Rubic Weekly AMA

Recorded: Feb. 23, 2023 Duration: 0:50:24



Okay, for those of you just tuning in, we'll begin in about five minutes. We're going to wait for people to join both our Twitter spaces and our Telegram lobbies.
Right. We will begin in just a few more minutes. We're going to let some more people join both our lobbies. So we'll begin in just a couple more minutes, a few more minutes.
Okay, we'll begin in just a couple more minutes. We're going to let some more people join both of our lobbies.
Okay, we'll go ahead and start one more minute. We're just gonna see if some more people join both our lobbies real quick.
looks like we are good to go. Everyone, good day to you all and happy Thursday. And if you're all having a great year so far, it's cold out there right now, at least if you're in North America. It's quite a rare, rare storm here in southern California.
was a hailing a bunch and even snow in a lot of places. I know people were they don't even live up in the mountains so it's no end right now. So or at least it did last night. So thank you for joining me for another episode of our weekly AMA. I'm your host
Colin O'Brien. I am delighted to bring you some major updates for the Rubik platform today. If you'd like to follow along with these updates, our weekly report has been published on our Medium. You'll find links to that in both our Telegram and on our Twitter. Make sure you check
that out if you'd like to follow along with me. Now as usual, I'm hosting this weekly AMA, the audio through Twitter spaces, and also the video on our official Telegram channel. Both of these formats are saved so you can listen to them or share them with friends after the fact. Now, being a AMA, I
I will do my best to answer all of your questions. I hope to have some more questions this week. The last couple weeks have been pretty light on the question front and it looks like already I've a couple people requesting to ask questions here in the Twitter spaces lobby. So I appreciate that. I will call on you guys in just a little bit.
Now, if you would like to ask a question, you're more than welcome to click that raise your hand icon in the Telegram UI or the microphone icon in the Twitter space UI, and I will call on you to ask your question. But if you are shy and you'd like to just ask via text, you're more than welcome to
send a message to the Twitter spaces lobby or on our official telegram channel as well and I will go through it and answer all of those. So this week I'm going to go through our weekly update report, I'll pause intermittently to answer questions and then we will see how
How it goes this week with getting more questions asked. So I appreciate the two people are already waiting to ask their questions in our Twitter spaces lobby. So without further ado, let's go ahead and jump into our weekly update report. Now again, reminder, go over to our medium right now. You can follow along with me. So kicking things off with
for the week. We have change now integration. So we completed the first stage of integrating change now into the Rubik app. So eventually this will boost our support of over 100 blockchain networks. For right now in this first phase of
of integrating change now. We've added 14 new chains. So in addition to the 26 that we were currently servicing, we now also have Bitcoin, Ripple, ICP, Cardano, Dogecoin, Solana, Polkadot, Litecoin,
arrow near Algorand dash tezos in Zilka. So during the first week of this first phase of this major integration that we're doing, cross chain swaps will only be available from any of those previously mentioned block chains.
or any of the previously integrated blockchains, I'm sorry, to these new chains that I just mentioned. So starting in March, we will have crosschainswaps for all of the aforementioned chains in both directions. But for right now, it's only to those 14 new chains that we've just
recently integrated into the Rubik protocol with the the change now integration. So head on over, check it out. We've got all of the list of the new blockchains on there, along with all their logos and everything. And then we have an article devoted to the change
now integration where we'll be integrating over 100 new blockchains into RUIC and how we are collaborating with them on that. There is a link to the weekly update report. I highly recommend you check that out. And then let's move on here to our tech roadmap. So our team is continuing
working on all of these new integrations. And we have really big ambitions for 2023. You see that represented in this updated roadmap. So just to kind of go through some of the elements on it. In quarter one of this
year. Now we are a little over halfway through quarter one. We have limit orders on chain. That's a Stargate Bridge integration on Rampervi 2 integration, the Revoke Permission Service, our trusted token list, the mobile
site version of, getting an update and a relaunch. The change now integration, ICP blockchain integration and additional new chain integrations with a focus on layer two chain networks. Now that is for Q1. We've hit most of the things on that list already.
And then Q2 of this year, we will be integrating cross-chain messaging and signals. And then that will also then be integrated into our software development kit, our kind of Umbrella Tech SDK. And then we're going to integrate some additional layer 2.
blockchain networks and then we're going to be launching a mobile app as well. So that's the big things to look out for in Q2. Now moving on to Q3, we are going to do cross-chain templates for lending and farm projects and then we are
We're also going to do scheduled calls and oracles for our cross chain aggregation. And then scheduled calls will then be integrated into our SDK. And then Q4 of this year will be full cross chain SDK for most blockchains that have been integrated into Rubik.
more cross-chain tools under one SDK umbrella, and then we're going to also work on NFT bridge integrations. And then, you know, a year in crypto is like an eternity, so some of the Q2, Q3, Q4 things may change, they may move around, we may
add things, as we progress throughout the year that we will communicate and be very transparent with our community and all our followers about what we're working on and what is coming up next in terms of development. So yeah, we kind of go on a little bit
from there with Q124 with Morales and Chainstack integrations and then Q2 of 2024 and beyond, we're going to continue to add new chains, new tools to really make a comprehensive umbrella tech SDK for not just the web three developers that are currently
operating in the space, but to make it easy for people who are migrating from a web to business over into web 3 infrastructure to make it as easy as possible for them to adapt their applications to this new environment and make everything interoperable across all these different blockchain networks.
So that users aren't like the potential users for their app aren't restricted to whatever singular chain they're on or even if they are on a multitude of chains just those chains. We're making it so that people can use value from all the different blockchain networks inside any of
application. That is the ultimate goal of our SDK. So before I go any further with the weekly update report, let's take a question from our audience here. We've got James, you are on with Colin. Go ahead and ask your question whenever you are ready.
James, are you there?
James, you are muted right now. Hello, can you hear me? Yes, I can hear you. My question is, what plan do you have?
What plan are you? Hello, my co-founder, what plan do you have for keep to currency marketing in the market? Do you have long-term plans for user and investor
in your project and how investor and user will benefit from your project? This is my question.
- Yes, so obviously in the current crypto,
the current crypto industry. It is
There's a lot of negative sentiment in the general public. There's far less attention being played to the space right now. Across the
industry app usage has dropped anywhere from 85 to 99% 99. Plus percent.
And we're seeing that engagement drop again across not just applications, but networks themselves, you know, DeFi as a whole as well as seen a major drop. So I think it is important
to pick and choose when we try to saturate the market with bigger news about Rubik. We've had some bad luck with timing on certain things over the last
It seems like when we make some major announcements or some major strides, there's negative sentiment around the industry or the markets on a downtrend or something like that. We're going to be more cognizant of that moving forward and
try to time our marketing efforts is best we can to coincide with other positive events happening in space. We don't have an eight-figure budget or even just a seven-figure budget to
to throw at marketing like a lot of these major projects do. So we have to be very methodical and very calculated with how we approach particular marketing campaigns and how we really saturate again the Rubik brand name out there.
In the rest of the markets so we're going to continue to do things like trading competitions we have one going on right now with probit and engage with our community and fun and novel ways. But in terms of mass marketing and stuff like that.
We're going to try and time things a little bit better. There's a lot of business to business efforts right now in terms of making people aware of who we are in the space. And that's not just current Web 3. That's also some Web 2 as well that is looking to move into the space.
So, yeah, I mean, you know, there's definitely a lot of marketing elements that are in the works right now. You're seeing some of them play out, like I said, the probate competition that we have going on right now. And we've got an air drop with some
So there's a lot of trade competition with symbiosis. So there's a lot of different things that we're going to continue to do, even if market conditions aren't optimal. But yeah, the bigger marketing pushes we're going to try and time appropriately.
Okay, let's...
So here we've got one more question. This is from Coach Crypto.
coach, you are on with Colin. Go ahead and ask your question whenever you are ready.
Okay, I'm sorry there.
Hello, can you hear me? Yeah, it's like an area. My question is...
What are you about your project in 2020 and how to make your project bigger in the future and how can we benefit from your project? That's my question.
All right, thank you. I just covered the roadmap. So if you go take a look at our weekly update report, you'll see all of the efforts that we are going to put towards development through the course of 2020.
So I recommend taking a look at that. We just kind of covered a lot of that. So please take a look at our Twitter or our Telegram to find a link to our media more you can go straight to
scroll down to the bottom. There's a link to all of our different social channels. You'll see a link to our medium there as well. And then you can follow our weekly update report. We do have a breakdown of the updated roadmap for 2023. So take a look at that and that will answer your question.
Okay, we have a question here in our Telegram lobby. I will go ahead read this and then I'll go through some more of the weekly update report. Dude 58, 58 asks, "How can a token be listed on Binance to Zerubik?"
have to win some voting contest like it was for who will be or is it just some requirements that must be accomplished. Every major centralized exchange has different criteria. I won't really get into any specifics for any one particular centralized
change. I will say that in addition to the Prime Vote 3 that we just participated in with WoWi, we still have ongoing conversations with their team and we have been in talks with some other
companies out there as well about listing RBC so those efforts remain and we will continue working on that throughout 2023. I hope to be able to share some some excellent information with our community pertaining to that pertaining to
to your one centralized exchange listings throughout the course of this year. Obviously though, there are very strict limitations on what I cannot talk about under non-disclosure agreements with different companies out there and things like that. So I won't
really get into anything, it's one of those situations where it works out and we are going to end up getting listed. We're not the ones really that can break the news. It is going to be on that centralized exchange working in coordination with us to choose announcement times and things of that
nature. So, you know, there's kind of like embargoes on sharing the news and whatnot. So, hopefully I'm able to enact some of that kind of stuff this year and share things with the community. Some positive updates regarding those centralized
change listings, but in the interim, I will have to just ask you all to be very patient as our team continues to work hard to make that a reality. So thank you for your question, dude. Let's move on to the weekly update report now.
All right, finishing things out with the development side of things, we have our new smart contracts that are being audited. Part of the agreement we had with the auditing company that we have contracted to perform this audit for our
Mark Smart Contracts has asked that we don't really reveal any specifics, including naming them until after the audits have been completed. So we expect those to be completed in the next two to three weeks, sometime around the beginning of March.
If it's any faster than that, fantastic, but I would say a good kind of gauge would be 2 to 3 weeks from now in terms of when those will drop. So we'll continue to share more news with you all as we can and as soon as
those are fully audited, we'll start deploying them back into the platform again and then the functionality that had been temporarily removed will be added back in and then check it back into the Ruby protocol.
So that does it for the development side of things for the week. Let's move on to some marketing elements. So we have the symbiosis air drop going on right now. So we finished our competition for the symbiosis provider last week. And this next week, we will
on the BNB network at the symbiosis website and we will go ahead and publish that link later. We'll share that across all our social channels. Now again, with RBC, you stand the chance to participate in a number of air drops with all of our different parts.
So if you are holding at least 5,000 RBC, you are eligible for these air drops, we will have details regarding all the different marketing promotions and things like that. We have four air drops and giveaways and we'll post all of those in medium links and
share all of the information across our social media channels. So if you all have any questions about any of these, make sure to reach out to us. You can do so through our official telegram chat or you can reach out to us directly on our website and we will get you a response. Moving on from there, we have the
100 probed probes must be staked in order to be eligible for this event and your staked probed cannot be decreased during the duration of the competition. So this is held for the Rubik USDT trading pair in a total again of two
200,000 rubik will be distributed to the top 20 traders by volume in that order. So there is a link to Probit's website regarding this trading competition and how to participate all of the rules and parameters for it. So make sure you go check that out. That is
in our weekly update report. There's also a link there on how to stake your probe token. And then they guide, it's very detailed guide on how to stake that probe. So remember, the rankings of the contest starter is going to be determined by the total trading volume converted in
that will be converted to the USDC. So make sure to check out all the rules and regulations there pertaining to this trading competition. We have all of that in the weekly update report. All right, let's take some more questions here from our audience. We have...
Let's see a question here in our telegram chat. So GeneralX says
I applied for the Rubik Rangers Ambassador Program because I believe that Rubik has a multi-chain protocol as vital and indispensable DeFi infrastructure and it would be a pleasure to work with the team to spread the word about Rubik. However, I have not received any response. Typically speaking, how long do I have to wait for
a reply. GeneralX, we are going through all the different applications right now. We have already selected a number of people who have submitted their applications. We haven't replied to anyone yet though because we want to reach out to everybody all at once when we have finished onboarding all of the ambassadors into the program.
So you may have to wait just a little bit longer, but I do I did forward all of your stuff over to the team. You had sent that to me last week. I appreciate that. So again, we haven't contacted anybody just yet. So there are people who have been selected. We just have not reached
out to them, we're going to let our team review a few more applications before we start reaching out to all of our new ambassadors. So just hang tight for a little bit and I'm sure everything will work out great for you. And then let's see.
curi-gap on telegram says more of a suggestion than a question. Whoever is developing Rubik's UI should test how it looks on various browsers, both on desktop and mobile, because more often than not, there are several HTML elements that overlap each other.
Yeah, no, absolutely. We have a team that handles that will be more mindful is our community can share which particular browser that you're using, which version of that browser are
Our team can take a deeper dive into looking at that because there are literally dozens and dozens of major browsers out there. It would definitely help to crowdsource some of that information from our community.
Anything you guys can share with our team regarding stuff like that, please let us know and we'll definitely jump on that. GeneralX says thank you. I'll keep looking out for a response from the team. You're very welcome GeneralX.
And that goes for anybody that applied to our ambassador program. We haven't started reaching out to any of the applicants just yet, but we will be doing that sometime soon. So please just be patient with us for a little bit longer.
Mark says what happened to the conversation for OG Ruby colders that was mentioned end of last year. I don't have an update for you on that. I know that there is conversations and plans being made surrounding that. So I am not
participating in those conversations, but I'm aware that they're happening. I don't have any official information to share with you right now, Mark. But do know the team is mindful of that of your question, of that sentiment from our kind of OG holders. So yeah.
We'll share more with you guys soon and reach out to a lot of our OG members directly to talk to them and kind of fill them in on what's going on. So, appreciate that Mark. Thank you. Let's move back to the weekly update for a report and then I'll call
on some more people here in our Twitter spaces. So blockchain Vest 2023 took place in Singapore this month. It was on February 16th and 17th. It is one of the most interactive Southeast Asia blockchain events. They focus on tech.
exchanges both centralized and decentralized. You know, tokenomics and and defy and NFTs and mining and gaming and gambling and everything you can think of kind of surrounding the FinTech industry and our co-founder, Alexander.
went there and she gave a speech on stage about the difference between a cross chain and a multi chain architecture. There is a tweet from her there. She shared a photo of her up on stage talking about blockchain fast 2023. And then you can see one of our slides behind her there.
comparing us to some other cross-chain solutions in the space. So make sure you guys go check that out as well. And then also the Web3Stronger Together Summit is coming up on March 1st and it's running through March 4th.
During that time, I'm going to be given a speech about GameFi and Web3 influence on business models and how that pertains specifically to the gaming sector. It's going to be a fun chat. It's going to be kind of like a panel discussion of sorts or roundtakers.
So I am very much looking forward to that. Again, it will be a virtual summit, so you can either participate by watching online or if you do have any VR headsets, you can actually participate in the event that way as well. So pretty cool stuff, kind of the glimpses.
into the future of conferences 10, 15, 20 years from now. And then last but not least is a little board here about today's weekly AMA. And then a link there that brings you to the recording of
this, which will be on our Twitter later today. All right, that does it for the weekly update report. So let's turn to our audience now and take some questions. We have John Riki.
who wants to ask a question.
John, you are on with Colin. Go ahead and ask your question when ready.
Yes, I can hear you. My question is what plan you're talking to, strung that
NFT market what are your plans for NFT market to people? That's it. This is my question. Thank you.
So we have already integrated the ability to purchase multiple NFTs at once. So that is a novel thing that we've done. It makes it not too dissimilar from just normally
eShopping where you can put multiple things in a cart and purchase it in one go. We will be working on integrating NFT bridges during the course of 2023. I think NFT bridges are going to be key for for for DAP
infrastructure, specifically gaming, because you're going to CNFTs exist not just within their own intellectual properties. So from from, you know, one game to another inside of the same developer, the same IP, but then also
NFTs that transcend beyond a typical intellectual property. You're seeing a lot of crossover stuff right now. So you're seeing you know Ubisoft doing stuff without
Activision, doing stuff with Epic Games, doing stuff with Valve, and a lot of different game studios out there, different major publishers and developers doing IP overlap.
Perfect example would be the recent crossover between Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed and Bungie's Destiny 2, where they did some of the assets from one game were in the other and vice versa.
but just strictly cosmetic items. But it's that kind of stuff that is going to really open the door to having the more unified gaming universe, not too dissimilar
from Ready Player 1 where you have big open, metaverse worlds where particular buildings or particular portals will take you to either other metaverse worlds or other biomes
essentially within the world or straight into games themselves, right? Like a like a metaverse lobby for a particular game. So it's going to be a very fascinating future with NFTs and how they're going to be
integrated into the Web 3 DAP market as a whole. I think gaming is going to be a huge part of the growth and adoption for NFTs and for Web 3 as a whole to the general public.
And then eventually you're going to see NFTs represent far more than just digital items and cosmetics and things like that. Eventually it'll be invoice bills of lady and certificates and license
and all sorts of government documentation and things of that nature. But that's many, many years down the road. We're still not there yet. I think it's going to take the fun value, right? On board a lot of people because when you start talking about
invoicing and permits and licensing and how that is going to be NFTed on the blockchain and stuff. It's kind of a snooze fest for most people, right? That doesn't really interest the average person. What interests the average person is being able to earn some really
cool item in a game or say you buy a movie or you rent a movie and it comes with an NFT of a character from that movie and then you can take that NFT and now you have the skin for that character in a game that you play. I mean that's the future we're moving
towards. That's the business model future that we're moving forward. And that's what I'm excited to talk about in the upcoming Web 3 Stronger Together panel is stuff like that because that there's all sorts of novel new ways to
use NFTs to create more brand exposure to get more people interacting with a particular intellectual property. And, you know, it's just going to be much more dynamic.
marketing environment for brands and for businesses moving forward. And a lot of that power is in the hands of the individual users. So I'm very exciting times coming over the next five, 10 years.
Thank you for that. Let's see here.
so you can have more questions in our telegram chat.
No, I will go ahead and call on James one more time.
James, you are on again with Colin go ahead and ask your question whenever you are ready.
James, are you there?
James can you hear me? Hello. Can you hear me? Yes. I can hear you now. No question, my question.
Any other question? No, I thought you raised your hand to ask a question. No, no, no, no, thank you so much. No worries. All right, and then we do have a
was a question here asked both in Twitter and on our telegram chat from IDDAT at this he says call in as an American do you take your shoes off when you come home or do you walk around with them in the house like an old sitcoms it's funny you mentioned that because anytime I
We do accidentally catch myself kind of coming inside and not taking my shoes off right away. That's one of the first things that runs through my head is everybody on the internet making fun of Americans for doing just that. Yes, a lot of Americans wear their shoes in their houses.
I wouldn't recommend that, especially if you live in a city because the sidewalks can be dirty, but it's less of an issue for people who live out in the suburbs where you know, or the
country side where things are not so gross. I just look at a lot of cities today they're gross. But no I try to take my shoes off right when I come in the door. We have like a little
I don't even know what you would call it. It's not like a choux tree. It's not like a cubby hole box or anything. It's more just like a little two, three shelf thing where my daughter has all her shoes inside a little little box, little her boots and sandals and stuff. And then my wife has her
sandals and slippers and shoes and then I got my shoes and my sandals. I don't like wearing slippers inside. That's never really been my thing. But yeah, I'm very mindful of that. I try not to. It's better to just walk around inside your house with socks on because yeah, that's that could be pretty gross. If you're tracking stuff in from outsides.
Yeah, I know that shocks a lot of people though when they, it's like a culture shock thing when they come to this country. But there's a lot of people that have a no-shoop policy when you come in their house. They have little chute-ree thing or little cubbies. The intake of shoes offer just leave them by the front door.
Definitely growing up there were a lot of households that I would go to friends and things like that were Absolutely, I know a shoe policy inside the house. You have to take them off the second you walked in the front door And I know a lot of people are actually like that. So I would say Maybe it's not as high a percentage as a lot of people think
But it does happen. Yeah, that's I guess it's part of American culture. Some people just don't care. That's fine because one of the cool things about the ethos of America's
the freedom to do what you want. You do you as long as it doesn't affect your neighbor or put a drain on society, go ahead do whatever you want. Live your life. Unfortunately, not that many people embrace that philosophy. I feel like these days, but maybe
We'll get back on track with that. We'll see. Looks like we have one more question coming in for my VAT at this or maybe a comment. I think that is pretty much going to do it. Oh, yeah. I did VAT at this. Where's Svenat? When is he coming on the college show?
We will have him on soon. I need to coordinate with him on this. I know that he is interested in doing that and communicating with the team. He will be able to give some insight as to what's happening on the business development side of things.
Absolutely. We'll talk to him and coordinate with him to get him on so we can you guys can ask some questions and Really, you know get a better idea of what he does on a day-to-day and week-to-week basis Because he and the rest of the
the BD team like here and others are, man, they're really working hard. They're really knocking on a lot of doors, metaphorically speaking and talking to a lot of different projects. Again, they've onboarded 6% of the DAP market to Rubik's. So, you know, major
to them for all the hard work they've done. And again, we're going to try to continue that and roll that into, you know, even more momentum as we progressed through 2023. You know, 2023 is this building year. We're getting ready for the next major wave of investor money, retail
money coming into the space, the next major wave of technological advancements and and and gaps coming into the market. So we are going to try to position ourselves very well to to capture as many of those data projects as we can. And I know that's when we'll be able to give you guys some good
insight as to how that process goes and what kind of work that he does and what the successes are, pushback or anything like that, all let him kind of handle what he wants to talk about. But we'll take questions from the audience and I'll do a
Excuse me, a little mini interview with him and kind of cover a lot of the stuff that I feel like our community would already ask. But if I give him those questions in advance, he'll be able to give more detailed responses. So if there are any particular questions that you would
like me to ask Sven when he comes on. Make sure you go ahead and tag me in our telegram channels, shoot me a DM, you can do that also through Twitter and I will make sure to include that. But again, all coordinate was spent on that to see
about when he can come on as a guest. And the time difference is I think eight, nine hours, maybe ten hours. I think he's UTC plus one plus two. Usually he's not globetrotting to do
different conferences around the world. Awesome. Well, everybody, I believe that is going to do it for another weekly update report and another Rubik Weekly AMA.
I really would like to thank everybody who is currently here right now listening to this live, especially if you're as committed to listening to this live. But even if you are listening to this as a recording as well, thank you very much for
for giving us your time. Thank you for participating in our community, for being involved, for supporting our project, for supporting the vision that our entire team has, and for making Rubik what it is
today because it's feedback from our community that has really contributed to the development of Rubik over the last two plus years. So on behalf of everybody on the Rubik team, I sincerely thank you for your time and for your participation.
All right, everybody, that is going to do it for another Rubik Weekly AMA. I've been your host, Colin O'Brien. I want to thank you all so very much for stopping by and as always, stay happy, stay healthy, stay hydrated, and most importantly,
Stay cubic. Take care everybody.