Rumbo a ETH Latam - Meta Pool

Recorded: Feb. 1, 2024 Duration: 1:09:49



You know also there como estΓ‘n conectando la vera que, me el llegra, ver tantas personas
I think it's important for Latin America, and I'm very happy to be here today.
We are very happy to be here.
We are very happy to be here.
We are very happy to be here.
We are very happy to be here.
We are very happy to be here.
It's very important.
I would like to record this.
I would like to record three and four of them.
In this particular song, I would like to recommend that you try to repeat the song for me.
I would like to say that I'm very happy to be here.
I would like to thank you for your support.
I want to thank the audience for their support.
They're very happy.
They're very happy.
They have been here for a long time.
They are very happy to be here.
And I'm very happy.
So, I just wanted to say that you're very happy.
I think it's very important.
Yes, I would like to say thank you to all the people who are here today.
I don't know if you can hear me, but I would like to say thank you very much.
It's been a lot of fun and a lot of fun.
I would like to say thank you to all the people who are here today.
I'm going to say thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
You're welcome.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
I want to thank everyone that is here today.
I would like to thank a lot of the people who have been here today.
I would like to thank the folks who have been here today.
Thank you very much.
For Iran, I think it's important for us to be able to have a good time and have a good time
to be able to have a different part of the region.
I think it's important for us to be able to have a good time.
in the event of a single M.I.
And I think that's why we have to focus on the opportunity to be part of the program.
What do you think about that?
What do you think about that?
What do you think about that?
Well, I'm going to say that I'm very happy that this connection is for you.
I'm going to tell you a little bit about what's going on in my life.
Sorry, I don't know what to say.
Well, I'm going to say a little bit about the presentation.
I'm going to present something that you can see here in Metapool.
And I'm going to show you some functions, some roles,
for which I don't know how to do them.
And I'm going to tell you a little bit about it.
And the microphone is on.
So we are going to go to the next slide, and then we will go to the next slide, which will be part of the red network.
This will be in the next slide, which will be in the second slide.
We are going to be talking about MPE, and we are going to talk about the platform as well as about the finance, and of the USDC.
We are going to talk about the bridge, optimism, and the development of the MPE.
We are going to be talking about the role of the RAP MPE.
But the most important thing is that we are going to be talking about decentralization.
We are going to talk about this in the next slide, and we are going to talk about three fundamental things.
One, we are going to be talking about the protocol.
For the final, we are not going to be talking about it in a different way, in a different way.
For the final, it is a point of decentralization.
We are going to be talking about the whole operation of the protocol.
We are going to be talking about the protocol in a different way,
but the individual is not going to be talking about the protocol.
We are going to be talking about the system of the protocol script.
The third one is about the security.
This is a mechanism that is non-custodial, not custodial.
The method is very hard to do.
It is a simple thing to do, to control the security of the system.
It is called the key of the system.
And with this, we are going to be talking about the process of the whole operation.
We are going to be talking about the protocol,
but the second one is about the protocol of the MPE.
Coming up, please.
We are here with the next question.
This is a question of the question of a wordshot parameter.
I can't remember the other side.
How is it saying that we're in the community?
And last night, we found out,
how we had to be able to facilitate and facilitate
because we don't have a contract with various organizations that we have to deal with.
We have a governance issue, but we have to deal with a lot of the things that we don't have to reflect on.
We don't have to do anything about it.
that in an organization and as on the in metapolmos de cambos de ese a
precipios del dos milvitigos a procurement at rearmus ras propius
seramientas definitelas pensar en como estas mucho no para puerlo se rentonces
la en sima de todo un organizaciΓ³n estan las personas que tienen tocen de
governanza que toman estos tocen de governanza para puer con seguir vuotos
entre la dΓ£o y de teniendo estos botos puedan tomar de cuΓ©an interactor con la
distintas seramiento de governanza. Al lΓ­a de hoy tepoeci tenemos tres categorias
en donde estamos permΓ­tiento la tomaΓ­cionos de la comunidad, el primero
de ellos pueses para di sibirga de sribirvalo que se prorama de rans que tienes
su tablero entre de nos rosΓ­pio e donde las personas pueden estar botando, por quien de
verΓ­ar recibiruntan de la tes verΓ­ar de los franze metapul. El segundo es las
propuestas de mejora metapul que es un los mecandins por los puedes decirimos que
nueve de cambiervento del protocolo, es tiemplicafiz mejoras en los contrappes
enteligente sexualizaciones esto se puede se por mejos de las propuestas de mejoras
de mejoras de metapul, por quΓ© la gente puede decirΓ­raciΓ³n de verΓ­ar de protocolo,
y los y gente es la botaciΓ³n pero en la delegaciΓ³n basada en botaciΓ³n que lo que
permite es que las personas pueden estar giendo a decidir, tΓ­ una prΓ‘xion del
te velda de de dΓ­razia, un validador otro entre el erre. Tonses, tenemos aΓ­ vas tante
escitos, nΓ­ ese lecho de puede recid, al dΓ­a de hoy tenemos por ejemplo cada mez, por
lo menos cuatro sientas huales que estam botando, entre el alao, y si tote vas y te comparas
con otra ser ramiento, no una te tas encontrar que las huales quinteracto, son aproximamente
cuarenta y desas cuarenta hacer tener cinco que tienen el nueventa por ciento los botos,
no? Desparisira que esmero travita, no el lecho de puede hacer una botaciΓ³n para un
nadao en esos casos. En nos atros pues veramento en sentimos. Contentos, en que se llamos que
puede mejorar, el lecho de tenerica puede rocintas huales, quinteracto an mez con mez,
en los distintos procesos debotaciΓ³n, y que el finalpos es la voz de la comuniale que
que esperamos, que cada vez en sintrimentemar la participaciΓ³n y sobre todo que esto la ci
aute la la comuniale. Que esse esta final de todos el ultimo fin de esta protocol.
Y sien que todo en fuerzo tienen su recompensa y la verdad que craz lo que han esta otra
ajando. Lo felicito la verdad porque es un trabajo guro y constante, quiero que la constanci
aila y sibrina. En el eclave para, para todo, para arcanzar pues todas esa metas que uno
pues. Tienen y se proponca y muchas felicidades y cΓ³s y todo, el quipo, todo el tien que vada
esta tres ustedes. Lo felicito porque ese es un gran trabajo. AsΓ­ que pues. Siena el
ante, con todo, con todo, y applique allo el grands. Me encantarΓ­a, y entre ano poquito
comente, mas roe rumbo de igla tamb. Ustedes un parte de la sponsor que vamos a esto posiste.
Este conferencia que esta ano almente latino america y es una de las mas grandes entonces.
Men gusta riacuales el, sΓ‘cuales a riΓ‘n como el los ojetivos. O metas que tienen meta
por en cuanto el atancos, a su espetativas que tienen su rellos.
Siena para nosotros los pincipales connectar con la comunidad de centro american. TambiΓ©n
esta y aΓ­de a la gente de east volcano por aquΓ­. Este los ojetivate en los veo por aΓ­ tΓΊ
mejino que tienen que estar. Pero la idea es connectar con la comunidad en prΓ³merica,
no? Y a la bienos prΓ‘ticado, a la gente pasado, con dofrito en mexico. Verci, poniemos
a un grande de metapul para connectar customente algunos de los bilder de centro america, que
lΓ­miero no mexico que es un vieajer la tiamente corto.
Al finale mezalamente en un cocaton. Este en durante y y y t mexico, entonces tus bono
oranos. Nos tocanos otros bajar, no? Y formar parte de eno. TΓΊ lo principalo vienentes
comunidades. Y aqua no se me sabarios odeamente durante en. El tema de Dead Connect, no? Este
el tema de Ith Mexico que el uno subir en tambiΓ©n. Y cuando bajamos nosotros aitiram
argentina tambiΓ©n, no? Pera ora es, a que yo es que puedo la mentalmente por una luna
sono otra. No estan todia, pΓΊl encrypto, dos tambiΓ©n tambonon. Sos esaΓ­ como, como en
ganchanos, como con estamos con ellos, como escuchamos un necesidades. Y sobre todo para
nosotros es, y renten diendo, donde estΓ‘lva lorque puedo en el treto que tocolo para
agos, no? El aΓ±e pasado esta aus pΓ­ciamos el Gitmo en 5th Point Round DΓ­ciocho para
Maricalatina. Como tromos aΓ­, buenos projectos, ya, con alguna alcantan, prΓ©vio trabajo
del isalangit, como reifa en medigΓ­n. EstΓ© tΓ©buto y mustambiΓ©n aΓ­gente
cairo, free search, no? Ecripto conecciΓ³n tambiΓ©n, no? Epera ora, pΓΊs quΓ©remos ver, y
tambiΓ©n moro tambiΓ©n estΓ©, y storyas dΓ³nduras, no? Que tambiΓ©n estΓΊbir a
en aΓ­ne tΓ­dos, no? Tos para nosotros algo quΓ©ritico es en teneros es tΓΊ no
nos initiativas que dΓ­an en eso nos vilders, no? Como nosotros pΓΊlmo ser una
afuente de cresimiento para ellos, no? Porque el final, la razΓ³n que estamos
haciendo esto es que queremos nosotros un cambio, no? En la manera de como
sistema visitales, no? Sistema's on-line, generan ballor, no? Y generan ballor para
lusuario, no? Porque estΓ‘, esta dΓ­cho, muy conocido, y que llaza con
prΓ³vado que el verdad, no? Y tΓΊs tresas un servΓ­cio tien de ratuito, y
tenera mucho ballor tempo seguro que tu eres el product, no? Entonces,
caso con creto a la platforma, la que estamos orita, no? SΓ‘, por mΓ‘s, es una
historia no la ollΓ³n, no? OrcΓ­ no nosas el rock pooling orita x por
andar deciendo eso, pero el finales, dΓ³nde se quedas a valor, no? ΒΏPos tenos
que entendre a para centro america cuΓ‘les el, cuΓ‘les el valor agregado, no?
Tenemos para un se el locales, cΓ³mo gente vete se, que estΓ‘n ludas, no?
Tenemos aditΓ³vΓ‘n, es que es uno van con el salador tambiΓ©n, no? ΒΏQuΓ© estamos bieno
cΓ³mo pueden nosotros prior estos? ΒΏQuΓ© ramientas
financieras de centralizadas? ΒΏA hacia los usuarios para que pueden
es tambiΓ©n de sultar de esto de nefiges que todos los
tambiΓ©n, no? ΒΏQuΓ© estamos a ques cuchando, pΓ³s conos
semos, almost interactuado, no? ΒΏQuΓ© entonces, es encontrar, es es
partenos locales, es el lΓ­de de locales, es es projecto locales, que pΓ³en
nos apoyar, y hacer es es poente centro america, en el
mexico, north america, es tΓ­ sua america tambiΓ©n, no?
ΒΏSΓ‘ a la quipo que tenemos nosotros, so hay mexicano, sΓ‘ de quatoriano,
ceteruanos, no? ΒΏY es tiemos una portugues es?
EspaΓ±oles, no? ΒΏEstΓ© entonces sentinos hoyamente?
ΒΏY es pΓ³sque remanos nosotros en playarlo, no?
ΒΏY es pΓ³sque remano de bajadores perfecto?
ΒΏCΓ­ se quiero es un mara le quipo tambiΓ©n, no?
ΒΏQuΓ© es tambiΓ©n, no? ΒΏQuΓ© es tambiΓ©n, no?
ΒΏQuΓ© es tambiΓ©n, no? ΒΏQuΓ© es tambiΓ©n, no?
ΒΏQuΓ© es tambiΓ©n, no?
ΒΏQuΓ© es tambiΓ©n, no?
ΒΏQuΓ© es tambiΓ©n, no?
ΒΏQuΓ© es tambiΓ©n, no?
ΒΏQuΓ© es tambiΓ©n, no?
I think it's important to know that there are other forms,
and what we have to do is to know the technology,
the technological products that we have to consider,
and how it's beneficial for us,
but also to know that the technology,
and how we have to be able to facilitate these videos,
so that this is the form that we have to consider.
I think that, for example,
of the time that we have been thinking about
how we can do this in the space of Latin Americans,
I think that, when I mentioned it,
we have a lot of national talent,
a lot of the people that are part of Latin America,
so all that we have to do in Latin America,
in one way or another,
we have to do one of the most catastrophic scenarios
for the economy in the space of localism.
We have to have an opportunity,
an alternative to what we represent,
and the financial strategies
for the benefit of Latin Americans,
and I think that we have to know
that, for the first time in history,
we have to think that,
in terms of the regulations and regulations,
we don't have to do that.
We don't have to do that because we have to consider
the reasons that we don't have much space
for the regulation that we respect,
but we don't have to do that because,
in terms of the necessary legislation,
we have to think about how to do it in order to do it.
I think that's one of the things that we have to do in Metapul,
because we don't have the necessary resources
to the people,
with the ideas that they have,
and the opportunities to do it in much of the future,
in a manner that the people don't have.
We have to think about how to do it in terms of
the technology of the technology of the society.
We have to think about how to do it in terms of
the technology of Latin,
and how to do it in the practical way of the world.
So, what is interesting,
and what is important to me,
is that we have to motivate
or to motivate the participants
in terms of Latin,
and what we have to do with them.
So, we have to consider the regulations
and the applications that we have to do
to make the decisions
available to the people.
I'm going to start with one last question for you.
I'm going to start with the microphone.
I'm going to start with this one.
I'd like to recommend it for you or for the audience.
I'm going to start with the microphone.
I'm going to start with the first question.
I'm going to start with the first question.
I don't know if it's possible to ask questions.
I don't know if it's possible to ask questions.
I'd like to ask you if there's a question for you
or if it's possible to ask questions.
I'd like to ask you if there is a question for you.
in the hackathon they eat tender for example no or give it not it means a
little hackathon the example you know this is seeking a most impressive
energy that just passes a collaboration so I can okay in a little bit
enemos enseremientes tambos todos muy lejano no estas dr.o volar orita esta bueno
sairas de sΓ³ndia sΓ³ndia horas no y que me encante, lo solos difes, me encante el vimito, y la
buena, y la buena compaΓ±a de mequipo, preces una frega, no? Tonses, quiero que sus acatΓ³me sΓ³ndlΓ‘in
tienen que hacer se pormagΓ³ regularidad, quiero que el mecadirmo que tienen aquΓ­ para
isla tambes muy bueno, no se cienen piesan primero con no bolchop sΓ³ndlΓ‘in, y
hasta la gente vinamos preparada, que el reto siempre en la continuidad, no? Tonses,
sΓ‘izΓ³n de, nosotros que remos gΓ©nares se guacos, no? De sΓ­, okay, yo vie a tengo
mi projecto, no? Y es pues que siegueno, pero la raΓ­de todo es collaboration,
que es tenero una mentalierad arierta, and se rec, si criticares bueno, pera el final
una critica constructiva de como suma, no? Se quΓ© mΓ‘s es posΓ­mle como pΓΊn de corrares
tu que ses esta presentando aquΓ­. Por que, pero el final, no la primera, no la primera
projecto, ser a tenerexitos, no? SΓ‘izos, y a todo la lΓ­boyo por esperienza, que llamΓ©,
y a esta cado, dos tres projectos, esta pregos, no? Startups y e fia oro tindamente, no? Tonses,
para mΓ­lo mΓ‘s importante siempre es con quientra ajas, cΓ³do con cΓ³do, y esto cerΓ‘dino
manera, como muy accelerada en unja cΓ‘tono. Iveno di barfirse, no? SΓ‘ tambiΓ©n, se cabe
fonos cuesto, no? Porque, porque, puedo vermar que, no? Muchas ente sΓ­, perdΓ­ogita, y es una
chilamantable, pero tambiΓ©n, pues, bueno, aquΓ­, dΓ­ar tΓ­se, aquΓ­, saberque, con ajete, como
con cΓ³do, te pues yo bargiΓ©n, no? Y pueden, cΓ©ritico, espera la ves, te exace, espe, una
una, una cerveza, ese, ese, una, esta bardiente, eso, ese, ese, uno, tequila, sΓ­, y aces,
y bien, e pueden, y que me es, nos que nada a en a eso, no? SΓ‘ teganes ten
And I think that the election of the hackathon is going to be
that there are only two things that are going to happen.
We're not going to tell you all of the things that are going to happen
that are going to happen, that are not going to happen,
that are going to happen,
and that there are going to be a lot of elections,
like this, that are going to happen.
But I think that in this specific case,
the mentality of the hackathon is going to happen.
And because in Latin America,
we have a mountain,
and we have to include those scenarios.
We have to be able to see what we can do,
but in all of the moment,
the American people are going to be able to see it.
And they will be able to see it.
And it's the syndrome of the impossible.
The syndrome of the impossible is that
the people and the people who are inclusive
are going to be in the hackathon.
They are not going to see it again.
I think that we have to be able to see it.
Because the people who are not going to participate,
they are going to be able to see it
in a prominent way.
They are going to be able to see it,
and they are going to be able to see it in other places,
in other places, in other places.
We have to be able to see it in a way that is symbolic.
So, we have to be able to see it in a way
and convince the students that
the culture, the religion, the sonoraria,
the vision, the problems,
they are going to be able to see it.
And they are going to be able to see it in a way
that they are going to be able to see it in a way that is a solution.
It's a talent.
We have to be able to explore it.
Thank you very much.
Well, thank you very much.
I think we have to be able to see it in other places,
because in the moment we are going to be able to see
something that is not going to be horrible,
and how we are going to be able to see it
when we are going to see it in other places,
is that we are going to be able to see it in a way that is
going to be very insignificant,
or insignificant to other people,
I think it's a simple opportunity because the opportunity is to have one and the best thing to do is to have the support of a lot of other people.
And so, thank you.
I don't know if you can speak Spanish or not, but I think that you can participate in the event of a
significant event or something like that.
I don't know if you can speak Spanish or not, but I don't know if you can speak Spanish or not.
I don't know if you can speak Spanish or not, but I think that you can participate in the event of a significant event or something like that.
I don't know if you can speak Spanish or not, but I don't know if you can speak Spanish or not.
I don't know if you can speak Spanish or not.
If you can speak Spanish or not, but if you can speak Spanish or not.
I think that the organization of the organization is not a person, it is connected with a lot of people
from different perspectives.
And for me, I don't try to be an organization for many years.
It is a symbol of the people.
And the past of the people in our country,
these people are people from all over the world.
They don't have the power to do it,
or the power to do it,
and they don't have much to do, because they don't know how to do it.
I think that it is a very interesting experience
that they are preparing for, that they are doing it,
that they are going to start their own projects, and learn.
So, what do you think about the work that we are doing,
that we are doing in the future, and that we are the final person,
when the people are ready to contact us,
when the people are going to do their own projects?
And why do you think about the work that we are doing,
because I think that,
I think that we have to do something with the whole world,
and we have to do some collaborations with each other,
but I think that we need to have an extra click,
when we are going to do our own projects.
I think that,
the natural person in the world is going to be the last person,
and they are going to be able to do everything they can to do it.
So, we are going to do the same thing,
and we will have to do something with the people,
and we are going to do some work with the people,
to make sure that we do everything we can.
Yes, I think that we have a lot of hackathons,
from the family and the family,
and I think that we need to support each other,
because with a new one,
we need to have a lot of people,
who need to be in the capacity to be the first person to be the hackathons.
That is a very powerful thing to do.
For us today, I think that the most important thing to do is to continue.
If you don't have a house with a house with a bounty,
it's very important to have a house with you, and to attend,
because you have to have a house with a bounty,
that you have to have a house with.
And you have to have a very unique place to come to this country,
because you have to have a lot of options to live and to live in this country.
Thank you, thank you, Venga.
I do have a question, and I wonder if you would like to comment on this question.
Thank you, Laura. I know that the most important thing to do is to have a house with a bounty.
If you want to have a house with a bounty,
if you want to have a house with a bounty,
you can have a house with a bounty.
Es la facilitar de que uno puede connectar como tras personas de differentes paΓ­ces y
como se puede trabajar.
Es la conocion para mi es muy importante aquΓ­ en cuanto la comunica sΓ­, almost a
como, puedemos como, la manera como, no puedemos communicar y organizar nos para pues que
se pueden salir las cosas.
Gracias, venga por unir, tener se uno quiero, dar una peque mejano un su, antes de finalizares
No se sΓ­, alque nuevo sΓ‘ria, e tina eguna pregunta, exuberencia, comentario, no se pertal,
pata leo.
ΒΏQuΓ© le gustarΓ­a?
Menzionar, pues emigrofono.
Estadierto, eso la mentalo solicita, teje piΓ±ado la encrΓ­ciones a dierta para lue de
el jacato que esta rΓ­a, a mΓ‘s que todo, sera como ucer eterian como aramienta de coordination
y organizaciΓ³n para el algo vierno para crear bienes pΓΊblico, ese lo hetΓ­o en relida.
ΒΏTos ustedes pueden participar de la encrΓ­ciones esta en gabierta para que pueden aplica, a
iso la mentale dar clit a un desta piΓ±ago y baja en el mΓ‘s el lilo, y donde ise ya pueden
screirce a y pueden quΓ© a para que ustedes pueden aplica.
No equipo sera han en trΓ©trΓ©as a y personas, y nΓ­vΓ‘lmo nueren caso gusto en notine a
equipo, el aplata forma pueden contactar para que pueden a pueden salle compaΓ±eros.
Entonces, la muevalida, se vasa prega el cuatro, el nueva de amarzo, el jacimba se presencea
le tres aca torsa de amarzo, y la tan, en cedre comparciΓ³n de copran, en sa puede rosula.
Entonces, quelque uniformaciΓ³n, julie recomiento, que sΓ­an, que se metan a te lira en caso que
nuestΓ‘n sΓ­en de la han usted en te lira en de y la tan, a lo o pues active en a notificaciΓ³n
es digualmanera para que, porque muy pronto estarajan, estariamo han usted no sera a los tiches.
Pazualo, y hoy que escuchar?
Tieno fue.
Tieno fue.
SΓ­, ah, exa, sΓ­, no no soy yo hoy.
ΒΏQuΓ© ese?
For me, it's been a long time since I've been here,
and it's been a long time since I've been here,
and I've been here for a long time.
Yes, hello.
How are you?
I am good.
How are you?
I'm good, I'm good.
I'm good, I'm good.
I'm good.
I'm very good.
I'm good too.
I'm very good, I'm good.
Can you tell me a few things?
I would like to thank you so much for joining us today.
We are very happy to be here.
I would like to thank you so much for being here.
We are very happy to be here.
We have a lot of representation in Latin.
And in the past, I have not seen much representation in Latin.
I would like to thank you for being here.
I would like to thank the program,
one of the most beautiful people,
the people who have been working on other projects,
including this one, for many years,
because we are very happy to be here today in Latin.
I think this is a very important opportunity
because I've been working with entire universities
and in this particular program,
I think that many of the people that are in different areas of the system
and around the world have been working.
I think that the main thing that has to do with this,
I think it is important to be present and to keep your friends.
I think that is very beneficial to us.
We also have to be open to those people that are not present.
I just wanted to say, because I'm very happy to be here today, because I'm very happy to
be here today.
I'm very happy that Carlos is here with us today.
Can you tell us a little bit about the moment?
Good afternoon.
I'd like to thank you for being here today.
I'm very happy to be here today.
I'm very happy to be here today.
I'm very happy to be here today.
I'm very happy to be here today.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
My name is Francis.
I'm from the country of the country.
I'm a designer, a product designer, a designer, a project designer.
I'm a designer, a designer, a designer, a designer.
And I'm here today with you.
I would like to say, I'd like to say something, because I don't think it's possible to be here today.
I have a question now.
So, you're Fernando?
I don't know.
But I would like to say something.
I don't know if you guys can hear me or not.
I don't know if you guys can hear me or not.
I don't know if you guys can hear me.
Well, I would like to say something.
So I would like to thank you so much for your help and your support.
We hope you enjoyed this presentation, and I hope you will enjoy it.
So I hope you are too much, and I hope to see you again soon.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.