Rubic Weekly AMA

Recorded: March 16, 2023 Duration: 0:34:48



All right, for those of you just joining us, we'll begin in a few minutes. We were having some technical difficulties this morning, but things seem to be working fine now. And we'll give it about four to five more minutes, about 10 past the hour before we begin today.
All right, for those of you just tuning in, we'll begin in just a few more minutes. We're letting some more people join. We started a few minutes late this morning due to some technical issues, but we'll be live in just a few more minutes.
All right, we'll begin in about one more minute. There's one more minute.
Right. Just one more moment. We'll like it, everything ready to go. We'll begin.
All right, we are up and recording. Hello, everyone. Good day to all. Happy Thursday. I apologize for the slight delay this morning and getting this up and running, but that's some technical difficulties here. So I do apologize.
If there's any problems with my connection today, that's I'll go sometimes, right? Thank you all for joining me for another episode of our Reveque Weekly Chat. I'm your host, Colin O'Brien, and it is a pleasure to be here today to bring you all the latest
news and updates for everything going on with Rubik. It's going to be a little less rigid as we go forward. I ditched the script kind of thing so bear with me if I dock track or anything like that. But
This is a recorded session. So this is on both Twitter spaces and our telegram chats. So if you have friends or family that you'd like to share this with, you're more than welcome to we to record these and they are uploaded afterwards.
Now, this is an AMA. So, if you want to go ahead and ask me any questions, or more than welcome to ask your questions by typing them in Twitter or in our Telegram chat. But if you'd like to lend your voice, you can always click the Razer Hand icon or
the microphone icon and the UIs to let me know that you would like to ask a question. I'll go ahead and call on you so you can do so. So without further ado, let's just jump right into the weekly update report.
Now I don't believe we fully published it just yet on our medium, but it should be published fairly soon. The time change kind of messed everything up lately. I don't know about you guys. I hate daylight savings times. Like I despise
it immensely. It is so it's great when you fall back, but then when you spring forward, it sucks. I've been struggling all week like, you know, normally you wake up at 5.15 a.m. Well, now you're basically waking up at 4.15 a.m. Waking up at the same time.
But now it's earlier. It's absolutely atrocious. I'm not a fan. Never been a fan. I don't really see the need for daylight savings anymore to be honest with our modern technology. It just seems like
a relic of
I'm gone by. So I don't know. I'm in favor of that, the bill that the US Congress proposed that would abolish daylight savings time. I don't know if that's going to get any traction or anything, but we will see.
Let's move on to the weekly update report now that I've got all that out of my system. So starting out with development Rubik's new platform contracts. So next week we will complete the process of implementing the audited smart contract.
So finally, we'll be able to share the name of the partner to auditor and their audit report with everyone in our community. So starting next week, transactions will be carried out through these new contracts and we'll switch Rubik's fees back on.
Our platform will charge $2 for every Prussian swap and $1 for on-chain swaps unless you hold $5,000 RBC. And in that case, you will get your refunds back on those no fees.
And also I'd like to point out that the launch of Rubik's new smart contracts will be accompanied by a bug bounty campaign that will be beginning. So stay tuned to our social media. We will give you guys updates on that as it launches. We're also putting together a new article.
for you all about the new security measures Rubik has put in place to make our protocol more robust and secure against any potential hacker attacks and other risks. We realized that even by talking about this kind of puts a target on us, but you know
That's the nature of this industry right now. So, all right, moving on from there is the Rubik mobile version. So we're planning to finish the update to the mobile version of with this new design. Rubik's mobile version will provide our users with a smoother
cross-chain trading experience and all of this from your smartphone. So look forward to that. We shared some screenshots in recent weeks and you can check that out in last week's weekly update report. We have a screenshot of the UI upgrade there.
Moving on, let's talk about our UNISWAP V3 integration on B&B Chain. The deployment of UNISWAP Protocol V3 is now live on B&B Chain after 66% of the voters supported the deployment and a governance vote held in February.
So the Rubik development team keeps an eye out for emerging technology trends and thus we will soon complete this integration of Uniswap V3 on B&B Chain. Now, Uniswap V3 first launched back on May 5th of 2021 on the Ethereum mainnet.
And some of the key features that introduced were more decentralization, better concentrated liquidity, better security and new fee tier structures. So these features work together to achieve better capital efficiency for platform traders, as well as
greater risk management for liquidity providers. So let's take a pause there. That is it for the weekly update report on the development side of things. We still have to go through some marketing elements, but let me turn to our chats real quick to see if we have any questions.
Oh, it's here.
Mark says I see Rubik announced the possibility of using RBC as the gas for swaps has this been approved as the way forward. I don't think anything has been finalized just yet. Mark, it is just an option for additional token utility
for RBC. There is some technical and logistical and ethical things to consider when doing something like that. So we will keep our community informed about what
additional utility will be adding to the RBC token. So stay tuned. We'll let you guys know that will just be something that we spring on everybody. So we will let you know, but thank you Mark for your your question and contribution.
Let's see here. We've got thanks in questions.
some trolls and crypto live in rent free in people's heads.
All right, Crypto Rocky says, "Will Rueke-Toe could be tradable on BSC or some other low-feet chain?" Yes. So, with the recent changes to
the token on the structure, we have our RBC token on Ethereum and we do potentially plan to have a BEP 20 version available as well. We'll talk more about that
as we progress through Q1 and Q2. And we'll let you guys know what is going on with the updated tokenomics. You know, I don't know if we'll redeploy on Polygon or not as RBC proof of stake, but
We will absolutely have to wait and see. I've got a question here from Michigan 409. You are on. Call and go ahead and ask your question when you're ready.
Michigan are you there? Yeah I'm there sorry I have a question to ask
Yeah, nice AMA do. I just wanted to ask if they are plans for upcoming list sales and partnerships.
Yeah, absolutely. Thank you for that question. Yes, we do. We have a bunch of partnerships that are currently in the process of
being negotiated right now and collaborating on the marketing efforts to go along with announcing those partnerships. We have a number of blockchains that we will be continuing to integrate throughout the course of the year in addition to that.
a number of bridge systems, oracles, messaging systems, and different decentralized exchanges to provide additional liquidity across all the different networks that we support. So that
That is just on the technical side of things, but we also have our SDK that we're putting in the hands of a number of different projects that are out there right now. We're currently servicing around 6 to 7% of all of the live dApps across all blockchain networks.
We hope to considerably expand that over the course of the year. So we'll continue to talk to people about the integration of RSDK, to enable them to integrate our cross-transolutions into their application directly to make it easy for people who use
their app to be able to use crypto wherever it may be on whatever network they may have their crypto assets on. You should be able to use that value across networks with ease and that is what the SDK does. So we will continue to partner with people. We will continue to announce
those partnerships as we progress throughout the year. I don't have anything like juicy to share with everybody right now because a lot of these partnerships are done with marketing collaboration on the back end. So just look forward to additional announcements as the weeks go by throughout the course of this year.
Thank you for your question.
Yeah, thank you very much bro. I appreciate it
All right.
Let's see, we have
CryptoRockey says can you announce in terms about it? I don't have anything to share right now CryptoRockey on the specifics of BSC token but stay tuned for future announcements. Davos says do you
have plans to list RBC on Mexico coin or some centralized exchange. I'm sure a lot of people would be looking at finance. We are listed on multiple centralized exchanges. You can go on to any of the major coin leaderboard or whatever you want
I want to call it websites like CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko, and look up and get direct links to all the different centralized exchanges that RBC is currently listed on. As far as any additional centralized exchange listings,
We as part of like a standard NBA across the industry, you're not really supposed to or allowed to talk about anything that maybe in the works or, you know, any any potential plans to get listed anywhere. All I will say is we will continue working hard to
make RBC as available as possible to as many people as possible, not just on decentralized exchanges, but on centralized exchanges as well. So stay tuned for future announcements on additional centralized exchange listings and we will announce them as we are able to.
Right. Gonna continue on here with the update report. We'll turn things around to marketing. So we have a swap and earn feature. There are many ways to earn crypto, but you can play earn and even learn even exercise, sorry, to earn some extra
tokens, Rubik is launching a first-market unique feature of swap to earn. So let's make crypto fun together, right? Use our platform to swap your favorite assets and accumulate Rubik tokens. So the rules are simple, swap more to earn more. Additionally, those who will
We'll get extra bonuses via our partners, AirDrops. And our first partners, AirDrop, is just around the corner. So stay tuned to our social media channels and we'll update you guys with all the latest news as it pertains to our Swap and Erin feature.
We had a question about it in just a moment ago about token utility. So an update on that. So we're thinking about additional forms of utility we can add to the token such as gas fees for swaps on on Rivertyx change in RBC and others. So we are open to additional ideas from our community.
If you have any additional ideas, let us know through our social media channels or through our chat support bot. And if you have your suggestion put into practice, you will be rewarded for that. So currently we have a zero fee
for holders of 5000RBC. The RBC token is used to pay for the SDK subscriptions and integration services fee. And then we also are doing distribution of our partners tokens via AirDrop to our RBC
folders. And then the RBCs is paid out to grant programs for SDK integrators. So a number of different utilities for the token. And again, we're open to feedback from our community. Everyone has been extremely helpful so far in building
what is today. So keep your suggestions coming. And again, if we integrate a form of utility that you recommend, you will be rewarded for that. So moving on from there, we have our
Boba Network in symbiosis, airdrop campaign coming soon. So, this season airdrop has begun and you'll be able to grab some unique NFTs and participate in a $45,000 reward pool. So, between March 23rd and April 2nd,
Users who make swaps to Boba Network via Symbiosis as a provider will get guaranteed unique NFTs. Now these NFTs will be your key to the AirDrop and claim your portion of the reward pool. And this is an RBC, Boba and SIS.
tokens. So, you know, it's not just a convenient experience to use Rubik, but an extremely rewarding experience as well. So make sure if you don't already, if you want to qualify for this airdrop, you'll need to have those 5,000 RBC in your
your wallet and we'll be revealing more details about the campaign soon. But be on the lookout for additional information via our socials and we'll share more information as we get closer to March 23rd about all the final rules and details of this air drop.
And let's see if we have any additional questions here and our chats.
CryptoRocchi asks, "Well, the AMA be published on YouTube or Telegram?" We haven't really been publishing them on YouTube as much. We do upload them to Telegram and they are also recorded directly via Twitter. So the audio is always available via Twitter and assuming the
video quality turns out well, which sometimes is not the case. I upload the video to our telegram channels. So fingers crossed that it records well today and I'll be able to put that up without any issues. So thank you for that question, Crypto Rocky.
I don't see any additional, we have young savior who wants to ask a question here in the chat. So I'm going to call on him to ask his question.
Young Savior, you are on with Colin go ahead ask your question
Young savior are you there? You're you're muted.
Yeah, good afternoon. How are you? I'm fine. Thank you. Yeah, I just I'll be a little question concerning your ad job. I'll just comment on it with symbolists.
So I want to say that with those talking order on BLC, would they be able to get into the adop also?
Sorry, I couldn't really hear you with it. It sounds like there's a ton of people talking behind you. Could you repeat your question for me, please?
Yes, so if that's what I'm saying that we'll be ending work for those people that is holding rubik on PLC because you know we have a lot of people and we have to be on hcm
So that's what I'm asking. Yeah, I mean like you know we have as long as you hold 5000 rb senior wallet you will call
or any of the potential airdrops. So, yes, that would be the case.
right and this snapshot does it start since the day you pushed the post and when with this snapshot stopped
That's a great question. We will always share information regarding each individual.
air drop or giveaway. So just make sure you pay attention to the announcements for each particular one like the upcoming boba and symbiosis. Air drop. So I would say it
That information will always be available when we release the full details and rules and regulations for all of these contest competitions, air drops, whatever you want to call them. So just stay tuned to that because things could change from contest to contest.
And yeah, that's pretty much it.
Thank you for your question.
All right, let's move on to the last little bit here of our weekly update report.
So Rubik has an L2 network aggregator. So we've been supporting some of the most popular Ethereum layer to roll-ups to date. This includes Arbitrum, Loba Optimism and Metis. We have further plans to expand to ZK roll-ups.
as ZK sync, polygon Hermes, etc. So we are currently writing an article about L2 solutions on the market and how Rubik can be useful for users when it comes to L2s. So stay on the lookout for that. We'll have that up sometime
And then the last little thing in the weekly update report today is about this AMA. It is 3pm UTC. I don't know if we'll throw that back to 4pm UTC. I guess it really depends on a number of different things.
especially how many people tuned in and listened and all that kind of stuff. So we'll adjust accordingly and we'll keep you guys informed. But yeah, Daylight Savings Time really messes everything up. I'm still, still adjusting. You know, still having a chat with
I just, I, it sucks when it gets you wake up at the same time every day and then all of a sudden you're waking up again and it's just completely dark for, for a while and yeah, I really wish we didn't do it. It would be so much easier, but it was just natural progression of
Sunrise and sunset. This artificial skipping in our nonsense is just so archaic in my opinion. Well, that does it for our weekly update report. Let's check it see if we have any more questions in our chats. I don't see that we do.
Looks like it's going to do it. I don't see any additional questions. Any of our chats here.
Alright, I think that is going to do it. Thank you all so very much for stopping by. I really appreciate it. I will...
work on this jet lag. So I'm not so tired. I feel like I'm a little little tired today, but let's to be expected after daylight savings. For me at least, anyways, at this point in time, after this many years of doing this,
I know it to expect every week or so after the spring forward. It's always rough. I always struggle with it, but I'll get through it. No, thank you all so very much for being here. Thank you for letting us your
time and your support. We really can't help to do this without the support of our community. So I really want to just thank you all for listening, whether it's live or via recording. You know, we sincerely appreciate all the support from our community.
and on behalf of everyone at the Rubik team, thank you all. Thank you all very, very much. All right, everybody, I believe that is going to do it for another Rubik Weekly AMA. It has been my pleasure to bring you guys some news today and some updates.
So I hope you all have a fantastic week. To be determined if I will be able to do this next week, I might be out of town. In fact, I intend to be so we will see, but I will keep our community informed.
the telegram and we'll give updates on Twitter as well regarding that. But yeah, looking forward to closing out Q1 very strong and looking forward to some potentially big announcements here coming into Q2.
Let's hope the global financial system doesn't collapse. Let's hope the banking system doesn't collapse. I'm sure there's ways we can achieve what we all seek, which is transition from Fiat to decentralized crypto as a currency without
the whole thing down. None of us have any control over that, so we're just spectators along for the ride. So let's see how this thing plays out. Let's keep our fingers crossed. There's a massive meltdown and let's keep our fingers crossed too, then our leaders don't.
decide to flip over the table because they feel like they're losing a chest. Star World War III or worse, you know. So we'll see. I'll leave you guys with those cheery thoughts as we wrap up the show today. No, but in all honesty, thank you guys so much for
being here. It's always my pleasure to bring most recent news to you all. So without further ado, this is Colin O'Brien signing off for another Rubik Weekly AMA. Stay happy, stay healthy, stay hydrated, and most importantly, stay cubic. Take care everybody.

FAQ on Rubic Weekly AMA | Twitter Space Recording

What is the name of the host of the podcast?
Colin O'Brien
What caused the delay in starting the podcast?
Technical difficulties
What is the fee for using Rubik's platform for swaps?
$2 for precision swaps and $1 for on-chain swaps, unless you hold $5,000 worth of RBC
What is Rubik's bug bounty campaign?
It is a campaign that will accompany the launch of Rubik's new smart contracts to incentivize security researchers to find and report any vulnerabilities in the system.
What is Rubik's mobile version update?
It is an update to's mobile version that will provide users with a smoother cross-chain trading experience and a new design.
What is Uniswap v3?
It is a version of Uniswap protocol that was first launched on Ethereum mainnet on May 5th, 2021. It introduces more decentralization, better concentrated liquidity, better security, and new fee tier structures.
What percentage of voters supported the deployment of Uniswap v3 on BSC Chain?
What is Rubik's plan for future partnerships?
Rubik has a number of partnerships currently in the process of being negotiated, in addition to continuing to integrate with more blockchains, bridge systems, oracles, messaging systems, and decentralized exchanges to provide additional liquidity across all the different networks.
Will Rubik's RBC token be available on other low-fee chains?
Yes, with the recent changes to the token structure, Rubik plans to have a BEP 20 version available in addition to the Ethereum version.
What is Rubik's plan for the SDK they are developing?
Rubik plans to put the SDK in the hands of a number of different projects to enable them to integrate Rubik's cross-transolutions into their application directly, and expand the percentage of live Dapps they are servicing.