🎙 Rug Radio 💄Fresh On the Blockchain⛓ 💥 #23: Gary Vee, VeeCon & Web3

Recorded: May 11, 2023 Duration: 1:26:03



♪ 'Cause girls is chaos to me ♪ ♪ 'Cause girls is chaos to me ♪ ♪ 'Cause girls is chaos to me ♪ ♪ 'Cause girls is chaos to me ♪ ♪ 'Cause girls is chaos to me ♪ ♪ 'Cause girls is chaos to me ♪ ♪ 'Cause girls is chaos to me ♪ ♪ 'Cause girls is chaos to me ♪ ♪ 'Cause girls is chaos to me ♪ ♪ 'Cause girls is chaos to me ♪ ♪ 'Cause girls is chaos#
I'm on the line.
Yeah, cuz girls is
Because girls is crazy Because girls is crazy Because girls is crazy Because girls is crazy Because girls is crazy Because girls is crazy Because girls is crazy Because girls is crazy Because girls is crazy Because girls is crazy Because girls is crazy Because girls is crazy Because girls is crazy Because girls is crazy Because girls is crazy Because girls is crazy Because girls is crazy Because girls is crazy Because girls is crazy Because girls is crazy Because girls is crazy Because girls is crazy Because girls is crazy Because girls is crazy#
Alright, we are going to get started because we have an incredible group here and I know everyone is very busy. So we're going to keep this nice action packed and tight. I'm just bringing you should kind of up on Twitter spaces. Let me just
hit go live on LinkedIn live. You can decide whether or not you would like to watch us and our expressions and see this competition for who has the best background because everyone at Web 3 seems to be very competitive.
about what they own. I'm just letting you know that. Let me just find our tweet to just pin to the top really quick and we'll just get started. If you all don't mind just helping out by retweeting the room, DM your friends. If you all got questions drop it in the speech bubble, go on LinkedIn
I'm going to be a part of this. All right. So now that I was buying time, as you're getting set up here, I'm on a couple of devices. I literally have four screens open. But yes, without any further
or do welcome. My name is Janie. This is Rug Radio, fresh on the blockchain by Janie Park. This is episode number 23, my goodness. And today's episode is about Gary V. V. Conn and Web 3. Unfortunately Gary V is not here. Maybe we can tell
and invite him here and he can come during his busy schedule. But back to the show, which is a weekly conversation at the intersection of global culture and commerce and focusing on the relationship between brands and tech. It is weekly and it's really about uncovering strategies
insights behind brands, origin stories, future forecasts, so you can stay informed. So today's episode I'm super excited because I have crossed paths with each and every one of these people in some shape or form and they have made an impression on my life so I'm very excited to host
each and every one of you. So we're going to be talking about today with these powerhouses about all things becon, what is becon, what is befriends, what is what we have to do with it about the community speakers, maybe I'll want some alpha because you want to be on the community
So you better not harass them, but ask them about some questions and then okay, I didn't know she could join, but we also have grown the verse so we'll integrate her into the conversation as well. Because Web 3 is all about being flexible because things change in a nanosecond.
If you have questions, drop them in the speech bubble. Like I said, if you're on Twitter spaces, LinkedIn Live, I'm also monitoring the screen. So feel free to drop it there. Let me breathe for a second. And I'm going to do quick introductions of you. So first of all, on LinkedIn Live, I'm just going to go and order here.
Alyssa Jordan, otherwise known as Shmoopper Girl, and she is an active member of Web 3, also with B friends. She hosts a show on Rug Radio called the Stars Podcast with her husband. I feel like I'm doing your work for you. She's also a legal counsel and has a dope
fire kicks. So make sure to check that out. I know you mentioned a fresh pair so I want to know what you're wearing. I'm just letting you know that. You better be ready to take a photo and to share it with us just specifically for the show. Julie, Sue, Lam, multi-hyphenate powerhouse with a great hand
If you're watching a LinkedIn live right now, I would say for real Julie is an advocate and amplifier Alyssa has a story I have a story many people have a story for Julie You need to know who she is and she has a heart of gold and she will help you shoot your shot Just be a good kind great
human being. That's all we ask. Next up, I am trying to bring up Shikina. I know she's in Tallinn right now, so it might be a little bit hard to bring her up, but I'll just go to Steve real quick while I try to bring up Shikina again. Steve's. Otherwise known as NFT bark. I feel like
I'm making you guys cheese but maybe a little bit uncomfortable as you're coming through. But he's a Web2Marketer, a turn writer, co-author of the first Harvard Business article about NFTs, consultant, founder of DGEN Network, community builder, Starbucks Odyssey. You could ask him, I guess, your questions about Odyssey are still
waiting for your wait list just kidding. He's laughing on live. And also a very, very big advocate of diversity inclusion. He hosts a show on DJ Network, shout out to Captain also, you know, some of my favorite, you know, gentlemen in the space who really help to advocate
for diversity. Last but not least, I didn't know that Melina from Girl the Versa could join, but she's joining us from Twitter spaces. She's a content creator. She has an amazing career that she has had in journalism. And I mean, all these people, just amazing friends, Shakina again.
But Shikina also, let's see, I'm going to try, I can't bring you up on streamer it unfortunately. It says not connected. But let's try to bring you up for Twitter spaces. Let's try this one more time. Shikina is lawyers.
She also has her own comic, which is very impressive. So make sure to check that out if you're a comic book person. She also has consulted with Colton Rain, which is a fashion brand. And okay, we just got her up amazing. So I mean, I kind of did the work for you here, but I want
to be a part of your Hive Squad because I think that I've been on the receiving end on that. So I'm super excited to have all of you here. But let's just go around really quickly. Just one to two minutes if you guys can do your own introduction and please do not vote which one was better. That's all I have to say.
So maybe we'll start with, we'll go in the same order, Alyssa, Julie, Steve, and then we'll go to Twitter Spaces.
Hey everybody, Alyssa Jordan, you said Shmoop are girl right, so go you, you're doing better than half of them, you know what three, so congratulations on that. Thank you, thank you. It's funny, Julie has it spelled phonetically in her phone, which cracked me up, so like every time I see your phone I laugh a little bit.
I am the Chief Compliance Officer in General Counsel. I'm an amazing women founded tech company called O'Hanalyn Technologies. We have a digital service delivery platform that's changing the world for victim services. I say that because I believe
in my heart were literally changing the world. I have a storied career in ethics and compliance that started even before I became a lawyer, became a lawyer in my early 30s when I was a single mom. I started law school, it was a school full time at night where I worked full time during the day. And I entered Web 3 through
and be friends because my husband decided to buy a ridiculous looking bun from Gary Vaynerchuk. And two years later here we are. Let's go. Amazing. Thank you, Alyssa. I appreciate that. And I see Ron also in the house supporting your lovely wife who we love. Let's go Julie next and then we'll go to Steve and then
I'll go to Shikaita and then Malina. Hi all, I'm Julie Lam. I'm known in socials as how to a Julie Sue. That is my real name, Julie Sue. So if you like me and you know me, and if you actually know me, you know, I really like Julie. I like the name Julie Sue. Julie Sue Lam is fine. You know, as long as we can talk in real life, it's#
I like to say my super secret power is accelerated connection. I happen to generally enjoy meeting people, meeting new people and seeing friends in real life. And since we all were stuck behind the computer for so long, I found a way to keep communicating. Communicating in conferences is also something that I find really enjoyable.
So, some people like there are certain hobbies for my work and for my hobby it's always been going to conferences. So, over 35 years going to conferences. So, a very unique perspective about them, what I like, like seeing my friends. We can't wait to see all my new friends at Nikon and some long time friends that we've had in the space.
by crypto in 2017. I bought into V friends during the Dutch auction. So I've been living through the V1, V2 came specifically to buy the tokens that I have because I wanted to go to the conference. I wanted to see people. I wanted to meet them in real life. I wanted to meet other folks that were doing great things. And that's why I like being on this
stage today is I met Jayny as a volunteer at another conference at Miami NFT Week and she ran the backstage green room area check-in speaker like a boss like she does this place so I'm happy to share more you guys if you want to know more about me if you google search my name there's tons out there and it's a pretty fun journey
I can't say it all in a couple of minutes. I am a female founder of a tech startup and FTP. We do token gated immersive ticketing for events and experiences. I work as an event lead for crypto Oracle Collective. I love my crypto Monday's family shout out to the New York City crew and there's an Austin and Miami and London and Dubai. I love you guys anywhere you are on a Monday
Monday there is a family for you at the crypto Monday. So I love you and Valerie Malina, Brandon, Alexander, Steve, I see you guys in the comments and I'm just saying, you know, hard to let you back. Amazing. You're the best announcer voice, but Steve, I know you can you can rise to the challenge. So yeah, just
quick introduction, one to two minutes and then we'll go to Shikina and Molina. Yeah, no, honored to be on stage with all of these wonderful people Steve Kaczynski, NFT bark on Twitter for those who are on LinkedIn. And yeah, my background, you kind of nailed it, the intro co-authored the first Harvard Business Review article about NFTs.
a book with Penguin publishing with that same co-author on how brands and companies can authentically enter NFTs sort of demystify for them. My passion is really in education and bringing this technology sort of demystifying this technology, bringing it closer to a place where businesses and consumers can use it to empower their lives and create those aligned incentive structures.
Similar to Julie, I bought my D friend at the Dutroption to get access to the conference. I love IRL in following Gary since 2010. So this was like a no brainer buy for me. I owned it before I owned my board 8. In fact, didn't buy my name. So I was saving up for my D friend. So that was something that was really near and dear to my heart.
I'm excited to be here and talk about a beacon, which was just incredible last year and really looking forward to it this year. Thanks, Steve. I had no idea that you were so hyped about Gary and B friends because I know that you're really into your board A. And we need to get you a physical hat that matches your ape by the way. Just letting you know that.
All right, cool. Let's move on to the Twitter spaces for intros. We'll get to the conversation soon, y'all, but I mean, these powerhouses that we have on stage right now, they have done a lot, they're doing a lot like everyone else here in Web 3 that is putting in the time and building. So we'll go to Shikina next. Shikina, are you there?
Okay, we might have to get back to her because she's an NFT talent right now, and I know she's out in a bow, but she still was gracious enough to want to attend. So she kind of just let me know whenever you're able to speak. And then let's go to Molina, girl in the verse.
Hey, hey, uh, no, I'm not on LinkedIn, which is usually I'd be the video girl right now, but I'm through. I'm actually if you want to come through, I can drop you the link.
No, I wish I'm just juggling literally six things. That's the life of a content creator right now. I was joking with Jamie the other day that like maybe I need three cell phones to be able to do a Twitter space for cord and you know do and edit. No, I just wanted to come say hi. I'm really excited to attend Bcon next week. I am a content
creator in the space, mostly known for my crypto news updates that come out every Friday. Make sure to check them out. I really do the work that I think now I'm starting to see is exhausting. I'm so tired. I feel like jugs and pepe was a month ago and I was just last week. So if you are over
wellms with crypto news, make sure to come find me. I literally dissect it and do all that fun work for you. Yeah, I don't know. What else can I say? I don't know. We're doing like intros, but I am a content creator. And that's it. I don't know. What else? That's it. Oh, good. She also hosts the show. I feel like I'm like everyone
hype squad here. If you're a friend, then I will hype you. She also hosts a show with Chris Flyride about content creation, so make sure to go and check that out to great friends and also great content creators who are adding value in this space. And okay, y'all that took
a while, but I mean there's so many different things that everyone has done and I learned some new things as well while we're talking. So let's just get into it. For those who may not know because there are people, especially my friends on LinkedIn who actually don't know who Gary is. So let's talk about just very tough
line, who is Gary B? And I'm going to throw that question actually at, I feel like it's like roulette almost although I did prep with my interview question. So I'm going to ask Julie, can you tell us in about a minute or two minutes, I mean he has crazy achievements, but how do you
still him in one to two minutes. You know, how do you define Gary Gary is he's kind of like a good book, right? Some people say, Oh, did you read that last year? You know, it's the summer reading book of Bill in the blank. Everyone comes to the different story to Gary V. Maybe you followed him in the beginning on his wine library because his family has a wine store, where he, you know,
described lines on his channel and then he you know he really came out with the idea of You know bringing community together and how can you make that happen and he came out with a project called be friends and helped educate a group of people about how to buy crypto how to get a wallet on working with a team of people selling
multiple tokens if you will. I call him someone who is a pioneer in the space. He certainly isn't the first one to come. He won't be the last one, but he is someone that overwhelmingly with his message. He bent off a lot by saying that he wanted to do a conference with the token. Part of me was pretty excited about getting that. So here was a guy who started a
business dropped an NFT, taught us how to get a wallet, has a confidence that we all can meet at. I think he's an interesting fellow, he's come out with a book, he has Uno cards, he's got plushies, he's got collectibles, he's a darling to meet most of the time, depends on, you know, he all can get help. I really do enjoy seeing him and seeing how much joy he brings to other
people and some of the new technology that he's sharing along the way. Cool, thank you. And I was actually timing that you literally nailed it. And you got the assignment. I'm just saying, Julie. And I feel like Steve, I got to throw it to you next. I mean, Julie touched upon it a little bit. We were talking offline.
on the video stream before you started, before you got started live. But what is VCon? Like you mentioned you want to VCon last year, you said that it was, quote, I don't know if I'm allowed to say this, but the best conference that you ever want to, okay, I got the thumbs up from him. I was like making eye contact just to make sure I was
on the spot. So what is Vcon and what makes it for your perspective the best conference out there? Is this Web 2 Web 3 or are you talking about overall? Let's get into it. Overall for me I've been to a lot of conferences in my career because I prior to sort of Web 3 I was in PRM or
marketing at Fortune 500 and Multinash Goals, so we would do conferences. And a lot of those conferences felt like I didn't feel super fulfilled when I would do it. And some of them were better than others, but at the end of the day, what Nikon was, it was a conference where in most situations you go to a conference and you're concerned about everything going on outside the conference. You're trying to network with people you're
to try to go to events. What I really liked about V-con was a couple of things. Number one, last year it was in Minnesota this year as an Indianapolis. It's a central location in a stadium. So it keeps people in one area and it's not a city like New York where you're going to spend $500, $600 to includeers around the city to go to everything, getting fomal where you're going. Instead it's#
you can walk the floor and the speakers, I mean not like the really famous speakers right like the set greens and the bus arrives and those people aren't really walking the floor but the other speakers who are from Web 3 truly show up and walk the floor at conference so it's a wonderful networking opportunity it gives you one good location there and for me it's a celebration of sort of
Gary is very well connected. He's able to pick up the phone and get somebody who's like Spike Lee to be a speaker at the same time. He's bringing people like Jimmy Beath and Frankie Nies and Cheryl Azar on stage who are all able to talk and this year with the community stage. So it's a really really good conference. I enjoyed it thoroughly last year and I'd like to leave NSTN
I think there's a big difference there. Very interesting perspective and I mean we're going to get down into kind of the nitty gritty later on in this conversation about kind of your highlights or how to even navigate the conference because we have
of expert conference goers and you know Julia as well who has helped to produce and create a lot of these events. But I'm going to go to Alyssa next you know during the intro you mentioned the V-friend and the bug that you bought and you know what it's become and I know that you know Julia if you're watching on LinkedIn live
has set up her corner. I know that also we were talking about this earlier, but Steve has some of his V friends, Loki, you know, Web 3 collectible competition in the house, just saying. But Alyssa, can you tell us again, if you can just solve this in two minutes, what is V friends?
So V friends is the tokenized access that Gary Beenerchuk created with
I should tell the characters that he drew. I know there's a number. I don't know the exact number. Sorry, with them. Drawings where you know that look like you know this salamander up here.
and if you look up Turk tech, you'll see that's the bug. But it's, you know, his way of creating characters that exemplify the traits that he thinks that are, you know, most
common in business or otherwise and he created these characters that are NFTs that were available for purchase back in 2021. Each of which was to be an access point for three years of access to becon his conference that we are attending next week.
In addition to that, there's other access tokens that were created a gift code which gives all of the orders, you know, these crazy amazing gifts that they get over time including digital collectibles over time. There's other access tokens that I use you to go with Gary Vee or do a podcast with Gary Vee.
or do a hangout pop Zoom call that the bunch of people hold the tokens together. So he really created the tokenized access point, but along with that the characters represent intellectual property that the intents have developed over time. So that isn't a nutshell.
how I describe what the friend is. No, it's a mention though. Let me add this point. The friends more importantly than a tokenized access point, Cigarity, is an incredible community like minded people who found each other because of the project.
And to me, what it represented to me in the beginning was my husband, my original husband, right? What it did was it introduced me to an amazing network and community of people that I now call my dearest friends.
I haven't found another web through community yet that has quite brought together the quality of thought leaders and people that B friends has. We grew together into web through learning about it and so many of us are still together as a network so the
community of the friends is by far the most valuable asset of the entire project. Okay, no, I appreciate that because I was actually just going to mention that because I mean, for this closure, I am not a B friends holder.
I would love to be a part of the community, but also the Molina's laughing. I mean, you know me, if you know me in person, IRL or not, I mean, I'm pretty blood about where I'm at. And I just think that what is interesting about V friends is the community, as you said, because
how close you guys are. And I mean, just a question for you guys who are in the VFRIENCE community. Do you think a part of it has to do with the fact of when the project started and how early it was and how maybe your friends or your family basically
or normy people, IRL in real life. Basically, didn't understand WTF are you actually doing, buying into these bugs or whatever it is, would it have the same effect on community today in this fair market as it did when it launched?
I don't know. That's not fair. It's that's completely out of the oranges, right? I mean, I don't think so. I mean, I think that, you know, we have it's different flavor, but I do think one thing that's been consistent about all conferences that I generally go to no matter if they're a John Deere Tractor conference or this web three conference is that I always end up
finding like minded people. I just do. You're my tribe. I will find you. You will find me. We will be around each other. Just what happens that I ended up fumbling across a guy who feels the same way and gathered these, you know, maw this that came around to their own flames if you will. And it's just just really, I mean, there's other great communities that are out there. I'm just thankful that Gary came#
into my life and brought me to current ones. And I can't wait to see when the next thing is next week how many more new people are we going to meet and we're going to share that. So that's going to be somebody's first time next week coming down. So I would hope that they get that same experience. Certainly if you come around us and especially go to the community stage. Because at the community stage, those speakers that are there
people that are grinding it out, hustling it, not the only people. There's a lot of people that are, and it's awesome to see that people who are actually doing it come supporting others that are doing it. At the community stage, we get to celebrate like hours, right? What's up there and what's going to be happening in all different varying topics. So I love the fact that it can be
came on when it did because I met you guys, but I hope everyone gets that first experience next time. So I don't want to take that from them. Well, if I can build on that really good cake. I mean, my inclination is even if it launched today, it would actually have the same community and impact. And the reason I see that is because Jerry had an existing following in Web2. That's actually what a lot of people know him for#
ability to really understand and almost see where the puck is going in Web 2. And there was a time actually when D-Friends dropped when someone was running the data and they were like looking at the overlap between 4-8 holders and gutter cat holders and alien going all these things. And the outlier was all of these were the same while it's except for D-Friends which had a
large number of unique wells and that's because Gary did a tremendous job onboarding a lot of people into NFTs, again teaching them how to create a wallet, what proper wallet security and wallet hygiene was, making sure they knew how to mint and buy even for a decommission, they had a consier service on how you can get your ticket, get it set up, make sure the app is working,
So my inclination is that today, if you watched yesterday, six months from now, six months ago, it would be a group of people who maybe weren't as web-three native who are coming in because they understand and believe in the values and even the values of it. I bought my break license because I wanted to remember that I didn't want to live on people's other people's
And I wanted to swing the bat because I spent years early to tech and never done anything with it. And I bought it for that reason and you know within a year I put my job in the full-time web 3. So I think it attracts people who are going to have those sort of ethos and who and so I think it actually today would have the same impact if not more because
in a very market, people are probably even more choosy so it would be who really want to buy it in the conference. Yeah, no really interesting points. I see, again, it's funny, I'm looking at all the screens that I have right now and I see, growing the verse, you had your hand up and then afterwards I'm going to get to a question from Valerie
quickly from LinkedIn life. So go ahead, Molina. Yeah, I was going to say sort of the same thing like Steve. I think Gary comes from Web 2. So he got a lot of people who just did know about crypto and if he's involved.
And I think that's the difference. But I will say too, I don't want to hype up Vicon this year too much because last year was just, no, but I want to be really realistic with everyone. Okay. Vicon one can never replace Vicon one. You know what I mean? Like it was magical at the time that it was held at
the momentum was there. I'm going in very hopeful, but what I will say is, and I told this to Janie offline, is that I can't even describe it to you. It's like going to summer camp, seeing some old friends you see online. Yeah, exactly. It's just so different from any other conference
the fact that we're all going to be in one room like I told Jamie we're not going to have to chase each other around New York City this time. We're actually we're going to bump into each other 99% sure we will because everything is done at one specific place. Yeah, so I just I'm really
excited, but I'm also, you know, like there's going to be a lot of surprises, but we just don't know what to expect this year. Completely different location, completely different venue. So that now there's a community stage. I'm just like, I'm excited, but also like, okay, it may not be like last year, but
You know, let's keep it real. I say the same thing about Kevin Rose and proof Kevin Rose is Kevin Rose Gary V is Gary V so To your question, I think that You know, he was able to bring in people that were not here that are not living on Twitter that have no clue what crypto is like I
I didn't care about ETH until Gary V said you got to go buy ETH please friend go buy ETH. So, you know, I just want to make that very clear too because it is his name, you know, at the end of the day it's someone that a lot of people, well, you know what, actually my friends don't even know who Gary V is. So whatever. But yeah, I just wanted to hash up on that.#
Yeah, I appreciate that. I mean, I think that most people have heard Gary basically say do your ex number of hours of homework on NFTs and probably watch this YouTube video. If you're talking about education, whether or not it's content creation or web 3, I mean Gary is someone who's using his influence and also telling you to do I owe
which is do your own research. I want to get to this one question first before we segue and I have Shikina come up because we're having some connection problems earlier. So just one moment. So the question from Valerie is do you think that it's difficult for people who are new to the community? So not Web 3 to be accepted
it into such a close knit community because I know that Valerie is in Web 3. I don't know if she's a holder or not, but I did want to adjust this question and ask you guys, is it difficult if someone were to decide to join the community now, whether or not it's by the end of tier or not, would it be difficult to integrate into be friends?
I don't think so.
Yeah, I don't think so. I think that that's the entire point of what Web 3 is about is the cultivation of community with this digital identity representation as a part of it. So whenever you start that journey is what's best for you and the world is we're here waiting to
to bring everyone in. That's the point. We want everyone to be a part of this, you know, cultivated community through digital identity. So I don't think, I think that be friends specifically in most Web 3 businesses, I don't call them projects anymore than businesses. Most Web 3 businesses
Our structure in such a way that the goal is to bring people who are familiar with the space and help them learn it and grow in it and be a part of the broader community and then be accepted into micro communities like the friends like world of women like yeah any of the other very more tapes. Whoever whatever whatever business you want to
Yeah, all right just for the purpose of time I mean I feel like we could probably hash that question out a very long time But just from the the quick response of the three that we have on video right now Steve Julia Lissa who immediately said no, I think that gave you your answer that
It would be difficult to integrate into the community. So I know Shikina you've been waiting, you've been having some connection challenges, but I want to bring you up to just share really quick like a one to two minute intro of yourself and then we're going to get into talking about the community stage and you know you guys are actually
community speakers so I think this is going to be something that's interesting. So Shikina please I hope that the connection is working on Twitter and Talon are you there? Yes I am and it's like freezing and like almost midnight. Well yeah almost a night. Yeah I know I'm here and excited and Polly did not
know that my chrome has a setting that won't show my video and I don't know how to change it my video or my mic. But no, yeah, I'm a lawyer within the blockchain industry or slash ecosystem. I've been a lawyer for about two years prior to that. I was a social
worker for about 13 years. And yeah, like just kind of right place, right time. Thank God for the pandemic, you know, for my perspective, because it's what stopped everything for me and kind of forced me to study for the bar, commit to taking it. And, you
Yeah, that's how I also found crypto and NFTs during that time. So yeah, I got into this space early 2021 clubhouse, first client. And yeah, now I'm, yeah, journal counsel for debt
Thank you, Shikina. Finally glad to have you on because I know we're having some connection issues. Also thank you for joining us. So let's wait. I mean, she's also at another conference guy. So you know, this is how people do here. Web three moves at the speed of a nanosecond and it does not
But yeah, I just want to get into talking about community speakers, right? I was super hyped to find out some people who are my friends in the space that you know y'all are actually speaking on stage. So I actually just want to go through like very quickly again because I'm trying to
have you guys for an hour. Let me know if you guys can stay a little bit over but I want to respect your time as well because I allocated one hour. But walk us through how it happened, you know, or your thoughts on, you know, speaking on the community stage, you know, because it's a great opportunity
opportunity in terms of getting your name out there, whether or not you're a marketer, a business person, community builder, whatever it may be. So, Shaqina, what do we start with you first? Just because you haven't had much air time, and I'd love to have you share about your journey to become a speaker at DeCon.
I feel like I've been listening to what everyone has been saying. I would say I'm probably the yeah, I am not in the ecosystem at all when it comes to what V friends. I'm aware of them. I remember the timeline of WinGarry which is doodling and posting them on Twitter and no one knew what that was.
turned into the collection. But no, essentially, I don't know. I know that they've never had a speaker lawyer on stage. They didn't have one last year. I got that energy where I felt like it was the one.
I'll apply, I'll hit some people that I know because sometimes it is about who you know. And yeah, other than that, I didn't go to Minneapolis because I'm not into Minnesota. I'm not really into Indiana, I'm going to do a come in and
come out like I'm exhausted, I'll be exhausted from this trip so we'll see how that time change kind of happens with the jet lag because I'm going to, I'm extending my stay a little bit here in Tallinn for I don't know what reason but yeah
I mean, it's gonna be a good opportunity for you to take a look over there. I don't know if you've been there before. Why not? No, no, I mean, I haven't. I haven't been here, but I lived in Copenhagen for a good while. Yeah, I've been this sweet in several times. I'm likely we'll be back. Not here in Tallinn,
but in sweet, well, back in Copenhagen in the fall for another conference. But yeah, it's just, I don't know, it's all about networking, you know, and I don't know. I'm just going to say, I think I'm really good at it. And that's how it, that's what I would say in the opportunities that I've been able to receive. And because
on different stages. And yeah, no, it's definitely a blessing. And so anyone who's listening, yeah, you can do it. You just got to shoot your shot. And, and, and give yourself that energy. Like, no, I am, I'm not going to, I'm trying to, I don't think I use for fan. So I'm trying to do that. But you got to just, I don't know, bring that extra#
about yourself and be confident about yourself and that's essentially what I do. I tell myself that I deserve, yeah, to be honest, age, or I have something to say and people need to hear me. And yeah, that's what I tell myself and essentially that's what it is and that's
I would say why I'm at where I am and it's the same reason where I'm at in my career. If I hadn't, you know, kind of since an email out to Artifact, you know, I'm quite sure I'm not where I'm at right now. Yeah, amazing. And that's a whole other story to get into.
I appreciate that. We definitely have to talk as well because we met briefly at Future Plus, one of the B2B events for fashion over at NFTNYC, Shikita. I just want to highlight one thing. If you are listening live or play back, and one of my favorite
phases is shoot your shot. If you shoot it, you don't make it, then you didn't make it. If you shoot it and it goes in by some fluke or you don't know how, I mean great. You got in. So now you're doing the thing that you thought they could never do. So I just want to encourage anyone out there, whatever you are trying to do.
just shoot it if you don't you'll make zero if you shoot it maybe you'll do 50 you might get one or three or ten in I mean who knows but on that note I saw Julie on meter Mike so we'll go to you and then we'll get back to the speakers I think it's important
that you know you've mentioned this that both of you have mentioned shooting your shot. Sometimes you don't make it. Guess what? We're not all going to make it. That's the truth. We're not all going to make it. But if you don't take that shot, you're definitely going to be someone that's not going to make it. I did not make the speaker stage. I did apply. I applied and I specifically applied to moderate and be#
really, really great kid, NFT artists and entrepreneurs, GS for great Theresa Melvin, Rainbow Moe Show, J.R. Roberts. I know that there was at least four of the kids that I needed to apply, NFT Kids Magazine. We get to be a part of really sharing this new wave of a younger population coming in. Well, we were not
part of a programming for the community stage. What was part of the community programming is learning about law, learning about how brands are working in the stage, how you can build your brand, how you can make it happen. There's only so many hours in a day to put so many people that you can upon stage. If you shoot your shot and you don't make it, I am
the same place that you are right now, which means we made a shot. They didn't go in the basket, but guess what? We're both going to be watching our friends or new friends on the stage while we're in the audience and we get to turn around and say hi, I'm Julie. We get to go back to that networking thing and community. So I want to go back to that first question really quickly, you guys. If you find that you#
be an awkward person and you're not comfortable making new friends. You know, it's okay. It's a same place to come around the people that I know that are in the community and you can always say to me, "Hey, I'm a little awkward, but I'd like to meet you. My name is." And I'm certainly happy to meet anybody. So, Jamie, thank you for allowing people to come on your stage and shoot their shots.
And also you got in to be to be part of the media crew. How awesome is that? You know, I mean, let's reset the room. We're all here because Jamie got a media pass. Oh my gosh. She's able to just let's be here and go. You're volunteering for NFT conferences. Now you have a media pass and you get to go to so many other things. None of us.
on this stage get to go to. That's totally awesome. I mean, okay, I was like half about to cry because Julie and also Tim was not here giving my first shot with NFTs and at a conference to volunteer and I really met a lot to be oh my god I want to start crying while we're on video right now.
but it was a really difficult time and I've shared this story before I mean if you guys have been on my spaces before I was living in Asia I got laid off as I was leaving the last day from Hong Kong to make a three-week trip out to the US to see my family who had been seen in
three years because Hong Kong was chasing a COVID-19 strategy. So you couldn't actually like you were quarantined in a hotel room with no window, no air, and you couldn't get out. And I just thought that was so bad for mental health, but because I had the situation where I was laid off 11 to eliminate, that's when I
started like learning about NFTs and Web 3 and crypto and I even know what the hell Web 3 was at the time. It was just NFTs and crypto and I started January 1st Found Gary V and that was last year and that's why my trajectory was so crazy because I was working at the time and then I just came in with like as an investor wanted to make money and
the bull market, which obviously is not the best situation, but I met some amazing human beings and you know just started creating content and when I shot that shot I mean just real quick um just to explain this and just hopes that our own courage are all of you. I mean I just threw it in thinking I mean why the hell not right so I just like threw it in
and I didn't think anything of it, you know, exhausted from NFTNYC, you know, kind of a steep was saying too, and it was just thinking, I'm gonna rest and I actually took a week off from my day job because I work in digital fashion full time along with all the other things that I'm grinding away at and was thinking, I'm just gonna work on my personal stuff also just like
take some time to take a break and a massage and then I get this email while talking to Lori Grace catching up and if you don't know her she's an amazing photographer just beautiful storm chasing I don't know how she does it it scares the Jesus out of me excuse my language but we were just talking and I totally
I was like these MFers are trying to steal my theory. But little do they know is not like Steve's wallet. Okay, I'm sorry I'm putting you on a spot Steve. Please don't go in steal anything from his wallet. But I don't have apes like I don't even have clone like I really want to clone. But anyway, so I mean a lot of it's like women and non binary projects. So I mean
like the floor is not crazy. So whoever is going to steal my stuff is going to wonder why did I do this? But I'm happy to be a part of the communities that I'm in and then I get an email saying that there's going to be a press breakfast with Gary B. I'm really looking at it and staring at it for a good 5 minutes. I'm not going to lie.
just thinking to myself, this is such a scam. These are really, really good scammers. And then I just started like googling them and finding them all linked in and realizing it was real. And I was like, you know what? I shot my shot and it's not funny because I have to pay my way. But you know what? I'll consider me betting on myself than me betting on my job within a company.
I'm doing this for me and it's going to be fun and it's going to be worth it. I mean, I have no idea what to expect, which is why selfishly I also wanted to have these amazing people who are my friends so I can also ask them for tips about how to navigate the con. But let me wrap this point. Malena, I know you have your hand up.
I just want to check one thing. I send you guys a message, but are you guys okay to go another 10, 15 minutes? Otherwise, I will wrap around five with you guys, let you guys go. And if anyone in the audience wants to just come up, I'll probably turn off the LinkedIn Live and then we'll just continue the conversation. So we're you guys at in time.
good? Okay, wow, amazing. All right, I guess you guys were really having fun. Until your family that you're busy talking about bugs and animals. Melina, did you still have a comment? Otherwise, I'm going to move on to the next question. You can go, Jenny. I was just going to touch on Julie's point. Oh, yeah.
about, you know, I think, you know, I'm going to talk about content creation and I hear it all the time from clients, from business owners, from artists, you know, people get really scared to do content or to show their face.
or to write a thread or to write a blog post or to voice their opinion online. And it's, you know, obviously I could relate because that used to be me. But back to Julie's point, if you don't try, if you don't, you know, voice your opinion, if you don't
you know, shoot your shot, you'll never know, right? So instead of wondering what if, like just do it, you know, and try. You know, so I just wanted to say that for those who are coming to Vcon, if you will be coming to the community stage and you do want to learn about what it takes
to be a content creator, how to get over certain fears. I'm going to be touching on that as well, specifically video content because that's what I do. So I do encourage you all. I don't want to sort of say my speech here, but I do want people to know that even those who got chosen to be on the
community stage, I think for all of us, and I don't want to speak for anyone, but I think a lot of us just decided to shoot our shot. And we said, OK, let's just try. Let's just send in our application. And we got chosen. So I just wanted to reiterate that and let people know that if you don't try, you'll never know. So yeah.
Yeah, I love that and I Steve I don't know if you want to share on this topic really quick before we move on or if anyone else wants to share because I have a great back question as well.
I actually have very, I'm not truly saying what I thought was a really good tip of like don't be afraid to go up and introduce yourself. I actually would even flip it on its head. One of the things I always say is my biggest thing I tell people going to conferences is that if you are comfortable or you have a group of friends or you feel like you're in a bit spot where I'm fortunate that by attending six
Seven events for the past couple years in the web free space I know I see a lot of the same people So what I'll do is if you see someone and you know the tell-tale symbols They're sort of on their phone in the corner or maybe they're at the bar kind of checking their phone not looking around Go into that person introduce yourself because worst case scenario Maybe they're just taking a break, but in a lot of situations most
multiple times in conferences, I've gone off to someone and they're completely alone and they're intimidated and you can turn their bad experience into a good one by just inviting them to the group or opening it off and it's something that I try to do as a practice in every single conference I go to is find the person who maybe you know you don't want to go see it but if you happen to see someone who seems like they're sure on the
their own, say hi introduce yourself. We're just curious and they blow you off and so what? And never forget being kind. But there's situations like I can tell you literally four or five times the past becomes up into where someone has joined or walking through or somebody has you know, been alone and had an event and then they didn't prove their event and they meet new friends and that's just something
I would flip on his head and say like, if you are confident or you have a group or you are with people and someone looks alone, like invite them in because it's an opportunity to make a new friend and where's he, Sarah, if you don't hit it off, that's fine, but it can change the trajectory of their experience. So it's something I just always recommend to people as they go to conferences.
Yeah, we're actually sucking into or segueing. I just made it for word, I think segue into like a different area, but I love those tips and I want to get into that a little bit more. And I'm actually just rearranged some of my thoughts here, which is
What are your tips? Let's talk about pre-VCon and during VCon. What are some tips and things that you would recommend doing? I saw a list of raw types, something about the app, and we were talking about that earlier. I know there's a VCon app coming out as well. If you guys can
I mean, whoever wants to go, but like what are some tips to prepare before VCon and then afterwards we'll talk about during VCon, about how to navigate the whole experience. I mean, again, it's very different than at a TNYC or a lot of these conferences where it's literally you're scrambling around like the city.
trying to catch people or define them. So yeah, let's start pre-Vicon. How best to prep? What is your top tip? And let's talk one only just so we can go down the line and talk through everyone. So what do we actually start with Shaqina? If you're there.
Okay, maybe she's not there in connection. So let's go to Melina grow in the verse and then we'll go back on the LinkedIn live stream. Sorry, what was the question, Jeannie? I thought it was your offer. I know it's okay. What is your one tip to prepare before the con?
I just like I say this all the time for conferences you have to prepare I I come out with a shot list I come out with people I I absolutely want to talk to yeah I write out everything out if you don't I mean here's the thing we can all go there and have a good time that's you know of course but if you are going
there with an intention or you know you're setting yourself a couple of goals. I see right them out. I say follow through. I say you know go after people and you know back to shooting your shot. I mean people have asked me how did you go talk to Frank D. God's in New York and I said I just went up to him. I just shot my shot. I you know just you go
I don't want to wait in line and wait after people. I say you have no choice. You got to wait the line. There's going to be a huge line to go get selfies with Gary. Right? Yeah. There's going to be a huge line, Jayne, to go get selfies with Gary. And I say that is the best line you want to be in. I met so many crazy people.
people last year waiting in line to chat with Gary. And that's like the best content you're ever going to get. Also, film everything you can possibly can if you are a content creator. Nothing's ever not enough. So just film as much as you can and bring comfortable shoes. And I'll speak on behalf of Stephen
try not to lose your voice. It always happens to me too. Cool. That was actually like 15 tips all in one breath. I love you. That's how I speak to sometimes without breathing but a lot of good tips out there just to prep. Anything else any of you guys had to add because I feel like she covered a lot.
I see Julie unmute so please you guys charge your phones bring an extra charger bring an extra cord and charger and if I let you borrow my charges gave it back to me You're you are preaching
like I was like preach preach preach it's so funny because there are so many good tips and moeena packs and all these amazing tips of like how to plan you know no your purpose which I think is so important going into the conference right like what is your goal like I you know have certain people I want to make sure I'm gonna see certain talks I want to see all those things and look matter of those purposes the same some people they
work a day job, this is their break and their vacation, go have it, have it up, enjoy it, have a drink, have a good time, all that, right? So you got to know your purpose. But what Julie said is like so, so good. It's like like have an external charger for your phone, be prepared with that sort of stuff. Like those are things. How, if you, if you know people from NFT Twitter, for#
and you have a PFP, have stickers or a badge that has that on it. So that way someone's meeting you and it's like, "Oh, Steve, okay, what's your old, no, you want to have like your identifiable information so people know so if you're a kid's not your face online, you want to make sure those things." Like those little things do matter and help reduce that friction or if you don't have a badge
have one of your phone backgrounds set ready to your TFP so you're gonna flip it around and show people so like it reduces that awkward sort of friction you're running with stuff so I think those are the greatest tips and then the only thing I'd add to it is Have a plan but be willing to break it because serendipity happens like you mentioned waiting in line Momina. It's like you'll be waiting in line
club line I admit some great friends right and like club sidewalks you'll need some great friends and sometimes you have a plan that you want to go to this talk and then you meet someone that like hey we're gonna go grab a bite to eat real quick let's your end of the half of it because that can be some of the best moments you'll ever have. The list I see you turn your mic on.
Oh, no. I both of you got both of you. I was like, true. It's true. Like so, so Vcon for me is a little bit different of a conference and I know Julie we talked about this. Vcon is less a little bit less strategic for us and we'll get more about enjoying the experience. The other conference is a little bit different, you know, so this
This one is a little bit more about enjoying, but I had to recommend all of these practical tips for sure, but for those of you that are introverted find an extroverted friend. Just find one loudmouth extroverted friend. If you need me, I'm here. Steve has volunteered to just tribute to our Julie and Jamie. We're here.
find an extroverted friend that will drive you along to all the things and it makes the introductions and introduce you. And also one tip is give yourself some grace to just take in the experience and enjoy yourself. I think so many times like we get so caught up in cramping pressure on ourselves.
I appreciate your shot. I shoot my shot all the time. But also give yourself some grace to experience the moment. Not everything has to be captured. Sometimes you just need to stay in the moment, enjoy the connections, look people in the face, make the connection, and that can be really, really hard for them.
those of us with 80 HD in these environments. There is so much going on. There is so much stimuli and so much pressure. I'm terrible remembering names. Give yourself some grace to enjoy the moment and really connect with people. You know, listen, you said something that's really important for me at these conferences. I just do so many.
But to me that's serendipity, that magical. I don't really. My only plan is getting on that plane, checking into my hotel and showing up for the community stage. Like other than that, like once I show up, like game on, let's go. And I love you guys. I'll talk to you for a little bit, but I'm going to love on you for a hot minute and then I'm going to disengage because I#
to look like a butterfly. That's just how I roll conferences because I'm I just I hang out for a little bit and then I'll kind of go off and find something something interest you. Don't be afraid to split off from your friends or that new person that you might say, "Hey, let me catch you later. Let's connect up on LinkedIn or Twitter however you connect with people." Or in the app, I know last year there was a connection point#
So I haven't dug into the app more to find out, but don't be afraid to float. Don't be afraid to not have any plan at all. And see where it takes you. You know, that's the I think goes. And if Julie Lam tells you to run, you run. You follow her and you run. Do not follow me. Do not follow me.
Wait, wait, who are you guys going after? Melissa. We were running a deal. The nice thing is that the GaryVee experiences are all going to be scheduled in the Vcon app. So hot tip in preparation for Vcon really
community speakers to be supported by the community by being able to hear them speak, you have to register your ticket. It's going to make the admission process so much easier for everyone. Additionally, register your ticket through the Vcon app. We'll also allow you once they make the future go live schedule your selfie time with Gary. There's no more schedule.
this year. This year you're scheduling more time with Gary to get yourself these so you that no more four hour lines of just waiting to meet Gary you'll get to schedule that. So that be caught up is really instrumental to having a successful conference. So this kind of reminds me like I don't feel for you to use the Disney
app to go to Disney World or Disneyland and I'm well as people like an operator I used to do retail operations amongst other things in my past life and literally I'll be mapping things out like maximum efficiency to make sure the whole flow makes sense or based on the timing I mean even though things are scheduled so I'm using air quotes but you
even though it's schedule you assume things may be pushed back a little bit for whatever reason. But I think, yeah, I mean having that app for me is a game changer in terms of, I mean, I've been seeing it, I've been downloaded, I don't own of you friends like I said, but we're on the video earlier, but if you are going, you can register.
on the V friends like site so make sure to go to the real account don't go searching for that in case fishing links or whatnot. But that's a great tip and one thing that I just wanted to add I was just cracking up because I am kind of like a mix of all of what you guys said. I mean I you know was not
to all of us in my name. I'm like a 56% extrovert and also shy that people don't actually believe me when I say that but I think one thing though is that I'm prompting coffees and I think you know meals and things like that that Steve mentioned I'm already talking to some people like D.A.
be like, "Hey, let's find a time to see if we can grab a coffee or a meal." I mean, I'm also kind of like, "Joey, I haven't made any set plans." Although, Alyssa, you did mention that the times for the community speakers have been dropped on the blog on the VFRIEND's website. So make sure to check that out because I don't think any of the scheduling has been dropped.
And yeah, I mean, there's just a lot of things to do for just networking purposes and things that, you know, we can do to navigate. I like the QR code that Steve that you mentioned or QR code or like, you know, of your PFP. There's different apps or NFC that you could actually get
to connect and share contact. I'm exploring those things too, I guess, between today and next Wednesday when I fly out. But super excited. I want to ask, though, as we talk about this, what are you most looking forward to?
at the con and while we do this I'm going to open up the floor I do see someone else request to speak I'll open up the floor in about five minutes so the last ten minutes we'll just have Q&A and anyone wants to come up feel free to request to speak so Shikina I see you have your hand up so we'll go to you first.
As soon as you said that, the first thing that came to mind was like Japan. Japan has a vegan community. We'll be friends community and a lot of them are coming. I haven't seen them since last time. I was there and just excited.
I just love to see what's going on internationally when it comes to just blockchain tech and just development and so I'm excited to see them. And I guess I have to see some other friends and at some point, Jamie, we live in this
same town. So I, I mean we should have gone together. Let me say after VK I'm probably going to be around for another two weeks before I travel again. So yeah, but I'm excited about just the international like folks that are coming.
And again to find out what's new in their country. I want to see how this thing is moving globally. I'm super excited. I think someone from the digital fashion community was saying to meet up with Japanese NFT girl. I think that's her handle.
and she's active in VFRIEND so I'm super excited. I mean, happy AAPI Month, I'm Korean American and I just got to acknowledge that real quick. But I mean any other tips and if you guys would like to come up and speak on Twitter spaces or have any questions on LinkedIn Live then feel free to drop them now.
or request to speak to come up for the next 10 minutes because it will be running till about 515. So Julie, I see your mic is unmuted. So let's hear the nuggets of wisdom from the goat herself. I'll take that. Thank you very much, my friend.
Do not face me if I'm running it could be going into the ladies room. So I just want to make that clear. I'm really curious because I follow you. Let's see if you are a seasoned convention goer. Alyssa, you were last year, you know, we've had many comments. I'm really curious to hear what Steve is looking forward to. I'm by the way, Steve, I
I can't wait to meet you in person. I'm looking forward to meeting people in real life. That's my big thing. And you know what? I'm looking to see where the magic takes me. So those are the two things I'm looking for. Steve, I'm curious to hear your looking forward to it. Julie, your energy is electric, by the way. So like, same I'm looking forward to meeting you as well.
I mean, for me, I'm super nerdy, so I'm going to be looking to hear about, like, I like to have my ear to the ground about trends. Like, I love meeting people and hanging out, but, you know, especially as I'm sort of writing this book, which is like this work in progress because it's like, you know, the world is ever changing and there's new trends that are coming out.
people are talking about, you know, every time when I went to NFT NYC and it went from two years ago at NFT NYC it was like, we're all going to the moon and it was everyone was lagging and now it's like, you know, people are talking about interoperability and gaming and tech and fashion and sort of, you know, those sorts of integrations, big brands coming in NFT.
For me personally, the thing I'm looking forward to as nerdy as it is is I just want to have conversations and see what's exciting people, compared to last year a lot of people were having wearables of their NFTs and what that looked like and that was a big trend this year. What is the trend going to be that I'm hearing from people? Because these are the people who are truly the consumers of this product, the people who are
the community members. And entities is this unprecedented time where the community builds alongside the brand. And you know, I always say like, Web 1, you were the consumer, Web 2, you were the product, people soldier data, Web 3 or the brand. And so knowing kind of what the brand is saying about entities, it's me really excited as well as culture in general. So I'm looking forward
is having conversations and learning from all the smart people around because I truly believe every person you have a conversation with you're going to be able to learn from. Love that. And Julia asked the best questions, by the way. She really does. She knows what she's doing.
I mean, Alyssa, wait, can you tell your Julie story real quick? And then we're gonna go to Daven. Which Julie story? Of what Johnny's story is this? Of helping you. We don't be running here. We're gonna chase her down. I'm trendy. You know what?
I'm really looking forward to a V-Condow. This year I'm taking the CEO of my company who has been wondering what the hell I've been doing in this case for the last two years. And it's going to be so great to bring her Cara if you're listening. When you see Cara with me, she's a founder, female founder CEO of this tech company.
going to be with me. And what I'm most excited about is introducing her to this whole space and letting, helping her see that there's real people behind all of this virtual craziness that I think we have set up that can be really intimidating for people who aren't in it. So I'm
really excited to bring someone along who is going to have their first introduction to Web 3 and I really think that we need to start doing more of that in this space is really giving our our friends and our in this type of introduction and there's really talking to me about a place than than be caught in life and in
That's a and I can't wait to meet her. I think this is like the perfect web to web three intersection of something to actually join. But Daven, you've been waiting. Sorry, getting through that last question. So welcome to the stage. Do you have a question or a comment about Vcon?
Really actually for me it's just a comment to say, "Foma is claiming me and I'm in Starficker Uganda right now and I cannot make it to Vikon so shouting out everyone if you're going to be at Vikon just tag #Vikon for international folks, they can follow you as
you guys exploring the world. But I shut out to God in the, God in the first just just just jump in because you know she's been nice. Okay. Cool. Thank you, David. I appreciate that. Yeah. I mean, content while you're there. I mean, I mean, we
a lot and we make videos so it takes a while sometimes which is nice because sometimes it hits after the wave so people are being nostalgic and you get them excited again but also whatever we can do live I'm excited to see what content and what actually happens because I'm kind of going over the blank canvas because
I've never been as well, so it's going to be exciting. I'm excited. I can't help it. I'm tired. I'm drinking bubble tea. I need a bubble tea sponsor, I think. Like Trader Joe's is really good. I'm letting you know if you come to my show every week, you know that I love bubble tea and I drink it way too much than I should. But it's the same one as Costco.
okay guys it's a white label as in like they must use the same manufacturer but it's good just say another tip okay you want to save your voice because if the louder the music is it's just difficult to talk you guys so which really loud just look at each other
your head. Just don't hurt your friend, right? If I'm talking to you and it's really loud we're close and it's very important. Other than that we're just bothering our head. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. And if you start feeling that little tickle like you're starting to lose your voice, this is my biggest hint to someone who is a musician by trade and singing in your, you can do#
where you want to. So I know if you're humming, you're probably losing your voice. If you start to quietly hum and you know the right note for you when you're humming, it starts to kind of tickle this part of your face. When you hum, it makes your vocal cords go like this so it trains them to do the right thing as opposed to like this when you're talking over loud music and you're not hydrated and then your vocal cords
to get dry and that's why the air comes through. So hydrate and hum, those are my two hands. I was trying to. I was trying to. I'm like, I hope that I'm muted right now. That's a, that is the most alpha tip I've ever had. Yeah. So far I had never heard that that's amazing.
me to I need it and like how do you know if it's the right hum if it's going to help your vocal cord you know the right hum is because you know and we'll all start in a certain tone right bring the tone up a little lot lower or higher whatever it is when you feel this part of your face by brain and tickle that's your tongue and your tone
It can be a little different every other day. So just do it in a space where if you start to feel it kind of come right here and see Steve, I know you're trying to find it. Listen, you're trying to find it too. You guys are humming freaks. Last thing because we have about four minutes left. I just want to say I want to give it tip. I used to freelance as a fashion stylist.
I'm playing in my career and we have these things called kits. So if you ever meet me, I have a kit of just random all the things that you can imagine that you need. I mean, I'm not a CVS or Walgreens, so I don't have every single thing, but like I will say my game changer item, I mean, you might
a battery pack which you definitely need. The second thing is, if you are networking, you do not want to breathe fire on people. Every time I talk to someone, I literally pop in a mitt and then I have a conversation. Because I used to do business also in Asia and if you
Korean food, you eat kimchi, every single person, every local Korean is going to the bathroom and they are brushing their teeth because those chili flakes get embedded in your teeth. So make sure to do that teeth check. If you are red lipstick like myself and I know Molina does too, check your lipstick
make sure it's there and you know what, be a friend and if someone has something stuck in their teeth or their makeup is messed up, then be a nice person and let them know. And lastly, this is my alpha-alpha pro tip. And I'll share this with anyone because it's my networking tip and I saw Steve come up.
And you have to credit me if you use this and you get a contact. I carry around a tied pen. Okay, and I'm gonna tell you a story because I was at Miami Art Basel and I was on a panel at the Central and someone who was motoring my panel was wearing white pants.
and she was wearing a light blue, like very fashionable top that literally had feathers on it. We had salad with balsamic dressing. It literally somehow migrated all over her white pants and I literally was like, "Blessed out my tie, Pat, I'm
I was like, I got you. And she said, what is that? I was like, this may be uncomfortable, but I'm going to go to your, you know, your behind region. I'm just going to help you to erase this thing. And literally from the white pants, the balsamic was gone. And I usually carry two of them. So this is the pro alpha tip. Just be
because you're on my show today, which is I usually carry around two. So I usually gift it to the person and I'm like, "Hey, go make friends." Like this is my pro tip in terms of networking and talking to people and I have had literally people message me later on and be like, "Hey, I used it, but I didn't have one to
give them. So I did not appear like I was a very generous person. But Typen, it works. And last one that I'll say again, because I come from the fashion side is if you don't want to, you know, iron things and you know, I pay for it by Downey Wrinkle Release.
straight up. It looks like a Windex spray and you literally spray the items and you literally will just take a shirt and you'll just flick it and the wrinkles are majority gone. It's not 100% but it's pretty damn good that you don't have to wrinkle it. Those are my tips in terms of packing and also making sure you
look fresh and on that note really quick what are you guys wearing and then we're going to wrap this space and I'm gonna start with Alyssa you know I was gonna go to you because we have a mutual love of sneakers and you mentioned that you picked up a fresh pair of kits so tell us yeah
I'm not telling you which ones. I will say that they are dunks. They are dunks and they are pink and I love them. So I am definitely wearing a fresh pair of dunks. Actually, B came in last night and had released them and I was like, "Go put the black check place is back
And she was like, this is not right. That's not until next week. What is going on? So I am wearing pink pink dunks for sure. The rest. It was halfway to see. Oh, okay, okay. I'm
excited for that. And Alyssa definitely has a really cool sneaker collection. Julie, how about you? I'm a huge fan of graphic teas. I know us who are wearing graphic teas here. I'm wearing G is for greats graphic tea right now. Ladies, I saw you ladies are wearing them and all of our friends in the Twitter space right now. I can see your graphic teas. I know you ladies are in gentlemen are wearing
I always like a sport coat over it. So I might go grab a T-sport coat jeans definitely comfortable shoes. I like to do some fun stuff with comfortable shoes. That's kind of my go to stuff. So that's it and that's kind of what I like to wear and bring comfortable stuff. And it changed a clothes you guys and you know I'm a fan of St.Fresh and Clean. So I might
change my t-shirt. Oh, oh, oh, and if you see me wrong one, if you see me, if I don't run out because I have a tendency to do that, you have a pull-up and a TVIP, stickers that I have and I'm working with Poab and my friends at Poab. I can make sure I'm going to go Poab in time, but if I do, I will be wearing this so we can#
Julie run at her grab that I'm just kidding I'm just kidding if you're a creeper I'm not gonna talk to you I know
I was totally just joking by the way, please do not run at Julie walk up to her politely introduce yourself like a normal human being. Thank you. Steve, how about you? What are you wearing? I am just such a nerd, so I'll probably wearing a bunch of NFT gear.
probably the same shirt I'm wearing right now, which is like a three. I have the absolute worst fashion. So I just like I dress very, I dress exactly like I would look, which is a middle age Midwest. So that's what I will be probably dressed in. Easy, like, you know, easy to spot. I, you know, like, NFT gear.
I don't have any special kicks, I don't have any special clothes. It's terrible. I know. I work with fashion people who are really smart and I can put together an outfit if I need to. But for stuff like this, truthfully, I tend to be a little more comfortable and just go that way. I work comfortable shoes and I literally have a pair of like, I'll even show you right now.
I have a pair of like freaking like new balance that I'm probably gonna wear right I mean like it's like that's literally what'll probably be my feet because it's comfortable to walk around in its stadium So um, it all likely it'll be an NFT year comfortable clothes dress like because I mean part of being fashion is just being yourself and part of myself is the most fancy thing I'll wear is I have that G money iteration
sure, which is kind of Foxy and makes me look a little bit like a like a like a, you know, get zero, but like generally speaking, I probably will just be wearing typical Midwestern dad here. This part of your personal branding just saying, but we need to get you that physical hat from your boardy. I'm just saying.
Shikina, I want to go to you. What, Trushfit, are you wearing for Vcon? And then we're going to wrap. I'm probably going to wear something called rain because yeah, at this current conference in that, I didn't bring anything from any NFT collection. And I don't know, I just like
I can't tell people, I can't show people like what, like, what are the companies that kind of like wrap? And so yeah, so VCon all likely wears some Colton rain and maybe Dead Fellas like the Dead Fellas sweater. So I'll mix it up. I'll be there for a couple days. So yeah. Cool. I will join you.
actually. If the weather is okay, I have no pets. And fun fact, you can use ChatchyBT to create a packing list for you. I done did it. And it is pretty solid. I'm just saying AI is your personal assistant. But yeah, the Colton Rain Mercedy jacket is fire as so many people stop out of the
I'm hoping it doesn't draw too much attention because I like my jacket and I want to keep it. But yeah, I'm super excited. Actually, one thing that I want to do as for the evening events, are we just in that location? Does anyone need like clothes to dress up? Like this is a tip that I want to know.
Sure. Why not? Or why? I mean, I don't think there's any soup unless there was a super high end like, yeah, or something. Yeah, it's not fans that we don't know. But, you know, I like, I do like to change from day to night. I like to go back. I like to show myself up. I like to put something on. But I'm still going to be able to, I don't#
down the stairs from something in a new place that I don't know. I might not get an Uber, so I have to walk back to the hotel or fill in the blank. But I always try to, you know, all the usually switch my stuff up. I don't know, you know, if you're coming with just a backpack, you might keep your choices limited and that's okay too. Oh, there's no way I can travel with a backpack.#
I have been three or four trips actually with you. I love that you said that because like I felt very hurt again. This is just very good. I need these three or four trips with just a backpack that are multi day trips that you know because sometimes it is packed kind of light so you're like
I appreciate the inclusivity of that answer Julie to everybody. It's a little bit different. And some people like, because I respect if somebody wants to get dressed up and go out like, that's freaking awesome. And I'm like, you do you you're killing it. And like if somebody's like, Hey, I just want to wear what I wore during the day or I just want to take easy to do you you're killing it. Like I just think#
is at least from my perspective is that unless exactly so there's a galo it's like come one come all and come as you are like sort of bring your whole self to there I think that's what's cool about NFTs is like you bring your whole self to like whatever it is you do and people accept you. Check check with yourself before you leave are you someone who likes swag if you're someone who likes swag
If you like t shirts and hats or posters or whatever those kinds of things then maybe plan for that in your if you drop a carry on or bag if that's how you like to roll, you know if you're a swag person leave room for swag because there will definitely be a decent amount of swag that's there and give away stuff and in the trade share area some vendors might have some things that you can take
home with you. So, you know, no who you are before you leave if you're a collector and that's really why you're going, you will collect things, this will be no different. You'll be given lots of fun stuff and you will probably pick up a thing or two. So, give room and you save room in your suitcase. That's a good tip. Okay, now I need to rethink my packing story. I mean, I did 24 hours#
checking out like the coach zero 10 event I see soviet sparks down there who I met at that event and I literally did a backpack with Steve fun facts my skincare takes up about like half of my backpack because I got a you know look fresh and I got to look young so this is one thing that I can't do is like my skincare
my makeup, like literally just take up so much space, then you add multiple pairs of kicks and then on top of that, a pair of heels, I mean, I definitely need a bag for sure. Well listen, listen to this. If you do that, take a smaller bag, roll it up, put it in your checked bag that you have. Yeah. That way if you expand your collection, you can take that bag out and then if you need to check#
I would just hate for you to not get those goodies brought home with you if you went a little hog while like I know I do so I will I'll throw a bag and then or a little backpack or something that I can unfold and carry with me. Yeah, no, that's a good tip. I went to a near comic con and like literally got so much swag that I mean someone had to give me a bag to actually
carry everything back and all the toys. And I mean I've never been a toy collector. So all this stuff that I actually collected over this time has been from Comic Con and just these events that I've gone to. But on that note we have now gone much over than we said. So I apologize but at the same time
Thank you to, and I think we actually had Shikina drop. She's over like very late night over in Estonia right now at NFT talent. But thank you to Shikina also girl in the verse, Alyssa, Julie, Steve, they are here in the space so make sure to go
follow them and say hello, you got some great networking tips, you know, had some information about the app also to shoot your shop but also enjoy yourself. I mean, this is pretty action packed and I'm not gonna lie. I mean, I benefited a lot from hosting you guys and getting to ask you questions.
So on that note, I just want to say thank you again This is rug radio fresh on the blockchain. This is episode number 23 and this is pre-Vcon and we have been talking Gary V. Vcon Web 3 conference tips how to navigate
what are the fresh bits and maybe we'll take some photos over there to see you know what fits everyone is wearing what sneakers and what dogs which I kind of know I think I have a feeling I know what they are because we talked about it that dropped on the sneakers at the pink ones but thank you again so much fresh on the
blockchain. It's a weekly conversation at the intersection of global culture and commerce, focusing on the relationship between brands and tech. So make sure to hit that follow and still makes me cringe when I say this, but I got to do the thing, which is join weekly where we cover the insights behind brands, origin stories, and future
Thank you, thank you again as a creator. It means a lot every single one of you who have engaged as questions and also to my lovely guests. So on that note, I will leave us with a hype song. And I don't know why as I'm like doing things I start like sing-songing voice.
And what? I'm just gonna play... Sorry, now I didn't prepare this, but um... It's gonna play a song real quick. And who doesn't like... You know what? Play Golden Hour. Sounds like a good song to leave off on.
It was just you love us, so in your car, listen in your blindfolded for each other, taking on skies for the next
♪ I'm a super child, it's no double clever ♪ ♪ We still from my mother ♪ ♪ Think where you at tonight, can no one abide ♪ ♪ I was all alone ♪ ♪ She's got little to scream ♪ ♪ My brain is beating the noise ♪
♪ ♪ ♪