RFK vs BIDEN vs TRUMP w/ Andrew Yang & Dave Smith

Recorded: June 4, 2023 Duration: 0:29:00



Looks like spaces itself have any technical glitches. Yeah, I think they're preparing for tomorrow's space with with Robert so not sure that place of all in it. Let me get the invite quickly out. I had a good question ready for Dave. Hopefully he joins again. He should. Hey, Aaron's here.
Hey Aaron, can you hear me? Oh, David's there. David's is good. Dave can you hear me? Yeah, so here you go. Yeah, yeah, yeah, not just broke Twitter. No, so they're doing tests as they prepare for tomorrow's space with Mr. Kennedy and Elon and David Sack. So it's kind of they said that, you know, expect a few glitches here.
in there. And we saw that yesterday yesterday we saw a lot of people get kicked off. But yeah, it's a day where you're saying if you remember what you're saying and then I asked us next follow up question. And I'll prepare the next follow up question so you can continue into it. Is that debating Trump? I just look, I've got concern. A Democrat should have a serious concern
on Biden debating Trump and Biden's performance against Trump. I just don't see how it's just hard to imagine Biden winning considering both the mental states. So how do you think RFK would perform if he was in a debate with Trump? It's a really interesting
interesting question, you know, and the elephant in the room with RFK is that, you know, he's got real vocal issues. And that's a real problem. I mean, it's a real problem to debate someone like Donald Trump with that. And it's a challenge to run for president, which after all is a speaking tour, really. I mean, that's kind of the gig and it's challenging.
Tell the, tell the audience what, what is the condition that RFK has? It's passed by. Yeah, it's a good thing. Well, I'm no expert in it. From what I understand is a neurological condition, something between the brain connectivity to the vocal cord. So I don't know.
know. And he has kind of better days and worse days with it. Now I will say doing an hour long podcast with him, you kind of start to forget about it and you're just listening to the points that the guy is making. That's a very different format than doing a, you get a minute, I get a minute who can land the bigger blow, which is what debating Donald
Trump turns into. So I think that would be a challenge for him. What's interesting about RFT is that he has angles against Donald Trump that Joe Biden doesn't have. He can challenge him on Operation Warp Speed where he is much more vulnerable to his own base, whereas Joe Biden
really hit him for that because Joe Biden is the one who wanted to mandate the thing. So there just be, it'd be a very interesting dynamic. Now look, it's still, it's a long shot for RFK to beat Joe Biden. It's a long shot to beat the sitting president who has the entire DNC and the entire establishment behind him. But no matter what happens in this,
It's just going to be to me, it's just very interesting to almost have a referendum within the Democratic Party about where exactly they stand on the COVID vaccine and where exactly they stand on the war in Ukraine. I think those things alone are very valuable to me. Before going to the war in Ukraine,
Just another general question and we're getting to specifics guys. I really want to dig into the war in Ukraine and the Missy Kennedy stands there. But what would you say are your biggest point of concern? The biggest weakness is you talked about the condition, the vocal condition that could be an issue especially in debates.
Beyond that Dave, is there any specific concerns or stances that could make it difficult for Robert to become the nominee? Well, I mean, I you know again, I don't exactly know I mean yeah look his stance on the on the COVID vaccine There certainly are a lot of Democratic voters who were taking quite a different
different stands at least two years ago, probably even one year ago, I think it's not as difficult for them today. If you look at the numbers, I mean the amount of people who got the initial double jab, and of course many of whom were coerced into doing so at the threat of losing their livelihood.
But it was something like 70% of the adult population. But then when it comes to getting boosted after that, the numbers are like half of that. And then being up to date with your boosters, the numbers are way less than that. So it's kind of hard to say exactly how much of a problem that position is within a democratic primary. I guess we're going to find out. A lot of his other policy is
that even things that I disagree with or have a problem with, I think are pretty standard liberal Democrat policies. So again, it's just going to be very interesting. I don't see the truth is that they know, and I think Andrew Yang was kind of getting at this before
I think they know that in a fair fight if they were to have honest debates and have an honest primary season, there's tremendous advantages over Joe Biden. Dave, one question I had before I asked you a question, I want to ask the same question, let me get the audience's thoughts.
Do you think Robert F. Kennedy Jr. would perform well debating Trump? And be honest, try not to have your biases dictate your answer. And I'm going to go through the comments to see what everyone thinks. I might do a poll as well. But go ahead, Simon. Yes, sure. So Dave, so one question I had was we saw an under
The question is linked to what the statement you made earlier. In the Democratic primary, do you think he's even going to get an opportunity, a fair chance? The reason I asked that question is we saw when there was actually even a primary in 2016 and 2020, what happened to Bernie Sanders, what they did in terms of the whole Bernie Bros and so on and so forth.
think that in this situation in 2024 he's even going to get a fair chance. Well it is a 100% guarantee that he will not get a fair chance. There's no question about this. I mean the DNC rigged the election against Bernie Sanders in 2016. In 2020 they had all of Joe Biden's
competition dropout and endorse him before Super Tuesday and made sure Elizabeth Warren stayed in to challenge him. Joe Biden had his campaign team get four former heads of the CIA and 50 different intelligence officials to sway up and down that Hunter Biden's laptop was had all the year
remarks of Russian disinformation. You know, it's really funny. And for all the like talk about how Donald Trump tried to steal the election, the democratic establishment tries to steal every single election. There is 0.002 infinity percent chance that this will be a fair process. The question is how
How much can they rig it this time?
He's going to Joe Rogan's podcast. Does he go on all these huge other platforms where he can shine and where he's got a long form platform to really dig into these issues? How much of an effect does that have? To me, that's the only question. I bet every dollar I have that the DNC will not give him a legitimate fair.
process. I am Dave just to add to that I mean I completely agree with you and it's going to be up to him and his team to be smart and to ensure that they get engagement come onto these bigger platforms because he is going to be sure by the mainstream media so I agree with you. Let me add Dr. Dinesh to that question please. Yeah Dave, it's Banish just wanted to
follow up a little bit on the commentary that you were making before the space crashed. I love the way that you explain. I never put two and two together and I never made the connection between him and Ron Paul and how he was super anti-war when others weren't when he was
uh... you know and all of those connections but ron paul never one and so now what you know are you saying and i know what was what was numbers that's what was numbers what ran polls numbers ron paul uh... ron paul uh... that that that he never got about twenty percent of the vote
Yeah, so was it just a different time? Dave is that your argument that it was just a different time and a different media landscape? Well, I mean, it's just factually true that it was a different time and a completely different landscape and back at that time a blackout on CNN was much more devastating for a presidential campaign than it is today. They're just they're just warrant the other
other alternative platforms, but you know another way to look at this is that, and just the parallel that I was drawing was just that at the time when George W. Bush, the Republican president, is saying, "You're either with us or you're with the terrorists." Ron Paul is coming out and saying, "Well, actually, it's the US military that kind of started this
fight. And actually, our foreign policy is what provoked Osama Ben Laden and created all this hatred. It's just the most polar opposite thing from what his establishment is saying. And I see a similarity in that to RFK saying this vaccine that you guys are mandating is actually harming people and
not helping them at all.
the vote for him. He did break all types of fundraising records and he did generate tremendous enthusiasm. And then the next presidential nominee, Donald Trump, stood up there and ran and won on the anti-war position. Now he didn't follow through on that perfectly, but he won on the position that we should end these wars.
could theoretically, you know, you could, I think those two things are related. Like I don't, I think the major difference is that you're talking about Republican primary voters and Democratic primary voters and just different populations. Democratic primary electorate is going to be
But majority college educated or aligned still middle aged is going to be the bulk of it. And the permission structure is just different in the Democratic Party versus the Republican Party. You saw it with Trump's victory in 2016 where Trump's like
like, yeah, whatever your bullshit orthodoxy is on trade or military interventions, fuck that shit. I'm just going to say what I think and what everyone's actually thinking. It's just a different environment on the democratic side.
relationship with the media. I think that running now you would try and obviously max out new platforms and podcasts. The dominance of corporate media is fading every month, quarter, whatever it is. But when it was last measured,
still 69% of Democrats have a high trust in corporate media. So let's say you shave a few points off that, you knock it down by like 65, 60 even. You still have like a very hard shell around a certain body, probably a majority of Democratic primary voters. But Andrew, the challenge. Sorry, go ahead, Dave.
So I don't necessarily disagree with all of that. I mean, I'm saying there's parallels between the two. I'm not equating them and saying that there's no differences. That's what's so interesting about RFK's campaign is that it's kind of going to be a measuring stick. I mean, yes, you make some fair points. Also, at the same time, an 80 year old socialist almost beat Hillary Clinton and they kind of had to
cheat in order to make sure he didn't. And it's true that polls will show in the 60s percentage of Democratic voters trust the mainstream media, but what percentage of them actually watch it and listen to it? I mean, CNN can't crack a million viewers a night on any of their shows. Again, I'm not saying you're right. There are differences
between where the Republican base is at and where the Democratic base is at, but we're going to kind of find out with this RFK campaign. And right now, considering the state of, as you've mentioned before, the coverage or lack thereof or negative coverage he's getting from the corporate press, I mean, the poll numbers are pretty interesting.
He's actually doing very good for someone who's mounting a primary campaign against a sitting president who's getting no corporate press attention or just negative attention where they're censoring him and then telling you they did that because he was wrong. It's pretty fascinating that he's doing so well.
I don't disagree really. I agree that there is like this, these successive waves of anti-establishment, energy and candidates, and I think Bernie is a great example. And the waves are just going to keep coming. And the question is, how high can the water level rise in any given cycle?
So, um, I mean, that's the question isn't it because essentially you've got this anti establishment sentiment on the riot and the coast of the city. This is getting annoying. Everyone, I want to go to you, but Andrew, there's a narrative that hasn't stopped.
that question is well and Aaron if you can touch on it as well. There's a narrative that is gaining a lot of steam and that's the anti establishment and this is something that Sully says in every freaking space anti establishment plays everything on the on the establishment and you know this is something that will benefit Robert and obviously benefits Trump. I want to get my
One's unrelated to RFK and that's why do you think that narrative is against our extraction and do you think that plays a role in RFK's popularity as a contender to Joe Biden? Andrew Aaron? Yeah, yeah, and Aaron, I'll start off and let you take this one if you want. Actually,
Let me just shut up Aaron go ahead you can go ahead and take that one Andrew I had something else to say but you're like the opposite of me silly We like each other up because we both want to speak to you go ahead Andrew Yeah, I'll hit this one then you can take it away Aaron so if you look at all of the Gallup polling on institutional trust It's just been declining very steadily over a month
multi-decade, even multi-generational period, and it's not just the presidency. It's education, media, big business, healthcare. Like you name it, our institutional trust has declined across the board in just about all these things. I think the most trusted institutional
in American life right now is the military at about 50 percent. After that it might be like librarians. It's definitely well below 50 percent for the presidency. And so in that environment people are going to get more and more ticked off and more and more drawn to anti-establishment
for them great, but it's frustrating to a lot of Americans where it's like when they do screw up, there's this total like blot of gout of the screw up that makes us lose trust. So that's why we're all plugging into this is because it's been building and building for years and years.
All right.
yes i can i can totally understand that i'd like to you know i want to be transparent that i've interviewed bobby and were in a lot of the you know i've joined a lot of uh... started a lot to see the media which is been in the news but not as much as you want because we're as i want to talk about but uh... because we're up and i can't tell me i can't tell me more about this is the little so#
I don't know what you can say, but that's music to slam as ears slam as like on vendetta against mainstream media So he's probably gonna join your lawsuit. He's a pretty rich guy So you probably throw some money at it as well I was just gonna wanted to have the transparent about you know that I about knowing Bobby, but there are nine I think nine of us is the hd may count as 10 but
we're doing mainstream, we're doing associated press, BBC Reuters and Washington Post. It's an anti-trust lawsuit first of its kind because of collusion, because they, I mean, it's been in Twitter files for those who like believe in Twitter files, but. >> We've covered it heavily, we've covered it heavily here.
Listen to a collusion by the mainstream media including the BBC please can't you man we I fuck I covered I cover educate your whole do you call me a horseman I I covered this collusion and the collusion is very clear and it's been it's fascinating to see what happens behind the scenes hold on we covered it yesterday men in the UK and the collusion when it came to lockdowns but Aaron sorry we
was taking the line right for me. Sure. And I, oh, thank you. No, I, I just thought I would mention that. But yes, so we're, we're doing them because it is in Twitter files revealed and many other places. The media would actually contact the social media platforms and say, Hey, if these, they're the 12 of us.
named the so-called disinformation dozen that would be Bobby Kennedy, Joe, Dr. McCollum, me and several others including I see a few of the 12 listening. One of them just died and before he died he said he was intentionally poisoned Dr. Rashid Bhutar but there were 12 of us that were named for sharing the most information about COVID and vaccines in
in the world and they targeted the 12 of us. They removed Bobby Kennedy and Joe, Dr. McCullough, and one other on YouTube removed our channels on the same day and changed the policy just to do so. And they're being sued to separately. But this is, I think the sentiment shifting against
to see their slum end is a lot more anti-media than I am, anti-media but in a very logical way. But just to see the amount of trust they're hemorrhaging over the last few decades that continues till today and that goes both on the left and the right. I don't see that to be, you know, before when you see mainstream media colluding
against a candidate that's a it's really hard to win when you have the media going against you. In today's age he could even leverage it to his advantage Aaron. Have you spoken about me about to rob about this and what's his stance on on the media because I know his his team is very critical and they get bothered every time
the media take things out of context. But are they using the anti-median narrative that lack a trust in mainstream media to their advantage? I think so. I mean, he's been talked to us and we've done interviews where he's been very clear on his feelings that the media isn't giving him a fair chance.
I thought it was interesting that CNN actually did interview him and give him somewhat of a fair chance, but again, as somebody else pointed out, there's nobody, there's nobody listening, nobody's watching CNN. And what I was actually going to say is that we need to take into account that there are millions of Republicans and Trump fans who are going to be voting for Bobby Kennedy in the in the primary. So.
That's what isn't taken into account when we're talking about the 19% of Democrats. So that's really what I had wanted, I wanted to say because they're just very loyal fans of Bobby, even though I don't know what'll happen. And if you were to win the primary, but they are voting for him, and that's been appallingly clear.
I think out of the millions of followers that that C.A.T. has, even though that's his nonprofit, that they've removed all of them for, you know, Facebook banned my several million followers and, you know, and I think they removed all his, his nonprofit, but there are millions of followers that he has there and, you know, millions on their
mailing list. And so those people are primarily or started out as Trump fans and some of them still say they vote for Trump in the general election if he is, you know, the not if they give him the Republican nominee, but they they're voting for Bobby in the primary. That's what I wanted to say. And I also think it's different than when Ron Paul was running because now we have
social media Elon Musk is interviewing Bobby next week and then tomorrow I'm interviewing tomorrow tomorrow. Okay, so yes, I did have a follow-up media narrative just works better on one side than the other I mean when you say that it just sounds like fake news and then if you're a Republican and you just rail against the media like DeSantis and Trump
It's a home run and everyone's doing it. It doesn't work as well. It doesn't work on that. It's interesting. I had to follow up with Andrew actually. Could I just jump in with one very quick thing? Yeah, so the really interesting thing about this though, Andrew, I think is
how much has that changed? And part of the reason why this happened amongst Republican voting base is if you remember, not that long ago, 15, 20 years ago, the Republicans were the ones who were the champions of the FBI and the CIA and the military in general, and they got burned really bad.
I mean, they got lied into the war in Iraq and supported it with all of their might. They got lied into the 20-year catastrophe in Afghanistan and supported it with all of their might. And then they got burned and they realized and they really turned against the establishment. And the question now is, did COVID do the same thing to voters on the Democratic side? I mean, most of these voters live
and you could not spread COVID if you got this jab and were forcing you to do it. And they were wrong about that. And the lockdowns destroyed people's lives and the school closures destroyed people's kids. And so the question is, where are the Democrats going to be moving forward? This is a really interesting test for that. I just wanted to add that.
for you on that. And it's linked to the points that you're making. We saw the mainstream media and it's something Aaron said that we're working together to basically destroy people or destroy candidates or minimize their impact. So a good example of that is when Musk took over Twitter, they all encourage you the same language, the same verb, you know, PR for the world's rich
Let's say Andrew Tee, he has charisma, he can eat and engage in alternative media with Kennedy. He doesn't have the same level of charisma. So therefore, do you think that he's going to have to up his ante on the level of engagement he has on alternative media? Such as your part for maybe other YouTube channels, maybe on larger Twitter spaces, maybe on
Rumble various other mediums to be a part cast like Aaron Aaron and Dave platforms like Aaron's and Dave's And yeah, I said the assa Dave's yeah, so that Mario I said Dave's I look like I look like a little classable Well, it certainly seems like that scene that's his game plan right I mean he's coming he's doing the podcast. He's doing this big Twitter space tomorrow. I've
a feeling that's going to garner an incredible amount of attention. Now, in terms of, you know, you have to be authentic to who you are. He's not Andrew Tate, he's not Donald Trump, but there is something about him, and he does have, there's an energy about him that, you know, he's a Kennedy. That's still hold some cash
and particularly amongst Democrats and older Democrats even and he's not like one of these like peripheral Kennedys like he married a cousin and took the name or something you know like he's Bobby Kennedys kid and I think that still holds some weight to it but I think he has to be who he is and I think that the long form in-depth
conversations that are not like what the mainstream corporate press has typically been where it's kind of like these very quick bullet point interviews. I think that's where he shines and so I think that's his advantage. You know, something you said Dave earlier, which was that he won't have a fair shot.
I have a question for Andrew. Andrew, you know that this question is going to come at some point, but I might as well just ask you here on our spaces since you're here on a Sunday. If RFK Jr. doesn't get a fair shot, and if RFK Jr. there is no primary in the Democratic Party, and he looks for a home, is forward
already going to open up your arms and say, you know what, you have a place with us? Oh, so we've already spoken about how like there aren't going to be debates. The primaries aren't going to be covered in the same way. So I don't think there is going to be much of a process on that side unless something very
very dramatically changes. In terms of what's next for various candidates, and by the way, I think they're going to be some Republicans who feel the same way, the major effort right now is through an organization called No Labels that is spending $50 million on ballot
I think they have it in five or six states now. And this is public, so I'm not spilling any beans, but like they're exploring a possibility of running a Republican and a Democrat together, or a Democrat Republican, some combination. So the mechanics of running a presidential candidate is that you need
ballot access on a party line. So this questions suggestive of the forward party. So those you don't know, I am the co-chair of one of the most prominent third parties in the country now. I think we might even be number three by resources, though I joke all the time
a very steep drop off between two and three. But I'll be frank and say we're not looking at the presidential and we won't have ballot access in all 50 states by 2024. So to the extent that someone wants to run as an independent, they would either need to team up with no labels or they would need to be getting ballot access like a media
Crackpile, which is highly likely, and he was to run as an independent. Who would he take the votes from? Like do you think it take a vote from Trump or do you think it take a vote from Biden? Well, again, in practical terms, like it would probably depend largely upon what ballot line he's under. So if you look at what's going
happen in the general in 2024. I believe that you're going to see like no labels line if they if like I mean though they will have procured the line. I don't know what they're going to do with it. You're going to see a libertarian line. You're going to see a green line in like you know 37 or 38 states. So I think who he takes
votes from is largely dependent upon what party line he's standing with and who his running mate is and his messaging thereafter. I think most of us listening to this by the way right now, I think he is going to get shafted by the DNC. Mary and William, certainly will probably feel the same way. And so, you know, you're going