sBTC trustless Bitcoin peg

Recorded: Dec. 14, 2022 Duration: 2:09:31



Everyone, we're just gonna give people a little bit of time.
Trevor, take that trick.
Hey, what's up? This is going to be a really great space. If folks are listening in, please retweet the space and will not be a mistake to do so.
All right, so I think I will just give people a little heads up of
What the space is about, so I think what we're going to do is we have a bunch of guests. Initially, we're going to discuss an interesting topic on Bitcoin rollups with a certain guest. And then I think what we're going to do is that there have been
A bunch of decentralized working groups in our ecosystem are on Bitcoin that have been working very hard for the last, I would call it like 68 months, and they have a bunch of updates that we will almost like, I think this space is like, we will light-tweet and hit the release.
We would love to be with the community and everybody else here live. So that's the plan. And I think the idea was that before we get into kind of like the the meat of the big update and the release that's coming from the working groups, we will kind of just hang out, chat a little bit.
And we have John Light here who I thought wrote some of the, not some of that probably like the best report on Bitcoin rollups. And I think some of the work that you will hear about there is sort of related because this innovation around the coin.
And I think as almost like a interesting topic while we are live tweeting the release, first we'll chat about the role of stuff quickly for the next. Let's call it, I don't know. Let's be flexible and see. Hey John, how's it going?
Good. Thanks for having me here and thanks for the interest in the report. Awesome. No, I read it. I feel like I need to print it out and read it properly. It's one of those things where you definitely want to take a look at it.
deeper dive. How long did it take you to actually write that? Well, I was doing research for about two and a half months. So from May until mid July,
and then did writing and editing from mid July until mid September. And then the report was more or less finalized and we published it in early October.
Awesome. And what was kind of like, you want to give people like a high level TMR or wide roll ups are interesting for Bitcoin because I feel like that's a very related topic into the stuff you're going to discuss afterwards, right?
Yeah, sure. So a roll up is a separate blockchain or like it is a, you know, is yeah, basically a separate blockchain with its own state. But it has a strong connection to apparent blockchain and this strong connection