Riding the Cosmos w/@interchaininfo ⚛️| 🎙️Stakin Twitter Space #15⚛️

Recorded: Nov. 14, 2022 Duration: 1:02:10



The MGuides, and welcome to this Estating Cosmos ecosystem through the spaces. My name is Delray. I'm always happy to have you here.
In the start with our special guest of today, I'm very excited about this conversation and what these guys are building. More on that coming up.
There are spaces I'll see you in the audience. A big shout out to you, bro. Always on top of the spaces of the cosmos.
And I spoke, I'll be seeing you for joining, bro. How you doing? Doing well. Thanks so much for having me and Terra spaces. This is an extra like, this is why you're so needed. Tank. I was just in another space with crypto tank. That's still going on a bit. So I think we may get a smaller audience here today.
know that people are interested and I'll definitely be using that recording to stay up to date on everything. So as always, you'd shout out to aerospace. Awesome, bro. No worries. Well, we get to your conversation. I will go ahead and just share a few of you as taking updates that way we can give more time for the people to to come in the app
and if not, I like you say we also will be having the recording. So well guys last week last week was great if you ask me since having in crypto I believe that last week was the craziest week we have in a while so I just hope you all
are all holding on very well. If you need to disconnect and touch grass, don't hesitate in doing that. I did the same this week and I basically disconnect of almost everything so that I can rest a little. Sometimes the timeline can get so full of the same thing and you can end up overwhelmed.
Well, by all the information and that's not good in my opinion. So yeah, hope you're holding on well. Like I was saying the sticking team was at least one last week or was two weeks ago, two weeks ago. Yeah, two weeks ago, we were able to meet some good fellas there, expect more content.
and coming up soon. Also, we've got ahead and mentioned the Staking Dashboard. It's been live for a month already. For those of you that don't know, the Staking Dashboard, let's you see all your stake assets. And you don't have to connect your wallet. You just have to add the wallet and you can view
all your addresses in one place, it's more like viewing the addresses and you're not able to transfer anything. Just to consult all your assets, you can do it on this taking dashboard.
Also, the website is going to have a refresh coming soon. I just wanted to give you the update on that. Respect that refresh website front very, very soon. Remember to follow us on Twitter.
You can join our telegram, our discord, and our YouTube for more on the staking.
And of course, guys, don't forget to share the spaces that way more people can know that this is happening right now and feel free to send a reaction from time to time that way. I know that the people are here, at least in the spaces. And also that made me, that assures me that you're still there.
So that was all for me. The main topic that we will be having today is about intershane index. I've been talking with Timmy from Spark IBC about this topic for a while now. I'm very happy that everything is consolidating and we're getting through line
cool steam. What these guys are building, I will let Timmy explain better what they're doing but from my point of view I believe what they're building is very necessary for the ecosystem because it's it's great being able to go to Google and search for anything
and you can get all kinds of information related to that. With the intershane index, people will be able to do the just that. They will arrive to the cosmos and they will have this guide when they can consult all the information regarding cosmos and more. That's what they call the
So really interesting project. Again, Timmy. Thank you so much for joining. I'm pretty sure that the people will find this conversation very valuable. So let's jump right into it. How you feeling, man? Yeah, I hope they see the value as well. Real quick before I get into the inner chain and the
This may seem a little cheesy or patronizing or something to that respect, but I'm very, very genuine with this. So there's been a lot of drama in the cosmos lately. There is a ton of uncertainty in the wider crypto market. But beneath all
that like when I first kind of joined the Cosmos community as Timmy and made my attendant Timmy account not as spark. You know, Stacon was one of the players I saw as like a big player and someone I looked up to it seemed like they did good stuff. They had a solid following. They validated outside of the Cosmos even.
And to get to the point where like you guys are taking an interest in what we're doing and one support us with these kind of spaces like it it goes to show there's still some beauty going on in crypto and I'm actually very Like very honored in a way. I think it is just kind of humbling to fact
that a bunch of people are starting to recognize what we're doing. And I think it speaks to the ability to start grassroots stuff in the cosmos and see it blow up into something massive. Anyways, with that out of the way. Yes, so little forward.
warning as I first start describing inner-chain info and chatting about it, it might seem a little bit boring because there is not a token that you invest in. It is not a DeFi product. It is not a flashy NFT collection that might moan.
I would urge you to keep that thinking at bay because I and all of my team and many people that we've spoken to genuinely believe that this is actually one of the most important pieces of the cosmos puzzle that will probably do more for your bags.
than any project you could invest in. This will raise the entire Cosmos up. So from the top, and hopefully you can bear with me on this, Cosmos sort of inherently has some issues with it that are
unavoidable because they come from the core of what Cosmos is, how it works, what makes it special, and we wouldn't trade those for the world. That problem, I kind of like to call the fragmentation problem, and it should be pretty self-explanatory right off the bat, right? Cosmos is incredibly
fragmented. We have truly sovereign chains. We have pretty grassroots validator sets. It makes sense that this is like the most wild west sort of feeling place in crypto. And that is a huge
huge barrier to mass adoption. That is far bigger of a barrier than not having the shiniest new DeFi protocol or not having the coolest or the highest volume on chain or any of these other more specific things.
Normies and just regular people in general and Normies is such a weird word I don't even like that I just use that because it's a whole spectrum right even within crypto Twitter There's a spectrum of how comfortable people are with everything how much they understand and Right now I have tried to get and I'm sure many people listening will hear this
echo this sentiment. I've tried to get many friends and family into Cosmos and luckily they kind of have, but it usually stops at them putting Adam in a private wallet, which is a victory. I count that. Like that's great. But I've just noticed from there it is extremely difficult to explore.
We all know about the awesome stuff going on because of crypto Twitter. We have croncats in the audience which I think is a perfect example. I think croncats is going to be huge. I think what they're building is crucially important and just fucking cool. We're hopefully going to be working with them on some of our
stuff for inner chain info, so I'll get into that a little later. But they are the perfect example of how the hell is an average person going to learn about Chromecast. Like someone who just bought Adam on Coinbase. Where is that connection going to be made? Some people would point to ecosystem pages
for chains like you know cosmos has its ecosystem page the cosmos hub which tries to look at all chains and ecosystems but it's it's not actually that that helpful it's missing some stuff it has you know every exchange that cosmos is listed on as if that's helpful Adam is listed on
And then individual chains have their ecosystem pages. Sure, you better be able to find that chain first. I guarantee you it's not as popular as Adam. So what we're looking to do with inner chain info is two things wrapped into one that are like the same but different.
One is to just create a unified hub of information and tools for the greater interchange. So greater interchange, we basically mean anything that's going to connect to IBC or that is built on Cosmos Tech. So polygon, built on the Cosmos SDK,
finance smart chain built on the Cosmos SDK, polkadot and some others soon enabling IBC. They'll all be included because this is where the future is going and we're planning for it. But not to deviate too much there. We think that having a unified hub to
find information in tooling is crucial to letting people feel comfortable exploring the cosmos and just successfully being able to do it. But the other sort of thing that Interchain info hopes to do, and that it's wrapped up into that, but kind of seen from a different angle, is make
the most appear more blue chip unified and buttoned up. It doesn't matter the specifics like we're doing it with providing access to information, but just having something that gives the impression, which should be the reality here soon enough if we keep working in this direction, that Cosmos is a uniform
where ecosystems work together is needed. They also value their sovereignty. They find the balance there. It needs to be some sort of feeling of one ecosystem because the average even semi-savvy crypto investor is not really a
chain hopper in a multi ecosystem explorer. I don't consider myself a multi ecosystem explorer. I'm not sure how many of you guys do because I don't consider the different chains and cosmos separate ecosystems. Most things in cosmos would fail on their own. Osmosis is often pointed to
the shining like this thing's just working great like it's the real hub of the cosmos, whatever. What the hell would that be without all the other chains? What would you be transacting? What would be the coins, right? Osmosis is great because of the rest of the cosmos and you could say that for pretty much every project and chain. So
I think I'll probably stop there because I was pretty long-winded. But, and I'll happily get into the details here as we keep chatting about how we want to accomplish these goals, what we're building, where we are in our timeline. But I think it's important to realize that like, fundamentally, this is crucial to cause most gaining
mass adoption. Far more than the next big anchor protocol, the next big Cosmos version of Board Apes or whatever the NFT like. That stuff's great. That's going to continue to happen. There's going to be cool innovation. But there is nothing like
giving the masses confidence and tools for exploring and navigating to foster that adoption. That's sort of where we're at as a starting point. That's our mindset and we're dead set to like make a dent in this fragmentation problem. Problem.
Thank you so much for that, Timmy, and I do agree with you, brother. I mean, even though we are a system with different networks that are connected to each other, right?
There has to be some unity in regards to the platform, the information that the people see outside of the ecosystem. Because like you say, not all investors
take the time to like getting involved with the communities right join in telegram groups follow you on Twitter for example they use one investment the project and that's it move under on their next investment so I believe what you're doing it's gonna be critical it's gonna be it's gonna feel a super
big gap in my opinion and I just can't wait to see it. I just don't have it in the recording bro. I don't know if you could do like a one minute explanation on what is intershane index about and yeah just that bro and we're
go from there. Yes, cool. Let's do it. So I'll give first a 20 second. Interchain info has three parts to it, the Interchain index, which is like a Wikipedia of the cosmos and the greater Interchain, the resources hub, which is an aggregate for content from YouTube,
which medium, Twitter, audio platforms, etc. And then the dashboard, the interchange dashboard, which is not, we'll get into it, not in competition with something like the dashboard. Stakein is using actually is something where we hope to bring more attention to the type of tools like Stakein.
But let's start with the index. So quick 30 second pitch index Wikipedia of the cosmos community maintained anyone will be able to submit new pages or submit changes to existing ones. It will not be fully open like Wikipedia.
We will have oversight there, we will have to approve and push these changes through, although we do have some sort of levels of like admin access in mind that we're working on so we could give a project owner the ability to push through changes that
community members submit for their page or their project, but then we still have final say over them, of course. But in essence, community maintained wiki of everything in the cosmos from validators to organizations to pieces of tech like Cosm wasm and IBC to projects to change
to NFT collections, kind of just everything. We want to make it so that when you see something on a news article or on Twitter or even just a coin on your central exchange, you can come here, Google that, Google that, Interchain info that, search that and
and you'll get a page like specifically on that that has tight integration to the rest of our site. So, you know, if you're looking at the page on Staken, you might as a validator and an influencer/educator, you'd also get some links to any articles or videos that they've put on our resources section.
That wasn't his brief review as you asked, but I did my best. You're good man, that's really great. And that makes me curious because it seems that you will handle a big amount of information. I'm not talking
about financial information or estate assets, I'm talking about, you know, actually information like all the pages of Wikipedia, right? How do you plan on gathering and getting all this information
for your platform. If you could expand maybe on how the community can help you in this mission and how. Can I comment on this? I can explain a little bit. No, you cannot. No, I move Jimmy. No, this is important because
It's not. Are you the community? No, you're not. You hold all of your Adam on a sentence. Please leave. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right#
right? Timmy, you can continue with the question I ask and give me the order. We will have you back on the stage. We will just let you know when you can speak again, all right? So take your hour, Tim, all right?
Cool. Okay, I'm fine with that. There's a time and place for Jimmy and I accept that and it's just not right now. Cool. So.
So, currently actually we have over, what was the last number we were at? I think we're at over 800 pages that we already have in our database on projects, chains, blah, blah, blah, everything I went through before. And that's mainly from a lot of internal work. Actually,
shout out to Gritz. A lot of people who have seen him around Twitter, he did a ton of work and just basic like compiling of names and projects to look into. And so now as we are approaching a closed beta, we are shifting to more thorough content creation. So while we have those
You know, 800, whatever pages. Some of them are pretty bare bones. You know, we put in the important major links website and Twitter, a little brief. Usually we just pulled like the first paragraph from there about section or white paper or something. So we have those pages, but they're not doing those projects justice. They're pretty bare bones. So
Unfortunately, right now before we're live, we don't want to just share a link and say, "Hey, any projects fill this out, give us your information," just because that's a little too open. We don't want to have to sort through spam and such. So we're basically encouraging anybody and everybody who is involved
with a fan of passionate about or even just knowledgeable about some project or collection or whatever. To reach out to us you can de- this account, Tenderman Timmy's account, Interchain info, Discord, Twitter, whatever. And just get in touch with us and say, "Hey, I am either representing this project
or an avid user and fan of this project, I'd love to submit some information in a write-up for it. We'll give you a link at that point that you'll be able to submit that info with. Once the site is live, you will be able to do all this stuff natively on-site with the native UI and without our immediate oversight to send your
a link or anything. But for now in our pre-launched state, we're just encouraging people to reach out. And if you're wondering like what exactly do you want for writing, like what would I reach out and write for you, really do think of it like Wikipedia. You don't have to tackle the whole thing. Let's say you were super
plugged in to the Juno whale drama with Takumi a few months back. And you just like, you were following every bit of that. And so you have a lot of that in your head. Feel free to submit some writing on that part of Juno's history. You don't have to do the whole article. Same with projects, kind of same mindset.
you know, what would you want the community of the world to have put on your projects with Kapiti a page if it had one? Like, you know, nothing to what's the word here I'm looking for? I don't want to say biased. Kapiti is just very like
Kind of factual right it's like third person language here is the history of what happened here is the basics of what it does Yeah, yeah save any kind of Promotion or opinion pieces that sort of stuff for content
content for our resources section or the content you're already doing. But basically, I kind of am a broken record here, but like Wikipedia is sort of the model for the index as far as how the content should be formatted, what kind of content we're looking for, just let people who are curious about your project be able to easily find
page that gives them all the basic info as well as integrations and links to continue exploring other things beyond that basic info.
I remember working on this boring job and sometimes it was like a downtime and I had nothing to do but all the pages in the computer were like in a block and the only page that I was able to access was Wikipedia and I was able to read a lot and and just thinking on having some
something similar for the ecosystem. I find it really valuable, bro. I'm curious. And before I ask you this question, I want to do a quick pause here. In case someone in the audience has something to say, when I share something, when I share any comments on the intershane,
in the project. If you have the request to speak, I will have you on the stage. Something I forgot to say is that I will call you and then you can speak, right? After that, we can go ahead and continue the conversation. But yeah, you're just wanting to say that. Timmy, I'm curious.
Personally, I like the idea. I wanted to see implemented. I'm pretty sure you have got many good comments on the project, but also other comments that maybe are not so good. I don't know. How could you share some of the comments or feedbacks that you have on the project on Ultimate Keybetter?
Or just whatever, whatever common, bro. Yeah, I mean, I actually feel very fortunate. I think the closest to pushback or negative comments we've got is some people rightly calling out that what we're doing is just very, very ambitious.
Everyone has been in support. We've also made sure to go about everything with an attitude of like there are many other smaller teams and projects. Some larger actually not just smaller that are doing things similar to this. They're already trying to do information repositories or data.
Ashboards or whatever. And we have just from day one, taken the attitude of you guys are not the competition, you are actually the target audience. All this cool stuff you're doing needs more attention brought to it. All the work, Joella from Coinhall. Here's a great example. Has a pretty awesome
Notion page set out with like all of the active projects on Territu that they do a pretty good job like keeping up to date they put effort in there. Very few people know about it. Nobody is just exploring notion. You have to get a link from them from Twitter or somewhere else to even get to that page.
We've been working with them recently to basically combine efforts and say like all this info let's put it somewhere people are more likely to see and use it. Chrom cats, great example. We are building a certain tool for our dashboard where the more we talked with them, we're like, wow, this is actually right in line with what you guys are doing. Let's see how we can combine forces on this.
Same with your guys dashboard at Stakein or the number of other, I think not this space, but the one I was in just before this with Crypto Tank, Coin Landing Page was requesting to come up and speak. They're like a tiny account I've seen pop up on Twitter recently that's gaining some track
that appears to be doing something pretty similar to what we're doing. And I fucking love to see that. I'm definitely gonna reach out and chat with them soon and see how we can combine forces here. So we haven't really gotten any pushback. We've gotten some people correctly noting that what we're doing is very ambitious. Now luckily most of the
people who have said that are people in decent positions, like some of the people at the Interchain Foundation, the ICF have noted that, but that's, I love that because I think that it comes with the air of like, yep, they are in a position to know what a big undertaking this is.
There's still more or less behind us in supporting us. We might get some funding from them later. We're in talks with them to help source info on certain pages and like pieces of technology. So yeah, honestly, no real negative comments. And while that is sort of surprising because this is the internet, it sort of makes sense. There is
nothing not to like about what we're doing. We are not token gating or paywall gating any core features of our app. This is something that we believe will make the cosmos a much better place and improve all of our investments as well as help to build up this future that we're all
all sort of seeing develop before our eyes. Like it's more than just money, right? We all have investments, but we all made those investments because we believe in what's going on here. And this has been what I have arrived to as well as my team of being like the most effective way we can help to make that belief come to reality.
I'm pretty sure you figured out, bro. It sounds like a really amazing story, bro, that you guys feel in over there. You know, we're going to get to speak about Spark, IVCOs in a moment.
If I'm guessing right, it's correct to say that as part IBC, it's behind this intershane index project, right?
Yeah, so in a 20 second pitch without getting into any specifics, Spark IBC was built and will continue to act as a driving force for chain agnostic efforts in the ecosystem.
back to that fragmentation problem we talked about at the beginning, there is an issue when it comes to funding because of this fragmentation, especially when that funding revolves around chain agnostic or cross-chain things. So, inner chain info is probably
the epitome of that sort of thing. If someone else had the idea for Innerchain info and started doing some work, they could have came to us at Spark and we would have been like, "Hell yeah, let's do a campaign for you guys, this is perfect." But no one else did happen to have the idea and we believed in it
so much for like, okay, you know what, this is going to be Spark's first like main venture and we are going to build it, oversee it, manage it and run it. But we are building it for the community and just like we were talking about with the actual content that will be there and all the collaborations.
Our role in it really is like stewards. We want to help it become whatever the community wants it to become and be as helpful as it can be. And specifically, we will be doing a Spark campaign for interchanged info here very soon. And I'm happy to speak on that a little too.
Oh yes, please, bro. Oh, before we do that, I see Jimmy is requesting to speak. Let's ask him in the stage. What do you say, Jimmy?
We can give it a go if it's not on topic, I'd ask that we pivot back. Let's see. Hey, Jimmy. What's up, bro?
As a Cosmos soldier, you know what I'm always amazed by how incredibly strong our community is. And I see a lot of the strong soldiers of Cosmos in the audience right now, especially Shrutte.
and Yashu, very strong soldiers, you know something that amazes me about cosmos is we able to produce so much open source tech. Look at all those rust tutorials created by Cosmos
soldiers out of their good hearts. And so that's what we need. That's what we're doing every single day because unlike FTX, cosmos is moving stronger. Cosmos is getting up into
You know, the place beyond the solar system.
I didn't understand single free just said.
I said I couldn't agree more Jimmy. That's it I agree. I know but you got me kicked out of the space earlier. So clearly you disagree with me.
No, I just don't know if this was...
the appropriate time to make a statement, but I agree with you totally. You got any comments on the existing index? You may.
Will you use it for my tutorials?
No, I think
I can't really think of a reason to use it, to be honest. Would you submit info for your page?
your uh... you know very well spark i_b_c_ the majority of the rest of us kind of hanging out with each other on the rest discord and other smaller discords like all these random juneo discord is something like that they're all the members of the pentiscords are all members of the exact same ones though
Yeah. Like 50 Russ Debraus across like, Juno, there's, I tell you this 50 half the Madrid women, they all came from Ayoda, the other half, you know, I don't know, they came from somewhere.
Jimmy, a bit irrelevant. I simply meant I know that you had a project you were working on. I'm not sure if you've abandoned it or not called like M.O. or something like that, and that could have a page on the index. That's all I meant.
Yeah, let's go to the email, upload this content to the intershane and I'll say that. Let me go ahead and do a quick run of shout outs, right? I've been seeing Trunk Cats in the audience since the beginning, good stuff being done. We had a podcast recording with Daniel the other day, it was really cool with Mike. And yeah,
I also see Mari in the audience, Cosmos spaces, I'm really cool to see all these people joining in my spaces. That makes me feel really good. I also see Andrew in the audience from the staking team. In case someone wants to shine in in regards to intershave.
I'm going to have to change info, use request to speak, and we'll have you on the stage. So, Timmy, I believe we have covered a few things on the index. But I believe I had asked you... Could I add one quick shout out to an audience member, actually, because I'm learning I have to do this more since people are not actually aware.
Yeah, we also have the Air Drops one account here in the audience which I'm learning I need to make more apparent that that is another one of our efforts so just like Inner Chain Info that's an account that we run and manage for the same sort of core reasoning of like let's make cosmos a bit easier to navigate let's aggregate
some information together. So not trying to chill, but I have realized lately many people don't know that Air Drops is one of our ventures. So just wanted to shout that out. Wow, really bro. Let me tell you, I find Air Drops very handy and I have consulted it a few times, but I didn't know you were behind
that would be honest. I was thinking it was a totally separate person. I don't know. I'm going to say that. I will certainly not take credit for starting the endeavor. That was done by my now partner at Spark IBC. But yes, that is now something we manage and run and same, same sort of reasoning is interesting. Pretty cool, bro.
Cool, so I apologize. What, yeah, what were you about to ask before I interrupt? Did you? And I knew good thing now that the stage is yours as well, buddy. You weren't talking about-- oh.
like these other network that you made the coin, I don't remember the name right, but it was kind of of a collaboration like they were doing like the same thing as you are doing with intershane index, I don't know.
All right, don't mind me. That was a very important. I believe that I wanted to ask you is how you will ensure that that the information on the intershane index is going to remain updated or relevant.
So that's a great question and that is actually probably our
In my mind as not one of our devs I'm sure if they're listening right now they will roll their eyes, but I actually think that is the hardest problem to tackle here. So what what I think we need to do is a sort of Explosive launch to reach escape velocity like in
instantly. And so what I mean by that is we will put in effort day and night tirelessly around our launch to make sure that we have all the info people want that everything is updated. I must have sent, you know, 500 DMs to various projects at this point and started that many
different conversations around getting info submitted. Because the longer-term goal is like, we're aiming at the greater interchains, right? Not just Cosmos. We absolutely cannot keep all the info up to date. Not with our current team size, probably not with one five times as large.
So what we need to do is get this to take off so solidly from the onset that it becomes a de facto hub of information where it becomes in projects and those projects users best interest to keep it updated. And that's where the community contribution
comes in line when a project pushes out a new update or goes live or any other category, not just a project, a chain, an NFT collection, etc. an update to an influencer, an educator, even. We want them to instantly
come to mind, okay, I better update it on on Intershan info because that's where most people are finding me that's where most people are learning about me. So that is really why like we're doing this current campaign we did I didn't interview with crypto tank recently doing this one with you guys we have
a lot more queued up here soon. We're trying to really ramp up into this adoption phase so that when we launch everyone's on board and pretty quickly we get to a point where projects of their own volition as well as their passionate users will want to keep the website updated. And I know this isn't
exactly what you're asking, but I'm sure the question will come up and it definitely plays into this convo legitimacy and accuracy of that information. So. Yeah. And it makes sense. And I personally, I would go ahead and make sure all the information we laid into a stake in.
It's updated, right? Because it's going to be in my best interest that you do you understand so so yeah, bro Yeah, and so when it comes to you know, we recently had a rug with Huawei you know And first off guys we have to do better. I absolutely
will never like want to say I told you so or like victim blame, but maybe you shouldn't have bought a token called Pawawino. Anyways, but that a lot of people posted about that, including our Air Drops account because it was public info that we were spreading. And we actually still are of the belief that we
shouldn't have the job and don't of like verifying all this stuff. You know, we don't have the the dev capacity for that. I don't think it's any one individual on our team or otherwise is role to do that. I think you just need to make a
best effort. And similar to Wikipedia, people try and submit fraudulent info to Wikipedia all the time in its early days. That sort of stuff happened often. But the sort of solution is a got to a point where it was so large and
dominant and used and respected by users that the community sort of polices it. So we will absolutely be putting in our best faith effort, always keeping an eye out for red flags, talking about projects to get more info where we can.
Things will happen info will be incorrect. Scams will come through Just like think about Luna, right if we had this up earlier we could have been promoting everything on Terra Luna blah that collapse happens It's it's nothing anyone can like specifically plan for and knows gonna happen
So we're going to do our best there, but we are also going to be making it as easy as possible and maybe even some incentive models down the road for the community to help us in policing and keeping up to date all of the info across the site.
I don't know, and Krunkett's before I let you in, you're just going to quickly say that it's important also to team with that. It doesn't matter, you can have all the information in the world in front of you, but you got to do your own research, right? You got to test out the project, see the link, see the web page, see
if this is good and not just rely on the information that you see, that doesn't make it legit, right? Yeah, yeah. And also, let's just look at the flip side real quick. If we did think we had the capacity to verify and police everything,
That's also a slippery slope towards censorship, right? Where we just personally don't like the way a project is doing something so we're not going to have a page on them. We think that the alternative model is better. Great take on there. What's up, Trunkettes?
Hey, I wanted to, you know, kind of make a comment and then ask a question if that's cool. Is this mine? This is Trevor. Oh, Trevor. Hi, Trevor. Welcome to the table. Hey, so, you know, when you guys first started, you're mentioning the interchange index and like the first
thing that came to my mind was this is more of like a data centered product and you know I actually knew what your product was but then I was like wait a second is this something different so I was thinking like just maybe talk about it like how red it is like
the front page of the interchange. It's kind of maybe that makes more sense, at least to me anyway. And then I love that. And for you, which is basically, are there ways you're thinking about making it fun and like gamified or
their ways that even if you're just a passive consumer of these cool pages, you can still interact and make it better. I don't know. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So short answer.
Lots of those discussions are being thrown around at the moment we're focusing on the core product and the MVP and getting out the sort of foundation for everything. So like nothing being built in that regard. But yes, absolutely. We've even one idea that someone is discussed with me recently that I really like even is
maybe some sort of all-in-one sort of onboarding guide where there's, you know, whether this is through maybe cash and cookies where it's only displayed the first time you visit the site or maybe it's just omnipresent on the homepage in some small corner or something.
But some cool flow where you start into it and it takes you through various index pages to help explain core contents or core concepts of the cosmos rather. So you know it might start on the page for the cosmos SDK and just like highlight
like certain bits of information, maybe break it down simpler. I have something in my mind that's hard to put into words for what this would look UX-wise, but something kind of like Coinbase's Ern program. Ern, Ern. Everyone knows I'm talking about Ern. Yeah.
And it's always like, you're super open to this kind of stuff. I don't know if you have any thoughts or ideas of what we could do. Yeah, the first thing that is really dumb, but I think it's actually significant. If you go to CoinGecko or MarketCap or whatever,
have the pages where you can kind of release your sentiment with an emoji which is interesting. So that could be one way that you kind of help people understand, you know, if they're looking at the page, you know, how legit it is or whatever, you know, maybe that has some decay factor
or whatever, take it as you will. And then the other thing I was thinking about, there's a, wait, wait, before you go to the other thing, just curious, would you, if you were building this, would you make it so anyone can just click on those emojis and it's like one per browser or MAC address or something.
or would you make it so you have to be signed in with a wallet and then your wallet is where your reaction comes from. I think that'd be up to you, but if you don't want it to be gamified itself, it would be good to have one vote per key. So you do have to be signed in.
Okay, cool. Just wanted to pick your brain on that. Sorry, go to the next thing. So there's there are projects that worked with in the past and there's one coming up here that could be nice partnership, which is they're called behold idols. Basically, there's NFTs that people
can receive for free if they do stuff like Earn from Coinbase. But the learn to earn model is really powerful. So it would be cool to see, you know, if you did go through this, if you did try a couple apps, you get some NFTs for accomplishing, you know, trying new stuff.
Yeah, no, I think that's Oh, and they're actually in the audience too. Look at that. Bam
No, that is something that I would almost give like a soft confirmation to, not because there's any like solid plans in the work, but because I think that general sort of game plan is really just a win-win situation for the most part.
We've kind of thought a little bigger picture too of just like there's other NFT collections out there other grassroots community projects that may want to sort of contribute to incentivize, gamify, whatever, what we're doing with some of their stuff. So like totally awesome.
for beta and everything else. And then of course, idols in particular are most certainly on our radar. We love them. But cool, cool, cool. Thanks for that. Thanks.
If anyone else wants to as well, definitely feel free. Appreciate you hopping up crown cats like we want feedback on this we want. You know, we're sort of at a point in our building where
What we have is sort of set in stone at the moment just because we really are right around the corner from our closed beta. But the future is long and updates will continue and we want to hear everybody's thoughts.
It will probably be easier once you can actually play with the site and you can give more direct feedback. But we want this to be as beneficial to everyone in the community as possible. That means you guys definitely make your voices heard.
Awesome man. You know, I want to go back a little when you were talking about when you on board like your family members and they made it after downloading a wallet and sending the funds there. You said the
like that's a winch or I must say man I also have tried to teach my family members on crypt and stuff and they usually leave the coins in exchange when you are talking about non-custodial
How do your own keys and that sort of stuff they can I get afraid of the information or maybe afraid of doing something new something different and You were talking on something like having a journey in your page like
The things you will do or you have to do a step by step in order to start your crypto journey with the right foot. Let's say, could you expand on that a little? How do you see that? I don't know.
How do you see an interface for that? How would you lay it out like a guy for people to follow a step-by-step and start their journey? I don't know. How do you see that man? I think it's...
It's probably very hard to describe the specific visual and UI/UX flow I see in my head for this. But I think that the actual specifics are less important. I think more so going to the core point here of
them not feel uncomfortable heading into the self-custody side of things. Put yourself in one of your parents' shoes or even someone of any age but that's just not plugged into crypto.
How much are you going to trust a guide and explanation about Kepler and setting it up from some random account on Twitter that made a thread or some medium article from a one-off
you know author you've never heard about. Or even a YouTube video from you know our largest content creators crypto-sido to be honest his account is still small enough where someone completely ignorant to the cosmos could look at it and be like I mean
you can buy that many subscribers like that doesn't really mean anything. And like this is just the sad reality of Cosmos being the wild west of crypto. And so I think this kind of goes back to without getting to the specifics of like how we might do
and onboarding guide. I think the more important thing is we want to do something like that in the most polished blue chip and I hate to say it, but like Web2ish way possible. And I don't even know exactly what I mean by Web2ish, but just in like
is important.
The information to get into all this stuff is out there. Obviously, we did it. So why have these people that we're talking about that leave their stuff on the central exchanges, not taken those steps? And it's because it is hard to especially hold the news about crypto constantly being
pretty negative as far as the mainstream news. It's really hard to be like, "Okay, what source do I trust? What do I actually listen to to get into this?" And where's a source that's not talking above my head, right? Like, one piece of content I personally want to do is Timmy. We'll make it a
huge emphasis on inner chain info. I also just want to do some videos about is just wallets. I think the single biggest misconception in all of crypto is how wallets work.
One I talk to who is not a dedicated crypto person thinks that their money is in MetaMask or in Kepler. They don't realize it's like a interface for looking at funds on the chains and you have multiple different interface options. Well, it's little things like that.
Having an actual grip on them and being able to say to yourself, "Okay, I understand what a wall it is. I understand how Meta Mask plays into this whole thing. I understand Kepler, whatever." That is a massive first step.
I don't want to call that little, but things like that that might seem little to us like oh you just download the app, make a new wall, you send it there, it's easy. That might be sort of easy, but it is not something people are going to inherently trust and want to embark on. Whether out of mistrust or just confusion, right, like you say that, but oh
Okay, I go to do it myself. It's now giving me all these words. What do I do with these? Then in my wallet interface, it looks like I have all these like different coins. I thought this was just a wallet for Cosmos or for Adam or Ethereum, whatever.
I don't know if this is exactly the answer you're looking for, but I think what we would want to tackle is education and onboarding experiences that feel extremely buttoned up, polished, make people feel comfortable, and speak normal human speak, not technical.
speak, right? Like in the language that we use and the way that we draw analogies, stuff like that. Then there's always tons of ways to make it fun on the specifics of how you actually go through that process, what the UX looks like, if you get some sort of incentive or rewards or gamification, there's probably a number
of different things we could do with that. There's probably a number of different ways that could be successfully executed that we would encourage people to build out and work on. And, you know, if anyone has ideas on that front or already has something built like get in touch with us, we'd love to think about integrating that with our stuff.
So I don't think that was the perfect answer you were looking for, but I think that's where my head goes with it. No, you're a good team. Thank you for the input always man. And I do say it's important because at the end of the day, I believe that the point of this is that
All of us as users and participants of this ecosystem come together and see how we can help you build this thing out. It's not something that you will do alone, that your team is going to do by themselves. This is something that we can
creating we can do it if we do it together, I my opinion. So with that, if somebody from the audience hasn't fill out their information or maybe information about the projects that they like, feel free to do so. The form is really simple.
It's very straightforward. I personally have paid out a few pieces of information and I encourage everybody to do the same because like I said, we're gonna do this and we're gonna do it together, Timmy. That's how I feel about it.
One thing I'll quickly shout out is I think we've mainly talked about the index tonight, the sort of Wikipedia of the cosmos. I think it was beautiful what Cronkats mentioned earlier because like I said, there's three parts to our site, Wikipedia, the index, which is sort of like the Google/the Wikipedia
of the Cosmos, the resources section, which is sort of like the Reddit of like the front page of the Cosmos community, and then the dashboard, which is kind of like the app store of the Cosmos community. And for resources, I just want to touch on that for a second because I think a lot of our listeners right now
the ones you might tune into the terrace faces recording later might not be necessarily involved with projects, but might create some kind of content. So if you're an educator, if you ever do videos, if you ever do Twitter threats that are like an actual decent length where it could be a medium article, but you chose to do it on Twitter, all of that
stuff we have forms where you can submit as well and that would be for the resource section. So let's say someone Don Kryptonium or whoever else does some content on Juno recently. When you go to Juno's page on the index, there will be a little sneak peek
into our resources section and it'll show some of the hot new content there related to the page. So you might, when looking at Juno's index page on like the wiki, you might also notice two new videos and an article uploaded about Juno that are more opinion pieces. They aren't part of the wiki
page it will take you to another part of our site. But we would also really encourage people to submit that stuff. So you don't have to be part of a project to contribute to inner chain. You can either just be passionate or knowledgeable about one and submit some info for the index or if you just make opinion pieces of any kind, opinion pieces of weird word, but I just mean
any kind of content, YouTube, Twitter, Twitch, audio platforms. Definitely get that stuff submitted and we can get that in as well and that's equally helpful. Like the more fleshed out we can get each part of the site, the better. It's not just the index, so everyone is able to help out somehow. Even if it's just, you know,
messaging someone you know and saying, "Hey, I just listened to this awesome space about Interchain Info. Here's what they're doing. You should definitely DM them and submit some info." Like, anything's helpful. We are just trying to really launch with a bang and have everyone on the same page and reach escape velocity like right at launch.
Awesome man.
Now, maybe before we wrap it up, we're almost going the hour here. For me, the spaces has been amazing. We spoke about the fuel interest and stuff, and I also was able to understand a little better how the
How the project works, right? Because I have like a light idea. But thank you for forgetting into the details on how we actually works and how it's divided, right? I thought it was only one project. Tell me all the parts behind it.
great. I don't know if someone else from the audience has a question, this will be the last chance. Timmy, is there something that maybe we didn't cover that you would like to share now? Now will be the best time to go that
I think only one thing really, and that would be just a little bit of our philosophy and how it plays into the Spark campaign that we're going to launch soon for interchained.
We're big believers in Show Don't Tell and build and ship something before you ask for more money. With the talent we have on our team, it's an enormous amount of
like front end and web2 talent. And so we are just completely eating costs and like of our own budget building out the index and the resources section because that's very web2 oriented kind of like how Cronkats mattered. It's really just like a database project.
That is all right around the corner from a closed beta. I'm talking like a weaker to it most. We've been building it for a long time now. The dashboard, however, is very web-3 focused as well as some of the other features we want to add to the index and resources later.
the road. So once we're not sure if we're going to do the Spark campaign along with the closed beta or once the actual product is released after the beta, but the Spark campaign and again super quick for anyone listening or isn't sure Spark IBC
is a platform and set of tools built on Juno to allow basically fundraising, sort of charity, sort of launch pad style on Juno for chain agnostic efforts. And so we will be running one of these campaigns to raise funds for interchain info, focusing on the web
three side of things. So if people and we'll have all this info in the campaign, but if people are sort of wondering, like, wait, you're already building, but you're having asked for money yet, that's sort of the breakdown. We are building as much as we can with our in-house talent. And then we're going to do a campaign to raise
money to build out the dashboard and hire on some awesome web 3 devs that have actually already been working with us and donating time. Like we have some really amazing people working on us working on this with us. But that's something to look forward to in a little context for like exactly what the campaign will be for.
Thanks, and how much are you targeting on racing in this campaign, if I may ask? I don't want to say just yet, but I will say this is going to be a campaign that has a target, but that we will leave uncapped. So hopefully we will hit a target, we will do budget
outline for that target exactly where those funds will be used. But if the community really shows up and supports us, we will also have some info on where like overflow funds will be used. So, you know, free chart. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Well, thanks for sharing that theme.
And well with that being said, thank you again for hoping into the stake in Twitter spaces, bro. I really appreciate you. Thanks for the answers. Also, thank you for the people who join in the audience. Those that requested to speak as well. And yeah, guys,
Let's move forward. I know that this week was crazy, but still we have many good projects being built in the ecosystem, people that is going out every day to make things happen. And for me, we are in the best time to continue building
and connecting in DC ecosystem or whatever ecosystem that we participate. There is a message that I wanted to give you. I tend to continue the focus, continue working and strive together folks. All right. I love it. I've got one last tiny thing.
with all the AI recently, if anyone is exceptionally affected by the FTX stuff or even just sort of new and crypto and extremely just uncomfortable with everything right now, feels please feel free to DM Tendermint to me, which is my main account. And like, it is
a crazy time right now and we want to be here for each other. I've been through a lot of this stuff. It's not phasing me quite as much as others. And so maybe, maybe even just someone to provide a rational side of things or something. But crazy times feel free to DM me. My DMs are open for a reason.
Let's go. That's an amazing and thank you to them again. Thanks everybody for joining this was this week of spaces. See you next time. Remember we do this spaces just to keep the community updated on what's going on in our Cosmos networks.
We hope that you find this content valuable. If you need assistance with your estates, feel free to send us at the end. Join to our official channels. Be aware of scammers and until next time, Cosmonauts, all right? Enjoy Monday.

FAQ on Riding the Cosmos w/@interchaininfo ⚛️| 🎙️Stakin Twitter Space #15⚛️ | Twitter Space Recording

What is the main topic of the podcast?
The main topic of the podcast is Intershane Index and its importance for the Cosmos ecosystem.
What is the Staking Dashboard?
The Staking Dashboard is a tool that allows users to view all of their stake assets in one place without having to connect their wallet.
What is the purpose of Intershane Index?
Intershane Index aims to tackle the fragmentation problem in the Cosmos ecosystem by providing a comprehensive guide for people to explore and learn about the different chains and ecosystems within it.
What is the fragmentation problem in the Cosmos ecosystem?
The fragmentation problem in the Cosmos ecosystem refers to the fact that there are many sovereign chains and grassroots validator sets, which makes it difficult for mass adoption to occur.
Why is the fragmentation problem a big barrier to mass adoption?
The fragmentation problem is a big barrier to mass adoption because it makes it difficult for regular people to navigate and explore the ecosystem, and thus, learn about the different chains and projects within it.
What is the example of a project that is difficult for an average person to learn about?
Croncats is an example of a project that is difficult for an average person to learn about because it is not easily discoverable, and there is no clear connection for someone who just bought adam on Coinbase to learn about it.
What is Timmy's attitude towards inner-chain info?
Timmy believes that inner-chain info is one of the most important pieces of the Cosmos puzzle, and it will raise the entire ecosystem up. He thinks it is crucially important and cool.
What is the purpose of the stacon talk mentioned in the podcast?
The purpose of the stacon talk mentioned in the podcast was to meet some good people and to expect more content and collaborations coming up soon.
What is the upcoming refresh on the website mentioned in the podcast?
The upcoming refresh on the website mentioned in the podcast will give it a new front and make it look more modern and updated.
What is Timmy's view on the drama and uncertainty in the wider crypto market?
Timmy thinks that there has been a lot of drama and uncertainty in the wider crypto market lately, but he is honoured that people are starting to recognize what they are doing with inner-chain info, and he sees it as a sign that there is still some beauty going on in crypto.