Runestone | The Ordinal Show

Recorded: March 18, 2024 Duration: 2:46:54



𝐡𝐝𝐞𝐑𝐞𝐞𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐞𝐃 𝐡𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐞𝐞𝐞𝐞
I will come from the land of the ice and stroll from the midnights and where the hearts bring
Remember of the dawn, we'll drive our ships to new land, fight the whole, sing and cry, for how good I am for me
I will come from the land of the ice and stroll from the midnights and where the hearts bring
Remember of the dawn, we'll drive our ships to new land, fight the whole, sing and cry, for how good I am for me
Remember of the dawn, we'll drive our ships to new land, fight the whole, sing and cry, for how good I am for me
I will come from the land of the ice and stroll from the midnights and where the hearts bring
Remember of the dawn, we'll drive our ships to new land, fight the whole, sing and cry, for how good I am for me
Remember of the dawn, we'll drive our ships to new land, fight the whole, sing and cry, for how good I am for me
Remember of the dawn, we'll drive our ships to new land, fight the whole, sing and cry, for how good I am for me
Remember of the dawn, we'll drive our ships to new land, fight the whole, sing and cry, for how good I am for me
Remember of the dawn, we'll drive our ships to new land, fight the whole, sing and cry, for how good I am for me
Good morning Bitcoiners! That's right, you're here at the Ordinal Show, welcome back to our regulars, hello to our new friends
This is your first time, the Ordinal Show is a live podcast hosted twice per week on xSpaces
Starting 10.30am ET Monday mornings and 6.30pm ET Wednesday nights, going for multiple hours covering various topics
All about building cool new shit on Bitcoin
Ordinals are not just a new kind of an empty on Bitcoin, but a massive movement of people who care about growing Bitcoin's adoption
and bringing BTC to the masses
More important than the protocol itself, Ordinals is a cultural shift that's attracting new developers and users
Incredible artists and accelerating innovation
I'm Trevor.BDCC of Ninja Alerts, a managing partner at the Bitcoin Frontier Fund
And I'm here with my co-hosts, the only man in Ordinals who would rather skip his own show than skip leg day
You can spell his name, but you can't pronounce it
Is it Janyan or Yan? Anyway, he's a CSO at Efras, my man with the plan
And the king of NFT Sparta Leonidas
Our in-house NFT history expert and co-founder of
And today on the stage, we are joined by Robert, Shaft, Overlord, Jacob, Echelon
Now I just had many more cool people come to our today's show guys, so I am super excited to be here
And glad you're all with me
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And with that, I'm going to turn it over to Leonidas to introduce today's show
Alright, so we've got a really special show planned
We do these occasionally, but we're going to be highlighting some builders on today's show
So we've invited some folks up to chat
And these are builders in the Ordinal's ecosystem, the Bitcoin ecosystem
And I absolutely love these conversations
And we'll hopefully just get to do a little dive into several different companies in this space
And Trevor runs a fund in this space that essentially funds development,
Funds companies that are building round ordinals in Bitcoin
So we're going to have a few of these companies that Trevor just invested in
This sort of latest round of investments that they have made
We also have Jake up here I see, welcome up Jake
And yeah, we're going to do that here shortly
We're going to be talking about, I know people want to just talk about the market on days that
The market is interesting, so we're going to be chatting
Runestone, Ordinal's market, Rune's, all of this as well later on in the show
So be sure to stick around for that
And yeah, let's get into this
No shortage of exciting things going on in the space right now
But yeah, without further ado, Trevor, I'm just going to hand it back off to you here
To kind of kick off this builder segment
Awesome, so we have Shaft up here from Ordlify
We have Overlord from Asigna
And we have, of course, Magisat, Query, I'm assuming, on the handle there
And OXT from SatScreener, so these are the builders that we have here to present
But first I want to turn it over to my partner, Andrea
On the AZB.BTC handle, the nice little spirit cat there
And of course, Jake, I would love for you guys to introduce yourselves
For anyone who doesn't know you
And kind of give us an introduction to the Bitcoin Frontier Fund
And what people are about to see here
Yeah, for sure, thank you everyone for having us
I'm really excited for the builders that are here today
So as Trevor said, Andrea, AZB.BTC, partner over at Bitcoin Frontier Fund
Where we invest and support builders
Building new and exciting use cases in the Bitcoin ecosystem
So if you are building, if you're in those early stages
When you're trying to figure out what you should be doing
How you should be structuring it, what the strategy should be
And more than anything, getting ready for that fundraising
Which we know right now the market is hot
Let us know, check out
You can go on there, get on our radar
So we can stay on top of who's building what
We're always excited to see what you guys are all coming up with
And today we have some exciting builders
That are going through our accelerator program
And I'll leave it to Jake
Jake, if you want to explain a little bit more
Give more details about our accelerator program
And how we support builders at this stage, that'd be great
Yes, yes, yes, hello everybody
Thank you, my name is Jake
I'm the sourcing partner at the fund
So it's my job to go out and find the best founders
That are bringing this
You know, some of them I think it's
Bitcoin season two is a thing
We're trying to make Bitcoin season two just Bitcoin
Like it's, everything you're doing with Bitcoin will be kind of in this, in this mold
And so yeah, the accelerator is a program we have
For founders who really want to close their first
Really good round of funding
So, you know, in a bear market, funding is less available
So you got to be more strategic, negotiate more
You know, get your partnerships right
In a bull market, it shifts a little bit
Maybe you don't want to give up too much cheap equity
Find the right partners
So it really will help you navigate the landscape
Depending on what the market's doing
While also giving you a bunch of expertise on products
Pitch deck
Partnerships, because our portfolio is growing
You know, pretty damn big
So, yeah, that's a brief overview of what we do
Awesome, so, yeah, Bitcoin Frontier Fund
We're an investor in over 50 different Bitcoin companies
Up into the tops of our most recent investments
Which include the four you're about to see here
Also include Taproot Wizards
Many other companies that you guys have probably already heard of
Alex, Arcadico, we're also investing in L2s
And so, excited to have the companies and founders up here
Talking about what they're doing
I think we'll kick it off with Overlord with Mike
Since he's, I guess, jumping on a flight here
So, Mike, do you want to kick it off
And give a pitch on Asigna?
Absolutely, and thanks for having me up
Appreciate the consideration on the flight
Yeah, I got delayed, but Asigna is the premiere
Taproot and Bitcoin L1 and L2
Multi-signature wallet and storage
So, we're just making it safe for big liquidity
For big holders, for institutions
And honestly, for individuals
If they just want to even do a one-of-one for a firewall
You know, we're kind of the good guys of the ecosystem here
Just looking out to protect everyone
You know, it's growing
I think we just hit 20 mil
Or close to 20 mil in value on the wallet
So, finally, reaching that point where people are beginning to trust
You know how it is
You can verify all this on chain
But obviously, people want to see it proven out
And it's starting to happen
So, we're expecting the tidal wave to come here
But yeah, thanks again
Awesome, Mike
So, are those individual users?
Are those developers and protocols?
Who is your primary target user, Asigna?
So, obviously, founders, projects
That want oversight for their custody
And assets
Of course, high net worth individuals
Is kind of a big thing in cryptos
So, we are seeing some sort of mysterious whales out there
With big wallets
Institutions, for sure
You know, we've even got some of the exchanges and stuff
That are custodying
And I think we're talking to some of the other bridges and stuff
To help them secure, as well
But yeah, you know that we're looking at sort of the
More of the B2B
But like I say, there's a lot of high net worth individuals
In this space
So, we cater to them, as well
And so, can anyone get going?
How do people get started?
Is there an API?
Is there an application people can download?
What are the steps to use Asigna?
So, all of that
We've got extension wallets
But basically, you can just start by going to
Which is, you know, in my Twitter bio and all that
But if you want the safe link
But right there, you'll see it's super simple
You can use almost any, you know, legacy Bitcoin or anything
Exverse, of course, is kind of the go-to these days
But lots of options for signing up
And it's super, super simple
I mean, you'll see as soon as you get there
You just choose if it's a BTC Taproot wallet
Or if you're trying to do something on Stacks
You've got some more L2 stuff coming
But obviously Stacks is the most mature right now
But, you know, even just Taproot stuff
It is super simple
You go in, you know, you say you're going to set up a wallet
You decide how many total signers there are
And how many that will be required out of those total signers
To authorize a transaction
Send out the invites to everyone
Everyone responds, it fires up an address
And then you've got a Taproot address
Where you can handle your ordinals, BRC-20s
Any sort of inscription
Rooms will be coming, of course, once that hits
And we even accommodate the rare set tooling and all that now
So if you've got some uncommons or some cool stuff you want to store
We can keep you protected
Awesome, Mike, love to hear it
So yeah, feel free to pin something to the top
So people can check out a Cigna
Next, let's go over to Shaft from Ordlify
Shaft, how's it going? Tell us what you're working on
Hey, thanks for having me here
It's going great, actually
We've been just busy headstone building
Yeah, so Ordlify, what we are working on is
Streamlining the ordinal creation process
Because currently creating an ordinal collection
Especially recursive collection success
Because you've got to have specialized developers involved
And also it takes time and money
So we built a no-court platform
Where artists can drag and drop artwork and set rarities
And just build large recursive BFP collections with just a few clicks
Yeah, so just making it super easy and accessible for everyone
That's awesome, so what is the number one reason that someone should use Ordlify
And is it primarily for solo artists?
Is it for teams and bigger projects? How do you view it?
So solo artists all the way from large teams can use Ordlify
Right now, we just launched Ordlify Studio actually last week
We already have thousands of artists lined up to access
We've started with first 100 artists
And in the next two to three days, we'll be rolling out 600 more artists' access
And currently we have just a solo artist version
Where you go in, you set up everything and you create your collection
But we will be adding features in the coming versions
And multiple people from the same team can go in and really collaborate
And create the collections
Awesome, so you help them with the organizing of the different layers
The recursive aspect, could you go a little bit more into detail into the product?
Yes, sure, so we actually help artists just drag and drop the layers
And from there onwards, they can set the rarities and of the traits
And we help them inscribe them onto chain
And then using those inscriptions, we help the artists build the recursive pieces
And also we actually help the artists inscribe the final pieces with on-chain metadata
So imagine that if you build a collection with our studio
You will be able to measure the true rarity of your piece
Like the stuff that we could do in the NFT days
But in ordinal space, we are still struggling to really get there
So you'll be able to do those things
And of course, within the studio, once you are creating the collection
You have a lot more access to other tools
Like you could import an existing inscription as a trait
To use inside your collection
And also you could do a lot of other things
For example, you could create multiple versions
And test out these versions
And then decide which version you want to publish as your collection
And what else? Yeah, one more thing
We're also rolling out partnerships with marketplaces
So artists can really just click off a button
Publish these collections to existing marketplaces
Awesome, very cool. And Shaf, are there any type for the audience?
What are you guys looking for? Are you hiring, looking for partners?
Give a shout out to anything you're looking for
Primarily, we are looking for artists to test out
And really just better test the studio right now
And of course, we have other couple of tools that we've released
Like large image recursive tools and things
But primarily, we're looking for artists to better test the studio
So if you just go to and request access
And hit us up, we can hook you up with access
And we're also looking for, of course, marketplaces
And other launchpads that want to partner with us
So we can really just streamline the process for artists to launch their collection
Without really having to bother with coding
Awesome. Well, Shaf, feel free to pin something to the top
So that people can follow up and follow you guys
And great to have you on the show
So next, we're going to go to...
But first, we have Kevin up here
So Kevin Williams, an investment partner at Bitcoin Frontier Fund
So, Kev, would you like to give a brief intro
And talk about what you do at Bitcoin Frontier Fund?
Yeah, absolutely. Thanks for having me on.
Jim, everyone, my name is Kevin Williams
I'm the investment partner at the Bitcoin Frontier Fund
I am primarily focused on due diligence
As well as working on the investment documents with the founders
I'm sure I've met some of you at events all across the world
So I'm just excited on kind of how all these companies
Are able to present what they've been working on
They've been working really hard over the last couple of months
So I hope everybody enjoys all the presentations
Thank you
Awesome. Thanks, Kevin
Alright, Deema, let's go over to you
Give us the pitch for SatScreener
How's it going, guys? Thanks for having me on
Yeah, so SatScreener is the real-time token aggregator
For the Bitcoin ecosystem
What that means is, you know, we essentially list
Every single token possible on Bitcoin right now
Excluding a few of the more niche communities
But we're planning on adding them soon
And what we mean by list is we track market caps
Liquidity, price, volume, and transaction history
For all the different token protocols on Bitcoin
With a heavy focus on runes coming out in April
We aim to provide trading view charts
And trading view style charts, you know, with candles
And everything you'd expect if we're trying to do technical analysis
On these smaller token protocols
As well as, you know, if you're somebody who's trying to get into a super low market cap
On a really early coin, specifically on Stacks
Because that's probably our most advanced platform right now
Then, you know, you can sort by newest
And just ape into something that's under 500k market cap
Which we're seeing a lot on salon and Ethereum
We believe that down the road
There's going to be a lot of meme coins launching on Bitcoin
With, you know, with the advent of L2s
You're going to have much faster transaction times
You're going to do arbitration
As well as just being able to bind to things that are, you know
Instead of measured in 10 minute blocks, measured in much shorter times
So, yeah, we also helped build the Stacks 20 inscription meta protocol
Which took the Stacks blockchain by storm
With the largest Stacks transactions
Sorry, the largest Stacks block ever with over 10,000 transactions
Yeah, that's pretty much it
Awesome, so what would be the number one reason that someone should go to SatScreener like after this show
Yeah, it would definitely be to have one spot
Where you can view all the different token protocols on Bitcoin
As well as specifically if you're interested in Stacks tokens right now
Because it's, you know, it's the most mature Bitcoin layer too, I would argue right now
We have the most advanced token aggregator for Stacks
We're working on a dashboard
That's going to kind of integrate every single thing into one spot
As well as what we have now on SatScreener from a tooling perspective
Is like definitely the tip of the iceberg
While we definitely boast that we have very wide coverage
We're still working on the depth of that coverage
And you're going to see that rolling out over the next few weeks
Especially in waiting for the runes launch
Awesome, and Dima, anything you want to leave the audience with
Anything that you're looking for
People in the audience that you're looking for
That you want to give a shout out to
Yeah, we're probably going to be hiring
A couple of junior front-end developers
Within the next couple months here to help out on the dev side
So definitely if anyone's interested
Keep your eyes peeled, follow SatScreener
We'll definitely make a posting about that
As well as anyone building anything on runes
That wants to speak about potential partnerships
As well as just API access
Because we're going to be aggregating every single runes
Decks at the same time
And maybe there's something that you want from that data
Please reach out
We're open to building with everyone in this community
We feel the Bitcoin community is so founder and developer friendly
So yeah, just reach out and we can hop on a call and discuss
Also just anyone who wants to learn more about Stacks
If people are interested in Stacks
A lot of people in the Bitcoin ecosystem don't see it as a legit L2
If you want to just discuss that
And you want to learn more about Stacks
And maybe learn more about Stacks 20
Also reach out
My DMs are open
I'd love to just chat about Bitcoin L2s
And how the future of Bitcoin and their scaling layers
Kind of shakes out here
So that's all
Awesome, thanks so much Dima
Feel free to pin something to the top
So people can follow up with you
And then of course last but not least
He's been on the show many times before
Let's go over to Querrie from Magisat
Hey GM, thanks Trev
Happy to see this edition where corporate accounts are allowed
So I took this chance and joined from the Magisat account
So Magisat is the most notable marketplace for rare satoshis
We offer a lot of trading tools that revolve around rare sat
We've recently put up bull covering
So basically where you can sweep offer to the floor of a specific rare sat
Aside from that we pride ourselves with being the biggest educational hub
When it comes to rare satoshis
We've managed to get these bright minds from the space
That are super passionate about rare sat in our Discord
And we always have super interesting chats about what rare sat should be added
What rare sat are relevant, what the supplies are and so on and so forth
We also offer some super sophisticated tooling for rare sat
Like for isolating them and for transferring them
A lot of people that got those errors that they have some rare sat
Among their Bitcoin have solved their issue by using Magisat
And by isolating those rare sat
And also obtaining some rare sat in this process
We also offer APIs for vendors
We've integrated Luminex for example
And you can now use Luminex to inscribe rare sat
And also to directly buy those rare sat from Magisat via Luminex
We're basically the rare sat universe
Anything related to rare sat be tooling, trading or education
You can find on our platform
Very cool, and what are you guys working on in the future?
And I would say what differentiates you from other places to trade rare sat
So the future plans are to also extend this to ordinals
And the differentiator is the strength of our tooling
The size of our community and the information you find in it
And simply the flavor of trading on Magisat aside from those
Very cool, and Corey, are there anything that you're looking for that you want to share with the audience
Hiring, partners, that kind of thing?
Yeah, I mean, I am looking for vendors that would like to auto-list or auto-buy from Magisat
Stuff like sat hunting bots is a super neat feature to integrate with Magisat
Because you could have an automated sat hunting tool and also auto-list on Magisat
So that's like you get yield mechanism that generates profit without you doing anything basically
So those kind of stuff are super neat
Vendors that have inscription services, for example
Like ordinals bot or other services that inscribe directly on rare sat
Those could play very well with our API in the sense that they could directly have the users to buy via our API
But without leaving their website
And then straight up inscribe on those sats that they bought
Also people that do analytics and that want to monitor sales activities or listing activities
We can offer them the API to do so
In general, yes, we're looking for vendors with which we can integrate and have a long time partnership
Awesome, thanks so much, Corey
Feel free to pin something at the top
So, you know, in review, that is
We have,, and
Guys, thanks so much for coming up and sharing what you're building
If you're in the audience, be sure to check them out
If you are an angel investor, early stage investor, etc.
Definitely hit these guys up
You know, I can't speak to if there's any room left in their upcoming funding rounds
But I would definitely get in those DMs
And then, of course, you can check us out at
To learn more about what we do as an investor
How we support our companies
And we got more coming for you guys soon
So great to have you guys up here today
Again, thanks, Andrea, Jake, and Kevin
And yeah, for any of the builders in the audience, we'd love to speak to you
You know, get into any of our DMs
And it's Bitcoin season two, it's an exciting time to build
And we wanted to showcase these builders here today
To give you an idea of some of the things that are exciting and upcoming
That was awesome
Really appreciate everyone for coming up
I think this is by far the most important thing we do on the show
Is talking with builders, right?
Like, we could have conversations about
Is the Bitcoin price gonna hit $69K today?
Like, endlessly, right?
And obviously, you know, people like those conversations
But this is so much more important, right?
Like, fundamentally, this ecosystem
People ask, you know, what do we need to do to flip crypto punks
With the NFC collection on Bitcoin?
Or what do we need to do to get a million people over here?
And the answer is not just educating and onboarding
The real answer is we need a lot of people like you guys building companies here
And, like, solving very specific targeted problems
And spending, you know, many months and years of your life
Dedicated to a very specific thing
That's, like, the actual truth
And anybody who's sort of of the belief that you just kind of
Tweet the space into existence
It's not actually how it works
You actually have to create an experience
And there's a lot of pain points in the space
Like, y'all are addressing, like...
Yeah, just like the creator tools, for example, right?
I talk to artists every day
And, you know, creator tools is a pain point
So just focusing on addressing that
I think is just massive, right?
Like, people want to come here
People want to do all of these things
And we just need to keep making that experience better and better
And that's how we're going to grow the space and grow the pie for everyone
So really appreciate y'all, like, you are the actual legends
You know, on this stage right now
And, you know, Trevor, obviously, an important component of the ecosystem
Of any healthy ecosystem is funding developers to come build, right?
So huge props to you as well
Just on taking charge and doing that with Andrea and Jacob
And your team
Like, it really makes a material impact on the space
Like, I think we kind of glazed over it
But you funded 50 of these startups in the ecosystem
I mean, it's a massive contribution that you guys make
And I very much value it
And I love hearing from these companies
So with that, do we have any questions for any of these guys
While we have them on stage here?
I'm going to bring a few more folks up
Bring Snoop Toshi, Daph
Anybody has questions here?
Would love to maybe do just a quick Q&A
If anybody wants to ask questions
If you guys have questions for each other
I assume you guys are all in this cohort together
So probably, I guess, know each other decently well
But if you all have questions for each other, feel free
Also, we don't have to
See, we have a ton of requests right now
You know that feeling when you have a great comeback
But you don't know it in the moment
And then you go in the shower
And you're thinking about all the things you could have said
Like, that's almost how I feel during my pitch
Not that my pitch was bad
But just like that almost, oh, I could have said this as well
So I'm just going to hop in because it's relevant
And when we were chatting about it
Side screen or while we do what we do now
We also have a couple big things on the horizon
Specifically, if you're looking at Solana
And you're seeing all the meme coins launching
You notice that all the best ones have socials attached
And that's something that we want to offer
People that are launching new meme coins
Whether it's runes, stacks, whatever L2 wins out
Over the next six months
So that kind of paid platform
Where you'd be like, okay, I want to launch this token
And I want to have it front and center
We're doing that as well
And the second thing that we're doing that we think is really going to be needed
Once the token ecosystem on Bitcoin kind of becomes more prevalent
Is DEX aggregation, right?
You know, providing a spot where you can do one buy
And it will filter that buy between three DEXs
That way your slippage isn't messed up
Kind of like one inch on Bitcoin
The exact specifics on how that's going to work
Really depends on how the DEXs are implemented
Four runes as well as, you know, whatever new protocols come along
But, like, what SatScreener is now is literally just 10% of what it is going to be
That's why we're an accelerator
That's why we're raising money
You know, the whole reason is because the goal
And, you know, the vision down the road is much larger than what we're building now
So if any other founders that also felt like they didn't really, you know, say everything they wanted to say
I opened it up, and maybe you want to say some more
And then we'll do some questions
Yeah, thanks, Dima
I actually also...
I just want to add just a little bit on, like, what's on the horizon for Ordify Studio, right?
This no-code tool for creating collections
So right now we are starting with simple PFPs
But in the upcoming versions, users will be able to create collections like OCM
Basically using true 3D components
And also they will be able to create animated collections
I don't know if you guys remember, like, back in it there's things like invisible frames
So imagine, like, being able to create such collections with recursive traits
So these are things on the horizon just for Studio
And, of course, we have quite a lot of other things that are in the oven being cooked, yeah, so
Love it, love it, Jeff
PD, you got a question for these guys? Welcome to the ordinal show
Yeah, you know, I really don't... How you doing, by the way, you guys?
Good to be up here, good to talk with you guys
Yeah, what's up, dude
Yeah, dude
So, okay, you know, I don't have a question for these guys in particular
But I was listening to you on the Chinese space last night
Super interesting, super entertaining
I love what you're doing expanding the runestones, like, you know, globally and whatnot
I think that's a big, big thing
I definitely think it's important for you to do that and get the word out there
So last night you had mentioned something about, you know, the rarestats post
And he was going to give out nine rarestats, okay?
And you don't want to talk about it? You follow me?
I do, I do
Okay, so last night I posted on that, but I was dropped a rarestat
And so, you know, like in the Solana wallet or like Ethereum wallet, you get dropped random NFTs
Sometimes they may be malicious
I was wondering if there's the same thing right now with rarestats being dropped randomly
And if those can be malicious if you click on them
So maybe that's, like, we have query here
So maybe I'll throw that over to query
I assume this is a question you get on query
The answer is no
If you find, like, in your X-Verse wallet a rarestat that you don't recognize
Although I think X-Verse should recognize pretty much all categories
There's no issue in clicking on it or doing anything with it
Because those should be just part of a Bitcoin, just satoshis
So they're the same as your other Bitcoin, basically
Aside from the fact that they have some property that makes them a rarestat
Okay, sounds good
Yeah, so, yeah, I got this thing and I was looking at it
And I saw the symbols and, of course, I have my little cheat sheet
I've only really been diving into rarestats for the past, like, four weeks
So I'm definitely a noob
But I got this little cheat sheet that I pulled from
I believe it was Magic Eden
And I was kind of going through them
And it looked legit
It was like, whoa, there's a block nine
There's the, you know, the, what was that, how Finley transaction
There were some other things in there that was really interesting
I was like, well, wait a minute, this is legit, like, this is fucking pretty cool
Somebody's dropped me a rarestat
And so I was like, I was stoked last night
But of course, you know, now that I heard that there's no way to have some sort of malicious thing that you, in your X-Verse wallet
That makes me, you know, even more happy, so
So just to be super transparent and clear here
Theoretically, if somebody could have you sign a malicious transaction, right
So if somebody took you to a fake version of Magic Eden
And you thought you were on the real Magic Eden
And they, like, trick you into connecting your wallet and clicking a button in there
They could tell you in the interface that you're signing
That you're about to, you know, make this great deal purchase or claim this free thing
But what you're actually signing is the real transaction
And X-Verse will actually show this in there
But you could theoretically be sending a transaction that's transferring out your Bitcoin
Or transferring out your rare inscriptions
So we still have that sort of kind of drain or issue here
Where people do the fake sites, they all reply to my post pretending to be with my PFP
And they'll say, you know, this is, go connect your wallet
And, you know, effectively, you just have to be very careful when you sign things in X-Verse
Because X-Verse does have sort of precautions around this
But people are obviously still falling for it
People are, literally, I'm seeing every day somebody falling for this
So we have the drain or issue
But as far as, like, the issue of, you know, ERC721, right
People are creating NFTs
They can just change the functions to do whatever they want
It's smart contracts
There are issues where people will airdrop you stuff on Ethereum
And if you were to go, like, transfer or sell it, you're accidentally rugging yourself
We don't have that issue here because these assets don't have smart contracts
So there's literally no complexity
You're literally just getting a sat
It's like there's nothing bad about getting a sat sent to a Bitcoin address
Like, you can't attack someone that way
And that is ultimately an inscription, by the way, guys, is also just a sat
So you're just getting sat sent to your address
There's nothing weird or dangerous or anything about that
But because we're not building on smart contracts, we really don't have this stuff, right
Like, that's Solana Dev, for example, last night, who burned, like, $10 million
Like, that's all because they're using, like, all this crazy smart contract shit
So they can fuck up like that
Like, we don't have issues like that necessarily here
It's all, like, very simple
You can be
Yeah, if I could, if I may interrupt real quickly and add some
You know, so, like, I hear a lot about, you know, people, you know, being bullish
Talking about this, that, and the other gains
Obviously, there's conversation being had with building on Bitcoin
But I just don't think there's enough
And maybe I'm not visiting the right spaces
But I don't think there's enough, you know, enough talk about some of these other creative things
That people can or can't do with regards to draining
And I do understand the, you know, sign the transactions on the wall
Or on the, you know, match key sign and stuff like that
You know, to drain the wall
It's like a tried and true method for these frickin' scam artists
But like, you know, any other creative things that are out there
That people need to look out for, you know
I just don't know enough about Bitcoin or Ordinals to expand on that
Of course, myself
But I'm just wondering if there's anything you guys have found that we can
People make fake sites for what look like legit sites
But it's a different URL
They impersonate people like myself and Trevor, etc
And then you go and you click the site
You think you're claiming something for free
Because I'm doing a free airdrop
And the reality is you're just clicking a drain
That is like by far the most prevalent one
I did see Unisat tweeted out the other day
That they had a scam happen
Where we actually talked about this on the show about six months ago
Because of re-inscription, right
There's essentially it's on builders in the ecosystem
To show to you and display to you
That if you are transferring an inscription
And it's on a sap that has another inscription
You're also transferring or selling that inscription
So that's a little bit of a weird thing here
Where you can have a single ownership Satoshi
And that owns multiple inscriptions
So theoretically you could get an inscription airdrop to you
And this is maybe a little bit more in line
Where the attacker would look like is
They would say
I'm going to buy an OMB
Let's pretend I'm the attacker
I buy an OMB
I inscribe a new file on it
I then list it
Sell it for whatever the floor is really quickly
Basically it's a wash for me
And then what happens is you get it
And then I make an offer on the other inscription
Or you see that you just got this new inscription
You're not sure what the deal was there
Maybe there's a fake collection for it
And then you decide okay I'll just sell that
Because somehow I just got sent 0.01 BTC worth
Of this kind of random thing
And then you list that
And then you accidentally just sold
Not just that inscription but the OMB
And we saw the first real instance that I've seen
We literally had a conversation about this on the show
About 6 months ago
This happened on Unisat a few days ago
So that is something to be very careful for
And fundamentally it's like
You need to use tool
Builders need to show and make it super clear to you
That you're transferring multiple inscriptions
Not just the one
You're listing multiple inscriptions not just the one
And some products don't fully integrate that right now
So that would be a really careful one
That would be one to be very careful with
But you can't do that for the rare stats
That's really just one for inscriptions
We've got a bunch of ands here
Just really quickly I want to know
Jan, do you want to add something to that
And then let's go to I saw Robert and then Zach
Yeah I just wanted to add
I mean ultimately I think you summarized it pretty well
Leo I think there's always going to be like
New creative ways
You know like how these scammers are going to try to attack you
You know like that's 100%
Like people are going to figure out a way
Something new
Something that maybe not every single builder is prepared for
But you know I think that ultimately
It comes down for you to slow down
When you are actually confirming the transaction right
Because you know we show you pretty clearly
What's happening in the transaction on Bitcoin
And it's not just Xverse obviously
You know I think we take it pretty seriously
You know we have really spent a lot of time on this
And you know it's going to get better
But I think it's already way way way better
Than in other ecosystems you know
That before you click the confirm
You can actually analyze fully
What's happening in the transaction
And yes maybe the inputs and outputs
When it comes to Bitcoin transactions with UTXOs
It may be a little bit complicated for people to get it
And yes you may need to do some mathematical things
To like you know put those things together
But what really matters here is that the drainers
What they will usually do
They will transfer all of your Bitcoin out
Or they will transfer all of your ordinals out
And if this kind of transaction is constructed
And before you click confirm
Xverse will tell you that this is exactly what's happening
And you are going to be able to even click on
Which inscriptions are being transferred
Which inscriptions you are getting
If you are let's say buying on Magic Eden
You are spending your Bitcoin
And the wallet will tell you
Okay you are getting this specific image in exchange
And so ultimately what you really have to do
To be 100% perfected or maybe not 100%
But you know if you slow down
Before you confirm the transaction
And actually take the 3 seconds
To check if there is something weird happening
In that transaction
Then you are basically going to protect yourself
You know in most cases
And then you know agree with Leo
Like you know we as a collective
We need to do better to kind of like
You know look after these edge cases
That obviously there is new edge cases coming
Basically with every upgrade of the protocol right
With every upgrade with every new thing
With cursed inscriptions and all of these things
You know there is new edge case coming
And not all the platforms will be able to catch it from day one
You know we didn't either for many of the things
And we had to catch up so you know
It's definitely something to keep in mind
That always check the inputs and outputs
Of the transaction
And this is not what's normal in other ecosystems
You have to get additional extensions
To be protected on Ethereum and Solana
But on Bitcoin we have it inherently in the wallets
And especially XR
So you know take advantage of that
Great points, really great points there
Good morning everyone
Yeah just a disclaimer like obviously
You know everyone knows to be careful when signing
Check the URL of the websites that you're
You know signing on make sure they're legitimate
Check the inputs and outputs using
You know your wallet
But also be really careful of people
Like asking for you to send them ordinals
Like even if it looks like it's your friends
Saying they want to buy your grail for BTC
Just always double, triple check that
Whoever you're interacting with is who you think it is
And just use a marketplace or a trusted
You know website if you need to when trading
It's probably better to pay the transaction fees
To trade on a trusted marketplace
Than get scammed by sending
Your valuable ordinal to potentially someone
That is not who you think it is
So you know stay careful out there folks
Excellent callouts
Pretty much all the scams are impersonation
They're impersonating a real website
They're impersonating a person
And it's not just the signing
And the X-verse situation
It's not just the signing transaction that's different
People unfortunately are like actually
Inputting their seed phrases and stuff
Like this is obviously really big
You gotta be extremely
Anytime you're ever doing seed phrase
You gotta be extremely careful
And I'll just give one example here
That happened last week
There's this fake
Like leather
There's this wallet called Leather
It's a wallet in this space
Like they build a great product
But they don't have an iOS app for iPhone
So somebody decided to go to the app store
And create a fake leather app
That looks all legit
And somehow it got through Apple's approval process
A bunch of people
Had then been just downloading that
And big people in the space
Had downloaded that
And plugged in their seed phrase
And got completely drained
It was an extremely lucrative exploit
However they got that through the app store
They probably literally made millions of dollars from that
Which is extremely unfortunate
And it stayed up for about two weeks
I think it's finally down now
But that's just a really
It's like
You gotta be really on your toes
And realize that
Leather doesn't have that app
So you can't just go to the app store
And check
I would only trust
The official Twitter account
Will have a link to a website
And you gotta make really damn sure
You're on the official Twitter account
That everybody you know follows
You just gotta be super paranoid, guys
These scammers are so
They're really, really good
And I'm just seeing this
Sort of draining situation
Just get ramped up massively
And people are just clicking these things
I'm not doing flash giveaways ever
Where you click and get a bunch of stuff for free
That's not what I do
And really I don't know anybody in this space
That really does that kind of stuff
So just don't be clicking
Any of these like flash
Quick claim type stuff
And be really careful for impersonators
Because it's like literally dead simple
To just create a Twitter account
And change the PFP
Change your name to Leonidas
And say something
So you gotta be super, super, super careful
Zach, do you wanna say something here?
By the way
I love the PFP
Yeah, yeah
I actually was
More so just had a question for
This great hearing from everybody
I'm just curious
Like it seems like a lot of the people
Kind of in this space
Are generally like
Ethereum crypto
Into Bitcoin crypto
Like into Bitcoin Ordinals
And that kind of vision
But every once in a while
We have people like
Like Danny Deasy
Who's like more of the
The lightening
Than to ordinal side of things
So I'm curious
How many people here are
Are we generally like
The crypto web 3 to Bitcoin
Or are there any people
That are more mainstream Bitcoin
Now expanding into ordinals
I mean I can just
I can just take that one
The story depends on
When you ask it
The first thing I ever bought
In crypto
Was Bitcoin in 2017
When it was about
16,000 US
And then within 6 months
I had lost
80% of my investment
So that was like
The initial
And I'm sure a lot of people
Have the same story
But that was
That was my initial run
And then in the NFT boom
I learned about NFTs
I thought they were super cool
I flipped a few of those
Never did really well
Didn't even know
What crypto Twitter was at the time
I was pretty much
Just shooting in the dark
But then I learned how to make NFTs
On Ethereum
And I learned Solidity
And I learned how
Uniswap works
I made a Uniswap clone
Just in my local ganache environment
And I really liked
The dev tooling over on Ethereum
I thought it was really well done
When I joined
Which was around
Late 2021
As soon as I
I learned about stacks
And ordinals
At the same time
February of last year
And as soon as I
Heard about them
It was just like
Oh, I can measure my jpegs
In satoshis
Nothing else is relevant
Like it was just so
Obvious and immediate to me
Once I knew it existed
That there was
I floored all my Ethereum NFTs
Jumped ship
I've never owned a Solana wallet
Clearly I'm losing out
On that one right now
But for me
It was such an obvious
If I want to bet on
Something that's going to be here
100 years from now
This is it
I'm sure other people
Have similar stories to me
But I was
I was an NFT flipper on Ethereum
As well as a kind of
A hobbyist developer
And then as soon as I learned
About what was happening
On Bitcoin
I just like went all in
Yeah, actually
I also have a very similar story
Me and my partner
And a couple of other friends
We were building this tool
To create dynamic NFTs
And when Casey's
White paper dropped on ordinals
We were like
Screw all this shit
We just jumped on it
Right that week
And we did a bunch of experiments
Because we felt like
This is going to be the future
And this is like
We're talking like
February, March
We even did some experiments
Like launching a dynamic ordinal collection
That has like
That has animation
Animation and things
Built into it
So depending on when you look at it
The ordinal is different
So I think this is
So we definitely bet on the right thing
Can you guys hear me okay?
I'm slaving away at my web 2 job
Like I'm sure a lot of people
In the audience
My mind kind of sucks
What's up?
Daf, I want to go to you
In just one sec
I just want to go to
PD and Jacob first
Okay, sure
Yeah, I want to
Definitely want to chat about this
This tool that you built
In a second here, okay?
Yeah, I'm really
I'm really interested in that tool as well
So I can't wait to hear about it
I just wanted to
Piggyback on what the previous
The previous person who I didn't
I'm driving so I didn't see who was talking
But they mentioned SVG
I noticed that
I mean I heard that SVG is
And correct me if I'm wrong
Are more compressible than
The SVG is
And correct me if I'm wrong
Is it more beneficial
To have something like
Which I believe
And again correct me if I'm wrong
Is like a vector based file
Within the inscription
Versus like a ping or a jpeg
Or something like that
You are absolutely correct
On both of the accounts
SVG is definitely lighter
But then again
It also depends on
How complex is your SVG
But if you look at
Simple SVG
Versus the same on a PNG
Those tend to be heavier
And also SVG is so much better
For recursives
And of course the other thing is
SVG is you can blow it up
To any scale
And it will not be
Excellated because it's a vector
So would you recommend
For pixel art
Like you know
I'm an artist within
I use a sprite
That's the right way to use a sprite
But so there's not a way
To necessarily export SVGs
That I've seen inside that program
But there's web to base converters
That I've seen and I've found
And they've worked pretty well
So would you recommend
Anybody who's going to be
Inscribing a collection
Of size or otherwise
On ordinals to convert
Everything to SVG rather than pink?
I would say it depends on how clean
The conversion is
But you can check out actually
We have a pixel tool
Where you can draw pixels
And it's a browser-based tool
Where you can basically
Draw your pixel art
But the final output is
It's not a PNG or a jpeg
It's actually a SVG
So you can see the code
When you're drawing
As you're drawing on side by side
So it very much depends on the converter
Because they might add a bunch of other shit
That actually makes the file bigger
But hit me up later on DM
I can maybe share with you some more
Yeah, I will
Yeah, I will for sure
And Trevor and Leonidas
Can I go back to just one thing
That I was mentioning before
With regards to the airdrop
Of that sat in my wallet
I was looking last night
And I couldn't find it
So basically when you look
In the X-Verse wallet in the transactions
You only see the transactions
In and out of actual Bitcoin themselves
You don't see anything with regards
To rare sats or any ordinals
Now, is there a spot inside there
That I'm overlooking
Because X-Verse is very simple
Is there another website or wallet
That I can go to
To look for these ordinals
And our rare sats
And ends and outs of the wallet
So maybe I can take this one
So actually if you click on the Bitcoin address
You will see transaction history
For everything that's happening in your wallet
And if it's a Bitcoin
It will just show a Bitcoin transaction
If it's an ordinal that is being transferred
In and out
You will see that it will tell you
That you received an ordinal or whatever
And ultimately you can also see
All of your rare sats
Specifically in X-Verse in a specific tab
So if you go to
Basically to collectibles tab
You see that they're all the rare sats
And so again, every single transaction
That you make
Be it a rare sat, ordinal, etc
It's still Bitcoin
You're basically just sending around Bitcoin
And so they're going to be shown
As Bitcoin transactions
But obviously in the UI of the app
Of the wallet
You're going to have different categories
And different tabs
Where you can easily manage that
And we're actually improving the experience
For collectibles
You're going to be able to pin collections very soon
You're going to be able to reorganize everything
Based on what you like
But right now it should be pretty straightforward
If you have any specific demands
Or something that maybe I'm overlooking
When it comes to the rare sat specifically
Please just shoot me a DM
And I would love to discuss
And even bring it back to the product team
If there is something that we can improve
In terms of the history
Because I do know for the fact
That we're improving the transaction history
As we speak
Because I have to say that
It's not as good as I want it to be
I think we can be much more granule
In terms of like
Actually telling you more details
About each specific transaction
So definitely it's work in progress
I definitely
I definitely will take you up on that
I got some ideas
But I mean just so everybody can hear it
You know here as well
Out in the open
I think that what you hit the nail
On the head
That you guys are working on the
You know the transaction history
Of the ordinals
And the rare sat specifically
And maybe within those tabs themselves
Because right now
You know a lot of people including myself
I would think
Don't know how to really
Look into the transactions
I can definitely look into it
And I'm going to be
Continuing the education process
On doing all this
You know making it a little bit more
Like apparent on what was
Coming in
And what was going out of the wallet
On the ordinals
And rare sat side of things
Yeah 100%
You know I think
This is actually something
That we already discussed
That you know
We already show you
What's happening in the
And so we want to
Take that to the
Transaction history too
So you're going to be able
To easily click
And see okay
What is the ordinal
That was actually transferred
Because right now
You're absolutely right
You only see the transaction
Hey you send an ordinal
But you don't actually easily see
Which one it is
But again we already have the data
It's just a matter of like
UI improvement that has to happen
It's already on the roadmap for sure
It's just something that is taking
A little bit of time
With so many other things
That we're working on
But man I get you
It's a great feedback
Thank you so much
You know it's always good
To kind of interact with people
That are really using the product
Because this is exactly what we need
You know like we're trying to
Onboard as many people as we can
And this is a great feedback man
So really appreciate you jumping in
Jake what's up dude?
Yeah great space as usual
I'm going to drop down
So I just want to show
For 69 seconds real quick
And just say
You know I'm preaching the choir here
You guys get it
But it's never been a better time
To build up Bitcoin
I've been here for like
Two, two and a half years now
Mostly focused on builders
And founders since the jump
And we haven't had kind of like
The triangle of like new tech unlocks
The quitting capital
And user sentiment changing
Like we have in the past year
So no better time to build
Hit us up if you're building something
As a fund we have none of the
Maxi Mind Virus
We're very open minded
We look at the entire ecosystem
So hit my DMs
Also there's 800 people in this space right now
I know there's some ethereans in that crowd
Just don't fight it
Let Satoshi take the wheel
Come to the mother chain
And when you're ready hit me up too
And love to support you
So that's it
Thank you guys for hosting
This has been fantastic
And Jake real quick
Before you go
Can you talk a little bit
About how many different companies
That you see on a
Kind of weekly or monthly basis
Just kind of let people know
Out of how many that the companies
Up here have been selected
On a weekly basis
It depends if we're in like
Really active sourcing mode or not
Because we do run Accelerator
Which is twice a year
And so applications go into the hundreds
During that time
On the off time
You know people hit my DMs periodically
Or I go out and source
But out of this batch
I think we had
And we've taken on 5
So the pass fail
That's pretty high
Yeah we're very particular
Trying to find companies that
Have that perfect match of you know
The market wants what they
Are after
They're building the right thing
The right team structure
And we can help you raise
So like you have a good business model
That investors will get behind
So you can raise that first million or two
So Jake you're saying you're doing all the work
And Trevor is just basically hosting spaces
With the winners
You know is that what we're hearing here?
I'll play the fifth
Also just wanted to add on to what Jake said
So yes the bar is set high
Definitely guys
But at the same time
We even if you don't get accepted
Into the Accelerator
We really like to be very candid
About the feedback
About how you guys can definitely continue to evolve
Like give you some feedback there
So our goal is always to continue to add value
To the space
Because we know it's hard being a builder
Especially in those early stages
So that shouldn't deter you from applying
And getting on our radar
Because the sooner that you do
The sooner you're going to get some feedback
And give you guys some idea
Of how to navigate
And how to continue building
So I know there's a lot of perfectionists out there
That think that you know
They need to have the perfect thing built out
Before they apply
I'm here to tell you
As a recovering perfectionist myself
You're doing yourself a disservice
If that's what you're waiting for
It's better to apply early
Get feedback early
And iterate on this
So definitely hit us up
We're always interested in hearing
What you're all building
And as you see here
You know we have an amazing mix of teams
In our latest Accelerator
And we're pretty soon going to be
Kind of opening up for the application process
But again, this is ongoing, right?
So get on our radar
And let's have a chat
Guys, this has been really great
Really appreciate everyone for coming up and sharing
And I love these builder segments
On the topic of builders
Daf, you created something kind of cool
That you inscribed recently
Related to Runestone
I would love to just have you
Talk about that for a second here
I pinned the tweet above
I checked it out a little bit
But we just want to learn a little bit more from you
Like, what was your thinking?
Yeah, absolutely
Well, first I did have a little bit
To contribute to the previous conversation
I am a, you know, former eighth-link trader
Reformed about a year ago to On Chain Maxi
So there's that
And I'm also a dynamic dev in the space now
And, you know, Ordinals unlocked something special for me
Being a long-term front-end dev
To be able to do some cool things on Chain
So that's kind of where I'm coming from
But to what Leonidas is talking about
I saw an opportunity here to help out the community
With something that I wanted for myself
Basically, you know, you have the Runestone Fair Drop
Started this free and fair movement that I really want to see continue
And not everybody has the capability to drop 114,000 things
Which is exactly what our thing is going on
So what I did was I made an inscription
That anybody can freely go use
And make their own recursive inscription
With their own settings
That will allow you to say
Here's a list that I want to pull from
Here's how many things are supposed to be in that list
Here's how many I'm going to pull from that list
And then finally, here's the block height
That should activate that random draw
That is provably on-chain fair draw
So the way it works is
I've inscribed one child of this already
For the project I've been helping out with
It hasn't activated yet
It's going to hit a block height
Like the next block that ends in 420 is when it's going to hit
When that happens, you'll be able to copy-paste
From the publicly available spreadsheet
Of Leonius' fair drop
Or the Runestone fair drop
Into the left side, press the button
It'll use that block hash from that block height
To select 420 wallets
That will then be used for a fair drop
I'm going to do for our community
And that's probably the shortest way I can explain it
I can get pretty technical and deep into the details
If anybody wants that
But I don't want to bore you all with that
Yeah, I'm open to questions if anybody has them
Okay, this is amazing
Obviously love the idea
What's the situation with the
These addresses for Runestone are off-chain
It would cost a ton of money to inscribe them all on-chain
So how does your inscription get the context
How does someone specifically interact with it
How does that inscription get the context
Of whatever that list is
Because that list of addresses isn't on-chain
Right, exactly
So that list is not on-chain
It would be cost prohibitive to put it on-chain
I think now that Brotley works on all the major sites
You could inscribe it
But you'd have to do Runestone-esque epic 4 megabyte inscription to do that
So what I did instead is I went with NextBest
Which was, first off
When you inscribe your picker
You inscribe it with an attribute that says
This is the block height where the random draw is going to happen
And you would pick that block height in the future
So that no one could unfairly pick that
Hey, these are going to be the ones that you pick from
The other thing you inscribe is
You inscribe a link to the list you're going to use
And you do that up front
Where anybody can go to that link
Can copy-paste the whole thing
To make sure that there's no funny business
Between the time the addresses are picked
And the time they're published
People can call you on your BS that way
So it's not as good as on-chain
But it's about as close as you can get
And then after the fact
Once the block height hits
Anyone can go to that inscription
Can do the copy-paste of the addresses
From the off-chain source into one box
Hit the button and see the exact same draw
Because the block hash is used as a seed
For the random picker
So that once that block hash hits
Nobody could predict it
But once it hits every single time
It's going to be the same selection from that list
Epic. Very, very clever.
I'm thinking on the top of my head here, right?
Maybe put out a tweet
Just saying like
If you would like to do a fair drop
To a list of addresses
Like this is a basically provably random
On-chain address selector
Then do this step first
And then this step second
Then this step third
It's just not completely clear to me today
If I wanted to use it
Like exactly what I would be doing
So I think that might be really helpful for folks
Because I do think projects will want to use this
I have projects asking me about this kind of thing
And obviously most projects are right
They can't do an entire list of addresses
That would be sort of insane
They just want an air drop to 100 addresses
Or something like this
So maybe just an idea
Put out that one, two, three kind of thing
And then I can retweet and we can share it
And I think that might be helpful for people
Yeah, I agree. I'll definitely do that
The other thing I'll add is that
The Runestone list is not the end of this
You can use all kinds of other lists
And it doesn't preclude you from using an on-chain list
The same way
That link could be essentially a link to an inscription
I may rebuild another one
That could pull the addresses directly off of an on-chain source
If somebody really wants that
It's not that difficult to do a second version like that
I just didn't need it at the time
But what I'd say is any kind of drop would work for this
I'd actually recommend it for any project
Who's doing any kind of raffle
Or whitelist selection or whatever
Part of the problem with some of that is
It can be a little bit behind closed doors
How the raffle happens and if that's truly fair
But if you can publish the full list of participants first
And then go through this on-chain process to select from that list
There's really no shadiness you could do
So let's say, for instance, I wanted to
In the future, fair drop to
I wanted to take a snapshot of all the holders of OMB
And pick, say, 50 out of that list for a fair drop
You could do that too
All you have to do is take your snapshot
Post the data online somewhere accessible
And scribe this thing with a link to that list
And tell people you're going to do that in the future
Tell them the block height
They can check you on all the facts to make sure that that
You know, that that was above board
Yeah, I love that
It's a very clever situation
That is very much in line with how I would like to see these things happen
Because, yeah, I don't basically trust anyone in this space
I think the default should be, if you're not doing something provably on-chain random
That the situation's being rigged
And anyone who lived through 2021 remembers all of these mints
Where it's a 10k PFP mint
But they reserved all this stuff in the code
So that the founders' addresses got the rare ones
And it's just so, so easy to rig
And the incentive is so obvious to rig things
That it's just people get tempted and rig stuff
So, yeah, I would say this is, like, by far
I love stuff like this
Johannes, what's up, dude?
Yeah, Jim, Jim, friends
So I heard that you talked a bit about Xverse
And now I have compiled in my head a long list of stuff
I would like to change, if I could
And maybe we should one day do an Xverse
Let's smash in improvement suggestions into this
Okay, Johannes, let's stop here
Okay, thank you very much for coming
See you next time, okay?
So here's the deal, guys
If you have improvements for Xverse, you want something changed
You just, everybody go DM John
Because John's, like, the guy who's out
But he's always busy
Yeah, so, but anyway, I got my runestone in my Xverse
It was great
But I couldn't copy the inscription number
So that I could double-check it on audio
I think you should combine this a little bit better
Because the runestone is so nice
But it's hard to actually get it into the view
So there are stuff I would like to improve
But I'm so happy that I have my runestone
That's the most important message
Okay, I am in my Xverse wallet
And I can copy the inscription number easily
Johannes, I don't know
Okay, you need to DM me, man
On a mobile?
On a mobile?
On mobile? I don't know, man
No, no, no
I'm in front of my computer
I'm in front of my computer right now
That's why I'm checking computer
I wish I had such dedicated users
That pinpoint the exact, you know, specific thing
Like, you don't even, you don't need to write user stories, Jan
You just have people, you just go through your DMs
And you guys can set up your next two weeks
Every sprint is just set by the DMs
You just go through the DMs with the whole product team
It's pretty awesome that you have so many people
Just kind of like pitching unsolicited advice
Probably gets annoying, but at the same time
It's like a privilege at the same time
No, I'm joking, obviously
Like, you know, I love to hear this, right?
Because, you know, some of this feedback
Like, obviously, we're pretty much aware of
Because, you know, I'm a user of the product as well
I use it every day
A million times a day, probably
And so, you know, some of this feedback
Like, I am pretty aware of
But, you know, there are things that, like, you know
I don't even know about
I wouldn't even think about it
Because maybe I'm using the product in a very specific way
And so, you know, this is great, you know
Like, just having people, like, really pinpoint these kinds of things
Like, you know, and I'm not joking
Like, please DM me
Like, anytime you have something
Again, can I guarantee that we're going to get everything fixed overnight?
Of course not
That's not possible
And, Johannes, you know, you're building a product, right?
You're building art
You know how difficult it is sometimes to build a product
You know, to prioritize and, you know, make everything perfect
Like, you know, you need to make, sometimes, compromises
However, you know, just at least having that kind of feedback
You know, having it in my DMs
And, like, pushing it to the product team
And putting it on the roadmap and priority list
Like, you know, that's what's necessary, you know, for every product builder
So, you know, I really appreciate it, guys
Because, of course, I'm joking, you know
And, you know, it's sometimes, you know, not so great to hear all this feedback, you know
I would love the product to be perfect
But, you know, obviously it's not
And it's probably never going to be
There's always going to be things to improve
Yeah, I'm building art pools
So, it's done by one person
And my priority list is the following
I fixed what's most important
And where most of the people are crying
And usually all the other 100 tasks are never solved
So, priority list, I hope that it works tomorrow
Awesome, guys
Well, Daf, I really enjoyed having you up here
Like, definitely if you make that thread, send it to me
I definitely want to read it and share it
And if you guys want to use this, like, just go
It's pinned above, you can go to it
If you scroll to the right one
And, yeah, like, I would love to see some more fair drops, right?
Like, let's get some air drops going
And like Daf said, this doesn't have
You don't have to specifically do this for Runestone
This can be for any project
If you want to air drop your holders or do a giveaway or something
So, very clever, Daf
I want to see this, like, I want to see this, like, iterated and made, like, even easier for people to use
Well, we've got a bunch of people requesting here
Potentially have some questions and stuff
We can definitely chat about just sort of market-type situations that are going on
Just a super quick highlight for folks who, you know, were on our Wednesday show
I believe our Wednesday show was people kind of freaking out
Because we needed to get stoned, if I'm remembering correctly
It feels like so long ago, Leo, you know
It feels so long ago, Trevor
That was the days when we were pre-rich, you know
So, pre-rich days feel like they were months and months ago
But now that we got stoned, you know, we're beyond that now
Yeah, so the situation was that people don't remember
This was like 8 o'clock on Wednesday
Trevor was like, Leo, you better drop this shit
Because people are starting to freak out
And I was like
I was like, dude, I had to make some phone calls, you know
I had to call the high table, you know, to call, you know, the people above the high table, basically
You know, like, we had to make some phone calls
We had to call, you know, my Uncle Vinny
And he called his grandfather
And then he called the high table
And then the high table called in, you know, basically the John Wick
But the real-life John Wick, as a developer, to come and help you make that runestone, you know, get dropped
So, yeah, pretty much what I said on that show was
And this is what I said at the beginning of the week
We're getting stoned this week, right
And I had argued that we're doing Alaska time zone
So Sunday at 11.59 p.m. was going to be the latest
And I said that if we have this show Monday
And I like, dude, I'm not going to be able to show my face on the space nest
Like, it wasn't going to be bad
The clown emoji index and the Discord was going up very quickly
So, fortunately, we all got stoned
The clown emoji index has gone drastically down
There's this one guy, Eggman, who continues to do the clown emoji set
It's predicting a $200 drop, a drop in four plus a $200
But other than Eggman, people seem to be pretty happy about getting stoned
I mean, Leo, can we please, like, fulfill this, you know
Can we get the runestone to $200 apiece
Dude, I mean, we got to get Eggman up here
Eggman's become a legend
Please, can we do it?
Eggman spent the last 72 hours
And basically claimed
I'm not going to get into details too much
But made a very bold claim of something he's going to do
If it hit 0.03 BTC
And it did hit 0.03 BTC
So, TBZ on Eggman's going to be following through on that
But that's all going down in the runestone Discord
In the price channel, under forums
So, yeah, look, we got stoned
Basically did this pretty badass airdrop to all the Ordinals OGs
I would imagine many of the people listening on this space
Got stoned over the weekend, 112,383 inscriptions were sent out
Our partner Ordinals bought, just absolutely crushed this airdrop
It's the largest parent child collection ever
All got sent out very smoothly
We're going to be burning the parent inscription very shortly
To be essentially stealing that collection
And the provenance for the supply on Chain Forever
So, yeah, like, it's been incredible, right?
Like, we airdropped $350 million to each other
That's pretty cool that we did that
And I think that sort of brought some excitement
Late, late yesterday
And a bunch of other Ordinals collections started pumping
So, essentially, the Ordinals market's in, you know, a great spot right now
And I'm hoping just, like, more collections
And, you know, people kind of trickle down to more collections, right?
Because there's like a ton of really awesome Ordinals collections
But I think there's this issue where, if you're not on the Magic Eden homepage
There's just all these people that just came over from Ethereum
Or something like this
They just downloaded Xverse
They don't really know about things
Like, discoverability off
Like, if something's not on the homepage
Magic Eden, like, it doesn't exist to these people, right?
They don't necessarily
They haven't spent the time in the space like we have
And kind of understand
Like, I see all of this incredible stuff that's out there
That's just not the top 10 collections by volume every day
And I'm really looking forward to
I want those collections to have their moment
And I think it's going to happen
We're just in a market that's so
Just so early that, you know, it's not efficient enough
It's literally just focusing on a few top collections right now
But I think it's just ultimately very bullish for the whole space that Ordinals is
You know, we have the number two and number, like, five or six
NFT collections in the world right now by market cap
We've consistently been the highest volume
Of all chains for
NFTs for the past couple days
Like, this is
We're really
This is actually happening, Trevor
Yeah, and, like, the stuff we talked about on this show a year ago
It's all actually happened, which is pretty incredible
And Runestone was just, like, sort of one of those
Really special moments for the space that just happened
And it seems to be
This really positive thing that's been happening so far
So that's sort of the TLDR since the last show
In case you're just, like, showing up on Monday
You checked out from the space for the last couple days
I would definitely go check your wallet
You may or may not have a Runestone in it depending on if it was eligible
And, yeah
And that's what happened
I've been looking at the distribution
And I've been looking specifically at, you know, who's listed, who's not listed
And there are people that have over 200
Like, multiple people have over 200 Runestones
That they've been sweeping off the floor
And they don't have a single one listed right now
I got 50 and none listed
Whoa! Dude, good shit, congrats
I just took a loan out on my PFP
And just swept a bunch of Runestones
Like, before I hopped on this call
Just a heads up
Love Runestones
Love taking loans out on Liquidium
And love aping into random shit
Wait, are you the one who just swept the 13 Runestones
Like, 20 minutes ago?
The loan to value ratio is not that good on the cat
But I picked up a few
Nice, dude
Love it, love it, love it, love it
I think, um
I think Liquidium just integrated with Runestones
So, for people who don't know
You can essentially take out loans on the actual Runestone as well now
I believe, so that's starting to do
Oh, so I can do the full circular economy
Take out a loan on the cat
Yeah, that's exactly
Take out loans on the Runestone
You're going to now take out loans on the Runestone
And then you're going to buy more Runestones, Dima
Laboratory for days
That's the situation, right?
If Runestone goes way up, maybe you can buy another cat
And then just repeat the process as well
So, lovely, lovely situation
That you can do there
Yod, what's up?
Yeah, guys, you know
Like, I mean, obviously, congrats, Leo
I mean, I've been watching you doing the Asia tour
For the past couple days
And, you know, I can just say that Asia is fucking bullish
When it comes to Runestone
And, you know, that's
I don't know, like, I think we have not seen anything yet
You know, not financial advice, obviously
Nothing at all, but, you know, I think we have not seen anything yet
Because Leo literally just started, like, really
Talking about Runestone in Asia
And over the weekend, couple spaces with 800 people each time
Like, you know, it's interesting and it's bullish to me
But, you know, I wanted to talk about something else
I was actually, you know, kind of trying to maybe get your perspective, guys
You know, because
To be very frank with you
I felt like, you know, for the past maybe two weeks
Before, obviously, Runestone dropped
I felt like we're kind of maybe losing momentum in Ordinals, right?
Like, things were going down a little bit
After the pump, after the huge pump
That we experienced during E-Denver
And those couple weeks prior to that
And I felt like, you know, we're kind of, like, losing momentum
And, like, you know, everything was kind of dropping down
And then, like, OMB was kind of seen
As, like, this event that everybody was excited for
And everybody was basically holding their liquidity
And, like, the mint happened, et cetera
And, you know, many people were kind of saying, like, oh, shit
Like, we're going to see some Ordinals winter
After OMB happens
Because, you know, obviously it's going to take out a lot of liquidity from the space
But the opposite happened, right?
Like, maybe we went down for, like, one or two days
But, you know, I woke up this morning
And I'm seeing everything is up only, you know?
And so I'm actually, like, very positively surprised
Like, you know, like, that sentiment that I was hearing from people
That, like, we may actually head down
And, like, we may see kind of, like, this Ordinals' death again
Which happened, you know, in the previous cycle
After actually OMB minted green ice
It's not happening right now
And, you know, everything seems to be bullish, you know?
And obviously, I guess, Leo, you know, you deserve a credit there with Runestone, for sure
But what do you guys think overall?
Like, what do you guys think in terms of, like, where we are at right now
In terms of we went through some local top
Maybe we're going higher
Like, you know, obviously, runes are super bullish
Everybody talks about runes right now
It's one month away
So what do you guys think?
Like, you know, what is your kind of perception when you look at the Ordinals' market today?
I had runes to one billion is unavoidable rule
It's, like, ORDY and SAT did, like, two billion market cap in the big
So I see runes as this better standard
Like, the standard that took its time
And I think Casey and his team are polishing runes super well
To serve all this functionality for tokens on Bitcoin
Which is something that BRC20 didn't have
Like, Domo did his best
But he worked with the tools that the indexer back then had
And, like, he did best out of that
But, like, runes will be the token standard on Bitcoin, in my opinion
And runestones is, like, the biggest rune right now
And I think it's unavoidable that it gets at least one billion market cap in, like, the very scenario
Are you talking about a specific rune? Are you talking about Runestone? Are you talking about, like, the first rune?
Yeah, I just had Runestone
Oh, sorry, okay, I didn't hear that, okay
That's a very unbiased statement, right? Because you have no incentive for it to go to a billion, right?
I might have a little bit of back bias, but I had this bias probably even before I went out
And swept the shit out of those runes
So, yeah, but I see this as, like, quite the safe bet, honestly
I think it's my safest bet in Ordinals, because, yeah, for all the aforementioned reasons
I mean, to be frank, like, Leo, what's the current market cap of Runestone?
Because, you know, I mean, you have done something incredible in terms of how many you dropped
Obviously, that's something that we have not seen probably anywhere else, not even on other chains
Even though it's easier there than on Bitcoin, but, you know, dropping more than 100k, you know, inscriptions
It's a big feat, so, like, what is the market cap right now? I mean, you tweeted about it this weekend
Was it around, like, 300 mil already? 400 mil? So, like, going to a billion is actually not...
CoinGecko has a page, CoinGecko has a page, and we're at 4,300 BTC market cap right now
So, somebody can plug that in in USD if they want
But I believe it's around 300 million, roughly, something along those lines
I think we hit, like, 360 at a high at one point
So, yeah, that's essentially the sort of current market cap
But, yeah, I mean, look, nobody knows what the price of...
Nobody knows what the market cap is going to do in the future, right?
Like, either this sort of experiment works or it doesn't
If it works, it could theoretically go insanely high
Because we're using Bitcoin as the foundation, which means there's an incredible...
Like, if you did Runestone on Cardano, you're going to have trouble getting to a billion dollars
Just because you're starting on a very, like, shaky foundation
But if you use Bitcoin as your foundation, I mean, there's no reason why you can't have the largest meme coin in the world on Bitcoin
Like, that just makes... the opportunity is there, is my point
Like, it's not that it necessarily happens, but the opportunity size is, like, absolutely there, no question
So, yeah, I'm super excited about runes
I'm sure there will be a lot of runes tokens
And it's going to be a really exciting time in a month when runes drops
Yeah, and just to comment on your kind of point that there's this narrative that
The green ice mint sort of ended the...
It was, like, sort of the local top back in the May and June era
I think it's different now, and I think the main reason is that
During that time last summer, literally the entire space was dead
We were the only thing going up
So we had no tailwinds
Now, we literally have Bitcoin in the last month going from $30k, $32k to $74k
You've got the entire crypto space in a bull run
You know, at 4am last night, there's, you know, 9,000 Solana MFers
You know, talking with this guy who just run $10 million
Like, it's... we're in a bull run, guys
So, like, if you've never been through this before
Literally, value creation...
Yeah, reset your expectations from the bear market
Because, yeah, anything's basically possible at this point
Like, we watched...
This is just, like, one example, but we watched Yves Inou
In the last cycle go from this random-ass token
With a market cap of, like, $5 million
That was just barely talked about during the Wall Street Bets
Sort of GameStop moment, and then Dogecoin started to pump
And then Shiba started to pump
And it pumped to, like, $70 billion or $80 billion market cap or something
Just absolutely insane astronomical situation
So, my point is, there's really no reason to assume that this bull market is any different
Like, there are dozens of instances of that happening in the last bull run
And very likely, this bull run will be larger than the last bull run
So, yeah, like, just basically realize, like, this is the situation
There will be just a few astronomical winners
And, like, you're trying to find those winners
And it's very hard to do that
But, yeah, Jan, like, because we're in a bull run
Because, you know, look, if Thelonic can pump a random pre-sale
Mean coin to $120 billion in 24 hours
You know, we can handle ZK's $15 million price, okay?
Like, we absorbed it instantly, and the price went up
Like, fundamentally, this is a different time
You have to reset your head from bear market mode
Where it's like, holy shit, I got to be so careful
Because there's just no attention here
So, like, if you're not just picking the best of the best
It's just going to keep going down
Now it's like, yeah, look, it's an extremely frothy market
And as long as, fundamentally, like, if Bitcoin and ETH keep going up
I would imagine we're going to stay in a very frothy market
Probably for a sustained period of time, you know, six months a year
That's how it usually is in these bear markets, in these bull markets
So, the rules have completely changed
And you got to put on your 2021 hat again
And that's basically, if you're a trader, how to be operating
Like, go back and look at how you made money in 2021
And the answer was minting board apes, right?
So, that's the situation
There are truly thousand next opportunities to come up
And that's possible now
That really wasn't possible
It was much harder to find a year ago in the bear market
So, yeah, bottom line, we're absorbing this kind of stuff
And the space is just growing so fast
That unless you sort of have some sort of cataclysmic kind of crash or event
The market is extremely healthy and organic right now
We've got great projects, great IP, you know
Trevor has a great collection that's killing it
Like, you know, Jan, I see your PFP every day
When I go look at OMB and go to the filter for the different colors of the eyes
They use your PFP for that
So, I see Jan on Magic Eden all the time
Dogefathers Rock
Man, they're paying me big money, man
It's an advertisement deal that I closed, you know
It was the first one in Ordinals, you know
Like, you know, I'm getting paid like, you know, $50,000 per month
I can retire now, guys
You licensed it out to Magic Eden, I love it
Yeah, so bottom line
No, but Leo, Leo, I agree with you
But I want to say one thing
It's really not bullish enough
If you've never been through one of these bull runs
It's like, I would sound crazy if this wasn't very predictable
Having, you know, seen this several times before
So, yeah, it's just going to get crazy over the next year or so
I would imagine
And that just means that the opportunity is insane for a select few projects
It'll take the mindshare
And it's like basically finding those projects
Yeah, you know, I just want to say, Leo, I agree
And, you know, it's a great summary of what's happening in the Ordinal Space right now
You know, couldn't say it better
But I still want to see at least 1,500 listeners on the show
We need to double the numbers
And then I will agree with you that we're in a bull market
Because before that, I think we're just scratching the surface
You know, we're just knocking on the doors of the bull market
But we're not there yet
You know, we need to get over the 1,000, you know, organic listeners every single time
And then maybe we can have this debate that, like, are we in a bull market or not
I actually agree with Jan
Like, I think right now, most inflows are institutional money
And the ones that are aping into ordinals and rune stones
Are probably not yet institutional money
So the bull market is at our door
But I don't think that the 2021 bull market is here already
Yeah, no, look, I think we're at sort of the start of 2021
I don't think retail has really woken up to any of these assets
I don't see that sort of behavior, right?
Fundamentally, Shiba Inu and Dogecoin and stuff
At the peak of those markets, there were literally millions of people every day
Going to Robin Hood and smashing the buy button
That's not even remotely happening right now
Coinbase isn't even a top 200 app in the app store right now
So it's actually, it's extremely healthy that Bitcoin can be at the price it's at right now
Like, the fact that Bitcoin is at like $66,000
And we're not even remotely in that situation
Is a huge testament to that the space has grown a lot over the last three years
It's incredible, it's truly incredible
And yeah, we'll see if this truly becomes a bull run or not
Like, maybe we look like idiots in six months
But it just, it certainly has all the markings for a bull run
And I think people can kind of feel it
And if you're just going and looking at the timeline today
This is not what the timeline was like six months ago
Hey GM, I'm a bit late
So I'm also mixing up the time zone stuff
Just one hour too late
I have to be the party question now
So I think we talk about rookie numbers still
If I look at a coin market cap
And I see all these ERC-20 like Chiba Inu, Pappy, Flocky, with these numbers
We need to catch up
And I think the best idea would be
If Casey would give us one of the hard-coded ruins to the Runestone community
Because that would combine two giants
Two gigantic kind of like forces
And then we would really have a better chance to be beyond Chiba Inu and even Dogecoin
And I think the biggest casino belongs on Dogecoin
In the same manner as the finest app belongs on
So did I say Dogecoin? Sorry, Bitcoin, of course
And the finest app belongs on Bitcoin
And I think that the best chance would be with an early Runestone
I know, Leo, you say you don't need that
Or the Runestone community doesn't need that
But I think it would be an even stronger pitch for everyone to be extremely early
And then with the best community, with the broadest community
I think that would be an extremely strong combination
I did a small petition post yesterday
And I'm not sure whether I can share it here
And whether you want to kind of push that
Because I know, Leo, you're very humble about that
But I think this would be increasing our chances to beat all these ERC20s
And even Solana meme coins that we see on top of the list right now
So look, what I'll basically say on this is
It's not that we don't need it or it wouldn't be bullish
It obviously would be
It's that there's sort of a larger philosophical question here
Which is, do you want the founder and the developer
Who is creating a protocol, just a base layer
To be then crossing this line, which is a pretty big line to be crossing
Where they're basically anointing different projects and different tokens that are on that protocol
And I have a pretty strong belief
And remember, I'm just one member of the Runestone ecosystem
You can tweet whatever you want
But I'm of this belief that
If Casey starts opening up this box of
He's going to basically be anointing certain projects and certain people
And making certain people money
Then what's going to happen is there's going to be a lot of politics
That forms around that foundation that they have
And Casey and Raph and having influence on them
And it's pretty predictable that it will lead to issues down the road
And I've been strongly encouraging
For the past year, Casey to not really comment even
Literally not even comment really on specific sort of projects
Mostly the logic there is
Casey already has a hard enough job creating this protocol
That's groundbreaking and innovative in all these different ways
And how he's running it back with runes
I don't want him having this distraction
Because we're talking about Casey just gets to anoint
Hundreds of millions of dollars to different people
You don't want to have that ring of power
Casey, it really entangles protocol development
In a way that I think has these really weird edge cases
That I don't think people fully appreciate the damage it can do to the runes protocol
So I am personally an advocate for no projects including Runestone
Should be given special treatment at the protocol level
I don't think that's fair to anyone
That said, you're obviously right, it's bullish for Runestone
If Casey were to do that, I'm not going to reject it
Like who am I to tell the Runestone community
I'm going to lose you hundreds of millions of dollars
I would never do that
But also I will make my point very clear that I do feel strongly
That I don't want Casey to do that
So I hope that sort of gives you my thinking there
Yeah, my main reason is I fully understand that this is a highly kind of political
And also like kind of like a burden to him
But you know just for the rune ecosystem
It would make a lot of sense to have like a big token right on top of the list of coin market cap
And if you have something like a giant like Runestone
Being like rune number 20 or 50 or whatever
It would be splitting up the eyeballs, the liquidity and everything to different camps
And it would be way harder to have something like a rune token that can compete with Shiba Inu and the like
I completely get your point
And I mean Casey has a very very complicated position here
But I mean just in the long run
You know I'm not talking about weeks or months now but in the long run
What we would like to have I think as the end goal would be
The largest meme coin should be on Bitcoin
Whether that's Runestone or something else
I'm just saying that it would make it easier to get this number one spot if he combined forces
And I would never, I know you would never ask him
But maybe he's making up his mind seeing like the force of the Runestone community
We're talking about 20,000 people so
If you think that yeah if you really want to you know
Heat up the space and beat D Solana and ERC20 eth clones
And want to conquer the space, the casino and meme coin space
And he's like well let's forget about all these things and let's make this really big
I think that's like the only way to go
Yeah I definitely hear the points that you're making
And I think fundamentally my analysis based on BRC20
Which has a similar sort of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 thing
The 2 and the 3 and the 4 are interesting
But they're not really creating that much insane value
It's the Rune 0 that is the very significant value creation event
And yeah like theoretically if you combine Rune 0 with like Runestone or something like that
Maybe it could go higher than if it was just alone
But my sort of thought here is you can have the provenance of, it's just like low inscription numbers
You've got these collections with low inscription numbers
Like OMB inscribed with their first inscription sub 100k for example
They've got this strong OG provenance
But then you've also got the puppets that came along and created a great meme
And that's also killing it and very successful
So I don't think you necessarily have to be a low rune number to be valuable
I think the ticker selection is by far the largest variable that Runestone has
I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that if we, like I have ideas for tickers
Where I'm fairly confident that that theme or that idea could literally have a 10x different
Like there's a 10x delta between if we pick that
First if we pick the ticker that was kind of lame
So yeah, like essentially my point here is like that is where my head's at
And I have nothing to do with Runestone, nothing to do with making money
Just believe that Vitalik for example shouldn't be coding into Ethereum
That this specific 80,000 people are going to get billions of dollars
I don't want that in a protocol, I don't like that in a protocol
There's got to be a separation of the protocol and the things on top of the protocol
And that's just my belief there that I feel pretty strongly about
But that I'm not going to enforce on anyone, it's just me sharing that strong belief
Yeah, Dima
Yeah, I don't know where I sit on this kind of
I see Casey as the benevolent dictator of Ord
And I mean that with the nicest terms
But I think as you, Leonidas, it doesn't make sense for you to petition to Casey
But I don't see why if the community, you know, there's over 100,000 people
It's the most fair snapshot of Ordinal Enjoy Yours, right?
So like I think that as the community, if there is enough like decentralized leadership
Of people that are trying to push, you know, to at least petition to Casey
To say, hey, maybe consider this for either rune zero or one of the first ten
You know, there's no reason that you should be like, oh, I'm not going to do this
But I think having the official stance of being like, I don't give a shit
Regardless, rune stone is going to be powerful
And I totally agree that there is likely a 10x delta based on the name
Just because memes and memetics and social consensus, you know, based on memes
Is kind of everything, it's so important
So it's probably more important than name than rune stone zero
But in general, if there is, you know, widespread support
You know, among the community to push Casey to maybe hardcone rune zero
To being the rune stone rune
You know, I'm obviously for it and I think everyone should, you know, at least consider it
I think that's a great idea, dogfather
I think it's going to happen
I put it at like a less than 10% chance
Just knowing Casey and how he kind of operates with these things
He doesn't like to pick favorites
But if he were to pick favorites
We're talking about over 100,000 wallets of people that had at least three inscriptions
That weren't text inscriptions
And we know how he feels about text inscriptions
He filters them out of
So I think this is like something that maybe he'd see
Like, am I even really picking favorites here?
I'm not really picking favorites, right?
This is the most accurate representation of the ordinals ecosystem
So I don't know
I can see it playing out both ways
And I agree that it doesn't matter
The name matters more, most likely, which is hilarious
Yeah, good point
I think it's less even of the actual
Look, it's more like, do I want to be encouraging a situation where
Because I see other of these pre-runs projects doing this
Where the founder is actively encouraging the people
To basically harass and tweet at Casey
And tell him to basically pump our bags
And I don't like that dynamic at all
I'll just be completely frank with you
So I don't want that dynamic to emerge
I'm not going to encourage it
I will actively say that I don't like it
That said, I can't stop you guys
It's obviously a great idea
Of course everybody would want that
I just personally, I'm not going to get behind it myself
But I'm also not going to stop anyone
You know, you guys can do whatever you want
That's just my thoughts on it
Maybe we talk about something
Maybe I'm less passionate or opinionated on now
I don't know
I'm not trying to come off as grumpy or something
I just really
Yeah, I want Casey to be able to work and write code
In his Viking outfit
Without having to check Twitter
And see just a bunch of DJs
Telling him to give them a bunch of money
I don't know
That's just basically my thought
I want him to focus on protocol development
And all this crazy shit happening on top
I don't want him to have anything to do with
I don't think that's healthy for the protocol
That he gets involved too much in this stuff
It's a lot of craziness that
He just needs to build a great, fundamentally
He needs to build a great protocol
And if he does that, that is his gift to all of us
We've already all benefited extremely from this single guy
By far more than anyone else
And we should be very appreciative of that
And try to be as respectful as possible to that
Yeah, Grace, what's up?
Yeah, so I've been working on 3D animated movies
For the Metaverse
And basically these are fully 3D animated
And you can watch them in the Apple Visual Show
As well as on the web
And it's a first of its kind of
Still the cash points in a free collection
Which is on Stacks
But I was wondering
Because I've been wanting to
Inscribe 3D assets and 3D animation
On ordinals for the longest time
And I've been trying to find a continuous way to do that
Because it's not everybody can inscribe for megabytes
So I was wondering
Because I have some ideas as to ways to do it
But I was wondering
Maybe you have some suggestions
Or things that you thought through
When you were working with 3D assets on ordinals
Yeah, that's a great question
I love 3D assets
I think it's so much fun
Being able to do 3D assets on Jane on Bitcoin
And the AR functionality is really cool
You should definitely consider
Like for Runestone
We just uploaded the raw GLTF file
So it's like this very native 3D asset
You should definitely consider though
If you're talking about animations
Probably there's libraries like 3JS
That you want to work with instead
There's this company, Inscribe Space
That you should definitely check out
That's done really crazy 3D stuff on Jane
Sorry, go ahead
Which one?
It's called Inscribe Space
Okay, is that, yep
Okay, cool
Yeah, because I was thinking
It would be like a combination of inscribing the 3D assets
And then also inscribing the animation data separately
And just like pulling it together
But yeah, I was wondering if there are
Because there's a couple of like new innovations coming out
For ordinals
So maybe there are easier ways to do it
But yeah, I've been definitely wanting to do 3D on ordinals
For the longest time
Maybe I can step in
Yeah, yeah, yeah, cool
Yeah, so 3D is a broad term
So yes, you can upload the original 3D files
And I would say the runestone is super massive
And if you don't want to have so high textures
And so many details
The 3D file is way more efficient
If you just, for example, make a cube or something
Then the file itself is very small
So a lot of people have inscribed simple 3D objects
That's not an issue
It's even easier than to inscribe a video, for example
And as the United has already said
You can use VGS
You can use recursion
And for example, my little project
Which is exactly about rotating tubes
The file size of one inscription is down to 500 bytes
Which is nothing
No, I need to count
It's fewer
It's just some pennies to inscribe it
If you do it correctly on top of VGS
It's amazingly small
So the runestone is very flat by design
Yeah, we have been doing creative ways
To get the 3D assets as small as possible
But these are 3D animated scenes
So there is a lot more complexity and detail
And also I'm working with my friend
He was previously the head of ARVR for Artifact
Which got acquired by Nike
So he did all of the digital sneakers
And Clonex
And it's all very detailed
So we're not necessarily working with just the base geometry of 3JS
We are thinking creatively
As much as possible, it's going to be code
But there are some more complex designs
And just to get things looking cool
And emissives and stuff like that
So we are as much as possible
Thinking of creative ways to reduce the file size
Right now we have a whole 3D animated scene
And we got it down to 800 kilobytes
This is all alpha, I haven't shared much about it
And it's also working in the Apple Vision Pro
You can watch the 3D movie there
But I'm just wondering if there are new ways
To think about this
Because I know there's some new
Was it Brought? Broughtly
Maybe that can help with the compression
So I'm wondering if there are suggestions
For new things that I should look into
As we think about how to unscrap this
So you already said you can use Broughtly
Broughtly really depends on what you have
Sometimes Broughtly is super efficient
And sometimes it's not at all
So you should just check it out
It's now supported everywhere usually
And the other thing is
People have done amazing stuff
By stitching the inscriptions together
By just being below the 400 kilobyte limit
And stitching it together with code
And then out comes the 3D file
And that's all possible
And 800 kilobytes are not that crazy large
Like I would have expected
So good job in making it small
Oh yeah, it's super exciting
It's a whole 3D animated movie scene
And we've got it down to something super small
And I'm super excited to show you
I haven't announced it
But yeah, super excited
Awesome, looking forward to that
I would say one final note
If you're using GLTF
There's this file type called GLB
That's basically the binary compressed version
And you can save about 10% doing that
It just adds a very small amount of time
On the client when you render it
So that's the decompress
But that's the trade-off
You can kind of decide if you want to make 10%
In some cases, it can be saving a lot of money
Cool, thank you
I know, Tatis, you had your hand up a second ago
Do you want to jump in here?
Yeah, I was going to comment about the Casey Rune thing
But I don't want to put you in a weird spot again
No, dude, you're good
Look, it's a conversation I'm totally fine to have
It's a very natural thing that people would want to advocate for this
It's not me getting upset or angry
I fully understand and appreciate the thinking here
It's obviously a great idea from a financial perspective
It's more just I have specific kind of feelings about it
I think for the reasons I set
Yeah, and you know what?
I might bring up the topic in the group chat
That I started for Runestones
So just to maybe gauge the community
And what they think about it
Because yeah, it's still interesting
And I understand that you need to probably stay out of it
But we can always maybe talk about it and see where we go from there
So yeah, I'm going to bring it up
Look, you guys can talk about it
I'm not the Runestone dictator, right?
We're about to seal the collection off forever on chain
With this burning of the parent inscription
The second largest inscription ever
And that's going to basically make it so that I'm not able to change the collection anymore
So like my real role here is just another voice in the community
Like you, like Dogefather, like other people
So I think that's pretty important to understand
I'm just obviously opinionated
And I'm going to share my opinions on it
So that's pretty much all that is there
Yeah, and I haven't been in a Discord in a little while
Have they been talking about the ticker?
I know we've got to discuss that some more
We've been bringing that up in the group chat
So the Discord for the past 48 hours has been mostly Eggman vs 10,000 degens
That's mostly the dynamic
But basically what I'm planning on doing here
You know what, we'll do a little alpha
This is the current best plan that I have, that I've come up with
So after the halving
When you can actually claim these tickers
Because we can't really discuss what an exact ticker would be right now
Because we can't claim the ticker
And because tickers are unique
There's no way to ensure we would get it, right?
So what will happen is if we all got together and organized before the halving
And said, hey, let's get this ticker
All that's going to happen is someone's going to go front run us
And then I'm going to get a DM
You want to buy this for $5 million
And obviously we're not doing that
So instead, wait until after the halving
When we can actually
We can talk about what theme we want for the ticker, right?
The general theme
And have ideas for tickers
But what likely will make the most sense is
We'll do this, you know, the whole idea is to make things open
And somewhat decentralized here
So I'll likely create an address
And once we decide on the supply as a community
And sort of come to a consensus on that
I'll basically say, here's the address
Everyone go etch tickers
Whatever tickers you want, you pick, you choose
You can do anything you want permissionless
Etch them on chain
Make sure there's a supply of whatever it is
$21 trillion or whatever
And then send the entire supply to this address
And then we'll basically have thousands of these tickers that people send
And people can just browse that on chain
And the community can kind of come to a consensus on
Like what are the ones that we're looking at as valid candidates here
Which ones seem good
I think that's going to be a way more creative way to do this
Than me just tweeting out, you know, the top idea or two I saw
And my DMs are in Discord
That'll actually give us material tickers
That we actually have the ability to launch
And then we can really have that conversation
But that conversation, like, that literally cannot happen until after the happening
But that's what we're looking at
And I think it's a sort of fun way to make it open
Where everyone can just potentially be the one to pick the ticker
And if you're creative
And I can go ahead and guarantee you all are more creative than me
You guys will find some fucking hilarious tickers
And etch them and send them to this address
And then we'll find the most ridiculous one
And that'll be the rootstone ticker
And it doesn't necessarily have to do anything with rootstone
It doesn't need to be called like rootstone coin or something stupid like that
We can literally make this whatever we want
The whole point is like, swing for the fences
Have fun, YOLO, like, we're in a crypto bull run
Let's go all the way here
So that's the situation with the ticker
But if you want to have conversations around the sort of theme of the ticker
That would be a pretty good conversation to have for the next month
And I do see people having those conversations
I know in the Twitter space I was in last night
They have a telegram group, like mostly Chinese telegram groups
They're talking about that a lot
Because I think they realize the importance of that single decision
The decision of the supply
And the decision of the ticker are two actually very large decisions
That will effectively, if we do a good job there
It could five X the value of that meme coin at scale
Relative to if we made not great decisions there
So that's the kind of low down there
And tatted, like, dude, yeah
It sounds like you got a chat going
Keep that conversation going
It's super important that we discuss this
It's a very important decision that will have to be made by the community
Yep, will do
I'm glad you said that, that's a great idea
So yeah, I'll keep that going
And if anybody wants in the chat, we're almost filled up
I think 30 more spots, just DM me and I'll add you in
Thanks, Lee, I'll talk to you later, brother
Awesome, dude, appreciate your peace
So we have Matt
From unstoppable domains up
What's up, dude, how have you been?
Man, I am just, I'm just a super happy ordinals and joyer
And very excited about this project
I mean, absolutely, right
As much as I possibly could
A couple of comments here
So love the idea on community sourcing the tickers
I think that's great
If you guys can, like, please produce some content on how, right
Because I already want to make a couple tickers and send it, you know, to the pool, right
So as soon as you said that, I was like, oh, man, I can
I'll definitely make, like, as many as I can
That I can think of, you know, start my spreadsheet
But, you know, instructions how to do it
I'll definitely send some in
I think that's great because then we have the most options for this community to choose their tickers
So brilliant, you know, and I'm sure somebody in this crowd of 100,000
Is going to figure out an awesome name
Another comment, unit bias
I just want to say, put it out there for the community
This is only, this is one of the places I have an opinion, right
Like, picking a ticker, man, that is hard
You got to be a creative genius
But, you know, unit bias is pretty clear
If you look at CoinMarketCap, the winners have a lot of units
You know, Dogecoin or whatever
It's like, I don't know what that is
It's like a trillion, right
Or it's at least a hundred billion
I don't know
I think it's a hundred billion or something like that
And I think if we're trying to be number one
Then we should look at who's winning
And, you know, Doge is up there
And Pepe and Floki and Whiff
And all of these have unit bias
So, you know, I saw some posts going around
Like, oh, we should make it $21 million to make it like Bitcoin
I just want to say out loud to the community
I think that would be a mistake
And we need to play into unit bias
And, you know, honestly, Doge has already done it
And shown you what it looks like to be number one
And I think something around that area
Is probably a good place for this community to be thinking
So just want to put that out there in the ether for everybody
And, yeah, I'll try to join the Discord
And whatever groups you guys have on Telegram
Following this one closely
Very excited
Appreciate that, Matt
I'm very much on the same page as you
I think $21 million is like
It's really nice because it's this cool tip of that
I get why people dig it
But the aspiration here is very clear, right?
I'm not saying we achieve this goal
But the goal is top meme coin in the world
On the top blockchain in the world
And if you understand what that means
It means that you start out
As trading this token in this decentralized way
Like it is right now with these runestones
Just on Bitcoin layer one
But what it means at scale
Is that it's bridged to every other blockchain
And every L2 on Bitcoin
And every centralized exchange in the world
And Robinhood and PayPal and all these things
And you can just smash the buy button
And millions of people are smashing the buy button
That's what it means, effectively
So millions of people are not going to go to Robinhood
And buy 1 hundredth of a token
For the $10 that they're spending
It's just not going to happen, they don't do that
So if you want to take the gold very seriously
Of top meme coin in the world
I do agree, Runestone needs to have probably
A decently high supply
Udi was on this show last week saying
That the largest mistake Satoshi made
Wasn't making Bitcoin 21 billion supply
And I think there's probably a good point
To be made there, right?
Unit bias is a very real thing
And yeah, I don't have anything else to say
It's a fairly clear cut to me that that's the case
So it's just something that we need to think about
And think pretty hard about
But ultimately if the community is dead set
On 21 million or something
I'm not going to stand in the way of that
But I will sort of advocate for it
If we want to take this very seriously
The unit bias thing is a very significant
Psychological factor of different tokens
So if you can just buy 10,000 of the thing for $50
You will do that
And this is not just a phenomenon in crypto, right?
Like Matt, you're bringing this up
Because it's like an extremely valid point
Why does Apple do all of these
Slicing their shares in half over and over and over
They do it because they want retail investors
To feel comfortable buying the token
Buying the ticker, right?
Like buying the shares
If a share for Apple costs $30,000
Even though you can buy fractionalized shares
And all that stuff now
People just won't click the buy button
It's a huge turn off for most people
Because they feel that they're priced out
And they're not early
And that's just human psychology
So we shouldn't be fighting super basic stuff like that
That's like such a no-brainer from my perspective
And you're making excellent points here
So I'm definitely on the same page as you
And I'm thinking we'll just continue having this discussion more
But the poll was really helpful
Because I think it does show that people do like the 21 sort of theme
William, what's up, dude?
Hey, Leonidas
I was thinking, you know, I'm going back to something you said a little while back
It seems like there's like at least a thousand oracle projects
Probably a lot more now since I got in in like February
And it seems like a lot of them do get buried, you know
People see the first ten
You'll see a spike of sales
It'll slow down
And some will just slowly just get washed down there
And I was wondering, you know, maybe a dumb question
But is there like a way to highlight some of these older projects or talk about them
Because unlike NFTs, they're still here
Like they'll always be here on the blockchain
I don't know if there's, it's a tough problem
But I don't know what I'm asking, I guess
No, look, it's the discoverability problem, right?
Like addressing discoverability, it's very important
I think really this is not really a commentary on the products and the space and the discoverability
It's more of a commentary on
We had so many new people come into the space
Like the majority of people in the space showed up in the last month and a half, right?
So they've only had a very small amount of time to start figuring things out
So they just haven't gotten to dive down the rabbit hole
So, like, for example, when you came, imagine
Imagine you showed up to NFTs in 2021, right?
You literally have no idea about any of this stuff
You heard about a monkey, you heard about there's art on the blockchain, all this stuff, right?
And you come in and you're like
You got, your eyes are wide open, you're on the open sea for the first time
None of these projects mean anything to you
You just see a bunch of random ass pictures
You have no idea why one's half a million dollars and why one's five dollars
So, fundamentally, you just need to spend more time there
And the market needs to mature
But then eventually what happens is people kind of begin to learn the context
And the market starts to basically assign value
To more of the long tail of a lot of these projects
They maybe have a lower supply
Maybe they're more of a niche art project
But the art is, like, extremely strong, right?
Those things will start to be valued
It just, it takes time for that to happen, right?
So we're in that very early stage
Where, you know, if you're in that carousel of, you know, ten projects on Magic Eden every day
Then you're on the billboard that everyone sees
And if you're not, I mean, genuinely there's just
People are not clicking to view the rest of the projects
They're just not doing it
So it's a function of people being new to the space
And not really spending the time to understand what is all here
And I agree with you
There's a bunch of just absolutely incredible stuff that's here
So I think everything will have its moment
Don't take that literally, not literally every project will have its moment
But all of the kind of obvious metas, right?
Low inscription numbers, rare stats
You know, a lot of these OG projects that are maybe smaller market cap
That aren't just this 10k PFP that has really strong liquidity on the floor
So traders love it, right?
These things will all have their kind of moment in the sun from my perspective
I feel pretty confident in saying that
Yeah, I was just, you know, maybe it'd be cool in the ordinal show to bring up something
From the past or something
I don't know
Yeah, we do these founder kind of town halls for projects that we've done in the past, right?
Because we don't really want people coming up and like showing specific collections
And just doing like having that kind of dynamic all the time
So we try to reserve it where every few months we'll just have a town hall
And we'll just invite up a bunch of different collections
And have the founder talk for five minutes
And we can chat about, you know, what their community's up to, what they're doing, what they're about
What they care about, you know, pulse check on how they're feeling about the space
So potentially, Trevor, Jan, that could be feedback that it's time for another one of those potentially
We have...
Thank you
Yeah, appreciate it, William. It's great feedback
I definitely think about the same thing a lot
Nonfungible mate
What's up? It's been a while. How are you?
Yeah, hey guys, it's nice to hear you again
Can you hear me well?
Yeah, you sound good
Alright, so first of all, thank you for inviting me on stage
I honestly joined Ordinal's movement deeply not long ago
And decided to come here and ask a couple of questions if you don't mind
I'm like the runes project and
I have a question. Where is value of it coming from? Is it some kind of historical project or
It's just community driven
Okay, so you're asking about the rune stone project right now
Super high level for everyone
Ordinal's is the protocol that Casey released for NFTs on Bitcoin a little over a year ago
For the last six months
He's been working on the protocol for fungible tokens on Bitcoin called runes that comes out in a month at the habit
So rune stone is a airdrop for free to the ordinal's gear one community
So we did this massive kind of decentralized open airdrop where just a bunch of people pitched in volunteer donated
And we just did as fair of an airdrop as possible to a hundred and twelve thousand addresses
And there was no team allocation. There was no presale. Everything was donated. Everybody was volunteering
And it turned out that that sort of free and fair meta is what it's being labeled as
Is being received really well, right? The art is also incredible. We were worked with this very talented artist named Leo
Who's we've had on this show a week or two ago
and I'm not talking about myself by the way, there's the other the artist also is named Leo and
These rune stones will
essentially transport and be eligible for a meme coin a
Shit coin on Bitcoin that will launch on the runes protocol when it actually comes out. So that's what rune stone is and
Even after the meme coin sort of comes out is pulled out and distributed from the rune stones
You still have this amazingly
Created piece that you can collect and basically cherish of a memory that you can have from your first year of ordinals participating in this
Participating in what is this like massive shift in Bitcoin, right? Like this will be written about in the history books of Bitcoin. So
If you got a rune stone, you are instrumental and in making
The space essentially mature in the early days and grow to
Essentially being whatever it's going to become and what it's becoming now. So there's still this amazing collectible piece
And I hope people collect that and it's just a great memento as well. And it's a complete non utility project
So art is not utility. You're just collecting a piece of art
It's a badge of honor that you can wear for showing up early and then the meme coin is also a non utility
It's literally a meme point. So
That's the super high level situation on rune stone
Okay, I assume I got it thank you for explaining also I wanted to mention
Do you have some kind of
Historical community out here like it was in NFTs like if you can remember Adams channel
Or something like
discuss any
historical projects of ordinals out here somewhere or
It's not yet formed
So we don't use the word historical because we're literally talking about stuff from a year ago
Right, it would be a little weird
But yeah, there is the community of people that collect the low inscription numbers
So like there's 65 million files inscribed into Bitcoin now, right? There's people who collect the first ones that are essentially
Essentially a sort of
It's it's like a
Imagine you're like just going back in time and just like what was it like in the first month of ordinals?
you can just go back and look at the ordinals protocol because it does an excellent job of capturing and
Sort of time stamping every single one of these things that happens
so you can get a pretty good vibe for where what the culture and what people are thinking about in ordinals by just going to
Or dot IO and like going to like sorting by oldest inscriptions and just scrolling through what files
Did people inscribed to Bitcoin? It's very different than what people inscribed today. So
Mm-hmm. That is there's definitely community there. So there's a discord for the sub 10k Club
There's the discord for the sub 100k Club. These are categories. These are kind of club categories on
Marketplaces and there is a group of people there that you might vibe with non fungible
Okay, and all right, thank you I think I got it
I'll take a look by the way. Can I filter for example on the or die? Oh
by the earliest ordinal or something
So you can you can do a sorting option by oldest Satoshi, which is the the sat that the inscription is inscribed on
So there's like sats that were from 2009 that Satoshi mined for example
Sort to see the oldest ones and you can also do a filter under the sat tribute filter to see
You know the Nakamoto sats the vintage sats and then you can also for the inscriptions
If you want to see the oldest inscriptions
You can sort by the oldest inscriptions
It'll take you to inscriptions zero and you can just scroll through and sort of you what happened over those first months
There's also a range drop-down where if you just type in zero to a hundred thousand you can or let's just say you want to
See like ninety thousand two hundred thousand you would just type in ninety thousand two hundred thousand and then it'll just instantly appear for you
So you can sort of like teleport around time in that way
Okay, then. Thank you for answering the questions. It was nice to hear you again
Hope the show will do well. Thank you
Appreciate you dude. Hope you're doing well always always the pleasure to chat with you and pumped that you're getting into ordinals
Well, we got through a lot there guys the show's been going for two and a half hours now
It's been a pretty pretty solid show. I know everyone is super busy these days
Probably probably time to wrap up. I would tend to say Trevor yon. What do you guys think? I
Want to hear from Yana how many sets of squats he did today and at what weight he is uh, he's squatting these days
Yeah, I might be a leg day Trevor he might not be able to answer the question
I think it's equivalent to the number of DMS
Unanswered DMS asking for new features on experts. So probably close to like 300 or 400 pounds
Just my ass
Yeah, I mean I think he's a little busy like there right now. So probably isn't gonna be able to
Answer our question, but it's thank you for stepping in there Dima flame you you gonna estimate yon's the
Well, I really can't weigh in on that
Not sorry, but I just wanted to
Jump up really quick and express my gratitude for rune stone with
You know a cringe dad joke and a little impression for you. I'm gonna keep it short
Thank you Bob Dylan, thank you our collective wallets. Thank you. I get it. We're all very excited
Awesome, dude flame really pumped for you. Glad you got stoned over the weekend and let's keep getting stoned and
get stoned some more and let's stone some more people and
Let's let's keep it going
towel what's up
What's up, what's up, Leonardo
Good morning, everybody. I got a question regarding the
The inscriptions in themselves right now. Do you have any plans or I don't know the community or whatever it is
After you we get in drop the coin. What you're gonna do with the inscriptions. Are you gonna burn them? Are you gonna?
Do something with them. It's gonna be a ticket for something like any thought about that
Yeah, so a lot of people have been asking this right? There is no
Dynamic where you have to burn your rune stone in order to claim the meme coin or something like this
That's not how it works. You can basically keep the rune stone as this collectible piece of art and my sort of hope is
The value of the rune stone like the market will decide that but I'm very much inspired by this idea of the po-apps on
Ethereum or I guess I think it's on polygon actually
But if you went to NFT NYC
For example in 2021 you got a po-app for free saying that I showed up to NFT NYC
2021 and that was the only way to get that po-app and it sits your wallet forever
And when I go view wallets on open see I can see this person was at NFT NYC. They were here
that's their proof of showing up and that's very much what I
Sort of was inspired by for rune stone where you showed up in the first year of the ordinals protocol and you got this
airdrop you got stoned and
That'll just sit in your wallet and it can be this memory of your first year of ordinals and everyone can see that you have a rune
Stone, so that's what I sort of would like to think obviously. I know people care about the financial aspect
I have no idea once the kind of meme coin is claimed from it. I assume the price will go down
I have no idea what it'll go down to
I can't predict the market there
I think a lot of the value is the meme coin, right?
But I think there's also some value to just having this this collectible piece
Not everything has to just be about making money, right? Like I
Hope that there's this cohort of rune stone holders who were airdrop their own stone and they keep it forever, right? So
there's there's
there's that aspect to it and
There's no need to really burn or do anything like that. You can keep your rune stone. It's yours forever
I hope to cherish it and that's that's really the situation there
Oh, I got 14, so that's not an issue congrats congrats awesome
I was early I was early boomer and I started I think in the end of January like to do some stuff
one more question that
It's gonna so Solana is so fucking simple right now for shit points. It's just
It's it's incredible
It's just simple in a way that I cannot even describe how easy it is to do
to move around
You think ruins gonna be even close to that like I can literally trade like shit points on my telegram
with a bot
All day long. No problems. It's pretty fast. Yeah, I don't like Solana is a blockchain but
It's works amazing
I'm wondering if you're going to be close to that that's that's the biggest issue that I have with all the protocol that we're gonna get
So on layer one, I don't think we're really gonna be comparable to that salon experience
Right, like that experience of just clicking a button and it's kind of like you're using Twitter
Like it just looks like an API call it Solana, right?
It's all just instant and you're just doing tons of shit really fast. It's not how Bitcoin works. There's really no way around
Waiting for these blocks that take 10 minutes, right?
So that really does slow things down if you want something comparable to Solana
You're basically talking about bridging tell-tos or in my opinion
What'll probably just happen is like most people will interact with the runes through Binance the or centralized exchange, right?
That is essentially the Solana for a lot of people. So
It's you know
Fundamentally Bitcoin is making a different decision a different set of trade-offs
than Solana so on is going for
Super high throughput great user experience, but pretty shitty security and decentralization, right?
If we're just being completely frank and that's fine
Like that's a very like that's a trade-off that that the mark that should be in the market
But bitcoins making this different trade-off where it's more about longevity and security and decentralization
Think what you'll basically see here is
the fact the idea the narrative of
This is a mean coin on Bitcoin and the fact that you get to attach the word Bitcoin
That is going to there's massive demand for that. It's basically what I'll say
so the market will figure out how to value what a shit going on Bitcoin should be and
Even if user experience is more challenging than Solana
inherent like
Underpending sort of narrative and value is very strong and
Value will accrue to that narrative whatever that however strong that narrative is and people said so that's what I'll sort of convey to you
It makes it a little bit less of the just extreme volatility that you see on Solana where tokens are literally going up
100x in a matter of minutes and then dropping, you know 10x in a matter of minutes as well
I don't think you're gonna see that dynamic because on Bitcoin we have these these blocks to just slow that all down
It just makes for a different trading game though. It's fundamentally
It's still a fun game. It's just a different dynamic. It's not as white. It's fast-paced
I would say is the way to think about that
But ultimately what you'll what you'll kind of notice is right with these Solana meme coins
There's this discoverability price discoverability period where a bunch of them are just going up really fast and going down
But you guys will realize pretty quickly that a lot of them. It's the flavor of the week like that
You know sort of one that happened last night
There isn't anything about that that is like inherently a narrative that has longevity to it
So I would fully expect that a lot of these tokens in a month that same group of people who was
pumping surf to the moon last night has moved on through the next one and
They don't care about surf anymore, right? I don't know if sort of is necessary
It's really like building a kind of long-term situation and it's just long as you understand
That it's just a casino you're timing the top and getting out then that's fine
It's a little bit of a different situation here on Bitcoin
Right you think there's more of an opportunity to build a mean coin that has you know
the ability to transcend a single cycle and be relevant in future cycles, so it's just a little little bit of a different situation and
Solana is gonna have a few huge winners
But it's a lot of these other tokens are just gonna be up and down really fast and it's gonna sort of be that situation
and and that's essentially
That is essentially a result of having an interface
That allows you to pump something up to a billion dollars in 10 minutes and then backed out
That people are gonna play games and manipulate markets and do all that stuff because you can't you can't really do that on Bitcoin
Very easily on a layer one at least
How I want to say one more thing regarding someone talked about the 21 million BTC I
Think in 10 years we're gonna talk Satoshi not BTC and I think
That's what Satoshi beam in the minute. We're all gonna talk Satoshi. We're all gonna be I think okay
So I think Satoshi is gonna be the coin not Bitcoin
100% with you towel. I'm very excited for that moment to come. I think we still have a ways to go though
I think 10 20 years. It's really happened. Oh, yeah, I mean look gun to my head
I'm saying of course that happens is that you're gonna say something
Yeah, Moscow time is the important number we have to be rooting for number go down not number go up
Number go down not number go up. Well, I think should you call that Moscow time?
Didn't get the reference a while ago probably like a year ago
Dorsey was on an interview with some like news channel and in the back of his like desk
We see this like the block clock. It's like a little desktop clock thing that
The guys that make the cold card make and it just kind of cycles through like Bitcoin priced in USD
Bitcoin priced it like what the current block site is and they also have
Dollar so like that number it's like somewhere around it was like 21 something and then in this comment on the Twitter thread
This guy's accusing Dorsey of like being in cahoots with Russia about something and he's saying like look he has Moscow time
He has a Moscow clock behind him
And then like once that kind of caught on and people were like, no, that's the Bitcoin price in SAS per dollar
It kind of that it became a meme and like now that that's kind of colloquially termed as Moscow time
So we're rooting for the Moscow time to essentially you want it to go lower
So you like at that one that's when one sat is what like one sat per $1 right now
We're probably around like 1400 or so
But like when people say we should be rooting for number go down
Generally what they mean is you want master time to go down because you want
Less staff per dollar is the ideal
Yeah, so pretty much
It's interesting, right?
You talk like it sounds crazy to say that there can be 2.1 quadrillion dollars worth of Bitcoin market cap
But the reason it makes sense is because you realize that if Bitcoin replaces USD as the global reserve currency
Like USD goes down drastically in value, right? Just people are switching to something else
So you're essentially like it all of a sudden becomes not that insane
You know like basically if a currency sort of dynamic adjust like that
You know, we've seen currencies do this over time in history, right?
The leading currency suffers drastically when it gets displaced by something else
So all of a sudden you can't think in terms of like a dollar today
You think in terms of a dollar in the future or something like that
But yeah, like fundamentally if the value you'd forget dollars the value of Bitcoin
Goes up a hundred X or something like that all of a sudden sats are like this really nice thing to speak at right now
It's a little ridiculous. It's it's kind of like if you were to talk in sats. It's kind of like going to the
Playing a video game and you just got two hundred thousand points like you can't even keep track because it's so many
Right. So we need sats to be like more of a reasonable situation and I think I think it'll happen
You know, ideally this is a situation like I just I went to the store and I went to the coffee shop
I bought a coffee and it cost me, you know 300 sats. That's something I feel normal saying I
You don't go to the coffee shop and buy, you know, thirty three thousand two hundred eighty one sats
You don't go to the coffee store and buy point zero zero zero one Bitcoin. We're in a really weird in between stay right now and
Yeah, obviously the goal is like move in the direction of Bitcoin is so valuable that sats
Become like this very reasonable number to sort of have in our heads to denominate in and we've actually seen
Sats get used for BRC 20 people denominate in sats not BTC
Which is that was a really interesting phenomenon that we kind of saw start to play out
I really don't see sats being denominated in that many other places, but the BRC 20 ecosystem
Would use sats instead of BTC, which is pretty cool to see
Patches what's up, dude?
Congratulations, man. It's been a while since we've talked and you've done probably the biggest thing that's ever happened web 3 cents. So
I mean, let's not keep carried away with
Let me give you I mean it was pretty awesome. I agree, but we're not at that legendary
We're coming off of a day where some dude like literally burnt 10 million pre-sale USD, right?
we live in a world where
pre-allocation airdrops are a meta and
you know, it just
To take a step back one the runes thing is just cool for so many things like the giant
You know huge inscription all of the child's that then we're airdropped and like the biggest airdrop ever on Bitcoin. That's cool
What's really cool is the ethos and a you know something that's just really been lacking in crypto for a long time where it's like
How do you make this the most fair? No team allocation?
You're really trying to just reward people for using the network and we've seen that with bonk
We've seen that with jube, but I don't think it was as
Well communicated and and especially on the mother chain and especially with something this big especially with like the happening coming up
And everyone's really looking at Bitcoin in that moment. We have Leonidas giving away
Insane amount of value to an insane amount of people taking none for themselves
and that is a thing that people will look at and replicate because there's like the only thing that happens in web 3 is that we
Repeat what other people did a little bit tweets and if that is the gold standard
It's so much better than when the gold standard is, you know
Try to ape in whitelist discords and get rekt if you don't
and so I think not just the coolness of the
Technical part that you did which was also insanely cool. I got stoned. I loved it
But it's the ethos of web 3 coming back in a very predominant way that you you're kind of spearheading with you and the team
That you've done and exactly what you did and how you communicated it
I'm sure some people didn't like it because it's the internet
But for me and my perspective and I'm you know, again, I'm mainly a technologist. I'm not about trading and flipping and stuff
This is really true to a mechanism. That's gonna continually unravel as time goes on where people can use rune stones to reward old, you know
Early airdrops of people that they know that been here for a while or at least bought one
It's as it's an easy mass distributed mechanism when rooms go live. So now there's something you can easily just look at
When you're doing massive airdrops
And then the cultural aspect of owning a stone as it goes on for 10 years
In Bitcoin and as ordinals solidify themselves as an asset class, which is already done, but just more so so
Yeah, sorry, it's my soapbox. I just I absolutely loved everything you've done
I'm being a creator and launching, you know multiple platforms and stuff
I can't even imagine the amount of work that went into that
Like it had to be absolutely insane hurting cats of people because you didn't have a team you didn't have a company didn't have these
You had a community which is you know, a lot of positives there and there's a lot of negatives when you have to try to organize stuff
Just kudos. It was so cool. It really went off without a hitch from my perspective and user experience
I love to get in stoned. I'm really excited to see where it goes from here
And again, it's just like it can't be overstated
The amount of value you created out of thin air to give to people who have been here for a long time
That was achieved and it was frickin cool. And yeah, okay
I'll stop that in your back, but I'm just saying like it's so awesome. So awesome
Yeah patches. I'm super super pumped that you got some rune stones and got stoned
you're the kind of person that I would you know, hope got was was rewarded by the algorithm and
That last comment there you said about you know
How we just created 350 million dollars out of thin air, right?
Fundamentally, that's not a magic trick. Right? That is literally all that's happening is
You're doing free plus fair plus Bitcoin, right?
So when you harness the power of Bitcoin and then you harness the the values behind that chain of transparency and openness, right?
Like for example, there are billion dollar companies that launched an ft collections that like we flipped, right?
That was not because of the execution was we built some crazy game or something like this
That was literally just because we harness the power of Bitcoin and I think really this is like the critical thing
Every project should understand if you embrace
This space and you embrace Bitcoin and you embrace a set of values here and don't cut corners and don't think short-term
You can do just absolutely incredible stuff when you choose to harness Bitcoin
So we're gonna harness Bitcoin in the truest meaning of this like what we
Like the whole sort of one aspect of this is if we try to make something as absolutely fair as possible
You know, I'm not expecting every project to be like this right? Like people it's okay for the founder to want to make money and stuff
I'm not holding everyone to
This sort of standard, right?
That said I would really like it if we set an example of
This is one thing you can do on the spectrum
And then on the other end is this sauna pre-sale stuff where somebody sends three million dollars
People send three million dollars to this Twitter account and then the Twitter accounts deleted a couple hours later, right?
I really will be disappointed if that kind of shit comes to ruins
The only way I can conceivably see of us sort of taking a stand in protecting this space is
By having a market that's efficient and healthy and says we don't send money to those things
We saw how it's supposed to be done. We saw how value is created. It wasn't created through this pre-sale crap
it was created through roomstone that is
that is a
Material thing that we can do
To try to create a healthier market for ruins and ordinals and here on Bitcoin and
There will always be people that will want to do like pre-sale meme corn and stuff and so be it right
but we can at least try to
Show that you can create way more value when you do it a different way
And I think a market if it realizes you can create more value at doing it a different way. We'll we'll choose to
Sort of reward the founders that say hey, like we took this massive team allocation and
It's insane to me that people don't want accountability for where that allocation went people don't seem to care, right?
And I don't think that's super healthy and I'm basically advocating for really really basic stuff here guys
It's like some basic transparency into algorithms for these airdrops some basic
Transparency and so who's getting which tokens from these team allocations and what what those funds will go to and is there a lockup?
Really really not asking for the moon here
just want a healthy ecosystem in a healthy market and
Runestone is intentionally trying to be the fairest possible to set the example and set the standard
So that people can demand more from project founders. That's basically what I'm saying
And that's that is sort of we kind of joke about I I'm doing runestone because I wanted to have a bigger inscription than
Udi and all this stuff and while that is pretty hilarious, right
And also true that it which is also true. But what I just said there is like really important
Otherwise, we're just gonna repeat a bunch of the crap from other chains
And I think that would be really doing a disservice to the entire space and to Bitcoin as a as a brand and a blockchain
Flame what's up, dude?
Well, first of all, I really appreciate that sentiment, you know, I think it's gonna be hard to keep
Deejends from deejending but at the same time
you know at least having that voice, you know putting those thoughts out there and
trying to reach out to the current community, which I think is
Pretty conscientious is a great idea
Because the only way that we can you know
Keep this crap off-chain at least to the best of our ability because I don't think it's entirely avoidable is through consensus, you know and
You know, I think the more we promote this general attitude of let's
Make sure that we protect and respect, you know Bitcoin
Then there's a pretty good chance of that, you know, I think I think it's a little too late for Solana
It's long been over with the theorem as far as all that stuff goes
But I think we have a really good shot of that. So I appreciate you leading the charge on that. I couldn't agree more
And on a less serious note, I don't know if you guys saw this tweet a while back
It's one of my favorite tweets that Casey's put out about runes
I'll pin it but it inspired me to come up with a name for runes and
Vote I vote for rune shotties and you'll see why
I think it's I think it's 13
It might be it might not be long enough
But if it isn't I'll figure out a way to make it work. It's that terrible
And just for anybody who wasn't aware like the fact that grace was up here drop an alpha
I would definitely keep an eye on whatever it is. She's planning to release because
Everything she's put out into the space so far has been
Absolutely amazing and whatever's coming is gonna be a total banger
Awesome well, I think on that note we can go ahead and wrap this space up Trevor y'all in any final words here
Also, I'll speak on behalf of y'all
Since he's in mid squat right now
Probably I would say probably one plate on each side just knowing, you know, how
How thick his legs are, you know, they need some work
He this is why he skips our show for leg days because he needs to work on those chicken legs
So but anyway, thank you to all the speakers who came here today and shared with us their thoughts ideas alpha, etc
Thank you so much to the audience for tuning in time and time again
We hope you guys have a great week ahead of you
we also show every Monday morning 10 30 and ET Monday and
Wednesday night 6 30 p.m. ET and so we'll see you guys on Wednesday
I hope you guys have a great week and enjoy getting stoned. Cheers everybody
One pill makes you larger and one pill makes you small
And the ones that mother gives you don't do anything at all
When she's