Sama Days | Saturn, Crowdloans, and more oh my! w/ @InvArchNetwork

Recorded: April 5, 2023 Duration: 1:45:06



- Well, hello everybody.
Hello, hello sir. What's up man. Happy to have you guys up here
- Well, happy to be here. Feeling pretty fantastic. Excited for the very first summer days. - I know, man. I'm stoked. This has been a long time coming. We did it a while back, but it was like five a.m. for me. Barely anybody showed up. And I was like, "Darrow, I on this is low." But let's get it going again, 'cause people on it.
I like that. I saw him in the mornings. I don't know if I could do it, but some of the days I'm all about it. Yeah, and then in Dustin, he would get up here at like 4 a.m. I think he was, you know, Pacific time. Oh, and nuts man. He was nuts, but. Oh, jeez. That's the way I really want to am. Yeah, exactly.
But yeah, happy you guys up here. It looks like we have a few people coming on in and I'm sure people keep on rolling in as time goes on. It really excited to break down some updates you guys have for us. I'm really excited. I know Gabe's excited to be working on a lot of things.
a lot, especially with our Multisig, which is a big thing that we're really excited to soon be rolling out the ecosystem. It's just going to be a nice breath of fresh air for everyone, but also just not just a comparable experience to what everyone else has, it's going to be a far superior
your experience than what anyone else has, which is what I'm really excited to talk about. Awesome, awesome. Well with that, let's just go ahead and get started in interest of everybody's time. So I'm C. Saint here with the Kusumarian. Thanks everybody for coming in and the audience. See a lot of familiar faces and you know
I'm sure that will be seeing some more as time goes on. Do me a favor, everybody? Share this out, far and wide, like, retweet, let people know that we are getting started and that little comment bubble down in the bottom right. If you guys have any questions at all, feel free to drop them in the comments.
And as we go, eventually we'll open up the mic too for people to jump on up. So with that, this is the very first summer days. And we are going to get it going here with the InVarge team, the wonderful Dakota and Gabe who have done so much for the Polkadot ecosystem.
know, besides being founders, you know, their community members alike as well. So long time supporters of what we do here at the Kusmarin 2. So excited to have them up and we can just go ahead and start with a quick introductions Dakota. I don't know if you want to go first. Yes.
So for those who don't know my name is Dakota, I'm the founder, one of the founders of the Invarch network, the backgrounds used to work in government, US government politics, now just to full on Web 3 blockchain, Polkadot, Fanatic. Love it. Gabe, how about you?
Hey, for those of you know me, I'm Gabriel, but I go by I gave I am the CTO and in March and my back my professional background has mainly been in blockchain itself. I started I started in Bokodot as a lead developer over a Bokodax and now
Now I've been in and in March for think two years now and Really excited to be building a book about it's a radio ecosystem. It's a very good opportunity for developers to build the brand new technology that's going to power the future of watchings
Awesome, great interest guys. And you know, for most people I think in the call right now, probably have heard of InVarge, but especially for those that may filter in and those who listen afterward, can you give us an idea just what are the basics of what InVarge is?
Yeah, so I'm staying brief here. InVarch comes in two flavors. One of our focuses is being an application-specific chain that's highly optimized for launching DAOS. DAOS is our network that can then operate across
All of Web 3, so across all various from blockchains, but then also operating as what we call a service paraging. So using the powers of XEM, servicing some of our protocols to other blockchains.