Ridiculous #Kadena #NFTs - Udderly Ridiculous x Kadena Ecosystem AMA

Recorded: June 21, 2023 Duration: 0:53:30



What is happening? How you doing? Yeah, how are you? Doing well. Happy to have you here. So excited for them. Awesome. So we'll give it a few minutes for people to roll on in and then we'll get things started. Wonderful.
While we're waiting for everyone to join up, make sure you guys go check out cadena ecosystem.com. It is your website for all your cadena needs. It has all the different projects that are building on the cadena ecosystem. We also have a calendar of all of our upcoming AMAs. You can go see all the amazing projects that we're going to be talking to in the upcoming
weeks. Lots of really good conversations coming up. And we also have a build section where you can get job postings from around the different cadena book projects, including directly with the cadena team. So make sure you guys go check that out. You might find your dream job working in the Web 3 space and in the cadena ecosystem. So once again, that's cadena ecosystem.com.
Also make sure you check out KoWALAWALA.io. It is your passport to the Kedina ecosystem. It is available for both Android and iOS devices with a browser extension coming very soon. So be on the watch out for that. We have full NFT support, wallet support, full tokens
Support full in-app swaps brought to you by Katie swap and lots of other really cool features in the works Also supports fully supports cadena names as well. So if you have a cadena names account or want to buy one you can always go to the cadena names website get yourself a really cool domain tie it to your koala
wallet and then whenever anyone wants to send you funds you can just use that simple name instead of your big long address. So make sure you guys go check that out that's co-wala wallet.io. And if you like the wallet please make sure to leave a review on your respective app store. It would be very much appreciated and help us out immensely.
Also, if you want some really cool swag that drape yourself in some Kawala Wallet looking gear or even some Kadeena gear, we have you covered swag.kawala wallet.io is our store where you can pick up t-shirts, hoodies, stickers, hats, all types of really cool stuff.
with our really cool little Kuala Walla logo. We also have some other designs and some cadena theme designs as well with hopefully some partnered project designs coming in the near future. So be on the lookout for that. That's swag.kualawallet.io. Also, if you haven't checked it already,
Make sure to check out our new blockchain explorer for the Kadeena blockchain KDA Explorer.com. It is a little bit fancier, it is a little bit easier to read than the original chain web explorer and also has full NFT support. So if you want to go check out your NFTs, you can go put in your out.
All the different collections that are on the Cadena blockchain and check them all out. We just recently added a light mode support because it originally was just launched with dark mode. And then we also added a little NFT light box. So if you click on an NFT, it'll pop up in a nice little pop out box.
looking good and you can scroll through the NFTs, make things a little bit easier and more pleasing to the eye. And if there's anything you'd like to see added to the Explorer or like to leave any feedback, there is a section at the very bottom in the website footer where you can go and leave us your feedback in your comments because we would love what things you would like
to see added to the explorer or any thoughts you may have. So that's kdaxplor.com. So we'll get things started in just a minute here. If you are listening right now to the space, please make sure to share it on your timeline to get more people in here and spread the word of cadena. Thank you very much.
We have a little crew rolled in here. We also record all of our AMAs, so there will be live here on Twitter for up to 30 days. We also download them and edit them, make them sound pretty, and add them to both of our YouTube and SoundCloud accounts.
click on our profile here go to our link tree subscribe to our YouTube account follow us on SoundCloud to not miss out on any of these awesome AMAs we do as well as listen to the over 100 previous AMAs we've done with all the different projects from around the cadena ecosystem lots of real
really good conversations to listen to and lots of really good information so make sure you guys go and check that out. So let's get into this one and learn a little bit more about another project building. Welcome everybody to another AMA with Kadina ecosystem. Today we have with us utterly
ridiculous. Love the name right off the bat and likes to learn a little bit more about what you guys are up to over there and what you're planning on building on the Cadena ecosystem. So why don't we just start with a brief little introduction about yourself and what utterly ridiculous is all about. So take it away.
Well, thank you for this opportunity. I'm so excited to be able to share the vision of the project. I am the team right now working with some other people behind the scenes, but right now it's mostly just me. And I want to thank you so much for the KDA Explorer. I've been really enjoying
that and the NFT support you've been providing and just the way that all looks really smooth. Thank you so much for that development. My name's Victoria Benz. My friends call me Tori and I live in Hawaii. So I just wanted to introduce myself and give you a little bit of background about myself.
I really originally was a teacher for over 40 years, so I'm kind of old. And I've been in crypto since 2017, loving the KDA ecosystem, everything about it. I started mining KDA and then I discovered
KMC in the NFT world of cadena and I have been in a lot of projects some of which have rugged. So I am in a Ethereum project called Ape reunion which is for rugged NFT holders and they've developed into quite the
the project and I thought wow it would be really nice to have something like that for for cadena. So yeah, we've put this kind of program together pretty quickly. I'm working on the art and building up the discord. We're going to have raffles so that you
can turn in your rubbed NFT and kind of turn it into like a raffle ticket for some blue chip NFTs. So our first raffle is actually going to be today. We're doing three raffles. You can win a wizard, a cleric, or a druid, and you know it's going to be a good time for everyone.
who's already turned in some of their rug DNFTs. Awesome. It's good to hear that you're drawing inspiration from projects that have built on other chains that you've seen be successful, but also provide what is a very well-needed use case because
I've been following and building the Cadena ecosystem website now for a little over a year and we've seen lots of NFT projects come and go and unfortunately some of them have been straight up rugs where the community minted a whole bunch of NFTs and then just next thing you know they've gone in Communicado they you know their website
sites shut down, everything just kind of disappears and people are left holding these NFTs that they can't really sell or do anything with because no one wants to buy an NFT from a project that doesn't really exist anymore. So you're just kind of stuck with these useless NFTs and you're a wallet and it's really cool to hear that you've come up with
a way for people to be able to utilize those NFTs and kind of give them a new life. Now when it comes to the NFTs that people can raffle for, are you partnering with projects directly and they're kind of providing the NFTs for you? Or are you
kind of buying them yourself and kind of putting them up. How exactly is that working like the price pool? How is that built out? That's a great question. Right now it's all from my personal collection and I'm hoping to be able to sweep some projects. I just
minted five more CAD cars because I'm going to raffle those off and our next raffle. I just really want to give back to this great community, you know, and that's where where it's going to start is giving back. And then as we start minting, we'll be able to, you know,
We're going to have some higher to get NFTs that are existing or ecosystem. So, let's talk a little bit about the NFTs that you guys are going to be coming out with. And people can obviously see just by your profile pick that they're these really cool 3D,
Maybe go into a little detail about how you're making these NFTs, like how they're generated, and maybe some of the things that people might see in the NFTs, for example, some of the projects have been known like Secret Garden of Kadehna to put little nodes to other
other cadena projects within their NFTs. Will we see anything like that? You know, I noticed that too. The wonderful gnomes have those like, you know, the watch on the arm and some of those, you know, acknowledgments. Hey, there's Kevin. To some of the other projects. I love that idea.
I'm working on the art now, so I think that I really want to include that. I want to include that in a way that also awards someone for minting that particular NFT. So, I know you might have heard about the cadena watch coming out.
That's with the NFT by I'm going to butcher the name so I'm not anything that attempt to say the company But it's Baltimore to sell oh, yeah, I tried to pronounce it, but I want to give that away to whoever may
the one wearing the watch. So one of the cows will be wearing a watch and I haven't even announced this in the discord yet. So here's some early information. Well when that watch, when it comes out, which I believe is in a couple of months, I'll have to check in with them. Then it comes with a cool cadena NF
I want to give away a quest of your headset because my plan is to have our artwork include a PFP picture and also a 360 video. So you'll have, you know, kind of a cool
NFT to share with your friends.
It kind of feels like maybe another good use would be any of these projects that also have tokens attached to them like the wizard NFTs how you could possibly, you know, if one of your cows maybe has a wizard hat on and whoever mince that gets, you know, X amount of
something that we offer as a mint reward for people when they, you know, the special cows in the project. I think it would be really cool to be able to just share as much of the ecosystem with everyone as possible, you know. Well, we're going to try to include swarms too.
because I want to hear from the community and Swarms is such a great, you know, that experience. I'm sorry. That's right. Yeah, Swarms is awesome. They're building a lot of tools. I think that people are going to be able to utilize in a lot of different ways when it comes to getting their communities input
into their projects and how they want to see things ran. Now, kind of like Beetlejuice, you kind of said his name and he appeared. So Kevin, Kevin kind of jumped up on here. If he got something to add, Kevin, please feel free. No, I was just going to help her out with the the tea is solid on the name of the company. So it's
more. Thank you. You're welcome. They got a really cool watch except for the fact that cadena has now moved away from that color palette which was just really poor timing. It really was. I've already pre-ordered mine and they should be shipping.
out in a month or so, but I don't know it, it is going to be the old one, but it's kind of, I don't know, maybe kind of be the OG color. So I like that retro collectible color. Absolutely. There won't be ever been any more of those. That's right. Yeah, they're really nice watches too. I've
I remember watching some videos and seeing some previews of people wearing them and showing them off and they're really slick looking watches and they're also the company seems to make really high-end watches too and like ones that will last quite a while and not just these crappy little watches that are you know made like just made
for the fun of it, but they're actually high quality, nice watches. So hopefully lots of people will get to get their hands on those and apparently it sounds like if you are lucky enough to mint a cow with a watch on that you might be getting one yourself, that's very awesome. Let's maybe go into something
that you've been talking about with your project and that is your MooToken. Can you maybe discuss a little bit about what MooToken is and how it's going to be utilized by your project? Sure. The MooToken will be used in our project in a couple of different ways.
some raffles that just accept some new tokens so you don't have to turn in an NFT if you don't have an NFT that you want to burn and still want to enter the raffle. It's going to be air drop to people who get XP in our server. We use this, we're in our Discord's integrated with a project called Scratch.
And they have these XP experience bombs that we can drop on people. You can get it for interacting in the chat room and also for playing a role playing game called Conquest, which is super cool. And, excuse me.
So sorry. Sorry, choke there a little bit.
So it looks like the MUTOKEN will be something that in addition to being air drop to holders that have experience points and used in that. I also want to be able to use MUTOKEN to
help people like Doc U shield, rug, the Doc's rug that we had. There's said we have some rugs that weren't NFTs. So I was thinking the Moodtoken could also help support that. And that is our goal for the Moodtoken.
Now, this token, are you planning on doing any kind of ICO or selling the token or anything like that? We might do a small ICO. I'm still actually talking to my tokenomics advisor.
the best way to launch that token, but I really want to make it as affordable as possible. So we might launch the token after the mint and put a lot of the mint funds into just providing the liquidity pool for that to start.
Well, it sounds like it might be a good use case to get in touch with the guys over at Katie Swap and Katie launch and maybe see if they'd be willing to work alongside with you for some liquidity lockups, things like that too. Because I find that, you know, it's nice to provide a pool where people can trade their KDA for
or move tokens or whatever or lock their own liquidity. But it's another step further when the team locks up their tokens directly in a token locker or something like that and it really shows like that they're in it for the long haul and shows a little bit more transparency and kind of just
makes things a little bit more valuable to the community. Have you discussed thought of anything like that? And if not, we can definitely help get you in touch with the right people. Oh, that would be amazing. I was thinking about that, but I didn't even know who to talk to. I mean, I was thinking, oh, Katie Swap, Katie launched, but if I just send them an email, but I would love
that if you could get me in touch with the right person or people over there, that would be amazing. Yeah, that would be our main man of Fanzo over there. He is a working genius when it comes to all the stuff that Katie Labs is working on. So we can definitely probably hook you up and get you in talks with them because you
It's something that utilizing the existing protocols and projects that are already built and already have their vetted services and things like that on Kadeena that the community already trusts. I don't understand why projects don't take that jump to automatically want to work with these other projects.
projects. Because that's really one of the things that I really love about the cadena community is how everyone has been so helpful to each other and helped the projects kind of working off of each other and helping each other and building, you know, if you need help with dev size, there's lots of people
people from other projects that are willing to help with Dev stuff. If you need stuff with artwork or the NFT side, there's lots of people willing to step in and help with that. Have you noticed that? Like when you first came up with the idea for this NFT project and Mutoak and all that kind of stuff, did you
Did you find it hard to find people to help you and help guide you in the directions that you needed to go or were people just pretty much throwing their services at you? I'd say this is the best ecosystem around. People in this blockchain are amazing. You know, Amir has been a great help.
Everyone has been and just everyone wants to help. It's not hard to find the resources if you know who to ask. And everyone is like you said, if you have a dev question, you can just ask and they don't make it, you feel stupid. They're not like, oh, I can't believe you don't know that. Everyone is into help.
community. It's not like they're helping me personally. They're like, no, let's help make this the best blockchain that it can be. I think it's just incredible. Some of the things that are being built, some things that a mirror is doing in Discord with getting
connect and other things happening and yeah it's just incredible. I can't get over the sense of family you get you know you hear that and you see those you know gifts in all the discord rooms but it really does you know feel like family and friends you know.
I love that. Yeah, it's definitely turning into a well-knit community for sure. Especially the people who are, especially it shows the really passionate people too and the people who are actually in this for the better good of the whole community as opposed to their own
just lining their own pockets or working on their own thing, you know, besides not letting anyone else kind of have their say or have their work. And yeah, there's been lots of really great people. Amir, everyone over the Swarms team has been really great. There's been lots of really amazing people who have stepped up and are building some really amazing
tools that we're going to see come to flourishing very soon. I hope a lot of them are probably getting close to the end especially now that Marma-Lade V2 has officially been rolled out. I'm hoping to see a big push of projects that have been waiting on that because I know a lot of projects have been waiting on that because
It's no fun building a bunch of tools and building a bunch of infrastructure and releasing it just to have to go through and make a whole bunch of changes like a week later or whatever. So hopefully now that that's come to flourishing that we'll see people jumping on top of that, pushing those changes that they've been waiting on
for so long and finally starting to get some work going and get some real tools behind cadena because you know we've seen a little bit of the uptick today in cadena and whenever those kind of upticks happen like if you go to right now to like coin market cap cadena is right near the top for one
of the top movers for the last day or two. And when that kind of thing happens, you see a large spike in interest of people coming over to cadena like with our koala wallet, for example, we saw a large intake in the last day or two of downloads and people just checking out our pages and stuff because, you know, people
Well, no understand that you have to have a wallet and once they have their wallet, they start looking into what does this ecosystem have to offer. We've had lots of projects come and go but we've had a lot now that are probably getting close to their one year anniversaries.
things like that and projects that have been around and shown their value and hopefully a lot of them more a lot more will come and stick around and build something so that when the next big run happens, you know, which will involve all of the altcoins including cadena that will be in a really good position to be
to handle a very large influx of community members. And hopefully by then we won't have too many other rug projects happen out there, but you never know what's going to happen because like a lot of people didn't expect some of the projects that have rugged in the cadena space to actually
And I actually end up disappearing like you mentioned, docushield and the mint it side and things like that. So and another one that I recently noticed was the babena art project seems to be disappeared as well, which is kind of sad to see because they've been around for a very long time as well.
It's kind of glad though at the same time you know you don't want to see rugs but for a project like yours at least that when you do see those kind of things happen we're going to have a way to actually utilize those and actually make something of them. So when it comes to your NFT your cow NFTs that you're working
on? Have you been in talks with any kind of marketplaces or launch beds or any idea on how you're going to be actually minting these? Well, I love everything that, you know, a mirror and company are doing over there. And I think I might
I think that would be a, from what I've, the sneak peeks I've seen, it's amazing and beautiful. So I'm really excited about, you know, collaborating with him and launching on his, on its starts. I think that would be really cool.
Now you mentioned swarms a little earlier have you been thinking any ways of possibly integrating swarms into your project so that you know you do have the initial ideas of the token and the basic lay out of the project itself and how it's going to operate but have you been considering
maybe creating a Dow where people can use their cow NFTs or their moutokens as a voting mechanism on proposals and things of where your project could go, possibly proposals on which NFTs the Treasury should
hold or what one should be the next raffle? Have you been in any thoughts of possibly setting up something like that? Yes, I love swarms, the swarms, shout out to swarms, love swarms. I love everything they're doing and I love the idea of a doubt. I mean, it goes back to that everyone having a vote and
say and inclusion. One of the things that I want, you know, utterly ridiculous to include is some education about, you know, rugs, not every rug intended to rug. They all had good intentions and something happened. I know that happens.
But we want to provide, you know, a doxxing service, a tokenomic service for people, smart contract reviews, affordable services for upcoming projects so that the community can feel a little more secure about that.
You know a Dow would be really helpful in determining which projects we should choose for which services because it we want to make it very affordable so we have to be selective you know and When it comes to choosing which NFTs to raffle, you know, I think swarms can help with that. There's so many different ways swarms
can help. And I think that, you know, as the utterly ridiculous, you know, pool builds, we're going to need more and more votes by our community with what to do with those funds for the better of our community and, you know, the whole blockchain.
Yeah, I kind of so basically like right now as we said earlier the NFTs that you're putting up for raffles and things are coming out of kind of your own personal stash of NFTs. But is the basic idea of the cow NFT mint is to kind of build a treasury.
that is then going to be used to sweep floors, build up a wallet of NFTs that are then going to be used as raffles. Is that pretty much the plan of attack? Absolutely. We're going to use also Conquest to bring in money for the
treasury, but treasury funds I want to be picking up gnomes. I want more gnomes. I think we should definitely have gnomes to raffle to people for mutoqin and for burned NFTs. I want more boxing badgers in my life.
and I want more boxing badgers out there for everyone else. So, you know, I think that it's a great opportunity to to mint projects and to sweep floors and provide NFTs that people sometimes maybe couldn't, couldn't get otherwise.
One of the rewards, you know, one of the cows is gonna have a special wizard hat on because I'm giving out the archmage I have for, you know, a mint reward that I got for like, I don't know, 300 KD and
which was a pretty good deal, but not everyone can afford 300KDA for a really cool wizard. So I think that would be a great thing to raffle off. And as the Treasury builds, we can start picking up those one of ones in very unique NFTs also.
Yeah, that's that's a good thing where a doubt can really help you make those decisions because I'm sure lots of people would be willing to vote, you know, you just have to put up a proposal saying, hey, we want we're thinking of getting this special one of one NFT. This is their asking price.
and ways that you can utilize that and bring the community in so that all the decisions aren't kind of on your shoulders so that in case you buy an NFT that maybe the community
communities not so hyped or interested about that you're not stuck being like, oh well, oops, you know, like at least this way you kind of have you kind of have a bit yeah, you can kind of
definitely want to pick something that people like and want.
eyes, doubts, utilize ideas for. So, that one credible love it. That's one of the things that we can have these things so transparent too, you know, to not like somebody can rig it. So, love it. Now you mentioned something there a second ago about
kind of being educational tool and teaching people about rugs and how to kind of avoid them and things like that. And we've been talking about swarms and one of the recent AMAs I did was with one of the swarms team members named Curtis who's listening here right now into the space. And that was with his project that he's
working with called Guardians of Cadena. It kind of sounds like maybe there might be a really good opportunity for a little collaboration there because it seems like he both are very interested in making sure that the community is safe and that they walk down a safe path together to avoid these possible issues that we've seen with some of the
projects, have you maybe been in discussions with them and maybe throw a guardian into the raffle thing because we were speaking with them and their whole idea of creating a Dow based on these NFTs with such a very small limited supply kind of sounds like something that would be perfectly up your lane.
I love that idea, you know, as a former teacher, I'm taking notes on what you're saying just so you know. And yeah, I'm going to have to get in touch with Curtis and talk to him more about that because I think that would be really cool. We do have some overlap there and I would love to have, you know,
already in raffle too. So definitely something that Curtis and I can talk more about. I would be super exciting. I love all the integrations that are possible, you know, with everything. I think it's really, really an awesome opportunity.
Exactly. It's no sense rebuilding the wheel when all these people are also building these amazing platforms and amazing projects. And like we said earlier, you know, it is a very tight-knit community where we last time I did a little bit of research into how many people are roughly in the Karena community
when I say in the cadena community, I mean very active, buying the NFTs, being part of the communities, I'd say we're probably no more than about 300 people. It's not a large community. And that's because it seems to be very tight knit, but at the same time, you know, where people, people
are too busy chasing these meme tokens and things like that to bother looking into real projects like cadena and real use cases. They're just looking for the next big thing that's going to make them 100 times overnight kind of profits and they're kind of missing out on all these amazing opportunities when it
comes to these amazing proof of work blockchains and projects that are building upon them. So, you know, we're still so early in the game, but you know, as things start to progress and we start to see some of these other projects probably, you know, their life cycles are not going to be as long as Kedana, I feel out
I feel like a lot of these meme tokens and things like that, the people are betting on are knocking a withhold the stand of time. For example, you said you started in crypto since about 2017, which is pretty roughly the same time that I got into crypto. And if you go back and look at the top 100
or even the top 50 coins or even the top 10 coins on CoinMarketCap in 2017 as opposed to now. You see all of these coins that have just come and gone, come and gone, and it's always been interchanging and things are always going to change and hopefully one day soon, Kedana will be one of those
top coins. In fact, if you just go on CoinMarketCap and filter it by proof of work coins only, Kadena rushes way up in the standings. So that is kind of the future that we're moving towards. And hopefully, once that does happen, we'll be in a very good
and projects like yours and Secret Garden and Swarms and a bunch of other amazing projects are going to be able to come out on top and just kind of siphon in all of these new people that are just going to be looking for that next big thing, that next community, that next thing to get involved with.
Yes. I mean, absolutely. I mean, I feel like we're just so early here. You know, we have 300 very active people or so, but smart people, you know. It's really...
I feel honored to be around so many bright innovative people that are dedicated to making this a really special place to be and to innovate for. It's amazing.
It's just amazing. So excited for the future of it, you know, and getting the word out about it, you know, I think that once people hear about it, they become more engaged with it.
Now you are obviously very early in your production of your project and everything, but do you happen to have any rough timelines or possible like you know things you'd like to see happen and like you know what would you like would you like to have this the NFT
He's within a couple months or whatever. Any kind of loose timelines that you could possibly give me. I always tell people to do not say, "Oh, yes, we're going to have it done by this day," because that never works in crypto. That will blow up in your face 99%
We have a little saying over at Eucalyptus Labs of under promise and over deliver so that you never really set a full date but you always kind of come out with something a little bit more than what people were expecting and that's how you really keep people's interest and keep them in
involved in the projects that you're building. So what are your kind of dream timelines for utterly ridiculous? Oh, well, I would love it if, you know, utterly ridiculous launch, you know, shortly after Marmalade was out. But we'll see.
I don't want to rush it out too soon, but I also don't want to let it drag on for too long. There's a couple of things I'm still hoping for and waiting on. There's rumors out there that there might be a remit function for some of these rugged NFTs.
which would allow people to kind of remit a burned NFT and then it could be used again in the ecosystem within our project in Conquest or just to kind of keep it alive and not dead. Some drugged projects we can't
And there are a couple of collections that people have in their wallets that they can't transfer out of their wallet. So transferring capability coming out soon, hopefully, as a tool will be really helpful for our project.
Some things we're waiting for are tools, technology, and some things we're waiting for are some of the art things that I'm trying to put together, which is coming together kind of well, actually. And as soon as Marmalade is out and looking good, after that, we'll be one we'll be missing.
Awesome. Yeah, there's just that's been one of the things that has been kind of bogging down the community that I'm glad that the cadena team is actually starting to work really steadily on and that is setting set standards for their protocols throughout the board which started kind of with
quick sign when they finally got that implemented. And now we got V2 of Marmalade coming out and they obviously are working very hard on trying to make sure that the tools are there for people to build on. And even us here at Euclip to Slabs helping build out the wallet connection
version for two for people. It all comes together in the end and it's a process that takes a while for everyone to get to. But it provides the tools for great developers like Amir and the people at Wizards and the people at Swarms to build really
amazing platforms with really amazing tools. Everyone's just kind of got to do their part and the cadena team can only do so much. They've got their hand in so many different pots right now that they kind of need the community behind them to step up and build
this faster and get things really rolling because more interest is not a matter of when at this point. We're going to start seeing the people roll in. They're doing a big push to get more devs from other platforms to come over and start building
building on packed which is a lot of the work that Randy and his JS crew have been doing of trying to make sure that it's easier for developers to make that transition and hopefully that will bring the next big wave of projects and builders. When we first started building Kedina ecosystem
I was getting roughly 5 to sometimes 7 or 8 different projects that were signing out for our website to be listed there. And unfortunately in the past couple of months we'll be lucky if we get 5 in a month. So it's kind of shown that it's kind of died down a little bit. The bear market obviously
pushes people away, which doesn't really make much sense to me. You think that the bear market would be when people would want to build projects, especially if you're not doing it as a full-time job and it's just something you're doing as a hobby and for fun. This is the perfect time to be building. This is the time where you should be
and you have your tools in place, you have your community set up, you have all these things in place. It's like that old meme you see of people of the two different like buy windows.
And you know it's like Bitcoin at 60,000 and there's a lineup of a thousand people coming out from it and then Bitcoin at 20,000 and there's nobody standing there waiting. You know, and it's like I never I that that's exactly what happens, but it blows my mind that that's what happens. You know it should
obviously be reversed. Like right now with cadena being under a dollar people should be jumping at the chance. You know seeing that the potential that is behind it and the strong tight knit community that is also pretty much pushing it forward there's no real reason not to get involved with cadena.
But unfortunately, within our community, we also have a lot of naysayers and negative people who are very, very vocal. And whenever you try to do anything good, they're right there to shut it down or yell at you and call you a scam and call you this and that.
But like I always say to people just ignore those people they're sad and the moment the price goes up they'll shut up anyhow So Ignore those people they're sad. I love that. That's hilarious That is a wonderful advice. No, this is the you know during a bear is the best time to learn to
build to grow. I mean, now's the time because later, that's the time to, you know, appreciate what you've built, you know, during the bowl. So yeah, I don't understand it either, but that is a great name for sure. Don't understand human behavior sometimes about
No, it never made any sense to me, but I've always, I'd always tell people when it comes to investing with crypto and things like that, I use the adage of pennies now for dollars tomorrow. And that's kind of the way you need to look at it is, you know, yeah, something Canadian is only worth the pennies now.
but it's going to be worth dollars tomorrow. And it's just a matter of can you make it through the rough seas to see the calm water at the end. So, you know, I'm full of lots of little anecdotes like that. I like it.
Well, that's pretty much everything I had of questions to ask, but I don't know if you're maybe open to maybe see if anyone listening has any questions that they'd like to ask. I'm sure we got some really good people listening right now that maybe you might have some things to add or some questions to have, but I've absolutely loved everything I've heard today.
This is another great project that is filling a void that we really needed in the community, especially as we're seeing projects kind of disappear and people's wallets being filled up with these kind of, I don't want to say useless NFTs, but in a way they kind of are.
finding just a new way to breathe life into something that seems to have lost its way. And I want to really thank you for taking that, seeing that other project on Ethereum and seeing the use case in it and deciding this is something we need on Kadehna and then taking that and actually
actually running with it because people have ideas every day but not too many people actually take their ideas and roll with it and actually try to build them. They just kind of talk about why it doesn't someone build this and it's like well why don't you build it? What's stopping you from putting
in the minimal amount of effort to at least get the ball rolling and show that this is something that can be built and Kudana is a perfect place for building these new things. So I want to actually commend you for taking that leap because a lot of people are really scared to. Oh, thank you so much.
I really appreciate you having me on to discuss the project a bit more and share it with more people. Thank you. Of course. We love having new projects on and people who are passionate about the Cadena ecosystem and the community and it seems like you found a good fit here and hopefully
very soon people will be able to get their hands on these NFTs. Now you're already doing raffles and people can already submit their NFTs for the raffles. You maybe just want to quickly go over how people can get involved right now and the things that they can do to help push your project to flourishing.
Yeah, you know, right now just come in the discord and participate is the best way to get involved with us. We have a raffle that I'm going to be doing right after this AMA in our discord for the people who have turned in their NFTs thing no longer want. They're turned it into the
community wallet that we have for utterly ridiculous and then we draw the NFT name from that list of NFTs that were entered and we're going to give away a wizard to one person, a cleric to one person and a druid to one person. So wizard arena
NFT raffle today. And also because it's a wizard arena, we also are entering the people that won the Elite Tournament in Wizards for June. And they go into the drawing as well. We're going to spin a wheel and then I will send them their NFT that they want.
And the winners will also be entered into the next round of NFTs for drawing, for example, when we're going to do the CAD cars. If they won, they automatically go back into the next drawing and everyone else gets sent to the burner wallet. They get sent off to slaughter.
Now people can send in NFTs that aren't necessarily rug projects like if they just I don't know are sick of looking at it in their wallet or something they could just they can really they can you know if they really wanted to they could send any NFT they wanted to couldn't they? Absolutely any NFT
they want to transfer to get rid of? Absolutely. They can. Yes. But they should be aware that that NFT will be burned and will be taken out of existence forever. Correct. Correct. Unless it wins, then it rolls over into the next one. But as soon as you look
It's burnt and it's gone. Yeah, awesome. Well, um, doesn't look like anyone had any questions, but you do have a discord and you're very active in there. Everyone's very active. It's a very active server. So I definitely recommend everyone to go and join
I had a long time no talk. I had a question about your collection. We've never actually even talked about it, but I'm excited to see it and see what it looks like. What were you thinking as far as a size?
in that project. I mean, what was kind of the idea, you know, what would be called the collection size at this point? How many NFTs do you plan on making? I plan on making between 300 and 500, not a lot. So, a nice, yeah, an exclusive small group of
of fabulous smart people. Well, the people should get those ones. She get those ones. Nothing against the large questions. I like all the smaller, smaller niche ones. So it was actually just curious. I like all the collections. Yes. I love all the collections. Big or small? Okay.
I think that's actually almost the perfect size of a collection right now when it comes to the existing cadena community because you know it's not a huge community. Three to five hundred is pretty much perfect. It's a good chance that at that number you will possibly sell out
So I think that's kind of the perfect thing. Plus that also will promote more secondary sales because once the community does start to grow people will hear about your project and want to be able to get in which will give people the opportunity to
to flip their NFTs if they want to, things like that. So it really opens up a lot more possibilities for the future, keeping your collection into a smaller amount as opposed to doing thousands and thousands or a 10,000 collection or anything like that.
Yeah, I think so too. Yeah.
Awesome. Well, thank you, Vermeer, for coming up and asking questions. Good to get a little clarity on things like that. But yeah, I'm absolutely blown away by the project. I think you guys are going to be the next one of the next big projects in the Kedina ecosystem. You definitely have a really good plan of attack figured out. You know exactly kind of
where you want the project to go. And once you have it built, you know, if you start off with a good dow, the community will guide the ship in the appropriate ways that they see fit. And hopefully we'll just keep driving it forward and bring even more people to the use case. So I want to thank you again for joining us today.
teaching us about what utterly ridiculous is all about and I can't wait to see you guys get your NFTs out and really start rolling and get more people involved and start helping those people who may have fell on unfortunate times with some of the projects they've invested in in the past and kind of get a little bit of redemption.
Absolutely. Thank you so much for having me on. Of course. So next time you have any kind of updates or if you're getting closer to your mint or anything like that, do not hesitate to reach out. We love to have you back.
another conversation we're always willing and always able to host these awesome spaces and you've been absolutely excellent to talk with and yeah so thank you very much everyone for joining us today this has been another amazing space make sure you guys
Go check out utterly ridiculous. Follow them here on Twitter. Join their Discord. Get involved. Go send those old NFTs you have sitting around in your wads for your chance to win. So I'm really cool NFTs. So thank you again for joining us. It's been a great talk.
Hello, huh?
All right, thank you very much everyone for listening. Thank you for coming out and enjoying another space here, Cadena ecosystem. Make sure you guys go check out CadenaEcosystem.com, check out our calendar of all of our upcoming AMAs and we will catch you in the next one. Thank you very much for listening and take care.