Secret Africa HackSecret

Recorded: Feb. 23, 2024 Duration: 0:22:58



I don't know if you guys can hear me now
hello hello gmg
I'm sorry for the disconnection. I think that was a glitch for Twitter. Okay, let's give it a moment while others join us
I lost you for a minute three. I
Don't know if you guys can hear me now
Yeah, I can I can hear you, okay good
But before I start I wanted to ask a general question on the hackathon if that's fine
Sure, please go ahead
Alright, so I'm basically I
Think we asked that question on discord and I want to also verify here
so it means that
are some of the developers that are
participating inside the
The hackathon currently the secret hackathon. Do we have some going for the s-dev I events currently?
So we can't please come again
So basically the guys who are currently participating inside the the hackathon
Do we have some of them?
going for the
s-dev I events
okay, so for each Denver and
The reason why it's only for those who are actually in Denver now those in us who are going to it's Denver
so there's an accounts that
Now be out in Denver finally people was looking to participate in real life
So they call up at speeds at it's ever so well
It's not a choir means if for those who are close to the event and what's part speeds fiscally for the execute
So they can join them at it's Denver. So boy, it's not
Composely you don't have to and it doesn't it's like a to react qualify for their castle
Okay, okay, that's enough. So it means that the result to be announced after the
if the environment
Yes, results should be announced on March thought I think I will should be putting together the participants
That we mute the demo next we got results to be announced on total match
All right, thank you for the question public
Okay, I don't know if we don't speak in the other time before we go disconnected on the space I
Think it was a way that was talking and but I think he was done. So we're waiting for you to
Take it out from there
Okay, so I think
My case it's join hours. The next question was you know
Do you guys face any challenges while building on secrets network was any challenges?
Oh, is there anything I love to you know experience up?
What else can we do to make the next account on much more better and you know
Much more of a good experience for those parts facing from Africa
Off it back away complex
Was that question to me
Well, it's uh, it's a question to everyone so anyone can answer the question, please
Pablo please don't
Hello so and basically one one can be you know, so love we can think of next year having sort of like a
A physical one where probably it's can sort of be in
Probably even Africa if most of us and participating inside the hackathon
Africans so we can have sort of a place where we can actually come to hack like a room instead of online
so we can be thinking of rather doing it in
Like physical form instead of online from it can be three days or two days. I think that's just a suggestion though
That makes sense
That's something to also consider. Why we didn't have a fiscal pattern was because
Funding later issue, you know getting it's funded or probably cost us a little bit
So that was why we decided to make it richer
And why did I always think that it's ever was because we are one of the sponsors of it's never so we felt okay
Oh, how about we have an account it in it's never another look for coming to it's never part speeds
Yeah, so for next year
Who are my guys?
We have a physical a cotton or a cows in Africa for people beauty in Africa. So it's my big
Close Africa, so we have station in Ghana in Uganda part of South Africa, Nigeria
after those participating in utopia as well, I
Think about even going to I don't know if I like who had this issue, but then
Going to them
I think we sample had issues with the visa
That does one issue we also I personally also have
Okay, like does when I try to secure visa to Denver
Yeah, I mean and also people have issues in terms of securing visa to
Denver I think that she also happened with insta boat
Options to probably a country which would have a less sort of
Yeah, okay. Yeah, I think doing it's not fair country we much more is like I think it's opiate
I'm gonna be this an injury visa requirement is not really state and I think people should be able to get visa easily
OS crypto, I don't know how are they how as in the participation being what are you building or
It just came at a listen to the space or probably I can introduce yourself
Yeah, so I'm part of my case team so I'm one of the
Devs so we are building the social media up together. So
What I just want to add to what he has said is that?
We are actually using the social media up
We I don't know since we're using it just like a general
what they call general application for
boots Africa and what they call and also like to empower those that love writing
technical writing and other stuff like that
So we actually be doing an ETA EVM
So what we're actually using secrets for is to just make some of our data
Private so not to show you know to be physical to everyone
Not to be shown to everyone. So that's like that basically where we are using or what they call by using a secret
Network for and also probably for the monetization as well. So we're trying to do that too
So it does just what I would say
Thank you guys
Yeah, I'm glad to have you on this pizza and you guys are building an interesting application
And of course, you know, we need a form of medium on in replays or and if it's
decentralized it makes a lot of mosses and having people to vote on it and
Everyone can probably verify if this article news is actually legit or not. And of course, I'm really into what's
Zeno pi we are building, you know the ID system makes a lot of sense as well and in Africa
We have a decision of ID verification, but you know, this is the question I've been wondering to ask
This regulation how do you guys intend to you know get into the African markets?
You know comply with regulation in Africa countries will to verify users ID without you know
Compromising their privacy. So I don't know if you've thought about that sweet
Ready do you want to take it?
Think I'll start I think that's one of the main questions that we need to ask ourselves in terms of
For me I basically don't but then it's also a question I've been thinking over some time
How we are able to actually move in in terms of these?
regulations, but then we it depends on the markets or it depends on the country are talking about, you know talking about
Kenya I think they are having sort of
Now they even have a regulation and for such things like blockchain stuffs
And I think we can quite learn from that by talking about a country like and Ghana where now we
We don't know if it's it's even blockchain itself is it's accepted or not accepted
It might be a difficult question
We don't really have to worry about
Regulation because we're not we're not actually providing the DeFi services of the money
Passing services. Nice to hear me. Yeah, I can hear you. Yeah, we can you I can hear you
So, yeah, Jennifer sorry, we're saying something
As the ID provider, I don't think that we really have to worry about
Regulations that much other than keeping keeping the information private
because we're not actually providing the
DeFi services. The only thing that we're providing is an identity on chain that other services can use
Sorry, I don't know what's wrong
It's in kind of a bog again, okay, I see yeah
So sorry, please come again audience culture to say
Hello, pop
Yeah, yeah, you know, okay, I have a contribution regarding regulation I think for us to achieve I
Know this somehow you'd say we don't need regulation per se the crypto space. It's
Good as it is, but also I think a level of regulation could be needed
But my personal thoughts on regulation is that the only people who can regular let their crypto space effectively
People who are in crypto. So the only way to achieve
Proper regulation that is fair to the cultural space is if we can implement systems that can help regulate the
the crypto space in itself
Personally, that's what I think the ideas can do for the cultural space
they can help achieve a form of regulation in the crypto space because they legitimize everything and make it
Kind of really especially if it's tied to your physical identity you realize that legitimizes everything
Yeah, otherwise I think that
if other people other players who are not in the crypto space or
Generally, let me say not in the decentralized space are trying to regulate crypto currencies
I think they'll go wrong because first of all, they do not have an understanding of the ecosystem that will exist here
So they can't really carry out things the way we ought to they'll end up staffing innovation in that dog
But if the regulation ought to come from the crypto space
Then we realize that would be considerate of several things that do happen in this case
Yeah, because you really actually there are a lot of systems that have already been put into place that can help
Can help track the space and kind of a genetic space if we only could
Advance those systems to make them more robust then the crypto space will be well and good
So on regulation, I think it's only as you can regulate the space
But then I think I have one question on my side too
Yes, a general question sort of but if so right now we are talking about sort of like
Data rights we are in talking about and
Because if you talk about the crypto
You can talk about the payment system and other stuffs and then how it comes you can read needed, right?
I think this one we are more of talking about the data bees and I'm taking people's information, right?
If I'm going on the question
So if I'm clear it's basically not and crypto in general, but then we are talking about
In terms of secret rights we taking the users information
Yes, do you get my question
Yes, so usually we are talking about regulations, but then where does the regulation falls?
Uh-huh, and whether it's we are talking about there because if you're talking about really regulation
We can put it as talking about the payment system and other
Regulations that we have inside there probably talking about crypto
but then even if I took an example like sort of our
And sort of the app that they were talking about
Sort of like an ID where we get people's information talking about the requirements and would that need a regulation?
board or regulation
Again, that's my question. Basically. I don't know
Yeah, I don't understand you. So I think you will need some sort of regulation of probably let me see a license
Because well, you know you'll be having access to details from citizens
For example, the other kind of assets are they should be some sort of license or compliance or whatsoever?
Oh probably, you know
Partner is important part in the country to be able to verify this identity without actually
Compromising our privacy of confidentiality. So this is very crucial because
Talking about the word coin. I think what comes in this kind of approach and what was banned in care
And I think so market approaches are as well because I think they're getting full of three
procedural there is supposed to follow through so be able to collect people's data, but as you verify the idea on the blockchain or
to kind of
digitize your
Addition or the blockchain they're asking procedures or forces them to follow doesn't make this possible. So this is what I see
And talking about that does it mean that the regulations are going to
fall in as a sort of a crypto entity or it's going to fall in as a normal sort of
Entity just um asking for those certificates. How is it going to be?
So, uh, it seems to be
on crypto
And it depends on the actual strategy. So is it still I are working with one of the
bodies in the country that
Gives the permission to verify identity. I think they are procedures to this. We have lots of start-up lots of
projects where
Mickey's of these are the types of social identity
Who collect data they are they do verify all these permission without actually having access to
This data board they don't believe it's verified. So this is actually possible just to know
Okay, what are the steps need to take? What are the people or body you need to approach before taking this step?
Well, you know what you guys are really really
an amazing
This is something we really need in africa because I I I as a person
You know whenever I need to make is of my ID. I have to go to the website
Sometimes I do use it again because we're totally efficient also happens to be the first time
I recall and that might take up to maybe seven years. It's even beyond six years now
And I and I don't see why our family's are nationally cut
We carry out we carry to fight it up to this moment in africa record. It's supposed to be a career
Where we get what things are already cut out. So and this is not
verifiable because
then my see people having access to my
data and probably compromising it or probably people
creating their own kind of detail on
Using the internet or whatever it is. So having a much more verifiable idea on the blockchain. I can use it to verify different
Is to verify the privacy without actually compromising my data or
Whatever it is. And of course, it's getting better as well. This will be easy
You know every time whenever you want to do something, right?
It's always free this permission all over and all over again
Well, if it's on the blockchain probably we just click or simply and I have my I think it's verified or have any body
Anybody very family. Yeah, I think this is really amazing. It's good to really solve lots of food here in africa
And we don't actually have to keep on carrying
Our eye return error or probably taking pictures all over and over again
So yeah, that's my own point for you
I think I can also testify to that because I think I was
doing one app which was sort of like similar to world coin and
It wasn't world coin though
and even though it was sort of a dap I had to sort of
Use my gunner card to actually
Capture and then actually get a verification
And it was very very tiring
I mean I did it like two times it didn't work and I had to do it a third time before I got verified
So I think we have a lot of issues around this verification and this ij's and this might one
Be a very big solution to us africans
I think uh, we'll come to the end of today's speaker. Thanks to everyone who participated on to this brief
Uh, I think uh David selectors, uh, he's from utopia and he was a part speaker in africa
Probably he was unable to be joined this would be
Okay, so, uh, I don't know if there's any feedback or
There's anything you'd love to see before we run off tonight's please mike here with Pablo
Thank you
All right, thank you very much everyone we're joining us tonight, uh, of course we are looking
We're looking forward to the final list of the execute and immunity for everyone and I hope
Your model is really priced
And this is just the end of today's
Thank you very much for participating and
You have a wonderful weekend. Bye guys
Thank you have a great night everyone see ya. Yeah. Thank you. See you