Same Day, Special Time! #HiveSpace Features @ecency_official’s Dev

Recorded: June 6, 2023 Duration: 1:19:22
Space Recording

Full Transcription

well hello hello welcome to hive space we're getting everything ready for our guests to
appear my co-hosts are shadows pub and jennifer notarate who is known everywhere as epodcaster
let me bring them up to the stage and give them their queen's thrones
greetings and salutations how is everyone on this fine tuesday afternoon morning evening
depending on what corner of the world you call home
i'm here i don't know that i'd call it a fine tuesday or not our guest is here he's in here
under a different name i'll just send him the mic i had muted myself oh did you enjoy talking
i did i really did so welcome good karma we're just kind of getting set up here making sure that
everybody has a chair making sure that all have a mic if they just want to have one so that it's
ready if they want to ask a question or something so what is what is unique about this about this
space in this broadcast is that we represent the three co-hosts represent three different
levels of what is what is unique about this about this i hear an echo you're good now i was testing
okay thank you thank yeah thank you honey okay so is that uh shadows and jennifer and i are not at
the same level of accomplishment or experience with hive so i'm the newbie um known um otherwise
known as the anti-expert shadows is an expert and jennifer is an expert and there's not much
difference in experience between them that i can tell oh i but i'm striving to get to shadow's
level of understanding um and shadows is a great mentor to us both and to everyone who encounters
her whether that's through pypt or here inside of hive space or just randomly on the blockchain
yeah well i want to introduce you to so jennifer you last spoke so will you introduce yourself to
to the to the crew today absolutely my name is jennifer navarrete as alessandra said i am known
as epodcaster on web2 and web3 and i am a student of life a searcher of the amazing and a chaser
of shiny objects and i'm in good company here and especially excited to hear um what uh good
karma has to share about essensee because i tell you what essensee's got some amazing new feature
sets and tools that has me little goo goo gaga shadows will you introduce yourself my sweet friend
you mean there hasn't been enough introduction
i think you two said it all thank you i made you squirm we we don't have to do that for each other
that no it doesn't take very much at all so but shadows would you like to introduce good karma to
the group good karma is the i believe the main developer certainly the uh the name behind
essensee uh by the way good karma i hope that you fully recovered apparently he hasn't been well
in the last couple of days over work probably welcome good karma thank you thank you hello
everyone uh can everyone hear me clearly is that is the connection all right all right yeah you you
sound great good karma what what what is your time zone it's uh eastern european time
summertime now okay got it yeah it's evening here so it's after seven o'clock where you are
in the evening yeah eight o'clock oh eight o'clock yeah man i gotta do my math again
thank thank you everyone for for arranging this and inviting it's a great honor to be here
it's the first time i'm using space so it's a little bit interesting but at the same time
cool to see a lot of people using it daily and enjoying how this tech works
yeah so just to get everybody going in the progress and the shape of how the show works
um i'll just introduce you to a couple of tools the good karma uh mentioned that he's he's kind
of getting used to because this is his first experience here um at hive space or twitter
space all together in the lower right hand corner there is a little chat bubble and if you go there
you can tweet out our space or you can add um you could add a resource you could add
whatever right there um next to that to the left of that is where the little emojis are
and i think still if you hold the heart you can change the color of the heart to one that
means something to you or matches your mood or what have you um i would stay away from the wand
because that makes you sound like a robot um and let's see what is that one okay and then the one
that has the people on it it looks like two fisher price toy people um that one just brings up
the folks that are in the room the listeners that we can see and the speakers that we can see
and who your co-hosts are so i would recommend just as you're listening if you're on your
mobile device just click on them and see what they're alike and um if they you know if their
profile resonates with you then by all means follow them see what they're alike yeah thank
you very much yeah i did give it a few points and it looks fun thank you this is a very rare
occasion i don't know that i've ever heard good karma do a voice interview before so
really pleased to have them with us thank you i have done i have done regular
voice chats or meetings before but it was yeah a couple years back since i haven't done much
yeah i think i should get back to being regularly active and communicating with the community
and sharing ideas and gathering ideas it's it's a really great place to be
that's an awesome idea don't you think so alexandra i do and what especially i'm i'm an introvert and
i've i'm growing through the remaining traces of what was debilitating stage fright so to get on a
mic for me is like it's a thing you know and to be able to do this at all i don't take it for
granted and i know it must be important if i wanted to do this thing of being on twitter spaces to
talk about something that i don't really understand even halfway yet the whole hive universe
to be able to do this when you're when you're shy or introverted or whatever like you got to honor
that they must really want to do that if they'll come on the mic or come on a camera or what have
you so we're thrilled that you're here and it's wonderful to meet melinda i've met melinda in the
last week so hi melinda melinda isn't on voice like she may actually be listening through the browser
that's cool i knew that i knew that she would be listening through the browser
so good karma give us a little bit of background on how you ended up uh starting
easensee sure um well some of you already know if you are you know very early members of
community easensee was first named as eastim and it was started back in 2016 uh early autumn 2016
and we started off as a first mobile application for the back then steam blockchain
and since then a lot has changed and we developed develop keep developing improving
and team has grown quite a big number of people joined team and you know left and joined more
people and left them overall we many years continue to focus on our goal to deliver best
experience both in the mobile devices and in the browsers or the desktop devices
so you can you can feel the web 3.0 not the way tech guru sees or what the nerd
uh population uses but the regular people who can understand just using the computer
without difficulty and they can navigate through the web 3.0 as well so this was our initial goal
but started out with just a mobile application and with time within a two year we realized
we can expand to give a similar user experience to desktop users and we developed some desktop
application and quickly after that we realized we cannot scale to cover all the all the population
because some people not you know just simply don't want to install any application on their
devices be it in the computer or mobile application so we then focused on the website as well
so in results now we have a mobile application separate desktop application and the website
also and this kind of gives us more also chance to cover every aspect of the
uh users on the internet be be the mobile users or the computer users or you know small tablet
users we have kind of covered all the bases and offering them slightly modified experience
on a specific to that device which they're using and we want to do that more and more
because that's our goal to reach more people and show them the difference between web 3.0 and
you know the traditional social media and yeah right now ECC is so big that you can you can
even go to slash contributors and you will see hundreds of developers or hundreds of
community members who contributed to the project one way or another be it a translation curation
or just some sharing some ideas reporting bug bugs those are considered also contributions so
anything you do it can be added to the contributors list and we have compiled many lists of
community members and we continue we continue adding more and more people to that list
and I'm you certainly have yeah yeah you certainly have an active discord
very very much there and present and anybody that needs to get any kind of assistance with
with ECC just needs to drop into that discord and ask oh this is this is uh I should give
credit to Melinda and many others who doing awesome job on the discord and constantly
engaging this community and reporting back the issues they experiencing or helping a lot of people
who you know starting off in on the blockchain because in the beginning you usually get confused
and yeah they are they're doing great job that I have to agree on that so you use a point system
ECC points yes can you explain what those are right so when we started off ECC we saw that there
wasn't uh many applications on the on a platform and it started off you know as a high block or
back then it was on and then we had only one or two applications and
then we start to see that applications between each other they don't have much unique features
and you can see the all of them was using same uh same feed or showing same kind of content
or showing same way of surface surfing or exploring the data on a blockchain and we thought we should
add some of the unique things which we can also develop and encourage the engagement on a platform
into some different ways and we came up with a pointing system just like in the gaming or in
any websites you go sometimes even reddit has it that with each engagement you you get something
extra which is which is the beyond beyond the monetary value which we have on the hive of course
when you're doing the content you you might get rewarded in in hive tokens but points were extra to
to not only depend on the creators of the other people but it is just the action itself
engagement with the platform itself gives a small reward and that reward can be used within
the platform to engage to keep you engaged more it was in the beginning it was as an experiment
but as it turned out many people liked it so we we kept it still it's it's keep working
pretty good and encouraging many new people to use a pointing system and
and you know start developing their account and keep engaging with others start tipping to others
and earning rewards and giving rewards to others and this is a good way to engage and grow your
social presence on on web 3.0 in web 3.0 you don't have usually a lot of friends
because you come from traditional websites and you don't want to necessarily bring your family at
first you know unless you know yourself how it works so this is the way to give extra incentive
for people to engage more and interact with each other and be kind and share with each other some
points and you know just because in hive when you earn usually people hesitate to you know tip
their earnings because they earned it and they feel like it's hard to let go you know and
but with points it's much more easier because it has lesser value compared to the hive for
points you when you earn by being active you can easily give it away to other people and encourage
them to engage more and be active and earn more and so on so this was the main motivation
two two things i understand i heard in the last week that those points are being so well used
that you actually could use more resource credits to keep them moving is that correct
well this this points were created when there was no resource credits but and it was it was
as i mentioned earlier was only attached to the activity you do not necessarily the value of the
activity because because if you this that that is already the design of the blockchain
on a blockchain you get the reward by the by the you know the curators who create your content
they they give you some some kind of they evaluate your content and that way you get some
value return right as an after after reward and then create a reward and so on but on on a point
on the points it is only the action related it is once you do the publishing and then and then
that's it you get the point and there is little mechanism to fight against the spam
but other than that it is just simple action and staying on the platform that's that's all
all that is and of course the points were also designed to give you the distribution mechanism
it is it is we found that it is the most easiest way to distribute the points and then through
that you get the widest distribution because the people using your platform get the point
not not necessarily the people who come and then try to buy all the points out but they can
actually earn it by being on a platform so these people will be getting the points and in
results you will have wider distribution of points and later in future you have ability to airdrop
any token or anything you want and that will be widely distributed
so that was the other question i was going to ask guys are you considering
moving the points to a token or introducing a token
good question well it was asked many many times and points yes was designed for that purpose
but it will not be replaced because points will not be removed points are right now it is
centralized just a point database but it will be used as a as a basis for airdropping the
actual token and that token will be widely distributed because the points are earned by
the users not not necessarily points are you know manipulated by one entity but points who
people earned it can be visible in their profile you can go to any anyone's profile and you can
see how they earn their points and it is a public knowledge so from from that you can see that
oh this person has this much point and they did this kind of activities and they earned this
so it is it is the purpose is to get wider distribution and then later on
once there is a token mechanism and everything is set up then that can be airdrops according to
that point do you have a time frame when when you're planning on doing that or it's on your list
the time frame is hard to tell because there are a few aspects of the platform which we want to
connect together first and then also we have to have a good basis for the point i mean the tokens
to be used so tokens you can use for the governance but you don't have you don't have
system for the governance and how you're going to use that token so this these things should be
designed or structured together and step by step you can get that but you cannot you cannot
introduce the token now and then later say we will build the governance system and let people trade
and things like that that's that would be speculation and there is no real value of the
token so it is it's kind of my personal mantra is kind of
kind of not over promised but over delivered so that's why i don't want to promise anything or
i don't want to say exact day but when things are developed step by step and it will be revealed
and then distribution happen after that and so on so i think this is kind of a
kind of step by step approach and we will get that together with the community i hope it
answers the question you did and that's a good lead into the step by steps that you've been
taking that has brought you to the latest changes you've made on on east and sea
um in particular the introducing of deck and waves or has there been some other changes we haven't
noticed yeah there are a lot of changes about those are the main ones what what we do with the team
usually when we're doing each release we focus on each release one or two new thing which is
completely brand new and all other things there are many many many small items behind we don't we
don't necessarily tell them but there are a lot of a lot of pluses and a lot of perks also in each
release and those are usually really quite quite good ones and sometimes people like it and
sometimes people want something you know more and sometimes they request some future and then
later on they find oh it's already there and and and so it is it is always like in each update there
is one or two big new thing and then there are a lot of small other things and a lot of back fixes
and improvements and so on um so this is jennifer um so first of all i want to say that east and
sea in my opinion has the most detailed information in reference to activity that's happening and
both in your wallet and then your actual feed and i've always appreciated that because sometimes
things are going on and i'm like i don't know what that is so i'll go to east and sea and if i go
to my wallet i can see every little thing under the sun that's been happening and i just so
appreciate that and i when i teach web three um workshops i will walk folks through the various
dapps and i tell i walk them through the value that each of them has and one of the things
i tell everybody is like if you really want to know what's going on with your account both on
the activity side of the content you create your curate all that kind of stuff east and sea
is the most detailed and if you go to the wallet you're really going to see everything
that's going on and i think as a newbie who is really trying to understand what makes this
different and how it works the detail that you all provide is insightful and just so valuable so
i wanted to give you a kudos to that and then i wanted to ask you a question thank you for
saying that it's a wallet page is really important because that's the main page where
everyone looks for their awards or managing their tokens and we want to make sure that
the transactions you see are the important ones and you don't miss anything that's happening in
your account and of course there is much more things we can show as well there are a few things
which is much more technical but we we usually think does it give the meaningful value to the
account or the people who are viewing the account so through that we will then generate
the more readable more understandable format and sometimes we miss things sometimes we show things
which is overly too technical and people usually like yourself comment and give suggestions and
we improve and that's that's i think how how is you supposed to do just improve over time and
iterate all the time right there's an ebb and a flow there between the developers
and the people who are using the the platforms or the dApps that they develop which i is one of
the things i really appreciate about hive in so many ways so my second thing that i wanted to kind
of ask you about was you mentioned the mobile the ECC mobile app and i've been hearing about
it for a really long time i've been real hesitant to add mobile to my phone because i'm still
relatively new to being in the web3 space and so i'm i'm not so sure that i want my whole
entire world on my phone in case my phone goes missing but these days i'm less mobile than i
was before because we've moved out to the country so i'm like do i really go anywhere anymore
but i could lose my phone i mean i probably feel more comfortable so i went ahead and
downloaded e sincey i downloaded the new three speak app as well which i which was fun and
i noticed that i had to sign in with hive center i'm like oh diggy dang it where the heck is my
signer um username and password and i'm trying to find it and i was curious whether you were going
to add other in if you have this in your framework or in the timeline or even under consideration
if you would consider adding other ways to sign in such as hive keychain or something else because
for whatever reason i'm probably sure it's user error it's my my error i always struggle with
hive signer and again i don't know why um but hive keychain just seems to work every single
time and i'm curious if that's an option or if i just need to get get my stuff together and get
more comfortable with hive signer yeah this uh hive signer hive signer is uh yeah many people
complained about it and it is it is kind of our fault we we kind of uh took over this project
from Fabian who was back in the steam days was the main developer of hive signer and we
took over and we did some redesigning and uh we did we did quite a lot of improvement on a design
of hive signer but there is still a lot of things could be done and this project kind of uh put on
on the backlog and it has a lot of things missing on it but we will be we will be working on it
on on on this year and then until autumn we have quite good things planned for this project to
be released so expect some improvements and in terms of essence login essence the mobile app
is kind of a keychain mobile app as well because it you can log in with your just a user username
and passport or any private key you have you can just plainly log in without using hive signer
and it would keep your keys on a device without leaking it to any servers so you can then
go to the settings page and enable your pin code if you want extra pin code or you can
even use face id or finger fingerprint or whatever your device supports extra security on
on application so anytime someone steals your phone or you lost somewhere or you leave it somewhere
you are assured that anytime someone opens recently they get asked pin code or that
fingerprint or face id whichever you have enabled they will be request asking that when when when
someone else opens recently so that way no nobody can access your keys or anything after three
attempts all their keys are removed from application so it's quite safe and and and in oh that's good
to know and in the future yes we are planning to add the hive keychain login and hive
also it's called i think yes from from archang and these options will be also part of the
decency mobile app because we have already kind of storing user credentials on a device
this can also be played i mean the decency mobile app can play also role of logging into
another application but this this will be the next iteration where we can offer for example you can
log into the with the ecnc mobile app just by scanning qr code and so on so this this
will be the next improvement on a login process well that's really good okay that that gives me
a more comfort level on security and a better understanding of all of the security pieces
that you have in place to ensure that there's security so thank you for that and the last thing
is i mentioned when i introduced myself that your your decks has kind of really changed a lot of
things for me i did not know that decks was the feature set or tool that i always wanted on
hive i didn't know it until i saw it and then i'm like oh my god this is everything i've always
wanted and i didn't even know to ask for it so i want to kind of pat you on the back give you
more kudos and tell you thank you because one of the bigger challenges that i myself and me as
someone who who educates others and hosts you know web3 and creator workshops and tries to onboard
people onto the blockchain is they have the biggest mind block because we've all been trained on web2
right on traditional social if you want to tweet which is a microblog you need to have a username
and password if you want to do videos do you want to go to youtube you need to have a username
and password you want to go post photos to instagram you need to use it you know we've all
been trained that we have to have a different username and password and we've also been trained
that we have to then replicate our content like if i took a photo and i wanted to share it
on three different places i would have to go at two those three different places and share it and
so the bigger challenge for new users coming in is that they think that if they want to do a
d-buzz and they or they want to do a buzz on d-buzz and they want to post a blog post on you know
essencey and then they want to do this this they think they need to go like replicate the one post
on all of those places it's like no no no it's your one account it's all of you you don't have
to do that and i think by the next training that i do i'm going to onboard them with an
understanding of the essencey decks because then it's they can visually see oh there's
you know d-buzz there's waves there's leo threads there's peak d there's there's essencey that you
know there's all these things and here's a community like i love i like the cinnamon cup coffee
community or like wednesday walk i can put all of those things on the decks and have it just
as a dashboard and it's really really functional but it's also very beautiful to look at i just
want to give you guys high five pat on the back you did an amazing job thank you thank you and
yes i did listen in earlier i think space you also mentioned it's like you had the multiple
browsers before where you could go back and check one page and then go back and check another page
and the decks was for me also came from the idea of seeing that how twitch deck improved my
experience of checking different pages instead of opening multiple browsers or going back and
forth between the pages and forgetting to get the copy of some references and things like that
so this this kind of allowed me to see everything in one page and focus on more engage engagement
excuse me so so there is a
with the with the decks what what this gives you is that you can see a lot of things in one page
and you can see different columns you can see different content different outdoors different
data in single page and you don't have to leave so it saves you time to shuffling between the
pages but it gives you more time to engage and think about what you're reading and engage with
the friends or the afters you like or the topics you like and so on so i think i think we are we
going to see some more improvements on the decks how to change few of the things and see how it
will improve more how people communicate with each other i think our main goal is to improve the
communications and minimize that barrier so you don't have to go multiple pages to find
where you can leave the comment to the person you want and you can just quickly do that in
a single page i think it will it will change how we engage and also how we find the data within
the hive and in terms of community which you mentioned different communities we're already doing
it with a long post you can post in any community be it dbus or leo finance or you know three speaks
or any any community you can post by going to the writing editor right why not you can do it from
single page with the waves or you know short content form so there is no limit because everything
is on a blockchain already so you have to be just engaging with different columns or different
communities in a single page and you don't have to struggle to to find that information
it's all about engagement and improving improving the communication between the afters and
then readers and if you can achieve that if decks can help to achieve that i think it would be awesome
i just love this conversation i even understand some of it
i saw him the beginner in the room and our co-host jennifer nevorate she she's the
one in the middle so if i'm small she well i don't know how to go about this but
jennifer knows a whole lot more than i do about hive and shadows is the mentor to both of us
and we are the three hosts of hive space our featured guest today is good karma who is an amazing
developer he started decency as east team back in 2016 he has and then what i loved and i put this
in the notes i put this in the chat of our space today you can find that in the lower right hand
corner of your mobile device if you are participating with a microphone today but
what i found so interesting is oftentimes developers they go with the browser version first
and then develop the desktop client and it sounds like you went the other way you would you did that
the other direction is that right right yeah sometimes people start with the website and
they think mobile application is not needed and it is it is okay opinion and it is many many
websites still operate same way and they don't have application but in our case yeah in our case
when we started mobile app we was i mean for me personally was difficult to get information about
what's happening on my account and back then there was no notification system and we built a
notification system from scratch so that it can notify you instantly what's happening to your
account and someone replied to you or if someone voted your content or if someone followed you or
favored you or bookmark your post and so on so these are things which i would like to personally
know if if something happening to my account or my content and so best way to to get that is
on a device which you carrying around mobile phones so we started by mobile application and
of course it was only me when when we starting out so i was only mobile application developer back then
oh that's so cool i want to welcome into the space since we started um and shadows if if there are
particular personalities that have appeared that you might want to introduce go ahead
well i see starkers has joined us
by the way we're going to be talking to starkers tomorrow in the discord collective cafe along with
with bess and uncle bonehead has joined us he's a regular user of decency and involved in the
the discord and ruben press has joined us ruben is a very active member on the high blockchain
right some incredible uh long form and i see shoe from ariel is also present with us hey
shoe look jennifer it's shoob oh man ariel's got some cool stuff coming soon we'll definitely
have to have shoe back yep so we want to give the audience some time to chime in so you know feel
free to request the mic i mean i'm gonna comment i don't even know if good carver remembers this
but i have a discord uh used to be called the steemit ramble where i hosted bimp your post thursday
and other uh discord shows and we were talking in there one day about the fact that we keep using
steemit for the name of the chain when in fact the name is is steem good karma very uh gently
said to me then why do you call your discord the steemit ramble and i looked at at what he'd said
and i went you're right let me think on that and the next day the discord became the ramble
so thank you good karma for that oh sorry i don't remember really i didn't think you did but i did
i thought it was hilarious a simple question you asked that i hadn't even looked at the obvious
hey angel welcome in angel is in the um british summer time zone and so when we run this
hive space at the usual time of 8 15 pm eastern it's like in the middle of the night and angel
is there every time so i had to say angel we're doing it like hours earlier and he's like well
what about my supper so thank you angel for being here we love saying yeah and paloma is in the room
um and i haven't met her yet jennifer shadows do you already know paloma
i've met her briefly i believe she joined us in pypt one week
oh that's why she looks familiar to me yeah welcome in paloma this is so good we're talking to
the developer of ecency and all the goodies that we get to learn and enjoy um in ecency
um yeah so he's the brainiac in the room so good karma it is so fun having you so go ahead i just
wanted to do a little reset of the room and um shadows go ahead well i see uh starkers has come
to the mic and shub has come to the mic and since starfish is up here for hey uh i just yeah thanks
for letting me come on and speak i just want to say that i'm um a big fan of good karma and the
work that's happening in ecency um it's really cool because it's an example of um um how you
can fund a project in a decentralized way using a decentralized down and then have that that project
build open source software that the rest of the community can benefit from and
personally has made sense his work because we've built a um a breakaway community platform system
where anyone can build their own breakaway communities very very simply and have their
own platforms just with a few clicks of a button without having to know any development code
and they have their own platform and it's a fork of ec census code
so because ec census funded by the down that works open source you know we felt that it's okay to be
able to copy that that um code and build our own platform system that other people can then spin
up their own platforms really really easily and the cool thing is that it allows us now as
feru's works more and more possible features into ecency we import those features across to the
breakaway community platforms and let them benefit from that amazing work as well and i just think
it's a great example of open source community-based and community-funded development and i just want
to say yeah shout out to feru's and good you know good karma and ecency for for putting their
work open source it's such good high quality um we you know it's it's invaluable and yeah big
shout out thank you thank you matt for saying that are you check yeah are you checking out a pub
go ahead good karma he's cutting in and out a little bit so i'm not sure how much he's hearing
all of us yeah i heard i heard him and uh yeah uh thank you matt for for all all the things you're
doing for the hive and i know there's three speak team and the entire speak community is doing awesome
job also developing entire ecosystem and platform for the video content on hive and actually we are
going to use the three speak platform for video content soon and this will be one of the new
future coming on next on where you can publish the video content from
that's the kind of new future
yeah i just i just want to say related yeah it is for us related to that you know like
we run video infrastructure on three speak and most of hive posts their video content through three
speak but the problem is is that that that means that we're in some ways a weak link in the
infrastructure on hive so we've built the speak network we've helped to build it um so that we
can decentralize our video infrastructure but the first step is to get as much of our video infrastructure
into some of the other frontends on hive as possible and uh good karma and ecency stepped up
and said yeah they want to integrate three speak apis into ecency so that they can
our infrastructure is three speak but as the speak network builds out
they'll be able to run their own video nodes and decentralize the storage of that to their
own community and effectively cut three speak completely out of the loop which is what we want
in many ways we want the decision the distribution and decentralization of the operation of this
infrastructure and yeah ecency integrating the three speak um api into its frontend
it just can have a video experiences instead that direction and hopefully um i know active fit
have already integrated it but to see ecency integrating that is really really
amazing for us and we look forward to other apps doing that as well in the future and really
having decentralized content and video infrastructure all across hive so
that's going to be super exciting to see happen as well with the ecency video experience
yeah everything takes time because the the platform or the entire ecosystem building out
in open source takes time and many iterations and you have to make sure every step is
perfectly done without any issues and the migration from the central life to the decentralized takes
steps and iterations and i think the the structures by having everything in into separate section and
making it open source is a good step i think which we have now like encoder you can run your own
encoder and you can start to run your own api and see everything how it's working behind the
scenes is really helpful i think you guys think really great job and our first course of action
will be of course starting by you know allowing people to upload their video and then in the waves
allow allowing people to show the short short videos from the speak network as well on
separate column and this will be kind of another another edition i think which will
improve the experience on all the platforms yeah clear and i just want to give you a quick
update on a couple of other interesting things related to ecency technology um i've been
fortunate enough this weekend to be at the world rally championship with the hive rally car
and i've been around the paddocks and seeing the teams and the way they operate and there's
there's like a whole um grassroots amateur side to rallying that isn't in formula one it isn't
on the tv and to me it's a very obvious move for us to create a breakaway community platform using
the ecstasy technology um for the rally team on hive um and then have people start posting content
to that and and then if we can market that to other rally teams and other rally fans i mean
there's literally hundreds and hundreds of thousands of them we can show some of the other teams how
yeah how they can reward their fans you know and then maybe some of them take it up maybe some of
them integrate that technology into their own media systems within their own rally teams and
it's just a great opportunity to display that content um i think and that technology so i'm
really looking forward to that um yeah there's probably there's a few other things that i can't
think of them off the top of my head the other one i want to say is um i guess we can i'll stop
talking after this but we run the ctt podcast and we've just got to a point where we move in
we're going to do it on twitter spaces which is where we normally do but we've also started
live streaming it using video uh last week we did it on twitch to start just to test it out but
we're going to start using ariel one as one of the platforms that we stream to so i want to give
another big shout out to ariel one for being a great live streaming platform in the hive ecosystem
and yeah looking forward to using that technology as well that's great shoot that's amazing
you know i think the big thing that i mean i get this every time i listen to the community token
talk i listen to the crypto maniacs and and you know all these things and every single time people
from hive get together there is a collaborative aspect to every single thing and i love how the
what in the traditional sense would be instagram and twitter and youtube competing with one another
and snapchat and they're trying to steal everything and do it better and take away eyeballs
on hive it is collaboration and if anything maybe co-opetition but i would say it's collaboration
because for the betterment of the chain is the betterment of the community and everybody can
win because everyone's a different spice and flavor and everybody does things their way people
as content creators and curators are going to be attracted to whatever they want to but why should
we have to choose in the world of hive we get to have it all when we want it where we want it
how we want it and if we want it and i love this collaborative community so thank you
for coming on and really illustrating that in just real time
i have to agree thank you definitely of the chain is the fact that people collaborate and work
together to build instead of trying to be in their own little silos well can i just want to
add to this it for me as a that builder it it helps me a lot right because we all know that the
exe sensei the exe sensei team and feruza some of the best developers in the world and it's like
we know they're funded by the community so we know that they're there and then it's like well
all their stuff's open source and now what that does for me is that that build is it means i can
now take the the foundations that they've built and build new products on top that maybe they
haven't got time to build or they haven't got the the direction that they they want to go in but i
can use what they've built and build on top of it create even more value more utility for this
technology and and what it is the way to me that this new web3 way of thinking if web3 is done
properly the business model if you want to have a business model to it not that i'm doing this
to make money or anything i'm really i'm not i'm doing this to build new technology and create
sovereignty and freedom online but it's like if you're a company looking at this it's like well
that doesn't make any sense you give it away for free it's what's open source how do you monetize
it and it's like the new model is you you earn the base layer token by being a valuable member of
the community or building cool stuff on the community you earn that token you release
everything for free or as much as you can so that your ip's basically valueless but then people can
iterate on top of that ip and that just creates more use case for the base layer token and that's
where you make your your money in the long run right it's by sharing what you've built rather
than keeping it to yourself i mean there's certain elements that you can't you can't share i appreciate
that but it allows us to think in this completely different way that creates a lot more collaboration
and benefits everyone if we if one of us wins we all win you know exactly thank you thank you
yes we want to welcome kitty girl into the room kitty girl was our guest week before last and she
is one of my mentors in learning how to use and enjoy hide kitty girl hello we're glad that you're
here we'll throw a mic your way in case you want to ask a question but there's no obligation we're
just so happy that you're here yay i'll do another screenshot so shadows i want to hand it back to
you i just wanted to do a quick little um neo is here and my path to fire has joined us as well
yeah so there you go shadows
so good karma do you want to talk about anything that you've got plan coming up
well today we got another update for the mobile application and this one is
uh adding one feature which probably many people was waiting also we have speak tokens enabled
in the mobile app so you can go ahead on essence mobile app and visit your wallet page
and enable speak tokens if you're if you're holding them like larynx token and speak token
you can see them in your wallet and you can send and interact with them within the
essence in mobile app that's one news
that's part of bringing in the video uploading to to essence here is this just making speak tokens
available no this is this is just enabling speak tokens operation within the mobile app before we
had the hive tokens and we enabled in last release uh hive engine tokens and now you can
you can operate and manage your speak tokens also on the speak network and they each differentiate
because they are on a different layer so hive engine is layer two and speak tokens on another
layer too so they are different layers but in the mobile app you see them separated with special
icon and you can interact them in a single unique user experience and operations almost similar
the screens almost similar you don't see the difference between them
but the tokens are different so you're managing them separately with them inside the wallet
so sometimes i wanted to ask you on the mobile and i i use your mobile on uh my ipads uh well my
ipad at the moment the ipad mini is there any way that we can use that in landscape mode
like right now i have to use it in portrait mode but can it be used in landscape
uh yes it will be uh soonish i heard in your last last uh last space talk also you were asking about
landscape and this is in our kind of a backlog and we have been doing that on in stages
because each pages need separate designs to to support the landscape screen because landscape
screens are bigger and you have you have to rearrange the items and make sure the design
doesn't break and we have been doing that in separate screens isolated screens and we didn't
enable landscape in you know up white you know you can you cannot just do the landscape when
you open the application but we once we enable that there will be all the screens fixed and
they are ready to to navigate and experience on a last landscape will be flawless so we are taking
it in the stages not to rush not rushing it so that we don't disappoint this experience
so it will come soon i can i can promise it will be worth the wait it isn't a big deal on the
mini but i'm my mini is kind of dying and i'm i guess i'm paying it a little bit more of
attention because i'm moving some of the things that i use regularly over to the regular size
ipad and i'm finding that the apps that are in portrait mode are awkward when i'm handling the
the tablet it shouldn't that was one of the reasons yeah that'd be no it shouldn't be a problem
because when when we designing the at least our mobile application when we designing we make it
more fluid in uh of course in uh in terms of portrait and landscape there will be a few
adjustment but overall the experience should stay similar but with the bigger bigger ipad or smaller
ipad it shouldn't change your experience because the screen sizes or pixels or points they they
just adjust and the items try to resize accordingly so from the development perspective it will not be
so much different for us it's not the screen itself that that makes the difference between
the ipad mini and the and the regular one is the handling of the tablet itself
like with the ipad mini you can you know it's fairly light to hold if you're using it for
any length of time where the ipad the regular size one if you're holding it for any length of
time on the landscape you can kind of lean it against your arm to work on where upright
you know in the portrait mode you pretty much have to have in your hand or lean it against
something so it's it's just a user comfort more than anything else yeah yeah i understand so in in
regardless of the situation ios detects which ios detects that and gives you information which
which position you holding the device in right so from from developer perspective we can detect
that and we can direct application to show the specific design in accordance with the device
position so this will be this will be detectable and flawless i hope once it's nice we're looking
forward to that and thank you for changing the color of text big difference thank you
yeah if you if you have any small feedbacks or anything you know where to go in our discourse
you can have in any channel you can report them and usually best channel is the issues or help
but you can put on any channel and we we will know and we can we can improve it in the next
updates we always take note of whatever changes are requested and put them on the backlog and
work on them and then iterate like that and it constantly evolving constantly improving
i defer to our lady alesandra
i'm a lady i am yeah i don't know about that i know we've had an awful lot of fun today having
our discussion about decency about hive about three speak about a little about oil we're
going to have shube back they call me dan has just shown up hello hello we just lost our co-host
jennifer neverate who is better known as epodcaster yeah go ahead
hey don good to see you
so here's i have one question okay so i'm just doing everything i could to uh keep up with you
guys because i'm still a first-year learner right um but what i have to ask is this
who's going to hive fest
i'm gonna take a guess uh three speak will be there good caramel mate
they call me dan over there
rumin will probably show up melinda i don't know about melinda
oh oh good because uh roland p is doing some organizing from amsterdam for hive speak is
going to be our guest sometime soon we're gonna put our calendars together but we just met there
is um there is a whats app is it whats app no i lie it is um telegram thank you see we can't
this we have to do this collaboratively we can't do this on our own we can't remember everything
um but but yeah there's a really wonderful telegram channel so if if you go to hive
and you search for hive fest you're going to get lots of goodies lots of little um tips about it's
going to be held in in rosarito mexico and uh late october so there's plenty of time to
book some cheap tickets i'm gonna fly into san diego because i'm living out in eastern
washington state you know it's one of those e b airports where you have to like get to seattle
so that you can get to other places but lo comma behold there's a direct flight from spokane
washington's to san diego which is just a few miles away from rosarito mexico so we're getting
really excited about that and yes again just like with this space i'm the anti-expert i have no
idea what i'm talking about but i know i want to go and i know i'm interested and i know that we'll
get people here that are also planning on going so if anybody wants to say anything else about that
before we wrap up i i think i think you should let dan say something if he's if he's able to talk
because it's it's his it's his basically his hometown so it's his it's like his
home ground high fest and no pressure dan no pressure dan no more pressure but i sent you the
mic dan if he wants to talk i've been throwing them at him ah well um shoot had his mic open
there a while ago i'm not sure whether he had something he wants there shoot
yeah i i really wish i could uh can you guys hear me yes yes yes i i really wish i could be there at
high fest but unfortunately i broke my knee uh what but uh i really wish i could be there
i mean i i would be more than ordered if like dan is there to host us
but the next time when it happens i'm surely booking my tickets and coming right there
maybe we can maybe we can uh host a hive space at high fest featuring aria one what do you think
absolutely that's going to be wonderful
well we're big fan we're big fan go ahead maybe it was dan who's about to speak i didn't mean to
interrupt stands up uh hey guys i'm uh in the gym so i went to a quiet place
where uh i'm kind of like the guy that's walked in looking for the bathroom um we're talking about
high fest with mexico yep yep yeah it's going to be in rosarito um it should be one of the
better experiences it's the first time it's in the western hemisphere so everyone from the states
south america canada should be easy for you guys to come on down and i'm a lot of breath excuse me
um yeah it's going to be fun we have uh you know big shout out to matt he deserves a lot of
credit there's a lot of boots on the ground here people plan on coming out early to help
set up things but it's been an experience that's for sure so very honored to be able to
contribute to this year's and because i'm learning about it um are you the originator of the event
overall dan oh no that's uh that honor goes to roland p okay all right i'm i'm learning
the who's who and the what's what of high fest and it's really it's really fun so i hope it's
okay that i mess up and i say the wrong words at the wrong time for the wrong people and
but that's the any expert in me so there we are yep that is headfirst learning now it's been
doing i think what eight years now um so this year we're gonna help and do it over here on
the western side so will it also be virtual dan or just in person is it a hybrid event
you know i'm that's a good question um if it is virtual i will um probably not be helping set
too much of that up but i think they might have some kind of virtual event if not maybe we
should set something up where there's sort of like a little vr room or something where we can um
have some kind of virtual event but i don't know matt you know anything about a virtual event
i actually completely forgot about that i heard there might have been something a few months ago
plan but um something that's interesting is i'm in touch with a couple of guys on hive um one guy is
called cz c-e-e-z-e-e not not the cz that is going through all the controversy at the moment
but c-e-e dot z-e-e-c-z he's been an avid hive follower for years now and i know that he works
with like big stars to create um vr concerts for them so they do their singing and stuff
and film themselves and then he creates all the um the like the setup for the whole like the
landscape for the vr concert people go in the vr world and watch these artists perform
so maybe there's something there i hadn't actually thought about that but i'm sure we can
see what roland wants to do on that and and who knows maybe we can do a vr type streaming thing
there'll definitely be a live stream now there will definitely be a live stream of the video
of the presentation so whoever's presenting there'll be a video recording and the live stream at the
event as well i like the concept of having at least some of it vr like i was really pleased
when roland first said that you know post pandemic would be a hybrid event and then he changed his
mind on it and i was kind of like oh because i don't travel so being able to participate through
a virtual reality would have been a really nice addition to it but it's a lot of work and
there's probably expenses involved so i get when they don't do it that's an interesting point i'll
definitely i'll definitely raise it and see see what we can make come of it because i think it's
a very valid point shadows um so let's see what comes certainly certainly there'll be a live stream
for sure yeah so we're definitely putting that in place but um yeah um vr type thing i know it
was planned some form of thing was planned and discussed so maybe the foundation is in place
already definitely let's look at it i think when they did the virtual one um you know during the
pandemic i believe i read at one point there was more higher attendance that there had been
at a lot of the live ones which is understandable because people wanted it number one and they
didn't have to travel for it so it was understandable that the participation would have been a little
bit higher it might not get the same when they also have the option to travel
we're kind of up the hour oh go ahead well i was sent the numbers as part of um being involved
in the organization um and i'm just trying to look for it right now i can't find where it was in
my history um but i i remember that there was like a definite like three to four x more people
attended the vr ones of course than the physical ones um so it's definitely it's definitely a thing
they'd be kind of cutting edge for us wouldn't it
i want oh go ahead i was just going to ask what his thoughts were on it since he's our guest
well i certainly like the vr versions as well because we could also
try different things when we were we didn't have other options to travel you know everyone was
locked down and not many travel traveling options and in that condition we could still
showcase applications and attract more people you know not only from within our community but also
people within the vr so this is also something to look into i think doing the hybrid would
also give us chance maybe to attract some of the other people from the vr system but if
if the hustle is too too much then it's up to the role and as well to to decide which one to
give his energy to and if there is you know the people coming in person and
most energy needed of course that it's it's up to him to decide i think
okay here you go i've got the numbers um amsterdam was 206 people lisbon was 311 people krakow was 332
bancock was 235 the first year volt space vr in 2020 was 800 people um 2021 was 1000 plus people
and then the physical amsterdam was 110 people
so yeah definitely a difference yeah thank you for sharing
we we should we should definitely try and live stream the physical event
uh via oreo one and vim tv i think that's that's it that's like a must yes
maybe shube can do his presentation virtually since he can't be there
oh that's a great idea shadows shoe would you be up for that
yeah i'm definitely up for it all right all right this is so good
this is so good and it's a virtual at the virtual high fest as i understand it is um kitty girl
got her nft so her avatar is from a high fest isn't that cool
i want to get indeed see i want to get us new avatars from high fest that'd be so now
gretchen is over here changing her avatar she's changed it three times just while we've been
sitting here is there anything else that we wanted to do or remind people of besides what the
show is going to be about next week i think we're probably good i've nudged everybody about the
collective cafe tomorrow morning at 8 a.m eastern that uh starkers is going to join us they call me
dan is welcome too but i know it's really early for him since that would be like 5 a.m
go for it elisandra okay so then we're good to go and that is our wrap next week our featured guest
it took some coaxing because shadows pub is shadows pub
but she has agreed to be our featured guest next week she has been diving studying
practicing every single day her prompting with chat gpt and using that with mid-journey and
her creativity has just worked into a quite crazy firework show and so i'll be working behind
the scenes like get myself already uh so that i can put some of these illustrations into the chat
of our show now luckily we are being recorded and now we understand with all the little switches
and things being turned off and bedrooms doors being locked that we can never go into again
with twitter that in the chat in the lower right hand corner of your mobile device where
a little chat bubble is is where all of our resources that get dropped or if there's a quote
there's a couple of things i took from good karma and i dropped them there that um that kind of
documents all the things that we talked about so that they're not lost it's basically the
equivalent of our show notes and then next week i'll be able to drop in uh choice illustrations
and uh screenshots of the prompts some of shadow's favorite prompts that she has done
she is so good at it just in listening to her talk you'll learn how to do it last week i put it i was
under a deadline i was so stressed i was shaking and i'm like oh i wonder if i could make anything
work in chat gpt what would shadows do what would she tell me to do and i put that in and it was like
mother of it was just a breakthrough and i'm like you have got to share this with us you've got to
come on hive space and so she said those three special words that we all love to hear oh all
right so wait a minute here you put that into chat gpt what would shadows do what would she
tell me to do yes it came back with those answers it said gotta love it it knows me how meta is that
so i'm the anti-expert shadows is the expert jennifer is the expert and that's how we roll
because we love for hive space to be accessible so that we grow usership on hive and when we're
lost instead of like vanishing and going away we all kind of get together and we laugh about it
over a beer or something like that so i want to give a special thank you to our guest
good karma you amaze me uh my partner is in the app business and he couldn't believe all the
things i was describing to him that you do so good on you thank you very much and all the
and we're hoping that you will come back because you don't just sit there and maintain you're
constantly growing and we would love to have you back um whatever whatever you're ready this is
super super fun they call me dan thank you for being here three sweet thank you for being here
starkers shoob we are we're sorry about your knee but we're really glad that um i'm really
really glad that you accepted my invitation to come onto the show this morning um jago i have no idea
how to properly pronounce your handle but it's super super cool bez i have a feeling that we
might not have done this show if it weren't for you vinnie thanks for coming angel ruben
gretchen kitty girl molinda thank you for helping put us together neo my path to fire thanks for
bringing the coolest handle in the room eric it was great to see you bill uh sisica good to see you
thank you we hope that you come back the recording will be available on the very same link
the very same door through which you came to our show so thank you all for being here
and there's only one other person that we have to address shadows we have to say bye to willma
bye willma bye willma thanks everybody bye thanks everyone