the amount of context about the festival is not like balanced
Like, you know the space hours and the context like that is reading
Stuff like when it comes to roles that are like it's already setting stone. Like I feel like we need to uh
Dedicate more uh tiny resources towards that
I agree absolutely
Um, by the way, shout out to carol trejan. All right carol has done something absolutely amazing
She she took notes every single meeting since the first one of these
Um, so carol if you could please put that in a google document and then post that in the comments
That can at least give us some context as to what is already being covered
Um, and then yeah, we'll make that easily adjustable for people. But yeah, let's let's get roles, right? We need uh,
We need a head of sales head of sponsorship head of marketing head of logistics head of experience
And we have these committees, right?
We have you know, but it'd be great and we have people joining committees, which is amazing, right people wanted to you know
Maybe human has expressed some interest in you know doing some sponsorship stuff and
A lot of us have our own network of different sponsors. Maybe from web3 conferences we went to that we could bring in
Um, but but yeah, let's let's find these for that
So how should we do that? Should we just have someone whoever gets it first or should we have like elections?
You know, should we have a dal vote? What do you think?
You know, I was just going to like
echo a bit of what wasabi was saying that
We've had conversations
I think people have fair bit of clarity on what we want to do and how we want to get there and all these
verticals that you just listed
Maybe we can put it out in the region of sounds festival group
let people
See what is aligning with their skill set and their
Vibes and then they can you know
Get into that specific group
and then have smaller discussions within that group and then
The thing is the the whole goal of the exercise is to be able to
Identify people that are responsible for those verticals. Otherwise again, it creates a series of like
Ongoing conversations which probably doesn't lead
to anywhere
In this case now, we know that okay, these four people are in charge of let's say experience or logistics
And then anything that comes up for that we are then going to them
So they are the point right? Should we not have one person in charge of a category though?
Yeah, maybe it can be like the
It's that one person basically becomes the person on which like the buck stops, right? So it's better
Um to have at least one person that can be two to three also
But at least one who's taken up the responsibility for that particular vertical and then they
Everyone's there to support them
But then they are the ones that are leading like similar to what we've done
Internally for this road. Yeah. So the question now is do we host elections for that? Should we?
I mean ideally I feel like we can if there are like multiple people wanting to do the same
But I feel like first we should probably see how many are coming in
If there are only one to two people that are willing to take up responsibilities for each of those verticals
Then the question would not arise
But if a situation does present itself, then we can see what to do
Hey jerry, what's happening?
I think we'll definitely see more than one for a lot of the verticals. Go ahead jerry
Yeah, I was just thinking about those verticals and having people coming in and everything else and having you know
We have little bounties like you're going to be
You know a few few coins few tokens you grow that you could spend at the festival. It's hopefully right like that's the idea
Um, but those things would also help you to understand who
Needs to be as leadership roles, right?
The people that are coming in doing the most work
They're obviously the ones most motivated they get the most coins
They fulfill the most bounties and they're the ones that are the leaders of those roles. So it kind of
They they nominate themselves and prove their worth by doing or something like that, right?
I like that
Yeah, okay
So we make like a massive to-do which turns into bounties of grow
And for those of you don't know what grow is um, we have a like non-financialized token
So it's not like you could just sell it on a market
but this is what we'll have utility both at the festival and uh at let's grow live and
It is also what we'll be using to determine how we distribute any
profit the festival makes or
Grant funding that we get as let's grow doubt, right? So, you know, we are on optimism chains
If we get optimism retro pgf hypothetic hypothetically if we're in the top 50 that's 100k op tokens
That you know, we'd be able to distribute so
So happy day. So I like that idea of of the people that do the work and pick the most boxes
Like it's like merit based, you know, whoever starts doing the thing
Will inevitably go into that role
Um the most so let's yeah, okay, so I think well, should we make like a massive?
Trello and just have shared that around how is there a bounty platform we should be using
Gitcoin, uh, can we use grow in different platforms? What do you think wasabi's the the tool maestro?
What do you what do you think we should do for bounties?
Um chambers like
As as does the community hub I believe that we can you know, keep
Streamlining everything inside of chambers so we can like delegate
Bunch of work to like to the community lot like like that. They want to
Call out contribute with that. But yeah
And in chambers, we can customize the bounties
Using erc 20s. We can use nfts or we can use whatever we want as rewards
Like um, we can have like custom
Built workflows for for the bounties like when it goes to approval
a boring of it like
Yeah, it's very very customizable, but via chambers
Oh, wow, I did not know it had that level of customization
Super cool. All right. Happy days. Uh ed grow ahead
Yeah, i'm trying to look at this at the roots of what we're trying to do I guess
I mean, I guess we're confirmed that it's the regen of
sans festival
That's one part
So obviously at the core of that is regeneration
What I see is
You're uniting
And basically to serve people in the planet
And those are the cores i've been hearing over attending these meetings
so then I think we need and
You know, it's not like everybody in the public around the world
Even knows what regeneration is about
But I think the people that we're going to try to influence
to provide support for the work
Um have heard the word
I mean it whether it be a cop 28 or whether it be at davos
The word regeneration
Is becoming popular not that people really understand much about it about it
I think that's where
Like us and regenerative ag are trying to
help people to understand so
But I think and whether it be in regenerative finance or let's grow
related to regenerative ag or stewardship
Or all components of it, but I think sometimes going to have to I think we got to work
Work the soil and work the root from the roots up
To really figure out how to create real benefits out of this
um and global benefits
That's what people are not hearing
at other major events
Whether it be as I said cop or davos or those sort of events. So
That's my little two cents into it. Thanks
Thank you brother. It's always a pleasure having you here in the spaces
Thanks for coming and bringing your wisdom
And uh, yeah, I think metaphorically we got to start at the roots and also
Also physically hopefully, you know paul can find us some some great land or lumenine vision
Where we can you know grow crops for people to to eat at the festival between now and november
That'd be that'd be super cool for us to pull off. Go ahead grow ahead jerry
And I think you you spot on with that as well is
But that is precisely
What this whole regenisons festival is about is the fact that people don't know about it and don't know
All of these amazing solutions that are being built that have been built and that are going on to regenerate
The you know people and planet so that's uh, I think that's the essence of what we're trying to do
That is the root of what we're trying to do because there's lots of builders
There's lots of people like yourself and others that have been working on
ways to create this global change and create a global movement of understanding what regeneration really means
And practical uses for it
So that's that's the goal. That's our that's our root and that's the goal somehow. It's the same time
It's it's the whole thing the kitten caboodle as you say in texas, you know
That's that's exactly right. Thank you
Love it. Okay. Happy days. Okay, so
next step after this
meeting is
Yeah, let's let's really
Brainstorm and everyone remember if you are not yet in our tg
Get in there folks get in our telegram
For the let's grow community. That is the overarching thing for everything. Let's grow does
And I just put it up to the jumbotron. It's been in the comments for a bit
Um, so in there you will see in the general chats, uh a link to steiner manifesto
And join the dao so do that and then you can uh join the let's grow dao
Meetings where I think we're going to be
Braindumping a lot of this stuff of what are all the tasks for the festival?
Um, and uh, yeah over to you paul
Yeah, I just want to bring uh, some thought on that that you talk about discussion panel and uh, maybe some workshop I
came for that idea to have
Mastermind workshop or maybe have some solution
Design workshop and we try to solve some local problems
issues environmental issues or we
Uh try to design some solution for like global issues or different
different part of the globe and
With this part. I also want to see local nonprofits angels and community
Like traditional ones not from web3, but maybe they will be in that tree
With our efforts in that time
I'm, not sure about that. Those are our best
so yeah, I want to see
local angels and communities who are doing
Impact here on islands and who is working on public good. That will be awesome. Cool
Maybe we can collaborate. I mean not maybe we can have like
One more bigger
Impulse for coordination when we have like together like global community and they see this they see this like global people
They're real that something happened. This project did this that's another project doing this and that's not only
Some crazy pull and limiting vision from the five pangan and ecosystems and the pill pangan, right? That's real real
movement and energy and with pilots with
Experience with
With readiness and openness to change
To change your world I want to say but particularly this
public goods we are impact
market and
Environmental issues right that we have so that's about
Festival content we can say about yeah, I totally agree with one speaker before with that
That mentioned that it's not really understandable what's going on
And I totally get it because it's really hard if you just go in the space and okay
You will get this information from Jimmy if you deliver a lot you can hear something from me from Anastasia, but that's not enough
For me, it's bigger because I'm on site. I'm on pangan. I see this
I talk with Jimmy with Anastasia
And I see this and I I think that we can fix this when there is will be marketing materials because marketing materials they kind of
Keep this issue right to work with this
with this need from audience to understand to get visual information to get
text information to get
information as well
so I think that that problem will be
Fixed or resolution will be find when there is work on marketing materials and with respect to that
Question on should we vote or
What to do we already did from our side with aluminum vision. Let's say pledge
we pledge that we
work on ground we work when it's time and when there is proper channel on the sponsorship and money and
We work on logistic part
as far as we can
Deliver at least these pegs with discount right to support our community who maybe not
Uh, I don't know. Maybe it will be a bull run for full power at that time and region community. You'll have a lot of assets, but
to respect and support urgent community
In current state we try to provide some discount as well
Maybe it will require to buy tickets for airplanes like four months as five months in advance
But uh, at least it will provide the discount until we get sure
I mean our guests as well
Uh, region community, uh, they will be sure that they have accommodation. They have flights and yeah, everything is required
uh, or uh, any any any
So, um, I think the pledge
Or somehow voluntarily, uh, I mean at least on this stage. I mean because you know, there is some organical
Responsibility because we're on island. Okay, that's our responsibility. I have this contact with
Like logistics and we kind of understand that it's also kind of our part
Of course someone can help and uh, yeah, uh, maybe someone feel that he wants or she wants or whatever
uh, they or
Sorry shoes, whatever maybe someone wants to work on uh video materials or
Photo materials like uh, how already started with logo for example or with slogan, right? That's important thing
but uh, yeah, uh totally open we all open the
Team core chat and position open if you don't know what to do
But you have energy and you feel uh, you can share with us as well
Uh, so yeah
I think the first step that people who feel involved and want to be inside and also want to get that airdrop and a lot of
Optimism from retro pjf as jim mentioned
So just jump raise your hand and say I have experience in this I know how to do this
Let me try these I can work with sponsors. I know someone can work with materials. I can work with an organization
I can work on project management
What whatever?
Yeah, that's uh, I will analyze
Uh, jimmy. Yeah, thank you everyone. That was the end of my speech
Thank you brother and um, yeah, I love this idea of like the each one
Bring one kind of uh model where like everyone who's getting involved
You probably know someone who's great at something
Maybe that be the sale side for sponsorship the logistics side on the ground or somebody knows a ton of artists, right?
So like pitch them the event and let them know why we're doing this right to unite and grow the regen movement
To empower everyone to maximize their impact all these different things coming together
And then hopefully they get inspired and you know, they can get rewarded for that too
Um, you know, we've got a commission structure outlines for sponsorship and everyone else will get grow tokens
And uh, and you know those uh, definitely can can
Lead to some some great things in the future. So, um, by the way, and also you mentioned like non-profits on the ground
Um, yeah, I I don't know what it says to play areas in the in the uh, one pager
Like what exactly is a play area?
I think we need like an impact area right where people can actually like do some form of positive impact
Whether that be planting a tree or collecting plastics or whatever may be
And then get rewarded for it through some of the amazing web3 tools that are out there whether that be evergreen coin or what have you
Right, like do something and like because that's that's one of the best ways to onboard people, right?
It's impact onboarding do the thing. All right, ed grow ahead
Yeah, another quick thought
maybe a good idea would be to
start to categorize
regeneration because I think
The idea of this is to as I said unite regeneration
Of the different efforts whether it be in finance whether it be in some people working water
You know regenerating water cycles some people regenerate forests
some people are regenerating
maybe communities
you know, it's if we categorize because people work in these different areas, but
I think the idea is to collect the different areas and educate the public and influence errors in specific areas
How we could work together a bit
To solve a lot of these problems because I think that
remains something that I just
Wish would happen more that we could connect the different efforts
and connecting
you know traditional systems to like
Crypto the blockchain web 3 whatever that that needs to be again connected with people who aren't aware of what that is
And I think if we're going to attract interests and i'm thinking
You know more substantial influencers in you know interests
They would come from a specific category of regeneration
But the idea is to connect them with the greater community of it
So I think if we maybe came up with a list of what we
You know best we can come up with with areas of regeneration
Then it starts to explain to people
More about regeneration and why it's a regenerations festival. I'll leave it there
Peter quickly said yeah, it is really about bringing all the pieces together and uniting everyone for one collective front for
Us all to see the big picture Daniel. Were you trying to chime in there, buddy?
Yes, I did. So at festivals, there's really nice to have a space for kids
A lot of people come with their kids and uh, if you can make a program, uh for the kids as well
To introduce them to you know, the the basics of uh, the regenerations
Movement, so that's one idea. And the other one is you'd want to have
a maybe a project that you fundraise for
Um specifically and show exactly what the steps are. So you you you show people
What that looks like and maybe it's even done by a web3. Uh, that's a plus, uh, but i'll let you i'll leave that with you
Beautiful. I love all these ideas. Please keep sharing them in the telegram. Make sure you're joining the let's grow community
Telegram which is up there. That's how you can join the dao. It's shared in there and then uh, also maybe human
Uh very kindly also shared a link to the regenison festival community in the comments. So
join both of the things
And uh and happy days, okay dm me if you need help with them. Um, i've got to jump on a call now
So unfortunately, I gotta wrap it up
Um, it's been going for an hour and a half now. Okay, matt. Matt catch. I can't cut you off bam
I can't cut you off. Okay, grow ahead real quick
Hi, hi everyone just the one thing because it's so many things but but just now, you know, like
would be a good idea maybe to
To one of the the goals of this this event would be that that sort of trying that each participants
Who will go home?
Gain some kind of knowledge some kind of tools
Some kind of confidence
to be able to to to to
Not necessarily spread the message of
Of of the organizers, but somehow spread the message
The wisdom the work the experience which they have so maybe workshops focused as well on community building
and somehow
You know, I feel a lot of people in web3. They are
very active online, but
somehow little bit shy
irl and maybe
would be great to to
Create a space where where people can be become more and more
Um self confident if you know what I mean
Yeah, no 100
We can definitely do that people tend to come out of their shell once they really warm up to people and
We can have all kinds of facilitation environments grow it down. Okay. I'm two minutes late for my meeting
They've very kindly been waiting. So I gotta end it here emmy. We start this at 10 a.m
EST every monday, okay, try to come
But if you got ideas and things just type them in the telegram and we'll continue the conversation there, right? We love you
We love you guys. Love you so much. Yeah. All right. See you next time. Ciao for now everybody
So much love in these spaces, all right