remember when Hash Pwnd @notthreadguy? #GMGFY

Recorded: Feb. 2, 2024 Duration: 2:01:00



just just give it to me straight bro we got jazzy enough no there's no music bro
there's zero vibes right now what's going on well bro music never works it
works like once every couple of months I honestly all right let's see if it works
if I do it auto play with my space to start so okay yeah no yeah it's not
gonna work so I don't fucking know it's ridiculous yeah I can sick that sucks
if I mean what were they want me to do bro I don't know man I think we need to
play songs instead yeah I bet you'd like that bro fucking
you know you're allowed you're allowed to know for real the change yeah no yeah
they did change it yeah I invite you to co-host bro what's going on oh I thought
I accepted that oh that's a good start what the fuck all right bro I was at the
god damn it I'm such a fucking moron I went over to the office because they've
got all this good like photo equipment and shit you know why are you taking photos
not of me you fuck out of that of the the the book shit and the whatever fucking
light that they have is so heavy and hard to move around and use bro I like
I guarantee you all that shit is on video and I look like an absolute fucking
retard so those are books stacked I wondered what that was
mm-hmm pretty good hmm curse what the fuck are you not I know I kind of I've
been exhibiting at the whole time what about now no I can't mute I can't be
good am I good yeah hmm all right how's your day today hash ah good day
productive day busy but you know accomplished a lot of things checked off
a lot of kiddos hmm is there a reason why you're full of adrenaline right now I
took an Adderall late and I was sipping on a beer while I was over at the office
that's he did some physical exertion so he clumped up right now yeah well then
also yeah I had to like walk from my car tragic we have my place has like a
little fucking mini gym things and I could be like you should have that up
every day bro I'd be in there yeah I know I know I know yeah but I was it
took I was you know moving that shit around fucking god I'll I gotta send you
a picture of the setup you're moving up five pounds studio light around no no no
listen listen it was fucking ridiculous but I was almost done and I looked at my
fucking phone it was like 835 I was like hey guys so I'm gonna need 10
minutes yeah classic dude doesn't even tell us anymore though it's funny
because cranky said that last night she was like I bet has gonna be 10 minute
play and then just not gonna show up at all well I swear goo talked himself out
last night that was a really long three hours damn I did I forgot about that I
honestly forgot that we did that shit last night I was so late last night by
the way I could not fall asleep did you ever reveal your big news was your big
news I revealed yesterday I've got a thing I'm posting tomorrow so you're a
universe got a 4,000 word essay about the books that should be good well it's
a universe I would never write more words than threat guys I've seen you I've
seen you before how funny is that they heat that little chode boy unblock me
and also for oak did funny bro they love you now I don't understand what I'm
looking at what is this I know they're book spines I didn't know what it was
the story has only just begun like what what story isn't that crazy how hash is
making a game actually I think you're making a game do you have superheroes in
this game you can't wait you can't wait 12 fucking 16 hours sloppy just settle
your britches did oh it's coming soon okay I can wait yeah because I left
earlier then did you say settle your britches because that should never come
out of your mouth again if if possible I mean I don't like that word from you
either but when you say it I don't mind that word it's just you saying these
words I guess I'm trying to learn we're just gonna keep going from last night
yeah I think so yeah I'm just the peanut gallery I'm just the what was that
fucking title that was a good that was a good title yeah that's all I am wait
what did you just say again britches what did you say that's a title so this would
be the space should be settle your astrological I'm gonna write settle your
britches NFT influencers astrologically projecting into your britches what is a
bridge I was just watching the show about the autistic couples you love on
the spectrum I love that yeah now they travel huh they go oh that's cushion
cranky they're like I like that flower because you see those dandelions yeah I
do oh they look like little eyeballs yeah that's literally what the show just
said like ten minutes exactly what happened they were like those look like
little eyeballs yeah they do it's like okay I realized that if I didn't smoke
weed I am that guy I am those guys like that like when I meet you and I don't
know what to say I'm like wow look at that brick that's a weird brick don't
think the oldest brick like a fucking maniac that's why I'm like good in any
city any area because I just like start talking like hey what's up buddy yeah no
anyway did you see this building here look at this like I just fucking and it
always works I always have like I always make friends like that because there's I
find other artists wait and you bought banks these yeah and I find banks it's
like it's gonna have a style I think I look more autistic than a sound
it was funny yesterday when she came on the space it was like it was like that
show she was like hey sometimes maybe you're right about that when you get
nervous it used to be worse when you first started coming on you'd be like
hi everybody
right after everyone's like okay oh you're talking about that one time I ran
up two flights of steps because I didn't want my kids to hear the conversation
yeah that's it oh that was the other side too you would do that you were trying to do
it you see the evolution of Twitter space person right so shawpy gets on oh this is
fun then she's on non-stop right she gets hooked that she's like I loved it oh I could
do this I love this right and then all of a sudden then all of a sudden it's like it's
like fucking obsessed right the kids are like what is with mommy she's on the fucking
phone yelling at the phone all day everyone in this room if you have kids it's the same
so what's the hash bastard yeah they own bro goos daughter was grilling me today yeah they're
on to hash now I didn't realize it took many it took a long time for them to like hear
his voice and be like who is that fucking retard like it was like it took one conversation
of trying to pin down what the fuck goo means by whatever the fuck he's saying and then
you know almost morning to swallow a shotgun and then they were like does this person like
define life I said yeah like really good friends and business partners yeah we do we
have a daughter said don't talk to my dad like that absolutely not maybe a foot soldier
don't bring that up you made up for it that's hilarious I was nowhere near because I I tried
to forget it so forgive what do you mean forget talking about third guy pawning you pretty soon
it's gonna be it's gonna be goose kids I forget it's so bad because like what didn't you do the
same what could you say what can you say like what can you say to kids like adolescents well
actually it's funny it's funny because hash tried to level with my six-year-old and I had to tell
them both like she's six and you shut up my daughter's like listen okay I'll listen to you
hey I said listen to me real quick or something like that she's like all right I'll listen to
what you got to say and then like I'm trying to he's like no I don't want you talking well hash
this fucking shit every second he talks no I what else did he say he said like fucking sucks
balls like 200 times yeah sucks my ass that sucks my ass yeah what's next oh that's good
that sucks my balls what's next he wonders why I can't get my ideas out he's like that sucks balls
what's next what's next on the what's next on the docket no that sucks balls next all right
everybody we've got a meeting today all right when hash takes over the company the fucking the
marketing company everybody sit down we got a big client all right what are the pitches let's hear
okay you go ahead no that sucks balls next no that that that blows dick next
just out of curiosity goo how do you think he's not here anymore damn it who's gonna say
how do you think you would a call like that with your kids would go with jay gray jay gray would
probably turn them into little fucking internet marketers like they would be making money they
know no that would be fighting to be like listen kids how you know I ever heard of CBD now your
daddy you don't like that but I think you guys would like it listen fuck that shit we need to
get jay gray connected with fucking black clouds kid did that's what we got to do I know that
motherfucker runs it up in roblox he's gonna be a first roblox billionaire I'm sure jay gray can
leverage that some how do you become a how do you make money in roblox dude I don't know dude but
you know they got money and shit in there bro do you know you do you know who do know black
PC jr. BC jr. is gonna little cloud it's fucked up dude you're like like Kush you ever think it
like does it ever something you see like what kids are doing these days or you know stuff like that
or like a little like 12 year old tick-tock investor can you imagine if that shit was available when
we were kids like I feel like I would have been all over that shit we were absolutely yeah because
Kush is my age that's why with what we have the same we have the same internet 1.0 experience
right there's not a lot of people I can talk to and hear about like e-bombs world and like oh yeah hell
yeah e-bombs room but like even even stuff like playing MS-DOS games and shit like that like we
were all over that in like the early 90s like we would have we would have been on YouTube and shit
you know if we're pussies on social media yeah if you if you've never asked somebody age sex
location ASL like then you're not included in this conversation that's another big fat a chat room
asking that 1998 I was doing that on Twitter when I first started on Twitter if you don't remember your
name like I don't want to talk to you I still use mine my email address from there that was the first
message you sent me actually my sister-in-law and my sister-in-law and myself are the only people I
know who still use their AOL shit from the 90s and we didn't even know until we gave each other
an email for something and I was like no fucking way it was like the same it's like from the chat
room days I'm like why do you still have this does your I'm like this fucking you know does he
know you still have this fucking name because you're like yeah hit me up on ICQ mm-hmm remember
remember PK was saying PK PK classic line was like oh ICQ yeah that was really great it told me how
to talk to women that was the best I did too it's so funny to me that there were things that
happened like a long time ago that never took off and then years later did like everybody loves
tinder now but like the original tinder was hot or not plenty of fish the original tinder was
musically the original tinder was time time and location the original tinder was time and
location that website no I'm not tik-tok used to be musically type of location is the original
tinder not for me okay boy hot or not was like a swipe left or right if you think a girl's hot
or not and that was like Oh tinder that's like that's like 2000 man I said okay I used to log
up like that's what I'm saying back that like I've logged on to that website in in the high school
library I never use tender hey real quick like that into the mic again no I could was it like
tinder block it cuz like did people hook up from I sure did just like a rating did you you hooked up
from that I did how'd you do that cuz you could like DM in your town how far away dude and like
your cell phone number you can put your phone number on shit and send people takes is like off
the internet couldn't send him a picture but you could send him a text for 25 cents yeah so wait
wait wait how old are you what time frame is this is like 2000 oh shit you were in high school never oh
yeah I was I graduated in 2002 oh slop did you never have a cell phone with you didn't have
unlimited texting I had a first self your first stuff I just never thought I never thought to
message anybody yeah I thought you were laughing because you said you're paying 25 cents a tech dude
back in the day like they didn't have unlimited did you did you text a lot though I did text a lot
but oh no you didn't nobody text because right your parents would get fucking pissed when they
were like what the fuck who are all these texts like I remember I had it your parents would go
through the phone bill and like look like whose number is this oh the phone bill that's what
happened to me I had a screen PCS man I had like the neo phone kind of it was cool and then fucking
had great ringtones and fucking yeah oh yeah they were like they were like analog there's
like a fucking synth in there like man like it was like sick fucking and I remember I got a
$700 phone boom because of that shit doing all sorts of shit like cutting data whatever
I don't know cuz you seem like uh you seem like the kind of guy who I feel like at one point had
the next cell
uh no I said uh no key yeah the two like the unbreakable ones did I swear to god the 61 50
dude in New Zealand there was this crazy deal in like the 2000s and it was 10 bucks a month for
like unlimited everything and they just kept that deal for like 12 years what was that the
was that the illuminati phone plan that we don't get over here yeah but pretty much for 10 bucks a
month it was the aluminium not we have aluminium in our lines oh spectrum man I got I remember
like uh in like the mid 2000s I I kept getting grandfathered into this plan with Verizon where
they're like oh you get two gigabytes of data and like that's you didn't use anything like you never
were on internet there were no hot spots but that's just like it was no end it was just like
a browser looking at tits it used to cost you about 1.5 gigs anyway I was on my blackberry
trying to get on my browser and like takes 10 looking at it they sound like a fucking retard
go ahead looking at tits like who looks at tits on their phone well I didn't actually yeah I mean
hey oh I guess so never mind now it was good to look them up on the phone you didn't get the
same uh you didn't get you didn't get littered with pop-ups like I mean I don't mind tits at all
I'd like seeing them kids these days I'll never understand they don't get the women talking
I'm a fan anyway more inside hitting you with fucking 300 pop-ups and your parents coming upstairs
you can't x out of them fast enough I do remember downloading porn the first couple times with the
with everybody with the boys watching that come down like why is it taking so long and it's like
line by line clink on your on your quick time player it was no it was a pc it was fucking
I'll tell you a player no it wasn't it wasn't that it was the other one real time or something
what was the other one real time right is that this might be thinking of the same one
quick time is apple quick time is apple was it your modem yeah quick time no I think the real
I think what you're talking yeah the real player was uh it was real player it wasn't even microsoft
it was a plug-in mic it was x directs or something direct x plug-in for audio yeah ms to us the
original the original x videos don't know direct x was the was the video card a style for pc's
back then it was called direct x that's how they listen listening to pirated music on your win amp
player hell yeah that shit's all badass I was looking to try and actually mint a while ago I
was gonna mint uh win amp playlists like uh freeze frames of win amp skinned playlist yeah but with
the playlist so like the playlist open so you see what was playing like do you understand what I
mean it's kind of cool actually because you see wild shit because win amp time frame you don't
see anything new it's all like crazy time frame you know dude the simplest but like getting a new
win amp skin was like it was the simple things I like all that shit still there's a badass all
that you're like a badass when your computer looked like that yeah I mean it's it's like I
you had like I had the big ass fucking you know it's kind of crazy uh when you actually think about
like pc's genuinely like really haven't gone up in price like I remember I went to I got a gateway
like uh a pc gateway going to college and that shit was fucking two grand with the cow box yes
dude yes my whole boy worked for gateway at the store bro I had a laptop that was like the biggest
boost I got to college and the first thing I fucking did even though we were like not it was
very frowned upon because everybody was on the uh was on the same like you know dsl modem yeah
like don't download bear share or like lime bear share and it's the first thing that I fucking
downloaded hell yeah I just spent the first because I didn't know anybody and I was like damn
I'm lonely as shit like this isn't as cool as I thought it was going to be and so I just sat in
my room and just like downloaded music all fucking day yo you know what's cool about that era
there's all these fucking not only rap there's like a ton of artists that have that infiltrated
that era with mp3s or their shit but they would write in like every popular download
do you remember how like there would be downloads soldier boy with a king soldier boy did do it but
like brian jones town massacre that's another fucking band that did it a lot they did like they
like seeded the whole internet with their shit from doing napster to the limewire and just naming
it like grateful dead rare fucking track or like naz unreleased fucking illmatic mixtape and it's
soldier boy like like fucking fire ideas and they they got crazy off of that by the way that's
like where they spread it wasn't from social media yeah it's like soldier boy went went viral
because of that because everyone was downloading the song and everyone was like what the fuck is
this well actually soldier boy went crazy off you know what soldier boy went crazy off of soldier
boy went crazy off of ringtones remember yeah that too he was one of the highest selling ringtone
fucking persons ever at that point and that oh soldier tones
so he made like two million dollars off that 99 cent ringtone in that in 2000 whatever 99 right
when was that i don't fucking know it was like oh oh five yeah soldier boy was like oh four oh
five i think yeah yeah but he was literally a boy he just like yeah it's like that's like gorilla
marketing i hate to admit it misnaming that is so cool i think because you understand the algo
and the rhythm of that shit before yeah like he understood it as a young well somebody did but
yeah yeah like that there was that like i don't know if he understood it i don't know i don't know
i know he's i know somebody that knows like i've been around him with music i guess you could say
and like at that time too in the early days like they were pretty they're pretty fucking
you just hit us with like the ultimate jersey like you know i know a guy you know i know a guy
that's guy i got a guy that's got a guy yeah yeah he was telling me they played that he was telling
me he played a venue with him and uh it was in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the country in
the middle of nowhere like literally like in the middle of tennessee or something and like he played
after him or they were touring together or doing something it's not rapper it's like like deejays
and whatever with rappers whatever so like he goes they had a fucking ton of guns there was
like four of them and they had like probably two or three guns each in the middle of the field in
the middle of fucking they were like bro you can't like my homeboy and my friend my homeboy and his
friend had to like yo we gotta go back with all your shit and put it in the fucking thing
you can't have it out here you're gonna go to fucking jail they're gonna put you under the
prison for fucking 100 years bro if you even get a whiff of that out there because they were like
waving them around and it's like doing their songs like real fucking crazy because that was like
the beginning of that it was the beginning of drill really like a lot of that there was like
a lot of that fucking shit was in there and that that just ended by the way you see that
because you guys see this oh no i didn't yeah uh you see this uh you guys see uh
you know that dude ilia kazakab you know that guy yeah no little doodler guy you know
thank you yeah he did his uh he did his little uh nfp fam for the year and uh homeboy i pinned a
few of the favorites up top some of the some of the gold standards in our community little lemon
friends yeah he's rocking yep so so is a kid called beast so sick yeah morris love him i
was on reddit looking through some shit crypto and uh you know there's a community over there
trying to get a hold of get them over here mix them up but uh they fucking there's a lot of
a kid called beast over there i'd noticed and i'm trying to figure out if it's any of our friends
because i can't tell i'm i i almost think it is and then i'm like i don't know they're crazy
there's they they definitely i mean the actual homeboy that we like that's actually a dick though
he's like a dick but we like him that guy yeah yeah he's cool bro what are you talking about yeah no
like he's like he'll take like the opposite side of things which is funny to me and i like it he's
i like his style he's fucking funny he makes me that but he was talking about i like it yeah dude
he's funny he i remember something he said even that's how funny he is when i remember your jokes
like i you know you're funny like you know i never remember hashes i got a whole dictionary
that's that's not true hashes made me laugh for days days off different shit i remember one was
that thing we were saying back and forth what was it i was saying it again oh fuck dude remember
that word we made up oh man you said it no it was like gagadon it was early gagadon it was like
fucking og gagadon it was pre gagadon before we knew before we knew the thrill of gagadon and we
were doing it yeah what was the new one was uh the dark mistress one uh yeah we made up a word and
i was saying it every second you were saying it too we were saying it spaces every space
it's just me kush wasn't saying it uh shocker dude fucking wet blood canadian up here what
the fuck word was it it was so funny damn it all right forget it i can't i gotta stop doing that
you'll think of it just give like it randomly it's gonna come to you in like 15 minutes
i know see that's the thing why i do it even though it's not good for like this format
sometimes it's good but then people are like if they know they're like yelling if it's something
like that yeah but it's like i don't know i remember the word it was funny it was like we
it was like a wiener type word cocktock wenis it was some kind of like wiener dick joke but it was
good do you know what a hash do you know what a wenis is the thing on your elbows i hate i hate the
kind of stuff i'll just be quite honest why is wench not fucking talking and why couldn't
he come yesterday like what's with all the mystery x risk number one i couldn't say and you said hey
why doesn't somebody just do this i mean it was like fucking i was busy all right
okay i came in the other night i couldn't say ex-ristopher i can't say it's just what you know
well it's ex-topher what did belac he said he was like ex-
bathroom oh i hate that self bro what kind of blah blah is that the
is that the rostas you bought off me the the one my pfp what well sir black cloud bought one of my
rostas you know there's a rosta project that i had found on uh some other on matic i think it was
is that yours about five yeah five rostas oh not on matic though i'm at it they're somewhere
oh because i saw a whole shitload of them on something they're oh yeah they were the
cream of wheat folks from the the ex-cream of wheat folks when i did this before it was all pc
to hate them so like interesting back like like 2000 you know you put them out on what no one gave
a fuck about that no one does give a fuck it's only these soy dumb motherfuckers that are 20
that are in fucking nfts that think they have balls that that can call shots they don't know
shit they don't know anyone else they know shit they know dick nothing it's just it's virtue
signaling man and they scared you they scared you out of yourself fuck that look how good of a person
i am guys be yourself if hash kicks you out of here because he gets nervous that's on him
hash has said the most out of pocket craziness i've ever heard in my entire life and it's fucking
not even a question you haven't heard nothing yeah bro i know that that's why i'm saying for
you to kick wench out for being racist it's like he's 85 years old and he's from the south who
gives a fuck it goes with this thing it's not like it's not that bad he's not killing i know
the one time i i'm offended too i hate it disgusting shit yeah i know he gets nasty but
it's also like old-fashioned nasty so it's not totally that bad you gotta just be like all right
yeah it's like what uh what are the um what are the theo von call it little daytime racism
it's like that it's not like super hard because you know what it is is light-hearted fun
yeah he was saying something fucking hilarious today i'm married to a goog how can i be amazing
uh great amazing i mean aren't you uh is that just half uh oh no you're recording do yeah
you're done dude this is a trap for you hahaha it made you comfortable yeah be as racist as you want
now he's just gonna lose now you're gonna be totally banned sorry buddy one seems like the
kind of guy that still says oriental yeah he does oh my god i was in watching he says he says like
ah that jack bike instead of like a harley he's like oh that's a harley there was an article in
zero hedge about something about that's 70 shit no they they they harvard the new harvard plagiarist
oh god what is it but wait she got in like the negro review journal i'm god i don't even want
to hear this shit i hate all these fucking things but i want all this shit blown up though you know
what i want to say any journal with a fucking psychological ass kisser can suck a fucking dick
how about that come on you know who does that todd fine look at him he's in a jam up no one's
coming to his rescue he's got a psychological review out and all these things on hash bastards
he got jammed and he got jellied and jammed by gucci and fucking gordie he got bread that man on
some he's really getting fucked backwards yo i honestly hate that he's getting fucked backwards
it's really not fair how do you get fucked backwards reverse reverse he got fucked backwards
and forwards right in the front butt bro he had to go to one of the worst fucking county jails
in the country too for like a couple days or weeks or whatever it's fucking terrible he changed his
name to uh antifa terrace i mean good for him being nightmare like what are you gonna do at
this point like that's sick to fuck that guy like that with that kind of money
i mean that's kind of who got fucked dude they're like fucking suing him for like
a crazy amount of money now and there's all this shit going on it's crazy
big whatever bassy and gucci and dark fine yeah remember when he went he went in the
store and he went bananas i do remember that video it's wild that was good marketing for them
ha ha bananas i see what you did there how all i know is that was the best marketing they ever had
no one even knew what the fuck those two dummies were doing together they all they knew was gucci
was in walmart now and everyone was like ew with fucking bored ape gucci walmart fucking dildos
like on the show that's that's like whatever i mean i have my thoughts on that but it's like
it's uh yeah it's fucked up yeah you know it's good you're not usually not one to uh
stifle your really well my thoughts on that are that it's actually good in a way because it's
letting high-end brands get into every day spots so they can have series inside of their brand
that's that's for every day and then they can have just like you would buy a car maybe you would buy
the lower model and then the high end and it's still like a bmw or whatever i mean listen to
have gucci and walmart it is kind of in a way i don't know it's like that kind of thing cj
saying 100 because you know that's the i'm right but it's not but the but the flavor of it is not
good like there's something about it i'm conflicted you know i understand it as a businessman thing i
guess but i fucking hate that shit i guess but it's like it's to me it's it's like it's like uh
like if i went to like safeway and they were like hey we've got this wagyu beef and i i would just
be thinking the whole time like i mean but yeah like is it no i wouldn't be uh with safeway i
would not be i would say that's what i'm saying like gucci gucci at walmart though it's like
it's like oh you know like how if i found that wagyu beef i'd be like well it's not it's not
really marbled you know you gotta think you gotta think gucci's supposed to be gucci's supposed to
be sold by gucci only amount of limb there's only the amount they make of that line of whatever it
is in the stores that they have across the globe that's it or it's a one-of-one or it's like
specially made so there's no it's the same thing as like buying a fucking nft almost like it's
similar wait they're throwing gucci at walmart gucci has like a yeah yeah there's not clothes
it's like gucci fucking whatever the collab was was at walmart it was uh what was it it was stupid
it was it was something like that what the fuck was it why doesn't gucci just have like a less
brand you know like how well how there's acura but then there's honda right gucci i think that's why
that this is the breakthrough of that i think i think doing this to tell you the truth i think
it is kind of like that bro like please i fucked up like it like it's sort of never been done where
right has it i don't know it's like it's like fucci yeah it's weird to me it's like
wack gucci it's like the gucci it's like the gucci it's like the gucci you get out like
all foot like you know on like the lower east side like the torus by like fake handbags and
shit you know like yeah it says gucci doesn't it that's like kind of a lie bro i would even say
that's better quality that's those street those street things are very good but the things about
the fucking you know what to tell you the truth i don't know if i like that or not if jay gray
wants to come up here and tell us like what the fuck if we're you know yeah jay gray please come
up here bro but i mean bless us do you think like don't you think though i mean honestly aesthetically
and brand wise i don't like that i don't think luxury brands are supposed to really exactly
right yeah that's what i think as well i think you're right but here's the thing i think that's
also generational and i think that's also what we've been marketed dude stop agreeing dude have
your own opinion be your own if you buy gucci at walmart you smoke dusty weed for sure where to go
what is that no it was the board ape collab with gucci i gotta start by gucci walmart like what is
what is it called wuchi with a w no man jay jay gray you know what they should call you know
fucking great marketing call that shit fucking country couture
that's car heart yeah car heart should come out with a elite line they do nothing like a little
country car does have like a fucking you know that they do have like a car hoochie it's like
it's like mad expensive i don't know it's hard what are you talking about car heart itself is not
is not affordable like car heart's really good quality shit man that stuff's expensive it ain't
well i was i was happy as shit i found a zip up like winter hoodie and like it set on the dash
of my truck and like got sun bleached and like people are paying people to do it to their car
hell yeah so i feel stylish no i was talking about that i'm gonna put it i'm gonna i'm gonna
do that i'm gonna do one of the sweaters i'm gonna do like that nice i have a car for that
god bless bro god bless hey listen you're not gonna fit you though jay you're hit listen to hash
you're hitting tonight you're you're one of those modes where like you're uh you're on point
tonight and so keep them coming i don't think the latte knows that's the reason i can't even i
can't wear a large either it's fucking bullshit i don't care that has nothing to do with it i'm
just saying like hash is uh is hitting tonight block is right that was right on point what was it
is it what was it what so he answered the question
cranky how about i keep your negative comments to yourself did he answer i can't then i have
nothing to say all right facts you're right good point love all the facts of everybody really i
just had a fucking meltdown in my brain after that positive i had no idea what just happened there
that was like a short circuit jay could i ask you a question though do you think that that is smart
for gucci or why did you ask why did you ask like you were not gonna act like if he said no
like i would do it if i said no i power through please i power through it no i'm not taking
questions right now i wish you would have said that i would have said that call my people tomorrow
yeah yeah yeah i mean hey listen i'm just wondering if you got a way in i think i get
it was sweet talking the fucking board walmart was good but you know who the fuck am i and i'm
not so i'm not a holder of board ape trying to keep it expensive pickle sniffing losers who what
the fuck you're a resident marketeer and i you know i i thought it was good as shit i think
target would be good too but i know you know most people fucking thought it was the worst thing ever
they do understand i like walmart that's a big guy i got out boy bro me too figurines in target
target sucks ass bro you know what we've been miss sold excuse me excuse me it is target god
if it you know every time i remember growing up target is a girl store it's for fucking women
girls women and litterers they all love it every every age cranky cranky do you ever do you ever
like the uh the target challenge where you the target challenge is the same to me as the
costco challenge the target challenge is where you go in and you only buy what you went there to get
oh that's not fun can you also who the fuck goes to target when they need something oh yeah that's
the thing they go there and shop like who the fuck shops at a store like that it's terrible and the
other thing is who goes to get what they went to go there for like so can i can i just like when
malakai knew the name of that activity the target challenge oh i i mean that is gross i made it up
if somebody else said it they stole it from me but it sounds there used to be this thing uh
they used to give homeless people mad money and have them go into the stores and shop and they
had the radio they had everybody with a microphone and follow around and they had all these homeless
people shopping in stores like that and they would like talk the whole time and they would
also say it's fucking the best thing ever it's the best thing i mean that's that's a that's a
that's absolutely a jay gray uh like homeless shopping experience yeah i mean like why is it
that you can't go into target and just get what you went there for right because there's five
drones yet three dollar tank tops and who doesn't need those oh dude they're like trying there's
dude the different ways that they try to get that drone out of the air is just it's like i feel like
i shouldn't be laughing at it but how can you not how can you not you absolutely should um
oh man fuck black hey yeah i'm sorry never mind the only one that could throw you off up here
did you think that you are that you got you to kill them you killed me all over the place i got
them all hey dude i'm trying to answer you 25 minutes ago i'm still trying to get to you dude
did you think of that word yet oh no i i feel like it's you embodying wench these days i'm stuck in
this hole now my brain is stuck because i'm thinking of this other thing i wanted to say
see this sucks i'll see i'll see i gotta do kumbaya well goos and uh in a little bit of a
funk here jay gray personal thing i have a favor to ask you i've been looking for it forever
and it's it's really fucking annoying me and frustrating me that i can't find it because i
know it should be so easy to do you have by chance like it it's probably just like
a meme almost or a picture right but what they used to call them before memes just a graphic
where so i've been talking i've been talking to these people at work like in the marketing
department and my whole thing that i keep fucking screaming for the past like year to them is like
we need to find a better way of striking while the iron side so you know right that like if you
talk to some shut the fuck up so you know like when you talk to somebody and the interest is
there right like this is when you want to sell right now every day god damn it why the fuck can't
you just let me finish this so you know like when you have you call somebody a prospect right and
the interest is there and it's like every day that goes by like the attrition of how much like
people fall off and like the decrease in the like the percentage of you selling them
like one day two day a week two weeks like do you know what i'm talking about like there's actually
like analytics on like every day or hour day that goes by like how much it falls off i'm looking
probably find something i'll probably i'll look i'll look tonight and tomorrow but yeah after a
certain number of days you're basically starting over at square one yeah and it's killing me that
i can't find it because i used to have like so many different like sheets and analytics and
stuff and now i just can't find it it was literally just a picture with like one day two day three
day four day and then it goes to like seven days and then it's like 10 days 14 days and once you
get like 14 days out it's like just give up happy birthday yeah i got you i'll be able to
i appreciate you was that so hard hash like killing hash to do let that happen go ahead hash
what did you want to say happy birthday bro what were you even talking about all that time though
like you're asking him to look up a phrase from 1996 it's a very it's a very basic like marketing
statistic of like my if you talk oh my god and they're interested prostitute
i thought he said that too originally i just was like daydream i can see i could never work
yeah he says prostitute that's because in those meetings they're like
they don't know like when they don't have prospects they go get prostitutes so it's like
not true just you can't get prospects you can't get prostitutes unless you close your prospects
come on there that's what it is prostitutes and foreclosures i like i like i like finance
bro i saw dude i like that saw dude listen i just gotta tell you guys that the interest
that i have in this conversation is compounding that was good that was nice that was like really
you know i'm saying 401 of
when hash is on a roll like he's on a roll when he's not it no it is
oh it's terrible oh my god yeah but the only good thing is he powers it through he goes right on
through that bomb that suit that's why i love it i love nft nyc just powered through that bro
i love when he's in bomb mode he goes through months of bomb mode
you got Buddha you got Buddha upstate bro that was supposed to be
bro that was supposed to be like a fucking michael scott conference and you're like in there
it wasn't supposed to be a party it was supposed to be like a technology conference
people have been filtering in and out hey listen hey listen y'all can give hash y'all can give
hash a bunch of shit for getting booed on stage y'all would have fucking shit your pants and been
mumbling like an idiot up there but you got it now would have been fine but not you they're saying
i didn't even get fucking thank you dude i got whacked but here's the thing
well don't be don't be unreasonable it wasn't
i mean we could tell you they weren't laughing but it wasn't you to track
we love you my one you're the one
it's a middle finger you're the one it's a guy saying i'm gonna fucking kill you
i just love it how they only recorded the sound from the microphone right so you literally cannot
hear anyone in that row just pausing for laughs and you can't hear it shit he was he was probably
murdering it was probably murder's row up there and they're like the worst show the one on
do the worst listen listen all his friends are gonna his friends are gonna bust his balls for
30 years about it now yeah here's the thing the worst part about the recording and kush
fucking picked it up on that block which is of course he did of course he did i i would i because
i was genuinely getting laughed dude i have to pause for the laughter to do my neckline and then kush
was like oh dude you were pausing for a laugh or just fucking waiting inside i really said that bro
i almost feel like oh my god it's exactly i'm fucking sad dude and the hash would just be like
you know and then it would just be silent for a second and they'd be like anyway
we need to take that recording and ad lib in some different shit listen it's on youtube the
whole thing is on youtube it was like michael scott for real when he looks down and it says
audience will applaud here dude it was it was hilarious looks back up anyway
i just watched uh martin lawrence's stand-up it was on hbl or something and i was watching it
in the middle of the day like and it was old and i was like this hash i wonder i was thinking about
that time right this time we're talking about right now today actually and i was like yeah
i wonder if hash warmed up to go on stage like that like martin lawrence's right now before his
special he had like this like leather fucking crazy thing on and he was walking down always
yeah like a cross leather what was up with that i want to know too by the way that's a side
conversation but everywhere all of them had that shit no but hash like yeah it was the same
it was the same look as what hash does before he gets on stage like it was the same shit it was
i wish i would have recorded my phone i was just too like disgusted by today's
wiggles viewing that i put my phone away that was the first tweet i saw on the morning and i
was like what happened how fucking weird is it oh my god these fucking wiggles
no i'm not thinking what are you thinking about them i put them on
the fucking what do you mean i got a infant and a six-year-old and a dog
fucking hell oh so they're still around fucking my dog's a puppy
that puppy is getting he's getting mature but he's two now right he's up so well he's in the
competition he's like those parents that say yeah my kid's 77 months old he acts like he acts like
one of the kids right so he's a dick in other words uh all kids are dicks but i put it on this
morning and i'm like all right i'll put it on see i'm i'm six i'm like six years removed from
the wiggles like we watched the wiggles i went to their concert with my daughter it was awesome
i was tripping on mushrooms we were fucking it was chill it was good but it was a filly
and we got all these stories fucked up is that i also went to a wiggles concert and i was like
what the fuck what last year though i wasn't i was impossible didn't you didn't you go to one
with andrew wang no he did this little fuck we smelled so much you yeah i hate you i'll never
you know i never feel bad about busting your fucking balls i sometimes do and then i realized
later i'm like he said that about you would non-stop forever and and like i should really
hold you blood oath to that really you do you just said it again fuckhead bro i said your fucking
name dude all right but i will say is this gaslighting that i see yeah this is goo lighting
goo lighting i don't even remember what i was saying it was going to be interesting you fucking
jerk fucking jerk wolf he's the jerk what he is sounds really good too though hash lighting
he is he is that that's what he is that's what he's in his cabin he's a flesh hash light
that's a hash lighting in there he's a hash flashlight remember how upset hash
last night when other people cared more about him to visit him than acted oh god he's such a little
baby boy that's what i'm talking about jesus christ yeah i bet yeah wait wait a second
fucking hash what did you think about the concert by the way when you saw them
were the wiggles yeah bro did they play all their insurance at the top of my fucking lawn
what did you do i was singing fruit salad at the top of my lungs oh that that's what the playlist
that's what the playlist was that was a good that's a good one that's a banger actually
all right so listen all those songs today though but that's it that sounds so fucking weird and
creepy exactly right so i say six years removed there was never the first wiggle season was good
it was like 2000 or something 98 wow so that's your era i was fucking bitches at that time
motherfucker you're watching wiggles like a little bitch same i was dick deep lose clues
every fucking night of my life just kidding what were you talking about oh the abortion thing
spent 10 bands on abortions at that time that's what you said that was before it was legal dude
that's a hammer line anyway yeah but cuz you're so not american that's why you don't like that
you notice how jay grade was like yeah
what the fuck
jay gave us a hyped over that that was fucking hot or block a one of those degenerates was like
hyped about it uh anyway yeah bro so the so listen block a the fucking what happens next is a
shocking fruit salad yummy yummy yes innocuous not what you think it isn't even when you're being
funny it's really not but this next little bit that i see literally so now they started in 98 so
this is the newest shit from 2024 i think or 2023 the end of 2023 so this is the newest shit
they put out they didn't put out shit i'm not familiar with their new stuff this is what i'm
talking about their newest shit i'm familiar with the same as you the old school wiggles they rock
right the four there were emma lackey they were man that was the best okay here's what they did
into my concert when we went to see them right this was a couple years this was during covid like
this was 2021 maybe yeah because i was big pimping i was around over there at that time
i thought i was mr fucking hollywood with that with crypto so that that was definitely that time
i was like yeah we're going to the wiggles fucking going and so we go it uh it was cool
and yo they did a thing about lackey and they did like this he's like flaming like they did
something like and said that kind of uh and it was funny it wasn't yeah like you know how lackey's
kind of like he acts effeminate kind of or whatever i don't i don't know their names
yeah dude the fuck i know i fucking watch the shit for you what color shirt
uh the the youngest looking one not the gray hair guy that plays the short one
oh he's blue he's blue no yeah purple or blue okay we're on the same page yes that's lackey right
he's like so so they say you know when you watch them closely you could tell like he acts a little
like color-blinded so anyway they call him out kind of in this funny way during the show and all
the adults laugh the kids have no fucking idea and i laughed too it was it was cute actually it
wasn't nasty it wasn't like it was like it was kind of cool actually it was a good way to do it
in in the characters i mean do you know what i'm trying to say like to bring that up as in the show
instead of because it's obvious instead of like just saying i don't know because it's a kids thing
you know what i'm trying to say but they did it in a way that was like tasteful anyway flash forward
this fucking new shit is wildly crazy they have this dude with his pencil mustache doing fucking
ballerina with his cock out on 8 a.m with this out yeah dude yeah dude yeah yeah dude and fucking
this guy's doing a ballerina splits while this other dude is singing about has he's singing about
his fucking cafe is the best spot because they serve hot dogs at 8 a.m and they're fucking and
listen to this and they're dirty water dogs no they're vegan hot dogs who the fuck wants a vegan
hot dog at 8 a.m who wants a vegan hot dog at 8 a.m not one that sounds like Grindr for dick
exactly fucking right now you got a position bro you got my eight-year-old i mean my eight-year-old
i don't even have an eight-year-old my six-year-old fucking looking at this hot dog in my mouth
yeah bro we're all staring we're all staring at the screen my infant me and my daughter and we're
like right at the we're like your baby's like hey yo what the fuck they all had the same you know
like you know like yeah the baby's the baby yeah you know my daughter and the infant that's what
it is yeah you know like my face when i'm like disgusted at something every face was my face
looking at this thing the baby i don't know it's just like my face i'm imagining it my disgusted
face they're all looking at their dad like why did you bring us to this no they're looking at
the screen like what happened to my daughter was like how can he fit nine vegan hot dogs in his
mouth at one time bro emma's not even involved first of all we were watching the wiggles because
emma was like the star she was dancing and singing and she was the one it was a girl power you know
like it was cool now emma's backstage they got this fucking flambe thin mustache hang that's like
crazy bro dude this shit is crazy bro this shit is like old school black clouds friends name
no dude not even funny it's like this dude is like fucking old school hollywood pedophile like
it's serious like that you look at him you would never have like the old guys who would wear like
the flashers in old movies would trick ghosts and pencil must yes exactly what's the guy's name
what's the guy's name he looks like the guy who drinks martini and and he's like in hollywood
he's cool though he's not like a perv what's his name he's a director or whatever he looks like
him kind of like robert waters no no no like waters uh his last name is waters what's his
fucking first name uh director no anyway that dude he looks like him kind of the fuck there's
those bro yeah no he fucking bro he's so crazy that he does these ballerina moves you see this
dude and then i'm like no way i'm like is that what you see this guy he's in like fucking white
john waters john waters that's what he looks like john waters kind of he looks like kind of like
i like john waters but i think this guy this guy reminds me of Reno 911 kind of too so like i
wasn't sure at first when i first saw it i was really stoned when i first saw this episode
which was a couple only a couple days ago and uh because i keep i'm on content fucking mad hawk
like it's no there's no play over here with that shit it's off i don't give a fuck it's off like
i go crazy so i like i'll break that fucking tv too i don't give a fuck that's the other
thing they all know it so they're like all right i don't know what do you mean right now because
they go crazy bro when you take this shit off the tv they start going bananas but they they can't
go more bananas than me they're gonna break everything i'll fucking tell them listen to
me you break that you're never getting another one i'll break this tv go buy another one and
break it in front of you you're a whole fucking first out and my my daughter was like then what
you're gonna buy another one and i said yeah and then she's like what break it i said yeah
she's too smart for me because i'm like she's like calling me an idiot like what are you gonna
just keep doing that more i love it but yeah the next song is cream pie so emma's not even around
then all of a sudden emma's back only it's a little girl version of emma
right a little girl version of emma i've never seen before it looked like hash
with fucking pigtails by the way and fucking yeah and then basically unfortunate little girl
it looked like no glasses with pigtails that bitch is gonna be single for life it kind of
looked like the the movie the mask actually more like no i'm just kidding
yeah i'm not kidding actually because you're a dick with that goo shit so fuck that i'll
call you whatever now anyway rocky so bro cream pie they're singing about now from vegan hot dogs
8 a.m first thing the song what's the lyrics did what is the lyrics yeah yeah the first
song well i'll tell you the first song was literally like wake up in the morning and have
of uh and eat a hot dog for breakfast or have a hot dog for breakfast or something
then the neck and then oh man the guy serving them does every morning that's insane and the
guy serving them the guy serving them has leopard prints on the edges of all his like clothes which
i don't know and he's very well just like kush very well manicured which is cool but it's very
well endowed you say i mean he's catching the legs and he's holding the guy over his head
wow the picture is wild bro like that does not look like the wiggles that looks like some other
shit exactly the next fucking thing on there then please the next thing on there the next
thing was this cream pie shit and that's when i was like i gotta turn this off because it's fucking
nuts right now like this is nuts right now and then i started going is am i perverted like that
like am i i was just gonna ask that fucking perverted are we just so guarded in it i don't
think so bro it sounds fucked up dude gross i don't know that i don't know that it's me man
because their content never had anything like that that i never got one little inkling of it
then all of a sudden now two fucking three in a row it's like everything is so creepy
there's no girls like the girl isn't in there anymore it's all fucking weirdo fucking weird
listen i don't care if you want to make programming like that for for that like if you want to do
stuff like that do it fine i don't know how you do that whatever but don't mix it in and then be
like it's cool it's not cool to have fucking dicks flopping around and doing ballerina moves
at eight a.m talking about eating dicks eating hot dogs it's not fucking cool no matter if you're
gay straight or whatever it's not cool bro it's not vegan okay dick i like that thing all this
like fake dick shit on the screen it's like it's too early and everybody knows it it's like they
don't know it but they know it like everyone's like get this shit or and it's like i mean really
it's terrible like and then then then cream pies because you know what it is it's just like twitter
your brain is an algorithm your brain finds things and grabs onto it for life you don't just fucking
have a fetish because you uh whatever it's from life you get it and you keep it through life you
get it as a baby something you like as a baby and it turns into yes that is what it is also her
editor it's true so basically there's no there's no well like you want to be if you want to be low
brow about everything i mean we can but going sick on it no i get it i get what you said
no but what it is is very strange yeah because that's why jay because if you look up now a
cream pie song right what if my daughter goes on youtube when she can type into there and says
eight-year-old daughter no you buy emma cream pie emma what comes up like fucking what like
get the fuck out of here with that shit that's bullshit bro that's fucked up shit that's gross
like to me that was killed that has killed somebody shit like that to me i know i know
not right to say but it's true like that's kill somebody shit so i don't know what else to say
about and whoever's doing it like that's funny in the algo kind of nerd scumbag like whatever uh
dude that like whatever you want to call it i don't know how that works like people inject it in
but i mean i don't know the whole mechanism of like the wiggles are definitely woke now so
there's an investment involved they either went to get money from blackrock or one of these
subsidiaries that brought them in to vocals yeah like black cloud well they have to meet all these
standards so they have to show you know and then there's also like it could have been bought by
somebody it could have been bought by fucking joe biden's uh health secretary uh colonel
sanders fucking miss sanders or whatever whatever i don't know whoever's on a secret
with james o'keefe tonight yeah it could have been any chick with a dick it doesn't matter
what are the skies those glasses are fucking soft yeah i'm sorry but like jay gray like do you
i don't know how you are into conspiracies but like when jay when he shows up with just a pair
of glasses and then you like did you see the video today of him like following him out of the
restaurant it doesn't just seem like he's just a plant like he's like he's controlled off like
like oh it's a whole thigh up the whole james o'keefe thing it kind of does but then i i judge myself
i'm like okay i'm i'm chronically online not everybody on this planet is but like everybody
has to know who that guy is at this point you know the government for sure right who's it james
o'keefe the the old vera uh project veritas guy dude he's putting on glass a pair of sunglasses
that's it and then going on gay dates with fucking people that work at the white house
and they're like spilling their guts to him on camera and the guy was like the top one of the
top cyber security it's the only disguise he has is just a pair of glasses and they're not even
sunglasses dude hmm yeah they're like reading glasses hmm and that one was exposed uh like this
guy worked at the he was like cyber security department at the white house and he was like
yeah nobody likes the vite kamala harris and you know blah blah blah like honestly it was nothing
too shocking but like you can see he took james o'keefe took off his glasses and even james o'keefe
acted like that just revealed something i'm like dude they were like tiny silver frames like
you're not even disguised yeah i don't know i'm sorry whatever i don't know like you don't know
like you guys know who this guy is come on like you work right next to the president like you don't
know fucking james o'keefe is it's like i don't know bro i don't know i don't know i don't know
it's like weird when you the only thing the only thing i could think is that those people
in uh dc are like inside they it really is there's a dc bubble right like were they just
talk and hang out with each other and like they all think that they're completely impervious like
it would never happen to me like and they think they and they're above everybody else so it's like
you know i'm saying when they're on a date they're used to talking like that and it gets them laid
you know what i'm saying like talking about their cool job for the government and it's like
you know what i'm saying they're hyping themselves up
yeah remember when hash pawn not the right guy dude speaking of politics living in new jersey
i'm just curious uh for uh sloppy and you know what's it like having jerry nadler as an elected
official wait what did i spell i don't remember guy have you ever seen that guy
i'm sorry boy okay i'm just gonna post a picture of jerry nadler and just be like that's who
represents your state jerry nadler how do you not know who he is i hate that name i don't even know
i don't know who it is but his name wait until i show you a picture of him and you're gonna be even
more angry i don't care what they say because you know why no one follows their dumb rules
really like the stores do like the people who work at the store i don't even know what to say
about it i feel like jersey's kind of like it doesn't fucking matter you can't turn left
anywhere in new jersey am i right is that my memory or that's right that that is correct
that's really one of the main things yeah that's really one of the main influences in exchange
in exchange in exchange for not having to pump your own gas you can't take a left
right that's a pretty good deal honestly well i was telling these guys today like all the drugs
come from new jersey like literally every drug pharmaceutically or otherwise comes from new
jersey heroin comes from new jersey fentanyl comes from new jersey the golden triangle mexico
the golden triangle of all that's shit is elizabeth patterson and newark and it comes in
the docs there and it's fucking distributed from those places through the country names dude
it's just the way it is it always has been for like a long ass time bro that whole
shit pasea county everything is wild up there it's the fucking wild wild thing and it's not known
like that i mean just the other day there was five fucking fire trucks in an accident together
with pedestrians and civilians over some bullshit in the middle of the day
like that's what type of fucking like just shit they all crashed into each other
yeah like all the lights went off or something in the middle and like five fire trucks and all
these fucking morons they all crashed into each other it's like that crazy like it's that fucked
up people are that fucked up they sell like you could get there's doctors there you could get
like lean fucking prescriptions easy like it you know like there's a ton of shit
and people come to do that like in there you know it's fucking the it's crazy like the amount of
dark pool money that is here it's wild so i don't even know really about that shit like that too
you don't even know because i know i do know some of it from my cousin's wife is a prosecutor up
in those parts and i know some shit from that but i don't know the politics like i just know
what goes on from well i know i just i mean i grew up there too but it got bad like real worse
like real worse did you see that picture i posted uh at the top
just like what what is he dresses like that i don't know what the fuck is this guy yeah
he wears their belt like that he's like can i get a hamburger tuesday for today what is this guy's
deal what is this guy's deal even that's awesome dude that is the same guy's name wimbly it's a fucking
joke isn't it i'll gladly pay you tomorrow for a cheeseburger today what's his deal what's he
trying to do i mean he's a senator what's he gonna do nothing you know who the fuck what are
they gonna do it's a fucking what can they do i'm mr nadler what i want to do here is if i
what i really want to do is get the fuck out of here but if i can get what i want to get for
my house once i'm finished with it i would and i had to stay here still in state i would fucking
move close to alanix city and live in the middle of the pine barons and that would be it i would
just ride fucking dirt bikes back there and be out chilling my dog no leash and fucking up any
animal that comes near us blasting the motherfuckers right out of the fucking orbit anything he'll go
after any little shit any bear fucking whatever you got and that's it and that's what we do
we eat good and we chill out and then you go to the beach in the summer it's like right there
like it's sick but there's nothing to do what's your favorite beach in jersey
boo i mean i would say asbury for later in life beach yeah you know with the family island beach
is the shit because you could drive i drive on there with my truck and trip a little bit of a
redundant name island beach yeah it's beautiful there's fox doing foxes running
around you could drive on and camp and shit it's like one of the only places you could do that
in the state and they lock it down coastline there so bro fourth of july is a big party there
everybody parks that whole thing and everybody camps out for the whole weekend and just parties
and because it's crazy it's like cool yeah i'd probably do that this year maybe
yeah maybe it's good with the baby because you put the baby in the truck she's sleeping
for fucking 12 hours bro yeah so you just party right there the baby's right there hey where's
the baby just everybody's like oh there's a baby just look and you're fucking whacked out and then
you go take a nap wake up hey what's up time to feed the baby all right let's go yeah that's what
happens to me what are you whacked out on whatever i mean shit fourth of july it could be
mushrooms or something maybe or i don't know i i really i want to take like molly really all the
time whenever i can whenever i can you know that's what i would like that's like my drug of choice
uh-huh just nice 300 milligram of ecstasy
that would be dope to get every day instead of adderall i would get that that's it
that shit would fuck me so hard not if it's pure it's never pure i'm saying it used to be pure bro
shulgan made pure shit that's what i was saying last night josh logan alexander
dude have y'all seen that guy where his three his three best friends died in his backyard
oh yeah and they're saying yeah they're saying like i don't know one guy it was mike semec guys
was like this guy it was like sort of well known through school to be a chemist and he would make
drugs and shit and like yeah all of a sudden three of his buddies are fucking dead in his
backyard and like what the fuck how crazy of a story is that wait wait what is that story
it's from it's from wisconsin dude
north yeah
cheese fans and like
so he tried saying that he had been asleep uh because they were all doing a shit ton of
drugs uh two of them were laying dead in the backyard and one of them was like sitting on his
like a patio chair can you pin the story uh yeah probably it's a wild one it's it's fucking crazy
but like these people these guys never went home so like their girlfriends or wives came over found
dead bodies in the backyard and then eventually this guy came to the door like half naked and
was like oh i've been sleeping what do you mean they're still here and dead in the backyard like
what the fuck yeah i've been sleeping i got hit with a pink hammer what the fuck the poppies
upstairs i think it was fixing the hot tub when i woke up it's like nancy pelosi's husband or
something like running around in the underwear he was upstairs he was fixing the hot tub that guy
was up there fixing the hot tub you said that sir you said you said that sir yeah that's the last
time i saw him he was upstairs fixing the hot tub okay sir how did you get that uh hammer like he
was drunk drawing y'all a bubble bath the pappy hit me with his hammer he uses to fix the hot
yeah is that little nicky no he's like half waste he's waiting to get his meth so he could be like
hey what's going on here ah let me see i'm gonna go party i think ah stick in my ass
go over here i feel like goo's over here doing like a new age version of the uh
the jerky boys it's the pittsapapi and pelosi man
those those guys love each other man they've been hooking up for a long time those two boys
they've been pretending to hook up for a long time there's just so many so many old school
references to this like that's another one like if you don't know if you don't know who the jerky
boys are like you know oh man the jerky boys dude i was like uh i'm so embarrassed with
shit i did like i tried to sell that guy i feel like the other night you said something about
snaps and i was like god damn i haven't heard something killer haven't heard somebody reference
that in a long time or should i say haven't heard somebody reference that in a grip yeah
it is a been a it has been that long i would say classify that that amount dude she got that
grip grip lock lock classified it i would classify that is that amount of time is correct yes sir
certify grip grip 3000 hash you're the worst lingo you know like if you ever fucking i just
like when are you gonna like start writing your own shit for yourself how about that write your
own fucking script a little bit i think that's the worst lingo you do is that hash is big reveal
what that he's fucking writing his own script
i'll wait till after i get it i'm just gonna eat all my child school signs listen i helped you with
the design on that too so congrats looks really good yeah you'll like you'll ever get credit for
that oh hash over here biting the handle no it looks fucking sick though like i can't wait for
it to be revealed yeah i uh wait what is this what is this you're talking on i do i do wear my
my hazard hat out it's uh yeah the book is the book is killer the book is killer the hat though
the hat is stylish it is uh yeah the hat's nice when we do things we do it right boys
thank you for not selling us like a hundred and fifty dollar hoodie though i mean that was that's
the real alpha there well that's what i'm gonna do that's what i'm gonna do very soon
but i mean that's on brand you know you are you making ice right now i am but i would like to say
that book is gonna put hash on good morning america i think is it a coffee book is it a
i was gonna say that it's one of its it's it could be man
it could be it's it should be god that's like this should be scratch and sniff it has that
thing where they could be like what's an nft again or whatever they're gonna say when it starts
whatever a pop-up book with different textures and shit
he's like uh well next on the show we got hash bastards what is this now what's the woman's name
what is it no it's it was he uh regis and kathie he's like hey kathie kathie lee what's this boy's
name hash bastard yeah i can't wait goodness i'm definitely gonna be oh my goodness look at his
hair i'm definitely gonna be looking for a shout out on that one oh that's that's my boy right
there goo look there he is he's gonna be like goo he smells his own goo he'll say it he'll say it
on fucking bad and i'll murder him live no text i'm gonna be next if you're on that shit i'm there
too fucking get real you didn't say gmgf why you fucking it was not going to be a text like i said
you fucking idiot i'm going to be standing next to you and i'm going to say you better fucking do
that goo tells you to write your own material and then it invites himself on good morning america
with you jay jay jay who's been writing the material jay jay yeah me giving me been writing
it the whole time first of all wait a second see hash is a trade writer when you're a trade writer
you actually have to write pen to paper to make it count when you're a writer you just fucking spill
shit and people take it pay you and make it happen so that's what we do so there's a little
difference no you pay us no what i'm saying is we do that for free because we're friends but the
thing is that's what it is really though because because you know you see when uh you know what i
mean there kush what do you think was that well said or what exactly right bro right right
so hey actually your hash but i i was saying that book is going to be killer i mean it's killer
it is killer it is killer yeah it is killer appreciate you brother i should i showed everybody
over here a little bit of that that's why they're all like oh who is that that fucking
because they think it's cool i think but they won't ever tell you yeah they're gonna just
make fun of you until you're dead and then they'll say he was cool that's how that's how they are
so i will die and then they'll be like he was the best oh i love him yeah i'm gonna show up to your
family and i'll be like i was his best friend and the family's gonna be like he was so much
so many fights so many fights over whale goddess good one dude
fucking asshole i'll try chopping things
cares black house weird lately bro trying to dinner with his family bro he's trying to
be like a separatist he's an abolitionist yeah he's cleaning up his image what does that what
does that mean that that means he's got 15 percent of pissed at you he's a freedom fighter dude come
hey if i had my sound board we could listen to he's afraid of fighter
he's alive
shilling villain he's a freedom fighter when shilling villain coming back bro then we'll know
we're in bullish vibes never did know that if he comes back that expatriate
that expat oh hey black cloud good morning
what do you have for dennis and i black cloud okay just be nice kabot it's a little sticky
some sirloin pork chops black house got a bad diagnosis or something did you have did you go
to the prostate doctor or something something happened my stupid what's a sirloin sirloin
pork top i'm just messing around god damn it yeah well what a what a cush bee Jesus christ
actually you know what you're cool on the normal a lot of weed gummy yeah that's right we had a lot
of weed gummies motherfuckers they should be drugging women does that hurt your tummy that's
a that's offensive right now does that hurt your tummy the next day though oh no it's good untrue
or what no because he made with organic flour this guy it's a butter and his stomach hurts now
no yeah bro you ate two pounds of butter in one day no i still have a shitload of it no no no
only a pound and a half i just took one tablespoon of that shit
and that was enough for me a couple couple days a couple weeks so it sounds like you're still
happy because no i got 30 weed that i told you about before sounds like you're high because
you don't remember shit you told me fucking 23 asshole no i said 30 and i said garlic cookies
was whatever they're 23 or whatever remember and you said i wonder why remember and you were like
let me look at my ladies please let me look at my rolodux you smoke 18 dust weed bro what the fuck
are you talking about he's like what should i do he's in the background he's like what should i
do black cloud what should i do black cloud he brushed me probably three years later hey black
cloud hey black what should i do hey hey can you tell me what kind of weed can you look at this
Michigan thing hey black out like shut up dude it's like the big dog and the little dog nipping
at him like the big dogs just walked by like what's that place you shot that punch it up it's cool
configured dispensary like truck stuff zen yeah zen is a cookies dispenser isn't that a crypto
currency yeah a good one it is what happened what are we doing with that crypto we suck
what's wrong with us we follow these fucking morons no actually that one was a killer though
i mean come on that one was i gotta go see what my gas reward thing is i should take that out right
dxn reward you know bc how's the uh rain how does that work you guys could get fucking lit up dude
no enough
no no we're not winter's winter's over bro it's gonna be 50 degrees
oh we'll know tomorrow it's gonna snow in florida dude sorry you're fucked sorry nor nor nor nor
jay gray's gonna be uh yeah walking around in snow boots yeah he won't be yeah it's coming
what do you mean it's going to kill California's got that fucking
it's crazy it's finally expressed what do you mean no booty he's usually wearing hoe boots
your mom wears combat boots
you know you know the ones crazy wears no what was that from jay gray was i was like your mother
your mother wears pink army boots i don't know but it was fucking way back and
in this corner we got the red knight coming in
220 pounds in the white knight that's in the left corner we have the white knight coming in
yeah i want wait a second i wasn't sure women were property damn
oh shit ash relax jay gray there was there was a made for tv movie in 1989 called your mother
wears combat boots maybe that's where we get it that's fucking awesome see i told you i told you
that's like one of the oldest cut downs before they were called burns they were cut downs but
that's one of the oldest most classic ones dude no i didn't think hash was calling you hoe ish i
thought he was saying that's hash is a bitch i thought he was saying about it
wait i thought hash was a what was it what do we say earlier a birch
british i thought he was saying a british yeah he's british britches man
oh yeah you're britches yeah you're right god no this is this is the problem right here no
what do they say over there all right not completely unforeseen problem yeah yeah
totally dude no no no you know this is this is caught point to see your actions
who you talking to i'm chilling oh you guys what are you guys talking about
you're going after each other he didn't call her they got a side missy going
you've been talking the whole time me because you've been playing quiet psychological warfare
and sending emojis back and forth the whole time thumbs down and go silent chess over here
so yeah go ahead hash what do you want to say would you want to say big man
big man i can't you're gonna say something silly i think and it's gonna come back to play one of
these days and it's gonna be from kush because he'll remember and he'll probably slap you one
just for fun i was gonna say i don't know all i was saying was i saw that picture of kush and i
saw no flow so oh that's okay i had a fucking ski mask on well okay i didn't saw no wall
oh that was it all right all right wait your ball's not your type hat yeah
like the prize
he's seen it once before that's the only name i've seen it a few times it's unpleasant
um man sometimes vindication just tastes so fucking good
i'm smoking that indication myself
i forgot i changed my all my emojis to black
you're so edgy bro anyway i did that after i said i don't see color bro damn that's edgy dude
can i tell you yeah dude no he didn't hey dude no he did
you know how else does that is wench the basically uh future
yeah that's true that is true buddy hey can i tell you uh something i called out may 15th
2023 i just got a little hit back on this damn what happened you were right after all
thank you february 1st 2024 thank you riz riz coin oh just riz riz riz
fucking pump and dump bullshit scumbag by that little fucking twat what was that kid's name
i will smack that kid if i see him by the way on like that's a fact it doesn't matter if i see
that kid i'm smacking that kid that's the only kid in nfts that's the only kid in nfts period
that i ever met here that i will smack right now 100 open hand smack that kid will get it
as soon as i see him so mark my words i forgot your name that's how fucking much i care uh no cap
rich i'm gonna smack him open-handed and film it with my left hand when i see him and i'll see him
one of these days so it's out there it's been out there and everybody will see it and everybody
will laugh and this kid no it is on sight of that guy that guy's a fucking cunt in the highest order
and you know what i don't care if you scam if you this and that you just are not what you portray
bro if you're gonna it's not even that it's personal in the level that i just don't like him
i don't like the way he looks how about that so he's he's done i don't like this cut of his jib yeah
that's right i don't like the cut of your jib that's right you know you meet people hey if
he's a cunt does that make him a see you next tuesday it would be if he was around the block
but i don't think so you know what i'm saying he's from some spot he thinks he's tough he thinks
he's in thank you for pronouncing tuesday correctly balachas it's so funny because he's the only
i think i think he's the only guy i may be
back to you in the studio cranky
just talk a lot bro
these are fucking assholes i'll tell you
okay black black clouds elbow deep in some uh family dinner left
no no let's hear more about this riz guy go ahead oh yeah go ahead go ahead rizler
who what are you talking yeah roll up i'll fucking roll you up
let's hear black cloud fucking cuz that's not fucking web 3 riz dude who's this web 3
riz character dude don't worry about it you know what because i handle my own dirt hash comes in
in the fucking pinch always like the raise of your chip that he sees shit and he's like i don't like
how you're talking to my guy here he always comes in and says something no one else does
sometimes a kush is busy we handle this guy
you said i'll come in i'll swing some dick oh yeah you do you do yeah fuck yeah hell yeah
and then they're like oh he's one of y'all except stanky baby carrots on swing bro
baby carrots funny baby carrot dangling on a stick your dick looks like a baby's hand
holding a baby's carrot dangling on a baby stick you guys both of my toes better keep my dick
anyway i said your hand i said your hand looked like that by the way but everyone got all
it's crazy so okay you perverted weirdos uh perverted weirdos uh sorry black cloud go ahead
back to you my friend please fucking disgusted dude stop being an insult all right yeah that's
good next week stop fresh clean slate no more info shit on the timeline bro all right
dude that's good that's good advice as long as you as long as you're wearing duracell dude
that's all i care about yeah that's sound advice as long as i'm wearing what sir
um duracell what yeah what did you say duracell duracell it's like uh you made a better
yeah but it sounds like direct oh god are you going into bomb mode are you going into bomber room
so am i but i'm here rocking and rolling
puzzle doesn't work dude i do better out four hours of sleep to tell you the truth i'm funnier
because i could give a fuck so i just say whatever i'm not scared i'm in the zone i don't give a fuck
and then everyone says wow that was crazy and i say no that was life i'm about to go eat i'll
talk to y'all soon i love you love you jay gray bye gay dre jay play hey hey hey it's jay gray
i even tried to i try to do what he likes all the time like even say like jay
traumatized from all the questions you asked him from anonymous accounts bro i know i know i'm trying
to warm him back in graciously contract migration
that sounds like a uh a question maybe for you hash uh shabby's like i think it's a troll
she's laughing she's like it's funny that's the best clip ever actually there's so many
i remember why you know what's going on who came on and you asked about making gifts gifts or some
shit oh yeah that was with uh that was with what's his name to homie there whistle whistle yeah it was
like hash jay gray whistles with me on the stage and i was like oh fuck here comes you on at all
was it hash yeah and i was just trying not to laugh the whole time
but now this fucking retard it's so funny dude it's so funny why are you asking me about my
information now see this is what i think what are you i'm gonna why we're in an open source
community here like people need to get off their fucking ass and learn how to read like for real
what are you up to tonight go
uh what do you mean are you on are you unplugged toilet or making a drink
i'm just taking a sip and i muted i didn't i didn't use getting lead poison
no it's a mason jar full of ice water a mason jar what do you mean do you go home
he's got a bamboo straw some shit like that it's like fucking 24 ounces maybe i don't know it's
a lot i like it because you can fill up a lot of water nice then i just sit down here
and i wait to piss what wait do i fill up on ice water 24 ounces then i sit down here and i see how
about how many how many hours can i go without pissing you have a 20 i don't know piss boy
how many hours can i go without
us dude you have a 24 ounce you have a 24 ounce mason jar i believe so
hey listen how imagine how many cucumbers jay greek could pickle anything like that i mean you
could you could fit like a half ounce i mean like a half pound of weed i think in this thing
i think that's a lot of it's a lot of uh smokeable weed i think i think so
unlike those ohio mids you've been getting
blacklight i wanted to mention something uh mk ultra and northern lights are coming back and
a lot of crosses up here as well which is okay i'm interested they never went away man
thanks they did yeah but fucking good i got this one called uh ultra man and it's like mk ultra
mixed with something else wait so what what percentage thc is that that's what has new projects
ultra man yeah
yeah i got a 28 percenter today too it's ahead of though like i smoked it and i was like damn this
shit reminds me of the old ak yeah he was i know he's he was i was joking on fawn earlier
he really stepped his game up there with the old he's really got some tolerance now actually i
will say hash can smoke i mean he might get good what do you expect no man we smoked gas i got gas
for us to smoke and we were smoking it we smoked it fucking like bar we were just burning it and
we were hash was acting a little goofy but not really he was smoking it and he wasn't acting
he got a little paranoid that's what that lot was he said he was in his room uh spinning
no did you not say that the lot was her did it was like he smoked us the go bro
and did i not smoke all day oh yeah awesome me too i was fucking suited i was so happy with
that first blunt that first blunt was like i even think how high i was after that point i'm like
man i'm chasing that dragon still i was like yes i was like yeah dude i'll walk around it was just
from yeah i know that's what i mean it was freezing it's like that that was just hype though because
we were excited and we were high it was like a double hype excited and we're doing this weird ass
shit it's like this weird shit like we're gonna do what
wait wait what are we gonna do a live podcast bro hell yeah i need to get a fucking i need to get
seeds yeah black lives you're gonna send some seeds up there what about kush kush seeds
i'm black lives seeds kush nobody fuck with kush around here no i mean like canadian seeds
bro fuck out of here i'm not going to Ohio anyways you can't send me nothing
Columbus a sip on that city bro what the fuck
what you drink the water grip grip glock glock i know you're not coming here bro
you won't send you won't send anything via us post you know what's good as a platinum
og yeah bro anything platinum is so fucking good that like
listen that's what ADHD drink his uncle gave him og crank
what's that what do you do what did he give him to drink was it like homemade it was meth bro
oh yeah bikers bikers drink that shit they put it in their in their juice jungle juice like
how is it i don't know i mean
they ride their bikes bro me and black cloud are from africa bro you don't even know
that's right that's right you don't even know yeah hey can i ask you a question white boys from
Africa what's the five minute warning avocados from mexico was that what that was like five
minutes if we gotta go to bed yeah you gotta wrap in us now wrap like make but wrap like a present
all right i got some stuff what is what are we gonna do no i'm saying like you know
you know do your shit you know we got like five oh you're gonna go i'm trying to wrap it so like
if you got we do yeah good do it because my wife's telling me i gotta go to bed so let's wrap it up
i feel bad leaving early thanks boy okay let's wrap it up yeah look at look at look at look at
this now look at this look at look at this now getting roped in no kids no respect
no no no i'm talking about paulie paulie master chef me riz this kid this guy oh riz where riz go
where did he go bro
this is the time oh good god it took a second for that one to kick in
i have to do that i have to do that thread i gotta put that thread out
and i know you said somebody's backyard teaching their kids how to not play baseball
yeah this this thread could unify like 10 communities black cloud build a market democracy
lost thread why don't we do that dude i know it could bro we should look at this is starting
it right now i mean you we can do it right now i have it i have it all take that adi let's do it
yeah let's say gm let's gm with a collab collaborative
we stayed up all night let's do it let's do it like college we stayed up all night gm i'm not
doing that gm gf y baby gm gf y we've been up all night here you go gf y let's go viral today
yeah we'll start let's get crazy on twitter again like back in the day i want to start
selling shit again like pump this shit let's fucking go yeah we're fucking giving away
fucking cars let's go he turned into like a uh fucking show uh alt coins fucking food coin
shiller what happens when you start drinking dude it's not it's not from drinking it's from
you know what it is though it is it is an addiction thing it's a juice
it's a juice you get sort of got goo goo i swear to god like you're you have like a mic
like madonna or britney spears and it's like i do it's in my it looks just like that actually
it's got like the little styrofoam at the end of it yes in your piece it's right in front of your
mouth like you're like you're a trucker yep i can hear every breath each every breath you take
i mean it's it's a chat like it is the most like clear i have it so i can be dominant on
points when i really come in hard i tested everyone at best fire put them all on and said
all right buddy get on the other line we're gonna go on twitter that's where hock did it he's like
yeah i need the most dominant mic for social audio do you know what social audio you know
people that like that they talk i fucking hate people like that i always end up at barbecues in
the summer with people like that telling me about crypto and they talk like that and i don't say
shit i just like listen i was gonna say do you just like to act like oh crap bro i dress crazy
bro i look crazy and what's too crazy shit i smoke weed like it's snoop dog and it's like
fucking if i go to someone's barbecue i'm smoking weed as i cross the threshold into the you know
like i'm crossing the threshold into either the house or the fucking backyard
and the blighters already clicked on because my anxiety is piqued so i'm like and i'm dressed
like a fucking wallflower so it's got me i make sure i dress real funny when i go to this thing
they all wear like stuffed shirts so i wear like mad crazy shit and like talk crazy shit
because i talk crazy shit bro are they all are they all wearing blue belts no it's not totally
like that there's some there's some people you wouldn't expect actually but they don't say shit
either you know what i'm saying i just go there and i just they know now because it's been a couple
of years the first year i the first year there was like a feud between the women there
i didn't even know it and i'm chilling in the mud with my girlfriend it was my girlfriend at the
time who's now my wife and this girl comes up this hot fucking girl too by the way she was smoking
hot i was like what the fuck she comes up she starts talking to me right in front of my chick
and i'm like oh boy so i'm like looking at my chick like what is going on right now and i'm saying
and she doesn't say shit is just ice cold growing back and this chick goes to my girl and is like
oh who is this a different guy this year or something like said some crazy shit and i was
like didn't i come with you last year to this shit too and then and i was like man that girl
was smoking hot though what is going on over here there was like some kind of fucking feud
and i'm like dude i'm like what is this it's like the half field is a mccoys for reals
it's not even that shit is real like people that's not a half fields and mccoys it's it's
all over the place man west virginia and kentucky it's not even that dude it's the same family
sometimes that's where they're from oh yeah but that's what the chicks are like when they
feud over shit it's like a fucking god damn lord of the rings episode i'll be honest there you go
i'm really disappointed that whole time you were saying that you didn't use the word game of thrones
i don't really use that you know these fucking i like chicks that's my chick over there hey
what are you doing hey bottom chick you talking to my chicken this fucking brazu you don't have
any check what are you talking about i was about to say yeah fuck is this hey you got the bottom
boy sounds like you got like a jump off that's good to have though at your god damn push why did
you have to say that right when i was saying first of all i know one should make fun of him because
he's a chat he is a chat because look bro you're the opposite of a chat you need to
work some shit out well if you're talking about when i cut up on you yo you'll see a real chat
that's absolutely not bro yeah listen henge is a chat because he curtails he he's like
he makes everything fit yeah you better i'm just saying yeah yeah that's different
yeah push push throw fucking boxing kangaroos dude that's cool man i don't what i did whatever
oh he didn't even have according to him he didn't even have ps1 until like 2005 man he better watch
out yeah i mean we didn't have internet for 2008 so who and new dealing really no you had
an internet in the 90s yeah you're one of the first spots because i was like downloading doom and
quake and shit back in the day i'm just so glad that i wasn't the only person that
actually fell for that for a second where were you in 92 kush was like nah i didn't
have it till like 2005 and goo was like really thank you i needed that man it was like when um
i took the man belacé was talking to me about nft nyc one time and i was like yeah if i went
i'd probably drive i was like wait you don't live in new zealand like no i live in canada yeah it's
like quite a few months after knowing him and he's like no dude i'm in canada i was like what
we wouldn't even first of all we wouldn't be on the same time frame with him but you
never talk about canada you know when you when you say i was a little world over here
next thing i know a couple months you know not too long after that i'm watching i'm talking
stories about him fucking hitting slap shots of old corn that got fired into his shit out back
hell yeah it's like the most fucking chad canada the most like chad canadian alive man i hope they
grow corn again this year so i can do that and show you guys you gotta take a video of it because
it just sounds like the funniest fucking i will you gotta get a zoom in on the guy driving dude
he's so fucking fat he's probably like 350 pounds and he just does not give a fuck he's probably
like 23 and he's just looking at me just in this thousands of corn coves just flying at my house
fucking painting off the side what hey what you know you need actually know you need to get
pat cushion oh man dude there's so much you don't have a potato gun but for corn cobs
you're not gonna be able to sleep and just fucking fire him back at him oh fuck yeah before we
listen i gotta what's what's the what did polly want pork or what's going on
dude polly supposedly from the alpha that i have which is saved i have all the info
bro got the russi so what do you mean not this again let me fucking indulge
when uh oh no it's not posted about polly yeah no it's not that it's not that it's not that
well what do you mean did he post that i thought you posted about his uh he deleted it off of it but
i just plugged it in and i said team pepe versus team porky well apparently i don't know man i like
all i know is that little peep on the left
all i know is yeah let's wrap this up wait wait wait wait wait wait a second
yeah let's chill about pork in the red no the red night listen the red night listen
a wallet that can be a wallet that can be traced back to polly is to not it has some plausible
deniability but in the sense it is polly's wallet uh invested three in pork and then made
15 million the exact amount on the pump the exact amount that he needed to get out of the
yuga lawsuit it was that was made and basically it was it was sold and it's still bullish by the way
and there were six of them that did that at a certain amount and the fucking yo look at the
coin it's still so basically i don't know what to say about it like that but look at the coin it
didn't dump at all and it got like mad millions taken out of it in liquidity it's still got like
50 something locked that's just that's just numbers wait time out why did why did hash say
pork and then someone just joined the space that has i know yeah because that's what this is the
meta right now who is this cookie
oh and they have a frog they have a frog so it's like pepe too damn we're wrapping this shit
why let her oh man i'm trying some snack right now bro cookie does onto us all right that's alpha
we will see you guys uh when's the next one why can't we stay we should stay up all night
again that's fun all right i've got a bad day we'll do saturday saturday and then uh i don't
know we'll be all the time we'll be all the time we'll tell you guys feel better bro don't feel
better feel worse when you respond to her yeah chill you're gonna get you because you know what
you're gonna think other people are gonna think they can do that and they're gonna get it's gonna
be good not good it's not good it's not good yeah fucking god i'm good you know what i just
realized you know dude i haven't changed at all it's just the i know the circumstances have changed
so now you know oh i see what's going on don't be fair i haven't changed either another i see
hey listen that's fair if it's you know fair is not fair brother you know i just i don't know
i don't know if it's because i just got high but it is always it always sounds like he's talking
right at the end of an exhale he is uh yeah that's exactly his voice just sounds like he's like at
the end of his breath like right before he's about to my last breath every time i talk he's got to ask
my bro my last breath of life he's got that ass my better spaces is all i have so be safe hey don't
buy pork we'll see you on saturday no i'm buying pork motherfucker i don't care