"Rise and Grind" Indie Worker community chat🔥

Recorded: May 24, 2023 Duration: 1:09:04



GM friends GM, how are we doing today?
GM proctopus life is good. How art thou? I am still wait under the weather
But we're hanging on we're hanging in there, bro
Just woke up. Well like 30 minutes ago coffee's not even made yet. I
Put myself to sleep with some night quill yesterday. I actually slept
from like I quit work at like 3 30 or 4
And just passed out woke up at like 9
some dinner
A little bit of be the yo game just cuz I wasn't exactly tired yet, but I took some Michael right away
Pass back out
Here we are Wow, man
Roger go silent. I'm probably having a hacking fit. So
Play cool
We be morning Jeremy
Yeah, I hope you don't die
Yeah, no kidding my wife got sick actually her her voice is out and her throat's really sore and
So suddenly my throat sore last night and I'm like
Don't do this to me Laura. Don't do this to me
Well gentlemen
Last week and beginning of this week because you both know
so for today's space today and also I
Just kind of needed a break break with my reading to be honest
So today I thought maybe we could just talked about like hopefully you have some people show up, but maybe just talk about like I
Don't know inspiration
once stuff stuff we want to talk about I
Don't know whatever we want to whatever we want to talk about that inspire us for the rest of the week
That's kind of what I had in mind
Hopefully we have some people come up and want to share some of their stories
There's some stuff that's going on with them
But well, yeah, I
Mean, I don't know. It's just like a thing that's top of mind for me is
Super stoked to be heading out to
Seattle next week
You know, it's like woof and working on
This meeting for like six months, I swear and
Super stoked to be going to it. Yeah, man, super props. It's been a long build and doing a great job
It's all for one and one for all yeah, buddy
You know, you know, it's like this sometimes when you're like
When you're doing your thing, you know, it's like
It's like this right? It's like sometimes it's like
delayed gratification, right like a lot of times just delayed gratification and
delayed gratification is really like what separates like
The people who get the stuff and the people who don't get the bag, you know
Yeah, man, it's almost yes always about
Consistency over time rather than immediate gratification almost always
Almost always it's like nothing that I do is too like too unique, you know, it's like
Pretty pretty mediocre. It's just that it takes like a lot of time to do it
So most people just don't do it, you know, and
That's that guys, you know keep grinding indie workers
I mean take a rest too because you got to recover so you can grind but
It's like just believe in the process
Well, so sometimes you should quit but sometimes like you should just shoot the idea because it's a shitty idea
But you know also like remember to persevere
That's so good
So, yeah, that's what's up that's what that's me
I'm good. I'm gonna get out of the spaces down
Go work. Oh man. Honestly, it's kind of like how no maybe that's an interesting thing. It's like
you know, I've had six months to prepare for this right like pretty much and
Now like I have like a week until like a meeting and it feels like almost like overwhelming
You know, I have everything ready to go for it, right?
Like I've got like my documents ready like I knew that I I knew this was going to happen. So I've been
just slowly preparing
It's funny how like you can still
Almost like freak out even though like you're super ready just because it's like that's like a change in the tides, you know
Yeah, it's like oh shit, it's different and whatever we're like, oh no, like now do I mess it up?
Right, like oh, no, whatever come things get higher. The unknown is always
But you know, I think I heard Gary be saying the video just the other day something about like
Doesn't make any sense. Why are you worrying about something that might happen?
I think of like he didn't say this but like it made me think like all of the cognitive load that we spend
On worrying about things that might happen. Sure. Is it okay to prepare for the game, right?
Like there's some of like what might happen within that. Yeah, like
He jabs twice and connects one. What's my next move?
you know, like sometimes you got prepared for whatever it is, but the reality is is that
Training which you've been doing right because your training was a preparation for the thing in the first place
And you are gonna have the anxiousness of like, oh, what if I didn't train for the right things or enough of the things
But once that happens the rest of your training is gonna carry you through, you know, like
Like yeah, there might be a situation
Yeah, but in fact, I just thought of a great example of this man
I was in a dance competition was one of my early dance competitions and I was actually dancing with a student of mine and
This older dancer
Recognized that I was a newer dancer and a newer professional and he
He really went out of his way to try and make me look like shit
You know, he kept running into us and putting us right in the land and like looking at me
It's like super super crazy ego stuff
It gave me a situation that I never would have expected
But funny thing my student relied on me in those moments
she got upset at him a little bit, but it took her mind off of her own dancing and
because I didn't let it bother us and I also allowed our training to take us through there and I'm like
Oh and here we go
And then I'd bring her and just give him a smile and make it take his ever, you know
And then like move on with my move on with our moves and like, you know
It became a game of cat and mouse and then I'd make fun of it with her when we'd get off the floor
I'm like, I saw him coming over there. You see him coming. That's why I did this, you know
I changed our thing just a little bit. You see that when I have that happen, right?
That's because he was coming over here and she's like, oh I saw that
And then one time I even used it I was like, oh he was coming for us at one time
Did you see it? I'm like and she's like no and like I made her think that her mistake was because like I did something to
Make this go somewhere else
Yeah, it was totally him totally him but you know like our training our training really
Is what let us through there's no way you can deal or you can like
Plan for stuff like that, right and the same thing's gonna happen to you in Seattle. Somebody's gonna say something where you're
Well, actually that might not be true, but I might not be true
Sometimes like you just go in and you kill it and you win and you win and you win
Sometimes everybody in the in the games on the on the same going for the same goal, right?
Which is really what we're hoping for here
so yeah, I mean at least in that sense that is something you can like keep in mind like
Proper incentives make these games a lot less competitive in a dangerous manner. You're right. So
Anyway, I digress. I'm rambling now the day quills hit me
No, I like it I like how you are highlighting like
Using your
adversaries your opponents the the other teams like
Strategy that's maybe like quite serious or aggressive towards you and just
Reframing it and laughing and being like
I mean, what else are you gonna do?
So, I mean
The funny thing is so I'm gonna be honest with you in that scenario
I was more able to do that because I was the one responsible for
Student and I think that if I would have been working on at my own level in that moment because
Something that you got to think about in that level is that I was competing with the student air go my skills were probably much much
higher than
Which it was?
So the the moves were doing in the stuff that we're doing is quite a bit under my my advancement level
So that does give me an advantage there
Whereas if I would have actually been working on my own moves and the ones that I had just
Just developed into like man. I gotta step this up win this next competition type stuff, you know
Excuse me, I'm not sure that I would have had the same fortitude of mind in that moment to be able to
Not get pissed off at him and just like be angry and dances out of anger, right? Cuz like I had this I had this
Which was like oh my this guy's being a jerk to my student
I got to get her out of this man. This is not just not gonna give her a good experience at all
She's never gonna want to spend money with me again. First of all, it's gonna be like
You know, so, you know, I had to do something to like make her have an enjoyable time and
There I guess I guess I guess there's just something there to be highlighted about when you're doing something at
guess your maximum
There's a lot less. I guess you have might need to have a little bit more grace for yourself afterwards and maybe even beforehand because
When you're competing at the top of your level whatever it is
It's harder to catch all of the emotional things you have less mental thought time
Right the cognitive and cognitive load is harder and when cognitive load gets harder it literally
I love it, you know, it's
Funny you're talking about how like you were competing like below your skill level, you know, because you're doing like basic moves
it's it's funny though because like
Bruce Lee he said, you know Bruce Lee
Arguably the best kicker of all time. That dude had the sickest moves
The water and
Bruce Lee
Was asked what his favorite his favorite kick was
you know what Bruce Lee's favorite kick is or was
Bruce Lee's favorite kick he said was the defensive front kick
The defensive front kick is the very first kick that they teach you
Like it is the most simple
most basic
Simple listening and the guy could throw the most advanced kicks. They ask him. What's your favorite thing defensive front kick?
And I mean he did that kick tens of thousands of times
It was perfect when he did it you could do it from anywhere
straight mastery
And you know, it's like this often times like back when I did martial arts. I did martial arts for 11 years
Got a couple black belts did the thing, you know and
Like dude, I mean
Like 70 80 percent of
My matches that I would win. I
Won with one throw, you know
Like in a lot a lot of practitioners are like this
You know, there's just like
Very few things that they've actually
mastered they might be very good a lot of things
Very few things that are like, you know, God level skill set and it's kind of like that's all you actually really need
You know like
You need your finishing moves
That's it. You need to be able to set up your finishing move probably three or four different ways
But that's it
Yeah, you know, this is actually two things that I tried to that I taught and did one is everybody always like
I don't know probably year four or year five for me. Like I had lots of students pointing students coming in
I had gone from like being a younger dancer and every time they come in I was learning a new move, right?
I was adding another one to my tool belt and
Something changed about near four and your five where all of a sudden every time a student would come in
I'd be doing the rumba box, which is the basic. It's literally the first step you teach someone and I'm
Straight up that quote from that quote from Bruce Lee had something to do with it. So
He was part of that learning process
And they always be like why why I'm like, well because it means you every single direction and they're like
What are you gonna do in chop shop? It's not here already and it slows it down and it helps me practice it and before long
Every time a student would come in they start watching me
They'd have their stuff sitting down
they change their shoes while they were watching me and whether they were my student or something else a student they'd stand up and
Then they watch me for a second and they try and mimic me the best thing I could do is ignore them
but they finally start to got start to understand like
Like well, so first of all like it just bleeds into stuff so they see you working they see you building and
The next you know one thing I'm working on my rumba box step and the next thing I
Realized the feeling that I'm in cha-cha
So I practiced that step a couple times and then they see me relating the two dances and all of a sudden
They can to understand the power of the most faith excess
It was beautiful I miss anything a lot like a life also miss teaching
Why don't you dance and teach more I live in the middle of Wyoming
I mean, I guess we've kind of talked about this. I think Jeremy were like I could probably like get a couple people
Around here to teach
Don't know I
Don't know I probably will if I move to a bigger city where there's people with interest
In a studio that I can just go to
When are you?
Probably into the summer
Wow, we're off to
A little bit expensive there but
Some decent jobs and decent government jobs and that's what Marina works in so we're masters is in so
And there's big tech scene there big web 3 tech scene
There's actually great. Yeah
Yeah Austin is straight lovely definitely spent lots of time there big fan
Jeremy we're sure
brother bear me
Well, this is when we guys were saying and I was thinking about
All the times that I've gotten stuck personally
Or I know other people who have been afraid of something
And once again, it's that narrative of fear, right? I've just like well, this is gonna be tough or how can I do this and
I was wondering what
Everyone does when something like that crops up in a normal way
Right a meeting that has a little bit of an edge to it or a you know
Like just within you know, a normal type of thing
like because I tend to think
Think back to all the times that I've struggled
right, like
You know, when I was younger, I was afraid of going to a job interview, right? I remember this distinctly
I was like, oh god, I can't get it. It was just for some stupid
Marketing job or something like that was like one of my first jobs and I was like, oh, I don't know if they'll ever hire me
And you know, I had a pulse so they hired me cuz come on. That's what those people wanted. But um
Yeah, like I don't know. I'm wondering what you guys think what stories do you tell yourself to push you through in that moment?
something that I will do when I'm feeling like I
Don't anxious about a meeting
Something in general. I will literally go stand in the mirror
I will look myself into the windows of my soul and I will say
at least three times as convincingly as possible. I am excited. I am excited. I am excited
And that's because
Like anxiety
Shows up in your brain
Like on a neuro, you know mapping
Perspective like, you know
the neurochemicals that are present and
The places that those neurochemicals are
Excitement and anxiety have actually almost exactly the same
Neurochemical mapping they look exactly the same in the brain
It's just your perception as far as what those chemicals are telling you at the moment. So sometimes when you're feeling
Excited you register it as anxiety
if you register it as overwhelm and
You're excited and you just have to go and convince yourself
That oh, this isn't anxiety
This isn't overwhelm. This is excitement. I got this from from Stephen Kotler
He's like literally goes stand in the mirror
Look yourself into your eyes and say I am excited. I am excited. I am excited
Yeah, I actually
Do the exact same thing or have done the exact same thing
There were two times that I used to do this for sure and I didn't say I am excited
I am excited. I am excited, but
Whenever I had a sale that I needed to do with them safe and within dance panting or before competitions
I would always do this. I would stand in front of the mirror
I would get my posture as good as I could possibly get it and I'd stretch my arms out as wide as I could and I
Just imagine myself just like like they're my antlers, right?
This is important for a dancer posture specifically, but if you do this, I guarantee it feels so good
It feels so good to just make yourself big in a space all by yourself and then I would breathe
Maybe do a little bit of a box breathing
Breathe it in hold it for four breathe out before hold it before breathe in for four and I didn't
my term of box breathing and totes vary just a little bit because when I was
Generally did it before reading code. I would just hold it for the same amount of numbers each time, but
That's just a process of new learning probably
With myself still in that stance giving making myself feel as like
Big and good and proud about myself as I possibly could I would literally go through verbal
Affirmations of like and I would remind myself of why I'm doing what I'm doing
Like why I'm a dancer why I want to sell these people dances why I'd like them why they like me
Why we should consider them and then I'd go teach the dance lesson and when I started doing that
It sounds so ridiculous
But somebody else talked me into it that's didn't come out of my mind obviously and it made a world of difference, man
It just made me feel so much more confident as I stepped out into that room
And when your energy comes out like that when whether you're selling dance lessons or anything else
People see that confidence and you just reminded yourself that you're doing this out of love anyway
Which you should be doing if you're selling something to somebody that they don't need and you're not doing it out of love
Miserable and they're gonna see right for you. So yeah, I did the exact same thing
Yeah, I love boxed breathing
You know like the flow cycle is struggle release flow and
It's interesting how you can like use
Well, I struggle release flow recovery, of course, there's always recovery. Let's not forget recovery
It's like if you know that you need to struggle and find release to get into flow you can use that to
trigger flow so like if you do box breathing you're forcing struggle and
You're succeeding in the box breathing which is release and you can kind of like trick your brain and to
find some flow
Just by like
You know letting it experience things that unlock flow, but you know choosing like your terms and conditions on when that happens
Bravo, sir. Bravo here claps claps for you throwing roses
Alright, I'm good. I just want to use a soundboard once had been a while
I use a soundboard
Well, you push the little magic one button and then after you push a little magic one button you'll see a ton of different
We've created a monster
Well, anyway, well, what's what's exciting for everyone's week, what is everyone most excited about I
Know you're not excited about it. Yeah. Yeah, that's all I can think about now
But you got bear me
So I was looking at that podcast
I wanted to launch and I got this guy who wanted to edit for me
And I still think there's things that aren't what I want in a perfect world
But I also don't care right because at this point, you know
I think you've you've both said the same thing to me just to start something and do it
So I think we're gonna launch some kind of small little podcast for fun
But I need to go buy a green screen
So I'm trying very hard to get excited about researching and buying a green screen
Rather than thinking of it as a hassle and yet another thing on my to-do list
I'm switching it
So, are you looking for something permanent or are you looking for something that you can put up and then remove and then
Probably put up and remove at this point something that that could be temporary permanent
If if I wanted it to be but I expect I will I will just move it out of the way when I don't need
Somewhere you might look sounds a little bit crazy
Stores that sell like audio equipment will sometimes also rent audio equipment and ergo
They'll also sell old audio equipment. Hmm, but they don't just have audio equipment. So maybe try a place like that
if you're looking for something like
Maybe used or smaller because they'd be more willing to get rid of it. I
I don't know. Hmm. That's interesting. Unless I mean unless I mean you can probably just go online and just
Yeah, I saw a couple of them system pretty cheap man
Right, right. I mean depending on on a number of different factors
I saw him, you know quite a few of them under that $300 mark some of them, you know
Well under the $200 mark. I just I don't know. I'm obsessed with doing at least a little bit of research. So
That's yeah
I'm the same way I do when I decide I'm gonna buy something or add something I do
That's in all the way. Yeah. Well, cuz doesn't it feel like
It feels like
I've gotten some things that did not
Pan out but I did research and I was like, well, it just didn't work for me and it was disappointing the item
But I've gotten some things where I just didn't do any research
And the item ended up being crap and it just makes me furious. I'm like, I should have known
I should have known especially do later why though Jeremy because when we do this we go back and look
We're like, what? Why is this thing such a piece of shit? And then we go back and look and there were telltale signs everywhere
Yeah, I feel like this is this is like what I've learned from as gonna say Zoolander to
Right. I love the movie Zoolander great movie and Zoolander too
I did not see the review did not look at it. Just went blindly to go see Zoolander too
And this is where I learned to
To do my research to check rotten tomatoes
Fair enough
Otherwise I was told I was added to some telegram chat for a
For a some some type of small cap, I don't know what it was
Token and so it's not launched yet, but I may be scheming to get into some small cap nonsense
Meme token, so
Just get ready to jump on board with me. You can't go wrong
Meme coins always succeed in the end
There's definitely no massive graveyard of these things
so just just
I'll be holding out my hand
Come join me
Yes, sir, yeah, yeah
Yeah, then is the the future I've heard or sigh out or whatever all these new things are
Is it a good time to say this isn't financial advice
This is one of the things where you try to run for office later in your life and this gets scraped out
You know and just taking out the contacts like they do with everyone, right? You just take like a little snippet of context
Ben is the future. He was talking about a meme corn. He was selling meme coins. Yeah, and then boom
You're over
Yeah, I'll never be able to run for president
Like some point that can't hold up any longer because everyone is gonna have some there's too much extra recording going on
There's too many people like what are we gonna do only only run people that are in some type of like
Amish society
It might be the move only Amish presidents
Dear Lord as old as half the people are in Congress and Senate right now
We might as well be doing that. Can you please go a different direction and actually get people?
Governing us that actually know a little bit something about frickin technology, please
right, but
What what reason would you want that to listen?
Listen, these people are perfectly capable. Just listen to the questions that it actually is absolutely hilarious
like I have listened to a few of their you know a few of the
Congressional hearing yeah, the gradual hearings are from from some of the like tech CEOs and it's just a mess
It's just a med like it's just a fundamentally so
When I download to your site, do you and it's just like the terminologies wrong and like the question is like
Incoherent and you just watch them like kind of blink and try to parse like what are they asking me? How do I?
They show that they have absolutely no clue that social media is an advertising program or
Like not even program. Yeah, it's a program, right?
That's always and they've got no clue that that's what it does or how it does it like you're selling people's information
Do you not?
Want to pity too because I mean this this I think is like the cardinal sin like this is where
The internet went wrong, right? Advertising is fundamentally problematic
because of how it skews incentives and and does what it does, but like I
Don't know. I'm like, I wonder what this fix is in the future
I know a lot of people are talking about us moving towards a centralized approach in order to
address some of these issues
But decentralization doesn't necessarily just perfectly fix that there's a lot of decentralization. It's just moving toward
you know, I mean some maybe band-aids are us able to
allow people to
Share more of what they want to share and control the sale of information, right?
I mean, I guess that's a step in the right direction and I do appreciate that
Date is big business. Like I just
People don't want to pay right?
Like one of the big answers would be if we just paid for the services, but people don't want to pay
But the ads are paying we pay with our time. How do we get that through people's heads that?
We're paying or we're paying. I don't know
So I think that yeah
I mean, I mean I think that that's a great thing to get people to understand though, man, like because I
cannot afford subscriptions on all of the things that I have but I
Watch a lot of long-form content on YouTube and I pay for my YouTube premium, you know, so you're right
You're either paying or you're paying
And you know advertising
Advertising isn't bad, but it's also not good
It's all depends on you know, if if the incentives are lined up and what you're advertising as well
You know, like if I'm trying to sell you a product at a fair price and it's a product you need
And I'm giving you it you're actually getting a quality product
There's nothing
extractive about that
the extractions come
here and there and especially with employees I would say but
You know commerce and capitalism isn't bad just on its base
It's when it gets greedy and out of control and to a point where
where it controls, you know, like I would say some of the social media stuff is a little bit dangerous because
They can literally can control the success of someone's business
You know or political thing. So that's something to be considered and to be concerned about
But on average, I don't think that Facebook selling my information or Twitter selling my information to advertisers
In order to get them to sell me or allow them to sell me something is necessarily a bad thing. I
Agree to it when I signed up
I mean, I think you agreed to it, but I don't think we're always aware of how much we're being gained
Right, like with tools getting better and better
It's easier to break than it is to create and I think we move in that direction
You know at our peril like we're we're we're
Nearing the edge of the cliff
Where AI is gonna be at a point where it will I mean just just look at the time
I mean if anybody's ever spent a lot of time on a game that they've loved or a
You know gone down like a tick-tock rabbit hole, right?
And then three hours later they woke up in a day's like, oh three hours have passed right? These are things that
That we're learning better and better how to exploit and not exploit on a mass level
But exploit individually you me and everyone else is individually going to be getting whatever information whatever fun, whatever
outrage, whatever it is, I
Think that's
That's a little spooky and I'm not sure
We're all aware in real time the direction we're moving and and what that leads to
think I think that a we should always be like I
Mean when you're walking through a jungle, you've never been in before you should be looking fun to look out for tigers
And that is where we are. We're then that in social media. We're in that with with AI especially
Where we're definitely trudging through some trouble here and we absolutely I agree that we need to be careful
But the reality is that we're explorers man, and we're going to explore
You know like
While it's dangerous, I also think that I don't think there's anything any way to stop it
Just pull force ahead bro, and then we just deal with it and you know like
Yeah, so how do you how so let's say let's take something like a social media right?
I see things popping up like
Like lens protocol and stuff like that trying to create
Social platforms that are more based around the user
But I don't know how I see those working without
Basically the money that comes in for advertising
Right, it's just that each user
Should have the ability and the right to like get some profit or benefit from
That information right, but they're still gonna have to be the levels of
Capitalism that keeps things flowing and moving right you disagree with that yeah, I think monetization is important
I think that makes a lot of sense
I think there are ways that we can monetize right like you mentioned your YouTube subscription
I think a good halfway point is what we're doing where I get to control my information like the zk stuff is
Incredibly beneficial that I will be able to sell my information in a kind of blind way
Where it doesn't do it it doesn't directly go out on a permanent basis. It's almost like a
Loan of my information because it's sold as an aggregate right that's kind of a cool way of doing things
But again like we're commoditizing ourselves
right versus just purchasing a product and I think it's problematic because we don't always recognize that that the
the end goal is to
Like we're just building systems to twist ourselves right and I think
I guess the date is being used in my view a bit maliciously not even intentionally maliciously, but carelessly
That's a better way putting it
I'd give you carelessly for sure
And I would also say I mean maybe maybe maybe maliciously
Mean okay, so so give me an example of an item you purchased
That wasn't advertised before you bought it a minute ago. You were talking about buying green screens and going out and doing research
How are you going to do that research?
Yeah, I'm well, I mean but there's advertising this advertising right like
There's a lot of people that would say I don't like drama, right?
Like you've heard that state we all love drama that's like
But we all love drama, right? I've heard I've heard my in-laws directly say
You know, yeah, the news it's terrible. It's always so bad. And then I go in there and what are they watching some sensationalist?
God the news is so bad, right and it's day after day after day. So like again, I think there's a question of of
Advertising versus advertising right like if I if I'm looking for a green screen, that's a great example
I want to see a certain type of advertising, right?
But if you're slamming me over the head with green screens when I don't need it wanting me to buy this thing
Right. That's that's kind of different and I'll give you that. That's not always easy to divide but
There are ways that we could have a society built more towards the type of advertising that we're actually looking for
I want to find the perfect game that I can play with my friends and and have fun on when I want to find like a
I don't know
Like if I didn't know what discord was discourse, you know valuable service in spite of its shortcomings
Like I should be able to find that information. So if you talk about that as advertising, yeah fair fair point
But it's different to do that than sell me something
I don't need, you know to fill a need that it doesn't fill but you're doing it anyway, right?
Is it wrong to sell things that aren't considered needs?
How do you sell those things in a in a way that you would consider not malicious I
Mean I would say even my like my YouTube premium isn't even a need
They sold me that yeah
I mean, it's true right like in needs
Yeah, I mean, I don't know exactly where that line is between needs and wants
Yeah, yes, I mean people find small joy and emotional value in weird things, right?
Like I've seen some people spend money on some what in my opinion stupid ass shit, bro
But they love it and I mean if they like it, I don't care
But I mean if it would have popped up on my feet I would have been like
GTFO I don't want to see this. Yeah
Yeah, I mean again, I don't think it's it's purely bad. I think it's it's the degree to which it happens
You know the frequency and and just how
So how much it's so well honed I write like, you know, I agree a hundred percent that the zero
ZK knowledge
Or the ZK shit is going to change this and be like hugely advantageous because it will give
the the algorithm away to see I
guess like
The ones and zeros that make up your personality without actually identifying you specifically
Therefore be able to algorithmically send you
Stuff that's more
Detailed to what you want. But really that's all advertising is doing. I never want to put my
Advertisements in front of someone who doesn't want to see it
That's the last thing that I frickin want to do. I don't care what I'm selling
I want to always be putting it in the person that wants to see it the most right now
If I could do that if somebody could get that for me, I would pay them
So much money
That is everything that's best
Maybe like that wants to see it versus needs to see it
So then you're presuming what people need or what people want well, okay
I guess I can still argue and have some fun people buy people buy emotionally, right?
Right. Oh, that's why you have to find people who want it
Or why I would choose the people who want it over the people who need it because I've seen people okay
That they would never buy because they have not seen the desire to buy it yet
Give me your best
What what are your what are the purchases that you look back on that were purely frivolous that you're like, yes, this was amazing
I'm so happy. I did this what comes to mind my Jeep. I
Have a Jeep the 1984 CJ 7 an old-ass Jeep
Just a boy toy ridiculous, but I love it
It does nothing it sits in the parking lot. I drive it around when those thumbs out
It has no top. I don't even put a top on it
I'll love it
So, what about you toad what do you got what's a frivolous purchase that you just loved what comes to mind I
Mean I travel probably, you know
Just spent all of my money on travel, but it was cool. It was good
You know, it made me a better person
Learn so many things
Learn that not everyone was just like me and that that was good
In fact, it's not just okay like that is how it needs to be it's the best. I agree. It's the best
I have also spent a lot of money on traveling
Things are not items items are not a huge thing for me. Mr. Jeremy. I mean my my one for real one toys a
And you know my other car looks like because you've driven in it
For those who don't know I mean can we tell them the name of the car?
Yeah, yeah, we we infamously refer to Brock Davis's car as
the champagne turd it is a
champagne colored turd of the car. It's a very
Mechanic turdie car mechanically the car is in great shape
It's got a great mechanic. It takes great care of it. However
There has been a hailstorm and
Dancing goats that have attacked my car since I've owned it and
But I live out in the middle of Wyoming and like I take
Nasty ass roads. I used to own or have a Mercedes that I drove around out here and
it beat the crap out of my Mercedes, so when I
Moved on from the Mercedes
I got this little Ford Taurus and I don't feel bad driving down the dirt roads
And if I go visit my friend's melody and her goats sneak out, there's only so much
I don't know if I'm gonna go no car and just you know
Keep the Jeep parked somewhere and whenever I want to drive that around through that and just do
Transfer public transportation mostly I think that might be the move to be honest
Mean if you're in Austin, you're gonna enjoy having a car. Yeah, it's a pretty big probably
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I love cities with good public transit like I love cities that were built for people
Cities that were built before cars were super prominent, you know, like and like a lot of the world like the old world
cities were built before cars and like, you know, you can you have like neighborhoods where there's like a bread shop and
Little grocery store and you know, you got everything there
you can walk to it and then like you live in like Dallas or like Atlanta or Los Angeles and it's like
It's just like this sprawling
Concrete jungle
Anyways, it's beside the point but I really like love cities for people. I
Think I like what you're saying I wonder what's gonna happen in the future right way
we keep building these things and where we're creating ubers and whatnot and there's
there's the sense that
We're probably going to keep doing some of that because people want some land and they want to sprawl out
But maybe we'll start making more inclusive neighborhoods where people really want to live
That would be a wonderful thing because we could build it right there's I don't know
There's a lot of this already happening if you start to look at moving statistics and real estate statistics
There has been a mass
amount of people who've moved out of big cities and into more rural areas and
specifically because
2020 pandemic since it's all sent a lot of people into
work-from-home type situations a
Lot of businesses and companies have realized that you know, like you can downsize the amount of place spot you're renting
there's a lot of good reasons that a lot of companies might want to
keep their workers working remotely and
It's allowed for a new type of mentality around work and
There is a there is a kind of a more moving out and what that's gonna do naturally
is and we've seen it in my town little tiny town out the middle of Wyoming already is
Something weird will happen around and then some people start to move in and now we've got two restaurants that we didn't have two years
Before because people moved in and they wanted to try something, you know
Whether these restaurants make it or not, who knows but that's the fun and the the joy of all the games, isn't it?
So I think it's actually happening already Jeremy. I
Think that's probably true, you know in a big way. I don't know
What do you think your perfect type of neighborhood would be like I always wish
We had more block parties around here. I'm not organizing myself. Of course right now
So there's that you know, but I look at those kind of retirement communities and I always think man
That's the way to live like we should be doing that when we're younger, but we don't I
Want to do that. I want to be in a community where
There are communal spaces where everybody gets together for a bunch of activities
You still have your own house, but clearly it's it's designed to be you know, kind of inclusive
Yeah, I like that stuff I
Think that those like those things exist in a lot of places like it feels that way and like Portland
Very walkable lots of you know cute little shops lots of
like there's a with these blocks in Portland where
There's like all of the restaurants
On that block will serve to the the picnic tables like out in the street
and you can just like go sit and go sit in between these restaurants and you can like
order an appetizer from that one a drink from this one and dinner from that one and
Like that's cool. Like all the merchants working together is pretty cool
Now like a sense of community is pretty cool I find these things though in
Like cities with good walking scores, you know, like you see it in places like I
Don't know like Amsterdam had this to very walkable city
I don't know why I'm so hung up on walking these this morning, but
It's good for you. I
Lived in Darwin, Australia and I did not have a car
But what I learned
For real for real
Yes, this is your name
Yeah, sorry. No, no answer down. What's up?
Well, I mean I I just watched an episode of Ted Lassa where they were in Amsterdam
and it looks freaking awesome somebody was living in a houseboat and
I'm just saying I think I want to live in a houseboat in Amsterdam. Now. I don't know my dogs gonna be very happy with that
Looks pretty comfy. I don't know
Maybe not together, but you can get some houseboats
You can my neighbor right like we could like be the houseboat neighbors
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, we should be houseboat neighbors
Obviously, yeah, yeah for sure. Yeah, that's cool. We can scrape the barnacles off the bottom of our boats together. Nice
Can we rent like an extra boat? That's like a clubhouse boat. This could be amazing. We'll have like a boat line
I vote yes, broctopus
You won't need a boat. You'll just be swimming around in the water
It's an octopus
We don't know
Yeah, I like the idea. I don't I don't know about Amsterdam, but you know, maybe
Maybe but that's the great thing about owning boats
You can go wherever you want
You know, it's funny when I when I lived on a boat
Which I did
for like a year
I was always terrified to take my boat out on the water
Because I was like man if I wreck my boat like I've wrecked my house, you know
You don't want to just be driving your house around one day and wreck your house. That'd be rough
Heavy consequences there
Yeah, yeah, you lose your boat and your house all in the same day
Yeah, that's what I did when I moved to uh, san francisco and couldn't afford a rent
Bought a really shitty boat and lived on it for a while. It was great
Yeah, that's uh, that was a common move out in old charleston south carolina when I just got there I never did it
But I had I've had at least three friends
Four friends buy a boat and live on it
It's a good move it's a move it is a move
It is a move. I don't know if it's a good move or not
Depends on who yes or the boat you're on
Or the marina
And there's always that like most marinas don't actually allow you to live on a boat
So you have to sneak in and out most of the time
Tell me i'm wrong
Uh, you were correct
You've never had a buddy
No, I was just gonna say I chatted with uh with this fella who's uh working in in dowland
We were he's he's done a number of different things, but he's very interested in building and when he's
While he's building he and his wife decided to really
Limit what they're spending so they bought they they basically are living on a bunch of land in I think it's arizona
No, new mexico apologies. It's in new mexico
And their house is an old school bus that's been converted
He showed me around like digitally
And I was thinking about you know
Like this this came out because boats also are an interesting way depending on where you are to
To kind of limit the cost of like a house
Has have you guys thought about limiting?
You know living somewhere little on the outskirts of town finding creative ways to
To kind of limit expenses
Um, honestly like I don't mind living in a small place like
I'd rather be in a city center living in 400 square feet than I would
When I live and I don't know
Like I just need to be able to go outside and walk around the neighborhood most important thing to me
That's pretty much that
You're around the peeps
Just around the people man just around the people I want more than anything to be able to
walk outside and buy groceries
You know, like that's pretty much that like I haven't owned a car in eight years
I've just been
walking around
Taking a train
Man, I kind of and it's become like a way of life for me. I love it
I kind of feel like that's the way to go too, man, especially okay, so I mean especially now that i'm so
Set and fairy in in my work life, right? I worked always in front of the computer screen like I went from
Like super hard work like physical labor stuff then to showroom floors
Which is actually quite a bit of walking back and forth to dancing which I was ripped
Back into the agricultural realm, which was nothing but up and down and all around and now
I sit in front of two computer screens
I feel like you know whenever I go to the grocery store i'm trying to walk now
That's one nice thing about this little tiny town. It does have a grocery store in the dollar jungle
Uh, but yeah walking is the way to go
It's so good and I you asked earlier what kind of neighborhood I want to live in I I agree with that
You know, like I think I would rather move in here
I would rather
Sell the car and move into a neighborhood with a place where I know that 90 of the stuff that I want
Is is walkable?
Uh or a short uber
And then if I want to do anything further than that
It is what it is, you know rent a car. I can still rent a car turns out
A lot of times you can rent a car for just a few hours, you know, yeah or
Just a few minutes, you know, I love that. I've never rented a car for a few minutes. I didn't know that
Yeah, there's all these services, um even in uh, austin
Like car to go is in austin. I believe or is it gig car or toro either way like I know i've done this
Well toro is like enterprise rent a car, but it's like, you know, you rent cars for a day at a time
Um, well, you can also run and then vehicles
Yeah, but like car to go and uh get around are
You can just walk up to a car scan it with your phone
And drive it for eight minutes and park it and leave it there
Yeah, here we go
This is that interim step until we have fleets of self-driving cars
That's that
dude, I see self-driving cars
All of the time in san francisco like all the time
The waymo cars are driving around sf
And right now there's a wait list, uh to get uh to be able to call them
But like today in san francisco, you can open up the waymo app
You can call a waymo and a self-driving car will drive over pick you up and take you to your destination
And by self-driving car you mean a car with no
Operator whatsoever
No person in either of the front seats
Wow, nobody in the car
The car shows up you get in it and the car goes where you asked it to take you
It's happening
Right now the other day. I was walking down the street
And um, I was at a red light
I was waiting to cross the street and there was a car turning right like it would have
You know, uh, it would have ran over me like if like I was walking and it turned, right?
Light turns green
And the car starts to roll out into the intersection and i'm like i'm just gonna go we're gonna see if this shit works
And uh, yeah, I noticed me it didn't kill me. So
It's working. No, no big check. No big payout
I know I know all this time. I just wanted wanted the uh, the check, you know
That's cool. That's really cool
You know the money sorry go ahead jimmy
No, i'm just you know, I I knew mike was only this is a long con this space all of it long con
He's just trying to yeah
Your god playing my games
Yeah, i've always been on board for the the whole shelf driving car thing since the beginning like since the first time anybody ever mentioned
I was like
Yeah, I trust that more than the average driver any day of the week
I don't even care how far along the technology is you've got me convinced have you been out there?
Some crazy people out there
That is kind of interesting right like the different people that are really like afraid of self-driving cars
They'll say oh gosh, it's a robot. I don't trust robots and then they'll cite a story
Where you know the self-driving car makes a mistake and someone dies
But they're missing the part where in that time frame
700 other people just died
For real. Yeah. Yeah, but but the idea that that it's in my control
Right somehow that matters
That i'm controlling it
I don't know even though i'm doing it badly, right? Isn't that it's kind of a weird logical gap
Yeah, that is that it's kind of how that goes
I'm going to
Get a little work done. I got a couple meets today. I definitely need to research that green screen
Anybody else doing anything fun for the day?
Got lots of stuff to do so yeah
Good time to call it. Just just prep, you know
Meeting stuff. I'm gonna make sure all my documents are in order. I got a couple calls
But yeah, good day. Good day planned ahead
Yeah, I cut out a little bit early tomorrow or yesterday so and i'm not feeling 100 so i'm gonna see how much work I can get done
Then maybe go rest early again today. I don't know see how we're doing. I gotta get over this stuff
Yep, kick it out. I'll be better by tomorrow. Boom. Take some vitamins get some rest
Oh don't broken this I do take the vitamins. I take the medicines do all the stuff
Rest when I can but somebody still got to do my job. Unfortunately
All right, lovely people I appreciate y'all hanging out
Good times friends co-host jeremy
Much love peeps. Talk to you tomorrow